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| Jet Set Willy: Mind Control |

| by Daniel Gromann and Sendy (Alex Cornhill) |
| December 2005 |


This file describes how to complete the game "Jet Set Willy: Mind Control". It
presents The Optimal Route to take, and gives step-by-step instructions about what
the player should (or shouldn't) do.



Reading this file may spoil your pleasure if you prefer to solve puzzles and
overcome obstacles in JSW games all by yourself. In such case, please do not read
it. Otherwise, if you want to finish the game efficiently, or you get stuck and
need help, use the instructions which follow. And if you still have a problem which
is not covered here, e-mail and you will soon receive a reply
with the solution.


The Optimal Route below is presented with the understanding that it is a very
efficient way of completing the game, probably one of the most efficient ones. It
is not the only possibly way and, as you will certainly note while following it, it
could have alternative variants of equal efficiency. So perhaps it should really be
called "an optimal route". But, in any case, it is certain, it is efficient, and it
saves you from going round and round and following the same paths various times

The instructions below are presented with the understanding that you are striving
to complete the game without losing a single life - which is perfectly possible if
you save snapshots and go back every time you lose a life. Therefore some of the
instructions may be unnecessary if you are playing with the infinite lives POKE and
don't care whether or not you will get back safely after collecting an item, or if
you kamikaze items.

During the final playtest of the game before its release, carried out by following
The Optimal Route and saving/loading snapshots, "Jet Set Willy: Mind Control" was
completed without loss of life and with a toilet-time of 11.41am.


Following is The Optimal Route presented as a sequence of room-names, showing you

in what order you should be visiting the rooms. Every entrance and exit from each
room are recorded. This may be useful to players who want to take the most
efficient route, but at the same time want to struggle with the game challenges
without specific help. The route is divided to make it easier to read. The last
room-name in every section is also the first room-name in the next section - this
is just a repetition without any special meaning.


1. "The Marooning" - "Two Signs and a Vision" - "Coming Down" - "Sky Landing" -
"Coming Down" - "Two Signs and a Vision" - "Coming Down" - "Sky Landing" - "There's
an item in the clouds!!!" - "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain." - "There's an item in
the clouds!!!" - "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain."

Items collected so far: 8

2. "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain." - "He came from the sky..." - "Clouds over the
Plain. No Rain." - "Magic in a Quiet Countryside" - "A Ruined Lookout" - "The
countryside is turning dry" - "In the Sandhills" - "Outside the Castle Tower" -
"The N - Trance Hall"

Items collected so far: 11

3. "The N - Trance Hall" - "Climbing up the Castle Tower" - "On Top of the Castle
Tower" - "Climbing up the Castle Tower" - "On Top of the Castle Tower" - "A Glimpse
of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "On Top of the Castle Tower" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005
Megamix'" - "On Top of the Castle Tower" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "On
Top of the Castle Tower" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "On Top of the
Castle Tower" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "A Rope in the Sky?

Items collected so far: 18

4. "A Rope in the Sky? Impossible!!!" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "The
Most Secret of All Places" - "Climbing up the Castle Tower" - "On Top of the Castle
Tower" - "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" - "A Rope in the Sky? Impossible!!!" -
"So what, so what, so what?!" - "The N - Trance Hall"

Items collected so far: 24

5. "The N - Trance Hall" - "Outside the Castle Tower" - "In the Sandhills" - "The
countryside is turning dry" - "A Ruined Lookout" - "The Underground Torture
Chamber" - "A Ruined Lookout" - "Magic in a Quiet Countryside" - "Clouds over the
Plain. No Rain." - "He came from the sky..." - "... and wound up here!" - "He came
from the sky..." - "Promoter of Foolishness" - "Foolish, wasn't it?" - "But
Willy'll be lucky, will he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"

Items collected so far: 42


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" - "One-Way
Exit" - "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!" - "Secret Passage" - "The Frustration
Machine" - "Secret Passage" - "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!" - "Secret Passage"
- "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!" - "The THREE that got away" - "This looks like
Crusoe's Corner!" - "The THREE that got away" - "Everywhere but in the Water" -
"Back to Life, Back to Reality" - "Everywhere but in the Water" - "Back to Life,
Back to Reality" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky
bastard!!!" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"

Items collected so far: 67


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" - "A Doubly
Problematic Stairway" - "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 2" - "... nor this!!!" -
"Sendy will never believe this..." - "... nor this!!!" - "Sendy will never believe
this..." - "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" -
"Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"

Items collected so far: 77


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" - "A Doubly
Problematic Stairway" - "The Rugged Mountain Top" - "A Nightmarish Walk in the
Clouds" - "You've got ya head in the clouds" - "Promoter of Foolishness" -
"Foolish, wasn't it?" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky

Items collected so far: 80


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "Sendy will never believe this..." - "Wow!
It's so hot in here!!!" - "The heat has melted the snow" - "Snow Problem!!!" - "The
heat has melted the snow" - "Snow Problem!!!" - "Formerly a Start Point" -
"Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" - "Formerly a Start Point" - "Squggle,
sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" - "Formerly a Start Point" - "Squggle, sqiggle,
squigle, squiggle" - "The Frustration Machine" - "Platforms over Spikes... Typical"
- "Our survey said... swinging" - "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" - "Our
survey said... swinging" - "Take me to the Promised Land!" - "Our survey said...
swinging" - "Take me to the Promised Land!" - "Formerly a Start Point" "Take me to
the Promised Land!" - "Name something your Willy does" - "Take me to the Promised

Items collected so far: 110

2. "Take me to the Promised Land!" - "Name something your Willy does" - "The
Devil's Workshop" - "Invasion of Almost Willy Clones!" - "Take me to the Promised
Land!" - "Our survey said... swinging" - "Almost a Kitchen Clone!" - "Strange
Forestlike Corner" - "A Ruined Passage" - "The Large Slope" - "The Devil's
Workshop" - "The Large Slope" - "A Ruined Passage" - "Strange Forestlike Corner" -
"A Ruined Passage" - "The Large Slope" - "The Devil's Workshop" - "Invasion of
Almost Willy Clones!" - "Almost a Kitchen Clone!" - "Invasion of Almost Willy
Clones!" - "The Devil's Workshop" - "Name something your Willy does" - "Enigmatic
One-Way Passage" - "Volcano Eruption" - "Enigmatic One-Way Passage" - "Volcano
Eruption" - "Wow! It's so hot in here!!!"

Items collected so far: 128

3. "Wow! It's so hot in here!!!" - "The heat has melted the snow" - "Snow
Problem!!!" - "Formerly a Start Point" - "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" -
"The Frustration Machine" - "Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!" - "The Frustration
Machine" - "Platforms over Spikes... Typical" - "Crazy Milk Drink!" - "Platforms
over Spikes... Typical" - "The Elusive Passage" - "Almost a Kitchen Clone!" - "The
Elusive Passage" - "Almost a Kitchen Clone!" - "The Elusive Passage" - "The Elusive
Passage continues" - "Towards Your Destiny" - "Woody's Mincemeat Factory" -
"Entrance to More Tunnels" - "No use crying over spilled milk!"

Items collected so far: 148

4. "No use crying over spilled milk!" - "Road to the Milk Factory" - "No use crying
over spilled milk!" - "Crazy Milk Drink!" - "No use crying over spilled milk!" -
"Entrance to More Tunnels" - "No use crying over spilled milk!" - "Road to the Milk
Factory" - "End of the Road: Milk Factory" - "Road to the Milk Factory" - "End of
the Road: Milk Factory" - "How on earth did you get here ?!" - "More than it seems"
- "Climbing down the Mountain"

Items collected so far: 171

5. "Climbing down the Mountain" - "The Rugged Mountain Top" - "Climbing down the
Mountain" - "He came from the sky..." - "Promoter of Foolishness" - "Foolish,
wasn't it?" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"

Items collected so far: 174


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" - "Crazy
Milk Drink!" - "No use crying over spilled milk!" - "Is this milk really
boiling???" - "Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!" - "Is this milk really boiling???" -
"Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!" - "Crazy Milk Drink!" - "Platforms over Spikes...
Typical" - "Crazy Milk Drink!" - "Some Tunnels and What Not"

Items collected so far: 178

2. "Some Tunnels and What Not" - "The Elusive Passage" - "Some Tunnels and What
Not" - "The Elusive Passage" - "Almost the Kitchen Clone!" - "The Elusive Passage"
- "Some Tunnels and What Not" - "The Elusive Passage" - "The Elusive Passage
continues" - "Towards Your Destiny" - "Woody's Mincemeat Factory" - "A Decrepit

Items collected so far: 185


1. "A Decrepit Passageway" - "The Room that goes 'Bang!'" - "A Decrepit Passageway"
- "The Room that goes 'Bang!'" - "Rope Defect" - "The Underground Pyramid" - "Just
yer average room, really" - "Source of the Underground River" - "Just yer average
room, really" - "Source of the Underground River" - "The Underground River" -
"Dangerous Rapids" - "The Underground Waterfall" - "The Room that goes 'Bang!'"

