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List of rooms:

Rooms in my game are connected deeply with interesting facts in my life and
parts of Frosya`s life, that�s why I�ve made a list with description of every room
my game �Frosya the Cat� aka �Jet Cat Frosya�. This list contains interesting and
When I was creating this game I�ve made rooms with scenario connection. About

the game scenario read in the main text file, included with the game.

0. Evil Uzor the Dog

This is the room that you�ll have to visit after all items would be in your
pocket. The Dog that stands in the door is your main enemy � his name
is Uzor. (Actually, in the real life, Uzor was afraid of my cat). At the left
part of the room there is an orange kitten in the chains. After collecting
all items and visiting the room with the kitten � you shouldn�t touch
him, though you�ll like to do it!
1. The first floor
It�s a rather usual room with earth-block, like in �Brian Blood Axe�. In
the first versions of my game � it was unable for Frosya to run
successfully to the kittens after finishing the game under the white axe.
Now, this bug is fixed. In the real life, our first floor was under
construction that time and it was full of builder�s instruments. Plus,
eight years age (in 1996), ants occupied our first floor. That�s why you
see the axe ant the ant.
2. Your own room
It�s the starting room with the box with the kittens. It was called �The
Frosya`s attic� in previous version (If I remember right). Flying bee
flies up and down because in the real life, in the hot days, different
insects fly in the room, through the open window. And you�ll have to
put them out when going to bed.
3. The terrace
This room was called �the dinning room� in the previous versions,
because the terrace and the dinning room usually mean the same thing
in Russia. We cook food in the terrace, too. To tell you the truth, we
never had mice in our home. Thanks God!
4. My own room
In the upper corridor you can see me. I don�t understand what made
me to look so. When I was 10 I used to wear caps. And my favorite
trousers were blue. Flying pencil associates with my hobby. I used to
draw pictures a lot. Item cell is a diskette. When I was 10 my father
brought me a disk 5`25 drive for ZX Spectrum. I saw a diskette first
time when I was 10.
5. Small orangery
Was called �My mommy�s room�, because you can see my lovely
mother at the bottom of the room. This room is called �Small orangery�
because my mother is fond of plants and garden working. She likes
working in the garden very much. Though she has no plants in her
room � so amount of plants in the room is increased very widely!
6. Under the east roof
Our house is made of wood not of bricks. This place is full of different
things we put there to get them away from our eyes.
7. On the east wall
Actually, our house has only two parts of the roof. The south part and
the north part. This room is a tribute to the JSW room with the similar
name. The flash in the right part of the room is blocking Frosya to jump
to the right. The background is blue, though Frosya`s travels in the
8. The chimney
We never had a chimney! But here you can see it. It is dirty and it
needs a vacuum cleaner! So you can see it there.
9. UFO is on the house
UFO never landed on our room. Aliens with two eyes on the long neck
are one of my favorite sprites. They look very nice for me.
10. The hall
Halls in Russia is called �Sanny� (spell it). It�s the dark place that keeps
warmth from the frost in winter. We don�t have a hall.
11. The porch
It is called �Kryltso� in Russia. We had a very long tree that felt 8 years
ago after a strong storm. Frosya used to climb it. Strange guardian is a
logo of the only �seed trading company� in the USSR. I liked it design
very much even when I was very young (4 years). Real designer :-)
12. Near the west wall
Different insects liked our fir-tree very much and climbed it too. Frosya
could meet them there.
13. At the west part of the roof
Bats liked our tree too. I�ve never seen them actually but my parents
say the saw something looking like a bat.
14. The unusual part of the tree
Our fir tree wasn�t perfect and had a strange �S� trunk next to its top.
15. The two branches
Nothing special
16. The antenna
We had a usual antenna to gain the four main channels for the TV. It
looked much more usual than in my game. Walking cybers are very
nice sprites. I like them very much.
