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Shiekh Muzafar
Touseef Ahmed Khan
Under Guidance
Mr. Peer Javeed Iqbal

Submitted to the School of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU

in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110068.

This is to certify that the project report entitled “STUDENT MANAGEMENT

SYSTEM” submitted to Indira Gandhi National Open University in partial fulfilment of
the requirement for the award of the degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER
APPLICATIONS (MCA) is an original work carried out by Mr. Shiekh Muzafar and
Mr. Touseef Ahmed Khanenrolment no. 147167670 and 147138780 under my guidance.
The matter embodied in this project is authentic and is genuine work done by the student
and has not been submitted whether to this University or to any other University / Institute
for the fulfilment of the requirement of any course of study.

Signature of the Students Signature of the Guide

Date: - Date: -

Name: - Shiekh Muzafar Name: - Mr. Peer Javiad Iqbal

Touseef Ahmed Khan
Name of the Project Date: -

Name of the Team Tasks and

Member Responsibilities

1. Shiekh Muzafar

2. Touseef Ahmed Khan

Name and Signature of the Project Team members:

1. Shiekh Muzafar Signature: - _____________________

2. Touseef Ahmed Khan Signature: - _____________________

Signature of the Counsellor: - _______________________

Date: - _________________


Student Management System (SMS) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student
information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of
students easily. The creation and management of accurate, up-to-date information
regarding a students’ academic career is critically important in the university as well as
colleges. Student Management system deals with all kind of student details, , course
details, curriculum, batch details, placement details and other resource related details
too.Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as the
school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time
consuming and costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various activities
related to the students.

“In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

We are using this opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who supported us throughout
the course of this MCA project. We are thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably
constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project work. We are sincerely grateful to
them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views on a number of issues related to the

We would also like to thank our project guide Mr. Peer Javaid Iqbal and all the people who
provided us with the facilities being required and conductive conditions for our MCA project.

Shiekh Muzafar Touseef Ahmed Khan

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................9
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Existing System ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Proposed System...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
SURVEY OF TECHNOLOGIES USED ................................................................................................................. 13
Introduction to JAVA .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Introduction to MS ACCESS ................................................................................................................................... 15
Introduction to JDBC............................................................................................................................................... 16
REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 17
Requirement Analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Non Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 18
Feasibility Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Technical Feasibility............................................................................................................................................ 19
Economical Feasibility ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Hardware Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Software Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 20
CONCEPTUAL MODELS ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Data Flow Diagrams ................................................................................................................................................ 22
LEVEL 1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
LEVEL 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
ER DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................................................... 24
SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................... 26
INPUT DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Input Data ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
OUTPUT DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................. 28
DATABASE DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................ 28
TABLES USED ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Student ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
UAD .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Subjects................................................................................................................................................................ 29
SubjectAllocation ................................................................................................................................................ 30
SSLC1.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
SSLC2.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
SSLC3.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
SSLC4.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
SSLC5.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
SSLC6.................................................................................................................................................................. 31
PLUSTWO1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
PLUSTWO2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
PLUSTWO3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
PLUSTWO4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
PLUSTWO5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ................................................................................................................. 33
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................................. 34
End user Training ................................................................................................................................................ 34
End User Education ............................................................................................................................................. 34
Training of application software .......................................................................................................................... 34
Post Implementation View .................................................................................................................................. 35
SOFTWARE TESTING .......................................................................................................................................... 35
White Box Testing ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Black box Testing ................................................................................................................................................ 36
CONCLUSION& BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 37
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................... 39

Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as the school
authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming
and costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to the
There are mainly 3 modules in this software
 User module
 Student Module
 Mark management

In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types, student and administrator.
Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a user. A student can
register as user and can add edit and delete his profile. The administrator can add edit and delete
marks for the student. All the users can see the marks.

Existing System
System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their
relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all problems exist
in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or
manager begins a study of the program using existing system.
During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and transactions handled by
the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are Data Flow Diagram, interviews,
etc. Training, experience and common sense are required for collection of relevant information
needed to develop the system. The success of the system depends largely on how clearly the
problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out through the choice of
solution. A good analysis model should provide not only the mechanisms of problem
understanding but also the frame work of the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by
collecting data about the system. Then the proposed system should be analysed thoroughly in
accordance with the needs.
System analysis can be categorized into four parts.
 System planning and initial investigation
 Information Gathering
 Applying analysis tools for structured analysis
 Feasibility study
 Cost/ Benefit analysis.
In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the student and want to
enter the details of the student and the marks manually. In this system only the teacher or the
school authority views the mark of the student and they want to enter the details of the student.
This is time consuming and has much cost.

