Jet Set Willy - Still Stealin' (A)

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Still Stealin'


1: Usual crap
3: My 15 mins
4: Story
5: Instructions
6: New rooms and changes
7: Legal stuff, Thanx and Other Stuff

1:Usual crap

Still Stealin': part 3 of the down and out trilogy

By the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ 2002.
Based on the original concept by Matthew Smith.
Game from software projects 1984
Also based on Fahrenheit 3000 by Tim Williams
Softstone Ltd/Firebird software 1985


If you've played any other stuff you know my games may have offensive
stuff in them, and maybe a few hot potatoes here and there. Descretion
hmmm not suitable for little people really (I mean kids not midgets).

3: My 15 Mins

Well I haven't got much to say this time, I've pretty much said all I
need to in my last few README's. All I want to say is all those who
read about this game and worked out the Willy rip off game I was
originally converting was Fahrenheit 3000 well done. Those who didn't
know or didn't care well fuck it. I always had the down and out trilogy
planned but I had a 128k side project planned I was goin' to translate
Fahrenheit 3000 into JSW. But I scrapped the side project and decided
to use my already created rooms from it, in Still Stealin'.

4: Story

Archie Smackengrabb one of the the richest Rogues in WIlly's area has
let his guard down. Not much is really known about Archie, some say he
made his fortune selling AND stealin' antiques. Willy hears a rumour
that Archie has gone back to his roots and stashed an antique alarm
clock worth almost 3 quarters the amount of Willys' fortune in an old
garage on an estate where he lived as a child. This estate is so bad so
dodgy that it probably was the safest place for Archie to stash the
clock. Those garages have been robbed so many times nobody goes near
them now. In fact those garages are almost abandoned. Willy heard down
at his local pub about Archies clock, Willy's local these days was
practically the thieves guild of his area and full of rough sorts.
There was no real honour between these men but they were all willing to
help thieve somethin'. Willy however still never really fitted in, he
was a toff after all. Few of Willys' so called friends saw him now
after he lost his fortune, and made a beeline to avoid him after he got
it back but his real friends stuck with him. They even advised him
against his next crazy stunt, he was goin' to steal Archie
Smackengrabbs' antique alarm clock single handedly. His friends
reminded him that, he had had his fortune removed from him regained it
by very unstable means and continued to steal afterwards. They reminded
him how he'd looted a Hollywood mansion, an abondoned spaceship, and a
small settlement in the countryside. Willy didn't care, AND HE
I'LL NEVER STEAL AGAIN". If only this could be so, because Willy got
caught and had to run from the law. He ran through an old warehouse
and into a back alleyway where a crackhead shouted "YYYEEE NOT USIN'
BLING BLING TELEPORRRTTERRRRRR". Oblivious to dirty smack needles Willy
threw the crackhead to the ground stole the teleporter key and jumped
blindly into the teleporter. He arrived somewhere that seemed familier
but he'd never been there. His head buzzed had a clone of his been
here? That's ridiculous everyone knows you can only clone farm animals
THE DOWN AND OUT TRILOGY BEGINS (and there's packs of plutonium to
steal from the place he ended up in oh dear looks like Willy's still
stealin' afterall).

5: Instructions

If your emulator supports a stick you can use that.

Otherwise use O,P and SPACE for left,right and jump.
a-g pauses h-Return/enter toggles music on/off and unpauses

collect all the flashing items from the rooms before the time runs out.

6: New rooms and changes (in no particular order)

The first 7 screens are my interactive startup (my friends laughed at

me when I described this to them). Don't take this statement too
seriously, it's all about the conveyor belts.

Also I attempted to add a cut scene it's just Willys' sprite blanked
out with some tactically placed conveyors and teleporters. Basically
as soon as you hit the conveyor in the room called Relics from an
ancient time, sit back and watch the next 3 screens. Jumping will screw
things up a bit won't matter too much in the first 2 screens you'll
just miss the teleporters (the screens are looped anyway so you'll
just keep going until you hit the teleporters) but I made most of the
last screen out of fire blocks and these kill you even if you blank the
sprites out. Make sure you don't go right either because me being the
stupid fucker I am used the blank sprite space up.

UPDATE: I took a risk and shifted some of the memory about. I did this
in order to put the finishing touches I couldn't add to the BETA
version (Which there are now 2 of, I saved the original, then the
updated version just incase my memory twiddling resulted in something
terrible happening). I'll maybe release the BETA versions of the
trilogy with the Special editions. Although I don't think it's possible
to finish the earlier versions of Willy the rogue, but skint willy and
this are finishable.

The first room pick up the antique alarm clock and go right, jumping is
strongly advised against in this screen and the next 4 because I used a
lot of fire blocks for graphics. Note if you're just exploring it
doesn't really matter, but if you're playin' to win you must pick the
item in this room up because once you leave by the right there's no way

2: Looks like you got away with it?

My second screen this is really where my pseudo startup begins. The
floor in this room and the next 3 is a right moving conveyor so you
have to go with it. I used a combo of room graphics and guardians to
make the lamp posts.

This screen isn't really graphically amazing but I'm pleased with my
Coke banner in the background. Observant players will also have noticed
that my moon sprite has crept back in there. Although it is a
different graphic and it's set to bright. Observant players will also
notice the trick I have used to make the policeman appear to be giving
chase from nowhere (it's a simple trick I intended to use it in skint
Willy but I was still pretty clueless when I made that after all it was
only my second game). I did use this trick in a few rooms in Willy the
Rogue, but I didn't want to overkill it. I figured the same tricks used
over and over will begin to bore people.

4: Get back here I know your face!