Items collected so far: 200

2. "The Room that goes 'Bang!'" - "Rope Defect" - "The Underground Pyramid" - "Just
yer average room, really" - "Scary Dungeon" - "Just yer average room, really" -
"Skylab Recuperation Bay" - "The Dark-Blue Tunnel" - "The Light-Blue Tunnel" - "The
Dark-Blue Tunnel" - "The Light-Blue Tunnel" - "The Dark-Blue Tunnel" - "The Light-
Blue Tunnel" - "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" - "The Light-Blue Tunnel" - "Failed
Suicide Attempt Vol. 1" - "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 2" - "Failed Suicide Attempt
Vol. 1" - "The Light-Blue Tunnel" - "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" - "Failed
Suicide Attempt Vol. 2" - "The Teleporter"

Items collected so far: 214

3. "The Teleporter" - "... nor this!!!" - "How on earth did you get here ?!" - "The
Haunted Log Cabin" - "The Underground Torture Chamber" - "The Haunted Log Cabin" -
"The Underground Torture Chamber" - "A Ruined Lookout" - "Magic in a Quiet
Countryside" - "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain." - "He came from the sky..." -
"Promoter of Foolishness" - "Foolish, wasn't it?" - "But Willy'll be lucky, will
he?" - "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"

Items collected so far: 222


1. "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" - "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" - "Rope
Defect" - "One-Way Exit" - "Entrance to the House" - "Down in the Basement" - "Baby
Steps' Evil Twin" - "Dream Bedroom" - "The Hall needs no decorating now" - "Kitchen
Appliances" - "The Pool Table"

Items collected so far: 233

2. "The Pool Table" - "Playing with Yourself" - "A Little room with a View" -
"Playing with Yourself" - "The Teleporter" - "... nor this!!!" - "Sendy will never
believe this..." - "Playing with Yourself" - "The Pool Table" - "Playing with
Yourself" - "The Pool Table"

Items collected so far: 249

3. "The Pool Table" - "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" - "A Little Room with a
View" - "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" - "A Little Room with a View" - "Playing
with Yourself" - "The Pool Table" - "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" - "A Little
Room next to the Clouds" - "High in the Sky" - "Under the Launching Pad" - "The
Launching Pad" - "Entrance to the Launching Pad"

Items collected so far: 255


1. "Entrance to the Launching Pad" - "High in the Sky" - "Entrance to the Launching
Pad" - "The Launching Pad"

Items collected: 256 - Start of the final sequence


Part I

You start in "The Marooning". Go down into "Two Signs and a Vision", and then to
the right, through "Coming Down". When you get to "Sky Landing", turn back left and
keep walking, until you emerge on the left-hand side of "Coming Down". Jump through
the ramp and over the green, flowerlike metal trap, and collect the item in "Two
Signs and a Vision". Then go back to "Sky Landing" and make your way to the right-
hand side of the room.
When jumping over the third sun, start the jump not from the edge of the platform,
but from as far back as you can (without standing on the ramp). When passing the
fourth sun, jump below it, when it goes up.

From the edge of "Sky Landing" (or the second-from-the-right ledge) drop down into
"There's an item in the clouds!!!". When you reach "Clouds over the Plain. No
Rain.", do NOT drop down from the rope, but instead walk back up (using the "Right"
key) and collect the item in "There's an item in the clouds!!!" (which you didn't
see before, when you were falling). Then go back down to "Clouds over the Plain. No
Rain.", drop down from the rope onto the cloud below (using the "Left" key), jump
up to collect the item, and then drop down to the ground on the right.

By this time you should have collected 8 items.


Jump left from "He came from the sky..." into "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain.". Be
careful, you can fall into a multiple-death scenario if you don't get it right!
Pass "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain." and "Magic in a Quiet Countryside", going
left. In the latter room the arrow will collect the item for you (see, it's
magic!). Keep walking to the left, collect the two upper items in "A Ruined
Lookout". Do NOT try to collect the lower item on the right - it's a trap (a fake

Continue going to the left, pass "The countryside is turning dry". It may seem
difficult, but it's not that hard. Start jumping to the left when the dog is just
about to turn to come your way for the third time since you entered the room.

Continue to the left, pass "In the Sandhills". It will probably require some trial-
and-error tactics, but it's doable. Remember that being inside a hill protects you
from the arrows, that you have to jump OVER the red flower on top of the central
hill, and that then you have to jump INTO the leftmost hill (that is, land at the
very edge of the conveyor) and, when you are inside it, jump up to reach its top.

Keep going left through "Outside the Castle Tower", enter "The N - Trance Hall".
Jumping over the cyan guardian and passing below the grille may be a tricky
manoeuvre - watch the guardians and wait until they are in the right position.

In "The N - Trance Hall" ignore the item at the bottom (you cannot collect it at
this time), and negotiate your way to the exit at the upper left. Be glad you're
not playing "Where's Woody?", where Sendy made these platforms invisible!

By this time you should have collected 11 items.


Collect the lower item in "Climbing up the Castle Tower". Do NOT try to collect the
upper item - you'll only get killed. Exit upwards into "On Top of the Castle
Go to the right, drop down at the edge and collect the upper item in "Climbing up
the Castle Tower". Go back up to "On Top of the Castle Tower" and collect the three
items on the right side of the room. It may seem difficult (it's Andrew Broad's
design!), but after some practice it's possible to achieve without losing a life.

Exit at the upper left into "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'". Jump onto the tower
so that you land INSIDE the Earth-cell on the right-hand side on top of the tower.
Then you can turn right and drop down safely onto the ramp. Go down and jump over
the slow-moving guardian. It is a very difficult jump, which probably has to be
pixel-perfect, because you have to jump over the guardian VERTICALLY, WHILE
STANDING STILL, obviously with your legs together. When you are on the other side
of the guardian, close to the exit, jump to the right. This jump should carry you
to the ledge on which the leftmost item in "On Top of the Castle Tower" is sitting.

After collecting the item, WALK back into "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'", turn
right immediately and walk out of the room. Be careful not to go too far, because
you will get killed by the Fire-cell. You should now be inside the wall in "On Top
of the Castle Tower", with two layers of Earth-cells under you.

Turn left and BEFORE leaving the room JUMP to the left. This jump should carry you
safely over the magenta, slow-moving guardian in "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005
Megamix'". Turn right and jump over the guardian, so as to exit the room to the
right, but this time jump WHILE MOVING to the right. After this jump, you should
find yourself inside the wall in "On Top of the Castle Tower" again, but this time
with only one layer of Earth-cells under you.

Turn left and WALK back into "A Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'". When you get
there, turn right and BEFORE leaving the room JUMP to the right. This jump should
carry you safely over the leftmost Fire-cell in "On Top of the Castle Tower". Go
through "On Top of the Castle Tower" again, so as to exit at the upper left into "A
Glimpse of 'JSW: 2005 Megamix'" for the second time.

Jump onto the top of the tower again (this time any way you want) and collect the
item. Then jump up vertically into "A Rope in the Sky? Impossible!!!".

By this time you should have collected 18 items.


Jump onto the rope and collect the item by jumping from the rope and landing again
on the rope. It can be done in either direction. Be careful, because if you fall
down in this room, it's a multiple-death scenario below!

Save a snapshot (oh, yes, do!) and then try to jump left from the rope so that
after falling into the room below you continue falling and pass in-between the red,
leftmost guardian and the clouds. Willy's position should be: facing to the left,
and with his legs not together, but not outstretched either (from now on it will be
called the "middle position" of the legs). You will probably have to apply the
trial-and-error method to get the jump right, that's why saving a snapshot before
trying is essential.

After a successful jump, you will land safely on the rope in "The Most Secret of
All Places". Climb down from the rope using the "Left" key first - but be careful
not to fall down - and then jumping to the right (or rather walking to the right
holding the "Jump" key). On the platform above the yellow, motionless guardian jump
to the left through the overhead innocent-looking block, so as to land safely to
the left of the yellow, motionless guardian (falling down for what seems to be over
six blocks!).
Go down and collect the leftmost item. Jump right and up, so that you are four
Earth-cells above the ground, and then jump left onto the ledge by the wall. Jump
left and walk out of the room.

After entering "The Most Secret of All Places" from the right, go down and proceed
(over the burning fire) to collect the middle item. After collecting it you have to
jump over the magenta guardian from the "legs-together" position. Go back, and when
you have passed the fire below and the cross above, at the edge of the conveyor,
you have to make an awkward jump which requires you to suddenly stop dead and jump
straight up. This will put you on the right-hand side of the cross, and from there
you can jump to the right and proceed to collect the upper item. After that, exit
the room to the right, into "Climbing up the Castle Tower".

Once there, repeat your way back to the rope in "A Rope in the Sky? Impossible!!!"
and this time climb up the rope into the room above - "So what, so what, so
what?!". Go up and collect the item. After jumping up into the room above, watch
out for the guardians coming down towards you.

Collect the item in "The N - Trance Hall", jump up and exit the room to the right.

By this time you should have collected 24 items.


Pass "Outside the Castle Tower" going right. Stop at the edge of the highest right-
hand-side ledge, facing right, with your legs outstretched. Save a snapshot! From
this exact position jump to the right - the jump will carry you through an
innocent-looking block and let you fall down safely on the conveyor in "In the
Sandhills". As you fall down, press the "Left" key so that you stop on the
conveyor. Jump up vertically in between the arrows coming from the right; during
this jump the arrows emerging from the left should pass you without doing you any
harm. Let go of the "Left" key, let the conveyor carry you to the right, jump to
the right and find shelter inside the hills.

Leave the room to the right - it should be simple enough - continue right and stop
at the edge of the conveyor in "The countryside is turning dry", to the left of the
cyan vertical skull guardian.

Save a snapshot, because next you have to make a manoeuvre which you will probably
have to repeat many times before you get it right. The fifth time the cyan skull
starts going up after reaching the lowest point of its trajectory - counting from
the moment you entered the room - you have to jump below it to the right and
continue jumping right. You should land behind the dog, which has just turned to go
right, very close to it. You should walk right behind it and jump at the very last
moment, before it turns back. This jump should carry you to edge of the conveyor,
and there - before you step off the conveyor onto the Earth-cells - you must jump
to the right. This jump, if timed correctly, will take you through the innocent-
looking block in "A Ruined Lookout" and you will fall down into "The Underground
Torture Chamber".

Go right, jump over the motionless yellow guardian and collect the upper right-hand
side item (it's a quirky jump which may seem impossible, but just try it from
various positions, until you get it right). Jump to the left through the yellow
cross above the floor, which is an innocent-looking block, and you will land below
the floor level. Collect the rightmost and middle items on the lower level, as well
as the item below the "tank of fire" (ignore the leftmost item on the lower level,
you will get it later). Stand at the edge of the upper platform next to the "cross
of fire", facing left and with your legs in the "middle position" (not fully
outstretched). Jump to the left and you should land safely to the left of the "tank
of fire". Jump up vertically, jump on the ledge above the "tank of fire", and from
its left-hand side jump up vertically. This jump takes you back to "A Ruined
Lookout" and allows you to collect the lower-leftmost item there.

Pass "A Ruined Lookout" going to the right and pass "Magic in a Quiet Countryside"
going to the right. The easiest way to pass the yellow "magician" guardian is by
standing below the edge of his platform facing right, with your legs in the "middle
position", jumping up vertically (you will be at the edge of the platform without
the guardian hurting you) and then jumping to the right when the proper moment
comes. Passing the red "magician" guardian requires a very precise jump - it can be
done by jumping onto the ledge of his platform (when he is not there) and
immediately to the right again; if you time it correctly, you will be able to clear
the magician before he reappears.