Proposed System
In our proposed system we have the provision for adding the details of the students by
themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers is become less. Another
advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a
student when it found unnecessary. The marks of the student are added in the database and so
students can also view the marks whenever they want.
Our proposed system has several advantages
 User friendly interface
 Fast access to database
 Less error
 More Storage Capacity
 Search facility
 Look and Feel Environment
 Quick transaction

All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or college have been
rectified by implementing computerization.

The purpose is to design a college website which contains up to date information of the college.
That should improve efficiency of college record management.
 Providing the online interface for students, faculty etc.
 Increasing the efficiency of college record management.
 Decrease time required to access and deliver student records.
 To make the system more secure.
 Decrease time spent on non-value added tasks
Introduction to JAVA
Java is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and
released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various
versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding of Java. This reference will take
you through simple and practical approaches while learning Java Programming language.
Java programming language was originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was initiated
by James Gosling and released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform
(Java 1.0 [J2SE]).
The latest release of the Java Standard Edition is Java SE 8. With the advancement of Java and
its widespread popularity, multiple configurations were built to suit various types of platforms.
For example: J2EE for Enterprise Applications, J2ME for Mobile Applications.
The new J2 versions were renamed as Java SE, Java EE, and Java ME respectively. Java is
guaranteed to be Write Once, Run Anywhere.
Java is −
Object Oriented − In Java, everything is an Object. Java can be easily extended since it is based
on the Object model.
Platform Independent − Unlike many other programming languages including C and C++,
when Java is compiled, it is not compiled into platform specific machine, rather into platform
independent byte code. This byte code is distributed over the web and interpreted by the Virtual
Machine (JVM) on whichever platform it is being run on.
Simple − Java is designed to be easy to learn. If you understand the basic concept of OOP Java,
it would be easy to master.
Secure − With Java's secure feature it enables to develop virus-free, tamper-free systems.
Authentication techniques are based on public-key encryption.
Architecture-neutral − Java compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format, which
makes the compiled code executable on many processors, with the presence of Java runtime
Portable − Being architecture-neutral and having no implementation dependent aspects of the
specification makes Java portable. Compiler in Java is written in ANSI C with a clean portability
boundary, which is a POSIX subset.
Robust − Java makes an effort to eliminate error prone situations by emphasizing mainly on
compile time error checking and runtime checking.
Multithreaded − With Java's multithreaded feature it is possible to write programs that can
perform many tasks simultaneously. This design feature allows the developers to construct
interactive applications that can run smoothly.
Interpreted − Java byte code is translated on the fly to native machine instructions and is not
stored anywhere. The development process is more rapid and analytical since the linking is an
incremental and light-weight process.
High Performance − With the use of Just-In-Time compilers, Java enables high performance.
Distributed − Java is designed for the distributed environment of the internet.
Dynamic − Java is considered to be more dynamic than C or C++ since it is designed to adapt to
an evolving environment. Java programs can carry extensive amount of run-time information
that can be used to verify and resolve accesses to objects on run-time.

Introduction to MS ACCESS
Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the
relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and
softwaredevelopment tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included
in the professional and higher editions.
 Microsoft Access is just one part of Microsoft’s overall data management product
 It stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine.
 Like relational databases, Microsoft Access also allows you to link related information
easily. For example, customer and order data. However, Access 2013 also complements
other database products because it has several powerful connectivity features.
 It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.
 As its name implies, Access can work directly with data from other sources, including
many popular PC database programs, with many SQL (Structured Query Language)
databases on the desktop, on servers, on minicomputers, or on mainframes, and with data
stored on Internet or intranet web servers.
 Access can also understand and use a wide variety of other data formats, including many
other database file structures.
 You can export data to and import data from word processing files, spreadsheets, or
database files directly.
 Access can work with most popular databases that support the Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) standard, including SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2.
 Software developers can use Microsoft Access to develop application software.
Microsoft Access stores information which is called a database. To use MS Access, you will
need to follow these four steps −
Database Creation − Create your Microsoft Access database and specify what kind of data you
will be storing.
Data Input − After your database is created, the data of every business day can be entered into
the Access database.
Query − This is a fancy term to basically describe the process of retrieving information from the
Report (optional) − Information from the database is organized in a nice presentation that can
be printed in an Access Report.