I called this room this because this is the type of shit people
actually shout when they're chasin' you hahaha. I doubled up my police
man trick so now there's 2 officers chasing you. other than that this
room is similar to the previous screen.

5: Time to escape
This room has the same effects as the screen before it. I tried to add
shading to the building Willy runs into. Some of my shading effects
work out OK but some are only really noticable on the actual editor,
some require eyestrain once you actually play the game to notice them.
I did intend to stick a 3rd police officer in this room but I didn't, I
was goin' to have it as a female officer. I may still add that near the
end if I have enough sprite spaces and guardians left. Or I may just
leave it for the Special Edition. UPDATE: I finally decided to add the
female police officer, she didn't turn out quite how she was supposed
to. But the one I ended up with is the one I kept because she looks
psychotic the way she swings that truncheon. It looks like it could
crack the very hardest of skulls hahaha.

6: The old warehouse

This rooms layout is finished, and I have added static guardians that
represent crates. I type this 03/10/02 (brit style D/M/Y) but by the
time I finish I may have added some more static or perhaps moving
guardians to this room. Then again I may save this for the Special

7: Illegal Backstreet Teleporter

Don't fuck with Bling Blings teleporter. The sprite for the
aforementioned crackhead in the story hasn't been drawn yet. I'll add
to this paragraph when it is (03/10/02).
Other than that the room is complete. The floor is a left moving
conveyor. UPDATE: and within' one day the crackhead was there.

8: The Entrance to The Inner Sanctum

This is where the game really starts, it's the first room from
Fahrenheit 3000 I converted I kept the original file so I could
compare this, looks so different whilst looking so similar at the same
time. I made a lot of tweaks to this room. Once you've crossed this
room you can't go back from the right (Although you don't really need

9: The pools of Certain Death

My second Fahrenheit 3000 cover version (haha). I obviously had to
shorten the distance over the pools I didn't really change the graphics
much in this room, I just adapted them to a more JSW like style.
UPDATE: I placed the zombie monkey head type sprite in here instead of
the ridiculous one that was to the far right in Fahrenheit 3000 (It
reminded me of the bomb ball type thingies out of Terrahawks, I'll
admit I was tempted to stick the original sprite in and stick number
101 on it's forehead).


This is probably the only Fahrenheit 3000 room which converted almost
perfectly to JSW as it was proportioned soundly to convert unlike a lot
of the other rooms (I actually struggled a bit with some, and at this
stage I know the worst is yet to come 03/10/02). I have improved
graphics where possible with these rooms and I have recreated the
sprites pixel perfect just some are dumbed down and some graphics are
changed so I don't get into trouble.

11: The Acid Bath

This room is similar to the Fahrenheit 3000 original but I made the
actual Acid bath a four guardian affair rather than the fire block. I
needed that for the actual nasties in the room. I was goin' to draw
some skinny skull guardians and put them in the place of the skull
nasties from the original game but I ran out of guardian spaces. The
animation between the bottom guardians and the top guardians, for the
actual Acid Bath is a little messed up but this is intentional. I made
the jump over the Acid Bath quite hard too. The rubber chicken type
sprite is a little shady hahaha. I also cut this rooms guardians
animation down.

12: The Meandering Corridors

Looks the part for the Fahrenheit 3000 original (almost). I swapped a
lot of the colours around dumbed the guardians down a bit my reasons
for doin' this is (no offense to Tim Williams) but the majority of the
guardians in Fahrenheit 3000 looked crap. I've improved the ones I
liked and dumbed down the ones I didn't. Once this room has been
crossed you can't go back.

13: Above the Pools of Certain Death

Was just called Above the Pools of Death in Fahrenheit 3000. This is
where I started to change the Fahrenheit 3000 rooms a bit and make time
related references. This room no longer has an Item in it or a top
level to the room. I added an already existing sprite as the vertical
guardian because I refuse to waste anymore sprites on half sized
guardians with 4 frames of animation when all they need is 2. The
horizontal sprite over the actual pools (which are both green now
instead of 1 blue 1 green) I altered quite a bit but I think it looks
better now. I hate copying sprites but it has to be done to finish off
my Trilogy.

14: The HIDEOUT (What's left of it)

My first real time related reference, this room wasn't really what JSW
was made of it had a white background and a lot of sickening colours.
I lowered myself to allow a blue background in it's place although, a
lot of people who have played my games will realise black is my
favourite background colour. I have improved greatly (A matter of
opinion though) on the pyramid type shape of this room by filling the
blanks between the walls and the actual pyramid. I changed the spiral
guardian in the centre of the screen to a completely new guardian
(looks like a cross between an angry baboon and nosferatus' head).
Andrew Broad will be happy to know There is a quirky feature in this
room. If you drop through the middle exit (the one between the fire
blocks with the new guardian stuffed in it) you can fall about 9 or 10
blocks in total into the room below (DEAD ZONE) and not die.

15: The Pathways to Hell

If you ask me this room sucked in the first place, I changed some
colours around and things but the main changes are in the guardians.
In Fahrenheit 3000 this room had the Terrahawks type head in it (the
one I subbed for the vampire baboon thingy) and a jellyfish type thing
for the guardian on the far left. I changed the far left guardian to be
an egg like demon. I got the idea from Wardner, that old japanese
platform game from like 1990 or so. It came out on the Megadrive haha.
As far as I can see all of the rooms in Fahrenheit 3000, the guardians
were all one colour I've been stickin' to this rule. But then I thought
I've changed the graphics and stuff in the rooms so I'm gonna change
the guardian colours as well.

