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UIC Code 774-3 2nd edition, October 2001 Tranaation Track/bridge Interaction Recommendations for calculations Interaction voltages Sat econmandeen par woe ‘Siete Eneohingn fe Bertnirgen Coy Union Internationale des Chemins de fer 2 Internationaler Eisenbahnverband II (QZ international Union of Railways Leaflet to be classified in Section : ‘Vil - Wey and works Application With fect rom 4 July 1900 Allmamibers ofthe Interationl Union of Raiuays ‘This batet applies o standard gouge tines Record of updates ‘et etion, duly 1998 Lea fe crated ‘2nd aon, Otaber2001 Let revised The person responsi fori eat Is amd inthe UIC Code Waring io pat of tis pubcaion may be copied, reprtuced oF dtbuied by any means whatoove,Incng ‘lodvons,stcopt for privet and inal eo, wibou tho exons prmlean of ho International Union of © Intornatoal Union of Ralwaye (UIC)- Pars, 200% tad by the intratonal Union of Raye (UIC) ‘6, rv Joan Roy 75018 Pais - Franco, October 2001 Dept gal Ober 2001 SEN 27461-02552 (Franch version) ISBN 27481-02560 (Gorman version) ISBN 27481-02578 (Engin version) Contents ‘Summary 1. Basic assumptions, criteria and computor calculation ae 12 13. 14 15- 18. 7 Description ofthe phenomenon. 2 4.4.1- Review ofthe principles governing continuous welded rallon an embankment 2 1112+ Effect ofthe presence of a bridge inthe tack. 3 41.1.3 Parameters affecting the phenomenon 4 “Track behaviour. 6 1.21- Ballestod eck " e 4.22 Unbalacted track 3 8 Behaviour ofthe bridge. 8 4.34 Static arrangement. re pe 132 Behaviour ofthe supports, ELe 1.3.3- Bending behaviour of the deck : = " ‘Actions tobe taken into account. 1“ 1441 Introduction " 1.A2- Actions de to changes in temperate ono 2 1.43- Actions de to braking and acceleration. 2 4144 Aetons de to bending of th dock. = oe 18 Consequences for the bridge and forthe track 13 115:1- Combining the lod case ffects 13 1152+ Pormissble eddtonalstrosses in continuous welded ral on the bridge... 13 1183+ Absolute and relative placement 8 1.54- End:tations of the dock. “ 1.55- Support reactions - “ 4.56- Rai expansion devices. = 4 Calculations using the leaflet - 8 4164 Predimansioning method ie 6 116.2 Design mathod using Ponts 2 and 3 of the lea. 6 Calculations with 2 computer program 7 171 Validation of the computer program : 7 4.72- Citra to be met = 8 1.7.3- General recommendations for computr-asisted interaction analysis... 19 743 2+ Structures consisting of one bridge deck 2.1 - Structures consisting of one simply-supported, single-track bridge deck with a fixed beering at cne end s 23 241- General method 2 242+ Basie graphs and formulae 2 2.43- Changes nthe basic assumptions 2% 2.1.4- Signe ofthe effects ofload casos when combining the load-case effets... 27 2.2 - Doubletrack bridges. 28 2.2.1~ Temperature and braking eftocts : ea 2.22- Vertical bending effects eee ey 2.3 - Muliple-span continuous deck 28 231 Multiple-sn continuous deck with fxd suppor atone ond, 2 232- Mulipl-s5an continuous decks with a feed support located at an intermediate postion. ey 2.23 Mutiplespan contnuous deck with no fed Supp. a 3- Succession of decks. 3.1- Introduction. 32 3.2 Verification and criteria 32 3.3 Simplified les. 2 3.3.1- Deckeonfguration conditions. oe 2 33 Py 3.32- Verifcalon wth the simplified rues. 3.33- Caleulaton ofthe support reactions... 3.4 - Considerations for computer analysis. 35 ‘Appendix A - Diagrams of interaction effects due to braking and temperature variations fr simply supporid, singletrack decks wih a fixed Support at one end ‘A1- Continuous welded rails. 36 ‘A2-With an expansion device 40 Appendix B - Diagrams of interaction effects under vertical bending B.t - Dock bridge - on (fixed) B.2- Through girder Bdge - oi (xed) 8.3 -Deck bridge - om (movebie) B.4- Through girder Bdge - oq (movable). B.S - Deck bridge - Favor B.6 - Through girder B1d9e - Fesppt Appondix C - Examples. © (C:1 - Example 1: Simply-supported deck with one elastic fixed support (deck ‘slab bridge) /no expansion device (use ofthe predimensioning ‘of a rail stress higher than permissible) 46 62 -Example 1a: Simply-supported deck bridge with one elastic fixed support (deck slab bridge) /no expansion device... 48 (6.2 Example 1b: Simply oupportod dock with one elas fied support through ‘der bridge) /no expansion device. (C4 Example 2: Continuous deck bridge with one intermediate fied sipport (Geck slab bridge) /no expansion device... 82 (C.5- Example 3: Continuous deck with one fxed support atthe end (deck slab bridge) / with expansion device Appendix D - Validation of the computer programs.. 