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University of San Jose-Recoletos

Magallanes Street, 6000 Cebu City, Philippines

A.Y. 2018-2019

Consolidated Research Output: St. Boniface

Conducted at Sitio Tahna, Barangay Tisa,
Cebu City on September 1, 2018

October 4, 2018

Alenton, Sherry Anne B.

Carilimdiliman, Jean Alyssa
Espinosa, Nikki Patricia
Gimena, Zy-ra
Guzman, Kiara
Honofre, CJ Dawa
Labandero, Trisha Mae
Odilao, Gracielle Anne
Vergara, Jennylyn
B. Fieldwork Methodology/ Process/ Proceedings

Before the actual fieldwork:

1. Research Plan Making

The researchers had made a research plan based on the given format by the moderators of the

YMA-CWTS module. The plan included the things that were needed as well as the necessary

preparations for the actual fieldwork.

2. Assignment of tasks based on the research plan

Included in the research plan was the task assignments which was then assumed by the different

members of the FGD, Transect walk, Survey, Courtesy Call, and Documentation teams.

During the actual Fieldwork the four activities took place:

1. Courtesy call

At 1:00 in the afternoon, the actual program, headed by the courtesy call group of both St.

Boniface and St. Rita of Cascia members, officially started. There was a short introduction about

the research activity conducted at Sitio Tahna, Barangay Tisa, Cebu City, including a short

overview about the purpose of each activity that was done after the program proper. Also, there

was a talk delivered by a Barangay official of Barangay Tisa and he included in his talk some basic

information about the barangay, including some of its needs and concerns as well as how they, the

barangay officials, attended to those concerns. After the short program which acted as an overview

of the barangay as well, tokens were given. The end of the short program also signified the start of

the remaining three activities: FGD, Survey, and Transect Mapping.

2. Focus group discussion

Both St. Rita of Cascia and St. Boniface members from the FGD group prepared the

materials needed for the focus group discussion while they were also waiting for the arrival of the

selected participants for the FGD. Both members of the two sections prepared beforehand the
materials; there were already assigned facilitators; snacks were prepared; and other sub-tasks

were also assigned beforehand. During the actual FGD activity, assigned facilitators took turns in

facilitating the group and explaining to the latter the purpose of the activity, the desired output

needed, and the process that was needed to be followed in order to come up with a harmonious,

systematic and organized FGD activity. Afterwards, there was a simple closing remarks which was

delivered by one of the facilitators which mainly tackled about how the FGD team from the

University of San Jose-Recoletos were grateful for the active participation of the participants of

Barangay Tisa. A closing prayer was also led by another facilitator to end the FGD activity with the

blessing and guidance of the almighty God.

3. Survey

After the short program/orientation, the survey team were led to Sitio Tahna where they were

allowed to conduct a survey which aimed to get sufficient and relevant information from the

residents about Barangay Tisa. They were able to interview and let potential and capable

respondents to answer the survey questionnaires. During that moment, the Survey team applied

the convenience sampling technique in determining and selecting their respondents. There were a

total of 25 questionnaires for 25 respondents.

4. Transect mapping

The moment the program/orientation ended, there was a signal from the YMA-CWTS moderator

for the Resource Inventory team to set off and explore Sitio Tahna where they were tasked to make

a transect matrix.

General opinion before and during the actual research field work:

1. The overall efforts of the teams were commendable because they were able to carry out their

assigned tasks well enough. They were also able to gather relevant data needed for their research

C. Results / Outputs

1. Focus Group Discussion/ Mind Mapping

Table 1: Profile of the Participants of the Focus Group Discussion

Name Age Sitio
Jade Casio 20 Nazareth, Buhisan, Cebu City
Kathleen Shaula Tagsip 17 Nazareth, Buhisan, Cebu City
Jhave Dayondon 17 Punta Princesa, Cebu City
Claire Ann Garcia 18 Ares De Abril, Cebu City
Merry Bianca Mangubat 17 Lower Phase Tisa, Cebu City
Erika Lorraine Campanilla 17 Sitio Manol Tisa, Cebu City
Arianne Yves Tanilon 18 Sitio Caimito Capaculan, Labangon, Cebu City
Jahrce Laster Baylon 19 Katipunan Street, Cebu City

After the gathering of the participants’ ideas, these are the results:



2. Survey
- Profile of respondents

Table about Barangay Tisa’s Respondents’ Profile

Name Age Gender
Richard Miao 31 Male
Rosite Canito 32 Female
Johannies M. 27 Male
De Silva
Gina Cuello 27 Female
Marichell 30 Female
Nicole Santos 23 Female
Ritchie 25 Male
Rosalie Basoy 29 Female
Joan C. 22 Female
Parry Santos 42 Male
Courtney 22 Female
Joseph D. 65 Male
Mark Tura 18 Male
Jacint Carl 10 Male
Bernadito 48 Male
Frank 22 Male
Sheselle 21 Female
Nonoy 58 Male
Joseph 24 Male
Analyn P. 23 Female
Klarissa Mae 18 Transgender
Bacor Espina
Richard 45 Male
Angelie 17 Female
Merly R. Daclan 41 Female
Dionisio 48 Male
Daclan Jr.

Disribution of Respondents
Age in Years
Frequency Percentage
10-19 4 16
20-29 11 44
30-39 3 12
40-49 5 20
50-59 1 4
60-69 1 4
TOTAL 25 100
Frequency distribution table of the ages of the respondents from Tisa
- Summary of responses, appropriately clustered and coded
 Residents’ opinion about their living condition at Barangay Tisa:
a. Peaceful
b. Happy
c. Normal
d. Clean
-According to the respondents, Tisa is a clean and peaceful place, and residents are happy
while living in the Barangay.
 Advantages of living in Barangay Tisa:
a. Accessible to Malls and Markets
b. Siomai Festival as the main highlight of the Barangay
c. Peaceful and Safe place to reside in
 Residents’ feeling towards possible threats that might happen in Tisa
a. Fear
b. Sadness
c. Uneasiness
d. Worry
 Readiness of the Barangay for Disasters:

Is Barangay Tisa ready

for Disasters?


 Improvements and Developments initiated by the Barangay in Tisa:

a. Road developments
b. River Clean-ups
c. Chapel structure improvements
 Common problems that arise in the Barangay:
a. Less garbage trucks to collect for most garbage in the barangay
b. Flood occurrence due to drainage problems
 Complaints of the residents in the community:
a. Whenever complaints arise, there are no immediate actions imposed to answer to
these complaints.
b. A better and improved drainage system is needed
c.Motorcycles are parked on road sides which would prevent pedestrians and vehicles
to pass by with ease.
 Ways to maintain a clean Barangay:
a. Strictly practice segregating garbage properly
b. Regular community Clean-ups
c. Collaborate with City Government

 Residents’ opinion about their safety at Tisa at night

Is Barangay Tisa still safe

at night?


 Residents’ response to the question of whether or not they’ve received any service given by
their officials:

Did you receive any service

by your barangay Officials

 Suggestions about possible improvements in the barangay:
a. Proper waste segregation implementation
b. Deepen rivers
c. Improved Drainage system
d. Eliminating Drug and Gambling activities
e. Encourage the practice of the values of respect and unity
f. Availability of Ambulances
g. Prevention of floods
h. Regular rounds by Barangay officials within the area of the Barangay

 Participation of Residents to Barangay Activities:

Are you active in Barangay


48% 52%

 Familiarity of residents to their Barangay Councilors

Are you familiar with your

Barangay councilors?

 Residents’ opinion to their Barangay Councilors
a. Hard-working
b. Active
c. Helpful
d. Does duties well
e. Fair
f. Genuine

 Readiness of Residents to any calamity or disaster

Are you ready for any calamity

or disaster that might occur?