16: The Centre Canyon

Now this room in it's original form made me sick, it looks nothin' like
a canyon. I've kept it similar though, but I've removed the top exit
(which in Fahreheit 3000 led up to the great desert: DUNES). I did this
because I want to cut short the amount of Fahrenheit 3000 rooms and
sprites I've already used up more than I'd like to have done, but it
all goes to rounding the map up. Anyway this room will stay similar for
now but will be about 60% different in the Special Edition.

17: Through to the lower levels

I didn't think much of this room on Fahrenheit 3000, it was pretty bog
standard. I have done away with a lot of F3000 stuff to an extent
(well some), for one only the right side of the room and the ceiling
are surrounded by those horrible yellow and blue blocks. The left wall
is now the same as the platforms, also I used a couple of guardians to
make the floor trap rather than using the fire block. The water block
was used to make the flashing pillar of light that you can stand on.
Andrew broad will be happy to know a quirky feature is used here. In
order to walk through the pillar to the left you must walk through an
earth block. This room converted quite well from F3000 to JSW unlike
some of the others I used.

18: East End Lake

I didn't think much of this room when it was in F3000, and I hated
converting it. That is until I built all the screens around it (apart
from west end lake). I started to like this room in it's new JSW form
and before you know it I'd actually finished it off. The guardians in
here are neither of the ones which were here in F3000 I wanted to
slowly start destroying all that was F3000 and adding more that was
JSW. This is where I truly started to change the format of the game.

19: West End Lake

Same as above only I hated this room less than east end lake. I
finished this room before the one before it. This is another room that
is making the F3000/JSW transit more apparent.
20: The Stockade
I didn't mind converting this room as it's quite JSWesque in it's
original form anyway, and it converted quite well.

21: Fuck the west wall, it fell down

Here's where the linearness (real word?) kicks in, obviously I didn't
want to add all the F3000 rooms into this game so I cut a large path in
the original game short by adding this room. The graphics are similar
to the original (touched up a bit), and the room is shaped nothing like
the original. The sprite I added is a little dancing fella in a top
hat, more of this cheeky chappy will appear in other rooms hahahaha.

22: The Baddies Revenge?

I added the question mark to the end of the title because I was always
like what? This room was crap and I guarentee I've made it
crapper/better? not sure which.

23: Bottom Deck? 100% Unaccessable

I had to cut the map short because I don't intend to make all the F3000
rooms, I just couldn't handle it at the minute. I have too many of my
own ideas and I need to put them here before I run out of sprite and
guardian spaces. I made this room similar in theme but it looks nothing
like the original. The original was called down to the bottom deck and
led to yet another plethora of crap rooms, I couldn't subject my mind
to this anymore. I'm not dissin' F3000 it had it's good points but a
lot of the rooms just don't convert to JSW (plus a lot were crap).

24: Dug Out?

This room is an original, This is where the F3000 rooms stop. The green
man may seem a little odd but it becomes apparent in the next screen
what's going on.

25: The tunnel that was never here!

True title, there never was a tunnel here. The green man from the
previous screen makes another appearance in here. The origin of this
fella is here it's the green sludge that's pouring into the screen
below. Normally I would've had the sludge as lethal but only the
dripping stuff kills you.

26: The Rancid Stinkpit (Not Right)

To the right of the tunnel, the pool of slime has 2 green creatures
bobbing around in it. This room isn't particularly dangerous but well.

27: The tunnel of Uncertainty

Just to switch the colour from red to purple really. UPDATE: I added
some fire blocks to the floor, my little thingy about shading comes in
here. You can only just see the fire blocks with the editor and when
you're not running the game fullscreen. Otherwise it's pretty hard to
spot them. Then again the only thing separating fire and water is
bright. which doesn't show up too well on an emulator, especially with

28: In the lair of the.......

The purple is supposed to be the walls, and the red is supposed to be
the background. Doesn't really work the red thingy is supposed to be in
the distance (and a really evil giant genetic mutant even if it does
look like a cross between a halloween lantern and Zippy). The green
thingy is a target which is meant to be the red monsters view. I
ripped the idea off from Shinobi 3.

29: ..........BODY WEAPON!!!

The conclusion of the previous screen. Also a rip off from the level
from Shinobi 3 of the same name. The big beastie is a much less
impressive version of the one off Shinobi (it's also supposed to be the
red thingy off the previous screen but close up). It went horribly
wrong and no matter how much I tweak it, it doesn't look right. Oh well
It's still OK but it doesn't seem quite how I want it, I'll make it
perfect in the Special Edition.

30: Flooded with Chemicals?

The green goo continues to flow under the passage that was never here.
Recycled sprites ahoy now and possibly for a screen or 2 after, There's
not quite enough green to rival Todd in Slimeworld (Anyone remember
that heap of shit?), but it's enough to make those who are squeamish a
little dizzy hahaha. The running green man and the bobbing green thingy
reappear in this room. I like em' they've got character hahaha.

31: bloody dangerous

It is, it's game over if you fall. This room contains multiple
conveyors and a bloody big hole in the floor which you don't want to
fall down ever.

32: Bye Bye Willy !!!

If you fall down the hole you fall through here.

33: You CAN'T dink this vater

Well this is where you eventually end up if you fall in bloody
dangerous. it's the end of a falling multi-death and it'll probably
piss a lot of people off who drop down here thinking there's something
good hahaha.

34: Unfinished Construction?

This room contains no guardians and nothing that can immediately kill
you unless you're stooopid and try to get killed. The red bit on the
gurders on the far left is a teleporter, you may wanna go left before
you hop onto this because once you teleport out of here the
semi-linear nature of the game so far stops and you can't come back
(not straight away anyway).