1D: -Test-case No. 1 1.2-Test-case No. 2 List of abbreviations. Bibliography .. i] Bibliography 1. ERRI reports ERR! "Minutes of ERR! D 213 Commitee meetings and of 76/7J meeting in Strasbourg’, 226/1005 "D213 Trackbie interaction” Prof. Doleo "Numerical simuation of track stusture interaction effects cue to thermal variation, broking forces and verte loads Casas consdored by UIC Leaflet 774-3 wih Appendix A: Tack structure systems without a expansion ont - Rigc deck modeling, AppendbxB: Treckstucture systems without ral ‘expansion oir - deformable dock modeling, Append C:Track-stucture systoms wih ral expansion Jn -Figid dock modeling’, “Numerical simulation of tracksincture eration effects due to thems variation, braking forces and vertca loads ~ cases of single-san bridges - simplified one-stop model and complete multistep ‘moder, 8-872/1908 ‘Diagrams end statistical anstysescf tracestructure interaction data simplified model fr brigos with Fat | 200RL 2 NEG® 2600 aD Oye 470 ti ca miteep | + eo bandng+ wr | soon. 2 tEson 2500 em 074 470 ay 62 mutep | + 60 bendng+ Fat | 20000 216400 2500 aD 04 470 ta ct mateo | 1 60 banding» mr | zoom. 2 teen 2500 em 074 470 co or enwatep | 1 60 tongaratie zic0o. 21608 2500 600 Om 470 as enesep | 1 60 tang Fat [20000 216800 2500 6m 074 470 ce _eowaup | 160 bentng mr | 200001216008 2500 600 0M 470 Els Young's modulus is the momentof inertia, His the section height, $s the cross-sectional area, iis the neutral ans ordnate, The poston ofthe baryoentre ofthe rales considered, for simply, to coincide withthe top ofthe RIC slab inal cases. “Two types of analyses have been usd. nthe muttep analyses the rains traveling slong the bridge and the bala! characerisics are automaticaly varied by the program according tothe vertical loads ‘pled. In those analyses the tomporature effocts wore coneidered sopaatly, since they can Increase ot decease the single effect according othe sign ofthe vaiaion and thas been desrty shown in practice that ther effects pracicaly addtve tothe train load effects, ‘Tho following assumptions have also boon made: + the mechanical characteristics of the balat are taken equal 20 KN for unloaded ballast and £0 Kim for loaded ballast (80 Kim vertical bad), while the csplacement between the elastic and plate zones taken equate 2 mm, ~ the elasto-plastic law is assumed for he balast behaviour under longitudinal action, SS oe 783 Appendices @ ‘The braking force, a8 wel as the clrecton of travel, wore considered to be acting fom the fed support towards the movable suppot (rect 1) n haf ofthe cases andthe reverse (direct. 2) or he ‘remaining hat. Ws peeve thermal variation bing appiod to the deck, Kwas expociod that tho Imnimum rat stsos would be found in the former skuaton, and the maximum ‘The model was based on the configuration shown below with 300 m of embankment considered on ‘cach side of he bidge jim jagete | In order to evause the infuence of each component of iteraton, thes anslyses wore cared out for each caso. inthe fst analysis (analyses 1 or 4) only the vertical loads travelled slong the bridge, In order to find the net effet of he end rotation In tho second anal (analyses 2 or 8) the deck was. ‘2assumod rigid, inorder to evaluate the effect of braking forces alone. Inthe third analysis (analyses 3 or6) the free eects wore valiatog, aplyng the lomporature variation fit and thn tho moving train loads Having esleuited the three contrbione separatly, was thon possible to compare the ‘imple sum ofthe contrbutors wih te overalls “Tne tables below show the resus elvantto al the cases examined. Tho fist S columns descbo the ‘uctral systems, the shah and seventh column specify the quantiles considered and the rslevant Lunt, the following four columns ge the macmum effects of tomperature variatons In the ral temperate varaton nthe deck braking aeons and ond rotation respecvely. The next two columns ‘ie the sum ofthe maximum efects evaluated separately and tho total effects, i. the envelope of {he results obtanedin he thie analysis. The comparison ofthese two columns sliows the percentage ‘error to be valet. This is shown Inthe folowing column. Since the maximum effects sometimes {ven by the temperature variation alone, the folowing two columns give the absoke maximum Betwoon the sum of fect and the tomperature variation elect long withthe percentage eer on the absolute valus. The effects ofthe track-tuctte iteration are given In terms of adaiena all _sressos, relative deplacoment betwoen ral and dock, abscuto displacements ofthe deck, rsacton [tthe fxed support The final wo columns alow the ial al stresses fo bo compared dos, Le. Including thera stresses duo tho ral Wrmperoture vars. ‘The fundamental cases tobe tested are those labeled E1-3 and E48. These cases should be sallsfed win th tolerances given above. The other cases are given fr @ supplementary chock, ‘when the results forthe fundamental cases are not saistacioy. = 7743 Appendices jm] | ee | Sor | et rte | poner) | oy | am | cat [om 2 6 | ae acer ao 7m na? ‘As can be seen fom the table, two vales for the horizontal esfbiy ofthe fixed support were ‘examined er omch structure Bollasted rack was assumed, withthe flowing par of resistance parameters 20 kNim or unloaded track 60 kWim for loaded track (vertical load: 80 Kn) “Thermal vations equal» 35°C forthe dock and 50°C forthe rail wore considered. 