Laser Lighting Standards

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3] = ISBN 3 901 906 037 YI COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE L'ECLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION T35UGAL HaPDNT ROAD LIGHTING CALCULATIONS CIE 140 - 2000 UDC: 628.931 Descriptor: Artificial lighting: Design and calculation 628.971 Exterior lighting 628.9716 Street lighting CIE 140 - 2000 This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4-15 of Division 4 “Lighting and Signalling for Transport” and has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Commission Internationale de TEclairage for study and application. The document Teports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. it should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a 6t8 préparé par le Comité Technique CIE 4-15 de la Division 4 “Eclairage et signalisation pour les transports” et a été approuvé par le Bureau ‘Administration de la Commission Internationale de 'Eclairage, pour étude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de lexpérience dans le domaine spécifique iqué de la lumiére et de Téclairage, et il est établi pour usage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intéressés. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre déventuels amendements, consuiter les plus récents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. ser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE Technischen Komitee 4-15 der Division 4 “Boleuchtung und Signale fir den Verkehr” ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de tEclairage gebiligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet iber den derzeitigen ‘Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es solte jedoch beachtet werden, daB das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die euesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS soltten im Hinblick auf magliche spatere Anderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. ‘Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dforganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une préférence de la CIE. Malgré le ssoin apporté @ la compilation de tous les documents jusqu’a la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwahnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Biligung durch die CIE. Obgleich groBe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es méglich, daB diese nicht vollstndig sind. © CIE 2000 CIE 140 - 2000 The following members of CIE TC 4-15 ‘Road Lighting Calculations” took part in the preparation of this report. The committee comes under CIE Division 4, ‘Lighting and Signalling for Transport. MEMBERS: W. Adrian Canada S. Aimési Hungary J.B. Arens, United States of America ‘A. Augdal Norway G. Birnbaum Israel JM. Dijon Belgium P. V. Hautala, Finland J. Koster Netherlands J. Lecoog France K. Narisada Japan S. Onaygil Turkey W. Riemenschneider ‘Switzerland G. Rossi Italy A.J. V. Serés Spain RH. Simons (Chairman) United Kingdom E. Sirola Croatia K Sorensen Denmark RLE. Stark United States of America A. Stockmar Germany R. Yates South Aftica A. de Visser Netherlands, ADVISERS P. Blaser ‘Switzerland P. Gandon-Léger France N. Pollard: United Kingdom Contents ‘SUMMARY RESUME ‘ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINITIONS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8, LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS. 4, MATHEMATICAL CONVENTIONS AND PROCEDURES 5, REQUIREMENTS FOR PHOTOMETRIC DATA 5.1 Luminous intensity data for luminaires 5.2 Interpolation of luminous intensity data 5.2.1 Linear interpolation 5.2.2 Quadratic interpolation 5.2.3 Quadratic interpolation in the region of C=0", or y=0° or 180° 5.3 Road surface reflection data 5.3.1 Interpolation in the r-table 6. CALCULATION OF 1(C,y) 6.1 Mathematical conventions for distances measured on the road © oe eeoonooneec << CIE 140 - 2000 6.2 Mathematical conventions for luminaire axes 6.3 Calculation of C: luminaire not turned about photometric axes 6.4 Calculation of 7: luminaire not turned about photometric axes 6.5 Calculation of C and y: luminaire turned about photometric axes 7. CALCULATION OF PHOTOMETRIC QUANTITIES 7.1 Luminance 7.1.1 Luminance at a point 7.1.2 Field of calculation for luminance 7.1.3 Position of calculation points 7.1.4 Position of observer 7.1.8 Number of luminaires included in calculation. 7.2 liluminance 7.2.1 Horizontal illuminance 7.2.2 Semicylindrical iluminance 7.2.3 Cariageway 7.2.4 Footways and cyclepaths 7.2.5 Areas of irregular shape 8. CALCULATION OF QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS 8.1 Average luminance Ly 8.2 Overall uniformity Uy 8.3 Longitudinal uniformity U. 8.4 Threshold increment 77 8.5 Surround ratio SA 8.6 Average illuminance of the carriageway (Ex,) 8.7 Minimum illuminance on the carriageway 8.8 Average illuminance of the footpath 8.9 Minimum illuminance on the footpath 8.10 Uniformity of ituminance 9. ANCILLARY DATA 10. REFERENCES ‘APPENDIX A: DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS FOR TURNING THE LUMINAIRE ABOUT THE THREE AXES OF THE COORDINATE SYSTEM. ‘A.1, Method ‘A2. General matrix for turning movements about the axes of the coordinate system A, Turning movement about the Z axes ‘A4. Turning movement about the X axes AS. Turning movement about the Y axes AG. Sequence of turning movements A7. Composition of turing movements AB. Initial attitude of luminaire BIBLIOGRAPHY CO Soeeveonoe CIE 140 - 2000 ROAD LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ‘SUMMARY ‘The purpose of this report is to update and to replace CIE 30.2 - 1982, Calculation and ‘measurement of illuminance and luminance in road lighting. It gives the methods which CIE 115 -1995 and CIE 136 -2000 require for their recommendations. It includes the calculation of luminance, illuminance, and their associated measures of uniformity, as well as disability glare. The conventions adopted for luminance and illuminance grids are also included. METHODES DE CALCUL POUR L’ECLAIRAGE ROUTIER RESUME Ce rapport est destiné & mettre & jour et & remplacer la publication CIE 30.2 - 1982, Calcul et mesure d'éclairement et de luminance en éclairage routier (en englais). ll fournit les méthodes requises par les publications CIE 115 -1995 et CIE 136 -2000 et dans leurs recommandations. | comporte le calcul de luminance et déclairement et leurs crittres duniformité associés ainsi que le calcul déblouissement dincapacité. II comporte également les conventions retenues pour les maillages de luminance et d'éclairement. BERECHNUNGSMETHODEN