Introduction to JDBC
Java Database Connectivity(JDBC) is an Application Programming Interface(API) used to
connect Java application with Database. JDBC is used to interact with various type of Database
such as Oracle, MS Access, My SQL and SQL Server. JDBC can also be defined as the
platform-independent interface between a relational database and Java programming. It allows
java program to execute SQL statement and retrieve result from database.
JDBC Driver is required to process SQL requests and generate result. The following are the
different types of driver available in JDBC.
1. Type-1 Driver or JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
2. Type-2 Driver or Native API Partly Java Driver
3. Type-3 Driver or Network Protocol Driver
4. Type-4 Driver or Thin Driver
Requirement Analysis
The basic requirements for the design of the Student Management System are
 Every user should have their own identity
 Login facility.
 User can update his/her personal information and can view the other information.

Functional Requirements
Student management system aims to improve the efficiency of college information management,
and the main function is managing and maintaining information. The administrator and students
are two major functional requirements in the system. The Administrator will be given more
powers (enable/disable/ update) than other users. It will be ensured that the information entered
is of the correct format.For example name cannot contain numbers. In case if incorrect form of
information is added, the user will be asked to fill the information again. Students use the system
to query and enter their information only.

Non Functional Requirements

PerformanceRequirements: The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as
the chief performance system for helping the organization in managing the whole database of the
student studying in the organization. Therefore, it is expected that the database would perform
functionally all the requirements that are specified.
SafetyRequirements: The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or
operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.
Security Requirements: We are going to develop a secured database. There are various
categories of people namely Administrator, Student who will be viewing either all or some
specific information from the database. Depending upon the category of user the access rights
are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data,
append etc. All other users only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.

Feasibility Analysis
Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of any problem
we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the organization by the
development of a system. The impact can be either positive or negative. When the positives
nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here the feasibility study can be
performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

Technical Feasibility
We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much difficulty in
getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as well. All the
resources needed for the development of the software as well as the maintenance of the same is
available in the organization here we are utilizing the resources which are available already.

Economical Feasibility
Development of this application is highly economically feasible .The organization needed not
spend much money for the development of the system already available. The only thing is to be
done is making an environment for the development with an effective supervision. I f we are
doing so , we can attain the maximum usability of the corresponding resources .Even after the
development , the organization will not be in condition to invest more in the organization.There
fore , the system is economically feasible.
Hardware Configuration

Processor : Pentium IV or Above

RAM : 1 GB or Above
Hard Disk : 80 GB or Above
Monitor : 15” Color Monitor
Key Board : USB

Software Configuration

Operating System : Windows 7 or Above

Compiler : JDK 1.5 or Above
Database : MS Access 2007
Data Flow Diagrams

Student System Report

Context Diagram


Edit Student
Add Student


Remove Search
Student Student

Add Student Edit Student

Remove Student

Search Student

Add Marks

Input design is the process of converting user-oriented input to a computer based format. Input
design is a part of overall system design, which requires very careful attention .Often the
collection of input data is the most expensive part of the system. The main objectives of the input
design are
1. Produce cost effective method of input
2. Achieve highest possible level of accuracy
3. Ensure that the input is acceptable to and understood by the staff.

Input Data
The goal of designing input data is to make entry easy, logical and free from errors as possible.
The entering data entry operators need to know the allocated space for each field; field sequence
and which must match with that in the source document. The format in which the data fields are
entered should be given in the input form .Here data entry is online; it makes use of processor
that accepts commands and data from the operator through a key board. The input required is
analyzed by the processor. It is then accepted or rejected. Input stages include the following
 Data Recording
 Data Transcription
 Data Conversion
 Data Verification
 Data Control
 Data Transmission
 Data Correction
One of the aims of the system analyst must be to select data capture method and devices, which
reduce the number of stages so as to reduce both the changes of errors and the cost .Input types,
can be characterized as.
 External
 Internal
 Operational
 Computerized
 Interactive
Input files can exist in document form before being input to the computer. Input design is rather
complex since it involves procedures for capturing data as well as inputting it to the computer.

Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of processing
to users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of these result for latter consultation
.Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users. Designing
computer output should proceed in an organized well throughout the manner. The right output
must be available for the people who find the system easy to use. The outputs have been defined
during the logical design stage. If not, they should defined at the beginning of the output
designing terms of types of output connect, format, response etc,
Various types of outputs are
 External outputs
 Internal outputs
 Operational outputs
 Interactive outputs
 Turn around outputs
All screens are informative and interactive in such a way that the user can full fill his
requirements through asking queries.

