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Collective nouns for mammals & marsupials

Animal Collective Nouns

Antelope Herd
Ants Colony
Apes Shrewdness
Asses Pace, Herd, Drove
Baboons Troop, Flange
Badgers Cete
Bats Colony, Cloud
Bears Sloth, Sleuth, Litter (young)
Beavers Colony, Family
Bison Herd
Buffalo Gang, Obstinacy
Camels Caravan, Flock, Train
Caribou Herd
Clowder, Pounce; (Kittens: Kindle, Litter, Intrigue), Destruction
Cats (wild cats)
Cattle Drove, Herd
Cheetah Coalition
Chinchilla Colony
Cows Herd, Kine
Coyotes Band
Deer Herd, Bevy (only for roe deer)
Litter (puppies), Pack (if wild), Cowardice
(curs), Leash(Greyhounds). For hounds: Cry, Mute, Pack,
Dogs Kennel
Dolphins Pod
Donkeys Drove, Herd, Pace
Elephants Herd, Memory
Elk Gang
Ferrets Business, Cast, Fesnying
Fox Leash, Skulk, Earth, Lead, Troop
Giraffes Tower
Goats Tribe, Trip
Gorillas Band, Troop
Hedgehogs Array
Hippopotamuses Bloat
Team, Harras, Rag (colts), Stud (a group of horses owned by
Horses one person), String (for ponies)
Hyenas Cackle, Clan
Impalas Herd
Kangaroos Mob, Troop
Leopards Leap
Lions Pride, Sault, Troop
Martens Richness
Mice Mischief
Moles Labor
Monkeys Troop, Barrel
Moose Herd
Mules Pack, Span, Barren, rake
Otters Bevy, Family, Raft, Romp
Oxen Team, Yoke
Drift, Drove, Litter (piglets), Sounder (swine only), Team,
Pigs Passel (hogs only), Singular (for boars)
Polecats Chine
Porcupines Prickle
Porpoises Crowd, Herd, Pod, School, Shoal
Colony, Warren, Nest, Herd (domesticated only), Litter (young
Rabbits rabbits), Down (hares), husk (hares)
Raccoons Gaze
Rats Colony, Pack, Plague, Swarm
Reindeer Herd
Rhinoceroses Crash
Roebucks Bevy
Seals Bob, Harem, Herd, Pod, Rookery
Sheep Drove, Flock, Herd
Springbok Herd
Squirrels Dray, Scurry
Stoats Pack, Trip
Tigers Ambush, Streak
Walruses Herd, Pod
Weasles Gang, Colony, Pack
Whales Pod, Gam, Herd, School
Wolves Pack, Rout, Route (when moving)
Wombats Wisdom
Zebras Zeal, Crossing, Dazzle, Cohorts, Herd

Collective nouns for birds

Animal Collective Nouns
Brace (for a couple of birds that have been killed when hunted), Flight (when
Birds in general flying), Flock (when on the ground), Volary
Albatross Rookery
Bitterns Sedge
Bullfinches Bellowing
Buzzards Wake
Bobolinks Chain
Capons Mews
Chickens Brood, Peep, Young chickens: Chattering, Clutch
Chicks (Various
birds) Brood; Clutch
Coots Cover
Cormorants Gulp
Cranes Sedge, Seige
Crows Horde, Murder
Dotterel Trip
Doves Dule, Pitying (Turtle doves only)
Balding, Brace (a couple of hunted and killed ducks), Flock (flying), Paddling (on
Ducks water), Raft (on water), Team
Dunlins Fling
Eagles Convocation
Emus Mob
Finches Charm
Falcons Cast
Flamingos Stand
Geese Flock, Gaggle (grounded), Skein (flying)
Goshawks Flight
Grouse Pack (later in the hunting season)
Guillemots Bazaar
Guinea Fowl Confusion
Gulls Colony
Hawks Boil (when spiraling in flight), Cast, Kettle (large amount of flying hawks)
Herons Sedge, Siege
Hummingbirds Charm
Jays Party, Scold
Lapwings Deceit
Larks Exaltation
Mallards Sord (flying), Brace (two that havce been hunted and killed)
Magpies Charm, Gulp, Murder, Tiding
Nightingales Watch
Owls Parliament
Parrots Company, Pandemonium
Partridge Covey
Peacocks Muster, Ostentation
Pelicans Pod
Penguins Colony
Pheasant Bouquet, Brace (couple hunted and killed), Nest, Nide, Nye,
Pigeons Flight, Flock, Kit
Plovers Congregation, Wing (flying)
Ptarmigans Covey
Rooks Building, Clamor, Parliament
Ruffs Hill
Quail Bevy, Covey
Ravens Storytelling, Unkindness
Seabirds Wreck
Sheldrakes Doading
Skylarks Exultation
Snipe Walk, Wisp
Sparrows Host
Starlings Murmuration
Storks Mustering
Swallows Flight
Swans Bevy, Wedge (flying)
Swifts Flock
Teal Spring
Thrush Mutation
Turkeys Gang, Rafter
Turtle Doves Pitying, Dule
Vultures Kettle (flying), Venue
Waterfowls Knob, Plump
Widgeons Company
Wildfowl Plump
Woodcocks Fall
Woodpeckers Descent
Wrens Herd

