Jet Set Willy - Skint Willy

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Skint Willy


1: Usual crap
3: A bit of Idle banter
4: Story
5: Instructions
6: New rooms and changes
7: Legal stuff, Thanx and Other Stuff

1:Usual crap

JSW Skint Willy ver 0.6 (0.5 was not the final release but this
definately is)
By the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! BaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ 2002.
Based on the original concept by Matthew Smith.
Game from software projects 1984


3: A bit of Idle banter

After making Jet Set Willy the DrUnKeN mAsTeR I had a taste for
remaking this game again. The DrUnKeN mAsTeR was made using Paul
rhode's Jet Set Editor which is really good and I wouldn't have been
able to make the The DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! without it. But JSW-TDM was my
first attempt at converting this game and although finished and fully
playable still needs a little tweaking at the minute. although by the
time you've read this you might have already played it. The point of me
mentioning this is because JSW-TDM only took me 3 days to make and I
was really pleased with some of my rooms. I aquired a windows based
editor made by a man called John Elliot which is a sheer work of
genious, but after using the spectrum editor I have had to accustom
myself to using this I still try holding right shift and 7 to get a '
when I'm naming my rooms and there's still a few things I haven't
worked out. But the fun here is learning whilst using and I have had
fun believe me. For this game I used JSW 128 as my canvas. This is a
mish mash of 2 willy games rolled into 1 I think it's the original
(Matthew Smith) and Join the Jetset (Richard Hallas). Although this is
odd because the 2 games although there don't seem to join anytime
during gameplay and there appears to be no means of choosing between
the 2. But not to worry I don't really want any of Richard Hallas'
rooms anyway (sorry not for this game anyway) but I did want some of
his sprites (VERY good!). I decided to make this a Massive Willy
adventure (oo-er) containing tonnes of new screens and the whole
mansion with a new room or 2 but otherwise completely intact. I came up
with the Idea for my second Willy outing (pardon the pun) after I lost
the first game I'd started on using John Elliots editor. My first game
had some classy rooms (Such as Broken Dumb waiter and Poor Mans
Megaron) in as well which I will no doubt recreate and improve and fit
them into Skint Willy somewhere. I was a bit pissed off though when I
lost my first JSW 128 conversion but if I hadn't I never would have
came up with this idea. My first game The DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! was only
a 48k version of JSW and I ran out of screens. I would have liked to
add more rooms but I don't seem to be able to convert it to 128 without
it crashing I was going to make a Special Edition but I have other
things to do now. If you've played the DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!! already I
hope you enjoyed it and I hope you'll enjoy this just as much or even

DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!