FUR STRASSENBELEUCHTUNG ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dieser Bericht ersetzt CIE-Publikation 30.2 - 1982 “Calculation and measurement of luminance and luminance in road lighting’. Es werden die Methoden beschrieben, die far die in CIE 115 -1995 und CIE 136 -2000 gegebenen Empfehlungen bendtigt werden. Im vorliegenden Bericht werden Verfahren angegeben sowohl zur Berechnung von Leuchtdichten, Beleuchtungsstarken und den daraus abgeleiteten GleichmaBigkeiten als ‘auch zur Ermittiung der Kennzahlen der physiologischen Blendung. Dariiber hinaus werden die Festiegungen fir die Leuchtdichte- und Beleuchtungsstarkeraster beschrieben. CIE 140 - 2000 1. INTRODUCTION This report is a revision of CIE 30.2 -1982 Calculation and measurement of luminance and iiluminance in road lighting. It gives the methods of calculating the lighting quantities which CIE 115 -1995 and CIE 136 -2000 require for their recommendations. It includes the calculation of luminance and illuminance, and introduces the up-to- date conventions for the location of calculation grid points and observer position. A listing of the computer program for carrying out the calculations, which appeared in previous editions of the report, is not given as it has proven impossible to provide a service for the maintenance of ‘such a program. instead test data will be given in a separately issued part of the report to enable programs to be verified. The calculation of illuminance is described in greater detail than in the previous reports, as illuminance, in its many forms, is now a requirement for pedestrian lighting. The laboratory measurement of the reflection properties of the road surfaces, which was fully dealt with in previous editions of the report, has been omitted as it will be the subject of a separate report, as will be field measurements. 2. DEFINITIONS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS first axis (of a luminaire when measured in the (C7) coordinate system): The vertical ‘axis through the photometric centre of a luminaire when itis at its tit during measurement. NOTE 1: The poles of the (C,) coordinate system lie in this axis. See Fig. 1. NOTE 2: This axis is tited when the luminaire is titted from its tit during measurement. NOTE 8: See CIE 121 - 1996 for more information on the first axis of a luminaire. vertical photometric angle (of a light path): The angle between the light path and the fir axis of the luminaire. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: . (See Figs. 1. and 6.) photometric azimuth (of a light path): The angle between the vertical hatf-plane passing through the light path and the zero reference hatf-plane through the first axis of a luminaire, when the luminaire is at its tit during measurement. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: C. (See Fig. 1.) angle of deviation (with respect to luminance coefficient): The complementary angle between the vertical plane through the luminaire and point of observation and the vertical plane through the observer and the point of observation. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: f. (See Fig. 6.) angle of incidence: The angle that a light path makes with the normal to the plane of incidence. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: «. (See Fig. 6.) angle of observation: The angle that the viewing direction makes with the horizontal. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol «. (See Fig. 6.) luminance coefficient (at a surface element, in a given direction, under specified conditions of illumination): Quotient of the luminance of the surface element in the given direction by the illuminance on the medium. Unit: sr, Symbol: q. NOTE: qi the luminance coefficient in reciprocal steradians; Lis the luminance in candelas per square metre; Eis the illuminance in lux. reduced luminance coefficient (for a point on a surface): The reduced luminance coefficient is the luminance coefficient muttiplied by the cube of the cosine of the angle of incidence of the light on the point. Unit: sr". Symbol: r CIE 140 - 2000 NOTE 1: This can be expressed by the equation: r=q(cose? where: gis the luminance coefficient in reciprocal steradians; is the angle of incidence in degrees of arc (Fig. 6.). NOTE 2: The angle of observation, « in Fig. 6. affects the value of r. By convention this angle is fixed at 1° for road lighting calculations. r is reasonably constant for values of a between %° and 114°, the angles over which luminance caloulations for the road surface are generally required tilt during measurement (of a luminaire): The angle between a defined datum axis on the luminaire and the horizontal when the luminaire is mounted for photometric measurement. ‘Symbol: @, (See Fig. 10.) NOTE: The defined datum axis may be any feature of the luminaire, but generally for a side- Mounted luminaire ities in the mouth of the luminaire canopy, in line with the spigot axis. Another commonly used feature is the spigot entry axis. {ilt in application (of a luminaire): The angle between a defined datum axis on the luminaire ‘and the horizontal when the luminaire is mounted for field use. Symbol: 6 (See Fig. 10.) NOTE 1: The defined datum axis may be any feature of the luminaire but generally for a side- mounted luminaire it ies in the mouth of the luminaire canopy, in line with the spigot axis. Another commonly used feature is the spigot entry axis. NOTE 2: This is the actual ttt of the luminaire when it is mounted for field use and should not be confused with tt normal in application or designed attitude in CIE 121-1996. orientation (of a luminaire): When the first axis of the luminaire is vertical, itis the angle that a chosen reference direction, which is longitudinal for a straight road, makes with the C=0°, 7-90" measurement direction of the luminaire. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: v. (See Fig. 9. which ilustrates the sign conventions.) rotation (of a luminaire): The angle the first axis of the luminaire makes with the nadir of the luminaire, when the tit during measurement is zero. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: y (See Fig. 9. which illustrates the sign conventions.) longitudinal direction: The direction parallel to the axis of the road, transverse direction: The direction at right angles to the axis of the road. NOTE: On a curved road the transverse direction is that of the radius of curvature at the point of interest on the road. installation azimuth (with respect to a given point on the road surface and a given luminaire at its tilt during measurement): When the luminaire is at its tit during ‘measurement, itis the angle a chosen reference direction, which is longitudinal for a straight ‘oad, makes with the vertical plane through the given point and the first axis of the luminaire. