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DATE: DEC. 16, 2019

“The Church of the Poor”

The church, as a communion of faith by people who hears and actually listens to
the word of God, had considered itself as poor for it acknowledges the existence of
those individuals who are not fortunate enough physically and mentally, as well as
those who are poor in spirit. This serves as a blanket of charity and empathy to those
who are astray. The church regarded itself as poor as well on the light that we should
detach ourselves from earthly things that caused us sins and as effect, taint our souls.
Conversely, like St. Francis of Assissi, we shall undress ourselves from wealth as a
church and extend our loving hands to those who are oppressed, unfortunate, or

The question is, among all the variety of people on earth, why does the church
decided to help the poor? As the Church, why do I need to help the poor, especially the
poorest of the poor? To easily understand my standpoint, let’s take a glass as an
analogy. One can’t pour more water on a glass that is already full. The only way a
pitcher filled with water is useful, is when there is an existent empty glass willing to be
filled. The same happens when we decided to help those in need and we are the pitcher
filled with water for we are blessed to acquire something others don’t have; may it be
tangible things like money, clothing and food or the intangible matters like love and
affection. The church helps the poor because it is the entire essence of its existence. It
is to be like Christ, who serves people especially the underprivileged. This emphasizes
Christ as King who is as one with his subordinates and did not even consider himself
above them or them, below him, but He sees each one of us as his equal.

With that said, we must patch on other’s losses through helping them by our
excesses and be like Christ because according to St. Augustine, “Find out how much
God has given you and from it, take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.”
Thus, the willingness to be of help and be saved back is a factor to be reckoned with.
Everything boils down to essence of charity and empathy for others through the Church.

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