35: The Smoking Room

An eerie touch here considering this room carries on from the one to
the right of it. The exit left from the previous room isn't so apparent
to those who don't know this game too well. but basically you need to
be in this room before you teleport from the one before it. I made this
room creepy but pretty harmless the only way you'll die in this room is
if you walk into the skeleton. I made this room look like this place
was long forgotten, and that is the impression I want to give. After
all I recreated and changed a lot of F3000 rooms this is my way of
saying that game was a JSW clone and was forgotten about by many, not
me obviously I think I still have it on cassette in the loft hahahaha.
plus it's not actually one of my F3000 rooms I made this from scratch
and a lot of the ones surrounding it. But I wanted to give the
impression that the teleporter next door was taking you away from the
F3000 rooms even though I made a load of new ones. Sickeningly enough I
like to try to make every screen I make tell a story (that applies to
every chapter of the trilogy not just this).
36: Eh?
This room is the first room of a huge research complex Willy is
teleported to. It's like this places equivalent of the bathroom, of
course this is not this games bathroom. It's just made like that to
confuse. The man in here isn't supposed to be a spaceman he's supposed
to have a containment suit on, kinda like the Intel men.

37: Level 01: Landing

The complexes Top Landing stunt double, nothing like the original, and
has a few more of my technicians in there.

38: Level 01: Technicians quarters

Now this room could confuse a lot of people, It looks like a Master
Bedroom type screen it even has a blue Intel man guarding a bed. Some
should hopefully fall for this hahahaha.

39: Level 00: Landing

This complexes First landing lookalike, technician replaces priest.

40: Level 00: Chaplaincy and Advice

All large institutions need somewhere for the workers to release their
emotions or problems, unfortunately this place isn't very holy. My "The
Chapel" room for the complex. I wanted to keep the first few rooms of
the complex similar in design to the original mansion but backwards. To
the right of the Landing is where the similarities start to fade, I
made a lot of references to JSW 1 and 2 in the first 2 parts of the
trilogy, I suppose it's only right I make some here. UPDATE: Changed a
lot of the room graphics and added more guardians, but mainly just for
effect. Changed the graphics for the large skull too it didn't look
evil enough originally. This also affects the skull in "Not the
stairway to heaven".

41: Level 00: Experimental dream room

This is my third or forth remake of the nightmare room but this time I
made it pretty hard worse than the "psycho eggs" room off fantasy world
Willy (nothin' to do with the trilogy). I put my little dancin' man
with the top hat on in here on the floor and on the ceiling, the
vertical guardians are not meant to be, but are inspired by Fred
Astaire. It may look like it is possible in more than one way to the
hardened JSW fan, but I challenge you to find more than 2.
UPDATE: Added some sneaky fire blocks near the right exit but if they
actually kill you once they probably never will again.

42: Crowleyism Thelima

A perfect title to follow on from the experimental dreamroom. The name
is derived from Allistair Crowley's ridiculous religion of crowleyism.
The Thelima was his rituals, upon which he subjected his prostitute
girlfriend less than half his age to have sex with a goat on one
occasion. Thelima was induced by drugs and alchohol, and was a
religious ritual accordin' to this man (although he tried to tell the
world his middle name was satan). I find this man quite interestin' if
not completely off his head. The room itself contains my Weirder
sprites so far (excluding the barrel), and isn't particularly hard. I
was going to draw 2 sprites to put next to each other of a woman and a
goat doin' the perverted tango, but I thought this was going too far
and opted for a less relentless approach. UPDATE: I added 4 fire blocks
to this room but realised it was now impossible to cross from the left
so I chopped it down to 2 and it was just as easy so I added another 2
in slightly different places. and now it's harder and possible..
43: Telporter breach on Level: 01
The breach this refers to is you appearing in the Level:00 Toilet (The
room just simply called EH?). The security is rushin' to the incident
way too late as is the norm in most real emergencies these days. The
item is supposed to be a nightstick (baton, truncheon whatever you
wanna call it).

44: This little piggy went to market

Just a follow on from the previous screen, It's pretty crap really.
Avoiding the guardians just after you enter may catch a few people off
guard, but it is possible. The title refers to the security although
these are not actually meant to be the police. UPDATE: I added 2 more
sprites and moved them closer to the entrance, you'll have to be
lightening fast now hahaha!!! This may seem impossible but it isn't.

45: Level:00 Security Supply Room

Unfortunately ideas ran thin when it came to this room, I couldn't
really think of anything to improve it. The guardians are my
policeman/security guard sprites, The items are nightsticks and the
nasties are hand grenades. UPDATE: I added 1 more guardian to this room
it's now pretty hard.

46: B1: Laboratory B1: Research

My kitchen Main Stairway rip off for this game, ideas were short
here too unfortunately, but ironically I had ideas for all the rooms
surrounding it. I don't really think making linkers too detailed or
hard is important anyway, just so long as you put a half decent room
next to them. UPDATE: Speeded up a couple of guardians and added some
platforms, more walls, and a bit more of a ceiling, as in it's original
state this room only looked half finished.

47: B1: Laboratory Control Room

One of the only rooms I've ever made that can't be completed by just
walkin' in and collecting everything. You have to enter from above to
collect one item, and from the right to collect the other (or vice
versa). The sprites are all meant to be scientists, hence the lab
coats and glasses. The room itself is pretty 2 tone colourwise but
since it's a lab I opted for the sterile look. UPDATE: plugged an exit
up That lead nowhere, sick thing is that exit was there the whole time
after I'd finished this room until I actually finished the game. I
don't know how the hell I didn't notice.

48: Suit Up Kid!

Following on from the lab control room, this is once again a pretty
basic room, but there's somethin' about it that I like. Even though
it's a left/right or right/left affair with no items and no platforms.

