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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management


The objectives are:

• Set up a warehouse for quarantine management.

• Set up an item to be automatically quarantined by setting up the
required parameters.
• Create and process a manual quarantine order.
• Set up automatic quarantine management.
• Split, return and scrap part of the order in the quarantine order
• Identify the inventory transactions associated with the statuses of a
quarantine order.

Quarantine Management, part of the Inventory and warehouse management
module, introduces how you can use Quarantine orders to control incoming items
for quality control in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012.

Items can be set aside in a Quarantine warehouse manually or automatically to

await approval, depending on the setup. Manual quarantining can be used, for
example, when an item must be set aside for quality reasons. Automatic
quarantining can be used for perishable items where, for example, the expiration
dates must always be checked before the items enter the standard warehouse.

NOTE: When the items are in quarantine they are not available in inventory and
cannot be picked from inventory for a delivery.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Quarantine Warehouse Setup Parameters

To enable the manual or automatic quarantine of an item, you must create a
warehouse to hold the quarantined item. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, there
are three types of warehouses that are described in the following table.

Warehouse Description
Default Where items are typically received into and issued from.
Transit Used for transfer orders between warehouses.
Quarantine Where items are kept to be quality controlled, until they
are released for use.

Procedure: Set Up a Quarantine warehouse

To use the automatic creation of quarantine orders, you must create a Quarantine
warehouse and attach it to the default warehouse.

NOTE: The Quarantine warehouse must be associated with the same site as the
current warehouse.

To create a Quarantine warehouse, follow these steps:

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Setup >

Inventory breakdown > Warehouses.
2. Click New to create a new warehouse.
3. Specify the Warehouse and Name.
4. Select a site.
5. In the Type field, select Quarantine.
6. Close the Warehouses form.

Procedure: Attach a Quarantine warehouse to a Default

Attach the Quarantine warehouse to a default warehouse (or warehouses).
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will then send quarantine items bound for this
default warehouse, to the specified Quarantine warehouse.

To attach the new Quarantine warehouse to the default warehouse, follow these

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Setup >

Inventory breakdown > Warehouses.
2. Select the default warehouse on the Overview tab.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

3. In the General tab select the Quarantine warehouse in the

Quarantine warehouse field.
4. Close the Warehouses form.

NOTE: For the Automatic creation of quarantine orders, if an item to be

quarantined is stored in a warehouse that has no Quarantine warehouse linked
to it, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 stops updating and notifies you with an error
message that there is no Quarantine warehouse specified.

Item Model Group

The Item model group attached to an item affects how the item can use
quarantine management.

Item model groups contain settings that determine how items are controlled and
handled on item receipts and issues. The Item model group can be accessed from
Inventory and warehouse management > Setup > Inventory > Item model


Within the item model group, there is a Quarantine management check box on
the Setup tab that must be selected to have quarantine orders automatically
generated for the items of this group. Automatic creation of quarantine orders are
supported for the following processes:

• Purchase order
• Production order
• Sales order return

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Lab 5.1 - Create Quarantine Inventory

Contoso Entertainment Systems – Company CEU


You are the purchasing agent for the Contoso Entertainment Systems. You must
buy a new product number 1176, Subwoofer Model 6, for Site 2, Warehouse 21.
However, it is important to control each item received that must be quarantined
for a certain time.

You must create the new product and attach it to a new Item model group,
QGRP, that you must create and set up for quarantine managed items.

• Create a purchase order for ten items of Subwoofer Model 6 for

vendor 4301, Site 2, and Warehouse 21.

The item that you must create has the following specifications:

Field Value
Item Model Group QGRP
Item Model Group Name Quarantine Inventory Group
Product number 1176
Product name Subwoofer Model 6
Item group Speakers
Storage dimension group PG_21
Tracking dimension group PG_21

Challenge Yourself!

1. Create and set up a new Item model group for quarantine managed
2. Create the new product.
3. Attach the new item model group to this product.
4. Create a purchase order for ten pieces of item number 1176 for
vendor 4301, and post the packing slip.
5. Verify that the items are stored in a Quarantine warehouse.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Need a Little Help?

• Create a new Item model group. These are created in Inventory and
warehouse management > Setup > Inventory > Item model
• Select the Quarantine management check box in the Item model
• Create a new product and attach the new item model group. Do this
from Product information management > Released products.
When you create the new item, use the new Item model group.
• When you create a purchase order for ten pieces of item 1176, select
Site 2, and Warehouse 21 which is a warehouse that has a Quarantine
warehouse attached to it.
• To verify that the items are stored in the Quarantine warehouse, click
Inventory > Transactions on the purchase order line and then click
Inventory, and select On hand or Transactions for dimensions.