The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole. A database
is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly
and effectively. After designing input and output, the analyst must concentrate on database
design or how data should be organized around user requirements. The general objective is to
make information access, easy quick, inexpensive and flexible for other users. During database
design the following objectives are concerned:-

 Controlled Redundancy
 Data independence
 Accurate and integrating
 More information at low cost
 Recovery from failure
 Privacy and security
 Performance
 Ease of learning and use

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number Primary Key
SName Text(50) -
Phno Text(15) -
Sex Text(10) -
FName Text(50) -
Occupation Text(50) -
MName Text(50) -
DOB Date/Time -
Age Number -
Caste Text(25) -
Religion Text(30) -
Hname Text(50) -
City Text(50) -
District Text(50) -
State Text(50) -
Pin Text(10) -
Year Number -
Qualification Text(25) -

Field Name Data Type Description
Username Text(25) Primary Key
Password Text(15) -
Type Text(15) -

Field Name Data Type Description
Subjectcode Text(10) Primary Key
Subjectname Text(50) -
Creditmark Number -
MaxMark Number -
Type Text(25) -
Field Name Data Type Description
Subjectname Text(50) -
Semester Number -
Batch Text(15) -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -
Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -

Field Name Data Type Description
RollNo Number -
SubjectName Text(50) -
Subjectcode Text(15) -
Internal Number -
Theory Number -
Practical Number -
Total Number -
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working
system. The implementation phase constructs, installs and operates the new system. The most
crucial stage in achieving a new successful system is that it will work efficiently and effectively.
There are several activities involved while implementing a new project. They are
 End user training
 End user Education
 Training on the application software
 System Design
 Parallel Run and To New System
 Post implementation Review

End user Training

The successful implementation of the new system will purely upon the involvement of the
officers working in that department. The officers will be imparted the necessary training on the
new technology

End User Education

The education of the end user start after the implementation and testing is over. When the system
is found to be more difficult to understand and complex, more effort is put to educate the end
used to make them aware of the system, giving them lectures about the new system and
providing them necessary documents and materials about how the system can do this.

Training of application software

After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness, the users will have to be
trained upon the new system such as the screen flows and screen design type of help on the
screen, type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding validation check at each entry
and the way to correct the data entered. It should then cover information needed by the specific
user or group to use the system.
Post Implementation View
The department is planning a method to know the states of t he past implementation process. For
that regular meeting will be arranged by the concerned officers about the implementation
problem and success

Is the menu bar displayed in the appropriate contested some system related features included
either in menus or tools? Do pull –Down menu operation and Tool-bars work properly? Are all
menu function and pull down sub function properly listed ?; Is it possible to invoke each menu
function using a logical assumptions that if all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be
successfully achieved .? In adequate testing or non-testing will leads to errors that may appear
few months later.
This create two problem
1. Time delay between the cause and appearance of the problem.
2. The effect of the system errors on files and records within the system
The purpose of the system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be
suggested and push the systems to limits.
The testing process focuses on the logical intervals of the software ensuring that all
statements have been tested and on functional interval is conducting tests to uncover errors and
ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with the required results. Program
level testing, modules level testing integrated and carried out.
There are two major type of testing they are
1) White Box Testing.
2) Black Box Testing.

White Box Testing

White box sometimes called “Glass box testing” is a test case design uses the control structure of
the procedural design to drive test case.
Using white box testing methods, the following tests where made on the system
a) All independent paths within a module have been exercised once. In our system, ensuring that
case was selected and executed checked all case structures. The bugs that were prevailing in
some part of the code where fixed
b) All logical decisions were checked for the truth and falsity of the values.

Black box Testing

Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. This is black box
testing enables the software engineering to derive a set of input conditions that will fully exercise
all functional requirements for a program. Black box testing is not an alternative to white box
testing rather it is complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors
that white box methods like..
1) Interface errors
2) Performance in data structure
3) Performance errors
4) Initializing and termination errors
Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution. Several user friendly

coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the

requirements of the organization.

The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manager to make

reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project

and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. Last but not least it is no the work that

played the ways to success but ALMIGHTY.

2) Database Programming with JDBC and Java by O'Reilly
3) Head First Java 2nd Edition
5) Java and Software Design Concepts by APress

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