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Muscle Group SelectionThese are your accessory lifts. They

are essential for increasing program
Chest Press - Light Dumbbell BenchvolumePress which is the primary driver of
muscle hypertrophy (growth). They
Chest Press - Heavy Incline Bench can
and should be changed every 1-2
Chest Fly Cable Crossovers
cycles to give your body a variety of
Triceps 1 Dips
Triceps 2 Cable Tricep Extensions
Lateral Deltoids 1 Lateral Dumbbell Raise
Lateral Deltoids 2 Lateral Cable Raise
Rear Deltoids Cable Rear Lateral Raise
Back - Pull - Heavy Pull-Ups
Back - Pull - Light Lat Pulldowns
Back - Row - Heavy T-Bar Rows
Back - Row - Light Machine Rows
Biceps 1 Preacher Curls
Biceps 2 Dumbbell Curls
Trapezius - Heavy Barbell Shrugs
Trapezius - Light Dumbbell Shrugs
Quads 1 Leg Press
Quads 2 Leg Extensions
Hamstrings 1 Lying Leg Curls
Hamstrings 2 Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
Calves Standing Calve Raises

Chest Compound Pull Compound
Bench Press Deadlift
Incline Bench Press Sumo Deadlift

Triceps 1 Triceps 2
Close-Grip Bench Press Cable Tricep Extensions
Overhead Tricep Extensions Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks
Dips Skullcrushers
Bench Dips Dumbbell Skullcrushers
Machine Tricep Extensions

Quadriceps Hamstrings
Leg Press Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
Bulgarian Split Squats Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
Dumbbell Lunges Lying Leg Curls
Barbell Lunges Seated Leg Curls
Front Squats
Hack Squat
Leg Extensions
LBS or KG:


Select your compound lift for each of the main muscle groups.
Unlike the accessory exercises, (ideally) you should not change these
time so choose wisely. The standards are Bench Press, Squat, and OH
e are your accessory lifts. They Muscle Group
ssential for increasing program
me which is the primary driver of Chest
Use a recent workout where you attempted your BEST lift. Type in the weight lifted and the
le hypertrophy (growth). They number of reps performedPull
nd should be changed every 1-2 Compound
to estimate your 1-rep max (1RM). If you know your 1RM, enter
that weight and under reps enter 1.
s to give your body a variety of
WARNING: This becomes inaccurate Legs beyond 6 reps. If you want to input a top set
PR with a rep # above 6, attempt this again with a higher weight!

Bench Press
Seated OHP
All your main compound lift weight recommendations are percentages b
starting, estimated 1RM. This value will increase every cycle by the valu
It is recommended that you select smaller values for smaller lifts like the
Press, while selecting larger increments for the bigger lower body lifts lik
Squat. Whether you are lifting in kg or lbs makes no difference.
Muscle Group
Input any values you like, but the standard is as follows:
Bench Press
Bench: 7.5 (3.5 is using kg)
Squat: 10 (4.5 if using kg)
Deadlift: 10 (4.5 if using kg)
OHP: 5 (2.5 if using kg)
Seated OHP


Quadriceps Compound Deltoids Compound
Squat OHP
Front Squat Seated OHP
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Lateral Deltoids Trapezius

Lateral Dumbbell Raise Barbell Shrugs
Lateral Cable Raise Dumbbell Shrugs
Machine Lateral Raise Cable Shrugs
Cable Y Raise Trap Bar Shrugs
Smith Machine Shrugs

Back - Pulling Back - Rowing

Pull-Ups Dumbbell Rows
Chin-Ups Barbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns T-Bar Rows
Single-Arm Cable Pulldowns Seated Cable Rows
Machine Pullover Smith Machine Rows
Machine Rows

compound lift for each of the main muscle groups.
ccessory exercises, (ideally) you should not change these for long periods of
ose wisely. The standards are Bench Press, Squat, and OHP.
Exercise Selection
Bench Press
r BEST lift. Type in the weight lifted and the
p max (1RM). If you know yourDeadlift
1RM, enter

nd 6 reps. If you want to inputSquat a top set

n with a higher weight!
Seated OHP


Weight Reps
84 4
110 5
108 3
50 5
ompound lift weight recommendations are percentages based off of a 5
ated 1RM. This value will increase every cycle by the values you select here.
nded that you select smaller values for smaller lifts like the OHP and Bench
lecting larger increments for the bigger lower body lifts like the Deadlift and
r you are lifting in kg or lbs makes no difference.
es you like, but the standard is as follows:
3.5 is using kg)
5 if using kg)
(4.5 if using kg) 4.5
f using kg)