3. Transect/ Resource Inventory Mapping
- Transect Matrix
-Spot Map

4. Conclusion: Barangay Tisa’s Assets, Needs, Opportunities, and Threats

 Siomai Festival - Tisa is known for its delicious and mouth-watering Siomai as well as its
celebration of such delicacy every September. For this reason, the group decided to include
this as one of the assets of Barangay Tisa.
 Proximity to Malls, Stores, Pharmacies, and other useful establishments – the group
decided to include in Tisa’s assets its proximity to malls and other establishments which the
group considered as an advantage of the people living in the Barangay.
 Leadership – based on the responses of the survey respondents and the FGD participants,
residents are satisfied with the leaders that they’ve voted for their Barangay. So, the group
included this as one of the assets of Barangay Tisa
 Proper Drainage – Based on the actual pictures by the documentation team of the drainage
problem of the residents in Tisa and the responses of the participants and respondents of the
FGD and Survey activities, respectively, the improvement of the drainage system of the
Barangay is a must and is essentially needed.
 More Garbage Trucks and Garbage Management – based on the responses of the
participants and respondents of the FGD and Survey activities, respectively, another need
they have repeatedly emphasized is the need for more garbage trucks that would cater the
garbage disposal of all residents in the Barangay. Also, proper management of garbage by
the Barangay residents with the aid of the Barangay officials is an essential need too.
 Drugs and other Illegal activities elimination – based on the responses of the participants
and respondents of the FGD and Survey activities, respectively, the elimination of illegal
activities, especially those involving in illegal drug abuse and selling, is a must. It is of utmost
importance to get rid of these activities to ensure a safe and conflict-free Barangay. Also,
elimination of these kinds of activities will ensure a more peaceful and crime-free Barangay.
 Strict implementation of the Curfew policy- based on the responses of the participants of
the FGD activity, they included the strict implementation of the curfew policy as an opportunity
because they have emphasized that due to this implementation, their family members are
prevented from committing grave mistakes that are punishable by law. Also, this is an
opportunity for their loved ones to be safe from possible harm.
 Summer Job offers, especially to those who are 18 years old and above- not many
Barangays welcome summer job hunters in their offices, this is the reason why the participants
of the FGD activity chose this as one of their Barangay’s opportunity. Barangay Tisa is one of
the few that openly welcome 18 years old and above summer job hunters to work for them in
order to save up for their future.
 Health Center programs and Orientation – Barangay officials of Tisa has been conducting
orientations about health as well as medical missions in different Sitios within the Barangay.
This is an addition to the accommodating health center that the Barangay has in their Barangay
 Drugs (in general) - Illegal drug selling and using are a major problem that the residents are
facing in the Barangay. Although the Barangay Officials, in partnership with the local police
unit, are doing ways to eliminate any illegal drug activity, there are still those that are not yet
 Illegal Gambling – according to one of the participant in the FGD activity, there was an illegal
gambling that happened in their Barangay. This is one of the threat to the Barangay because
it hinders the development of Tisa.
 Garbage (in bulk and improper segregation of such) – the garbage of the residents are
mostly gathered in bulk due to the lack of garbage trucks that would dispose them on a regular
basis. Due to this, foul smell from the garbage would emerge putting the residents and their
neighboring Barangays into complete disgust.
5. Recommendations
Proposed potential actions or solutions that you and the community can do to protect the assets or
maximize the opportunities, or address the needs and possible threats, taking into consideration the
assets or resources available within the community. Explain your recommendations.
Barangay Tisa’s residents have mentioned many needs in their community and these three suggestions
as potential solutions to some of their needs are recommended by the group:
 Utilize the SK officials’ skills to communicate and disseminate comprehensive and doable ways
to segregate garbage or follow the 3Rs if necessary, to the residents in order to really implement
a concrete proper waste segregation and management initiative. At the end of the quarter, an
evaluation could be conducted to determine the effectivity of this proposal. In line with the proper
waste segregation and management, the Barangay officials could also implement the “Basiyo
mo, Piso ko” program which would reward residents who have gathered at least 3 plastic
bottles for Php 1.00. The barangay officials will find a way to recycle the plastic bottles in such
a way that they could earn profit from them aside from just simply selling them to a junk shop.
 Include in the health center programs preventive ways to avoid being sick. This could be in the
form of infographics so residents would be more aware of the proper ways to prevent acquiring
 If the City government and the Barangay Councilors of Tisa can’t work in the same mind,
Barangay councilors, together with the SK councilors could join hand in hand in organizing
community-based fund-raising activities like “Siomai Festival Concert for a Cause” and “Siomai
Run for Tisa” that would help save up money needed for the improvement of the drainage
system of the Barangay.
D. Annex
- Sample survey questionnaire
- Documentation photos with labels

Students from St. Rita of Cascia (left) and St.

Boniface (right) listening to the talk of the Barangay

The Courtesy Call Team striking a pose after

accomplishing their task.
The Courtesy Call Team giving the token to the
speaker from Barangay Tisa.

The FGD team facilitating a focus group discussion

participated by selected residents of Tisa.
The FGD team with the Participants of the FGD

The Survey team doing their task of interviewing

residents from Barangay Tisa.
One of the problems of the residents is the lack of
proper drainage which is the main reason why
residents experience more floods than usual.

Barangay Tisa, Cebu City, Philippines: Siomai


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