80 KNim vertical Jade and 20 KNim hrizontal broking forces wore assumed. Thetrainwas assumed tobe 300m ng, SS SS errr Appendces B Appendix D - Validation of the computer programs D.1- Test-case No. 1 16 singe-epan bridges with erent deck types, spen lengths and longiucnal stifnesses wore snalyeed. For each sructre both Waie-sunning dretons were considered. The 32 cases listed inthe {able below were snalyeed. Eis the Youngs modulus, lis the moment of net, H « the bait, is the erosesoctonal area, vis the noutral ex ordinate. The deck types are schematically depicted in ‘the figue below. The postion of to cote of grey ofthe ralisis considered, or simply b coincide with thtop of ho RUC slab in al cases. a es z Appendices @ Vericaton 10x oral AT] + 10% af braking] + 1.0% 0H] = (0+ 51+ 0)=51NInm? << 72 Nine? (compression) \Verfcation of -elative: “The vortfication ofthe relative csplacoment betwoon th rai andthe deck or the plattomm due {orbraking and accaleraton ls aeeured when th veriicaton &-deck (xed) saisiod, Voriiction of Bsa (10d) Diagram forthe interaction due to braking: with an expansion device: with K= L, ky and L=180m Fagan [aking = 200 I (teroltin betwoon 2700 and 3800) Sees (86) = Fagen [rang = 2800/00 = 8,1 mem Vericatin: a (ed) <5 mm Verication of SoH: {¥9H]=7,9 mm < 10mm ‘Suppor reactions Diagrams in figures 7 - page 40 and 9 - page 41 of point A2 (Append A) forthe intretion ‘dua the temperature veraion and due to braking: with an expansion device Aempersture with K= SL, k= kzp and L= 180m broking with Ky = 5*60 RN/2 mm, K=kyp and L = 180m Faggot T= S080] = 955 kN (interpolation between 825 and 1100) Faggot (T= 85150] = 955 + 1(85-90) = 1095 kN F spp braking] * 2800 KN (interpolation between 2700 and 3300) Diagram in figure of point B.S -pago 44 (AppendhxB) forthe interaction due othe verical ‘bending: deck bridge and GH = © mn; L= 60m; K= SL: y= 0.20 (interpolation betwoon 7 = O.aK any = 0,016) agp 8 mm] = 900 KN Fagor 1H Fase (8 mm *(@H18)°% = 800 KN CFM Face rata +7 Fag 1G pzeboisZy e000 Faagpon 4725 kN Appendices @ ‘expention device a one end and UIC 69 rails reeltance ofthe unloaded track: dsplacament of 2,0 mm between the elastic zone andthe Plast zone anda resistance of 2 kNim ofthe plaste phaco = k (unloaded) = 20 resistance ofthe loaded track: displacement 2,0 mm between the elastic zone and the plat zone anda esitance of 40 kNim ofthe plastic phase = K (oaded) = 40, mefciont thermal expansion a= 40x 10° temperature vatiaton ofthe alls AT = 50°C temperatureveriation ofthe deck —ATayax 490°C toad de o raking ‘one-track acceleration of 33 Nim wth @ total of ‘nd acceleration ‘maximum 1000 4 ‘and one-track braking of 20 kNim with @ maximam of ‘8000 kN Verfcation of Diagram in gure 8 - page 40 of point A2 (Appendix A) forte interaction due tothe temporature variation and due te braking; wih an expansion device tempersturwith 4 Tenis + 90°C; K= SL; k= 20 U2 mm=K and L = 180m broking wihK= 8, k= 40 KNV2 mm = kyo and L = 180m e021 tone hn inh ceo conuaue wae i onthe emboskmets a e08) [6 7] = 0 Nim? (mobi) fT] 0 Nim? ee Base = Ragen + Reauost ‘The tess in the ral at the movable support is derived from the valve obtained fom the cures for simply supported deck given n Append A- page 26 wit the help ofthe following nahica foul oil ral KW Sally #LK I = ys K+ oh ‘whore ora (Li #L K,) 6 the stress inthe ail at the movable support as rprosented below. ge ariKn ‘and oi LK) the stess in the rll obtained with the help ofthe design curve given in Appendhc “A page 6 a the movable suppor forthe static scheme as follows: Tre value oat © 2.3 Multiple-span continuous deck 2.3.1- — Multiple-span continuous deck with fixed support at one end 23.14- Temperature and braking effects For the temparatirevaration and breking-oad cases a multiple-span continuous deck wit fed support atone end may be Weated 2s a sempy-supporied deck wit ied support atone erd. The ‘sleet of the ficton inthe movable bearings may be taken ilo. account by applying the Fecommendations of point 1/32 page 8 23.1.2- Vertical bending effects ‘The end rotation displacement (OH) shouldbe calculated at the fxed end on the bass ofthe actus! deformed ehape of the deck under te Wan loads. Th loed condition o be