Continue to the right and pass "Clouds over the Plain. No Rain.". Collect the item
in "He came from the sky..." and take the right-hand side green ramp to go down to
"... and wound up here!". Collect the items there - it should be pretty simple -
get back up to "He came from the sky..." and exit to the right.

In "Promoter of Foolishness" jump over the yellow "hand" guardian so that you fall
on top of the two items. After collecting them you will continue falling, until you
land safely on the rope in "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!".

By this time you should have collected 42 items.

Part II


As soon as you land on the rope, just after it started going back to the left, jump
over the green vertical bird and hold the "Left" key. You have to jump from a
position far-enough to the left, so that when you fall onto the conveyor you fall
down vertically, not moving to the right. Thus, after landing on the conveyor, if
you are still holding the "Left" key, the conveyor will not carry you to the right,
and you will be able to wait for the proper moment to jump over the dark-blue
"devil" guardian. The jump has to take you THROUGH the single Earth-cell (or the
edge of it), so that then you can get down on the floor level on the right-hand
side of the screen.

Exit "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!". While you do that, KEEP WALKING RIGHT until
you clear the Fire-cell at the entrance to "The Mystic Room of Many Exits".
Otherwise, you will get killed repeatedly on entry.

Cross the room and exit upwards into "One-Way Exit". Cross this room going up and
left - remember that you can stand safely at the right edge of the platform above
which the magenta vertical guardian is moving, facing the guardian - this
information may make your jump easier. Exit to the left, collecting the item in
mid-jump. This jump will also make you collect the rightmost item in "This looks
like Crusoe's Corner!" (you will have missed seeing this item; had you first
entered the room from the left, you would have seen the item, but you wouldn't have
been able to collect it without sacrificing a life).

Get down on the ground level, stand on the left-hand side of the right tree trunk,
partially inside the trunk, and jump into the left tree trunk. You should land one
Water-cell above the ground level. Continue jumping up, vertically, and after the
fourth jump you will collect the upper item.
Get down on the ground, and go left, until you get on the conveyor, which looks
like water (it's an "off" conveyor, it won't carry you). Stand inside the left
innocent-looking block, turn right and jump through the right innocent-looking
block. The jump carries you down to "Secret Passage".

Collect three of the items in this room (ignoring the uppermost one) and, after
collecting the item at the bottom-left, go down to "The Frustration Machine". As
you enter this room, you collect another item so quickly that you don't even see
it. However, if you wanted to see it, you would have to enter "The Frustration
Machine" from the left or right; then you would see, but couldn't collect the item
in question.

Go back up to "Secret Passage", climb up and exit upwards jumping onto the right-
hand side upper ledge. You should emerge standing inside the right innocent-looking
block in "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!". Turn left and jump through the left
innocent-looking block. The jump will take you down to "Secret Passage" again and
let you collect the uppermost item.

Jump up vertically to "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!". From the edge of the room
jump into the room to the left. With this jump you will collect one of the items in
"The THREE that got away".

Go back to "This looks like Crusoe's Corner!" and from its very edge jump into "The
THREE that got away" again. If you get the jump right, you will be INSIDE the green
Water-cells. In this way you will be able to continue jumping to the left and move
safely below the cloud.

At the edge of the precipice, jump up and collect the item above you. Then jump
left, above the precipice and the red vertical guardian, but before you land, hold
the "Left" key, so that the conveyor won't carry you to the right into the
precipice. Still holding the "Left" key, jump up (vertically) and collect the item
above you. After that, at the proper moment, let go of the "Left" key and jump to
the right, above the precipice and the red guardian. You should land INSIDE the top
Water cell on the right-hand side of the precipice (that is, on top of the highest
Earth-cell). When you jump left again from this position, you will be able to keep
walking left until you clear the conveyor.

Cross the rest of the room and exit to the left into "Everywhere but in the Water".
Collect the items on the right-hand side of the room. You have to jump through the
innocent-looking block in order to pass the white fish; then you can stand safely
where the item is to the left of the white fish, if you stand facing right and with
your legs in the "middle position".

Clear the four items under the red fish. Jump on the left side of the water,
collect the item, and while standing INSIDE the Water-cell there (the grass), with
your legs outstretched, jump to the right, and you will be able to collect the item
above the water, on the right-hand side, safely.

Go left, under the dark-blue vertical guardian, and collect the item on its left.
Jump over the black fish, exiting the room into "Back to Life, Back to Reality",
jump over the dark-blue horizontal bird, go down onto the "hard ground" (Earth-
cells) level, avoid the magenta vertical bird by moving to the left, avoid the dog
by moving to the right, follow the dog and when the magenta bird has gone up again,
jump right so that you land INSIDE the grass, with Willy half-buried in it, half-
sticking out. Standing there is a safe position, because you are BELOW the dark-
blue horizontal bird, and safe from the vertical magenta bird as well. Walk to the
right, back into "Everywhere but in the Water", and pass BELOW the black fish,
collecting the item which is below the fish and the one which seems to be buried in
the ground. Then turn around and walk left, back into "Back to Life, Back to
Reality". Cross the room to the left and exit to "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?".

Go left, jump up, jump through the overhead wall-block and above the magenta
flowerlike metal trap guardian, jump on the other side of the chute, collect the
item by jumping through the overhead wall-block, then drop down to land on the rope
in "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" again.

Repeat the jump over the green vertical bird (you can do it as soon as the rope
starts going left) and jump right immediately after landing on the conveyor. Make
your way to the room above (you have to jump over the yellow horizontal guardian as
it comes towards you), collecting the item as you exit. In "But Willy'll be lucky,
will he?" go up, jump through the overhead wall-block over the magenta flowerlike
metal trap again, and fall down onto the rope in "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!"
for the third time.

By this time you should have collected 67 items.

Part III


Repeat the manoeuvre which had taken you to "The Mystic Room of Many Exits".
Remember you have to keep walking right after you enter the room, to avoid getting
killed repeatedly at the entrance.

Pass through the room again and this time exit to the right. You have to jump
through the innocent-looking block below the green gargoyle (or wolf's head) to do

In "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" you need to exit the room upwards, using the
superjump and passing the red vertical guardian. The easiest way to do it is to
walk right and drop to the floor level first, and start the superjump from there.
You shouldn't hold the "Jump" key all the time, but let it go and then press it
again, according to necessity.

Once you enter "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 2", climb up to the red conveyor
platform, jump up vertically, hold the "Left" key and wait for the correct position
of the rope and the red Eugene. It's a difficult manoeuvre, but it can be done. The
most important thing is to watch the rope and Eugene to determine at which moment
the jump should be made.

When you are safely on the rope, save a snapshot and jump to the right so as to
land on the right side of the yellow spikes. From there, jump right again, collect
the item and exit to the right. As you enter "... nor this!!!", KEEP WALKING RIGHT,
or you'll get killed repeatedly.

As you enter "... nor this!!!" you collect another item which you haven't even
seen. You could have seen it by entering the room from the right first, but then
you wouldn't have been able to collect the item.

Collect the item on the platform above the conveyor. You have to go for it jumping
left THROUGH the edge of the platform, as if it were an innocent-looking block. Do
NOT jump onto the platform, or you'll be forced to accept a loss of life.

Collect also the item down on the right, sitting on the single Earth-cell below
which the red guardian is moving. Ignore the other items for the time being.
Leave the room, taking the upper-right exit to "Sendy will never believe this...".
Wait facing right, with your legs in the "middle position", until the yellow
horizontal Slinky guardian comes towards you and starts moving away. Collect the
item on the single Earth-cell below which the red guardian is moving. Then go down
to the floor level and pass the guardian, jumping through the overhead wall-block
as it approaches. It's a tight jump and you will probably have to try it many
times, but it can be done.

You can now collect the bottom-left item, walk left back to "... nor this!!!" and
collect the bottom-right item there. Then you have to pass the red guardian at the
bottom of "... nor this!!!", again jumping through the overhead wall-block.

Go back to "Sendy will never believe this..." and collect the item on the platform
above the conveyor. It's the same trap as in the previous room, remember that you
have to jump THROUGH the edge of the platform, as if it were an innocent-looking
block. Do NOT jump onto the platform, or you'll lose a life.

Ignore the remaining items in both rooms and exit "Sendy will never believe
this..." at the upper right.

In the upper-left corner of "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" jump to the right,
thus collecting the item, and exit upwards to "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?"
Pass the yellow snake and drop down to land on the rope in "Yes! Willy's a lucky
bastard!!!" yet again.

By this time you should have collected 77 items.

Part IV


Repeat your way to "The Mystic Room of Many Exits" (you should be pretty good at it
by now!), cross the room and take the right exit for the second time.

In "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" drop down to the floor level again and walk to
the right, passing through the blocks supporting the longest flight of stairs. You
will now have to get onto the platform hanging in mid-air. It's difficult to
describe how to do it, but basically it's best (or perhaps: only possible) to do it
in a single jump, starting it from the floor level, standing with your legs
outstretched. The main difficulty is to find out for how long to hold the "Right"
and "Jump" keys in order to get the correct "jumping power". The trial-and-error
method will prove invaluable here, but once you've got the feel of it, you will
probably be able to repeat the jump quite easily (not that you need to do it - just

Once on the mid-air platform, you have to make another difficult jump to the right,
so that you land COMPLETELY INSIDE the Earth-cells which form the point of the
arrow. You should try it from close to the left edge of the platform. It's not
really that difficult, but you may need to try it several times, and if you don't
get it right, you're bound to lose a life, so - save a snapshot before trying!

Once you are inside the arrow, walk right and step down to the bottom. Now you have
to make another quirky jump, this time to the left. You start facing left, standing
to the right of the base of the arrow. The jump has to carry your THROUGH the
arrow. It's best to time it so that you drop to the floor level again right behind
the green Ewok guardian, when he starts walking to the left. Then jump left
immediately, collecting the item and hitting your head against the ceiling (the
arrow). The collision sends you downwards, towards the exit, just before the Ewok
gets you, if you do things correctly.

You are now in "The Rugged Mountain Top", a room which is next to "Sky Landing", to
the right of it. You would have seen if you had gone right from "Sky Landing" at
the beginning of the game.