4: Story

Willy woke from his uncomfortable booze induced sleep vomited on the
floor then reached for his bottle of Pulse Cider. It was empty "OH
Bollocks" shouted willy and rolled back over and drifted back to an
even more uncomfortable sleep. In his dreams he could see hazy visions
of the past, the wild parties, the drunken benders, and Maria his
unpleasant housekeeper. He was having his first good dream in ages
until the haze of nostalgic enjoyment drifted into a vivid image of
what happened to him. He began to recall how Maria left when he
couldn't afford to pay her, and he couldn't get a new housekeeper. He
remembered a rich rival he met on a holiday in Germany and how he
offered to help Willy out. Yes Willy had literally partied his fortune
down the pan, all his cars, most of his furniture and even his boat
were repossessed. His rival Hans Krauser offered to help Willy out and
promised to loan him the money to pay his bills and debts off, but
meanwhile Krauser had been to Willies now unemployed lawyer and his
estate agent and literally bought his mansion and all the contents from
underneath him. Willy remembered how he attacked Krauser at a party at
his own house when Krauser announced what he had done. He remembered
how Krauser handed him �1000 before his own security guards kicked him
out of his own house.He remembered sheer panic, it had been years since
he'd worked and he wasn't exactly young and healthy, and how he had to
rent a flat a few miles away from his mansion while he looked for a
job. He remembered the money running out and becoming homeless. He
remembered the first night in the rain, cold, wet and terrified where
his next penny (and meal for that matter) were coming from. He
remembered how he had no choice but to find refuge at the infamous
Hilltop Hostel. He remembered all the stories he heard about that place
, he remembered how parents kept their children away from that awful
hostel and how most who stayed there never got back on their feet again
. He remembered how the Landlady bore a striking resemblance to his
ex-housekeeper Maria, but of course it couldn't be, that unfaithful
bitch moved back into your mansion when Krauser bought it. He
remembered how he'd been at that god awful hostel for for nearly 2
years and how the landlady had threatened legal action against him as
he hadn't given her any of his Gyro for nearly 6-months. He woke
screaming cold sweat dripped from him and he felt awful. "This is it
the last straw I'm leaving" but where will I go he thought. Anywhere
but here though he thought to himself I'll leave at night so I can make
my escape from this hostel. Either that or I'm gonna kill myself at
this rate I'll get that fat bitch her money and my fortune back and
maybe even revenge on that sneaky German. But I've only got a day to do
it he thought unfortunately he fell back asleep and didn't wake til'
morning. He crept to the bathroom and drank his last bottle of cheap
cider from his stash then once again in a drunken stupor he was ready
for action until he tripped and fell into the bath.
This is it for Willy his last chance to make it back to the top can you
help Willy escape from the prison like Hilltop Hostel and regain his
fortune. It won't be easy though, although anything which looks
valuable will fetch some cash. Then there's the matter of getting back
to your mansion it'll take days to walk there and you only have one
then there's no way you can approach the mansion from the front, and
the beach at the back is a private beach so you couldn't even sail
there. but the back door is your only hope for getting back into your

Basically can you guide Willy from the Hostel back to his mansion and
collect all the items then make it back to the Hostel to pay your debts
off sounds easy don't be silly it's fuckin' rock.

5: Instructions

If your emulator supports a stick you can use that.

Otherwise use O,P and SPACE for left,right and jump.
a-g pauses h-Return/enter toggles music on/off and unpauses

collect all the flashing items from the rooms before the time runs out.

6: New rooms and changes


First of all the title screen

I changed 1 screen to say SKINT instead of JET SET And removed the
software projects impossible shape. I removed the impossible shape but
didn't change the writing on the 2nd, and I left the 3rd intact. so it
all flashes and mudges together in a fit inducing shower of crapness.

The worst toilet in the world

The game starts here. and although it appears familier it's a new room
altogether. I got the idea for the name from the worst toilet in
Scotland scene from Irvine Welshes Trainspotting film.

Cramped conditions

This room is supposed to show the appalling state of the hostel and how
drunk willy is I messed with the sprite for this room so as you walk to
the left you kind of hop along. This makes it harder to judge getting
past the drunk (just a green Willy sprite) with the chandelier over his

The Cruel Landlady

This is a continuation of Cramped conditions and also the room which

takes the place of the master bedroom.

To the roof

A crap screen really just for linking a few screens together.

The Landladies office and bedroom

I had originally intended this to look like it had an onsuite bathroom
but the positions of the letters in the title make it look like the
toilet is her office, which although accidental I'm glad I did.

It's still a long way to the top

Don't take the title too literally you can climb the chimney but the
little chimney pots are there to kill you you can jump past them if you
position it right but you'll only die anyway.

A bit silly really aren't you!

There's nothing here and I purposely conflicted everything with each

other and time bomb style this room is rigged to reset the game never
mind kill you. I put this here cos' I'm a dispicable bastard.

Delirium Tremens

Dedicated to the drunk fellas you see on street corners who are so
mashed up on booze and who knows what else.