conedered is theone in “which conservatively only the fret span (near the fed suppor) i loedod, as shown In Fig. 12 in the ‘ease of doubl-rack bridges, both backs on the fret span shoud be loeded, while the stifness valve Of fe xed supp should be halved befows being used in the dlagrams fr single-track bridges. important three dimensional effects ar abl to occur de to the ssymmety of loads, ging rise to Important diterences beeen the values of (0H) coresponding othe bwo tracks, diferent values of (0H) shouldbe soneidered foreach. The reaction of the fod suppert shouldbe calculated by acing the contibutions ofthe wo racks obtained separa Pisa) — =a al ie ba O_o ‘Sirgletrack bridge Dovbletrack bridge Fig. 12- Load cendtions fo evaluate interaction effets due fo vertical loads fer continuous bridges ‘wh Bed ond support 23.2- — Multiple-span continuous docks with a fixed support located at an Intermediate position 23.241- Temperature and braking effects Braking lod-case: For the braking oad-cate, @ multple-span continuous deck wih a fed support losted at an Intermediate postion may be tested esa simpy-supported deck with fxed support atone end @ 7743 22- Double-track bridges 22: + Tomporsture and braking effects llth basic iteracton effect graphs wore plotted for singlotrack briiges. Inthe case ofa doubledreck bridge, braking forces on one rack and acceleration forces on the other should be considered. ‘The interaction effects fora doube-track bidge may be calculated using the graphs for single-track bridges [12] and te formulae below, where Q, (n kN) isthe sum ofthe braking and accoleration forces acting onthe two tracks and K (in kN) le the support etinoss for double track Tempore ee: Giro iretcs (all Dense re * (Cm) sg raking eet opt! Dantas as Spt * Fara) sg ts Fed en (rales vee” FeazT* ma [S] ang sas +10 Nn? ovate ont al gaonrac” Feast Om) angen Ht? Ceca Deol rack 222- Vertical bending effects In the case of doubletrack bridges, the sitfness value ofthe fixed support shouldbe halved before belng used in the dagrams. The maximum displacement (2H) due to end rolafon should be calculated onthe bass f tho actual deformed shapo of the deck under the loads acing on both tracks the some time. If portant tree-dimenslonaleflecs can occut due to the asymmetry of fade, _gvng ise to important diference betwoon th valves of B{0H) for each of the two tacks, diferent ‘Values of (0H) should be coneisered for each. Th reaction ofthe fed suppert shouldbe called by adcng the contrbuons of th two tracks obtained soperatl. @ 7743 © “The effects of negative temperature vations msy be calculated by mutipying the resus cbsined ‘rom the postive temperature vaions by Normally both signe should be considered for temperature variations in order to find the most Unfavourable combinations wih the other effects, eczorng to pit 2.1.4 “The valus ofthe adalional ral tres due tothe taperature variation may be taken 2 0. 24.35- Friction in the movable supports ‘The elects of ftlon cannot be examined soparstely for each load case (lomperature, braking, vera bonding) Rather, the effect of Wisin onthe overall fects calulated in point 2.14 shouldbe ‘considered = The effets of ron on ra stresses and displacements are always favourable, especialy when ‘support stifhess i low, so that Ignoring fiction isin gonerel conservative for safety. {= Friton produces @ reaction force In movable supports and increases that of fxed supports under ‘the nuence of tamporature variations and varcal bending The angina reaction ofthe movable supper! Frou en by Fromi(? * Forte! whore fia the coor of icion and Fyesz ithe vorical support reaction ~The longtcinl rection ofthe feed support FaorK: ff en by [Sete et Fwnpan(X suppor Uso of hie formusa requires two values to have been calculated beforehand: the hed support reaction {er infnte ettnoss and 20 Hetion Fp 0) and he fixed support reaction forthe acual tifa K and zoo flion Fnown( I the algebraic eum of the reactions of he movable supports, assuming opposite signs {or movable bearings on opposite sides of the xed suppor. 