Nanaimo Bar Tart

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Nanaimo Bar Tart

Crust: 1/2 cup heavy cream 120 ml

1/4 cup butter 57g 1 package sugar-free vanilla pudding mix
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa 30g 1/2 cup almond milk
3 tbsp granulated erythritol 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg, beaten (add a few tbsp of powdered erythritol or
1 cup almond meal 96g xylitol if you want it sweeter)
3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 30g Chocolate ganache:
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup butter 57g
1 1/2 oz unsweetened chocolate 40g
2 tbsp powdered erythritol
Filling: 2 tbsp cocoa powder
5 oz cream cheese, softened 150g 8 drops stevia extract

For the crust, melt butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Stir in cocoa and erythritol
and then slowly whisk in beaten egg. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and stir in almond meal, coconut, nuts and vanilla. Press crust evenly
into bottom and sides of a 9 inch tart pan with removable bottom and refrigerate until firm
(30-45 minutes).

In a medium bowl, beat softened cream cheese until smooth. Add cream, pudding powder,
almond milk and vanilla and beat until combined. Spread over crust and refrigerate for at
least half an hour.

In a small saucepan over low, melt butter, unsweetened chocolate together and powdered
erythritol together. Add cocoa powder and stir until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in
stevia extract. Spread over filling and refrigerate until set, about 1 hour.

Serves 12. Each serving has a total of 13.4g of carbs and 2.6g of fiber, but only 8.4g of carbs if
you subtract erythritol. Total net carbs = 5.8g.
Cobb Salad Bacon Cups
Mini keto cobb salad in a bacon cup. This fun twist on a California classic is full of great flavor and
makes a perfect low carb appetizer.

Servings: 6 cups

 12 slices thin cut bacon
 1 cup finely chopped romaine lettuce 36g
 1/2 cup chopped cooked chicken 65g
 1/2 California Avocado chopped
 1 hardboiled egg thinly slices
 1/4 cup chopped tomato 50g
 2 tbsp crumbled bleu cheese optional
 Dressing of choice

1. Preheat the oven to 425F/ 220. Turn a standard size muffin tin upside down and cover with
foil, shaping tightly against the cups.
2. Cut 6 of the bacon slices in half. Cover the each muffin cup with two halves of bacon in an X
pattern over the bottom. Wind one full-length piece of bacon around the sides each cup so
that and secure with a toothpick.
3. Bake the bacon cups until done to your liking. I found this to be about 35 minutes for crispy
bacon. Remove and let cool for 20 minutes, then remove the toothpicks and take the cups off
the foil, turning right side up.
4. Divide the lettuce, chicken, avocado, egg, tomato, and bleu cheese among the cups.
5. Top with your favorite dressing and serve. Or don't dress at all, they are tasty without it!
Prajitura cu Fructe de Padure (fara zahar, 100% sanatoasa)

 200 g faina de cocos
 100 g faina de ovaz
 150 g eritritol cu stevia
 10 g praf de copt
 1/2 lingurita vanilie macinata
 1/4 lingurita sare
 6 bucati oua (310g)
 6 bucati albusuri (190g)
 300 g iaurt grecesc 2% grasime
 400 g lapte 1.5% grasime
 180 g piure de mar fara zahar
 30 g ulei de cocos
 270 g fructe de padure proaspete sau congelate
Portii:8 portii
1. Într-un bol, combinăm făina de cocos cu făina de ovăz, îndulcitorul, praful de copt, vanilla și
2. Adăugăm toate ingredientele umede, cu excepția uleiului de cocos, și mixăm totul până la
3. Adăugăm uleiul de cocos și mixăm compoziția încă 2-3 minute.
4. Adăugăm fructele de pădure și le încorporăm folosind o spatula. În cazul în care folosiți
fructe congelate, decongelați-le în prealabil și eliminați excesul de apă.
5. Turnăm compoziția într-o formă rotundă cu baza detașabila cu diamentrul de 23cm. Coacem
prăjitura timp de 90 de minute în cuptorul preîncălzit la 180 de grade Celsius.
6. O lăsăm să se răcească timp de 10 minute, înlăturăm forma și tăiem prăjitura în 8 felii egale.
Opțional o putem decora cu eritritol cu stevia pudră, făcut la râșnița de cafea.
7. Se păstrează în frigider până în momentul servirii.

226 g capsuni

180 g iaurt

1 lg lamaie

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