A3 TheweldingproblemsofthinbrassplatesandTigpulsewelding

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Welding problems with thin brass plates and

tungsten inert gas pulse welding

C. Meran, M. Yuksel, A. Gulsoz and T. Sekercioglu

welding pool. Normally the Zn evaporates at 907°C under

Brass materials are widely used as engineering a pressure of 1 bar
materials in industry because of their high strength, ³ ´
Le 1 1
high corrosion resistance, and high electrical and ln (p2 )~{ { : : : : : : : : : (1)
R T2 Tb
thermal conductivity. They are easily shaped and they
possess a pleasant appearance. However, it is difficult where Le is the latent heat of evaporation (J mol– 1 ), R is the
to weld brasses. The main problem with these alloys in engineering gas constant (J mol– 1 K– 1 ), Tb the boiling point
fusion welding is the evaporation of zinc during the of the liquid, and p2 the evaporation pressure of the liquid
welding process. After welding, the weld metal becomes at T2 .
porous. Moreover, since the amount of zinc in the alloy From equation (1), it is possible to see that, if the
is reduced due to evaporation, the brass material loses pressure over the welding pool increases to 12 bar, the
the physical and chemical properties which it normally evaporation temperature of the Zn will rise to 2000°C and if
possesses. Studies on weldability of brass materials are it increases to 22 bar, the evaporation temperature will rise
very few. There is very little information concerning to 3000°C. The weld pool temperature is between 2000 and
the weldability of brass materials in the literature and 3000°C. Because of this, it may be considered that Zn
general definitions are often seen. It is impossible to evaporation can be reduced during welding by increasing
find studies on experimental investigations of the the pressure over the welding pool (Fig. 1).
welding of brass materials apart for a few exceptions. Special equipment is needed to increase the pressure over
There are virtually no studies to support experimental the welding pool up to 5 bar or more during welding.
data about whether welding of brass materials is However, this situation limits the applicability of the method.
possible. The purpose of the present study is to Moreover, because of high pressures, arc ignition would be
determine suitable parameters by investigating the more difŽ cult during welding. For this reason, pressure was
weldability of brass materials, and the difficulties not taken as a parameter for the prevention of Zn evapo-
involved. In order to enable low and controlled heat ration during studies.
input into the welding bead, TIG pulse welding is used Jacobi1 has found that Zn evaporation can be decreased
during experimental studies. The physical and chemical by limiting heat input into the welding pool. For this
properties of welding beads (penetration, tensile reason, the TIG welding method has been preferred because
strength, Erichsen deep drawing value, chemical heat input concentration in TIG welding is lower than in
composition of internal structure) have been deter- other methods. Besides this, workpieces have been welded
mined and evaluations have been made. STWJ/394 on Cu plates to reduce the heat input into the welding pool.
Also, several factors in uencing the heat input to the
Keywords: brass welding, pulse welding, tungster inert weld pool have already been examined.2 – 5 Some of these
gas factors are welding method, welding current, welding speed,
the chemical composition of the workpiece, thermal con-
The authors are in the Department of Mechanical ductivity coefŽ cient, welding position, arc length, the type
Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli 20020, and diameter of the electrode, the  owrate and composition
Turkey (cmeran@pamukkale.edu.tr). Manuscript of shielding gas, the type of current and the polarity.
received 28 August 2002; accepted 1 April 2003. A certain energy density must occur on the workpiece for
the formation of a good welding bead. So, higher welding
# 2004 IoM Communications Ltd. Published by Maney for
the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

The main problem occurring in the welding of brasses is the
evaporation of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu). As a result, the
alloy loses its physical and chemical properties. In addition,
pores appear in the cross-section of the welding bead.
Theoretically, Zn evaporation during welding may be
prevented either by increasing the pressure during welding
or by limiting the heat input into the welding pool.
It may be considered necessary to increase the pressure
over the welding pool in order to prevent Zn evaporation
during welding of brasses. When the pressure over the
welding pool is increased, the evaporation temperature of
the Zn in the alloy will rise. The evaporation temperature of 1 Effect of pressure over welding pool on evaporation
Zn changes in a non-linear way with pressure over the temperature of pure Zn

DOI 10.1179/136217104225017053 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2004 Vol. 9 No. 2 131
132 Meran et al. Welding problems with thin brass plates