17. The cellar.
We have a narrow cellar under the ladder to the next floor. We never
used it for storage because it is difficult to get to it. I used to put a box
near its entrance � once I`ve catched a hedgehog and put it there. In
the night my mom awakened when heard steps and different sounds.
She thought that it`s a burglar! It is appeared to be a hedgehog.
18. Very dark place with shelves
Contains sprites from �Bubble and bobble�. I liked this room very much.
Orienting in the dark is a bit difficulter than in light � that`s why it is
needed to switch the lights on.
19. Very light place with shelves
After turning on the lights all guardians disappear (because they like
only dark places) and Frosya can notice three items that she couldn`t
find in the dark. Plus shelves and fire cells became very differently
20. Down to the bottom
Is the flight of my fantasy.
21. Something green and stinking
Room without guardians and with the rope. Atmosphere of a dark and
very strange room appears to be well showed here.
22. The secret passage
I never saw our cellar (it is dark and, as I already said, very difficult to
enter it room), that`s why I always wanted to know what situates
there. I could only dream.
23. The extremely dangerous cable
Strange alien flies left and right. It is an electricity cable with a small
flash in the right. We never had an underground electricity cable.
24. The ventilation
Room in JSW stile with four guardians with different colors. Appears to
be a tribute to the JSW.
25. In the ground
Will excuse me if I`ll tell you a small story about this and a few next
rooms that situated next to this one. About eight years ago we bought
a truck with a good ground. We wanted to put it under the trees to
make to grow better. When all the ground was transported to the trees
we suddenly noticed something � plants fell down every night, we
founded tunnels. We couldn`t understand who make this tunnels.
Suddenly my mother saw a strange insect around six centimeters
length that digs earth better than the mole. It appeared to be a mole-
cricket, the evil of the gardeners, because this insect eats roots as fast
as nobody other can. We declared war to these insects but we couldn`t
make it. One mole-cricket (or, in Russia, �medvedka�) makes around
400 eggs. It wasn`t a successful war � there were hundreds of this
bitch in the garden and only a few years ago their population
decreased. On this room, Frosya gets in their underground tunnels and
fire-cell is a mole-cricket egg.
26. Beautiful garden
Our garden is really beautiful because of my lovely mother, who keeps
it on the high standard! All neighbors say that is super.
27. The telegraph pole
A small introduction. When I was three or four years old, I`ve noticed
interesting things on the telegraph poles � isolators. They were white
and I liked their form. Since that time, I collect isolators. I suppose that
I`m the only, who collects them. Here Frosya can climb one of the
telegraph poles. Rabbit in the hole doesn`t appear here simply. Once,
our neighbor founded two bunnies and presented them to me. I was
happy, but after one day, I realized, that having a bunny is the worst
curse in the world. Here you can see one of them.
28. It is rainy day
The name is taken from the song of one American or English pop-star.
This room could be different, but when I was creating this game, I
couldn`t operate JSWED well, and I couldn`t delete G00 guardians
from the table. That`s why you see six the same guardians. Plus in the
year when we took Frosya � there were a lot of rains. That`s why this
room is made.
29. Apple tree life
We have a lot of apple-trees in the garden. They are rather big now,
but don`t give much apples. I suppose that`s because such life in its
branches. :)
30. One flew over the cuckoo nest
Name is taken from the film with the same name and from the game,
you probably know, Technician Ted, on the ZX platform. The room
contains a huge bird, looks nice, and the famous Dizzy. This room was
called �Dizzy`s mother� in previous versions, but I agreed to recall it. It
was able to jump right from the ledge with items, but now I`ve added
a few earth-blocks there, that appear to be leaves.
31. In the world of the isolators
See description of the room 27 for information about his one.
32. The ant ways
Our garden is a home for a lot of insects. And, it`s a pity, but legions of
ants occupied it too. And I hate them, because, when you are working
in the garden they like to bite you rather painfully. Thanx God, they are
small ants.