Chest - Press 1 Chest - Press 2
Dumbbell Bench Press Bench Press
Incline Dumbbell Hex press Incline Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Machine Chest Press
Incline Machine Chest Press
Floor Press

Calves Biceps 1
Seated Calve Raises Dumbbell Curls
Standing Calve Raises Concentration Curls
Single-Calf Stair Raises Dumbbell Preacher Curls
Donkey Calve Raises Single-Arm Cable Curls
Smith Machine Calve Raises Single-Arm Machine Curls

Rear Deltoids
Reverse Pec Deck
Rear Deltoid Flys
Face Pulls
Cable Rear Lateral Raise
Barbell Rear Deltoid Row
Estimated 1RM

Chest - Fly
Dumbbell Flys
Incline Dumbbell Flys
Cable Crossovers
Machine Chest Flys

Biceps 2
Barbell Curls
EZ Bar Curls
Preacher Curls
Cable Curls
Machine Bicep Curls
Bench Press Squat Deadlift Seated OHP
Start 95 119 128 58 100
Cycle 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 90
Cycle 2 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 80

Cycle 3 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 70

Cycle 4 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 60

Cycle 5 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 6 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 7 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 8 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 9 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0
Start C
Cycle 10 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 11 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Cycle 12 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A








Start C










Start C








Start Cy
Start Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cyc








Start Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cyc










Start Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cyc

Overhead Press







Start Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycl
Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10 Cycle 11 Cycle 12

Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10 Cycle 11 Cycle 12

Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10 Cycle 11 Cycle 12

Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10 Cycle 11 Cycle 12

Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 88 ?
Squat 110 ?
Deadlift 118 ?
OHP 54 ?

Rounding 5

Each round represents

6 workouts (8 days)
which includes 2 Each workout represents
mandatory rest days. one full training day.

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

55 8 60 8+ 65
30 10 30 10 30
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
70 8 75 8+ 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

35 8 35 8+ 40
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
75 8 80 8+ 85
8 8
12 12 12+
65 10 65 10 65
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
65 6 65 6 70 6 70
30 10 30 10 30
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
80 6 80 6 85 6 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

40 6 40 6 40 6 40
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 6 85 6 95 6 95
8 8
12 12 12+
65 10 65 10 65
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75
30 10 30 10 30
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 45
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
8 8
12 12 12+
65 10 65 10 65
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 2 80 2 75 2 75 2 75
30 10 30 10 30
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 2 100 2 90 2 90 2 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 2 50 2 45 2 45 2 45
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 2 105 2 100 2 100 2 100
8 8
12 12 12+
65 10 65 10 65
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 8 55 8 55
10 10
10 10
75 8 75 8 75
10 10
10 10

70 8 70 8 70
10 10
10 10
35 8 35 8 35
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 75
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 90
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 45
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 100
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 91 ?
Squat 114 ?
Deadlift 123 ?
OHP 56 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

55 8 60 8+ 65
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
70 8 75 8+ 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

35 8 40 8+ 40
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
75 8 85 8+ 90
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
65 6 65 6 70 6 70
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 6 85 6 90 6 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

40 6 40 6 45 6 45
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 6 90 6 95 6 95
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 45
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 2 80 2 75 2 75 2 75
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 2 100 2 95 2 95 2 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 2 50 2 45 2 45 2 45
45 10 45 10 45
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 2 110 2 105 2 105 2 105
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 8 60 8 60
10 10
10 10
80 8 80 8 80
10 10
10 10

75 8 75 8 75
10 10
10 10
35 8 35 8 35
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 75
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 95
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 45
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 95 ?
Squat 119 ?
Deadlift 127 ?
OHP 59 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

60 8 65 8+ 70
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
75 8 80 8+ 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