244- Signs of the effects of load cases when combining the load-case effects “The values of the support reactions and ral stresses due to temperature variations and braking! _acceleraton orcas obtained rom the graphe shoud be taken wth bath he postive and negative sgn {o find the most unfavourable condltion, whl the signs ofthe same quantities forthe effec of vertical bonding ae given deel by the araphs. When the valve of the stross due to rotation has an opposite sign (posive or negative) to the values ‘ofthe stonses due to temperature varition and brekng, the vale ofthe sess due to vertical bending shouldbe takon equal to 0 7743 © “Thointeracton eects fr an SWI2 braking force or an LM 71 acceleration fores may be calculated by using the formule below, where Q. is the total horzontal ad on the deck. due to braking and scoslration, expressed in kN, eden Fat Fepn 2080 XO 2081) "(20 AN CLO) + FONE? aa a2 ea 20 AN CL 20KL) +8 Ne? ued end and move en Bue # 13820 HUI KOU 201) ‘The signs ofthe rail stesses and reactons depend onthe sign ofthe braking/aceleaton forces "Normally both signs shel be conelered in order to ind the most unfavourable combinations with tho ‘ober effects, according to point 2.14 page 27 24.3.3- —Tomporature variation for CWR The basc graphs oitracton ales de temperature variton we bsed on a dec enpeate vesaton of #95 and an cova = 1.0 10° Te taco ofl for cor pou value ot ‘morse vara snd ther vues cant cated ing horas blower ST th temperate vera be conared a ast? Fanon * Frage, 0- 10° 876] x[ 284 rat lowtrwel se eto th acy 22iT30} “Tne effects of a nogatve temperature version may be calculated by multiplying the resus obtained {forthe postive temperature variation by 1. In the case of CWR track, Is not necessary to consirthe temperature variation inthe ral. n fact the temperature variation in the rails has no influence on Fugen athe vorction ofthe value of ji elvant only to the adétona stress inthe ral de tothe presence ofthe dock. 24.34- Temperature variation in structures carrying track with an expansion device ‘The basic graphs for interaction offocts duo to temperature variation are hasod on dock temperature \atatn of +30°C and a rel temperature variation of #50°C and an «value of 1,0 x 10°. The Interaction effects for other postive values of temperature variaton may be caldated using the formulae below In these formulae, the temperature dference between Be dock and the rll has & constant value of 20° Fupponl Tans AAT = 20% 1,0 10°40] = 2 alFevpponT deck ~ 90°, AAT = 20"]+ 16% (AT ggqk~ 301) 4.0% 10 “The charts to evaluat cya the fixed and movable ends and Faigpqq ae given in AppendbxB They ‘ere craw for GH = @ mn for deck bridges and @H = ten fr trough girder bridges. For BH values ‘ther than 8 and 1 mm te folowing formule apply eck ie: Fag * Fey (OH) al =o iB)s (OU “ough ogee peed Hl Frnt X(OM) [Or 09481x(0) Hf 2 ral expansion doves i lacatod atthe movable end of the deck, the ral stress at that poston should be assumed zero, while the ral erees atthe fed ond and the suppor reacton sheuld be ‘evaluated wih tho diagrams of Appendix B- page 42 3- Changes inthe basic assumptions 2A.34- Cross-sectional area of the rail “Thebasi graphs ofthe teraction effects due to temperature vation and braking relatotothecross- sectional aoa ofthe UIC ral, Le. 15,372 x 105 m2 tack. ‘The interaction effects far diferent track types may be calculated using the formulse below, in which ‘Aagsthe croee-octond area fa track wih UIC 60 ras and A, i tho cross-sectional are of the frock to be considered (to ral) For temperature variation Fapgon Pail * Fripp ec] (1 = 0.26 (1 ~AralAaa) ra Aral = oi Aca (1+ 1.08 (4 - Arle Fortrakng Fase Aral * Fagen e+ 0.98 (~All rt A= oad (8 +091 -ArAoad Forverteal bora Faggot Pra * Fup al (Af * ig ®t Al ell? 24.32- Braking force ‘The base graphe ofthe Interaction effects due to braking are based on a braking force of 20 Kn, ‘and give the ebeolute values of the ral stresses and support resctons. 3 Was © + No fiction in he movable bearings. 24.2:4+ Design curves forthe interaction due to temperature variation and braking {as spocified in Load Model 71 ‘The design curves are given in Appendix A - page 38. They are vied into four groups, sccordng to the lad eases and whether ot not an expansion device Is Used ‘Tne expansion lngth ofthe decks shown onthe ye. The following atonal sssunptons were made: ~ Broking force 20 kNim with a mama ttl free of 6000 KN: se and he value ofthe interaction elects on the + For CWR track: temperature variation ofthe deck Tip = 495°C ond 0x 10% + Expansion length < 110m, ‘Theva of Fagor and ofr a gen value of Kya dK ae obtained by performing a linear Interpolation (or extrapolation) with regerd to the value of Kx, and then performing @ linear Interpolation with regard tothe value of Kzzgo Using the closest two Vans of Key (Ko nd Ks OF Kgand Keo). “There is no graph fr relative rl displacement, 2 eave ral ciplacementis not neoded for verifying the effects of temperature variation and always lies witin tho lim valu for he effects duet braking, ‘as ong 8 the abeolte displacement ofthe dack stays within the tit value of § mm, “Thetis no graph for absolute dleplacomeont of tho dock. The val of tho absolute dleplacoment of the deck (ec fixed)} may bo obtsined by dividing the suppor rescton Fuoyon By the SUBpOR stinees Kear 24.2.2- Design curves for the interaction due to vertical bending of the bridge deck “The design curves forthe evaliation of he iteration due fo vertical bending ofthe bridge deck have ‘been evalustad with reference to a standard longitudinal plastic chear resistance oqual to 20 KNim ‘and 60 kN for unloaded andloaded tack respective. ‘The design chats are given forthe folowing two diferent stutions: = deck bridge: the track les onthe tp ofthe beige dock (tock neutral xis below track ai), + tough girder bridge: the rack les between the girders supporting the slab (deck nowtral axis ‘above track aie}. ‘Ational symbols aro usd i the design chor. Compression stosses are considered tobe negative and tonal stressos postive. 