33. At the foot of the hill
actually, we don`t have any hills and pits in the village, but we have a
small channels next to every garden for rain water. Maybe, Frosya
thinks of them as pits.
34. The crypt
I hope, we don`t have an underground crypt in the garden, but as we
can see, it is. Frosya can enter it. I like zombie-cat guardians. Yellow
mole-cricket eggs appear to be ready for the next generation of these
35. The ways of the mole-cricket
See description to the room 25.
36. Boulder Dash
Tribute to one of my favorite games on ZX.
37. The cellar with jam
One of the rooms, that never existed in the real life. Uzor`s face is my
remake of the �priest� from the JSW.
38. The hugest cave
It`s the throne hall of the evilest creature ever born on Earth. :-)
39. Dark chamber
I`ve made this rooms with evil atmosphere to make the player be
ready for something really horrific. This room situates deep in the
40. The huge mole-cricket big Momma
The root of the pure evil. The huge mole-cricket, that appears to be the
one, who lead this entire mole-cricket invasion into our garden. I like
the way it looks, though.
41. The caves
It`s the ways that this huge mole-cricket made.
42. Jump to the water pool
In the game it is our private pool. As you can guess, we never had an
underground water pool. That`s why I`ve changed it`s name to the
�Jump to the water pool�. By the way, you can really jump to the water
pool from the right edge or walking on the right cell of the left ledge. It
is needed to do!
43. In the water pool
Frosya seems to be able to live without breathing for a very long time.
Here she can meet one of the cat-mermaids (like it) and a World War II
soviet underwater mine. Frosya has to collect coins.
44. The pipe system
We don`t have a pipe system in the village. But in the game Frosya has
to make the way through narrow pipes and avoid different underwater
creatures. By the way, the swimming axe is a tribute to the well known
proverb in Russia. I`m afraid I can`t translate it in English perfectly.
45. Valve
It seems to be a valve since the Cold War with a huge �USSR� letters
on the ceiling. (Or �CCCP� like it is written in Russia). Moving toilets is
the tribute to the symbolic of the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy games.
46. Living quarters
formerly named �Sanctuary�s bedroom� � I`m afraid I didn`t translate
it right, so I renamed it. It`s the living room in the valve. As you can
guess, we don`t have any valve in the village.
47. In the sewers
We don`t have sewers in the village. But in the game they exist. There
are a lot of pipes here with green stinking waterfalls that Frosya has to
jump over. She has to collect toilet papers. Moving cloud (that can be
seen in other rooms too � is a cloud-like alien with eyes and the
48. Our dart room
It`s the dream, because we had neither special room for darts, nor the
darts themselves. This room appeared to be very tough and I remaked
it a bit. Now it is simpler.
49. Balloon-fetish room
It is called so because of my love to the balloons since the early age. A
few years ago I`ve noticed that there are a lot of people in the world
who shares my love of balloons. I`ve never had a special room for this.
Guardians are toy-bears, riding a balloon and jumping on it.
50. The billiard
I like this game very much, though I seldom play (because I don`t
have a billiard table) it and I play it far from perfect. Guardians are the
water-melon and the creatures, hiding in the empty cans.
51. In the billiard table
Tunnels in the billiard table for balls. By the way, it is strange, but there
are now billiard balls in the billiard table. Where are they? :-) Moving on
the conveyor with low ceiling needs to know a special ability of JSW
engine to pass it successfully. ;-)
52. Under Our Russian Mega-tree
It`s the tribute to the JSW in my interpretation. For more information
about the �mega-tree�, see room 11. This tree was a fir-tree in the real
53. The place where we spend hot days
With no last letter in the game. We don`t have such special
underground room in the village and have to spend hot days
somewhere else.
54. Wet ground under the forest
The nearby forest to the village is wet and can be called even a
55. Energy generator
Usual room in many games and a tribute to the JSW energy generator.
Contains different machinery guardians.
