Jet Set Willy - Stupid

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JSW stupid

By N.Aldridge

Based on Jet Set Willy by Matthew Smith

The plot

Willy. Not clever. He's facing financial ruin due to one too many
parties. Oh - and buying the new mansion didn't help. He's just
carried his problems over to his new house. He has an entirely new
house to clear up so that he can go to bed. So go to it!

The rooms

After designing JSW1-1 I grew a little more confident. I still

couldn't work out how to edit guardian paths, but I completely
re-arranged the mansion map. This introduced the problem of keeping
the whole thing coherent, while working round the guardians. I hope
I've managed to balance these two points.

Enter password : ******


The objects here are Playstation joypads.

If the cap fits,


Ha ha ha - there's a cap there! Ho ho ho!

Enlightenment �5 a bag

First of four rooms promising some kind of answer to everything. There

are five � signs to collect, and a ramp made from a number 5.

The righteous path


Second of the 'answer' row of four screens. Sometimes the simplest

ideas are the best.

Close to an answer now...


Third of four rooms promising an answer to everything. There is a very

easy way to collect those items, but I'm not giving the game away.

Ask him anything


The fourth in the row of rooms promising an answer to everything. I'm

setting that yellow sprite up as some sort of God.
Timid, full of rage

This screen looks easier than it actually is, so the name is fairly

50hz / 60hz switch


I owned a Dreamcast when I made JSW : Stupid, which was the first
console I had that supported a 60hz screen image. It really does make
a difference when you're playing a game. Also, the horizontal lines
suggested something to do with screen updates.

Who lives in a house like this?


The name has three meanings. One : Through the keyhole, when Lloyd
Grossman always asks 'Who lives in a house like this? David, it's over
to you.' Two : from 'Neighbourhood' by Space. Three : If Willy has so
much money, why doesn't he move to a proper mansion and hire a proper

Flip me slowly

I thought this was an original idea when I made this game. It came
about when I realised that JSW worked on attribute values, and that
giving different block types the same colour attributes could give
interesting effects. Those are the Playstation shapes you're
collecting. Sister room to...

Flip me swiftly

Worst of three

Named after those three purple guys moving up and down.

The darker room


Part of one of my nastier room designs.

Flash bastard

Some JSW games have entire rooms where everything flashes, which hurts
the eyes. I did it this time so that the platform you are standing on
keeps vanishing.

Best of three

Named this because of 'Worst of three'.

Run! Jump! Avoid! Collect!

How to play Jet Set Willy in four words.

She shines brighter for it


I have no idea where the name came from. But I like it.

Operators are standing by


A room made from mathematical operators. Now, how wacky and zany is
that? Answer : I hate the words 'wacky' and 'zany', so not very much.

Based on an original idea


I.e. based on Jet Set Willy.

Cheep, narsty, inglish dichunry


Rather obvious 'joke'.

The anti-houmous league


Why do people buy houmous? Other plasters are available, and do a

better job at filling in cracks. (Did you know that some people even
-eat- houmous? It's true!)

Remember where you came from


I hate JSW games that have screens that cause instant death when you
enter them, so in order to avoid this I'm basically saying 'don't
climb the rope'. Also, you have to collect two sperms.

Horace goes slaying


If anyone is going to be a homicidal maniac, it has to be Hungry

Horace. This room is annoying!

I now name this screen... Trevor


The 'anab' on the objects are a reference to a CBBC presenter I liked

at the time, Ana Boulter, who isn't on telly any more.

Raw, 'cos that's what u came 4


Very tricky room, you have to be very good with your timing.

An abstract world of 15 colours


A world in which every Spectrum game is set. (it is 15 and not 16

because 'black' and 'bright black' appear the same). Fairly difficult
room to negotiate.

Conversation on conservation

A transposition of v's and s's.

Teachers teaching teaching


There you go.

Spare Parts Express


A -fantastic- track by Orbital, found on the album 'The Middle Of


Niche love

A phrase of mine about strange sexual practises.



Named after the COPY RANDOMIZE routine in +2A and +3 Spectrums.

DJ Vu plays retro yet again


Because Deja Vu is about a repeated experience... oh, forget it!


Which is what you might be if you jump at the wrong time.

Original sine

Getting the platforms to look like a sine wave actually took longer
than you might expect.


Because Willy throws up in the toilet. Yes, I know it isn't spelt like that.

Super Jet Set Willy 64 : �59.99


The Nintendo 64 was host to many great games, but they were all so
expensive! If JSW had come out on the N64, it would've cost about
�59.99. An attack on the cost of console games.
Sleep well Jamie

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie and the magic torch. Down the helter skelter,
faster and faster towards cuckoo land. Wordsworth, Wordsworth,
following hard behind. Ready for adventure, always there to lend a paw
or a hand. Mr Boo and all the others too, the strangest people you've
ever seen. And the torch with its magical beam. If I hadn't really
been there I'd think that I was dreaming! Jamie. Jamie. No two nights
are the same. Life is one long glorious game. With Jamie. Jamie and
the magic torch.

Take it easy

Do as it says.


Go for it!

So cheerful it bleeds

A charming name from my mind.

tgdffpotlotst 1960s

Named after the B-side of 'Cakes' by Max Tundra. The full title is :
'The Gradual Disappearance From Food Packaging Of The Lettres Ornees
Typeface Since The Nineteen Sixties'. This title will not fit on one
line of Spectrum type. I'm sure the track uses samples from a
Spectrum's loading noise.

Is this ironic?


Light... fading

Leads to the dark room. Note that the right side of the surfaces is

The dark room


What a horrible idea, negotiate invisible platforms. It wouldn't have

been fair to make a fall fatal, hence 'The even darker room', or to
continue this idea across more than one room. There is one hint as to
where the correct platform to stand on is, but you'll have to work it
out for yourself.

Bubble trouble
I designed this screen not knowing whether it would be possible to
collect all the items, so I was pleased when I worked out how to do

Hey, don't get lost!


Getting lost in this 'maze' is fairly impossible, so the name is


Avoid the ovoid


Because it will kill you.

10 PRINT "Poo" : GOTO 10


When I realised I could do this rather infantile room, I was so happy!

Who didn't type in something like this at least once?

High point

The highest room in the game.

I like a bird with a bush


A cheap joke.

"The room so big it needs screen, but has no name."


I used the same graphics in order to create this two screens wide

LA a note to follow SO

From 'Doh a deer, a female deer...'

JSW stupid by N.Aldridge


The start room. Just wanted to put my name in the game.

Renormalise? Renormalize?

Which of these spellings is correct? Is this even a word?


The object is supposed to be a jelly, like the guardian.

Hoping for more

Not a particularly good or imaginative screen, hence the name. Wanted
to make a room out of lines.

Links odour erects


One can exit this room to the left or the right. So why did I decide
to take the German for left or right, which is (according to my
German/English dictionary 'linke oder rechte', and write that using
English words? There is no answer to that question. Move on...

Megatron begat Galvatron


A reference to the Transformers, those robots in disguise. Galvatron

was built from the damaged body of Megatron. The objects are
Decepticon signs. All this will mean nothing to those who didn't
follow 'The Transformers'.

The room formally known as Kelly


Those are supposed to be breasts.


Convert 29A hexadecimal into decimal. Naughty, huh?

A complete waste of time


You can try to exit to the left, but it is a complete waste of time.

A brand new shade of sunset


I'm very proud of this room. It was VERY difficult to make a room that
was turned on it's side.

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