You can still turn back

The start of a ruthless 3 screen multiple death and the title is there
as a hint but if you're like me you have to throw yourself off when
situations like this pop up in any game. I just can't help myself.
I can't be bothered to explain the 3 screens which come after this so
if you really want to know you'll have to go throw yourself off if you
haven't already. But the beauty of emulators is you can save it before
you jump.

This is getting like strangeways

One of my screens with a slightly contraversial title all that's here

is a roof with a few slates missing hence the name.

Swing to freedom!!!

Do what it says and you should be fine.


An almost completely blank screen you fall through this screen if you
don't swing to freedom. It's only here to try and keep the map as it
should be.


Just what people would say if you really swung from a roof onto a tree
this is where you end up after Swing to freedom! unless you fall.

You shouldn't really be here

This is a screen that you'll never see or get to but even if you did
you'd fall and die because it's blank just to fill a gap in the map
and keep the rooms in order.

The infested tree

A tree that's infested is just what it is. The nasties are supposed to
be caterpillars or grubs or something like that.

It STINKS in here!!!

Just to pad the map out but it probably would stink inside a rotten

The bottom of that rancid tree

This is just a linker really 3 ways to go from here as you can't go

back up through the tree.

<--------To the Hilltop Hostel

A very easy map filler watch the sign though it's got bad bits in it.
Although by gaming standards it's bad anyway it's a right state.

The real Entrance to Hades

A bad joke on my behalf This is just the front of the Hostel you can't
get in that way though so you'll have to seek an alternative route. I
put an item in this room though so you have to visit it.

The root of all evil(sorry!)

Here to pad the map out and with a really bad joke as well this is
under that rancid tree.

What is this mysterious corridor

Another map padder but no doubt you will guess that this is leading you

Entrance to the sewers

Ripped off from the sewers in JSW 2 I wouldn't have made it look like
this if I'd never played JSW 2. It doesn't really look the same but you
can see the influences.

In deep shit Literally!

Just the sewer screen flipped and modified so you can get back to the
worst toilet in the world. This game has too many one way situations.
But that's what makes the challenge.

Watch your step!!!

I put this here to finish off the sewer screens It has a big hole in
the floor don't fall down it unless you're an explorer and you really
want to know what's down there. Don't read any further if you don't
want to know.

You didn't though did you

Follows on from watch your step if you fall down the hole.

Does this seem familiar?

This is just a map padder and almost blank save the walls. follows on
from you didn't though did you.

Stinkin' water

Like Dinkin' vater on JSW 2 but with green sewer water that has poo
floating around in it. This is at the bottom of the 3 screens mentioned
above. I'm really getting into these falling multiple deaths they're so
annoying. I was going to put a dead body in the water but I ran out of
icons and the guardian messed the room up (not that it really matters).

A rovin' I will go

Since I decided to put a few rural style screens before Willy makes it
to the city I thought I'd take the piss out of folk singers by putting
this here. I probably would've named it something different though if
it wasn't for The Folkie in the Viz Comic.

I'm free to do what I want

This is another grassy type screen with a load of guardians in just to

confuse you. I'll explain the title with the next screen.

Any old time

This is a simple screen with a few platforms one guardian and an item,
which is supposed to be a 5 pound note. The title follows on from the
screen before and between the 2 screens you can make up a whole line
from that ridiculous Soup Dragons song from 1990 (at which time I would
still be trying to convince people that spectrums were still good even
though there were NES', Master systems and A500's).

On the way to the city

This is one of the plainest most simple, boring screens I have ever
made. Oh well it's just to make the journey seem longer than it really


This is sheer bad gaming. This room is bare save for some clouds I made
and a handrail constructed of everything that doesn't kill you. I made
a sprite of willy on a skateboard which has little or no animation and
when you turn left he jerks about I've got a frame or 2 mixed up I'll
fix it when I've finished the layout. I got the inspiration for this
screen from all those eXtreme sports games that are out there for the
PS2 and stuff. This is a good screen for JSW fans who also like skatin'
they can relate to it and laugh at it's crapness. I have now fixed the
dodgy sprite(9/3/2002 this is written brit style D/M/Y).