56. Empty warehouse
I know nothing about such underground warehouse in the real life. This
room contains a hidden way that can be simply founded by Frosya that
leads to a not very pleasant room. Guardian is an empty bag of the
cat`s food that began moving.
57. The warehouse full of boxes
Contains alcohol bottles, I suppose.
58. The snaky wood
Our nearby wood is occupied by snakes and people, who leave near
this wood, are usually afraid of them, but some say that they are not
aggressive. I`m afraid of snakes very much. This room can seem to be
a tough room, but if you have a better look you`ll notice that Frosya
can easily jump on the trees and snakes won`t catch her. By the way,
snakes look very nice for me.
59. Unknown discovery
Formerly named �The entrance to the caves�. In Russia there is no,
actually, any caves (near the Moscow) but, as we can see, Frosya
founded one next to our house. The item is the �sculpture� of the
owner � a dog.
60. Unknown night castle
There is no �castles� in Russia. But this castle can only be visible for
animals, maybe. Flying cat skull is a remake of the skull that I`ve
noticed in the �Where is Woody?� by Sendy.
61. Ancient library
Nothing special.
62. The royal bedroom
The second room where we can see Uzor the priest. The another room
with him is called �The cellar with jam�. This room is divided on two
levels and it is unable to get to the upper level from the lower level.
63. Up on the sea
Frosya has to move on the thin stick and to collect a flag. The ledge is
a conveyor that moves to the right. Frosya has to jump over a robot
(When I was young I had a toy � radio controlled Robot � it looked
absolutely like in the game). To survive after collecting the flag is rather
difficult when you do not know how to do it and rather easy when you
64. The east tower
I should warn you � tree leaves are fire blocks. And I like how this
room looks like.
65. Barrels from the warehouse
Rather tough room. To get to the lower level is possible only if you
move to the left on the conveyor that moves to the right. Plus it is
needed to jump over three barrels. Be ready for immediate action when
you exit this room to the right.
66. The entrance to the Hades
Unusual room with a devil breathing fire from his nose. Frosya can get
to the hell if she will jump in the small hole at the pit. It needs practice.
But who wants to enter hell? Only the crazy cat you control! Needs to
add, that number of the room is likely to what it contains � �66�. The
name is the tribute to the JSW room with the same name.
67. The souls that didn`t pray
If Frosya will be enough brave to get to the hell from the previous
room, she will get here. Here she can notice two cat souls that have to
live in a such not pleasant room for ever without any hope to leave this
68. The main sterilization center
Tribute to the �Willy in Space�. To pass it through from the right Frosya
has to obtain an experienced JSW player. (or prayer) :-)
69. The world of the dead
Is a very tough room (one of the few very difficult rooms). This room
has an unexpected exit to the right. Andrew Broad told me he likes this
70. On the small ledge
It situates up on the abyss. Be careful no to fall in it (Notice that I
don`t warn you to walk in it).
71. The way to the throne
Black mouse guardian is a tribute to my favorite toy that stands in my
room till now. A mouse that I called �Musya�. A very nice looking
mouse, with a red costume. I like him very much because he spends a
lot of time with me in the sorrows and in the happy moments.
72. The devilish Maria and the axe
Frosya can notice Maria the housekeeper as the main devil in the Hell.
And this horny Maria whips poor Willy the miner with a rod! If you a
real JSW fan you won`t stand this for a long time and would like to
stop this unholy punishment of a poor Willy! How to do it you will need
to find out yourself.
73. Thanks Frosya, Maria is dead
This phrase will be told to by Willy you if you will find out how to kill
Maria. You will also obtain four items that needed for Uzor.
74. The abyss
This room can be a room that will lead you to a death sequence, or it
can lead you to a few very nice rooms if you`ll play accurately. You can
see a kite with a smile face here.