3 Change in evaporation rate with temperature for var-

a Surface holes and ZnO form on the welding bead due to ious metals1
Zn evaporation; b Low penetration and pores which may
be observed after etching in welding bead cross-section
2 Effects of unsuitable welding parameters alloy in the laser welding of the brass with high Zn have
been examined in the studies carried out. As a result, it has
been determined that it is essential to control heat input
current requires a higher welding speed, and lower current into the welding pool during the welding process, otherwise
requires a lower welding speed. Otherwise, defects occur in serious spatters occur in the welding pool and, as a result,
the welding bead as a result of high energy concentration holes are formed in the welding bead, a-phase increases,
and/or evaporation of some alloy elements. coarse grains occur, and hardness and strength decrease.
Moreover, it has been determined that higher welding speed
and higher heat input together create a tendency for hot
WELDING PROBLEMS WITH BRASS cracking in brass material.9
Another method used to limit the heat input into the
welding pool in the welding of brass materials is to use Ž ller
Brass materials, as known, are Cu and Zn alloys. The materials. When these are used, the arc is concentrated on
welding temperature, for example in TIG welding, reaches the Ž ller material and this reduces the Zn loss from the
almost 4200°C in the electrode (cathode) and nearly 3200°C
brass which is being welded.1 0 It is important that the Ž ller
in the workpiece (anode) during welding. These tempera-
material to be used during welding does not contain Zn.
tures exceed both the melting and boiling temperatures of
Besides these, Ž ller metals containing Si may be preferred
both Cu (1083°C/2590°C) and Zn (419°C/907°C).6 In addi-
in the welding of brasses. The SiO2 Ž lm layer formed upon
tion, the melting temperature of zinc oxide occurring as a
the melted welding pool during welding may reduce Zn
result of Zn evaporation is 1970°C. For this reason, during
evaporation.1 1
welding, it is possible for Zn and Cu to evaporate from the
workpiece. Zinc with the lower boiling temperature evapo- Welding temperature and welding time are very impor-
rates more than Cu.7 tant parameters in the welding of brasses. The characteristic
As a result of this evaporation, pores appear in the of the welding process of brass materials may be deŽ ned as
welding bead, zinc oxide precipitates on the surface of the low heat input and short welding time.
welding bead and the brass loses its yellowish colour and Other problems in the welding of brass materials are
takes on a reddish colour (Fig. 2). Zinc evaporation and, in rather high thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and
addition, Cu oxidation are possible at high temperature. In contraction. Because of these properties, tensile and com-
this condition, the surface becomes grey or, sometimes pressive stresses appear both during and after welding. As a
black. The reason for this is the oxidisation of Zn and Cu. result of these, it is possible for the materials welded to be
Lower Zn in the alloy creates less evaporation and makes distorted during solidiŽ cation of the welding bead. Welding
the fusion welding easier.8 The rate of Zn evaporation is stresses which will probably appear after welding are likely
affected directly by the temperature as observed in Fig. 3 to be reduced by choosing welding process parameters with
and the evaporation rate of Zn in fusion welding takes place a suitable welding method. Aendenrooer and Ouden,1 2 and
at 10 g cm– 2 s– 1 at nearly 1000°C.1 Kim and Na1 3 explain that pulse welding can be used to
In order to manufacture high quality welded joints, it is limit the heat input into the welding pool.
essential to keep the heat input as low as possible. This In TIG pulse welding, the welding current changes
situation helps the formation of a small heat affected zone between two different current values (IP and IB ) periodi-
(HAZ) in the weld and helps to protect the welding zone cally. The heat input is dependent upon the average current,
against the surrounding medium. For this purpose, TIG and this is controlled by pulse height, pulse frequency and
welding is preferred in various welding applications, since pulse time (Fig. 4).
its energy concentration is lower in the welding pool. Figure 4 is a schematic representation of an ideal pulsed
Another welding method used for brass materials is laser current rectangular waveform showing the associated pulse
welding. Various studies have been completed in this area. parameters. For this waveform, the characteristic measures
The effects of welding parameters upon welding bead, deŽ ning the current are as follows: the mean current is IM
internal defects and the change in the composition of the which represents the same electric effect as a constant

