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ELEMENTARY UNIT 4 4.2 can for possibility

4.1 there is/are

1 Read the rules for the flat and write sentences with
1 Look at the list and write sentences with There is/are.
Possible Not possible
List of kitchen items 1 friends stay at the weekend friends stay all week
knife x4 microwave? 2 have one key have three keys
forks? TV? 3 play music in the day play music at night
serving spoon x2 table x1 4 have a party sometimes have parties every week
cook books? radio x1 5 smoke outside smoke inside
pan x3 glasses?
chair x2 6 leave rubbish outside leave rubbish inside
7 dry clothes outside dry clothes inside
1 (knife)
2 (serving spoon) 1 Your friends can stay at the weekend but they can’t
3 (table) stay all week.
4 (pan) 2
5 (chair) 3
6 (radio) 4
2 Write questions with Is there a(n)/Are there any 6
about the other items on the list in Exercise 1. 7
1 ?
2 ? 2 Complete the conversation using the question
words in brackets and can/can’t.
3 ?
4 ? A: Do you like the flat then, Zoli?
5 ? B: Yes, it’s nice. We can move in soon.
A: 1 move in? (when)
3 Put the underlined words in the correct order to B: We can move in next month but there are a lot of
complete the conversation. rules. We can only have one key.
A: Thank you for showing me the apartment. A: 2 one key? (why)
B: You’re welcome. Let’s start with the kitchen. B: Because the landlord doesn’t want lots of people
A: Great. 1oven is an there? to have keys. And we can’t smoke inside.
B: Of course. A: We can’t smoke inside? 3 ? (where)
A: 2there many pans how are? B: Outside. We can smoke outside. And we can’t play
B: There are three pans but I can give you one more. music at night.
A: And plates? 3are plates many how there? A: 4 ? (when)
B: Six, I think. B: Just in the day.
A: 4in is a there microwave kitchen the? A: 5 play music at night? (why)
B: No, there isn’t. B: Because the landlord lives below the flat and he
A: 5got have any glasses you? can’t sleep with loud music above him.
B: Yes, there are four glasses.
A: And cups? 6cups are any there?
B: Let me see. Oh, there aren’t any cups but I can
bring some for you.
A: is a television kitchen in the there?

B: A television? No, there isn’t but there’s a radio.

© Pearson Education Limited 2016


4.3 shopping Consolidation

1 Read at the phrases. Who says them? Write 1 Underline the correct alternative.
customer (C) or assistant (A). A: Hello, 1can/am I help you?
1 We’ve only got size 42. B: Yes. Have you got this dress in size 42?
2 Can I help you? A: A blue dress, size 42. I think there are one or two
3 How is it? dresses in size 42. Hold on, I’ll check. Yes, here
4 How much is that? you are.
5 I’ll take it. B: Oh, it’s 2too big/big enough. Have you 3got/wear it
6 I’ll have this one. in size 40?
7 What size are you? A: Yes, I think there is one size 40 dress.
8 Would you like to buy them? B: Can I have a look at it?
9 Sorry but it isn’t long enough.
A: Yes, of course. Can you wait for a minute?
10 It’s too large.
B: Yes, but I can’t wait too long. My husband, Ken, is
11 Have you got it in medium?
2 Write sentences with too + adjective or not + A: Here you are. There aren’t any size 40 dresses in
adjective + enough. blue, but there is one in green.
1 You’re size 42. The assistant gives you size 40 B: Can I have a look? Mmm. How much is 4that/these?
trousers. A: It’s just €150.
They’re too small. B: Oh, I see. It’s expensive but I like it. Can I try it?
2 You are size 42. The assistant gives you a size 40 A: Yes, there are two changing rooms over there.
B: I like the dress.
Sorry, it enough.
3 The assistant gives you a €120 shirt. You want to A: Would you like to buy 5it/them?
spend €70. B: Yes, 6I’ll/I take it. Wait a minute – I can’t find my
That’s . money.
4 You’re 1.5 metres tall. The assistant gives you a 2 A: There’s a cash machine outside. You can get
metre long coat. money there.
I’m sorry, it’s . B: Cash machine? Why? Ken! Please come here.
5 You want to buy a shopping bag. The assistant
gives you a handbag. 2 Read the conversation in Exercise 1 again and
That’s not . complete the sentences with there is/there are or
1 some size 42 dresses.
2 a dress in size 40.
3 The assistant find a size 40 dress in blue
but she find a green dress.
4 The customer wait a long time for the
5 The customer find her money.
6 a cash machine outside the shop.

© Pearson Education Limited 2016

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