STS Final Paper

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First Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020

Facilitator : Michaela Jan R. Mojica

Office : Admissions Bldg., RM 207
E-mail :


Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is a course that explores the philosophical,
cultural, political, and economic viewpoints of science and technology as it permeates in
society. Focus is placed on navigating and broadening your awareness regarding the
historical development of science and technology integral in fortifying humanity. As you
will come to uncover the interaction of science and technology with society, you will also
look at how the levels of social arrangement affects and shapes this interaction. Our
objective is for you to become informed citizens of society and be impending nation
builders capable of responding critically to the most significant and unprecedented
challenges of the contemporary world.
Here, you will be engaged in reading books, reviews, journal articles, essays, and
case studies. You will participate in several types of discourses through master class
sessions, face-to-face activities, and online learning management system exercises. The
selected readings will examine each topic extending from global scenarios to highlighting
Philippine involvement in science and technology.
Your final grade will be based on a combination of class participation, activity
outputs, examinations (quizzes and major exams), and submission of your final project.
At the end of this course, you are expected to use local and global perspectives to
rationally and ethically address human challenges that science and technology bring forth –
its profits and risks, its promises and perils – to virtually all aspects of human life.
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Campaign Discussion Paper

The group paper is going to be a part of the Formative Assessments (70%). This will
be a group grade. The paper is due for submission on throughout the week of
November 22-29, 2019 during each class’ respective schedules, without
extensions. Papers submitted after this period will not be accepted and the students
will receive a grade of zero (0), in accordance with the policy stated in the syllabus.
The papers should be submitted online to, with the email title
Filipino in the Contemporary World Final Paper.

The discussion paper constitutes 75% of the total final paper grade in the subject.
The 25% will be from the result of the conducted peer evaluation after the

A ring-bind of the final paper should also be submitted on the day of the

The paper should be composed of the following sections:

I. Introduction
This part of the paper should establish and contextualize your chosen
Sustainable Development Goal, and give the rationale for why you are
conducting your campaign, explain the basic premise/s of the campaign,
and background information on your selected community and issue. I am
expecting you to provide a well-thought out discussion, with the
appropriate data and studies to validate or verify any claims you make.

Note: Internet sources can be used as valid data, provided they come from
scholarly sites. Only sites with .edu, .org or .gov url extensions are acceptable
internet sources. All sources must be appropriately cited in the References section
of the paper, and should use the APA format.

II. Statement of the Communication Problem

Provide a clear and concise statement of what communication problem or gap
exists in your selected community. This statement will be the basis for all
decisions you make regarding your campaign plan.

After stating the communication problem, provide the rationale on why you
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think this is an urgent issue for the community.

III. Objectives of the Communication Campaign

Provide one main and several specific objectives that you want to achieve in
your communication plan. Note that all objectives must be SMART – specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.

IV. Analysis of Audience Situation, Needs and Strengths

Using the theory you provided above, discuss your target audience. The
discussion should have concrete bases for all the assertions you make about
your audience. It should rely on your interviews with community members,
data you collected in the course of your field work, and your personal
observations during your visit/s.

V. Communication Campaign
Provide a basic explanation of your campaign and its features, your communication
strategy, the media or communication tools you will produce, and the budget and
timeline for the campaign.

VI. References
All sources used in the paper should be cited in this section. Use the American
Psychological Association (APA) style guide in citing sources, including online
sources. Borrow the style guides from the library or download from the Internet.

The Group Presentation

The presentation will be throughout the week of December 2-6, 2019, following
the respective schedules of each class. All groups should have their presentation tools
ready before the start of the class to facilitate fast and efficient turnover of groups. Groups
will be called in random order.

The output presentation constitutes the final summative assessment in the subject.

The presentation will be conducted by all members of the group. All presentation materials
will be graded for quality and clarity. Group members will be graded individually through
the conduct of a peer evaluation that constitutes 30% of the final summative assessment
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A timekeeper will be appointed at the start of the class. Each group will be given 30
minutes to present, and the time limit will be strictly implemented.

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