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Normal : 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L

Indicaions Evaluate:
Electrolyte imbalances
Cardiac arrhythmias
Monitor paients who are:
Receiving diureic therapy

Descripion Potassium (K+) is the most abundant intracellular

caion and plays a vital role in the transmission of
electrical impulses in cardiac and skeletal muscle. It
plays a role in acid base equilibrium. In states of
acidosis, hydrogen will enter the cell which will force
potassium out of the cell. A 0.1 decrease in pH will
cause a 0.5 increase in K+.

What would cause Renal Failure Hypervenilaion

increased levels? Hypoaldosteronism Acidosis
Addison’s Disease Infecion
Injury to issues Dehydraion
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Burns

What would cause Hyperaldosteronism Vomiing

decreased levels? Excess insulin Cysic Fibrosis
Alkalosis Cushing Syndrome
Diarrhea - “Tools and Confidence to Succeed in Nursing School.”

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