From below the Earth-cell on which you landed when entering from above, jump to the
right. You will land on a ramp, which is masked as a Fire-cell. From there jump
right again and you will land in "A Nightmarish Walk in the Clouds". This room is
rather difficult when you traverse it for the first time, so save a snapshot after
every successful manoeuvre.

Turn left and step down from the cloud-block you are currently on. Turn right,
stand partly immersed in the cloud-block to your right, with your legs in the
"middle position", and jump to the right through the innocent-looking block - the
Earth-cell, visibly different from the other cells - so that you stand INSIDE it
after the jump. This will let you move BELOW the more-whitish cloud-block which is
a Fire-cell.

At the right edge of the big cloud you are currently partly immersed in, jump to
the right with your legs outstretched. After this jump you will land on the next
cloud, one block below its surface level. Jump up vertically so that you land on
the surface, and walk right a couple of steps, so that when you stop, you stand
with your legs in the "middle position" between the first and the second cloud-
blocks from the left. Wait for the proper moment when the green bird is going down,
and jump to the right. After the jump you should be standing at the edge of the
cloud, one block below its surface level, with your legs in the "middle position",
facing right. Wait there and the green bird will pass you without doing you any
harm on its diagonal way back up-left, and then you have to make your next jump,
because if you don't, the bird will kill you when coming down-right.

This jump must be a classic jump to the right through an innocent-looking block, so
you start it with your legs in the "middle position", your right leg sticking out a
bit. The jump should land you on the cloud which has something like a ramp leading
down-left towards the two items.

You have to go down this ramp, but don't touch its last block, because it's a Fire-
cell which will kill you. Jump left, hitting the Earth-cell above, and the jump
will carry you safely towards the items and the long fall, which will end again on
the rope in "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!".

By this time you should have collected 80 items.

Part V


This time stay on the rope for a moment, drop down to the floor level and, avoiding
the fast-moving guardian, collect the item there. Then get back onto the rope and
prepare for the jump which will allow you to take the lower-left exit.

Once you have carried it out successfully, walk left, pass through "Sendy will
never believe this..." momentarily and collect the upper-right item in "Wow! It's
so hot in here!!!" Drop on the conveyor, holding the "Right" key in order to stand
still on it, and watch the guardians. Start walking when the yellow vertical
guardian is about three quarters on its way down. Jump over the Fire-cells and then
keep jumping - the last jump should carry you over the green horizontal guardian
and make you land at the edge of the Earth-cell on which the item is sitting.
Collect the item and go down to the floor level. Pass the white grille and the
fire, walk right as far as you can and there from the edge make a classic jump
through the innocent-looking block which will put you on the solitary Earth-cell
hanging in mid-air (you have to get the jump right the first time, or you'll lose a
life). From there climb up and exit the room to the right. For the moment ignore
the one remaining object.

In "The heat has melted the snow" first collect the leftmost item. To jump for it,
you have to turn and stand in one character-column. Then go right, from the
conveyor jump over the burning fire and take the lower-right exit into "Snow
Problem!!!". Collect the two items there (you have to make a vertical jump for the
one overhead), go back to "The heat has melted the snow", and collect the remaining
item, guided by the white gargoyle (or wolf) guardian - you have to jump through
the overhead wall-block to get it from below. Exit the room to the right.

In "Snow Problem!!!" pass the yellow vertical guardian and JUMP OVER the Fire-cells
and what looks like an item on the upper left-side ledge. Do NOT try to collect it,
because it's a fake item - a stationary guardian, which will kill you. Move towards
the conveyor and stop BELOW it, being half-immersed into the conveyor, with your
legs in the "middle position", facing right. Jump up vertically. Before you fall
down on the conveyor, hold the "Jump" key. You will jump through the innocent-
looking block, collect the item and land below the conveyor, on the Water-cell
hanging in mid-air. Remember that you CANNOT jump onto the Earth-cell on which the
item is sitting, because if you do so, you will collect the item, but will have to
sacrifice a life.

Go down and exit the room to the right. In "Formerly a Start Point", collect first
the upper and middle item on the left-hand side. Jump on the conveyor, collect the
item above it while jumping over the "saw" guardian, and exit the room to the
right. In "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" first collect the uppermost item,
then jump through the ramp and collect the leftmost item. Then leave the room
through the upper exit to the left, but just below the level of the Water-cell
platform. Collect the upper-rightmost item in "Formerly a Start Point" and go back
to "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle". Cross the ramp again, go out of the room
through the lower exit to the left and collect the
lower-rightmost item in "Formerly a Start Point" (it requires a kind of quirky

Go back to "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle", jump through the ramp again and
from the conveyor jump to the right so that you land on the Water-cell next to the
Fire-cell to the right of the conveyor (on this Water-cell, facing right with your
legs in the "middle position" is a safe position). From there jump back through the
ramp, and this time you will be able to walk left on the conveyor. Collect the item
at the end of the conveyor, turn right and pass through the room, exiting to the

Pass through "The Frustration Machine" momentarily, taking the bottom-left exit. In
"Platforms over Spikes... Typical" first collect the obvious upper-left item. Then
jump carefully onto the lower platform to your right, avoiding the guardians and
the white Fire-cell (you have to jump from the "legs-together" position). Move to
the right, collect the item on top of the room, close to the red guardian's right
boundary, and then collect the item above the conveyor. This will require an
awkward jump during which you have to suddenly stop dead and jump straight up (like
you did in "The Most Secret of All Places", but in the opposite direction).

Proceed to collect the item over the lower-right platform in this part of the room.
Then move left, and collect the leftmost item in the room, avoiding the cyan bird.
Then take the lower exit to the left.
In "Our survey said... swinging" collect the lower-right item by jumping through
the ramp. Let the conveyor carry you left and jump onto the rope. Climb up and
collect the remaining item in "Formerly a Start Point" Leave the room by walking
off the platform on which you arrived after climbing the rope.

From the rope jump to the right so that you don't land on top of the Water-cells
which form the upper conveyor, but INSIDE them (that is, on the solid Earth-cells).
Collect the item when you can, and jump back onto the rope. Remember that standing
inside the Water-cells at the edge facing right and with your legs in the "middle
position" is a safe position with respect to the cyan horizontal guardian.

From the rope jump left and take the upper-left exit from the room. Keep walking
left and then in "Take me to the Promised Land!" make a jump after which you will
land INSIDE the yellow-and-red "x" block next to the conveyor. Hold the "Left" key
so that you step off this block and down onto the Earth-cells to the left of the
conveyor. Now you can walk back right to "Our survey said... swinging" and collect
the embedded item there.

Walk left, enter "Take me to the Promised Land!" again, keep walking left, jump
over the green "stone" guardian, and take the exit upwards. Collect the remaining
item in "Formerly a Start Point", get back down, climb up on the left and collect
the upper item in "Take me to the Promised Land!". Exit the room through the upper-
left exit.

In "Name something your Willy does" collect all three items. It will probably
require various attempts, but does not demand any special jumps.

By this time you should have collected 110 items.


Go back to "Take me to the Promised Land!", go to the middle of the room, and jump
through the innocent-looking block located immediately to the right of the right
boundary of the green stone - the left yellow-and-red "x" block. You will land at
the lower level of the room.

Walk left, collect the item, pass through "Name something your Willy does"
momentarily and drop into "The Devil's Workshop". Take the upper-right exit,
walking through the forcefields - holding the "Jump" key will make this task quite

Collect the uppermost item in "Invasion of Almost Willy Clones!" and jump back into
"Take me to the Promised Land!".

Walk right, pass through "Our survey said... swinging" momentarily and exit
downwards falling through "Almost a Kitchen Clone!" and landing safely on the rope
in "Strange Forestlike Corner".

Collect the embedded item on your left. In order to do it, you have to WALK OFF the
rope at the right moment, so that you stand INSIDE the Earth-cell on the right-hand
side of the item. Jump back on the rope and then jump off it to land on the magenta
Water-cells. The jump must be timed so that you land ONE LEVEL below the surface,
that is, on the third level of Water-cells counting from the bottom. If you don't
get it right, you won't be able to pass the green "apple" guardian.

After the correct jump, pass the green "apple", jump up vertically, jump over the
two moving guardians at the right moment and collect the upper-rightmost item. Step
back, jump through the innocent-looking block and collect the lower-rightmost item.
Jump over the red spider, walk left so as to fall down onto the ramp, and jump up
so that you stand at the lowest level of the Water-cells. From there you can time a
successful jump to the left, below the two guardians.

It is a very difficult jump, it must be pixel-perfect or close to it, and it

requires your immediate, perfect reaction after the landing, because you should
take two steps to the left and turn around, thus assuring Willy a safe position
(facing right, with his legs in the "middle position") inside the Water-cells
before the yellow guardian hits you.

When the time is right and the yellow guardian is going up, take two steps to the
right, turn around and jump to the left. This jump will allow you to collect the
embedded item and then walk off the edge of the Water-cells and drop down safely to
the floor level. Pass the "squiggle" guardian and exit the room to the left.

In "A Ruined Passage" collect the embedded item by jumping through the overhead
wall-block and then cross the room, exiting at the bottom left.

Pass through "The Large Slope" and exit upwards. You need to start walking up on
the conveyor-ramp a moment after the vertical guardian at the top starts going
down, and keep walking until you get out of the room.

Climb the still rope in "The Devil's Workshop" and go right onto the ramp. You now
have to pass the red diagonal guardian. Probably the easiest way to do it is to
follow it, turn back and jump through the ramp, wait on the ledge where the
embedded item is, and then pass the guardian and go down the ramp when the guardian
is above you. If you are very ambitious, you can also try jumping VERTICALLY over
the guardian, WITH YOUR LEGS OUTSTRETCHED. Then on the platform which is a
continuation of the ramp you will find a safe position.

From this platform jump to the right, to land on the top green Water-cell. Step
down on the next cell, turn left immediately and walk left before the magenta
diagonal guardian gets you. Jump left to collect the item and exit the room
downwards, back to "The Large Slope".

Now you have to do a couple of classic jumps through innocent-looking blocks in

order to collect the two items and exit the room at the upper right. In fact, you
can also collect the left item by jumping onto the Earth-cell on which it is
sitting, then exit the room upwards and then come back down. It is more difficult,
though, and takes more time. So the best way to do it is to jump through the
innocent-looking blocks, in both cases starting with your legs in the "middle
position", your right leg sticking out from the edge of the Earth-cell you are
standing on. In case of the second item, you have to get the jump right the first
time, because if you jump onto the Earth-cell where the item is sitting, you will
collect the item, but will have to resign yourself to a loss of life.