49: b1: Sterilisation <---IN OUT--->

Another pretty basic room but once again I was pleased with it. A
sneaky trick or 2 used in here to get the desired effect, and a couple
of items (which are easy enough to collect). This room shouldn't
present too many problems for anybody, but just cos' these rooms seem
simple I'm not givin' anyone an easy ride. The worst is yet to come.

50: Unnethical Frozen creatures

Another Original room take off this is my version of the cold store,
not sure if it's the first version of this room I've made. Embryo's all
over the place and my slimy man from the caves but blue instead of
green. It's only possible to exit from the left by the bottom.

51: Not the stairway to heaven

This is a pseudo back stairway, bearing only slight similarities. It's
bog standard but once again just another linker (I really must make my
link screens a bit more interesting), it has one vertical guardian
one horizontal guardian and no items or nasties. UPDATE: added a few
fire blocks.

52: Level 00: Landing Deux

Not the greatest title, and probably not my greatest screen in fact
far from it. I'm gonna use my petty linker excuse for this once again.
Although the guardians move pretty fast and the items are tricky.
UPDATE: I removed the original guardians because to be honest they
were terrible. I replaced them with 5 different ones of varying size
and speed instead of 5 indentical ones all moving exactly the same way.

53: Whatever floats your boat

A version of the swimming pool, 3 Guardians, 1 Item, no rope and a lot
of colours. It's practically harmless but I just had to put it here.

54: Level 00: Power Generator

Another reasonably harmless screen, although this is intentional. No
hamsters were harmed during the construction of this screen or the
making of this game.

55: B2: Monitoring

Kinda like the wine cellar, crossed with highway to hell, obviously no
moving holes in the floors though (and not very hard). I intend to make
the game a little harder from here on in as I promised it would be very
hard, and since I've only got a handful of taxing rooms I'm yet to
prove that. UPDATE: I changed this room to this design then changed it
back. Then I decided it's original form was so easy it was a joke, so I
changed it back again. It's still easy but at least it's not a fuckin'
picknick any more.

56: Remember This Bastard!!?

This is one of my best rooms and one of the only ones that really stuck
in my head from the moment I started making this game. It's kind of
like Forgotten Abbey but I would say a little easier, and the
difficulty is the only downfall this room has. It looks pretty much
how I wanted it to and plays like I imagined it would (which is always
a good thing). I won't tell you who the "Bastard" is you'll have to
play it and find out yourself. The item is pretty easy to get but
exiting from the right can be a little tricky, but it is possible.
UPDATE: Added 1 more fire block just to make things more annoying.

57: B2 The Cloning Room

This is a kind of continuation of the previous screen, it contains
another couple of characters some may be familiar with. If you are
familiar with them you'll get the joke behind this room and the
previous instantly. If not well I ain't sayin' it here. This room
turned out sort of how I wanted it, although I was a touch disappointed
because I ran out of everything apart from a Ramp which I didn't need.
I had to chop my original idea considerably, partially because of the
strict time limit I gave myself for this game and also because my
original idea was a bit far fetched and could not be achieved without
some minor hacking to say the least. I'll try and perfect it in the
Special Edition. I was gonna include the character from the previous
screen but decided against it at the last minute.

58: What Happens To The Rejects!

This room is pretty morbid, I have my clone sprites on a conveyor belt
travelling towards a large compressor ready to be squished, and lumps
of meat comin' from the other side of it from the shower of blood. It
looks pretty naff really but by JSW standards I think it holds it's
own, and I was quite pleased with it. It's similar in shape to the
toolshed. Also if you think this screen's a bit harsh, wait til' you
see my Rejects revisited screen. It reveals a little of what goes on
with the rejected clones, of course it's not drawn yet but I know what
it looks like (27/11/02). UPDATE: I altered the sprite of the press to
make it look slightly better, that's about it though.

58: B1 Disposal authorised persons only

My would be Back Door screen, similar shape yet almost completely
different (and harmless).

59: Fuckin' 'ell what's goin' on

This screen is to the left of the rejects screen, and it only gets
worse, there's a pipe with blood and meat squirting out of it, this
would be the beach if this was JSW 1....But it isn't. It's a Dead end
too but it's got an item, which has it's own little sick twist it's
supposed to be a divers watch hahaha (doesn't really look the part

60: B1: Research West

A lab in the same place as ballroom west, but baring very little
resemblance to it. The computers on the top level are passable but it
requires perfect jumping otherwise you'll die simple as that. I was
gonna put a conveyor on the top level but I thought it would make the
room as annoying as "The Forest of Suicides" from Abdan De Corcys'
"Willys' Afterlife" (Nice room but very frustrating). and I know I said
I was gonna make this final part of my trilogy very hard but really it
isn't at all so far (save for a few very unfriendly rooms).

61: B1: Research East

Probably my worst ever room I just had no real ideas for this room
(typed 29/11/02 under the influence of booze). I may improve it maybe
if I can be bothered. UPDATE: I improved it slightly.

62: B1 Service Corridor

Pretty bog standard room, nice colours and that's about it. No
guardians or nasties, I tried to give this room a Resident Evil
basement type feel as best as I could for a 2D speccy game hahaha. I
may add a trolley type guardian or 2 if I have enough blank sprite
spots once I've finished all my priority type rooms. UPDATE: Nuts I
added the trolley anyway.

63: Dark Times

A reasonably shitty room there's a certain method to doin' it, and if
you're tryin' to complete it and not just explorin' once you're up
you'll have to find another way down.

64: Hail to the Intel Men!

This is the last time I'm using my already overused contamination suit
sprite, so I decided to do it in style. this room shares major
similarities with Hero Worship. but instead of Willy it's my
contamination suit sprite. Which also happens to be Willys' sprite in
the set of rooms near to this one. You can enter at ground level on
either side or on the platforms, but like the screen before this (Dark
Times). once you're up you'll have to find another way down again.

