Indian Agri Determinants

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Indian Agriculture:
Important Determinants

he Indian economy is made up of three conditions, etc. While Institutional Factors may
major sectors: Primary, Secondary, and include credit extension, size of land holdings, and
Tertiary. The Primary Sector comprises social fabric in rural areas, Technological Factors
agriculture and allied activities; the Secondary would refer to use of high yielding varieties of
Sector can also be called Manufacturing or seeds, pesticide usage, irrigation facilities, etc.
Industrial Sector, while the Tertiary Sector
Physical FFactors
represents the Services Sector.
Climate. As we have seen, what makes agriculture
Importance of Agricultur
Agricultur a risky proposition is its heavy dependence on
Agriculture, the backbone of the Indian economy, climate. As climate and agriculture go hand in
plays a vital role in the overall economic and social hand, agricultural productivity would directly
well-being of our country. It contributes nearly depend upon the climatic conditions. The vagaries
20 per cent of India’s GDP while it engages nearly of climate directly affect the output, crop pattern
64 per cent of the country’s total labour force. and intensity, irrigation facilities, harvest, and
India’s total food-grain production in 2007-08 was every other operational aspect of agriculture.
227 million tonnes. Today we are self-sufficient
While rainfall is very important, an excess or a
in food-grain production and the country has a
deficiency of the same entails consequences of
sense of food security.
their own (floods or droughts). Excessive rainfall
However, agriculture in India is heavily dependent would lead to soil erosion, water logging, and
on the Monsoon. It has often been said that stunted growth. On the other hand, drought
agriculture in India is a ‘gamble in Monsoon’. The conditions, arising out of scanty or inadequate
dependency is so high that the amount of rainfall, would lead to soil drought, which destroys
agricultural output is more or less decided by the crops because the amount of transpiration exceeds
amount of rainfall. the amount of moisture available in the soil.
Determinants in Agricultur
Agricultur Temperature is another major determinant of
Agricultural productivity is influenced by a agricultural productivity. This is because different
number of determinants like physical, institutional, crop types require different temperatures -
and technological factors. Physical Factors relate maximum and minimum - during the many stages
to topography (surface features), climate, soil of the crop cycle.

January 2009 31
MBA Education & Careers


India's foodgrain production in 2007-08 was 227.3 million tonnes,

the highest ever in its history

Here, we should also look at some other Institutional FFactors

climate-linked factors like amount of sunshine, These factors relate to social institutions, credit
frosts (as also other forms of precipitation), and
extension, size of land holdings, land ownership,
air conditions. A combination of all these climatic
tenancy rights, etc. These institutional factors play a
factors plays a crucial role in determining
significant role as most agricultural activities take
agricultural output.
place in rural areas. These factors also assume
Soil. Among all physical factors, soil is probably considerable importance in the light of the fact that
the single most important determinant of these determine the cropping patterns, types of crops
agricultural productivity. Cropping patterns,
sowed, as well as adoption of new technologies.
cropping intensity, and final output would, to a
large extent, depend on soil fertility. However, if Technological FFactors
echnological actors
soil is not properly taken care of, then it could Technology plays a very important part in
lead to serious consequences like soil erosion, soil generation of agricultural output. From the ancient
alkanity, and salinity. times to the present, man has employed various
Physiography. India has immense geological technological tools, right from the wheel to
diversity ranging from the Himalayas in the north sophisticated machinery used in extensive
to the Indo-Gangetic Plain to the Deccan Plateau agriculture.
in peninsular India. We find alluvial plains in the Technology not only helps overcome various
Indo-Gangetic Plain fed by the melting-snows of
obstacles like environmental constraints, but also
the Himalayan river system. In the south, we find
helps improve efficiency thereby enhancing
varied physiographic factors (Karnataka Maidan,
productivity. While mechanisation of agriculture
Deccan Plateau), which give rise to different crop
does not help in small land holdings, it does come
varieties. This diversity of physiographic features
in handy when it comes to operations on large
has led to diversity in agricultural cropping
farm lands. Technology brings many advantages
patterns and practices. In addition to this, we find
slash and burn and other forms of agriculture like crop intensity, improved soil usage, water
practices in mountainous terrain. management, and modern farm tools. ME &C

32 January 2009

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