75. The lowerest place in the game
It is certainly the lowerest place in the game. Do you afraid to get
76. Hey, this isn`t a game! Get out!
If you dare to get deeper from the room above you will leave �Frosya
the cat� z80 file and get here. You can see a sequence of 1 and 0. Fire
blocks are 2, that actually appear to be errors.
77. This is the memory of your ZX
Frosya can even visit a ZX memory! Unbelievable room. It was able to
exit It to the left but I fixed this bug.
78. It is the opposite side
Frosya finds herself on the other way of the Earth where everything is
changing! Up and down changes their places and the ground now
situates on the upper side and the sky is on the lower side of the
screen. After having a better look we can notice that this room is the
�Off license� from the JSW! This room is a tribute to the JSW first room
(and one of the famousest ones from the JSW) and also this room is a
tribute to the �Dizzy 3: Fantasy World� where Dizzy can fall through the
Earth and gets to its other side.
79. Poor Willy! He couldn`t make it!
This room is an �upside down� room that was called �The bridge� in the
original JSW. As we can see here, Frosya noticeses not a very good
view. Poor Willy felt in the water and drowned. It was tough enough to
jump over the broken bridge in the JSW, remember? Frosya can get
what is left from the Willy � the two bags. The way left is blocked and
Frosya has to leave �Jet Set Willy� game after visiting this room. Needs
to add, that as you can understand the Frosya visits this game after
Willy`s �game over� and you can see what happened to the Willy`s
mansion (or, at least, two rooms from the game) after Willy`s
squashing under the foot.
80. Russian baths
Russian national baths are of no comparation with foreign baths. It is
hardly to imagine what temperature do Russians can have in the bath!
It is the part of why Russian can`t be understood by the foreigners. As
the proverb says: �What is good for Russian � is mortal for a German�.
Frosya can`t touch hot stones � they will kill her at the moment of the
touch. Frosya has to collect birch leaves. People in the russia baths
whip each other with birch branches. It is a tradition.
81. The fridge
Note that the fridge is situated next to the baths. Here Frosya needs to
walk on ice. Once jumped to the ice ledges they will lead Frosya on that
destination she jumped until she stepped on the brick wall. Good timing
is needed to pass under the ice-cream.
82. Nuclear missiles chamber
Thanks God we don`t have such chamber next to our house in the
village. It is the third room that is connected with the �Valve� two
rooms. And thanks God, the nuclear missile is still on the place. Frosya
has to collect its nuclear cells from the top of the missile.
83. Barrels of a gun
Tribute to the song with the same name of a well known rock group
�Depeche Mode�. Formerly, this room was called �The castle�s cellar�.
84. The west beach
Nice room with nice frogs. Collecting items isn`t as simple as it can
seem on the first time. Surviving after collecting the low item has a
rather good solution.
85. In the world of the golden sands
To tell you the truth there are no seas in about 600 kilometers near our
village. There only ponds and lakes.
86. The pond
It`s the second time when we can be shocked with the ability of Frosya
to breathe under the water. I like small green fishes at the background.
87. The underwater caves
It will be interesting to visit the destination of the tunnels, won`t it?
Jumping bag is a bug in which bad people put kittens or puppies and
then bring them to the pond where they throw that bag in the water to
kill poor babies. Here you can see that the bag still has something in it
and that �something� still able to jump well.
88. The wet cave
Has a secret way that transports you to the pipe system (like the way
through the �Forgotten abbey� in the original JSW). I like the sprite of
the snail. Collecting items is very tough in this room � I think you`ll
notice that without my warning.
89. The kingdom of the mermaids
Here Frosya has to avoid two mermaids � that is, actually, rather
difficult without loosing a life. Then she`ll have to collect four rings that
are situated under the king of the cat-mermaids.
90. The pirate ship
There were no pirates in the history of Russia. This room is a tribute to
the �Dizzy 2: Treasure island�. And, actually, to the whole Dizzy world
where pirates are usual.
91. The western point on the map.
It is true. There are no rooms that are situated to the west of this one.
