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identify the Spelling of word a) Affidavit b) Affidevit c)

2. A O Hume the founder of congress was a............. (civil servant)
3. the red line under a word show which error...........(spelling)
4. Asmara is the capital of .............(eritera)
5. Highest Barrier Reef is in which country.........(Australia)
6. SAARC had ....... members ..............(8)
7. Antonyms of word Latent................(obvious)
8. Synonyms of word successive....(consecutive)
9. pollination through birds is called ..........(ornithophily)
10. wood is the basic raw material for ..........(paper)
11. Robbin Williams who commit suicide was a....................(comedian
12. among the following which one is not a non for profit organization
13. formula for calculation of net profit is..
14. Aj mary kal...... (dosra)
15. ab k tajdeed e wafa ka nahi imkan jaana kis ka shair ha ...........(Ahmed
16. complete the series............. ( 34)
17. if 500 kg meat can feed 20 lions ......(4)
18. which UNO agency had all the member......[General Assembly]
19. Khawaja nazim uddin was dimissed by................(g.muhammad)
20. book "Brief history of time" .............. (Stephen hawking)
21. There is no place like.........................(Home)
22.6th schedule of income tax ordinance also contains....
23. tax Applate tribunal is appointed by.... (FBR)
24. which among the following is the function of internal check....
25. Due to increased inflation what would be the result on exchange rate..
26. Instead of fixed exchange rate flexible rate of interest is favorable
because firms can......
27. which one is associated with internal audit
28. a profit maximizing firm produce until.....
29. Keynesian model.......
30. which activity increase the share price in stock market...
31. characteristics of partnership (answer was unlimited liability)
32. in organization limited by liability management control remains with the
33. one was related to succession plan
34. one is related to inelastic demand...
35. one was about control unit.....
36. Entry for material returned to store.....
37. which one is not direct labour cost
38. land is not depreciable asset because...
39.among the following which is not a salary income...
40. net profit is calculated with respect to ( answer was sales)
41. long term investment......debentures
42. revenue and expenses are …. Nominal accounts
43. In economics, major problem is.....unlimited human wants
44. Monopoly is unfavorable because.....
45. Periodic reduction in value of intangible assets....amortization
46. Return of Investment to owner ….. Dividend

Originally Posted by Agha Shahriyar Khan

Some questions which I remembered

1. Montevideo is the Capital of

2. Currency of Azerbaijan
3. Panama Canal connects which two oceans
4. Russia is connected with Alaska by which strait
5. Which bridge connects Europe with Asia
6. Watayo waqir buried at
7. Manchar lake is located at
8. Dr ruth pftau was buried in which grave yard
9. Descending order of 5 civil awards of Pakistan
10. Mobil phone use …….. type of signals
11. Velocity of light
12. Fathom is a unit of
13. ………. Fallen from sky to earth: Meteoroids
14. Country with highest population density
15. 24th parallel is the border of
16. Synonym of Anarchist
17. Synonym of Probity
18. meaning of Gambit
19. Idiom: turn the corner
20. Antonym of Cataclysm
21. Science which study races of humankinds
22. Science of lakes is called
23. Large enclosure of confining birds is called
24. Device converts chemical energy to electrical energy
25. Kakul is located at
26. Reko Dik in which district
27. Al-Hilal newspaper was issued by
28. Country below sea level

1. Synonym of State of lawlessness. ___________.

2. Punctuation mark between sentences which are grammatically independent but
connected in terms of sense___________.
3. Synonym of Probity___________.
4. Meaning of word Gambit___________.
5. Meaning of Idiom : Turn the corner___________.
6. Antonym of Cataclysm ___________.
7. Manchar Lake is located in ___________district. (Jamshoro)
8. Pakistan Civil awards in Descending order ___________. (Nishan, Hilal, Sitara, Tamgha)
9. Country under sea level ___________. (Netherland)
10. Which city is as a state ___________. (Singapore)
11. 24th parallel is the border of ___________.(Pakistan & India)
12. Which ocean separates Russia from USA ___________. (Bering Strait , i-e. Strait of
Pacific )
13. Speed of light in Km/hr ___________. (299,792 )
14. Amnesia is a disease which caused by ___________.(Brain damage)
15. Device which converts mechanical energy to electrical ___________. (Generator)
16. Currency of Azerbaijan___________. (Manat)
17. Sachal Sarmast’s actual name ___________. (Abdul Wahab Farouqi)
18. Watayo Faqeer’s grave is located at ___________. ( Tando Allahyar)
19. Study of lakes___________. (Limnology)
20. Current Envoy of Washington DC Ali Jehangir Siddiqui replaced___________.
(Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry)
21. Author of Book Jinnah A political saint ___________.(Mian Ata Rabbani.)
22. Why Ice state is less dense ___________.(Hydrogen bonds)
23. Which bridge in Istanbul, Turkey connects Europe ___________.( Bosphorus Bridge)
24. Capital city of Uruguay ___________.( Montevideo)
25. Panama Canal connects which two oceans ___________.( Atlantic Ocean with the
Pacific Ocean)
26. Ruth pfau was buried in which grave yard ___________.(Gora Qabristan)
27. Mobil phone use which type of signals.(Radio waves signals)
28. Body Falling from sky to earth: ___________.(Meteoroids)
29. Fathom is unit of ___________. (Depth)
30. A simple microscope uses which lens___________.(Convex Lens)
31. Field of science which study the races of human kinds is called
32. Large enclosure of confining birds is called ___________.(Aviary)
33. Kakul is located at ___________.(KPK)
34. Reko Dik is located in __________ district of Baluchistan.( Chagai District)
35. Al-Hilal newspaper was issued by___________. (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad)
36. Which novel of Saba Imtiaz acquired for a Bollywood adaptation___________.
(Karachi – You are killing Me)
37. INTERPOL stands for ___________.(International Criminal Police Organization)

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