65: B1 Office
This room has no moving guardians, 1 item and a million more of my
static computer sprites (I used these a lot because it adds to the feel
and they're bloody awkward to jump over). As like most of the rooms in
this part of the game I've recycled the computers almost as much as the
scientists and the contamination suit men. But it's supposed to be
bland like this, Level 01/00 and B1 are supposed to be clinically drab.

66: B1: Service Corridor 2

Practically identical to the first one, just wider and with a flashy
lightbulb (Which is also recycled).

67: B1: Hangar (Rejects Revisited)

This room is just pure story telling, it bares a link with the "What
happens to the Rejects!" screen. Pretty sick really but in a dark
comical sort of way, kind of like the film Bad Taste. The room itself
is pretty harmless, just about everything in there will kill you but
non of it's moving and the item is centimetres from the entrance. The
only way you'll die in this room is if you do it on purpose. and now
I've tied up this part of the map too thank fuck cos' it was starting
to go nowhere fast!

68: Level 02: Another Fuckin' Landin'

This room layout isn't particularly original these days and it's not
really hard either. Since I placed the items behind the guardians a la
"The Yacht/JSW1" I hoped that players over confidence will be their
undoing, since they will have to do this 4 times. I recycled my
security guard/policeman sprite here as it is appropriate for where the
top exit takes you.

69: Level 02: Bog

A bit like "The Garden/JSW2" But backwards, with toilets,more items,
and less space.

70: Level 02: Canteen

This room took me a little while to do, and relies more on visuals than
playability. I have some pretty basic room graphics going on in here,
and some very vivid colouring. The chef and his stove with pot/counter
is just 5 basic sprites slung together. the vertical guardians are
supposed to just be the workers from the research complex, who for some
reason see fit to jump up and down at ludicrous heights and attack you
with giant knives and forks. Well at least it's not the chef who's
attacking you this time :) UPDATE: I made a slight change to the sprite
for the vertical guardians the forks looked too square.

71: Level 03: Control Tower Power

I added my scientist sprites in this room but not the same ones, these
ones have a slight twist (literally) They're levitating and spinning
round all over the place. Dunno why I did this but it just seemed right,
and this room was another one that was supposed to be hard but isn't.
But much like all the others that turned out like this, it still seems
OK. Although when I've finished all my rooms I may go back and add more
guardians or speed up existing ones to make my rooms a little
72: B2: Damaged Chemical Silo
Contains more lab men but due to the silo being damaged they're all
dying, but in true kamakaze style they'll try to take you with them. A
pretty easy room though.


An almost carbon copy of Willys' lookout from JSW2, just with different
guardians, colour scheme, and only 1 conveyor. It's Slightly harder

74: Little Fluffy Clouds (Of Gas)

Almost a carbon copy of Sky Blue Pink from JSW2, same colour scheme as
the previous screen though and three guardians added over the holes.
The title was kind of inspired by the tune Little fluffy clouds by The
Orb and it kind of ties in with what this room was originally called.
UPDATE: I added 4 arrows to this room, doesn't make it much harder

74-5: The Waiting Room why not stay awhile...Why not stay FOREVER!!!
A 2 screen left to right multi death below the LOOKOUT and Clouds
rooms. Obviously they're linked left to right but since they're falling
multi death rooms you obviously can't go from left to right. I got the
idea for the title from the scroll in the waiting room on the original
Dizzy game.

76: You can dance if you want to

I stuck this room after the clouds of gas room, I had this room in my
mind ever since I drew my little man in top hat sprite, and almost 3
months later I finally put this room somewhere 03/12/02. I feel almost
compelled to apologise for this room and it's title the entire Idea is
based around a horrible 80's tune by Men Without Hats called "The
Safety Dance". It's one of those horrible tunes that you don't hear for
ages then it's on the radio once and it polutes your brain for months.
One of those tunes you hate, and you know it's crap but you can't stop
singing it and making rude variations on the words hahahaha.


One of my more surreal rooms, this is based on Potty pot plant from
JSW2, the title is a play on the screens original name. THERESA GREEN?
"Trees are Green" although there aren't actually any trees or anything
to do with trees on this screen. Unlike the room I based this on this
has no right hand side instead just a load of earth blocks with a would
be mosaic of Technician Ted in between them. Also had this have been
JSW2 "you can dance if you want to" would not exist at all and this
would be in it's place.

78: Level 04: Up, up, up I tells ya!

Since I'm starting to run low on everything I decided to go back to
good ol' JSW basics with this screen. Lots of fire blocks lots of
recycled guardians, and a few simple yet awkard jumps. Some will be
caught out by this screen some won't. Nuff said!!!

79: Level 05: Almost there!!!

Lots more recycled sprites, a pretty easy room really although the
arrow may get some people in here.

80: Roof: Observatory Control

Pretty crap, leading to a room I thought of while this game was just a

81: Roof: Where is this place?

I thought of this room, months ago. It didn't quite turn out exactly
how I expected but it's close enough. There's no immediate danger in
this room as I used the guardian sprites for effect rather than to kill
you. This screen is partially inspired by the sunset scene in Star
wars, and partially based on an idea I had simple as that...enjoy!


Oh dear! A very large cage and they want you in it. This isn't how I
planned this room to be at all, but it works ok I suppose.


This is pretty much how I planned you're nicked to look, but it
wouldn't have worked because you go to court after you get nicked.

83: Hmmm A spoon in a cell...

The skeleton from the smoking room makes a comeback holding a spoon
instead of a key. Spoon and cell equals digging nuff said!

