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Tan a Refrigeration and | Air-conditioning Unit « IX Refrigeration and ae Air-conditioning | Analysis of Previous GATE Papers fan ee ee ee ae Sas 2 I =e 2 Contents = am = lea | Topic | Page No. = 1 4 [Ses | ches 2 ES fapour Re alti sth = = 7 Sasi Ses Toefl Psychrometic Pr fiat = =| = [a Heat Pumps and CYCle$ cnn = | meses t = 1 ss aowsea| 2 |= [2 Properties of Mc ie 2 | 2015 Sett s = a eaten anc oissaz | 1 | = pa ree | 2015 Set-3 1 2 5 2 2016 Set-1 - - = $ aoreset2 | — 2iul ae | 2 mores |= [2 Ls Vapour Refrigeration Ai romnavecicicosingstanapwrmeninaings (180% (4oxw [20032 Maa eh wwe coP ote retigeratr 20 33 Oso eo (709: 2 Mary AF ‘ntnewindow ak condone he expansion device (06, 0,F (8) OsHaFe [2004 : 1 Mark) {2000 : + ak 14 Govalwamingie caused by (2) Ozme 0) Carbondoxise Speotc heat vapours 1.18 and ne (©) Nogen (0) Caronmenonse oe mi more nits pei vlme atthe suction i 0.1088 mh Other properties tates are gveninine tigueTorealze2 nthe act! ‘volume displacement rate cneidering te elect fclearanceis (Common Data for. 1.58 0.1.6 ‘Aoigerater based cnideal vapour compression cycle ‘operates between te temperature limits of -20°C and ras 3 are 2 oe oF (9 68510399" iSearcioaye axioms [pooe 2 Mast) pore: 2 Mata] EB repre rcitttcere oi 3s (2012: 2 Marks) Gwen aaa ALP = 0.14 MP; $= 055R2 GK At P= 08 MPa, n= 272.05 kiks (superheated Vapou) £= OAS22 n= 236.04 ksh, , [016 : 2 Marks, Set-2) (7 nme vapour compression eyeta shown in the figure. the evaporating and condensing temperatures are 260 K and 310K especialy, iy of evaporation for the relrigerant 1054 kaka, Te ditference between the enthalpies a state Points 1 and 0 (in kaka) is. [2016 £2 Marks, Se (EEE vapour etigeraton 16) 17 114 (0) @ 18 @ 19 @ EY Vapour Refrigeration = 0025 (164-80) = 2.1 KW Capacity: OO Muay pee 300x108 : Retigeraton etoct * aaxenxcohts 87K cor = Workinput ‘ton = 85KW oe Re, 24 = 32 -0.99100 = Way m) = ton 150) = TORO m= 0025kais = 2.33 a 1-400 : aaa From given able, we get aT) “The capil tubes used as an expansion dvice in small capacity hermetic sealed refrigeration Units such as in domestic refrigerators, water coolers room a.conctoners and treezes. y= tye 200K = 65-067 klkoK Raye BORO =n, a) [hesease 2rd dat sagt Number ofhydrogen atoms = 2nd digit- 1 =3-1=2 = vuira ee iiche Number of urine atoms Seer = Sid digit ost = oor (07855007) a s S.o,its chemical formula is CHF, pectic ental tpi Given data = 003 1118 = 01089m%Rg aa a ae ah Capacity: = 2t0ns = 2x35 =TkW = 150bar Ppa Tasbar = 176 Kho Roti 65 = 111k Mass flow rate, 1355 150 ; ‘Actual suction volume ta jacement Volume 0.063 x0.1089 _ 0.00686 osgor = S088e Ne = ——V,=000754m" = 754x109 m/s (a) ‘Asin VORS process 34's an adiabatic thrtting ‘process in hich enthalpy remains constant (hy = ‘,), Sooption (b) and (c}isuledout. As process nye 16 iihg p= Ze hg Conffcient of performance, cor « Rettigeratng fect: Re ‘Wiork input w rete Re= hy = Py 252-118 = 116 1K and wa hy, = 288-202 = St kg n R-134atables, we get 1 = 207 Kg = 27645 kskg = = 98.5 kllkg Mass low rate: m= 0.2kgls we Rate of heat exacted: OQ, = eh, ~h,)=02287-85) Reteot = 2a'hw = 8.93 KW