2 ~ Structures consisting of one bridge deck 24 - Structures consisting of one simply-supported, single-track bridge deck with a fixed bearing at one end A+ Goneral method “The interaction efects due to diferent actions depend upon sarge number of parameters and shouts be checked agaist the required creer, Interaction betwoan track and stucture results in ceplacements, al stresses and support rections. “The effects o be considered are tho support reacton, the ral ress atthe ond near the fed bearing, the ral sss at fhe end nee the movable Besring, the absolute deck deplacoment atthe ond near ‘the fixed boerng and the relative displacement botween tho track andthe deck or the embarkment. “The resting vatos of ciplacomente and ral stesses should be chockod against the criteria given In pot 1 - page 2. ‘Te effets ofthe Interaction between track and deck should be determined for the following load ceses: temperaire changes, braking/acceleraton forces end vertcal bending of the deck. The ‘method used for combining the Indkigual loa cases is gion n point 21.4 page 27 “The magetude ofthe inoraction effects depends nt only onthe actlons but slso upon sever ofthe tracktodge system paremoters. When determining the Iferacion effects the folowing parameters should be considered: the deck length), the hodzontal stifees ofthe support Kyo the hotzontal resistance ofthe connection between the rack end the structure or the embankment a and ths rack! briige system parameters relevant tothe bending ofthe deck, Le. the postions ofthe track, the beerings andthe neutral x, the moment of inertia) andthe modu of elasticity (E). “Tne valieso theinteracton effects should be determined usin the design curves and forms given In thie chapter. The design curves and formulae ao besed on cortain assumptions regarding, for Instance, the magnitude of te temperature variations and the mageitudo and the poston of raking forces. The use cf ether assumptions gives diferent resus; pont 2.1 3- page 25 shows how to deat ‘with changes in ho asle assumptions ‘The design curves and formulae are valid for single-track bedgos carying continuous-weldad rails (GW) of with an expansion device in the track. Uso ofthe design curves and formulae fe Soublo- ‘wack bigest covered in pot 22 -page 28 ‘The design curves ere mted to span length = 110 m. For bridges with span length greater than 110 m, specie calculations shouldbe made. 2 + Basie graphs and formulae “The interaction effects due tothe load cases tomporature variation, braking (as spectied n Load ‘Model 71) end vetcal bending are determined from graphs. “The flloning assumptions were made in drawing the basle graphs: ~ Single tock, = UIC 60 rat @ Tas @ \When simpliiedseoarate analyses are cared out, the temperature effects should be evaluated using the minimum valuocf the longtudinal resistance derved ftom the typical esto platc aw of Fig. = page 7. However ain effects (vertical deflection and longtudinal foros) should be evalustod by Considering the lowost resistance in the pate of track where tore ie no tran bad and the highest Fesistance where there ea vain oad When analysing th effects of vertical deflection in singlo-span bridges, train loads shouldbe apples to the bridge and, the tani long enough, tothe embankment on one sige only. Considering both ‘embankments loaded woud lead toa conedorablo overosimation af tha effocs (when a aln moves from the bridge to the embankmont, tho increase in longtudna resistance of the ballast on the ‘embankment cus when the deck is slready fly daloctes and het no influence onthe interaction ‘fe. When anslysing mulispan bridges, ether with simply supported spans ot wih a continuous deck, ‘several postions of tho ain shouldbe checked in order o find tho most unfavoureble condone. \When making complete analyses, the assumed law for the batest should take Into account the ‘dependence of ts anginal resistance to vertical balastsvesses, Leon the postion of he vertical tran wads. Generally speaking a complete analyse shoud cover the eppcation ofthe theme actions flowed by the forces