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Minertech presents
A game so breathtaking you'll suffocate...

* M A R I A V S. S O M E B A S T A R D S * (Rev. E)
(A.k.a. Free Willy)

For the 48K Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Manic Miner Technologies 2003
Game design/ gfx(*1) and some additional hacking by Erix1
Original game and game engine by the marvellous Matthew Smith

Ach... someone's kidnapped Willy and Maria has to pay the kidnappers the
amount of colour cycling items they demand. (The game explains itself...)

Q-P: Move left and right
Bottom row: Jump
SHIFT+ENTER: Reset game

Uh... a lot...

Maria unlike Willy cannot die from falling. (She's just to damn tough...)
Some bad guys can be touched, some can not. There's an incredible amount
of secret stuff throughout the various rooms. And... probably a whole lot
more I should let you in on, but you'll figure it out. (The rules have
somewhat changed.)


- Matthew Smith for the mother of all platform games!
- John Elliot for the mother of all Windows-based JSW editors!
- Vaggelis Kapartzianis for the brilliant zx32 Spectrum emulator!
- James McKay for the incredible X128 Spectrum emulator!
- Kirill Kolpakov for the superb z80 stealth Spectrum emulator!
- G�nter Woigk for the astounding Mac Spectacle Spectrum emulator!
- Richard Jordan for his mega-superb Spectrum Graphics Editor!
- SofTechnics for the fantastic "The Artist II"

(*1) ...and thank yous to the following people for the images I ripped
without asking (hope you don't mind.):

Room 6 (The Krisnikovas) - Block gfx and guardians by Andrew broad.

Room 7 (Eugene's lair X) - Block gfx and guardians by Matthew Smith
(except the flame guardian).
Room 12 (Gang roping) - Vampire slayer by Lee Tatlock
Room 13 (Inside the pub) - Frosya the cat by Igor Makovsky
Room 33 (Master Bedroom) - Block gfx by Matthew Smith
Room 36 (Seaguls corner) - Mr Top Hat by Nick Aldridge
Room 46 (Afterliving) - Willy skeletons by Adban De Corcy
Room 47 (Central Cavern) - All gfx by Matthew Smith
Room 52 (The Cold Room) - All gfx by Matthew Smith
Room 56 (Seven Sendys) - Woody-sprites and flash-fx by Alex Cornhill
(aka Sendy and Arcane design...)

The numbers written after the room names, are safe default startup values
for Maria. (Y,X) They automatically pop up when entering startup room in
the cheat menu. (Press 'c' at the 'select level'-screen.)

0: The dungeon (2,8)

1: The pirate ship (8,30)
2: At the docks (11,29)
3: The marshlands (13,29)
4: The lava pit (4,29)
5: Isle of action (13,25)
6: The Krisnikovas (2,4)
7: Mansion roof (12,11)
8: Space floating (0,29)
9: Tree tops (13,9)
10: Eugene's lair X (13,29)
11: That slimy room (13,29)
12: Gang roping (3,2)
13: Inside the pub (13,15)
14: The pub (13,2)
15: Flodding sewer (8,30)
16: Under the sea (13,27)
17: The old house (5,29)
18: What is that!?! (6,30)
19: Drive the foot (13,29)
20: Temple of frogs (13,29)
21: 2D Map graphics (13,27)
22: Kick the Bub (13,0)
23: The moon (9,18)
24: A rocket ship (5,1)
25: The laser room (13,1)
26: Wireframe (1,10)
27: Stinking sewer (1,24)
28: Under ground (1,19)
29: Forest cont. (4,1)
30: Electric aliens (13,0)
31: The Turds II (13,21)
32: One big snowman (3,1)
33: Master Bedroom (11,9)
34: The neighbours (13,0)
35: Willy's mansion (13,24)
36: Seaguls corner (6,29)
37: The forest (2,0)
38: Some guardians (13,9)
39: A Space station (13,29)
40: Platform action (13,29)
41: Bubbles and Bob (13,1)
42: Alien dithering (13,29)
43: Room of death (13,1)
44: Shit! A bomb!!! (3,25)
45: Arkanoidish (13,29)
46: Afterliving (13,23)
47: Central Cavern (13,3)
48: A monkey (13,3)
49: Alien inferno 2 (9,4)
50: Held captive (3,1)
51: *The item room* (12,27)
52: The Cold Room (13,0)
53: The lake (8,1)
54: Deadly descend (5,29)
55: A flying pencil (5,29)
56: Seven Sendys (10,1)
57: Weird spiders (1,6)
58: Exits left *FROG* (13,9)
59: Mount Q-Bert II (12,28)
60: The solution (9,1)

Some immature language may occur in this game (like rectum, asshole, cunt,
cock and so on...) so if you're easily offended then please fuck off.
And... You may of course rip or manipulate any parts of the graphics (or code)
done by me...

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