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Meteor hammer

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A double-headed meteor hammer

The meteor hammer (Chinese: 流星錘;

pinyin: liúxīng chuí), often referred to
simply as meteor (Chinese: 流星;
pinyin: liúxīng), is an ancient Chinese
weapon, consisting at its most basic
level of two weights connected by a
rope or chain. One of the flexible or
'soft' weapons, it is referred to by many
different names worldwide, dependent
upon region, construction and
intended use. Other names in use
include dai chui, flying hammer, or
dragon's fist. It belongs to the broader
classes of flail and chain weapons.

The meteor hammer could be easily
concealed as a defensive or surprise
weapon, being of a flexible
construction. The primary advantage
for using a meteor hammer was its
sheer speed.

Using a meteor hammer involves

swinging it around the body to build up
considerable speed, before releasing
the meteor to strike at any angle. Since
the meteor has two heads, one could
be used offensively, while the other
could be used to defend, parrying
attacks or ensnaring an opponent's
weapon to disarm them. When used by
a skilled fighter, its speed, accuracy
and unpredictability make it a difficult
weapon to defend against. While being
swung, a meteor may be wrapped
around its user's arms, legs, torso,
neck or waist, before being unwrapped
by a powerful jerk of the body to
deliver a devastating and lightning fast
blow. A master is fully capable of
striking, ensnaring or strangling from a

There are two types of meteor
hammers:[1] a double-headed version
(the typical image of a meteor
hammer is generally of this type) and a
single-headed version.


The double-headed meteor hammer is

typically 2–3 meters in length
(traditionally 2 meters) with a
spherical head on each end. While the
ends of the meteor hammer can be
heavier than a rope dart head, the
difference in weight is not normally
great. Some meteor hammer versions
have heads which are much lighter
than most rope dart heads. The lighter
versions of this weapon are typically
used for practice and for modern wu
shu displays since they are faster and
less dangerous.


The single-headed version of this

weapon is used in a similar manner to
the rope dart in that it is a long reach
weapon with a single head. The main
difference between the headed meteor
hammer and a rope spear is that
traditionally the meteor hammer has
an end shaped similar to an egg or
melon. The single end can traditionally
weigh up to 3 kg[2] and is attached to a
rope that can be 6 meters (20 ft) in
length (in contrast a rope dart is
typically 3.6 meters long). Because of
these traits, a single headed meteor
hammer can be a very effective
weapon, despite being very difficult to
control. The weapon could attack in
multiple directions and even in an
arching pattern when engaged in
formation attacks. This weapon would
be tossed up and over an enemy
formation to hit troops not yet
engaged in the head. In modern times,
this version is rarely studied or taught
since a weapon of this nature isn't
needed and is very complex to learn.
The double headed version is flashier
and better known.

Meteor techniques
All chain-based weapons tend to be
handled in a similar fashion; however,
the meteor hammer is unique in a few
respects. Firstly, it has no handle and
secondly it is weighted at both ends.
These allow for more effective control
over its movement. Even at the most
basic levels, a meteor hammer is often
seen as unpredictable and
intimidating. The difficulty people have
in following it makes it very effective in

Throw: A meteor may be thrown,

while holding one of the heads to
enable its retrieval. This is a highly
unpredictable form of attack, often
used effectively to catch an
opponent off guard. A throw can be
initiated quickly and efficiently by a
skilled fighter, with a simple pull in
the correct direction.
Grab: A correctly placed throw can
cause the meteor to wrap itself
around an object and grab it. If done
correctly, the meteor will wrap over
itself and ensnare a weapon, an
object or even an opponent's limb.
Alternatively, if the meteor does not
wrap over itself, it can be used to
spin an object, providing a helpful
way of swiftly disorienting an
Whip: A simple linear strike can be
effected, as from a whip.
Slam: Sometimes referred to as
"storm from above", this powerful
attack involves a wide overhead arc,
resulting in a vertical strike. Difficult
to counter, but relatively easy to
dodge, this attack can be repeated a
number of times, similar to the
technique used with a Bō.
Swing: The swing is a simple side
attack, capable of tripping an
opponent. A basic move to learn, but
a difficult one to master, being as a
horizontal swing can very easily
backfire and injure the one wielding
the meteor.

Further moves include blocks, short

strikes, figure eight motions, locks and
holds. It is also possible to use many
of the same techniques common to
the nunchaku, by bouncing the chain
off the body or even other objects for
even more unpredictability.

Martial arts, toys, and

In the film Crippled Avengers, Mr.
Wan, played by Wang Lung Wei, was
an expert of the weapon.
In the film Shanghai Noon, Jackie
Chan uses a rope and horse shoe to
fashion a makeshift version of the
In the film Kill Bill: Volume 1, Gogo
Yubari, played by Chiaki Kuriyama,
uses a modern version of the
See Meteor (juggling) for non-weapon
versions of the meteor made of soft
materials such as rope.

See also
Meteor (juggling)
Morning star (weapon)
Chain whip
Eskimo yo-yo
Fire dancing
List of martial arts weapons
List of mêlée weapons
Poi (juggling)
Rope dart
Zhou Tong (archer)

1. "Chinese Kung Fu – Meteor
Hammer" . China A-2-Z. March 6, 2009.
Archived from the original on
September 23, 2009.
2. Vinson, Patrick. "Flexible Weapons: A
Basic Introduction" . Wing Lam
Enterprises. Archived from the original
on 2009-01-07.

External links
Fire Meteor
Freestyle Meteor Info Page
Shaolin Kung Fu Australia
The Chinese Olympic Committee
Official Website

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