Cross "A Ruined Passage" at the upper level and collect the leftmost item in
"Strange Forestlike Corner". Then go back, drop to the lower level of "A Ruined
Passage", and repeat your way back to "The Devil's Workshop", pass the red diagonal
guardian on the ramp again, outmanoeuvre the magenta diagonal guardian, and get
ready for the difficult passage to the right.

It's a very difficult manoeuvre which you will probably have to try many times. You
need to jump from the edge of the hole in the floor, standing with your legs in the
"middle position", facing right. You have to pass just below the magenta diagonal
guardian when it's on its way up-left. You land on the second Water-cell from the
ground. You have to walk to the right, stepping down onto the first Water-cell from
the ground (your movement must be continuous, or else the magenta guardian will get
you), and then from the very edge of this cell, with your legs outstretched, jump
to the right so as to pass just below the dark-blue vertical "drill" guardian. The
jump must be timed so that the white horizontal guardian is away when you land on
its ledge and then you can jump over it on your way right. Altogether, it is a very
difficult manoeuvre (after all, you're in "The Devil's Workshop"!), but what a
satisfaction when you have left that vicious triumvirate of guardians behind!

Go right into "Invasion of Almost Willy Clones!". Jump to the right from the edge
of the conveyor, over the two red Fire-cells. The first Water-cell on which you
land is a safe position - the magenta guardian will not get you there. Negotiate
your way over the three guardians, avoiding the arrow. It's best to start by
standing on the rightmost Water-cell in this row, with your legs together, and jump
vertically over the magenta guardian. Then jump right immediately, and then
outmanoeuvre the remaining two guardians and exit the room to the right.

Once in "Almost a Kitchen Clone!", jump vertically up and collect the leftmost
item. Jump left, back to "Invasion of Almost Willy Clones!" and jump your way to
the left over the Water-cells. Remember that the fourth and sixth Water-cell,
counting from the right through the two rows of Water-cells hanging in mid-air
(excluding the one which is visibly lower), are TRAPS - if you jump onto either of
them, you will have to lose a life. You have to jump OVER them, starting the jump
from the "legs-outstretched" position.

Collect the item, walk down the Water-cells ramp, drop down, let the conveyor carry
you to the right, jump over the two red Fire-cells, jump back on the conveyor and
exit the room to the left. Watch out for the arrow while carrying out this

Now you have to pass the three vicious guardians in "The Devil's Workshop" again.
It's very difficult, it requires perfect timing and pixel-perfect jumping, but it's
possible to do. After landing beyond the two yellow Fire-cells, move quickly to the
left to find shelter inside the first two green Water-cells. Wait for the diagonal
magenta guardian to go down-right, move right a little bit (so that you are far
enough from the Fire-cell to your left to make a jump), turn back immediately, and
before the guardian gets you, jump left over the third yellow Fire-cell. You can
also do it while the guardian is above you.

Jump left into the green Water-cells. Make your way to the top Water-cell by a
combination of walking to the left and vertical jumps. From there, jump left
through the overhead innocent-looking block (from the "legs-together" position),
collecting the embedded item and landing safely on the Earth-cell on other side of
the yellow Fire-cells.

Climb the still rope again, exiting upwards into "Name something your Willy does".
Take a deep breath of relief, you've left "The Devil's Workshop" behind! Walk left,
exiting into "Enigmatic One-Way Passage".

Jump through the overhead wall-block (from the "legs-together" position). Now you
will have to jump over the white guardian as it comes towards you, let the conveyor
carry you to the left and jump a frame earlier than you normally would, so that the
quirky feature of the game engine lets you go THROUGH the Earth-cells left of the
Fire-cell, and you land below them. You have to get this manoeuvre right the first
time, or you'll be doomed to lose a life, so save a snapshot before!

Once you are at the bottom level again, walk right and collect the rightmost item.
Jump left INTO the first Earth-cell in the second row (from the "legs-outstretched"
position, standing far enough from the block into which you need to jump). Walk
left and climb up the wall (you are inside it). Turn right. Now you have to jump
right INTO the first Earth-cell sticking visibly out from the floor - this will
allow you to continue to walk to the right inside the Water-cells. This jump is
similar to the one you've just had to perform at the bottom, which means you have
to start jumping with your legs outstretched, far enough from the cell into which
you want to jump, this time facing right, of course.

Walk right, turn around and stand facing left, with your legs together, at the left
edge of the THIRD column of cells counting from the right. Jump left, and if you
were at the right spot, the jump will carry you through the overhead wall-block (if
not, apply the trial-and-error method to establish the right place to jump from).
Walk left a couple of steps, wait for the red Slinky guardian to move away, jump up
vertically and walk to the right to reach a safe position at the top-right of the
room. When the Slinky approaches you and starts to go left, walk immediately after
the guardian, so that you can drop down safely before it starts to go right at its
other boundary.

Step down onto the Earth-cell sticking out of the wall, stand on it with your legs
in the "middle position" (the left one sticking out of the cell), facing left, and
jump through the innocent-looking block, so that you land safely on the lowest
platform hanging in mid-air. Do NOT try to collect the leftmost item at this time.

Jump left through the overhead innocent-looking block (from the "legs-together"
position at the left edge of the mid-air platform) and you will land safely on the
lowest ledge sticking out of the left wall of the room. Now you can outmanoeuvre
the yellow guardian and exit the room to the left, into "Volcano Eruption".

Jump left over the red Fire-cells; outmanoeuvre the two guardians and collect the
item. Jump onto the rope when it goes right, and from the rope onto the tree. Jump
up vertically, and then jump to the right, back into "Enigmatic One-Way Passage",
to collect the item at its upper left. Turn around and WALK LEFT so that you drop
onto the tree again. Do NOT jump, or you will miss the remaining item in "Wow! It's
so hot in here!!!" and will have to make a detour of several rooms to come back for

Back in "Volcano Eruption", from the edge of the tree jump onto the rope as it
comes towards you. Climb up immediately (pressing the "Right" key) so that the red
Fire-cell through which the rope passes doesn't kill you. It is a difficult
manoeuvre, but it can be done. Continue climbing rapidly, but do NOT climb the rope
so as to exit into the room above, but JUMP TO THE RIGHT from the rope, below
reaching the ceiling. This is very important, because if you just climb the rope
and don't jump to the right, you will not be able to collect the remaining item in
"Wow! It's so hot in here!!!" and will have to make the above-mentioned detour!

Once you are in "Wow! It's so hot in here!!!", walk right and collect the item. Get
out of the "cage" by jumping left through the overhead wall-block (you have to
stand facing left, with your legs together, at the left edge of the right "wall" of
the "cage" - establish the position by the trial-and-error method if you're not
sure what I mean). Now you can exit "Wow! It's so hot in here!!!" to the right, the
same way you have done before.

By this time you should have collected 128 items.


Repeat your way through "The heat has melted the snow", "Snow Problem!!!",
"Formerly a Start Point" and "Squggle, sqiggle, squigle, squiggle" (this time
without collecting any items, of course). When you reach "The Frustration Machine",
jump to the right, so that you have to pass through the forcefields. While walking
through the forcefields at the upper right, it is useful to hold the "Jump" key -
it will make your task quite easy.

Collect the item and exit the room to the right. When you do that, you will collect
an item in "Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!". Drop to the floor and outmanoeuvre Mr
Catman - go right very close behind him and jump up vertically immediately after
passing the Earth-cells above you. Collect the other item (by jumping through the
overhead wall-block), outmanoeuvre Mr Catman again, this time going left, and exit
the room back into "The Frustration Machine".

Pass through this room momentarily and exit downwards, into "Platforms over
Spikes... Typical". Walk to the right, drop down and collect the middle item on
that side of the room. Do NOT try to collect the upper item, or you'll get killed.
Drop down to the floor level and exit at the bottom right into "Crazy Milk Drink!".

While there, jump to reach the middle exit to the left. Exit, collecting the lower
right-side item in "Platforms over Spikes... Typical". Drop down to the floor level
again and this time exit downwards, into "The Elusive Passage".

Jump left over the shaft, pass the "Central Cavern" guardian and go left to "Almost
a Kitchen Clone!". Collect the three upper items there. Collecting the first one
without losing a life will require the kind of awkward jump on the conveyor where
you have to suddenly stop dead and jump straight up. Hold the "Left" key afterwards
to get the timing right to jump back over the two vertical guardians. Collecting
the other two items is an arduous job, but it doesn't require any quirky jumps,
just pure skill.

Go back to "The Elusive Passage". JUMP OVER the shaft and then drop down on its
RIGHT-HAND SIDE. This is very important, because if you drop down on the left, you
will fall into a multiple-death scenario.

In "The Elusive Passage continues" drop down from the rope, using the "Left" key.
Jump left, go left and collect the item (it can only be done from one position,
establish it by the trial-and-error method - the same concerns the two items on the
left side of the room). Continue to the left, collect the leftmost item, turn back
and get down to the floor level by jumping to the right, over the yellow "drill"
guardian, through the innocent-looking block - the Earth-cell which sticks out.

Go left, jump through the overhead wall-block (from the "legs-together" position)
to get onto the ledge and collect the remaining item in this part of the room.

Go right, to the lower-right part of the room, collect the item and get back up
jumping through the overhead wall-block (from the "legs-together" position) - it is
a difficult jump, because you have the guardian threatening you, so you have to
adopt the correct jumping position rather instinctively.

Jump back up to the level on which the red "Central Cavern" guardian is moving, and
jump right (from the "legs-outstretched" position) so as to land INSIDE the Earth-
cell in the second column. This will allow you to exit the room to the right.

Pass through "Towards Your Destiny", holding the "Right" and "Jump" keys together.
Collect the item, of course.

Go round "Woody's Mincemeat Factory" and collect the leftmost and middle item. Then
go up on the right side of the room again and collect the rightmost item, thus
entering "Entrance to More Tunnels" (you can also collect the rightmost item
before, just make sure you don't exit the room upwards before collecting the other
two items).

