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Milling Machine

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab

Group Member:

1. Devani Herast Tantya

2. Firmina Wenni

3. Muhammad Akbar Ramadhan

4. Widyatna Maharani Putri

Submission Date: October 29nd, 2019

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Sampoerna University

Fall 2019 - 2020

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 1

Table of Content
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
Experimental Method………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
I. Tools………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
II. Materials……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
III. Design and Dimension……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
IV. Method……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Result and Discussion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5


IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 2

A. Introduction

A milling machine is a machine that is used to perform various operations, including

cutting, drilling, boring, slotting, and so on, by the utilization of rotating cutting tools. Different
than the lathe machine that can only produces axis-symmetrical products, the milling machine
can manufacture a more versatile and complex geometry of the workpiece. This is mainly
because, in the milling machine, it was the rotating cutting tool that is advancing through the
workpiece, not the opposite; not like how the lathe machine works. The tool performs
programmed feed movements in almost any direction for removing material from a
workpiece, achieving a prismatic, polyhedral or free-form shape [2]. Knee mill (specifically,
TRAK K3SX Knee Mill with 2-Axis) is the type of milling machine that was used in this

B. Objective [1]

This experiment was conducted with the following objectives:

• To understand the work safety during laboratory practice.

• To understand the purpose and operation of the milling machine.
• To exercise the procedure of machining by milling.

C. Experimental Method
I. Tools:

Figure 1. Tools used in the experiment

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 3

As can be seen in Figure 1.0, the tools used in this experiment are:
1. Milling Machine
2. Computer/Milling machine’s display for programming
3. Mill
4. Drilling tools
5. Stationaries
II. Materials:

The material used in this experiment is steel, but because of the limitation of the time,
we could not perform the program made to the workpiece.

III. Design and Dimensions:

These following figures (see Figure 2) are the designs for the workpiece:

Figure 2. Sketch of the workpiece in 2D (left) and 3D (right)

IV. Methods:
1. Prepare all the stuff that will be used during practicum
2. Turn on the milling machine by plugging in the cable into the electricity resource and
taking down the handle of the machine
3. Turn on the computer of the machine and start to input some programs to the
4. Start the program by determining the x,y, and z points (in this experiment, it started
by making the arc, milling, circle pocket, and bold holes)
5. Mill itself will be used to make shape onto the workpiece while drilling will be used to
make holes just like the design shown.

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 4

6. After finishing the programming, the simulation is done using the testing tools.

D. Results and Discussion

Figure 3. The final figure from the computer program

The result of the experiment was slightly different when the program was simulated due
to the type of tool chosen, but in shape itself was designed correctly and the same as the

• Bold hole shape was programmed successfully

• Mill with Conrad was programmed successfully
• Mill with no Conrad was programmed successfully
• Circle pocket was programmed successfully
• Arch was programmed successfully

While running the program at the first time, debug occurred since there was a mistake
from the type of tool chosen for the arch shaping, but the debug can be fixed by fixing the
program on the machine display. That is why virtual trial before running the machine is useful
to find the error or debug.

The following errors that have occurred while doing the programming on the machine display:

1. Human errors in inputting the data to the computer programming.

2. Human errors occurred in the manual measurement of the shape and the tool that
decided to use while working on this machine.
3. Human errors occurred while converting the unit.

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 5

4. Human errors due to the x, y, z axis to shape the workpiece.

E. Conclusion

In this experiment, even though the experiment only produced coding or programs for
the workpiece, overall objectives were achieved. The first goal is to understand safety in
conducting experiments. In this experiment, coding or programming is one way to avoid
mistakes in the production of a product. After coding is complete, in this experiment a
simulation is performed to find out which program or machine will work correctly later in the
actual production system [3].

The next goal, in this experiment is expected to understand the function of the milling
machine and the way this machine works. As mentioned in the results and discussion results,
there are many errors that can occur in the programming process for the design workpiece.
Errors occur because there are mistakes made in entering the code, both in determining the
wrong point or sequence of steps. By knowing the wrong part or code, in this experiment in
the simulation section, we can find out the mistakes that must be avoided when later
practicing a real experiment on the workpiece.

Lastly, from the beginning to the end of the experiment, found several errors caused
by lack of accuracy in entering the code and the rest due to no experience at all in running the
machine. From this experiment, the objective points have been reached and the results of the
experiment, in the form of design or coding, are the same as what was desired.

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 6

F. References

[1] Sampoerna University, "Module Syllabus IENG3109L Job 03 Milling (Job Sheet #3)".
[2] L. de Lacalle and A. Lamikiz, "ScienceDirect”, Available: [Accessed 27
October 2019].
[3] Advantages of Simulation,

IENG 3309L–Manufacturing Process Lab 7

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