Frosya has to make a shit for the fishermen :-)
92. On the pirate ship
Collecting the right-up item is rather difficult if you want to survive after
obtaining it.
93. In the tree branches
Nothing special
94. On the top of the trees
Nothing special
95. The east battlements
The presence of the �battlements� rooms is a tribute to the JSW.
96. On the battlements
Tribute to the JSW rooms with the same names.
97. The mystic tower entrance
Frosya finds a tower that is so high that leads to the sky. An item to the
right seems to be a non-collecting item. But I want to say that it is
100% collected. How? You`ll see it.
98. King Snake III
Here Frosya can see a cute snake king that masterminds all snakes in
the forest. Frosya has to collect its tongue and to leave the tower. Our
kitty can`t kill the king and that`s why the snake invasion can`t be
99. The flag
It is a very tough room. If Frosya will fall down, she will certainly die
and you`ll have to play the game again. Collecting the item requires an
experienced JSW player.
100. On the top of the tree
This top of tree looks like a top of the oak, for example. In real life, as I
already said, it was an old fir-tree.
101. Brave leap to the left
Formerly called �On the tree branch�. I`ve changed the name to give a
hint to the player where to go next. :-)
102. In the clouds of the paradise
Frosya travels even in the sky. What a traveler! She visits caves, hell
itself, underwater kingdoms and now she travels in the clouds. The
weather isn`t very good in the sky and Frosya has to avoid flashes.
Blue guardian is a soul of Willy. Now he has wings. This sprite is a
tribute to the Adban De Corcy`s �Afterlife� and to him especially.
103. Cool paradise
Cool means �cold� because there are a lot of snow blocks here and also
the word �cool� in Russia means �well boiled� when we speak about
eggs. That`s why Dizzy jumps here too.
104. St. Peter and one of your lives
Here were can see a scene where one of your former lives asks St.Peter
to let her go to the paradise. Maybe St. Peter will let her to enter the
paradise gardens a bit later, but now the gates are closed. Frosya has
to collect two prayers and to stay alive. Falling in the hole was fatal in
the previous versions of the game, but not now.
105. The sky
Room that can be missed during the game, because it has no items and
actually � it is a room that fills most of the empty rooms. I`ve inserted
a cloud on top of this room not to let Frosya fall down after entering
this room from the �St. Peter and one of your lives�.
106. The white sun of the desert
Tribute to the well known film in Russia with the same name. Where
there was a scene with the hero digged up in the sand and when other
hero gives him to drink water from the cattle. Here you can see Willy in
the same situation. This room was called �Techno clouds� in the
previous versions because Frosya has to collect �TV antennas�.
107. The huge white antenna
We never had one in the village. But I always wanted to have one
�NTV-plus� antenna to gain all Russia satellite channels.
108. The UFO hall
A tunnel that leads to the main halls of the Unknown Flying Source.
Interesting, that a cleaning machine moves here left and right. Aliens
have to clean wear too. :-)
109. The first level
The UFO has two levels. Frosya enters the UFO on the first level. She
has to obtain the laser phaser. But, as you know, cats can`t shoot. It`s
a pity :-( Be careful to enter this room from the left as the small UFO
guardian can destroy you. BTW. this guardian is a tribute to the game
�Firefly� where shooting such ufo caused a healthy rain in that game.
110. Elevator is broken
Aliens can`t repair a broken elevator and Frosya has to jump up, using
small ledges.
111. Aliens like ice-cream too
Of course, they are! Ledges in this room were made of ice (like in the
�fridge�). But I`ve agreed to make them made of soft snow. :-))
112. Kinza-Za and the time machine
Here you can see a very nice alien with green skin, two red eyes, sitting
on the ledge. Also here you can see nice-looking three-eyed flying
aliens sitting in the small UFOs and the jumping creature made of
unknown green substation. �Kinza-Za� is a tribute to my favorite Russia
film �Kinza-Za� with Russia interpretation of heroic foreign films about
space traveling. In my game, �Kinza-Za� is the name of the alien.