exerted by the moving rain (vertical loads and braking/acceleration frees atthe some time) inthe same analysis. In any case the tran shoul start outside the brie ofr rom the pont where the manimum effects are sought Inthe case of CWR, th tomperstur variation inthe tack may be assumed fo be 2070, seit doesnot ‘affect the Interacton effects (support rescions, addtional ral stresses, absolute. and rolatve displacements of tack and dock), whl th maximum and minimum values eivantto the deck ould bbe considered. However, when there are expansion devices, the tomporature varaton Inthe Wack ‘shoul be considered, and the most unfavourable condtions fr interaction affects should bo sought. ‘The vertical loads and braking/acoleration forces may be applied statically with the values epected in point 1.43 - page 12. Where a complete analysis is cared ou the rain loads should travel al along the entire bridge, and the maximum values of the ltorecion effects speciied above should be ‘recorded during the analysis. In order to evaluat the maximum interaction effects, the most unfavourable situations should be considered, taking nto account postive or negative temperature variations and diferent positions of ‘the trains traveling long th bridge. iferent temporturesign and waveling Section conditions wil generally give maxmum values forthe eferont ofcts. In th caso of double track eiucures, WO ‘moving trains shoud be combined so that th maximum affects are obtained. Several analyses aro edad in some cases to identity the most unfavourable situations. ig, 14 - Simplified structural mode fornteracton analyses Depending of the duration ofthe applied setion (long for thermal variations, shrt for train loads end hortzortal forces) and the ype of sol, diferent foundation efifhesces can be considered fr the 206.5 indo 6 a 7743 © The maximum permissible placement between rll and deck or embankment under braking ana cor aceoleration forcos i 4mm, For the same braking andlor aceleration frees, the maximum absolute horizontal displacement ofthe deck Sys ie # § me ithe rails run aero one or both onds ofthe briegelembankment transition Those limit areas flows: In the case of CWR on ballste rack with expansion dovoos, tho maximum permissible absolute horizontal ceplacement of the deck under the came loa le 30 mm. 1.54- End rotations of the dock “Tne end rotation of bridge dock uo rc lads ison important factor fr determining satstactory ‘vacktbadge intoracton behaviour In ord to dotormine an appropiate let to the end rotation of & Drkigo dock Ts. necessary to consider also olhor crona euch as dynam efocts (palact ‘mainionance) and passenger comfort + Under vera load, the dleplacement of the upper edge ofthe deck end must alo be limited in ‘ordor to maintin ballast stabi. Obviously, the effects ofthis isplacoment must be added to tho ties of temperatire varisten and of brakinglaceleration. This fm resuts in = maximum Pormissble value for dock end otto: “+ Inthe casa of CR on ballades track, the permisibeceplacement between the top ofthe deck ‘ond and the embankment or Bebwoan the top of two consecutive deck onde due to vertical bonding is ‘qu Bmm inthe theoe casos For singlo-track deck thie rotation fs determined under the eflec of LM 71 matiied bythe ‘corresponding dynamic factor. For a mliple-rack deck, s maximum of wo tracks are loaded = The maximum vertical displacement ofthe upper surface ofthe end of a deck relative tothe ‘adjacent constuction has to belimited. The permissible valuo shouldbe spoctiod by the relevant authority. 155- Supportreactions ‘Tho interaction as doscribed inthis part A rosuls in horizontal support reactions a tho fed elastic suppots, and these must be takan ito account along with conventional support reactions when aleulating the stucture and supparts. 158- Rall expansion devices: Its preferable to avoid expansion dvices in the tack, but one should always be inserted atthe foe fend ofthe deck I the total addtional al stoss othe abowe montoned displacements exceed the permissble valves. Using the possi of acting the fied support atthe middle ofthe deck, itis possible to incroase “tha length ofa single dock carving CWR (see herent), 7% 7743 1.AA~ Actions due to bending of the deck ‘Verical rfc loads cause the deck to bend, which in tum causes rotation ofthe end sections snd _deplacement ofthe upper edge ofthe deck end, as xplaned in pol 1.33 page 11 The loads may be pli othe deck, tothe embankment at both ends ofthe deck oro the embankment at one end ‘eniy, and the rotafon and displacement phenomens apply beth to theoretical lad trains and actual, speci rains “These phenomene need to be considered for both deck ends. The effects in the case of through jeder badge ctor tom thoge obsorved