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4 Schematic diagram of ideal pulsed current square

waveform and associated pulse parameters
5 Welding set-up
current of this value1 4
the welding pool and can cause the oxidative gases in the air
1 (IP |tP )z(IB |tB ) to enter the welding pool. A gas lens was utilised to ensure
IM ~ I :dt~ laminar  ow of shielding gas into the welding pool in the
tT (tP ztB )
0 experimental study.1
The thickness of the brass material used in the experi-
where Ip is the peak pulse current (A), and IB is the base ments was 1 mm. For this reason, the method which limits
current; the pulse cycle frequency, F51/(tP ztB ); % on-time, the heat input into the welding pool using the Ž ller material
r5(tP /tT )6100, of the peak pulse duration tP to the pulse was not used here. Instead, the essential welding parameters
cycle tT 5tP ztB ; the pulse time ratio, tR 5tP /tB , of the peak were Ž rst determined so as to obtain a suitable welding
pulse duration tP to the base current duration tB . bead.
The base material melts when it reaches a high tem-
perature in the high current phase IP . The temperature of
the welding pool decreases in the base current IB , and thus Experiments
it cools and partly solidiŽ es. Both the peak pulse duration One of the most important factors affecting weldability of
tP and the base current duration tB should be selected brass materials is arc length.5 It is imperative that a suitable
carefully in order that both the melting phase and the welding speed and welding current be chosen during welding
cooling phase occur together. Thus, a welding bead made according to the arc length selected; 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mm
up of several spots on top of the other is observed. The base were taken as the arc length in the initial experiments. The
current also enables continuity of the arc. If the base study has indicated that when an unsuitable welding current
current value or % on-time value is high, the heat input into and welding speed are selected, some holes, zinc oxide, and
the welding bead increases.1 5 excess penetration are observed and a welding bead of
A STEL welding machine with digital screen has been desired quality is not formed. The curves joining points
used as the power source. The welding machine can supply where good welding beads are obtained for 0.5, 1, 1.5 and
a current up to 350 A. In addition, the pulse frequency may 2 mm arc lengths are shown in Fig. 6.
be adjusted between 1 and 300 Hz. The peak pulse current As can be seen from Fig. 6, if a welding speed of
IP , the base current IB , and pulse frequency can be adjusted 13 mm s– 1 is chosen for a 1 mm arc length, the welding
precisely on the welding machine. current should average 148 A for a better welding process,
or vice versa. These values were taken as constant in all of
the experiments and only the pulse frequency was varied
(Table 1).
Test apparatus A series of experiments has been made using TIG pulse
Experiments have been conducted with the TIG welding welding whose advantages have been mentioned in the
set-up shown in Fig. 5. The test apparatus is essentially previous sections. Experimental parameters are given in
made up of Ž ve sections. These are the speed control unit, Table 1.
electrode holder, slide, power supply and gas tube.
tP 5tB has been taken during the experiments. The % on-
time was kept constant at 50 in all test runs. So, IM in
equation (2) will be (IP zIB )/2.
Welding has been carried out under direct current. The
workpiece is adjusted as the positive pole and the electrode
as negative pole. CuZn37 (with the chemical composition
37%Zn and the balance Cu) has been used. The sizes of
experimental specimens are 16256150 mm.
Two specimens of 16256150 mm were welded as a
closed butt joint without Ž ller metal. The electrode was 2%
thoriated tungsten with diameter 1.6 mm and tip angle 30°;
torch angle was 90°; nozzle diameter was 10 mm; shielding
gas was argon (99.995%). The shielding gas  owrates at the
back and front sides of welds were 15 L min– 1 .
The shielding gas should exhibit laminar  ow into the 6 Mean welding currents for different welding speeds at
welding region. Turbulence shielding gas  ow may occur in different arc lengths in TIG pulse welding of CuZn37

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7 Appearance of upper surface and root side of welding beads produced at various pulse frequencies

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The welding beads are made up of the spots on top of
In this experimental study, only pulse frequency and arc the other in pulse current welding as seen in Figs. 7
length have been changed because they are very signiŽ cant and 8. The number of these spots depends on the
parameters in uencing welding pool shape. frequency applied and they increase as the frequency

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8 Welding bead shapes with various pulse frequencies and arc lengths

increases. It has been observed here that a spot is formed in appearance of the welding bead was formed at 10 Hz pulse
each cycle. frequency. The welding bead is able to reach sufŽ cient
Figure 7 shows the upper surface and root side of welding penetration at the root side at 10 Hz or greater pulse
beads at various pulse frequencies. Although the upper frequencies. Better upper surface shapes of the welding
surface appearance of the welding bead at 5 Hz pulse bead and reasonably good penetration have been obtained
frequency is reasonably good, the required penetration was at 20 Hz pulse frequency. Undercuts occur at the edge of
not reached at the root side. A concave upper surface the welding bead at 40 Hz or greater pulse frequencies. As a