Step by Step
Create an item model group:

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Setup >

Inventory > Item model groups.
2. Click New to create a new Item model group.
3. In the Item model group field, type "QGRP".
4. In the Name field, type "Quarantine Inventory Group".
5. In the Setup FastTab select the Quarantine management check
6. Accept all other default values and then click Close.

Create a new item and attach the new item model group:

1. Open Product information management > Released products.

2. Click Product in the New group on the Action Pane to create a new
3. In the Product number field, type "1176".
4. In the Product name field, type "Subwoofer Model 6".
5. In the Item model group field, click the arrow, and select QGRP.
6. In the Item group field, click the arrow, and select Speakers.
7. In the Storage dimension group field, click the arrow, and select
8. In the Tracking dimension group field, click the arrow, and select
9. Click OK.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Create a purchase order to verify the settings:

1. Open Procurement and Sourcing > Common > Purchase orders

> All purchase Orders.
2. Click Purchase order in the New group on the Action Pane to create
a new purchase order.
3. Click Vendor account 4301.
4. Click Yes to transfer vendor information.
5. Click OK.
6. Click the Item number arrow and select item number 1176.
7. In the Site field, select 2, and in the Warehouse field select 21.
8. In the Quantity field, type "10".
9. Click the Purchase tab in the Action Pane, and then click Confirm
in the Generate group.
10. Click the Receive tab in the Action Pane, and then click Product
receipt in the Generate group.
11. Select Ordered quantity in the Quantity field.
12. Specify the Product receipt number and then click OK.
13. Close the Purchase order form.
14. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic >
Quality management > Quarantine orders.
15. Verify that the quarantine order for ten items of 1176 is started in the
Quarantine orders form.
16. Close the Quarantine orders form.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Quarantine Item Management

To manage items to be quarantined, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 follows a
three step procedure by using the Quarantine order form. Transactions are
created for the item based on the Quarantine order.

The three step procedure is as follows:

1. An item is received through registration or product receipt and is

updated into standard inventory.
2. A Quarantine order is created, manually or automatically, moving
the item to the Quarantine warehouse and making the item
unavailable from the standard inventory.
3. The Quarantine order is processed in the Quarantine orders form,
and then reported as finished and ended. This transfers the item back
to the standard inventory.

Manual Quarantine Orders

Most companies differentiate purchased items into high value and low value
items. High value items are usually set for automatic quarantine and low value
for manual quarantine.

When you create a manual quarantine order, it corresponds, in principle, to a

transfer journal, although there must be at least one Quarantine warehouse
created for quarantining to be performed. Notice that for manual quarantine
management, the item does not have to be set up for quarantine management in
the Item model group.

Procedure: Create and Process a Manual Quarantine

To create and process a manual quarantine order, follow these steps:

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic >

Quality management > Quarantine orders.
2. Click New to create a new quarantine order.
3. Specify the item number, and the dimensions for the item.
For example, the warehouse and site where the item is stored, the
Quarantine warehouse and the number of items to be quarantined.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

4. When the order is created, it must be processed by clicking the

relevant buttons on the Quarantine orders form. This moves the
order through the following four statuses.
o Created – Click New and save the quarantine order.
o Started – Click Start.
o Reported as finished – Click Report as finished.
o Ended – Click End.

5. The item now has four transactions posted. To view these

transactions open the Transactions form by opening Inventory >
Transactions from the Quarantine order form.

Manual Quarantine Orders – Status Overview

The following table contains descriptions of the statuses that a quarantine order is
processed through after it is created.

Status Description
Created This is the status of the order when it is created manually and
the item is not yet put in the Quarantine warehouse. When an
order has the status of Created, you can register the
quarantine items with, for example, serial or batch numbers
to trace the items when they leave the Quarantine warehouse.
The items can also be picked and/or reserved from the
standard warehouses, if you must control which exact items
go into quarantine.
Started On this status a transfer transaction is created and the item is
now moved from the default warehouse to the Quarantine
warehouse. This is created for the manually created order
when you click Start. For the automatically created
Quarantine orders, this is the status that is given when you
create it.
Reported If you report a Quarantine order as finished, the item is
as finished released from quarantine. However, it is located in the
Quarantine warehouse. If you use Warehouse management,
you can specify an item arrival journal that is initialized at
the time that the order's items are quarantined. Click Report
as finished to report the quarantine order as finished.
Ended The item is now transferred from the Quarantine warehouse
and back to the standard (or default) warehouse. At this
point, the item is available in standard inventory and the
quarantine management process is complete. This happens
when you click Ended.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Manual Quarantine Orders – Release

If you do not use the Warehouse management module, you do not have to
change the status to Report as finished (just Ended) for Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 to handle quarantine management. However, notice that the item must also
be physically transferred when a Quarantine order is Ended, because ending the
Quarantine order releases the item.

NOTE: Only Quarantine orders with a status of Created or Ended can be

deleted manually.

