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What are the final products after digestion of

carbohydrates, fats and proteins? (1)
Ans.The final product produced after digestion, carbohydrates into glucose, fats into fatty acids and glycerol
and proteins into amino acids.
2. (a)Which element is used in the synthesis of proteins? (1)
(b) Which juices is secreted by pancreas?
Ans. a)Nitrogen b) Trypsin and Pepsin
3.(a) Draw a diagram to show open stomatal pore and label
on it: (2)
(i) guard cells
(ii) chloroplast
(b) State two functions of stomata.
(c) How do guard cells regulate the opening and closing
of stomatal pore?

(b) Two functions of stomata are:

(i) Exchange of gases between the plant and the atmosphere
takes place through stomata.
(ii)Transpiration in plants takes place through stomata.
(c) Opening and Closing of Stomatal Pore: The opening and closing of the pore is a function of the guard cells.
The guard cells swell when water flows into them causing the stomatal pore to open. Similarly, the pore closes if
the guard cells shrink. As large amount of water is lost through these stomata, the plant closes these pores when it
does not require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
4. Explain the process of nutrition in Amoeba. (3)
Answer. Amoeba is an important protozoa found in fresh water. It feeds on microscopic plants and animals
present in water. The mode of nutrition in amoeba is Holozoic. And the process of obtaining food byamoeba is
called phagocytosis. The different processes involved in the nutrition of amoeba are:
1. Ingestion: Ingestion is the process of taking food in the body. Amoeba is a unicellular animal, so it
doesn’t have a mouth for ingestion of food. Amoeba ingests the food by encircling it by forming pseudopodia.
When the food is completely encircled , the food is engulfed in the form of a bag called food vacuole.
2. Digestion: Digestion is the process of breaking the large and insoluble molecules in small and water
soluble molecules. In amoeba, several digestive enzymes react on the food present in the food vacuoles and break
it down into simple and soluble molecules.
3. Absorption: The food digested by digestive enzymes is then absorbed in the cytoplasm by the process of
diffusion. While the undigested food remains in the food vacuole. If a large amount of food is absorbed by
amoeba, the excess food is stored in the cytoplasm ih the form of glycogen and lipids.
4. Assimilation: During this step the food absorbed by the cytoplasm is used to obtain energy, growth and
repair. This process of utilizing absorbed food for obtaining energy, repair and growth is called assimilation.
5. Egestion: When a suficient amount of undigested food gets collected in the food vacuole, it is thrown out
of the body by rupturing cell membrane. The process of removal of undigested food from the body is called
5. (a) Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and
label the following: (4)
(i) Diaphragm
(ii) Larynx
(iii) part where air is filtered by fine hair and mucus- NASAL CAVITY
(iv) part which terminates in balloon – like structures- BRONCHIOLES
(v) balloon – like structures where exchange of gases
takes plac- ALVEOLI
(vi) part which separates chest cavity from abdominal
Cavity- Diaphragm

(b) Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms?
Ans: (a)
(b)Quantity of dissolved oxygen is fairly low in water as compared to the amount of oxygen in air. Aquatic
organisms therefore have to breathe faster than terrestrial organisms to absorb the required amount of oxygen from
the water.
6. In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food.
Explain the process of digestion. (4)
• Nutrition in human beings takes place in the digestive system.

• The digestive system consists of following organs, mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. These are joined together in a long tube called
alimentary canal.
• The main glands also (salivary glands, gastric glands, liver, pancreas and intestinal glands)
help in digestion which produce enzymes which breaks down food into smaller molecules.
1)In the mouth :- Digestion of food begins in the mouth .the food is broken down into
smaller particles by the teeth and mixed with saliva from the salivary glands. Saliva contains the
digestive enzyme, called salivary amylase, maltose and dextrins which converts starch into sugar.
Then the food passes through the oesophagus into the stomach.The tongue helps to mix the food
with saliva and swallow the food.
ii) The food pipe (oesophagus) :- The food pipe passes along the neck and chest. The
swallowed food is pushed down by the movement of the walls of the food pipe into the stomach

iii)In the stomach :- Stomach stores and mixes the food received from the oesophagus with
gastric juices. the gastric glands produce gastric juice which contains the enzyme pepsinogen,
hydrochloric acid and mucous. pepsinogen is converted to pepsin which is a protein-digesting
enzyme.. Hydrochloric acid makes the medium acidic and helps in the action of pepsin. Mucus
protects the inner lining of the stomach from the action of the HCL. Then the food passes into the
small intestine.

In the upper part of the small intestine called duodenum :- the food is mixed with bile from
liver and pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Bile breaks down fats into smaller globules.
Pancreatic juice contains the enzymes trypsin and lipase. Trypsin breaks down proteins and lipase
breaks down fats.

In the small intestine :- the glands the walls of the small intestine produces intestinal juice.
The enzymes of the intestinal juice coverts carbohydrates into glucose, fats into fatty acids and
glycerol and proteins into amino acids. The walls of the small intestine has several finger like
projections called villi having blood vessels. It helps to increase the surface area for the absorption
of digested food. The digested food is absorbed by the blood and transported to all cells in the
body. Then the undigested food passes into the large intestine.
In the large intestine :- water is absorbed and the waste material is removed through the

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