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136 Meran et al. Welding problems with thin brass plates

welding bead after welding. The investigation of the change

in chemical composition of the Cu and Zn in the alloy will
help in the understanding of Cu and Zn evaporation after
The best mechanical properties and welding bead
appearances have been obtained at 20 Hz. Chemical
analyses of the welding bead at 20 Hz have been studied
in various places in the experimental specimen shown
schematically in Fig. 9. The Ž rst region shows the root side,
the second region shows the HAZ of the root side, the third
region shows the workpiece which is not affected by
9 Points at which chemical analyses have been made by
welding, the fourth region shows the upper surface and
pulse TIG method (at 20 Hz)
the Ž fth region shows the HAZ of the surface side. The
chemical distributions of Cu and Zn in the internal
structure of these regions are given in Fig. 10.
result of these undercuts, the appearance of the surface As seen from the results of the chemical analyses of the
shape of the welding bead is poor and notch effects internal structure in Fig. 10, the chemical compositions of
occur. the root side (regions 1 and 2) and workpiece not affected
Arc length is also one of the important parameters in by welding (region 3) are the same. The chemical analyses
welding bead shape in pulse welding. As seen from Fig. 8, results for the upper surface of the welding bead (regions 4
different welding bead shapes occur at different arc lengths and 5) show that there is not much difference in the
and pulse frequencies, while all other welding parameters quantity of Cu and Zn.
remain the same as can be seen in Table 1. The welding It has been found that if suitable welding parameters are
beads obtained at 0.5 mm arc length are larger and deeper used from the results acquired, the evaporation of Zn or Cu
than those obtained at 1 mm arc length, because the heat in the upper surface and root parts of the welding bead may
input to the weld pool at 0.5 mm arc length is denser than be prevented.
at 1 mm arc length. In addition, at low pulse frequencies,
the probability of formation of zinc oxide increases at the
welding bead and around it. The formation of zinc oxide is
greater at 0.5 mm arc length as a result of high heat input to
the welding pool.
To reduce the Zn evaporation, distortion and porosity, When the pulse frequency increases, the penetration
the heat input to the welding pool must be as low as increases and vice versa. Limited heat input into the
possible and the welding time as short as possible. welding pool given in short welding times has a positive
The greyish ZnO formed at the surface of the welding effect on the weldability of brass materials. The application
bead in normal TIG welding does not appear with TIG of the TIG pulse welding method in the welding of
pulse welding. This shows that TIG pulse welding reduces brass materials is successful. Pulse frequency has a very
Zn evaporation. important in uence on the shape of the welding bead. In
The effects of pulse frequency on the tensile and Erichsen addition, arc length alters the shape of the welding bead
deep drawing strength of welded joints have been investi- signiŽ cantly.
gated using TIG pulse welding. Since there is no change in The best welding results for the shape of the welding bead
the welding currents, heat inputs into the welding pools do upper surface and the penetration of the root side have been
not change. It has been found that pulse frequency does not obtained at 20 Hz pulse frequency. Pulse frequency does
affect tensile strength and Erichsen deep drawing strength. not affect the tensile strength and Erichsen deep drawing
The break has occurred near the HAZ for all specimens and values.
no break has occurred in the welding bead.1 6 The greyish ZnO formed at the surface of the welding
After the investigation of the physical properties of bead in normal TIG welding method did not appear with
welding joints, the change in chemical composition of Cu TIG pulse welding. This result shows that TIG pulse
and Zn was investigated in the weld metal and near the welding reduces Zn evaporation.

Table 1 Experimental parameters for TIG pulse welding of brass material, CuZn37

Experiment Peak pulse Base current, Mean current, % on-time, Welding speed v, Arc length, Pulse frequency,
number current, IP, A IB, A IM, A r mm s–1 mm F, Hz

1 200 96 148 50 13 1 5
2 200 96 148 50 13 1 10
3 200 96 148 50 13 1 20
4 200 96 148 50 13 1 40
5 200 96 148 50 13 1 50
6 200 96 148 50 13 1 100
7 200 96 148 50 13 1 200
8 200 96 148 50 13 1 300
9 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 5
10 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 10
11 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 20
12 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 40
13 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 50
14 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 100
15 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 200
16 200 96 148 50 13 0 .5 300

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10 Chemical analysis results for welding bead (at 20 Hz pulse frequency)


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Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2004 Vol. 9 No. 2

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