Just a screen to let you know you've finally reached town and the
search for cash and getting back to your mansion have truly begun.

Dark alleyway

Every city has 1 or 2..................hundred that you wouldn't walk

down so here you have it. The nasties are supposed to be hyperdermic
needles and the items are supposed to be little bags of gear.

The dope dealer

Pretty similar to Dark Alleyway! But this screen has more bags of shit
in it and one of those things from the Macaroni Ted screen that you
can't jump over. This represents Willy stealing gear from a dealer to
sell. Well he is homeless and trying to make his fortune back afterall.


Obviously not a dead end, but it always is in the movies. Just a

linker really.

The Crackhouse

No items in here but you will need to go through here to get at the
items in the next room. The nasties are supposed to be glass pipes.

Killer Junkies

Stacks of drugs to be had here. but the guardians in here are a bit
nasty hence the name. I got the idea for the name from 2 things the
actual Killer Junkies in Max Payne and the Spanked Up Madmen in GTA3.

Up the fire escape

The start of yet another one-way type situation Willy really is going
to have a shit of a time getting back to the Hostel once he's got all
the items. I only put the guardians in this and the next room to hide
how boring they really are.

I'm sick of climbing buildings

Just a map padder and me having a joke at my own expense, unlike some
I do have a sense of humour :)

Rooftop Cowboy

A very very boring map padder. Nothing here at all.

Leap of faith

A pretty straightforward screen 1 guardian to jump over and a big hole

another case of map padding. These screens may seem dull but they are
just a way of making the map correct and they lead you to the good

Not another Multi-Death!

This is where you end up if you don't make the leap of faith. It's
minimalistic save for a fire icon which I made look like a dead bird.
I think that's all that's needed to give this room character. but if
you want to look at it you'll have to drop down and you'll lose all
your lives.

A little bit more roof hoppin'

Another crap screen with not much goin' on but not to worry it's all
leading back to the house. Ha kinda makes it sound like a horror

Once again you ain't comin' back

Another Multi-Death screen practically the same as Not another

Multi-Death but instead of a dead pigeon it has a body.

Time to get down

A screen which will finally get you off that god awful roof. I put a
load of guardians in here(there's only one that can actually get you
unless you purposely jump at them) and I like my flag pole effect even
though it's been done before.

Top of the projects

No prizes for guessing which show I got the idea for the name from.
This is really just a screen to link a few others together. But if your
here in the game things will be getting interesting very soon!
I used word projects because of where Willy is, and because there's a
few of those old blocks of flats near where I live. You can't actually
go left although it looks like you can. What looks like a door is in
fact the fire icon, I can be very sneaky sometimes.

Not the best flat

Based on all those horrid little flats your friends get when they're
like 17 or something. The ones they live in for about a month then move
back in with their parents.

Worse than Molineux court

Just like top of the projects an awful colour just a linker. I based
the title on a one of those blocks of flats I mentioned. Molineux court
is a rancid tower block where one of my friends used to live. A proper
dive fortunately he lived on the ground floor so it wasn't that bad,
but it's one of those projects where the lifts stink of piss there's
prossers phone numbers on the walls and drunk blokes sleeping on the

Worlds worst tennants

A pretty bare room apart from a few guardians and an item, crap really.

Student Accomodation

This although quite simple took me a while to do. I like it cos' it's
the sort of thing a bloody student would do. Note the mingin' wallpaper
and minimal furnishings all true traits of a student flat. Update: I
had to ditch the wallpaper the game didn't like it

How close to ground level U R

I remembered a line from an old stereo MCs tune and that I'd name this
room that instead of just ground level or ground floor. This screen Is
practically the same as the Molineux Court room above it in fact it is
just with a different guardian.
Neighbours from Hell

This is quite bog standard. A few items and platforms and not much
really going on. Quite an ironic name as 2 of the guardians are

The exit but you're not leaving

A Willy sprite blocks the exit. and there's a dead man on the floor
and an item which is meant to be a gun, but I don't really convince
myself with that one.