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: g. (See Fig. 6.) NOTE: The reference direction for a straight road is by convention the longitudinal direction. 3. LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ‘The symbols and abbreviations used in this report are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Symbols and abbreviations age of observer | years | photometric azimuth (Fi degrees of arc Quantity Name or description spacing between calculation points in the transverse direction (Fig. 12.) for calculation of luminance CIE 140 - 2000 spacing between calculation points in the transverse direction (Fig. 12.) of a footway or cyclepath ‘spacing between calculation points in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 12.) of a carriageway or driving lane ‘spacing between calculation points in the longitudinal direction of a footway or cyclepath for calculation of illuminance ‘average illuminance of the carriageway total illuminance at the eye, produced by new luminaires, on ‘plane normal to the line of sight and at the height of the ‘observer's eye, scaled to a luminous flux of one kilolumen from the lamps or lamps in each luminaire horizontal illuminance semicylindrical illuminance ‘mounting height of a luminaire (Fig. 6.) luminous intensity, usually per kilolumen from the lamp ed of cd/kim integers indicating the row or column of a table local constants luminance ed: m? veiling luminance d+ m? maintenance factor ‘number of points in the transverse direction ‘umber of points in the longitudinal direction luminance coefficient reduced luminance coefficient spacing between luminaires (Fig. 12.) surround ratio threshold increment longitudinal uniformity of luminance overall uniformity of luminance width of footway or cyclepath width of driving lane (Fig. 12.) width of relevant area (Fig. 16.) abscissa in (x, y) coordinate system (Fig. 8.) ordinate in (x, y) coordinate system (Fig. 8.) angle of observation (Fig. 6.) 33/3/33 degrees of arc CIE 140 - 2000 Quantity Unit Symbol Name or description angle between the vertical plane of the incident light path asc and the normal to the flat surface of the semicylinder used | degrees of arc for measuring semicylindrical illuminance (Fig. 15.) 2 angle of deviation (Fig. 6.) degrees of arc 7 vertical photometric angle (Fig. 1.) degrees of arc 6 tilt for caloulation (Fig. 10.) | degrees of arc @ angle between line of sight and centre of luminaire degrees of arc a tit in application (Fig. 10.) degrees of arc Om tit during measurement (Fig. 10.) degrees of arc e angle of incidence (Fig. 6.) degrees of arc ¥ ‘orientation of luminaire(Fig. 9.) degrees of arc v rotation of a luminaire (Fig. 9.) | degrees of arc @ | initia! luminous flux of lamp or lamps in a luminaire im 4. MATHEMATICAL CONVENTIONS AND PROCEDURES ‘The mathematical conventions used in this document are: ~ the luminaire is regarded as a point source of light; ~ light reflected from the surrounds and interreflected light is disregarded; ~ obstruction to the light from luminaires by trees and other objects is disregarded; ~ the road surface is fat and has uniform reflecting properties over the area considered; ~ the atmospheric attenuation is zero. For interpolation the Lagrange formula is used yo)= Sn TT ( x4 } 0 piel where; (2) is the interpolated value of y at the point x; Nis the number of points between which interpolation is required; OY Wa Ye JonelRnY| Jone Yn ) ate the points between which interpolation is required; © signifies the summation of the terms; TI signifies the product of the terms. CIE 140 - 2000 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR PHOTOMETRIC DATA. 5.1 Luminous intensity data for luminaires For calculations made according to this report, a luminous intensity table (/-table) prepared in accordance with CIE 121 - 1996 is required. The calculations will be facilitated if the Mable and associated data are in the form recommended in CIE 102 - 1993. The coordinate system used for road lighting luminaires is generally the (C.y), shown in Fig. 1. although the (B,8) coordinate system is used in some countries and is commonly used for floodlights. The formulae quoted in this document are related to the (C,y) coordinate system. Luminous intensity is expressed in candelas per kilolumen (cd/kim) from all the light sources in the luminaire. Luminaire at tit during measurement Directich of luminous intensity First photometric axis 1. C,ycoordinate system. Values of luminous intensities are required over the range of angles which are important. In particular, values are required up to the maximum angle of elevation which is relevant for the intended application of the luminaire, with allowance being made for the maximum angle of tit of the luminaire. Angular intervals stipulated in this report have been selected to give acceptable levels of interpolation error when the recommended interpolation procedures are used, and to keep the time taken for photometric measurements within practical limits, In the (C,y) system of coordinates, luminous intensities will be required at the angular intervals stated below. For all luminaires the angular intervals in elevation ()) should at most be 2,6° from 0° to 90° plus the permissible maximum field angle of elevation minus the measurement angle of elevation, for the luminaire. In azimuth the intervals can be varied according to the symmetry of the ight distribution from the luminaire as follows: a) luminaires with no symmetry about the C = 0°-180° plane: the intervals should at most be 5°, starting at 0°, when the luminaire is in its measurement angle of elevation and ending at 355°; b) luminaires with nominal symmetry about the C = 90°-270° plane: the intervals should at most be 5°, starting at 270°, when the luminaire is at its tit during measurement, and ending at 90°; ©) luminaires with nominally the same light distribution in all C planes: only one representative set of measurements in elevation is needed. CIE 140 - 2000 NOTE: Up to the present time, /-tables have usually been measured according to the angular spacings recommended in CIE Publication 30.2-1982. These spacings are wider than those recommended above, and for these [tables linear interpolation, as described in Section 5.2.1. will not be satisfactory. Quadratic interpolation or an equivalent mathematical procedure is recommended. 