Kinza-Za is situated on the time machine that cans teleport Frosya to
the early age. Be careful! Once teleported � there can be no way back!
113. The east level
Nothing special
114. The porno store from the galaxy
Aliens obtain all porno magazines from the galaxy. They even put
magazines in boxes. As you see, there are hundreds of boxes in this
room! Moving guardians are naked (not fully) Maria the housekeeper
and Maria and Willy together making love. ;-) Frosya has to collect a
115. The past-o-rama
The destination of the aliens time-machine. Frosya appears in the
prehistoric time. The name of the room is a tribute to the FOX20th`s
�Futurama�. One of my favorite foreign cartoons. Actually I don`t like
foreign cartoons but this one and �The simpsons�. :-) As for me, this
room is very beautiful.
116. Up on the waterfall
One of the beautifulest rooms in the game.
117. The cleanest pond
A very nice-looking room.
118. The waterfall
Nothing special
119. Near the underground river
Nothing special
120. Far from home
previously named �How would you come home, Frosya�. This room is
really far from home! Frosya has to collect chests with treasures. I like
the waterfall to the right. It`s a pity, that it can`t be animated.
121. The crystal water
Nice looking room where Frosya has to collect flowers.
122. Nessie with open mouth (hint!)
A well known monster from England. A tribute to the English friends
(and the Yahoo! Group (because most of the members are English)
whom I want to say that I know their England traditions and like
England too). If you will get to close to the Nessie � it will eat our
123. In the nessie`s teeth
If Frosya will be brave enough, she can enter the Nessie! As you can
notice, it has a very wide mouth!
124. Guts and brains together
It isn`t very pleasant to be in somebody`s organism. But sometimes it
is needed for surviving. :-)
125. The giblets
Not the room I want to visit.
126. Urine waterfalls
Rather tough room that looks like a tribute to the famous rooms like
�Willy plays tarzan�. Interesting what is the source of a such urine-fall?
Only one way to understand what is the source � to climb up the rope.
In previous versions it was a one way hole, but, don`t afraid, now it is
127. It`s the old king bathroom
The next seven rooms are tribute to the original JSW.
Frosya appears in the Willy`s great party after which Maria wouldn`t
let him go to bed! Frosya`s task is to tell Willy to stop the holiday. But
it is too late! Everybody got drunk here. Fate of Willy is his curse. You
can see Willy near the toilet. He fells himself not good! ;-)
128. There are a lot of guests here
Willy`s guests including Rockford from the Boulder Dash.
129. If you`re under 21 � get out!
Maria�s love. Why she got angry after this act of love? I don`t know. ;-)
But, needs to add, that it is rather difficult to collect pillows from this
room and not to sacrifice a life.
130. Willy has a party
�The most famous room linker in the world�. Note a drunken monk
from the chapel. ;-)
131. Willy doesn`t know what will be
He certainly can`t know now what curse will fall on him! This room no
more difficult than the �Nightmare room� from the original JSW.
132. 1 Day before the original JSW
Yes, using the alien�s time machine, Frosya is able to take part in the
Willy`s party.
133. The attic bugs
If you�re a true JSW fan I shouldn�t describe you why I`m called this
room so. :-)
134. Lion King
Tribute to the Disney�s cartoon. Frosya has to play the role of Simba
the lion and to obtain a strange artifact that is situated on the right end
of the ledge. Falling down is fatal.
135. Russian fields
Collecting worms is possible, but not very easy.
136. The Russian shop
The tribute to the eastern part of the original JSW, �The off license�.
Here Frosya can obtain a lot of items (toilet papers). Russian coin (2
rubles) can cause harm to the Frosya if she touches it. I like the woman
near the cash desk. :-)

All rooms were checked on bugs.

> Makovsky Igor

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