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Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objectives

At the end of an hour, the pupils should be able to:

1. recognize the use of interrogative pronoun.
2. form correct questions with interrogative pronouns.
3. appreciate the use of interrogative pronouns in our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using Interrogative Pronouns
B. References: Crossing Boundaries through English 3
by Teresita Arcos-Surot , p153
C. Materials: Books, Manila Paper

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

I. Preliminary Activity
A. Pre-Assessment Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start may I ask Aica to lead a Heavenly Father.

2. Greetings
Good morning class. Good Morning Teacher.
You may now take your seats. Thank you.

3. Checking of attendance. Yes Ma’am.

Is everybody’s present?

4. Review
What is our lesson yesterday? It’s about pronoun.
What is pronoun? Pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or
noun phrase.

What are the examples of pronoun? I, you, we, they, its

Can we move on to our next Yes.

B. Motivation

I will divide the class into four.

Each group will pick a piece of paper and
answer the question written in the paper.
Look at the underline words inside the It’s asking questions / Interrogative.
What have you notice?

C. Presentation

Let us read the MOTHER & SON


I am going to read a part of a mother and you

read the part of the son.
Mother: Son, it's time to go to school.

Son: I know, mom, but I don't like school and Son: I know, mom, but I don't like school and
classes are boring. classes are boring.

Mother: I know what you mean, dear, bit I do

want you to graduate.

Son: Why do I have to graduate? What's the Son: Why do I have to graduate? What's the
point? I know lots of people who don't like point? I know lots of people who don't like
studying. studying.

Mother: I know what you mean, dear, but it

seems to me that it's better to graduate than not
graduate. Many people who studied hard at
school and got good school records became

Son: Like who? Son: Like who?

Mother: Well, let's see, for example, big

company presidents, prime ministers, famous
baseball players and actors.

Son: What did they learn in school? Son: What did they learn in school?

Mother: I'm not sure, Son, but they studied


Son: You don't know, mother, do you? Any Son: You don't know, mother, do you? Any
case, I don't want to be a president, or famous case, I don't want to be a president, or famous
or what. or what.

Mother: Dear, what do you want to be when

you become an adult?

Son: Don't know yet, want to be kind, loved by Son: Don't know yet, want to be kind, loved by
everybody, especially beautiful girls. everybody, especially beautiful girls.

Mother: I know what you mean; love affairs

are very exciting and fun but in order to have
them you need to study very hard.

Son: What do I have to study for that?

Mother: I'm not sure, Son, let me think...I have

a great idea. Please talk to your teacher next
time you see her.

Son: Ok, I will. By the way, mother, what did Son: Ok, I will. By the way, mother, what did
you study at school? you study at school?

Mother: That's a very good question, dear, I'm

not sure I can answer that but it was fun to go
because there were a lot of handsome boys
who chased me. I was very busy.
Son: Mother, don't misunderstand me, I want Son: Mother, don't misunderstand me, I want
to be loved by everybody not just girls. to be loved by everybody not just girls.

Mother: Oh, I'm so sorry; you're wonderful,

always thinking about others. It's a great
ambition and I know you'll graduate one day.

Son: I know, mother, but I still don't like Son: I know, mother, but I still don't like
school. school.

What do you observe about the dialogue? The son is always asking question to his
What do you think about our lesson for today? It’s about asking questions.

Alright, let’s find out.

What is an interrogative pronoun? Kindly Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that ask
read _________. questions. Example of these are what, who,
which, how, why, when, and where. They are
use to begin the questions.

Interrogative pronouns are:

What is asks for persons, animals, and things

in general.

What's the point?
What did they learn in school?
What do you want to be when you
become an adult?

Class, can you give me an interrogative What is your name?

pronoun begins with what? What are you doing?

Which is asks for persons, animals, and things

from a limited numbers.

Which language you are compatible to speak
of? English or Filipino.
Which is pet would you like to have? Dog or

Class, can you give me an interrogative Which color do you want? Black or white?
pronoun begins with which? Which country you want to visit? Japan or
Who is asking for persons?

Who is she talking to?
Who is your teacher?

Class, can you give me an interrogative Who is your sister?

pronoun begins with who? Who are you?
Who is the owner of the school?
Where is asks for places.

Where is my money?
Where is your mother?

Class, can you give me an interrogative Where are you going?

pronoun begins with Where is my bag?

When is asks for dates/days.

When is your birthday?
When is the Christmas party?
When is the party’s happen?
Class, can you give me an interrogative When is your vacation?
pronoun begins with when.

Why is asks for a reasons.

Why do I have to graduate?

Class, can you give me an interrogative Why are you late?

pronoun begins with why. Why are you here?

How is asks for steps or instructions..

How did you do that?
How to bake a cake?

Class, can you give me an interrogative How to wash your hands properly?
pronoun begins with how. How to solve the puzzle?

Again, what are the seven interrogative

1. What
1. What 2. Why
2. Why 3. Where
3. Where 4. Who
4. Who 5. When
5. When 6. Which
6. Which 7. How
7. How

D. Generalization
Interrogative pronouns.
What are uses in asking questions? No
If we don’t use interrogative pronouns, can you
understand everything? Yes it is.
Is it important to ask questions? For us to gather information.
Why? Yes it is.
Is interrogative pronouns use in our daily
lives? To understand the thing that we want to know.
E. Application

Fill in the blanks with proper interrogative

pronouns to complete each sentence below.
Choose the proper interrogative pronoun inside
the box.

What Which When


Where Who Why

1. Where
1. ________ do you work? 2. Who
2. ________ are you waiting for? 3. What
3. ________ kind of film do you like? 4. How
4. ________ many pupils do you have? 5. Which
5. Tea or coffee, ______ would you like? 6. When
6. ________ is the periodical test? 7. Why
7. ________ don’t you want coffee? 8. Who
8. ________ are you? 9. Which
9. ________ car is yours? 10. What
10. ________ is your dog’s name? 11. Who
11. ________ is going to be a first honor? 12. Where
12. ________ is your car? 13. How
13. ________ is that thing happened?

IV. Evaluation
(Answer exercise 1 on page 154 in your book. )
Exercise 1
Underline the proper interrogative pronoun in the parenthesis to complete each
sentence below.
1. (How, Why, What) did they go there?
2. (Who, Which, What) did the children do?
3. (Who, What, Which) cook the porridge?
4. (What, Who, Why) did the children become curious?
5. (Who, Where, What) did the children find the old man?
6. (What, Which, How) lesson did you learn from the story?
7. (How, Why, Where) were the children thankful to the old man?
8. (Who, What, Which) of the children decided to open the gate?
9. (Why, When, How) did the old man treat his neighbors when he got well?
10. (How, Why, Where) did the old man feel sorry about his attitude before?

V. Assignment
Answer the exercise 2 on page 154-156 in your book.

Prepared by: Jane Basto

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