Given data c= 48 KIKOK fhe = 1054 klkg at 7, = S10 Toking eerence temperatute T, at which entropy Ts gene mia, ge 5 sch we se 8 TH oe fh = 296.08 kg es 5) = 09822 kok At p= 0BNPa y= hy= ty 9942 Kah Ay Ny = Tyls,- 5 + orferea Psychrometric Process sstvatea orbit ar (e006: 1 Marky WL cos peysromere pecesesa srominte «a ‘Aimospheric a at a flow rate oS AOS condensate GTeT kako, he requres cooing capacty tea! ais (a) 750 (e) 1282 fersaconing arden sol 85 klkg of cry a ond a MATH ‘The dry bub temperature ate ext vasher is closest to arc oc [2008 2 Marks) Le Ju ef ¢ and 100% relaive humigiy : encaneeneit poems ea pan ot 0 een (©) Dehumiatier Sensible cooler (ROK: 1 Mark, Sey 35°C and 60% elatve huni in the room is 0.1 May, ler at 35°C is 563}, ‘Te humic rato of anis_— Pa: Moist ae may be treated as an ideal gas vapour and dry at The eatin T,in 8) ana saturation pressure p.) _18317-(o304 voy tf 2 ana = 101.325 kPa. The dry bulb the moist air sample (in °0) [2016 : 2 Marks, Set2) Inamistue of dry air and water vapor at ata pressure of 750 mm of Ha, the partial pressu® of water vapor is 20 mm of Ha. The huis rato oftheairin grams of water vapor peat ay air (o/h) is [2016 : 2 Marks, SetSl ae (08T—Orug bu aperture WET Wot bu toperatre WD — Wet bub dopression Wao = 08T-weT WED + 0 for unsaturated air DBT > WET WD = Ofor saturated air DBT = WET sel) 10,28 sical dehumidiieaton process 1-2 Dart al increases and spectichumidiy decreases. PERI Poon rst Process 0-1: DBT, «2 = C, Sensibloheating Process 0-2: DBTT, wl : Chemical csenumiacaton Process 0-8: DBT!. wl: Cooling and denuricicaton Process 0-1 DBT! aT: Huriciication with water injecton Process 0-5: DBT? 0: Humicfication with steam pressure, The par ‘constituent remains constant untithe water vepou reaches the saturated state as shown by point 8 [this point 8 the fist drop of dew witb formec and hence the temperature at point B is call ‘dew point temperature. es pn 005 y 42k 2780Ka Teta press Aosokte mii. p= 101.2054 oF cua won 28220. Wotran tra going ereraybala0e CA, Wega ve ips = Mate? Mig + O AT Lok is eats x67 +0 062052798 0. 258K 35-2756 = 2002084 hg of wifig al coo. gram of wig : 7 4 gr ot mie nye gh wezesrava tt Oo ar Frcomnsecore ng msaton ence (wen), = 20°C 0,<0 Dehumicitier scry bulb temperature, ep ube depression ager 28 (w60), = (87)-CBN), 5 7 2 40-% c oy : x x 5904 vweulo decesion ato a 117-4 (we, z youre , areas «14317 -S (0am), (WBN), «0.2520 i i (an, = 0.25 «20+ (WET), SL sasrr+a70166 254+ (8m, . sabe owe (WEN)_ = BD fx humid an setae . r= 2920K erm, m2 0019x3408 T esean-27are 004g, mas of wae morta vapour tne : Simian, 7 Relative humigity, ae ima = 0jm,=00%8x3 i Given dats = 0024 hal, mass of water as Total pressure, “eon toute! A = 750mm ol Hg om » Partalpressie, Mass tow ate ct condense, = 0057 + 0024 = 00021 5 = 060% 563=3378KPa 2, = 20mmot Hg Wie know tatnumicty ratio, 0.622, w= O82Pe kg wung ae oo pop, Sowa 0.622 x 3.378 aumis20 6 = 9(85-43)- 0033 x67 Total prossure: p= 65 kPa = 00-3378 = "750-20 amu Dyna 1002174 kg of hg oly ai = 801704 kg wiikg of da. ‘Aernatiety awe =21.74 gram of w.vkg of dry ait = 17.04 g of w.vskg of Lf D,=424KPa m $= 65% =0.65 7 ws Ro