5.2 Interpolation of luminous intensity data Interpolation will be required in an /-table when a luminous intensity is required in a direction which lies between the directions in which measurements are taken as shown in Fig. 2. where the luminous intensity 1(C,) is required. it is necessary to interpolate between the four values of intensity lying closest to the direction C in azimuth and yin elevation, MCovets Yor) uC, yi) MCs H) Light source Cn Fig. 2. Luminous intensities required for linear interpolation, Linear or quadratic interpolation, or a more accurate mathematical procedure can be used for this purpose. The choice of linear or quadratic interpolation depends on the angular spacing of the intensity measurements. More accurate procedures, such as spline functions, may be used but are not described in this document. 5.2.1 Linear interpolation To estimate the intensity 1(C,y) it is necessary to interpolate between the four values of intensity lying closest to the direction (C,y) as indicated in Fig. 3. c Cnet n Fig. 3. Angles required for linear interpolation of luminous intensity ET CIE 140 - 2000 For linear interpolation Equ. (1), with n equal to 2 becomes: El ((xexs xX Wx): 2 of ES) This equation can be applied to either C or y first. When It is first applied to C, Cis substituted for x x=C He Cn X= Cm From this substitution two constants (K; and Kz) can be defined, and conveniently evaluated by a computer subroutine: C-Coyes GC C-Cy O° Ga Om Since K, + K, =1 the notation can be simplified by putting K=K, so Ky =1-K. ‘Substitution of these constants and appropriate values of J for y in Equ. (1), gives after simplification: 1C.y)= (Cun) +-[t(Cror))-1(Cno7)) ‘Similarly, HC .s)= HC es) +K-Ll (Cn 7et)— mrs) For interpolation at a constant azimuth, C, a similar procedure produces: 1e7)=1(6.7) where: yn He -% If this procedure is reversed by first carrying out interpolation in the 7 cones followed by interpolation in the C planes the same result will be obtained. Where linear interpolation is used with the larger angular intervals recommended in the previous edition of this report (CIE 30.2-1982) there will be some loss in accuracy and quadratic interpolation is recommended. ‘When interpolation is carried out in the region of C=0° see Section 5.2.3, CIE 140-2000 5.2.2 Quadratic interpolation Quadratic interpolation requires three values in the table for each interpolated value. Fig. 4. indicates the procedure. If a value of / is required at (C, »), interpolation is first carried out down three adjacent columns of the /-table enclosing the point. This enables three values of / to be found at 7. Interpolation is then carried out across the table to find the required value at (C, »). If preferred this procedure may be reversed, that is interpolation can be carried out across and then down the /able without affecting the resutt. Cm Cons © Cone Fig. 4. Values required for quadratic interpolation. To reduce interpolation errors as far as possible the following two rules should be followed in selecting the values for insertion in the interpolation equations: 1) The two tabular angles adjacent to the angle for interpolation are selected for insertion in the interpolation equations and the average calculated. 2) If the angle for interpolation is smaller than this average then the third tabular angle is the next lower tabular angle (as shown for C in Fig. 4.); if the angle for interpolation is greater than this average then the third tabular angle is the next higher tabular angle (as shown for y in Fig. 4.). When interpolation is carried out in the region of C-0°, or y=0° or 180° see Section 523, ‘The formula for quadratic interpolation is obtained by putting n equal to 3 in Equ. (1), which gives: Wr { Goatent ay, [ (x= x,)(x- x5) Jos i eosin) (= 2 JOR, =, (ea =x) (5 = %)0ea = Xe where it will be noticed that there is cyclic permutation of the suffices. This interpolation can be applied to either C or 7. When itis first applied to C, this parameter is substituted for xin the above equation x20 where: Cis the angle at which is to be found by interpolation; m, m+1, m+2 are integers indicating the number of the columns in the /-table; Cr» Cpt» 8d Cro af@ values of C for the corresponding column numbers. CIE 140 - 2000 From this substitution three constants can be defined, which can be conveniently evaluated by a subroutine program: (C-Gys)(C—Cove) (Cin — Crna (Cm = Cova. (C-Ca)C-Cowve) (Crs = Em (Cm = Cmvz) (C=Cy)(C=Covs) Cra = Cn Ema Cres Ky= Ky= From these three equations it follows that K, +Kz +K, =1. A set of three equations can then bbe written allowing evaluation in a calculation loop in a computer program with the variation of MC.7,)= Ky A Cer} Ko MCm7)* Ka MCmv2st) Ca y3)= Ky MCs os) Ke MOmerstns + Ka Cres) MC. p2)= Ki-1(Cns¥p2)* Ka U(Cmer'? p2)* Ka U(Cne2s? 2) For interpolation of the y angles further application of Equ. (1), gives three new constants: _y-rus)ty~rive) Brel Te -n)r-rna) Gina Toe Norn) 2 — TN — Yi Lt ko= k= From these three equations it follows that k, +k, +k, =1, and: MCar)= ky Cr))+ ke Corina) + ke HC.rn2) which gives the required value of luminous intensity. ‘The order of the interpolation procedure, first for y and then for C, may be reversed vwithout altering the resutt. 5.2.3 Quadratic interpolation in the region of C=0°, ot »=0° or 180° For quadratic interpolation in these regions it may be necessary to take the third value of luminous intensity from the C= 90° through to C= 180° to 270° hemisphere of the luminous intensity distribution, which may be regarded as a mirror image of the C= 270° through to C= 0° to 90° hemisphere of the luminous intensity distribution, 5.3 Road surface reflection data Road surface reflection data are, conventionally, expressed in terms of the reduced luminance coefficient mutipied by 10 000 (for convenience of presentation), at the angular intervals and in the directions indicated in Table 2. CIE 140 - 2000 Table 2. Example table of reduced luminance coefficients (x 10* 7) rm : Frees) fane of 2] _8|_ 10] _45|_20] 25] 30] 85] 40) 45) 60) 75] 90) 105] 120) 195) 150) 168] 180] 0:00 | $28) 329| 3) 329] 820] 809) 320] on] 329) $20) 9) S25] 9) 829) aoe! aoa) 525] ao9| 370] Bo9) 0.25 | 362| 356] 571| 96¢| 373] 860) 969] 057/354] S49| 348) 240] 926] a1al 209] 204) 208) 268200] 201 0,60 _| 379) 968] 875 873) 967) 359] 350] 340] 328] 317| 306) 280] 266| 249] 237| 237) 231] 2a1! 