84: He must've dug for years

Just a rocky looking ramp, made to look like a tunnel.

85: Shame he wasn't any good at it

Another passage type room looped left to right, and you can only leave
from the bottom of the screen. no guardians or nasties in here.

85: What did that prisoner find?

The end of the tunnel, and 2 ancient teleporters are present. one is
still buried one works. No guardians but the teleporters are built from
fire blocks, so don't jump at them.

86: The Great Desert

Just what it says, it's possible to go left but not leave from the
left. Fahrenheit 3000 creeps back in although this is only loosely
based on a screen from that game.

87: The Great Desert: Timebomb

The same as the previous screen, but with a very nasty twist. Another
F3000 inspired screen, this was called better be quick I think on the
original game. But I can't be bothered to check.

88: The Great Desert: Dunes

Another F3000 screen these and the previous ones although not strictly
copied from F3000 are inspired by it and if I'd never thought of my
abandoned side project, I'd never have converted the F3000 screens that
made up the earlier part of this game. But I had every intention of
adding the desert screens into this at a later stage just where it
appeared I'd completely gave up on my F3000 screens altogether.

89: The great desert: Sandtrap

Harmless unless you try to jump over the actual sandtrap the first ramp
is a downwards conveyor, the opposite ramp is made of fire blocks.
This screen was all about the effect and not the gameplay. UPDATE: I
stuck a static guardian on the right ramp in this room (It's supposed
to be a hand sticking out of the sand), just to make it impossible to
actually reach the ramp. This helps hide the fact I used the fire block
for the graphics too.
90: Under the great desert
This is pretty much the beginning of the end of the game, I intended
to make the last few screens of the game something to look at rather
than play. UPDATE: Changed the sprite slightly so it looks better. I
changed the room structure slightly and added a massive guardian to the
room, it doesn't really make it any harder but due to my memory
tweaking I can get the effect I originally was after.

91: Relics of a time forgotten

Is that an ancient spaceship? I think it could be, does it work? Jump
onboard to find out. The game is coming to a close within' the next
few screens, I suggest against holding right once you're on the
conveyor belt as it will mess the next screen up. I would've liked to
have avoided this but I've ran out of almost everything, sprite spaces
and guardian spaces so I had to fiddle a bit here.

92:AAAGGHH!!! I dunno how to fly it!

This screen although it's pretty simple and made up of various bits and
pieces providing you don't press right as you're tele'd into here
you'll get the desired effect, and even if you don't the screens'
looped until you hit the next teleporter. Willys' sprite is a blank so
nothin' kills you it's supposed to be a cut scene in a game invented
long before they were. UPDATE: Changed the sprite for the spaceship
because it was crap, I mean it was meant to look crap but it looked
too crap. It also beared too much of a resemblance to the ship from
Jasons Gem.


This and the screen before and after it are literally the screens that
love built, I can't really call them a cut scene but that's how I like
to think of them as. UPDATE: Changed the spaceship sprite in here as
well as the previous screen. Also as of 07/12/02 I rebuilt the room
entirely it looks the same but I swapped the blocks around so there's
nothing lethal anywhere near Willy.

94: Burnup on re-entry

This screen took me a while to do it looks pretty simple, but it took
quite a while. If you're one of these smart arses who scrutinises
everything jump by all means, the stars will kill you. Unfortunately I
made the stars with the fire block and I have no intention of changing
that, I was gonna be nice and use the earth block just so you couldn't
jump. But I decided I'd use fire instead, I don't want to hear any crap
about bugs in this room because there aren't any. I was originally
going to call this room "Willy lands the ship (without trying)", but I
thought it was pretty crap so I opted for the more obvious approach.

95: OUCH!
Heres where you gain full control again it's just a plain screen grass
stars the moon. Perfect romantic setting if you had a chick with you

96: No thankyou! Never Again!!!

To the left of "OUCH!" a conveyor moves right so as soon as you let go
of left you're out of they're, this is a storyteller screen nothin'
more nothin' less. Just put there to round up the whole effect of the
old spaceship.

97: Downhill and away from it all

Just a linker really. More grass,more stars, and the moon again.
That's it!

98: On the road again jus can't wait

Looking familiar looking close to home if you're here and you've got
all the items so far you've almost won. UPDATE: I put 6 arrows all
nicely timed apart from each other in here because there was nothing
to kill you in here originally.

99: t' get on the road again!

Follows on from the previous screen much of the same but the police
make a comeback in large numbers in this room. You'll be OK providing
you keep moving. The title of this room and the previous are inspired
by a quality tune by Willy Nelson.

100: Legal Front Street Teleporter

A joke at my own expense, no crackheads no evil in front. But there is
a bunch of fat policemen in pursuit keep moving and you'll be safe.
UPDATE: I removed 1 star (fire block) which interfered with jumping in
here, thing is you don't actually need to jump in here.

101: A chance to put things right

Go right of here first then left before you utilise this room, if maria
is there you haven't got all the items, Then you'll need to. I played a
dirty joke though the left teleporter takes you back to "EH?" and the
right takes you back to "Entrance to the inner sanctum". Basically if
you didn't pick up the alarm clock or the illegal teleporter key you're
fucked! UPDATE: I added a couple more platforms, that's it really. Oh
you might want to go down from here now as well.

102: Sleepy time

Just the master bedroom with a slight bit of cosmetic surgeory.

103: There's no place like home

The bathroom carbon copy style but with the JSW2 colours. and no
bollocks sprite. UPDATE: I added 5 guardians to this room, 3 skulls
(the one off the timebomb screen) and 2 arrows. Unfortunately I had to
change the wall back to yellow and blue so the arrows didn't kill you
when they hit them. So it's half JSW and half JSW2 colours now. I also
added the missing upper left exit.