Collective nouns for fish

Animal Collective Nouns
Fish Draft, Nest, School, Shoal (some academics argue that ‘School’ is incorrect, and that
(general) Shoal should be used instead). When caught: Catch, Drought, Haul
Barracudas Battery
Bass Shoal
Cod Lap
Eels Bed, Fry, Swarm
Goldfish Glint, Troubling
Herring Army
Sardines Family
Sharks Shiver
Stingrays Fever
Trout Hover
Collective nouns for reptiles and amphibians
Animal Collective Nouns
Alligators Congregation
Cobras Quiver
Crocodiles Bask, Float
Frogs Army, Colony
Lizards Lounge
Rattlesnakes Rhumba
Salamanders Congress
Toads Knab, Knot, Nest
Turtles Bale, Dole, Nest, Turn
Snakes, vipers Den, Generation, Knot, Nest, Pit
Collective nouns for invertebrates (including insects,
molluscs etc.)
Animal Collective Nouns
Ants Army, Colony, Nest, Swarm (flying)
Bees Grist, Hive, Swarm
Caterpillars Army
Clams Bed
Cockroaches Intrusion
Crabs Cast
Flies Business, Cloud, Swarm
Gnats Cloud, Horde, Swarm
Grasshoppers Cloud
Hornets Bike, Nest
Insects (general) Horde, Nest, Plague, Rabble, Swarm
Jellyfish Brood, Smack
Lice Flock
Locusts Plague
Midges Bite
Mosquitoes Scourge
Oysters Bed
Scorpions Bed, Nest
Spiders Cluster, Clutter
Termites Brood, Colony, Nest, Swarm
Wasps Nest, Swarm
Worms Bed, Bunch, Clat, Clew
Collective nouns for single-celled organisms
Organism Collective Nouns
Bacteria Culture
Item Collective Nouns
Aircraft Flight, Wing
Angels Choir, Chorus,Flight, Host, Pinhead
Apples Bushel
Arrows Quiver
Artillery Battery
Asteroids Belt
Bananas Bunch, Comb
Beans Hill
Bells Peal, Change, Carillons
Bills/Notes Wad
Books Library
Bread Batch
Canyons Maze
Cars Fleet, Mayhem, Stack
Cards Deck, Hand, Pack
Chairs Fold
Cigarettes Packet
Circuits Bank
Clothes Suit
Clouds Soufflé
Coins Roll, Roleau
Computers Cluster, Network (when linked)
Condiments Accompaniment
Corn Sheaf, Shock (pile of stalks)
Cymbals Sign
Diamond Cluster
Dice Luck
Dictionaries Meaning
Documents Dossier, Wealth
Dominoes Falling
Drinks Round
Drugs Cocktail
Drums Kettle
Dung Pile
Eggs Clutch
Errands Hassle
Estimations Bout
Firewood Faggot
Flowers Bunch, Bouquet
Footsteps Patter
Furniture Suite
Gears Rack
Ghosts Fright
Gloves Elicat
Gods Pantheon
Grass Tuft
Grapes Bunch
Grits Mess
Gunships Hailstorm
Hair Lock, Tuz, Wig
Hammers Morning
Harps Twangle
Helicopters Hover
Hills Undulation
Icebergs Crush, Drift
Impediments Vagary
Information Wealth
Islands Archipelago, Chain, Group
Jewels Cache
Keys Ring
Knots Cluster, Medusa
Lamentations Moan
Lavatories Flush
Laws (bad) Strangle
Leaves Autumn
Lines Pencil
Locks (on a canal) Flight
Lorries Convoy, Fleet
Machine guns Nest
Maps Atlas
Money Cache, Roll, Rouleau, Wad
Monitors Bank
Mountains Range