227] 2a5| 0.75 | 360,375] 278) 365 951] 804) 315| 205| 275] 256| 200) 21e| 10el tral 173] 176176 1691751 176 4.00 | 8721373] 372] a5 a18|277|2aa{ 201] 20s t92| 10%] 152/194] ¥a0! tes] 124125) Too] 12) 128) 4.25 | 875| $73| s62| 316] 265| 221] r89) 166| 160] 196) 125/107, 91) 99) 91] 91! 98” 94/97/97] 1,50 | 354] 352 396| 271] 213] 170] t40| 121] 109) 97] a7|_76| 7/65) 68] 66) 67| eat il 71 1.75_| $33] 827] 302| 222! 166] 129, 104] 90] 75) 68] 63] 5|_51| 49| a9] a7] 521 51] sal eal 2,00 | s18|s10| 266] 160, 121| 60] 7s| 62) 6450] 40) 40] ael_sel _aa| ail ail al a5 260 | 266) 262| 20s] 119) 72) 50] 4i| a6] a3) 20) 26|_a5| gal zal as —aal 0) 27] 20) 2a) 3,00 _| 227) 217) 147| 74 42] 29| 25] 23| 21/19] 18| 16 16] 17| 18| 17| 19° 21) 211 3.50 | 196 168| 106] 47|_90| ea) 17] tal_tal 121] 11] 101 19] 12119) 15) 15) 14 4,00 | 168 136|_76| 94) “19| 4] 19] 14] 10] 10) sofa al 10 of tn] tal 19] 4a) 450 [a1] 114 s4| ail tal 44/98) a) af 87) 7] 8 8 8) al 10] fo] 11 500 | 1261 90] 4a] 17] 10] al of 7] ee 7} 6 7] 6] ol vt 6) al] a) 550 | 107| 79] sal 12) 77} 71 0 6.00 | 946526] 10) 7 6] ol a] 6.50 | 66 56 21] 8| 7] 6| 5) 5] 7,00 |" 78 50| 17 7/5] 5| 5) 5) 750 | 7041, 147] al a) a 8.00 | 63| 3711] sla at a) |"s50_["e0|"a7|_10—s| 41a] 4] 800-56) 92) 9) 54a [eso [39] 29) of al al 10.00 | 5227/7] 5] ala 10.50 | 45) 23 7| al a] al 1100 [43] 2) 7,3) al ee) [12.00 [~a2} 20) —7[ at 9} The plan area covered by the data in the table is indicated in Fig. 5. in terms of the mounting height of the luminaire, and in relation to the position of the luminaire and the direction of the observer. Luminaire a | YoTN pS I o “€— To observer + 4H 4 | T 12H 8H 4H 0 4H Fig. 5. Plan area covered by rtables. ‘The reduced luminance coefficient varies according to the following angles, which are indicated in Fig. 6: ) e the angle of incidence at the point P. 10 CIE 140 - 2000 b) a the angle between the line of sight of the observer and the surface of the carriageway. This is fixed at 1°. ©) A the complementary angle between the vertical plane through the luminaire, at Q, and point of observation, P, and the vertical plane through the observer and P. It will be noticed in Fig. 6. that y, the vertical photometric angle, is equal to «, the angle of incidence. This is only true when the luminaire is used at its tit in measurement and the rotation is zero. ‘The reflection characteristics of the road surface may vary with the angle of view with respect to the axis of the road, that is the surface may not be optically isotropic. The resulting variation in the reduced luminance coefficient is usually small and can be disregarded. Luminaire at u Tis the longitudinal direction tit during is the photometric centre of the luminaire measurement la UOT is a vertical axis, which isthe first axis of the luminaire 1a tit during measurement is zero on ths figure PNis the normal at P to the road surface Cis the photometric azimuth Bis the angle of deviation 77s the vertical photometric angle «is the angle of observation eis the angle of incidence Light path ‘Angular relationships for luminaire, observer and point of observation. 5.3.1 Interpolation in the table When a value of ris required for values of tan ¢ and f lying between those given in the r-table itis necessary to use quadratic interpolation. This requires three values in the rtable for each interpolated value. Fig. 7. indicates the procedure. If a value of r is required at (tan «, f) interpolation is first cartied out down three adjacent columns of the table enclosing the point. This enables three values of r to be found at tan e. Interpolation is then carried out across the table to find the required value at (tan «, ). To reduce interpolation errors as far as possible the following rule (which differs from that used for interpolation in the table) should be followed in selecting the values for insertion in the interpolation equations: ~The two tabular values adjacent to the value for interpolation are selected. The third tabular value is the next greatest, as shown in Fig. 7. - Linear interpolation is used at the boundaries of the table. " CIE 140 - 2000 The ensuing mathematical procedure is similar to that described for the [table (Gection 5.2.2.) As for that procedure the order of interpolation may be reversed without affecting the resutt. Bo B Brows Bre taneyre= tane tang; Fig. 7. Values required for interpolation procedure in the table. 6. CALCULATION OF /(C,7) To determine the luminous intensity directed from a luminaire to a point it is necessary to find the vertical photometric angle (») and photometric azimuth (C) of the light path to the point. To do this account has to be taken of the orientation, the tit in application, and rotation of the luminaire. For this purpose mathematical sign conventions for measuring distances on the road and for turning the luminaire about axes have to be established. y L @ (xy) @ My) Calculation point \_ Edge of carriegeway (y) coordinate system for locating luminaire in plan. Luminaire 12 CIE 140 - 2000 6.1 Mathematical conventions for distances measured on the road A (xy) rectangular coordinate system is used (Fig. 8.). The abscissa is aligned with the reference direction which, for a straight road, lies in the longitudinal direction. Then: = XX (2) Yo-¥i ® where: (%, ¥4) are the coordinates of the calculation point; (%,y) are the coordinates of the luminaire. Fig. 9. Axes for turning the luminaire in relation to (x,y,z) coordinate system. 6.2 Mathematical conventions for luminaire axes. ‘The luminaire has three axes of rotation. To describe these it is necessary to extend the (x,y) coordinate system to three dimensions by means of a zaxis. The origin is taken to be at the photometric centre of the luminaire. Fig. 9. shows the luminaire axes in relation to the (x.y.2) Coordinate system, and the sense of the turning movements. The first axis of the luminaire is fixed in space and the second and third axes of the luminaire are mutually perpendicular and can be turned about the first axis. Further diagrams are given in CIE 121 - 1996. Fig. 10. shows the relation of tilt for calculation to tit during measurement and tilt in application. From this it is evident that: 5=6,-6, ® where: 6's the tit for calculation, in degrees of arc; 9, is the tit in application, in degrees of arc; @q,'s the tit during measurement, in degrees of arc. 13 CIE 140 - 2000 tis tit in application mis tit during measurement is ttt for calculation Gi Horizontal =.=! Fig. 10. Tift during measurement, tit in application, tit for calculation. 