ELI and ent. Sneha ge Be p= 70% #070 °, Partalpressue, oes Be = 10KPa 424 Heat Pumps and Cycles pour abscrpon rigraton system is heat & rep wih hes hormal reServorsas shomininy retigeration otoct 8. Cover drgrarazio ° [1997 : 2 Marks) «AA An industrial heat pup operates betwen the 16 srrosescametyco (2ona 1 Mark temperatureot—5°C. The ambient ar termperat® 18 95°C The eat gained by th Continuous rate is 2.5 als The "Equieclto pump this hea out continuously is — the reigerator fr each teehee tor high er herrndyrae eye shown in igure (7-8 34 38 00671 o% 20 (COM, FF 2s00 ars 22 . id yx C= (6+ 79)K = = 279K a Weer Eee 12370 =(67-273)K Dior x(0.117-0.10) Reversed Brayton eyelets shown inthe igure, Tp=-8'C=(-5 +279) K © 268K 7, =95'C = (95 + 273)K = 308K . ioe w , ™ etowae res Alga ty can be brought to 20°C and 60 percent Sense coating process 1990: 2 Mars) ole by sansble heal 108. owing iss? hve mii nx peciichuity cage (@) Norcal bese (6) the wet bulb tomperatute decreases and specific ental increases L vot 2 ate cellar le the dow pointand web bub temperature are equal (6) he dry bub and dow point temperatures are (2008 : + Mark) oa atone atmospheric 18°0. The av ery bulb rties of Moist Air Prope! js 2016. The saturation pressure of land 20°C are 0.02062 boar ang st ny parrespeetivey UG Aeuiinghastobemsinined at 20 (ey bs) and 145 nett) The dewportiempersie [2007 : 2 Marks) 100kPais compressed WE Mois airata press to $00 KPa a attercooer. The Compressors etosest to @ 057 i (228 (o4se {2008 : 2 Marts] % [2012 : 2 Marks] ry bulb temperature and relative Cand 70%, (oes (oes wocseasirat (2010: 2 marks} ini water vepoung te ones ®0 (eons (9 90eae {2019 1 Mask] [2011 1 Mark] ‘a toom containe 35 kg of ary ai and 0 kg of wate vapor. The total pressure and temperate 100 KPa and 25°C the saturation pressure BREEN Properties or maist air 41 @ 42 @ 48 @ 44 ©) 19 @ 410 @ AN 42 ©) [EEE Properties ot moist air ana) Goatng and detmiseaton process. Dated 2 we we wee tg na eniinn es eae Sensible cooling process ene amity reir Dew point temperature 10. Tee? Too Tap ae Given, (atdewpoint) atk ot yar sas 0 2 Soizs' sco 4 ee 1 0 +9200 sarin ot ya we ven cu yen penae Tp = BC 0.6222, i Te) 10.17) = 86.64 Wim? ali condutedvough wa x=12 % 0.9392 = 0.4072 m p= veasTaKPa ae Process 1-2:lsentropc compression Process 2-2: Cooling at constant pressure ore cere na ote aaa ae Ba mas5ig am moss Ba. 8628 gorsas = R38. Tao~p, * 500-5028 ~° OF i a5 OOS ce py=00t also w= 0.622% Ps py= 100KPa @= 0622 By Now, 0.01428 = Be oe 18D, Be p, = 2.238KPa Relative humicity, Pre Specific humidity: @ = ? Pe Pos = Pe OF = 436 ,, = 2.975 kPa Specific humidity, w= 0.622x P-Py 2.975 = 0.622 x ——— > * 700-2975 = 00.0191 kg w.vikg da 4.13 Sol. Mass flow rate of moist ait = 10.1 kals 0:0 = ZY =0.01 kg/s Humidity rati m Mass of moist air = Mass of dry air + Mass of water 10.1= m,+0.01xm, 40.1 m,= 10.4 10.1 Mass of dry air: m, = 7-57 = 10kals Mass of water vapour, m,,= 10.1-10 = 0.1 kg/s m,,= 0-1 kgls (mM) sotar = My, + My = 0-2 kas Humicity ratio: jpg = = lumidity ratio: @paqy = = >> Y FAllO: inal = my 10 0.02 kg/kg of dry air

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