Collect the two lowermost items in "Entrance to More Tunnels", and then the
rightmost one. Then jump on the rope and get ready for a difficult jump onto the
ledge below the last remaining item. When you get there, collect the item by
jumping like you did for the left-side items in "The Elusive Passage continues".
The jump from the rope onto the ledge is a tricky manoeuvre; just try it as many
times as necessary, knowing that it is possible to achieve.

By this time you should have collected 148 items.


Jump back onto the rope and climb it, exiting the room into "No use crying over
spilled milk!". Make your way to the right, jumping carefully. Make a U-turn in
"Road to the Milk Factory", exiting at the upper left. Negotiate your way through
"No use crying over spilled milk!" with a series of quirky jumps to the left,
collecting items on the way. The first jump is through an innocent-looking block
(from the "middle position" of the legs). The second one - through an overhead
wall-block (from the "legs-together" position). Then you have to do the following:
jump through another overhead wall-block (this time from the "middle position" of
the legs) immediately after the green guardian, jump over the now-approaching
guardian so that you hit your head against the next overhead wall-block (don't make
it a quirky jump this time, or you'll lose a life!), move left and make another
classic jump through an innocent-looking block (from the "middle position" of the
legs), before the green guardian gets you.

Walk off the Earth-cell you are now on, falling to the floor level. Take five steps
to the left. Your legs should now be together. From this position jump to the left
through the overhead wall-block (and the cell above you, which looks identical to
the Earth-cells, but is in fact a Water-cell and won't stop your jump), and you
will be able to exit the room at the lower left.

Climb up on the right-hand side of "Crazy Milk Drink!", collect the item and exit
to the right, back to "No use crying over spilled milk!". Step down onto the
protruding Earth-cell and make another classic quirky jump to the right, through
the innocent-looking block on which the item is sitting. It will put you on the
Earth-cell below and you will collect two items with one jump! Now turn left and
make the same kind of jump through the innocent-looking block, this time to the
left. Turn right and repeat the same kind of jump to the right, and you should land
on the two-block platform above the floor level.

Jump to the right onto the next Earth-cell (hitting your head against the overhead
wall-block before you land), move to its edge and repeat yet again the classic
quirky jump through an innocent-looking block (the Earth-cell under which the last
remaining item is hanging). This jump will permit you to collect the item and will
send you falling downwards, exiting to "Entrance to More Tunnels".

Climb up the rope again and make your way again to the right, to "Road to the Milk
Factory". Once there, continue moving right. Outmanoeuvre the guardians and collect
the two upper items, then exit to the right.

In "End of the Road: Milk Factory" make a U-turn, so that you go back into "Road to
the Milk Factory" again but at the lower level. Once there, collect the two lower
items and go back to "End of the Road: Milk Factory". Stop on the ramp to the right
of the conveyor and prepare for a difficult manoeuvre.

Jump left over the two red Fire-cells, and then left again. Walk on the conveyor
and stop dead at the very end, jumping up vertically (it's the same kind of jump
you have made in "The Most Secret of All Places", at the top of "Platforms over
Spikes... Typical", and in "Almost a Kitchen Clone!"). Then let the conveyor carry
you back to the right - jump over the red Fire-cells. You may have to repeat the
manoeuvre twice, once for each item.

Once you have collected the items, from the middle of the ramp jump right ONTO the
"milk bottle" guardian. Don't worry, it won't hurt you - it's embedded inside an
invisible wall! Move to its right edge, jump onto the upper-rightmost guardian and
exit the room to the right.

In "How on earth did you get here ?!" collect the item at the upper left first.
Then collect the item at the bottom-right, outmanoeuvring the guardians. Then cross
the room, exiting at the upper right (don't worry about the remaining item, you'll
get it later).

In "More than it seems" move left, following immediately behind the magenta
horizontal guardian, and jump over it just before it turns back to go to the right.
Collect the item at the upper left. Pass the red Slinky guardian on top of the
room, and continue to the right. Collect the rightmost item, go down, repeat the
jump over the magenta horizontal guardian at the bottom, go up, and then go down
into the central part of the room. Collect the item at the left and then the three
half-embedded items in the middle - after a quirky jump INTO the Earth-cell above
them, from the "legs-outstretched" position (you'll probably have to jump
instinctively anyway, because the yellow Ewok guardian won't give you time to
prepare your jump). Collect the item at the right, and after you have done that,
walk to the right and you will get teleported to "Climbing down the Mountain".

By this time you should have collected 171 items.


If you have followed The Optimal Route faithfully, you won't have seen this room
yet, but it's in between "The Rugged Mountain Top" and "He came from the sky...".

Collect the item to your right. Walk left, climb up and exit the room upwards, into
"The Rugged Mountain Top". Once there, jump right INTO the Earth-cell beyond which
the yellow Water-cells begin, walk right and collect the item (using the same
jumping technique as on the left-hand side of "The Elusive Passage continues").
Walk left, get out of the "cave" and exit the room downwards.

Back in "Climbing down the Mountain", outmanoeuvre the red diagonal guardian by
jumping over it near the bottom. Then standing with your legs outstretched, facing
left, between the letters "i" and "n" of the word "Climbing", jump left and you
will go THROUGH the Earth-cells behind the yellow Fire-cell, collecting the item
and exiting the room downwards, and then landing safely in "He came from the

Go right, repeating your way through "Promoter of Foolishness", "Foolish, wasn't

it?" and "But Willy'll be lucky, will he?" to "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!".

By this time you should have collected 174 items.

Part VI


In "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" make your way to "The Mystic Room of Many
Exits". This time take the downward exit. In order to do it, you will have to time
your rightward jump from the conveyor very precisely, so that you jump THROUGH the
Earth-cell at the edge, not onto it.

After collecting the item you land at the upper right of "Crazy Milk Drink!". Go
right into "No use crying over spilled milk!" again. Jump right onto the Earth-cell
where an item used to be - before you went THROUGH it in a quirky jump, this time
jump ON TOP of it, and immediately exit upwards with another jump.

You won't see Willy inside the white liquid in "Is this milk really boiling???",
but just turn left, jump left once, walk left for a few seconds and then jump left
again, and you will see Willy in the left wall of the "milk recipient". Walk left
into "Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!", turn around, JUMP into "Is this milk really
boiling???" and you will be able to collect the only item there.

Go back, pass through "Here's lookin' at'cha, Kid!" momentarily and exit downwards,
into "Crazy Milk Drink!". Make your way to the left, staying at the upper level.
Exit into "Platforms over Spikes... Typical" at the upper left, collect the only
remaining item there and go back into "Crazy Milk Drink!". Drop on top of the
column of red-and-white Earth-cells and from there jump to the right, so that you
land on the Water-cell at the edge of the conveyor.

Manoeuvring between the yellow bird, the green vertical guardian and the white
"milk bottle" guardian, collect the item at the right-hand side of the conveyor,
walk back and drop down onto the floor level. It's difficult, but doable.

Move right, jumping over the yellow Fire-cell. Continue to the right, climb up the
red one-block ramp, jump VERTICALLY over the yellow bird (for example facing left
in the "legs-together" position), and continue on your way to the right, until you
exit the room downwards.

By this time you should have collected 178 items.


In "Some Tunnels and What Not" first collect the second-from-the-right item, which
is in the upper part of the room. You have to outmanoeuvre the dark-blue guardian
to do it, but it's easy. Then go down, collect the rightmost item, pass the green
and magenta vertical guardians (the jump under the green guardian is quite
difficult) and make your way to the upper-left part of the room. Collect the two
items there, then get on the conveyor and exit the room to the left.

Keep walking left, until you collect the miniature, one-point item in "The Elusive
Passage". Turn around, exit to the right, and make your way through "Some Tunnels
and What Not" so that you take the middle exit to the left.

In "The Elusive Passage" jump over the shaft and cross the room to the left.
Collect the remaining item on the floor level of "Almost the Kitchen Clone!". Go
back through "The Elusive Passage", jump over the shaft again and make a U-turn in
"Some Tunnels and What Not", so that you exit the room at the bottom left.

Jump over the "platform" guardian at the lower right of "The Elusive Passage", exit
downwards and collect the remaining item in "The Elusive Passage continues". Then
repeat your way around this room, exiting to the right. Pass through "Towards Your
Destiny", pass through "Woody's Mincemeat Factory" on the lower level, and exit at
the bottom-right, downwards into "A Decrepit Passageway".

By this time you should have collected 185 items.

Part VII


Step down and get ready for a difficult jump on the conveyor. You have to jump over
the yellow Fire-cell a frame earlier than you normally would, so that you land
INSIDE the Earth-cells left of the Fire-cell. This will allow you to avoid the
dark-blue "hand" guardian. Jump over the second Fire-cell, walk down and stand at
the edge of the Earth-cell, just above the red flowerlike metal trap, with your
legs in the "middle position" (the trap won't hurt you).

Jump over the trap when it's sort of midway on its way down. Before you jump, take
a step left, so that you actually jump from the "legs-outstretched" position. If
you make the right move and get the timing right, you will land with your legs
together and will have enough time to jump left again before the expanding trap
hits you. You will then face the red, fast-moving guardian.

Collecting the item in the corner at the upper left is admittedly a very difficult
manoeuvre. Follow the guardian as it moves left and jump over it in the middle hole
in the ceiling. Then jump again as it is about to reach you. You will find a safe
position where the item is, facing right and with your legs in the "middle
position". When you go back after collecting the item, you have to jump over the
guardian, but then keep walking - you mustn't jump for the second time, because you
will get killed because of falling too far.

Go down, and at the bottom move to the right-hand side of the room. Collect the
item there by jumping THROUGH the edge of the white Water-cell above which the item
is - do NOT jump onto this cell, or you will lose a life. After successfully
collecting the item, exit at the lower right.

In "The Room that goes 'Bang!'" first turn left, go up and collect the remaining
item in "A Decrepit Passageway". Then cross "The Room that goes 'Bang!'" to the
right, collecting the item - it should be simple enough.

The jump on the rope in "Rope Defect", when you enter the room from the left, is
extremely difficult (you'll understand why the room is called what it's called!).
Just try it as many times as necessary, and you'll get it right. The jump for the
leftmost item is difficult, too.

Cross the room, collecting both items, and exit to the right. You are now facing
"The Underground Pyramid".

From the edge of the Earth-cell, with your legs outstretched, jump over the red
guardian as it approaches you. Jump right again immediately, and take a step or two
as if you were going to immerse in the pyramid. Don't go too far, though, or else
the inner blocks of the pyramid, which are Fire-cells, will kill you.