ona deck ab biage 4.5- Consequences for the bridge and for the track ‘The phenomena dascrbed inthe previous articles nood verifications t be made conceming the bridge andthe track The dflerent create be seis are detaled in tho folowing pons. 1.8.1- Combining the load case effects For tho calculation of ho total suppor roaction, and inorder to compare the glabel stress nthe rail with te permissble value set by each alway tho global effect DR is calcuated as follow: ER aR (AT) +R (braking) + 1 (bending) ‘The values ofthe eneficionts forthe suppor reactions, a, B and, are combination factors, For the caluttion ofthe global values of rll stresses and displacements, af and yall have the value for continuous oF simpy-supporied decks 4.5.2- Permissible additional stresses in continuous wolded rail on the bridge ‘Theoretical stabisy calculations, on UIC 60 CWR, ofa steel grade giving st least 900 Ninn? strength, ‘minimum curve adus 1 500 m, lid on ballestod track wth concrete sleepers and consolidated > 30 em doop balat, well consoldated bolast, give & total possible value forthe increase of rail ‘stossos duo tothe ecko intracton ‘The maximum pernissble additonal compressive ral stress 72 Ninn. “The maximum pernissbleaddlional tensile rall stress i 92 Nin? In case of other rl than UIC 60 the permissible edtionel comprossin and tonsil rail stressos should be species by the relevent authorty 1.5.3- Absolute and relative displacement Limite have to be placed on the displacement ofthe dock and track inorder to prevent excessive E XA xe AT p= 1600 KN (when «ais token equal to 1,0 10°). Effect of the presence of a bridge in the track Introducing 2 bridge under 8 CWR track means, effectively, that the CWR track is resting ons surface “subjoctie deformation and movements, hence causing displacement ofthe rack, CGwvon tat both track and bridge are able o move, any force or dsplacement that acts on one of them ‘wil nde forces inthe other. Intorecton therefore takes place betwoon the track andthe bridge as flows: = Forces applied to 8 CWR track induce sditonal forces ino the track andor nto the bearings ‘supporting the deck and movements ofthe track and of ho dock. = Any movement ofthe deck induces @ movement of the ack end an addtional force inthe track ‘and, naire, Inthe bridge Bearings 3 7748 © Basic assumptions, criteria and computer calculations 4.4- Description of the phenomenon ‘Alarge percentage ofthe track on all ralways now consists of continuous welded ralle (CWR). This is partcularty tue for high and very high speed track, whore tis typeof ack is now used in a dedicated way Numerous studios nave Investigate the eveluation and Imitation of rl stresses andthe stably of ‘he track on embankment .e. not on Bdge). Such audies have looked both at he elects of thermal ‘svosses alone anda the combined effeds of thermal stresses and tral forces. ‘The use of an expandable deck, capable of moving relative to the CWR tack, inroduces 2 discontinuity into te characterises of te tack bed. This dscontnuty i responsible for relative ‘mevoments betwoen th tack bed and the ack asthe deck expands and contac, causing forces tobe applied to thera and the structure, a€ wel as changes inthe additonal svosses duo forces Induced by afi eds. “The nood fr @ rviw ofthe issues surounding the use of CW has become apparent. The following ‘sections wil therefore describe the phenomena on a bridge carying CWR In some detail 4.4.4 Review of the principles goveming continuous welded rail on an ‘embarkment {In genera, the ras xed to the sleper by elas fastenings, which spp a predefined clamping force to secure the ral to the sleeper. Ths camping free fs normally such that all the longitudinal ‘movement ofthe als tranemitiod tothe sleepers, the resistance orallsloper sing bolng greater than the reitanceto longitudinal moverant offered by the ballast. As tho foe movornent fhe als Lunder the influence of thermal and tafc forces is opposed by the balls, the ras are subject to longitudinal forcos. Continuous welded rail includes @ “corre” zone whore expension and contraction are completaly Prevented and two breather zones at each end, some 150 m in lngth. Expansion devices tthe ‘nds of the CW have a verition of opening f 80 mm and permit the free movement ofthe ends of the CWR ‘Tho thermal effects gonrated are hence es shown n Fig. + onthe following page 2 73 Summary Interaction betwoon track ad bridge. the consequence of he behaviour of one onthe behaviour cf the other, ooure because they are interne, regardless of whethor tho track is rectly fastened orhas a balastbed “This interaction takes the form of forces in the rails and in the deck and its bearings, 25 well

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