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Ayurveda and Homeopathy

In Ayurvedic medicine, there are six basic therapeutic approaches with which diet, herbs and
lifestyle can be utilized to deal with various disorders. In Homeopathic medicine the approach
of treating “similar with similar” is just one among the six approaches of Ayurveda.

Homeopathy uses a method to create subtle medicines through a method of “potentizing”

substances; herbal, mineral or animal. In Ayurveda this methodology is known and is part
of Dravyaguna called Rasashastra. Methods are different in some respects, however the main
concept and idea is the same.

According to Ayurveda – who for the last several thousand years is using six different
therapeutic approaches – Homeopathy works through the Pranamayakosha and
the Manomaykosha. Ayurvedic herbs and diets work through the Annamayakosha. Normally
there will not a conflict between these two approaches unless Ayurvedic preparations of
Rasashastra are being used. Normal herbal preparations and diets from Ayurveda work
through digestion and Agni whereas Homeopathy works on a more subtle level through the
mind and prana directly.

Although Homeopathic doctors do not like to mix their treatments with other herbal
preparations (understandably) they do not work on the same level of the human being, nor
by the same mechanism. Therefore, in some cases, the two systems can work well together.

People often forget that the source of the three doshas is prana and prana is another name of
the vital force so much spoken of in traditional Homeopathy. Hence, there is not as much
difference in Homeopathy and Ayurveda as people would like you to think. Ayurveda divides
the life force into three forms – vata, pitta, kapha – (and fifteen sub forms) in order to better
understand imbalances. If Homeopathy were to follow this idea of seven constitutions and the
pathologies that result from them they would get better results. Additionally, Homeopathy
lacks a coherent methodology of dietary and lifestyle as per the individual needs of the

In conclusion, it is possible to use Homeopathy as a medical system under the overview of

Ayurveda – which a larger vision and field of experience. It is not possible to use Ayurveda
under the directions of Homeopathy which are narrower and lacking the broader
understanding of the life force, pathology and therapeutics. Homeopathic medicines work
best on pathologies that have their origin in the mind or Manomayakosha. They work poorly
on disorders that are caused by physical sources (e.g., Ama, etc.) in the Annamayakosha.
When used correctly Homeopathic preparations work well and are safe for children which is a
great advantage.

Copyright © 2017 EIVS GmbH

Ayurvedic Medicine for Westerners series of textbooks

Application of Ayurvedic Treatments Throughout Life (Volume 5)

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