6.3 Calculation of C: luminaire not turned about photometric axes From Fig. 9. C=tantt 4 which will give: ~90°s tan? < 90° 6) ‘The angular quadrant in which this lies is determined from Table 3. Table 3. Calculation of Cfrom xand y Range of C (degrees) oscs90 90C<180 180 30 m, Nis the smallest integer giving D < 3 m. The first transverse row of calculation points is spaced at a distance D/2 beyond the first luminaire (remote from the observer). (b) In the transverse direction n (mm); The spacing (d) in the transverse direction is determined from the equation: We 3 @) where: dis the spacing between points in the transverse direction (m); Wis the lane width (m). The outermost calculation points are spaced d2 trom the edges of the lane. Where there is a hard shoulder and luminance information is required, the number and spacing of the calculation points should be the same as for a driving lane. 7.1.4 Position of observer ‘The angle of observation from the horizontal is fixed at 1°, as stated in Section 5.3. In the transverse direction the observer is placed in the centre of each lane in turn, ‘Average luminance (Ly) [see Section 8.1.] and overall uniformity of luminance (Us) [see Section 8.2.) are calculated for the entire carriageway for each position of the observer. Longitudinal uniformity of luminance (U1) [see Section 8.3.] is calculated for each centre-line. The operative values of Lay, Us, and U, are the lowest in each case. Fig. 13, gives examples of the observer position in relation to the field of calculation. NOTE: For luminance calculations in some countries and for tunnel lighting calculations generally, the direction of observation is always in a line parallel to the run on the oad. This means that the observer has to be aligned with each longitudinal line of calculation points. The results from these calculations should be labelled ‘Moving observer for luminance calculations’, 18 CIE 140 - 2000 Six lane road with central reservation Three lane road x Single side luminaire x arrangement eee _————~._ Threelane road xII=I=T TTT T Double side luminaire x arrangement oo o 0 6 Oo 2 2 2 ecpeenreceesesto a Tiree lane road 2_———— ———- __ Staggered luminaire x arrangement ° ° ° = o__f gS __9 ‘Two lane road scaleeteoscseoae —— = Single side tuminaire arrangement z ‘Two lane road xe —————- Double side luminaire arrangement 5 < ‘Two lane road ————— —— == Staggered luminaire s =z > arrangement X Observer position {BB catculation feta Fig. 13. Examples of positions of observation points in relation to the field of calculation. 7.1.5 Number of luminaires included in calculation For each calculation point, all the luminaires which make a significant contribution to the luminance should be included in the calculation. These luminaires lie in the plan area of the table (Table 2.), which approximates to a rectangle of dimensions SH by 17H, and by its symmetry can be used to cover an area 10H by 17H (Fig. 5.). As a consequence it is only necessary to consider luminaires which are situated within five times the mounting height from the calculation point towards the observer, 12 times the mounting height from the calculation point away from the observer, and five times the mounting height on either side of the calculation point. Fig. 14. shows an example. 19 CIE 140 - 2000 Observation direction [=p Calculation point Boundary of field of calculation Boundary of area for location of luminaires Fig. 14. Luminaires which may contribute to luminance at calculation point. 7.2 luminance In this report the calculation of two forms of illuminance is considered. These are: Planar illuminance on a horizontal plane, usually the road surface or footway, referred to as horizontal illuminance. Semicyiindrical illuminance, 1,5 m above the surface of interest. The semicylindrical illuminance varies with the direction of interest. For a street this is taken to be in a designated longitudinal direction. In Fig. 15. the shaded vertical plane is orientated in the longitudinal direction, 7.2.1 Horizontal illuminance The horizontal illuminance at a point should be calculated from the following formula or a ‘mathematically equivalent formula: =v LGy)-cos* e-0-MF 5-> 7 (10) where: Is the maintained horizontal illuminance at the point in lux; E indicates summation of the contributions from all the luminaires, (Cy) the intensity in cd/kim in the direction of the point; «is the angle of incidence of the light at the point; 7/is the vertical photometric angle; His the mounting height in m of the luminaire; ‘is the intial luminous flux in kim of the lamp or lamps in the luminaire; ‘MF is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the luminaire maintenance factor. 7.2.2 Semicylindrical iluminance ‘The semicylindrical illuminance at a point should be calculated from the following formula or a mathematically equivalent formula: 20 CIE 140 - 2000 /)- (1+ cosa, )- cos" e-sine--MF_ 1 Fe Dy are a where: Ex:is the maintained semicylindrical iluminance at the point in tux; indicates summation of the contributions from all the luminaires; 1(C.x) is the intensity in od/kim in the direction of the calculation point; ‘se is the angle between the vertical plane containing the intensity vector and the vertical plane at right-angles to the flat surface of the semicylinder, as shown in Fig. 15; vis the vertical photometric angle; «cis the angle of incidence of the light to the normal to the horizontal plane, at the point; His the mounting height in m of the luminaire; is the intial luminous flux in kim of the lamp or lamps in the luminaire; ‘MF is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the lu factor. Luminaire Vertical plane at right-anglos Flat surface of to flat surface of semicylinder / semioylinder Calculation point Fig. 15. Angles used in the calculation of semicylindrical illuminance. 24 CIE 140 - 2000 7.2.3 Carriageway Field of calculation The field of calculation should be typical of the area of the road which is of interest to the driver and pedestrian, and may include the footways, cycleways, and verges. As shown in Fig. 16. it should be bounded by the edges of the ‘carriageway and by transverse lines through two consecutive luminaires. s Luminaire SoC mee cng 1X mE) 18 eect) 23 Width of relevant area W, 1d of calculation CQ tame % Denotes lines of calculation points in the transverse and longitudinal directions Fig. 16. Calculation points for illuminance. For staggered installations consecutive luminaires will be on opposite sides of the toad. Position of calculation points ‘The calculation points should be evenly spaced in the field of calculation (Fig. 16.) and their number should be chosen as follows: (@) Inthe longitudinal direction ‘The spacing in the longitudinal direction should be determined from the equation: s where: ‘Dis the spacing between points in the longitudinal direction (m); Sis the spacing between luminaires (m); Nis the number of calculation points in the longitudinal direction with the following values: for $< 30m, N= 10 for $> 30 m, the smallest integer giving D< 3 m. The first row of calculation points is spaced at a distance D/2 beyond the first luminaire (m). (0) In the transverse direction where: dis the spacing between points in the transverse direction (m); Wis the width of the carriageway or relevant area (mm). 