35 8 40 8+ 45
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
80 8 85 8+ 95
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
70 6 70 6 75 6 75
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 6 85 6 95 6 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 6 45 6 45 6 45
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 6 95 6 100 6 100
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 4 105 4 105 4 105 4 105
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
85 2 85 2 80 2 80 2 80
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 2 105 2 100 2 100 2 100
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 2 115 2 105 2 105 2 105
8 8
12 12 12+
70 10 70 10 70
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 8 60 8 60
10 10
10 10
85 8 85 8 85
10 10
10 10

75 8 75 8 75
10 10
10 10
40 8 40 8 40
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 80
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 100
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 50
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 98 ?
Squat 123 ?
Deadlift 132 ?
OHP 61 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

60 8 65 8+ 70
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
75 8 85 8+ 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

40 8 40 8+ 45
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 8 90 8+ 95
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
70 6 70 6 75 6 75
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 6 90 6 95 6 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 6 45 6 50 6 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 6 95 6 105 6 105
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 4 105 4 105 4 105 4 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 4 110 4 110 4 110 4 110
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 2 90 2 85 2 85 2 85
35 10 35 10 35
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 2 110 2 105 2 105 2 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 2 55 2 50 2 50 2 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 2 115 2 110 2 110 2 110
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 8 65 8 65
10 10
10 10
85 8 85 8 85
10 10
10 10

80 8 80 8 80
10 10
10 10
40 8 40 8 40
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 85
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 50
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 110
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 102 ?
Squat 128 ?
Deadlift 136 ?
OHP 64 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

65 8 70 8+ 75
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
80 8 85 8+ 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

40 8 45 8+ 45
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 8 90 8+ 100
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
75 6 75 6 80 6 80
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 6 95 6 100 6 100
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 6 45 6 50 6 50
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 6 100 6 105 6 105
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
85 4 85 4 85 4 85 4 85
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 4 105 4 105 4 105 4 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 4 55 4 55 4 55 4 55
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 4 115 4 115 4 115 4 115
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 2 90 2 85 2 85 2 85
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 2 115 2 105 2 105 2 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 2 55 2 55 2 55 2 55
50 10 50 10 50
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 2 120 2 115 2 115 2 115
8 8
12 12 12+
75 10 75 10 75
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 8 65 8 65
10 10
10 10
90 8 90 8 90
10 10
10 10

85 8 85 8 85
10 10
10 10
40 8 40 8 40
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 85
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 55
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 115
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 105 ?
Squat 132 ?
Deadlift 141 ?
OHP 66 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

65 8 70 8+ 75
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 8 90 8+ 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

40 8 45 8+ 50
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 8 95 8+ 100
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
75 6 75 6 85 6 85
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 6 95 6 105 6 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 6 50 6 50 6 50
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 6 105 6 110 6 110
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 4 110 4 110 4 110 4 110
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 4 55 4 55 4 55 4 55
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 4 115 4 115 4 115 4 115
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
95 2 95 2 90 2 90 2 90
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 2 120 2 110 2 110 2 110
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 2 60 2 55 2 55 2 55
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
125 2 125 2 120 2 120 2 120
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 8 70 8 70
10 10
10 10
90 8 90 8 90
10 10
10 10

85 8 85 8 85
10 10
10 10
45 8 45 8 45
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 90
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 110
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 55
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 120
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 109 ?
Squat 137 ?
Deadlift 145 ?
OHP 69 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

70 8 75 8+ 80
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
85 8 95 8+ 100
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 8 45 8+ 50
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 8 100 8+ 105
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 6 80 6 85 6 85
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 6 100 6 105 6 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 6 50 6 55 6 55
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 6 105 6 115 6 115
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 4 115 4 115 4 115 4 115
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 4 55 4 55 4 55 4 55
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 4 120 4 120 4 120 4 120
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
95 2 95 2 90 2 90 2 90
40 10 40 10 40
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 2 120 2 115 2 115 2 115
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
130 2 130 2 120 2 120 2 120
8 8
12 12 12+
80 10 80 10 80
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 8 70 8 70
10 10
10 10
95 8 95 8 95
10 10
10 10