The Basement

Just another boring link screen.

Willy Nightmare(Lazy Jones Trip)

I deleted this room in the end it just wouldn't work no matter what I
did it just killed you over and over I checked the attributes and that
the sprites weren't clashing over and over but just couldn't salvage
it (it happened after I put teleporters in there).
This is what I originally wrote.
I just put this here for fun. It's got no items in and apart from
the guardians it's bare you can't even see the floor or walls. I
would've liked to have made it more like lazy Nightmare but I've ran
out of space to make more guardians and editing the existing ones will
mess my other rooms up. Plus they'd all conflict with each other and
you'd die when you walked into the room. I had to change this room
the game went mad.

In the lab of Seth Brundle

Save the guardian and the items this looks like it came off a Z80.
There's not much colour but there's method behind the madness. The
sprite took me a little while. It's just a Willy sprite with 4 frames
of animation but I animated it jerky so he looks crazy That big bulb
type thing on his shoulders is supposed to be a flys head. The telepods
I built do work although like the film not very well I took influences
from the original and the Hollywood versions of the fly for this room.

What's happening to me(WILLYFLY)

A continuation screen just to seal the fly gag. I changed willys sprite
so his heads the same but he has a flys body. Once again another mix of
influences from both versions of the fly. The willy sprite is based on
that little freaky fly that screams help me at the end of the original,
the telepods are from the remake, and the title is influenced by the
remake when Seth realises he's becoming Brundlefly.

Now remember you can't swim

This is just a screen to finish off the 2 that follow it I used Richard
Hallas' (with his permission of course) blue fish sprite to keep the
room from looking too bare. I made the sea out of a conveyer (I don't
recall if I just cut and pasted this or if I made it myself) to give
the sea a little animation. Don't try walking on this it has fire icons
hidden under it. Well the room is called Remember you can't swim.

A pretty dull gag playing off stereotypes This is where the WILLYFLY
telepod drops you off. I know it's not really funny putting a sub in
the docks instead of a boat just because Willys rival happens to be
German and the writing on the sub looks like it says US but the next
screen follows on with another sinister stereotype. but well here it is

New boat U boat

Ho Ho well here it is, the continuation of DAS BOOT! where the S off
the previous screen actually reveals it was a 5 followed by a 7 and a
1. What does it spell U571 sorry but I just couldn't help myself.This
and the previous screen replace The bow and The Yacht.

What's Krauser done to my beach!

Just the beach with a facelift once again don't step onto the conveyer.

Back Door.....YES!

Nothing different just the title. I added the yes to indicate Willys
euphoria at getting back to the mansion.

I'm gonna miss that elephant

This plain boring room replaces Dr Jones will never believe this


Emergency Generator with an overhaul. Not many changes I just made it

flash and changed the nasties and willy's sprite.

The Attic Remix 2K2

I didn't make many changes here I moved the caterpillar to the right
and added some bears with a vertical displacement, and a few items.
The title stems from all those crap cheesy albums that have titles
like this.

This is not my freezer

Just the cold store without the rope and a few new platforms.

Ah! My beautiful bathroom ruined

No guessing what this room used to be called I shifted the toilet which
will kill you now and the stairs and stuff.

The pillow doesn't kill you now!

Just the master bedroom with no nasties or guardians. Aren't I kind!

No not really though cos' it's not Willys bedroom anymore.

Corde en Bleu Killers

I don't know if I spelled that right but this is the kitchen made
slightly harder I added 4 more guardians and cut the sizes of the
platforms dramatically.

Riders on the Stove

This used to be west of Kitchen just like the kitchen I added 4 more
guardians and cut the length of the platforms, I also changed the
position of the conveyor. The title is bad I know but it's cheesy gags
like this that make these games such fun.