22 CIE 140 - 2000 ‘The spacing of points from the edges of the relevant area is D/2 in the longitudinal direction, and d/2 in the transverse direction, as indicated in Fig. 16. Number of luminaires included in calculation Luminaires which are situated within five times the mounting height from the calculation point should be included in the calculation, 7.2.4 Footways and cyclepaths The calculation points should be evenly spaced in the field of calculation (Fig. 16.) and their number should be chosen as follows: (a) Longitudinal direction If the footways or cyclepaths are of the same lighting class as the carriageway, they may be considered together with the carriageway for determining the spacing of the calculation points in the longitudinal direction, otherwise Section (a) applies. (b) Transverse direction where: és the spacing between points in the transverse We is the width of the footway or cyclepath in metres; 1nis the number of points in the transverse direction with the following values: for Wes1,0mn=1 for We> 1,0 m, nis the smallest integer giving & < 1m. The points adjacent to the edge of the carriageway should be spaced from the edge of the carriageway at one haif the spacing between points. For the number of luminaires included in the calculation, Section applies. tion in metres; 7.2.5 Areas of iregular shape These may include conflict areas (2), residential roads, and areas where pedestrian activity predominates. The calculation points should cover the relevant area and be on a square grid with a ‘spacing between points no greater than 5 m. A spacing of about 1 m should be considered for areas of particular interest or importance. ‘The orientation or orientations for semicylindrical illuminance should be in the main directions of pedestrian movement. Number of luminaires included in calculation This should be the same as the number used for carriageway calculations. 8. CALCULATION OF QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS Quality characteristics relating to luminance should be obtained from the calculated grids of luminance without further interpotation. For initial average illuminance or initial average luminance, MF is 1,0 and initial values of the luminous flux of the lamp or lamps in the luminaires should be taken. For average luminance or average illuminance after a stated period, the MF for the luminaire after the stated period in the environmental conditions of the installation should be taken together with the luminous flux in kilolumens of the light source or sources in the luminaire after the stated period. 23 CIE 140 - 2000 8.1 Average luminance Ley The average luminance is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the luminances obtained at the calculation points. 8.2 Overall uniformity Uy ‘The overall uniformity is calculated as the ratio of the lowest to the average lu ance. 8.3 Longitudinal uniformity U The longitudinal uniformity is calculated as the ratio of the lowest to the highest luminance in the longitudinal direction along the centre-line of each lane, including the hard shoulder in the case of motorways. The number of points in the longitudinal direction (N) and the spacing between them should be the same as those used for the calculation of average luminance. The observer's position should be in line with the row of calculation points, 8.4 Threshold Increment 77 ‘The threshold increment (77) is calculated for the installation in its intial state, when it will have its highest value. Itis calculated from the formula (3): (12) where: k is a constant which varies according to the age of the observer. It is conventionally taken as 650, which is applicable for an observer of 23 years. Its value for other ages ‘can be derived from the formula: k=641 [ “(ata) | (13) Als the age of the observer in years; , is the total illuminance (in lux per 1000 initial lamp lumens) produced by new luminaires on a plane normal to the line of sight and at the height of the observer's eye; the observer's eye, height 1,5 m above road level, is positioned transversely W/4 from the carriageway edge indicated in Section 7.1.4. and longitudinally at @ distance in metres of 2,75(H — 1,5), where His the mounting height (in m), in front of the field of calculation. The line of sight is 1° below the horizontal and in a vertical plane in the longitudinal direction passing through the observer's eye. Levis the average initial luminance of the road surface; @ |s the angle in degrees of arc between the line of sight and the centre of each luminaire. ‘This equation is valid for 0,05,’ after turning have taken place, relate to the unprimed values before turning has taken place. The position of P does not change with respect to the position of the luminaire, so the vector OP in Fig. A.1. (a) equals the vector OP in Fig. A.1. (b). x’, ¥’, 2’, and H' are found by multiplying the matrices for the three turning movements together. The order must be as indicated below to be in accord with Section A.6. boy debe oy alre.ty-t4] (46) where: [73.73.79 (a7) cosy-cosy-siny-sing-siny -sinv.cosé —_cosy-siny+sinv-sind-cosy/ sinv-cosy+cosv-sind siny cosv-cosé _sinv-siny-cosv-sind cosy’ ~cosd-siny sind cos5-cosy: ‘Substitution of this in Equ (1) gives x’=Xx(cosv-cosy -sinv-sind -siny)+ y (sinv cosy +cosv-sind -siny)-z-cosé -siny x-siny-cosé + y-cosv cos + z-sing Z=x(cosy-siny +sinv-sind cosy) + y (sinv -siny -cosv-sind-cosy)+z-cos 6-cosw 27 CIE 140 - 2000 Now from Fig. At. H'=-2, and “2,80 x'=Xx (cosy cosy -sinv sing-siny )+ y (sinv cosy +cosv-sind-siny)+Hcosé-siny xsinv cos + y cosv-cosé - Hsing x(cosv -siny +siny sind cosy)-y(sinv -siny -cosv-sind -cosy)+Hcosé-cosy wt AB. Initial attitude of luminaire y ¥, and 6 are the angles through which the luminaire is tured from its angular attitude when it is photometrically measured. In practice luminaires are photometrically measured at an angular attitude such that y and v are not off-set from zero. However, they may be measured with the luminaire tited, in which case 5 = 6, - ©, (Fig. 10.). BIBLIOGRAPHY CIE 31 - 1976 Glare and uniformity in road lighting installations CIE 102 - 1993 Recommended file format for electronic transfer of luminaire photometric data CIE 115 - 1995 Recommendations for the lighting of roads for motor and pedestrian tratfic CIE 121 - 1996 The photometry and goniophotometry of luminaires CIE 136 - 2000 Guide to the lighting of urban areas TG. LTAG Publikation Nr. 14 1991 Methoden der Beleuchtungsstérke- und Leuchtdichteberechnung fir StraBenbeleuchtung 28 CIE 140 - 2000 CIE PUBLICATIONS Recommendations 22 Colours of ight signals, 2nd ed, 1975. 