When the cyan guardian has gone up-right, jump up vertically, walk into the cell to
your right, and turn around, so that you stand facing left, with your legs in the
"middle position". This is a safe position. When the cyan guardian passes you going
down-left, jump up vertically, take a step to the left, turn around and jump to the
right, all this in one fluid movement, or else the cyan guardian will get you. You
are now safe on top of the pyramid and can collect the two items there.

Continue to the left, outmanoeuvring the green, magenta and white guardians. This
should not be a forbiddingly difficult task. Once successfully completed, exit the
room to the right.

In "Just yer average room, really" there are two innocent-looking blocks above the
floor level - Earth-cells with short platforms of Water-cells above them. Get down
to the floor level and first jump through the right innocent-looking block. You
will land in the room below, "Source of the Underground River", and collect the
otherwise unreachable item there.

Jump back up, outmanoeuvre the yellow and cyan guardians, and jump through the left
innocent-looking block (this jump is more difficult, because if it falls short, you
die hitting the Fire-cell, and you can't really get ready for the jump because of
the yellow guardian). You fall down into the room below and find yourself on the
conveyor which is The Underground River.

Be alert now, because IMMEDIATELY AFTER you enter the adjacent room you have to
make a quirky jump for the nearest item. If you don't get the item, you will have
to make a detour of several rooms in order to have another go at it. Immediately
after you collect the item, you need to stop under the rocky outcropping by holding
the "Jump" key, until the magenta fish turns round and goes left. Jump over the
magenta fish, collect the other item with the same kind of jump as collecting the
first one, stop under the rock to wait for the proper moment, and jump over the
yellow fish. Be alert still, because you have another immediate challenge in the
next room.

Almost as soon as you land on the surface of the water (that is, the conveyor),
jump left for the item above. As you fall down after collecting the item, hold the
"Right" key so that you stop on the conveyor and IMMEDIATELY JUMP UP VERTICALLY.
This will save you from the arrow coming from the right. Let the conveyor carry you
to the left and jump over the first Earth-cell above the water level. Wait there
until the arrow coming from the left passes you. Continue leftwards, and when you
get onto the third Earth platform above the water (the one longer than the previous
two) wait there to jump over the second arrow coming from the left. Then continue
leftwards, collect the other item and exit the room before the second arrow from
the right gets you.

"The Underground Waterfall" is really very easy to pass, although it may seem very
difficult because of the ramplike nature of the conveyor, which carries you down to
your death from the Fire-cells (that is, the water) if you don't keep jumping
constantly. Here's what to do: after you enter the room, you are standing on a
ledge with you legs outstretched. As soon as the red fish reaches its right
boundary and turns left, jump left after it, and follow it holding the "Left" and
"Jump" keys simultaneously. If you get the timing right, starting close enough to
the fish, you will pass over it safely and get off the horizontal part of the
conveyor before the fish comes back to get you.

When you are on the conveyor-ramp, you will not get killed by the Fire-cells any
more (only if you drop down to the bottom of the waterfall), but you have to watch
out for the red diagonal guardian. Jump up hitting your head against one of the
"stalactites", and hold the "Right" key before you land. In this way you will be
able to stop on the conveyor-ramp and wait for the right moment to jump from the
edge of the waterfall (before it becomes vertical), go over the red flowerlike
metal trap and land on the Earth-cells beyond it.

The rest is easy. Climb up through the rest of the room, collect both items on the
way, and exit upwards - you will find yourself again in "The Room that goes

By this time you should have collected 200 items.

Now repeat your journey right through "Rope Defect" and "The Underground Pyramid",
until you reach "Just yer average room, really" again.

Cross the room so as to exit upwards at the upper left. You will enter "Scary

Get out of the ground and collect the second-from-the-left item. This requires a
very well-timed jump through the overhead wall-block, after which you have to turn
round (right) immediately to adopt a safe position, so that the red vertical
guardian doesn't get you. After collecting the item jump over the red guardian, and
then, while you're on the conveyor-ramp, jump up again to hit your head against the
outcropping of the wall. Before you land on the conveyor-ramp again, hold the
"Left" key, and thus you will be able to stop and wait for the magenta skull to be
in the right position for you to jump over it.

Make your way towards the right side of the room, jumping below the yellow skull.
Get ready to collect the rightmost item. Go after the cyan horizontal guardian
immediately after it starts to the left, when you land on the ramplike conveyor
jump left, and then just turn back and walk right to safety.

Go down and collect the remaining two items, exiting the room. In "Just yer average
room, really" go right and exit at the upper right.

In "Skylab Recuperation Bay" your task is simple: cross the room from left to
right, collect the single item and exit to the right. In order to pass through the
ramp, after collecting the item you will have to jump back left onto the first
platform, and from there time the jump which will let you cross the ramp.

In "The Dark-Blue Tunnel" collect the leftmost item first. Getting to it should be
easy enough. Coming back, you need to jump left THROUGH the Earth-cell from which
you reached the item as through an innocent-looking block. Then you have to jump to
the right, towards the Earth-cell sticking from the wall, again (you have used it
just a moment ago to go up towards the item), but this time jump THROUGH it, as
through an innocent-looking block. You will thus collect the item beneath it. Turn
round, take two steps to the left, and, at the right time, jump left. This jump
will carry you through the lower mid-air Earth cell as through an innocent-looking
block, and you will reach the floor level of the room.

Hide inside the Water-cells on your left and wait until the yellow Evok guardian
starts on his way to the right again. Follow it and jump over it when it turns
left. Walk right, stand with your legs together over the left side of the "u" in
the word "Tunnel", facing left, and jump left. The jump will carry you through the
overhead wall-block and you will be able to jump up again, reaching the central
part of the room.

The next manoeuvre you have to carry out is practically a repetition of the
manoeuvre you made in "Enigmatic One-Way Passage". This time you have to jump left
from BELOW the cyan "hand" guardian (you have no chance of jumping over it), and
then on the conveyor jump over the magenta Fire-cells a frame earlier than you
normally would. If you do it right, you will fall THROUGH the Earth-cells left of
the Fire-cells, and you will land below them. You have to get this manoeuvre right
the first time, or you'll be doomed to lose a life, so save a snapshot before

Collect the item, walk left and at the edge jump up, into what seems to be solid
wall. Keep jumping up until the top of your head is level with the surface (you are
still inside the blocks). Walk right as far as you can (that is, a couple of
steps), and wait.
When the green horizontal guardian passes you on its way right, jump to the right
immediately and follow the guardian. With this jump you will collect the item above
you. If you are quick enough, you will drop on the other side safely before the
guardian turns back left.

Walk right and jump over the white vertical guardian, exiting the room to the
right. In "The Light-Blue Tunnel" turn around immediately, adopting a safe
position. Then jump back left into "The Dark Blue-Tunnel", collecting the overhead
item. Then jump back to the right into "The Light-Blue Tunnel" and make your way to
its central part. On the ramp jump to the right over the yellow diagonal guardian
(when the red horizontal guardian is away). Turn left and step down from the ledge
on which the red guardian is moving - if you stand there in one character-column,
it's a safe position.

Jump through the ramp, exit the room at the lower left and collect the item at the
lower right of "The Dark-Blue Tunnel". Go back into "The Light-Blue Tunnel", but
keep walking right so that the vertical grille guardian doesn't kill you coming
down on you. Make your way across the room, to the right, collecting the remaining
item on the way.

You have come to "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" for the third time. This time
stand below the funnel on top of which the yellow spikes are pointing down, turn
left and jump left. You will enter a secret passage, through which you will reach
the upper part of "The Light-Blue Tunnel".

Standing with your legs together, jump through the overhead wall-block. Then walk
left and exit the room upwards (the red spikes are only a harmless conveyor).

Cross "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 1" from left to right and exit at the upper
right. Go down, collect the item in "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 2" on the way,
walk back to "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 1", collect the item there and drop back
into "The Light-Blue Tunnel".

Turn right, walk back to "A Doubly Problematic Stairway" and, using the superjump
feature, exit the room upwards, like you did at an earlier stage of the game.

Jump onto the line in "Failed Suicide Attempt Vol. 2", avoiding the red Eugene,
like you did before. This time climb up the rope into the room above.

By this time you should have collected 214 items.


In "The Teleporter" you have to make a series of quirky jumps. First, standing next
to the right wall, facing left, with your legs together, jump through the overhead
wall-block. This gives you access to the upper (or rather: central) part of the

There, standing with your legs in the "middle position" between the second and
third yellow Water-cells counting from the right, jump left again, again through
the overhead wall-block (although it's a different kind of jump, this time). Then
jump left again from the left edge of the Water-cell on which you have landed. The
next jump, to the left, is from the next Water-cell, this time from the "legs-
together" position. It's the same type of jump you made as the first one in this
room, and many times before during the game. It will allow you to collect the lower
item, after which you can walk left and drop to the ground to the left of the red
As your next move, stand below the overhead Fire-cell with your legs outstretched
and jump left. This jump should carry you INTO the Earth-cells to the left of the
red Fire-cell on the ground. Take just one step to the left, and then jump left
through the innocent-looking block (the lonely Earth-cell, above which there are
two yellow Water-cells and one red Fire-cell in a column). After this jump you will
land inside the central-lower level of the room (the second one counting from the
bottom). Then just walk left and you will soon start your short teleportation

You emerge in "... nor this!!!". Walk left, jump for the item, and as you fall
down, you will get teleported to "How on earth did you get here ?!". Jump left to
collect the item overhead. Then walk right, and you will be teleported to "The
Haunted Log Cabin".

Turn left and walk out of the room. You return to "The Haunted Log Cabin" from the
other side. Turn right and walk into "The Underground Torture Chamber" to collect
the remaining item there. Exit the room to the left and you're back in
"The Haunted Log Cabin", where another series of quirky jumps awaits you. You have
to get two or three of them right the first time, or you will be condemned to
losing a life.

Stand with your legs outstretched at the right side (edge) of the Earth-cell
platform, facing left. Jump left, and you will land INSIDE the first Earth-cell of
the building, just below the entrance. Take two steps to the left - you should be
in "legs-outstretched" position again - and jump left. You land INSIDE the Earth-
cell to the left of the bedlike Fire-cells, with your legs together. Take just one
step leftwards and jump left. You will land on the wall, two blocks above the cabin
floor level, and you will be able to pass through the wall into the lower-central
part of the cabin.