104: Oh! You got the brickies in again!

A last minute addition, since I fiddled with the memory I can put this
and the rest of the rooms I was going to. The room above this had a
hole in the floor but I plugged it with a conveyor just to make it
look like it had been purposely filled in. But now it's not and this is
where it takes you. This room takes the place of first landing in the
actual mansion, but bares little similarity if any to the original

105: No Nightmares Now!

Would be "The Nightmare Room" in it's original form, but it is pretty
different here. The room shape is similar with the ramp to the left
still present but blocked off by a Danger sign I built with fire blocks
and 2 static guardians. The platforms have no vertical guardians
between them and the gaps are much wider, so basically all the jumps
are toenail snappers hahaha. This room took me a few hours to create,
but not because of the layout or the danger sign but because of the
rooms guardian which I intend to make unique to this room. It's a man
in a suit with 2 dogs heads, I got the idea from an old painting I saw
when I was younger (which a different version made from photographs was
present on an album cover which reminded me of the painting), and I put
one item under one of his noses literally.

106: My Karma ran over your Dogma!

Would have been "The Chapel" so I made it just as heretic as it was
originally. Now for a start the title it's pretty crap I suppose but I
can't remember where I heard it, a film a TV program or both I know
it's not a new saying or anything. I originally just called this room
Dogma, but it seemed a bit poo, so I opted for this quirky (yet
unoriginal) twist on it. Now that I think about it I think I actually
saw it outside a church on one of those ridiculous billboards they have
outside with all the religious propaganda on them.

107: Surrealistic wall hoppin' hero!

practically the same as the Dogma screen, but everything apart from the
ramp I placed in here and the actual wall is grey. I did this to make
it seem like everything was in the background. I think the effect kind
of worked.

108: Temporary First Landing

This room is one of my nastiest rooms yet, the graphics aren't
particularly amazing and neither is the actual layout. But it's enough
to make you cry anyway, using fire blocks and guardians to make a
really awkward room which requires almost pixel perfect jumping. The
guardian sprites are based on a drawing I did when I was about 12 or
13, which involved a man with a look of pain on his face unusually long
arms and upside down heads for feet. I wish I still had that drawing it
was horrible.

109: Scaffholding and Shit

This is a blank room guardian wise, I would use the linker excuse but
it only has one other exit than the one you enter from.

110: Very Small Hall

I hope this room makes people laugh, it's just the hall from JSW but
it's small, very very small. Even the guardians are small, I put this
here for a novelty really, even the item is a tiny Willy (oo-er).

111: Do I really need to name this?

Just a "Front Door" clone with stars and a moon.

112: The (Recycled) Security Guards

Another joke at my own expense, I used my security guard/policeman
sprite in here. It's almost the same as the original "security Guard"
screen in many ways. I left the left exit and the hole in the floor for
effect but they are actually unreachable.

113: You call this a drive?

Just the drive but with fire blocks on the floor and 2 men in
Sinclair C5's.

114: Lawrence Luellen Bowens' Curse..

A garden type screen, I found the title appropriate because of the new
look of the Garden screens, and quite frankly anything to do with
Lawrence Luellen Bowen is a curse the lank haired annoying twat.

115: The Magical teleporting Tree?

A screen with a big tree in it, I suppose since I had a garden I had to
have a tree but it's not the Mega tree. It's the Magical Teleporting
tree hahahaha The teleporter is quite well hidden near the top of the
tree, and takes you back to the seemingly unreachable conveyor belt in
the "My Karma ran over your Dogma" screen.

116: .......Pond with big frog

Just a looker and the final screen I worked on. It's a dead end but it
has an Item so you have to go there.

7: Legal stuff, Thanx and other stuff

Firstly thanks to Matthew Smith and software projects for all things
Miner Willy
Thanks to Tim Williams and Softstone Ltd/Firebird software for stolen
Harry Price. Anad/Firebird. S. Marsden, D. Cooke/Hewson and SEARCH for
stolen sprites.

This is Freeware don't sell it, or any part of it blah blah blah. Use
bits of it if you want but at least tell me about it if you're
going/want to.

Thanx to Mr. C My Official Playtester......

Still Stealin' the final episode of "The Down and Out Trilogy" BETA
finished 8.03am December 4th 2002. All rooms finished all rooms
documented. Additional tweaks, playtesting, and tidying to follow. It's
almost over hahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaahahahaaaahaahaha
UPDATE: I finished the game again, this time making some of the rooms a
bit more tricky adding more guardians, and speeding up some of the
vertical guardians. But I still felt the game was lacking something.
So I saved my newly finished version again as BETA 2
(11.30am 06/12/02). Then I shifted and used up some more memory, so I
could add the things I couldn't before.

After adding some of the rooms my previous versions memory wouldn't

allow me to this game is truly complete. The final Version of the final
part of "The Down and Out Trilogy" is finally finalised in the almost
final hours of 09/12/02 (9.32pm to be precise hahaha)I just have to
play all the way through it and make sure it's possible. Then it's over
It's finally over (until the Special Editions due 2003 but at least I
can take all the time in the world with them no promised deadlines no
stress). Oh! and finally, how many times is it possible to use the word
final in finalising a document.

I was gonna take a very long break from JSW editing once this was
entirely finished, but the sick thing is I've mapped out at least 5 new
rooms for a new game in my head. Am I addicted to this?

If I've missed anyone out let me know and you will be credited...unless
it's something ridiculous like I invented that particular conveyor
before MS wrote MM in which case, I'll hurl verbal abuse at you.

Hope you have as much fun (and frustrating moments) playing this as I
did making it!
DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! In the Dying days of 2002!!!


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