90 8 90 8 90
10 10
10 10
45 8 45 8 45
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 90
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 115
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 60
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 120
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 112 ?
Squat 141 ?
Deadlift 150 ?
OHP 71 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

70 8 75 8+ 80
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 8 95 8+ 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 8 50 8+ 50
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 8 100 8+ 110
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
80 6 80 6 90 6 90
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 6 105 6 110 6 110
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 6 50 6 55 6 55
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 6 110 6 115 6 115
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 4 120 4 120 4 120 4 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
125 4 125 4 125 4 125 4 125
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
100 2 100 2 95 2 95 2 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
125 2 125 2 120 2 120 2 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 2 65 2 60 2 60 2 60
55 10 55 10 55
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
135 2 135 2 125 2 125 2 125
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

75 8 75 8 75
10 10
10 10
95 8 95 8 95
10 10
10 10

90 8 90 8 90
10 10
10 10
45 8 45 8 45
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 95
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 120
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 60
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 125
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 116 ?
Squat 146 ?
Deadlift 154 ?
OHP 74 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

75 8 80 8+ 85
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
90 8 100 8+ 105
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

45 8 50 8+ 55
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 8 105 8+ 110
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
85 6 85 6 90 6 90
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 6 105 6 115 6 115
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 6 55 6 60 6 60
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 6 115 6 120 6 120
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 4 120 4 120 4 120 4 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
130 4 130 4 130 4 130 4 130
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
105 2 105 2 95 2 95 2 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
130 2 130 2 120 2 120 2 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 2 65 2 60 2 60 2 60
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
135 2 135 2 130 2 130 2 130
8 8
12 12 12+
85 10 85 10 85
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

75 8 75 8 75
10 10
10 10
100 8 100 8 100
10 10
10 10

95 8 95 8 95
10 10
10 10
50 8 50 8 50
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 95
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 120
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 60
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 130
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 119 ?
Squat 150 ?
Deadlift 159 ?
OHP 76 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

75 8 80 8+ 85
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 8 100 8+ 110
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 8 50 8+ 55
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 8 105 8+ 115
8 8
12 12 12+
90 10 90 10 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 6 90 6 95 6 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
110 6 110 6 120 6 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

55 6 55 6 60 6 60
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 6 115 6 125 6 125
8 8
12 12 12+
90 10 90 10 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
125 4 125 4 125 4 125 4 125
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 4 65 4 65 4 65 4 65
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
130 4 130 4 130 4 130 4 130
8 8
12 12 12+
90 10 90 10 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
105 2 105 2 100 2 100 2 100
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
135 2 135 2 125 2 125 2 125
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 2 70 2 65 2 65 2 65
60 10 60 10 60
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
140 2 140 2 135 2 135 2 135
8 8
12 12 12+
90 10 90 10 90
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

80 8 80 8 80
10 10
10 10
105 8 105 8 105
10 10
10 10

100 8 100 8 100
10 10
10 10
50 8 50 8 50
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 100
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 125
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 65
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 135
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 123 ?
Squat 155 ?
Deadlift 163 ?
OHP 79 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

75 8 85 8+ 90
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
95 8 105 8+ 110
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 8 55 8+ 55
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 8 110 8+ 120
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
90 6 90 6 95 6 95
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 6 115 6 120 6 120
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 6 60 6 60 6 60
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
120 6 120 6 130 6 130
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
130 4 130 4 130 4 130 4 130
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

65 4 65 4 65 4 65 4 65
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
135 4 135 4 135 4 135 4 135
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
110 2 110 2 105 2 105 2 105
45 10 45 10 45
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
140 2 140 2 130 2 130 2 130
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 2 70 2 65 2 65 2 65
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
145 2 145 2 135 2 135 2 135
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

80 8 80 8 80
10 10
10 10
105 8 105 8 105
10 10
10 10

100 8 100 8 100
10 10
10 10
50 8 50 8 50
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 130
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 65
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 135
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Exercise Working 1RM Calculated 1RM
Bench Press 126 ?
Squat 159 ?
Deadlift 168 ?
OHP 81 ?