At the foot of the MegaStump

Oh dear Willy's tree isn't what it used to be and I'm sure some players
will be pleased about that.

Now I'm mad He cut my tree down

Willy's obvious disgust at Krausers disregard for nature. I decided to

make the whole tree thing about 3 screens long. Cos' after all it was
the Mega Tree.

Well the tree fixed the bridge

A perfect excuse to get rid of the bridge.

Out on a limb (sideways)

This is almost the same but sideways I tried to recreate this room but
slightly different I just hope it worked.

Imbibe Die Lager-Bier

Another slur on my behalf I thought it was reasonably amusing. Other

than that there's not much different. It's just the Off-license really.

Hired Mentalists

The Security guard with a minor facelift. Different guardians and one
of the gaps widened.

Slightly fucked up Top Landing

Exactly what the title says It's the top landing but slightly fucked up
no new guardians just slightly fucked up and an exit in the ceiling.

The New Studio of Magma Video

I used a spare screen to make this since JSW 128 comes with a version
of Macaroni Ted it fucks the map up. So the Bathroom still has the
chapel under it and Top landing has First landing under it. but
the bathroom and top landing have macaronui ted between them and this
fucks the map. So rather than trying to remake the library from JSW 2 I
decided to take a more sinister approach. Since Willys rival is German.
I based the title around a really horrible porn I saw when I was about
16 released on a German label called Magma video. So I added this room
for a laugh. The sprites are very rough but I don't care the rough look
of them captures the comedy if you ask me. For those who are naive The
first couple of sprites are 2 people shaggin' and the second is
supposed to be a camera man.
The Fluffers

This is just a continuation of the magma video screen. It's just

getting dirty now so I killed the joke with this screen.

Ring the bell baby

Just up on the battlements with different guardians and title simple

as that.

Do the Quazzi rock yo!

Same principal as ring the bell baby just I'm sure I've seen this
before with different guardians and title.

Poor Mans Megaron

Just what it says a lesser version of the JSW2 room (which wasn't a
technical masterpiece anyway now that I think back).

Haven't caught the camel yet

This isn't much to write home about. It's a joke based on the [ room
from JSW2

Dancin' Freaks

I put a lot of myself into this room cos' I love the breakin'. It's
really just another map padder so I tried to give you something to look
at. When you exit The Chapel from the bottom you end up here now
instead of ballroom west. Although this screen is between the 2
ballroom screens hence dancin' Freaks.

Broken Dumb waiter

Another poor remake of a JSW2 room on my behalf. Still it keeps the map
how it should be so I'm not worrying much about it.

The Butchers

This is quite a naff screen really, it's not got much in it but it's
just there to make thing seem a little bit longer.

The Bakers

A lot going on here compared to the screen before it, but still nothing
that will challenge a crap player never mind a pro. The title hmm I
suppose by now you'll have worked out where this is going.

The candlestick makers

Wayhey this screen wasn't predictable. It's quite easy but could get a
beginner a bit wound up. No new guardians or anything really.

The end of the road

Comes after the candlestick makers just to pad the map out a bit and to
get away from having to think of any more nursery rhyme related shops.
This is quite plain really no items and practically harmless.
The School Field.

Although very simple I like this screen, but in effect it's just
another time waster.

The Caretakers (BRODIE) House

Based on the caretakers house at my primary school. That's going back a

few years ah nostalgia, oop sorry anyway there's not much here really
apart from the house. The item is meant to be an old fashioned
doorbell. But what sinister secrets lie beneath Brodies garden?

I don't like the look of this!

