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Hello my name is Rozy Alriadi from 4E Class, I am ready to take the interview today

1. Why did you choose to study degree subject?

Because at this time the work competition is getting higher, so higher education is really needed to get a better job.

2. What skills did you develop at university?

Mechanical Engineering, because mechanical engineering has been my passion since junior high school

3. What was the most challenging aspect of your degree course

Because in mechanical engineering a lot of innovation and creativity to develop themselves

4. how will your degree help you in this position

this degree is quite helpful for finding a job in this period, higher education is very important for finding a job

5. tell us something about yourself

I am a hard-working person, honest, responsibility, diligent

6. why do you want this job

because this job requires a lot of innovation and creativity at work, it really benefits me to develop myself

7. why should we hire you

because I have a high work ethic, this is related to the productivity of the industry

8. what can you bring to this position

I already have enough knowledge to practice the work here, not only do my hard skills also have good soft skills

9. what will you do if you don’t get this job

I will continue to try and learn to get a better job

10. what do you consider to be the key skills necessary for this position
the main skills needed in this job are to be prepared with high-pressure work and have qualified creativity and skills

11. what is your biggest achievement

have a permanent job and have a high income

12. what do you know about our company

the company is engaged in minerals and gas, to supply the country's energy needs

13. what attracted you to our company

because in this company has a good future and has a big salary

14. what do you think of our website

for your website is interesting and informative, but needs to be improved for publication in the field of applying for

15. how do you typically approach new projects

I have a great curiosity, so if there is a new project then I am very challenged and study harder
how do you typically approach new projects

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