Hackers Cruft
Hairdressers Set, Swish
Harlots Herd
Harpists Melody
Hedonists Debauchery
Heirs Expectation
Hermits Observance
Hippies Trip
Hobos Flagon
Homosexuals Ensemble
Hoodlums Gang
Horsemen Cavalcade
Hunters Blast
Husbands Multiply, Unhappiness
Impressionists Blur
In-laws Imposition
Interpreters Tounge
Irishmen Pint
Italians Explosion
Joggers Wheeze
Journalists Scoop, Slant
Judges Bench, Sentence
Jugglers Neverthriving
Jurors Damning
Knights Banner, Rout
Ladies Bevy
Lawyers Disputation, Eloquence, Escheat, Greed, Huddle, Quarrel
Lecturers Drift
Lepers Colony
Lesbians Tough
Liberals Pink
Librarians Catalogue, Stack, Shush
Listeners Audience
Magicians Illusion
Magistrates Bench
Mathematicians Number, Set
Matrons Riches
Majors Morbidity
Meatheads Density
Mechanics Clutch, Torque
Men Band
Merchants Faith
Messengers Diligence
Metallurgists Amalgamation
Meteorologists Shower
Microbiologists Colony
Midwives Expectation
Minstrels Troupe
Models Slouch
Monks Abominable Sight
Mothers Cconsternation
Mothers-in-law Mutter
Mourners Cortege
Musicians Band, Orchestra
Narcissists Mug, Reflection
Natives Tribe
Nazis Jungle
Nieces Squeal
Northerners Freeze
Nuns Convent, Murmur, Flap, Pray, Superfluity
Nymphomaniacs Spread
Officers Mess, Execution
Onlookers Crowd
Orthodontists Brace
Orthopaedists Brace, Cast
Osteopaths Joint
Painters Curse, Illusion, Misbelieving
Paparazzi Flash
Parents Embarrassment, Persistence
Pathologists Body
Patients Virtue
Pedlars Malapertness
People Audience, Crowd, Mob
Percussionist Meter

Performers Troupe/Troup
Philosophers Confiusion, Ponder
Photographers Clique, Snap
Physicians College
Physicists Nucleus
Pianists Pound
Pilots Crew, Yoke
Pipers Skirl
Plumbers Flood, Flush
Poets Iamb, Obsucurity, Rhyme
Police Posse
Politicians Lie, Equivocation, Odium
Preachers Converting, Pontification
Priests Discretion, Lechery, Mass, superfluity
Prisoners Gang, Pity
Professors Pomposity
Programmers Archive, Bloat (Microsoft)
Prostitutes Anthology, Stable, Whored
Psychoanalysts Complex
Psychologists Complex
Public speakers Twaddle
Pyromaniacs Blaze, Conflagration
Radiologists Series
Refugees Flight
Reviewers Pan
Rioters Melee
Robbers Band
Sailors Crew, Deck
Salesmen Sample
Schoolboys Rout
Scots Clan, Disworship
Seamstresses Scolding
Senators House
Sergeants-at-law Subtlety
Servants Obeisance
Shepherds Sodom
Sheriffs Posse
Shoemakers Blackening
Shoppers Crush
Singers Choir
Smokers Billow, Hack
Soldiers Army, Brigade, Company, Division, Muster, Platoon, Troop
Students Class
Subalterns Simplicity
Swingers Bed
Tailors Disguising, Proud Showing
Teachers Quiz
Taverners Glozing
Teenagers Attitude, Grunt
Thieves Den, Gang , Skulk
Tree surgeons Graft
Trustees Board
Tourists Flock
Undertakers Unction
Vegetarians Sprig
Vicars Prudence
Waiters Absence, Indifference, Order
Walkers Amble
Webmasters Linkage, Net
Widows Ambush
Witches Coven
Wives Impatience
Women Gaggle
Workmen Gang
Worshippers Congregation
Wrestlers Clutch, Crunch
Writers Worship
Yeoman Fellowship

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