Rounding 5

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 8
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 8
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 1
Seated OHP 8
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 1
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 8
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 6
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 6
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 2
Seated OHP 6
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 2
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 6
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 4
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 4
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 3
Seated OHP 4
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 3
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 4
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Round Workout Exercise Set 1

Bench Press 2+
Seated OHP 10
Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press 8
Bench Lateral Cable Raise 10
Cable Rear Lateral Raise 12
Cable Tricep Extensions 12
Back Extensions 10
Lat Pulldowns 12
Light Machine Rows 12
Pull Dumbbell Shrugs 12
Dumbbell Curls 12
Squat 2+
Leg Press 10
Heavy Lying Leg Curls 12
Squats Standing Calve Raises 12

Round 4
Seated OHP 2+
Incline Bench Press 10
Round 4
Heavy Lateral Dumbbell Raise 10
OHP Cable Crossovers 12
Dips 12
Deadlif 2+
Barbell Shrugs 8
Heavy Pull-Ups 10
Pull T-Bar Rows 10
Preacher Curls 12
Squat 10
Stiff-Leg Deadlifs 10
Light Leg Extensions 12
Squats Lying Leg Curls 12
Standing Calve Raises 12

Bench Press 8
Deload Front Barbell Raise 10
Bench Cable Tricep Extensions 10
Deadlif 8
Deload Pull-Ups 10
Back Dumbbell Curls 10

DELOAD Squat 8
Deload Lying Leg Curls 10
Squats Standing Calve Raises 10
Seated OHP 8
Deload Dumbbell Bench Press 10
OHP Dips 10
Round Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
8 62.7% 8 67.7% 8+ 72.7% 0 0
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
6 73.3% 6 73.3% 6 78.3% 6 78.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3% 4 83.3%
10 60.0% 10 60.0% 10 60.0% 0 0
2+ 89.0% 2 89.0% 2 84.0% 2 84.0%

5 DELOAD (65%)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

80 8 85 8+ 90
50 10 50 10 50
8 8 8
10 10+
12 10+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
100 8 110 8+ 115
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

50 8 55 8+ 60
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
105 8 115 8+ 120
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
95 6 95 6 100 6 100
50 10 50 10 50
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
115 6 115 6 125 6 125
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

60 6 60 6 65 6 65
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
125 6 125 6 130 6 130
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
105 4 105 4 105 4 105 4 105
50 10 50 10 50
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
135 4 135 4 135 4 135 4 135
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
140 4 140 4 140 4 140 4 140
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
115 2 115 2 105 2 105 2 105
50 10 50 10 50
8 8 8
10 10+
12 12+
12 12 12+
10 10
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
140 2 140 2 135 2 135 2 135
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

70 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 70
65 10 65 10 65
10 10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
150 2 150 2 140 2 140 2 140
8 8
12 12 12+
95 10 95 10 95
10 10+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+
12 12 12+

80 8 80 8 80
10 10
10 10
110 8 110 8 110
10 10
10 10

105 8 105 8 105
10 10
10 10
55 8 55 8 55
10 10
10 10

Set 5 Set 6 % 1RM Chart Deviation
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 72.7% 77.7% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
0 0 0 0 78.3% 83.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
4 83.3% 0 0 83.3% 88.3% -5.0%
0 0 0 0 60.0% 73.3% -13.3%
2 84.0% 2 84.0% 89.0% 94.0% -5.0%

LOAD (65%)

Set 6
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 50

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6

Total Chest Volume 44

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Set 6
2 105
Estimated 1RM ?

Total Chest Volume ?

Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?

Total Upper Back Volume ?

Total Lower Back Volume 30
Total Trapezius Volume ?
Total Biceps Volume ?
2 135
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Quads Volume ?
Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

2 70
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Chest Volume ?
Total Deltoid Volume ?
Total Triceps Volume ?
2 140
Estimated 1RM ?
Total Upper Back Volume ?
Total Trapezius Volume 24
Total Biceps Volume ?

Total Quads Volume ?

Total Hamstrings Volume ?
Total Calves Volume ?

Total Chest Volume 24

Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30
Total Lower Back Volume 24
Total Upper Back Volume 30
Total Biceps Volume 30

Total Quads Volume 24

Total Hamstrings Volume 30
Total Calves Volume 30
Total Chest Volume 24
Total Deltoid Volume 30
Total Triceps Volume 30

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