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#07: Allama Iqbal:

Allama Iqbal the poet of east was born in Sialkot (Punjab), on 9th November
1877. His poetry was meaningful and purposeful. He awakened the Muslims from
their deep sleep. Allama Iqbal was also a great philosopher. Munich University
awarded him the degree of Ph.D. for his work on Persian philosophy. Allama Iqbal
was a great politician too. Allama Iqbal made a definite demand for a separate
state for the Muslims of India in 1930 at Allahabad. His demand shocked both the
Hindus and the British. He played a great role in the creation of Pakistan.


Women also took part in Pakistan movement side by side with men. They
formed the women branch of Muslim league. They organized public meetings for
women and addressed large gatherings. They also took part in Public meetings
organized by men and made speeches there. They educated Muslim girls. They
took out processions. They travelled widely to explain their struggle for
independence to people. Women from Punjab and Sindh contributed a lot in the
Pakistan Movement. Thus we can say that women played a great role in the
creation of Pakistan along with men.
#09: Children:
Henry Longfellow appreciates the children in his poem. They are the sunshine to
our life. They makes us happy and cheerful. If there had been no children the world
would become a desert. Children are like birds that are always happy. The poet
was sad thinking of his death. However he forget all the worries in the company of
the children. The poet calls the children living poems. The gladness of their looks
and caresses have no match. In short, all the happiness in the world is due to
children. There can be no life and no charm in life without children.

Central Idea: Children are the source of joy and happiness. Without children
this world would become like desert which is more dark than before.

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