47.4 Intemational lighting vocabulary, 4th ed. (Joint publication IEC/CIE), 1987. 23 Intemational recommendations for motorway lighting, 1973. 99.2 Recommendations for surface colours for visual signaling, 2nd ed., 1983. ‘Technical Committee Reports 1 Guide tines fr minimising urban sky glow near astronomical observatories (Joint publication IAUICIE), 1980. 133 Method of measuring and spectiying colour Tendering of light sources, 1995. 182 Colormetry, 2nd ed, 1986. 16 Daylight, 1972. 102 The bene ct pineal photomety, 2nd 12.21 ‘anys mada for desxbing the ituence of lighting parameters upon visual Performance, 2nd ed, Volt: Technical foundations, 1981, 19.22An analytic model for describing the influence ‘fighting parameters upon visual Performance, and ed., Vol2.: Summary and ‘application guidelines, 1981, 22. Standardlation of lminarice distrbution on ‘lear skies, 1972. 29.2 Guide on interior lighting, 2nd ed, 1986. 81° Glare and uniformity in road ‘ghting Installations, 1976. 32 Ughting in situations requiring special treatment (in road ighting, 1977. 88° Depreciation of instalation” and their maintenance (in road ighting), 1977. 34 Road lighting lantern and installation data pholometrics, classification. = and performance, 1977. Radiometric and photometric characterises of ‘materials and their measurement, 1977. Calcuitions for interior lighting: Basie ‘method, 1978, Light as a true visual quantiy: Principles of ‘measurement, 1978, Lighting for tennis, 1978. Photometry of floodights, 1979, Absolute methods” for —_reflecton ‘measurements, 197. LUghting for be sports, 1979. ‘A toview of publications. on properties and feflection values of material reflection standards, 1979. 47 Road lighting for wet conditions, 1978. Light signals for road traffic convo, 1980. Guide on tne emergency lighting of bulding interiors, 1981, ‘51.2 A method for assessing the quality of daylight ‘simulators for coloriety, 199. 52 Caloulations for interior ighting: Applied ‘method, 1982. 53 Methods of characterising the performance of radiometers and photometers, 1982. it) Ba BBR ae ‘Standards and Draft Standards SO 10526/CIE $005 CIE standard iluminants for ‘colorimetry, 1999. ISOICIE 10527." Colorimetric observers, 1991 (8002, 1986). CIE S003-1896 "Spatial astibution of Dayignt — ‘CIE standard overcast sky and clear sky, 1996. CIE DS004.4-1098 Colours of Iight signals (Ora standard), 1988. 180 16506/CIE 8006 | Rad trafic ight — 200 mm ‘roundel signals photometic properties, 1999. '80 17166/CIE S007 | Erythema reference action ‘spectrum and standard erythema dose, 1898. ''S008.2-2000 Lighting of indoor work places (Draft standard), 2000. '08009.1-2000 Photoblological safety of lamps and lamp systems (Draft standard), 2000. 54 Retroretection: Detintion ‘and measurement, 1882. 55 Discomfort glare in the interior working BBQ Polarisation: Definitions and _nomenctatue, instrument polarisation, 1984. 60 Vision and. the vigual display unit work slation, 1964 61 Tunnel entrance lighting: A survey of {fundamentals for determining the luminance in the threshold zone, 1984. 662 Lighting for swimming pools, 1984. 63 The specteragomere measurement of iat 64 Determination of the spectral responshity of ‘optical radlation detectors, 1984, 65. Electicaly callrated thermal detectors of ‘optical radiation absolute radiometers), 1985. 66 Road surlaces and lighting (oint technical report CIE/PIARC), 1984, 67 Guide for the photometric speciation and measurement of sports lighting instalations, 1988. 69 Methods of characterising Wuminance meters ‘and luminance meters: Performance, Characteristics and specications, 1987. 70 The measurement of -absolite Kiminous intensity distributions, 1987. 72 Guide to the properties and uses of fetroreloctors at night, 1987 78 Visual aspects of road markings (joint technical report CIE/PIARC; French translation: Aspects visuels ‘des. marquages routers is available from PIARC), 1988, Roadsigns, 1968. Spectral luminous efficiency functions based ‘upon brightness matching for monochromatic point sources, 2° and 10° fields, 1988. 76 Intercomparison on measurement of (total) spectral radiance factor of luminescent ‘specimens, 1988. 77 Electic ight sources: Stale of the art - 1967, 1986. 78 Brighinessiuminance rolations: Ciassited bibliography, 1888. 79 A guide for the design of road trafic fights, 1988, 80 Special metamerism index: Change in ‘observer, 1969. 81 Mesopie photometry: History, special problems ‘and practical solutions, 1989. 82 CIE History 1913 - 1988, 1960. 29 CIE 140 - 2000 90 93 95 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Guide for the lighting of sports events for colour {elevision and fm systems, 1989. Measurement of luminous flux, 1989, Solar spectal radiance, 1985 CIE 1988 2° spectral luminous efficiency function for photopic vision, 1980. Colorimetry of soltluminous displays - A bibliography, 1960, Guide for the lighting of road tunnels and underpasses, 1990. ‘Technical Collection 1990: 89/1 Results of a CIE detector response intercomparison 892 Photobioiogical effects of suniamps 893 On the deterioration of exhibited museum objects by optical radiation 80/4 Guide for the measurement of Uundecground mine ighting. ‘Sunscraen testing (UV.B), 1991 Road lighting as an accident countermeasure, 1992, Guide for tloodighting, 1993. Contrast and visibitty, 1962. Elect ght sources Stato ofthe art, 1992, Maintenance of indoor electric ighting systems, 1902. Personal dosimetry of UV radiation, 1992, Lighting education (1983-1989), 1992. Fundamentals of the visual’ task of night ‘siving, 1992. Parametric elfects in evaluation, 1993. Recommended fle format for electronic {tansfer of luminaire photometric data, 1293. Technical Collection 1988: 4103/1 Colour appearance analysis 1032 Industrial ghting and safety at work 1033 Reterence action spectra for ultaviolet induced erythema and pigmentation of

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