Neither would I if I was Willy this room looks suspiciously like a mine
shaft. There's no going back once you've dropped down here, so you'll
have to find another way out. The items are supposed to be hard hats
but they don't really look like they're supposed to.UPDATE: I changed
the look of this room to be similar to the central cavern. The items
are now keys

The Central Cavern

Willy's nightmare has come true he's stuck down that mine again. This
is practically the same as the Manic Miner original. Although I just
slightly modified the one which came with JSW 128. I'm glad for this
screen being here already as I lost 5 screens before it and the 1 after
and had to redo them.

Hm! A lot seems to have caved in!

I put this here so I wouldn't have to rebuild The Cold Room. It's just
a corridor leading to the next room, but don't jump though.

Ah Yes! It's all coming back!

I widened the corridor here so you can jump. The single guardian is one
of the ducks from the Menagerie in MM. The single item is an MM key, I
just had to put a reference to the screen this would replace if it was

Oh I remember this!

Another reference to MM it has the 2 seals from the abandoned uranium

workings and I built the room to have a similar shape but not quite the

No! Not Eugene's Lair

That's exactly what this room is though. When I saw the MM rooms in the
list of available rooms I had to keep them, cos' they're spot on. I
added the rest of the items to this room as there was only one in here.

Ding 'a' fuckin' ling

This would be the belfry if this was JSW2 but I thought I'd take the
nasty offensive sarcastic approach with this room in it's place. This
room is just an excuse to round the map off.
Andre's secret underground lab

This is another fly related room using the telepod from the original
film rather than the hollywood version. The name Andre I think was the
name of the professor in the original fly so that's where I got the
name from. It has nothing to do with Andre's night off.

A lot of rooms aren't mentioned here but these are the rooms I haven't
made any changes to.
No bug in conservative roof.
Auto collect fixed in swimming pool
Slight change to under the drive as it appeared to be impossible to get
past the blue face.
I made a slight change to Nomen Luni and the nightmare room in this
version. First off I chnged Nomen Luni because I somehow made it
impossible to cross and I changed the Nightmare Room because I realized
I'd left Willy's sprite as the pig and I didn't want this at all.
Other than that there were no actual bugs in version 0.5 but I fixed it

7: Legal stuff, Thanx and Other Things

You all should know the rules of FREEWARE by now, but for those who
don't, copy this and feel free to use any part of it and distribute it
freely. But don't sell it or any part of it as a single unit or as part
of a package without mine and the original programmers permission.

If you like this and want to use any of my graphics or rooms feel free
to but it would be nice if you asked first or at least told me what you
were using :)

Thanx to:

Paul Rhodes whose Editor I used to make this.

John Elliot whose Editor I also used to make this, and for JSW 128
which I used as a canvas for this version.
Richard G Hallas for giving me his permission to use his sprites,
graphics etc.
Soa1000 who put me right on compatibility issues with rar files with my
previous game. I might never have known about this and probably would
have posted this game as a rar instead of a zip.
And once again all the other JSW authors out there who continue to
inspire me with new ideas.
Everyone whose ever written a JSW especially king Matt whom without non
of the JSW games would be possible.
Mr C for playtesting my last game and no-doubt this one when the e-mail
Thanx to Manhattens for nice pizza, Abduls for nice curry, Gills for
nice souvalakis and Discount wine store for selling their beer and
stuff cheap.
Thanks to Independant food services for making White Storm the cheapest
nastiest chemical cider in the world (of which an apple was once waved
over the barrel, get's you pissed up though).

Thanx to these bands for tunes to ease the torture of constant

playtesting and debugging:
Beatles, Nirvana, Cypress Hill, Voodoo Glow Skulls, The Alkoholics,
Dropkick Murhpy's, The Hives, Godsmack, Fugazi, The Pharcyde, Onyx,
Tricky, and loads more who I don't even like or can't think of at the
min. The Radio suckz!

If I've missed anyone out sorry tell me about it and I'll include you.

Slaves to the little man in the hat. Keep on writin'

So Far so dodgy.................................................Laterz!

DrUnKeN mAsTeR!!!

>E-Mail at:

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