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 God’s wisdom is unmeasurable. His level of knowledge is beyond our reach. And as we look
around we can see the wisdom of God on how me made things so perfectly that every creation
has a purpose. Men tried to reach God’s infinite wisdom but our wisdom is limited and whatever
we do we cannot reach God’s level. Through God’s wisdom, He plans for our life to be better
even though we cannot understand it, if we follow Him He will surely give us the best way to live
our life here on earth.

God is Faithful

 God is faithful and His words is true. Looking at the Bible we can see how God has been faithful
in leading His people. When God has a promise he will surely fulfill it but sometimes we don’t
understand how God fulfill His promise because our knowledge is limited. Even though we are
not faithful to Him, God is always faithful to us waiting for us to come back. It say in Deut 7:9
that he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those
who love him and keep his commandments."

God is good.

 God is good all the time. He wants the best for their children even though we are sinners. He
gives us blessing even though we don’t deserve it. God’s goodness is never changing and His
love is overflowing for us. If we include God, He can work good out of all situations.

God is just.

 God is fair and just to all of us. He gave us the freedom of choice. In order for us to be save God
send His only begotten Son to die for in behalf of us. Whatever status we have God will judge us
fairly and just. The fact that God is just means that He can and will judge between right and
wrong and He will administer justice in accordance with His standards

God is merciful

 God’s mercies for us is indescribable. Even though we are sinners God plans a way to save us.
By sending His only begotten Son we can see the ultimate mercy of God. God has chosen to be
merciful to His people. Mercy is an expression of who He is, and His love for us.

God is Gracious’

 Through God’s grace we are save from sin. It is a gift from God to all of us. Even though we don’t
deserve it, He is gracious and just to forgive us. He provided everything for humanity in order for
them to grow and prosper. God is gracious in our times of our need and is willing to extend His
hand to help us.

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