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Charles Mackay tells the story of a miller in his poem

“The Miller Of The Dee”. He used to work from morning to
night. He kept singing a song while working. The theme of the
song was envied nobody and nobody envied him. A king
happened to pass from there one day. He said that he was wrong
because he envied him. The king was sad while the miller was
happy. He asked the miller why he was happy. The miller
replied that he earned his bread with his hands and spent the
money on his family. He led a contented life and owed nothing
to anyone. The king said that his mealy cap was worth his crown
and his mill was worth his kingdom. He also said that such men
like him were England’s pride.


The earlier man lived by himself and for himself. As
societies grew larger and men become more civilized, new
professions developed. Laws were made to safeguard people. It
is the duty of every citizen to work honesty. If someone is
dishonest, he teaches other to be dishonest. We get the same
treatment from others as we treat them. The main problems of
our country are poverty, illiteracy and population growth. We
can solve these problems through proper education and hard
work. We can not be good Muslims without being good and
dutiful citizen. We should be loyal and patriotic to Pakistan. We
should also be good to our neighbours.

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