Jump over the Fire-cells to land on the ramp. Walk left and collect the lowermost
item. Walk back up the ramp, holding the "Jump" key at the top in order to be able
to move right. Turn left and from the "legs-together" position jump left through
the overhead wall-block. Now you are able to collect the central item.

Go back, turn left to go on the ramp, and when there, jump left to reach the upper-
left part of the cabin. Collecting the leftmost item should be easy. Afterwards
jump left, onto the solitary Water-cell. From it jump up for the last remaining
item, exiting the room upwards.

You re-emerge almost in the same spot where you first arrived in the room (isn't
this log cabin really haunted?) after being teleported. Repeat the whole journey
around the room, but this time walk left from the solitary Water-cell on the upper-
left side of the room. You drop down on the solitary Water-cell on the right side
of the room. From there jump to the right, and you will find yourself on the upper-
left side of "The Underground Torture Chamber". Jump up vertically and you will
exit into "A Ruined Lookout".

Now you have to repeat the well-known journey to "Promoter of Foolishness", make
the long fall and land on the rope in "Yes! Willy's a lucky bastard!!!" for the
last time (Uff!!!).

By this time you should have collected 222 items.


Make your way to "The Mystic Room of Many Exits", remember to keep walking right as
you enter it, and leave it for the last time, this time taking the left exit and
collecting the remaining item. You have to jump through the innocent-looking block
above the exit corridor, over the magenta flowerlike metal trap.

You emerge in "Rope Defect". Move to the left, jump on the rope and exit upwards
into "One-Way Exit". Cross the room and exit to the right. You are now in "Entrance
to the House", beginning the last part of the game.

Pass the magenta bird, stop on the ramp and jump onto the rope. You now have to
make a VERY difficult jump, which must take you THROUGH the edge of the Earth-cell
under which the item is hanging. If you don't get it exactly right, you'll lose a
life, either by getting killed on the red Fire-cells, or by being trapped if you
jump onto the Earth-cell above the item. It is difficult to advise you how to jump
- just try it until you get it right, with the certainty that it is possible to do.

After the successful jump (which will also allow you to collect the item), exit the
room to the right and collect the remaining, leftmost item in "Scary Dungeon". Then
go back to "Entrance to the House", get down on the floor level, pass the white
vertical guardian and collect the remaining item on the left-hand side of the room.
Then jump onto the rope again and exit the room upwards.

Collect the item in "Down in the Basement" and exit the room to the right. In "Baby
Steps' Evil Twin" you have to collect the item, which can be done in the following
way: on the first "pillar" from the left stand with your legs outstretched and from
this position jump over the magenta guardian. You will land INSIDE the second
pillar from the left. Now adopt the same position again (legs outstretched) and
jump over the green guardian. You will land INSIDE the third pillar and you will be
able to collect the item. After that, exit the room at the upper right (you will
have to jump back over the green guardian onto the second pillar first, and then
make two continuous jumps to the right at the proper time).

Collect the item in "Dream Bedroom" (be careful not to touch the walls, they are
Fire-cells) and exit the room to the right. Collect the item in "The Hall needs no
decorating now" and exit to the right (stop on the conveyor to wait for the proper
moment). Collect the three items in "Kitchen Appliances" and exit to the right.

By this time you should have collected 233 items.


In "The Pool Table" you have to make three awkward jumps over the magenta
horizontal platform guardian, before you can jump on the table to a safe position
(after the vertical guardian has moved away). Jump onto the rope and jump left to
collect the two items on that side of the room. It is a tricky jump, but it can be
done - jump from the very edge of the rope, a moment after it starts going back to
the right.

Jump back on the rope and drop down on the table. Jump over the vertical guardian
and collect the two remaining items on the right-hand side of the room. Jump over
the guardian again and exit the room at the lower right.

In "Playing with Yourself" collect all of the items hanging above the platform on
which the fast yellow horizontal guardian is moving. You probably won't be able to
collect them all in one go - collect some, take shelter and then go for it again.
When this job is done, jump over the red flowerlike metal trap, get onto the ramp
and exit the room upwards - you will fall back into "Playing with Yourself" again
immediately, but the jump will allow you to collect an item hanging from the
MegaTree in the room above.

Go to the floor level of "Playing with Yourself" again, jump over the red trap, and
stand on its left side. You now have to make a jump which involves encroaching on
the red trap's territory for a split second. You have to jump with your legs in the
"middle position", facing left, from the edge of the red trap (when the yellow
guardian is away), so that you jump INTO the Earth-cell at the edge of the platform
upon which the yellow guardian is moving. When you get there, walk left and you
will drop down into the room below, which is "The Teleporter".

Collect the remaining item there and walk to the right. Close to the wall you will
get teleported to "... nor this!!!" and will be able to collect the remaining item
there. Walk right again and collect the remaining item in "Sendy will never believe
this...". This action will teleport you back to "Playing with Yourself" and put you
on the otherwise inaccessible ledge at the upper left. Jump up vertically for the
item above you, then step down onto the conveyor, jump over the green horizontal
guardian and walk out of the room.

Walk back into "Playing with Yourself", jump over the green guardian, continue to
the right on the conveyor, jump over the red flowerlike trap, collect the item at
the edge of the conveyor, let go of the "Right" key, and let the conveyor carry you
back to the left. Jump over the two guardians and leave the room. Cross "The Pool
Table" and exit upwards.

By this time you should have collected 249 items.

Note: Although it is not necessary to do if you follow The Optimal Route, you
should know that it IS possible to cross "The Pool Table" from right to left. The
trick is to wait for the correct configuration of the rope and the left vertical
guardian, then, standing inside the leg of the table, jump left below the
approaching rope, cross the table and jump on the other side, avoiding the vertical
guardian. It's difficult, but it's doable.
As a matter of fact, you can go down from the top of the game map ("The Launching
Pad") all the way down to "One-Way Exit", and from there pass on to "This looks
like Crusoe's Corner!" and access other parts of the game (or, alternatively, use
the teleporter in "A Little Room with a View" - see below).


In "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" jump through the ramp, outmanoeuvre the fast-
moving magenta guardian and walk to the right into "A Little Room with a View".
Jump over the red chair onto the "table" beside the window. Collect the item and
jump out of the room, to the left.

In "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" turn round and stand with your legs
outstretched, to the right of the "4" (with your left leg practically in line with
the vertical line in "4"). Jump to the right. BE VERY CAREFUL, a badly-positioned
jump will result in a multiple-death scenario! As you jump, HOLD THE "RIGHT" KEY -
this is very important, because if you don't, you will experience a repeated-death
scenario in "Playing with Yourself", where you will fall after jumping through an
innocent-looking block in "A Little Room with a View".

Once safely in "Playing with Yourself", walk right dropping onto the platform below
you, save a snapshot, and prepare for another jump which you must get exactly
right. You need to make a classic jump through an innocent-looking block - in this
case, the leftmost blue-and-green Earth-cell sustaining the blue-and-yellow
platform on which the last item in this room is sitting. The jump must be perfect,
because if you go too far and land on top of the Earth-cell through which you were
supposed to have jumped, you can either commit suicide by falling down on the
conveyor, or jump up and find yourself trapped - then your only salvation will be a
secret teleporter located in "A Little Room with a View", which you can find by
jumping up from your platform - but it will carry you almost to the beginning of
the game!

So jump from the edge of the platform you are now standing on, with your legs in
the "middle position". After a successful jump, hold the "Right" key so that you
can stand still on the conveyor and wait for the proper time to jump over the red
flowerlike trap.

Exit "Playing with Yourself" to the left, cross "The Pool Table" and climb the rope
up into "Fresh air ain't always good 4 U" again. Walk up on the conveyor-ramp, turn
back at the proper moment, and jump over the green vertical guardian. The jump
should be timed so that it makes you land INSIDE the Earth-cell which sticks out.
Then you can collect the item (make sure you don't touch the air outside!) and drop
down to the floor level.

Climb the conveyor-ramp again, pass "A Little Room next to the Clouds" and enter
"High in the Sky". Cross the room to the right, collect the two items on the way,
and exit at the upper right.

Cross "Under the Launching Pad" and take the only possible exit - upwards. You can
now enjoy a glimpse of the flying saucer, in which in a minute or so you will fly
back to your New Mansion!

Collect the item under the flying saucer by jumping for it through the overhead
wall-block. Exit the room to the left, but remember to HOLD THE "LEFT" KEY as you
go out of the room, because if you don't, you will get killed repeatedly on entry
in the next room.

By this time you should have collected 255 items.

Part IX


Cross "Entrance to the Launching Pad" and EXIT DOWNWARDS at the lower left. This is
very important, because it will make you re-enter "Entrance to the Launching Pad"
from below. You are just about to collect the last item, and if you lose a life in
this room after starting the toilet-run, and you last entered at the bottom-right,
it's infinite death! You may also experience infinite death if you entered
"Entrance to the Launching Pad" from below but INCORRECTLY, for example jumping up
from the cyan ledge.

So as you entered "High in the Sky" from above, you are standing on a stair, facing
left. Turn round, take a step or two to the right and JUMP UP VERTICALLY into
"Entrance to the Launching Pad". Thus you will make sure that you do not fall into
the multiple-death trap if you lose a life after starting the toilet-run.

In "Entrance to the Launching Pad" jump left through the overhead wall-block
avoiding the red vertical "eight-arrows" guardian and collect the last item. Pass
through the entrance now free of the yellow grille and continue to the left, until
you drop down and the program takes control of you and starts to carry you to the
right at double speed.

You now have to overcome the last two obstacles: first, to pass the "eight-arrows"
guardian, and then to pass the red grille. As you drop down onto the green ramp,
hold the "Left" key. This will allow you to time your passage below the "eight-
arrows" guardian. Then, before you step down from the magenta Water-cells onto the
white Earth-cells again, hold the "Left" key. This will stop you and give you the
opportunity to time your passage below the red grille. Let go of the "Left" key at
the appropriate moment and now you can just sit back and enjoy the spectacular run
through a good portion of the Universe, until you land, safe and sound and happy,
in your New Mansion!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have completed "Jet Set Willy: Mind Control"! :-)

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