Scenario: Automatic Quarantine Management

An item can be set up so that all receipts are automatically quarantined as a part
of the purchasing product. At Contoso Entertainment Systems, all items received
from the products that have had the greatest number of product recalls, are
automatically quarantined. During this quarantine, the items are randomly tested
for defects or other problems. Depending on the number of passed or failed tests,
Contoso Entertainment Systems will accept the shipment into inventory or return
it to the vendor for replacement.

Set Up Automatic Quarantine Management

When you set up an automatic quarantine, the following conditions are

• The item's item model group must be set up with the correct
parameters previously discussed.
• The warehouse where the item is being purchased must have a
Quarantine warehouse attached to it.

If two conditions are set up, all purchase order receipts of the item automatically
create a Quarantine order that is located in Inventory and warehouse
management > Periodic > Quality management > Quarantine orders.

The automatically generated Quarantine order puts the item in the quarantine
inventory and it is processed through the order statuses in the same manner as a
manual quarantine order. Therefore, the order must have the status Ended before
the item is physically available in the standard inventory. Notice that, unlike the
manual quarantine order, the automatic quarantine order has the status of Started
when it is created.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Automatic Quarantine Orders

If an item is set up for an automatic quarantine, the quarantine order can be
created at the following points in time.

Creation Description
On product The item is put in a Quarantine warehouse when the purchase
receipt order's product receipt is updated. For this option, there is no
update registration requirement.
On Report as The item is put in a Quarantine warehouse when the Report
finished as finished is updated for a production order. For this option,
there is no registration requirement.
On The item is put in a Quarantine warehouse when it is
registration registered in purchasing. For this option, the Registration
requirement check box must be selected in the Item model
Item arrival The item is registered at a standard (or default) warehouse
journal / with the help of a Location journal. When the journal is
Input pallet posted, a pallet transport is generated to move the item from
transport the regular warehouse to the Quarantine warehouse. When
the pallet transport is Complete, a Quarantine order is
generated. The pallet is moved to a Quarantine warehouse.

Quarantine Order Processing Options

During the quarantine order, the processing of quarantined items can be split,
returned, or scrapped, depending on the result of the quality control. These
options are available when a quarantine order, or part of an order, is not ready to
be put into the standard warehouse or is not up to the required standard.

Scenario: Split Quarantined Items

Contoso Entertainment Systems receives 30 projector lamps with several defects.
The Order Processor decides that the lamps must be quarantine managed. In the
Quarantine warehouse, it is determined that 20 items are satisfactory and ten of
the items have minor defects and cannot enter the standard warehouse. To end
only the part of the order that has passed the quarantine and possibly scrap or
perform additional tests on the ten items, the order processor can split the order.

Procedure: Split a Quarantine Order

To split a Quarantine order, follow these steps:

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic >

Quarantine management > Quarantine orders.
2. Select a quarantine order.
3. Click Functions > Split.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

4. Specify the quantity to split.

5. Click OK.

When you click OK, a new quarantine order is created in the Quarantine orders
form that has the split quantity and the quantity on the original quarantine order
is updated. It is now possible to end the part of the order that passed the
quarantine by selecting that quarantine order and clicking Report as Finished
and End.

NOTE: Quarantine orders must be in a Created or Started status to split

quantities on the order.

Scenario: Split and Return Part of a Quarantine Order

Contoso Entertainment Systems receives ten subwoofers from Litware
Electronics. The items must be quarantine managed and a quarantine order is
created and started. The goods are checked at the Quarantine warehouse and it
turns out that four of the ten items are defective and Contoso Entertainment
Systems wants to return the defective items to the vendor at the vendor's expense.

Procedure: Return the Defective Items

To return the four items in the Split and Return Part of a Quarantine Order
scenario, follow these steps:

1. Open Procurement and sourcing > Common > Purchase orders >
All Purchase Orders .
2. Click Purchase order in the New group to create a new purchase
3. Select Returned order in the Purchase type field, in the Create
purchase order form.
4. Specify the RMA number, and then click OK to create the purchase
order header.
5. Create a purchase line for four items.
6. On the purchase order line, specify the warehouse, to which the
returned items are sent from the Quarantine warehouse, and type "-4"
in the Quantity field. The quantity must be negative.
7. Select a Return action on the Setup tab in the Line details FastTab.
8. Invoice the purchase order for the returned items.

NOTE: The return actions are set up for purchase orders in Accounts payable >
Setup > Purchase order >Return action.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Scenario: Scrap Quarantined Items

Contoso Entertainment Systems receives 20 items that must be quality checked
before they go into the main warehouse. Five of the items prove to be defective,
and instead of returning them to the vendor, Contoso Entertainment Systems
decides to scrap them because the value is not significant enough to create a
vendor return order.

Procedure: Scrap a Quarantine Order

To scrap the quarantine order, or part of it, follow these steps:

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic >

Quality management > Quarantine orders.
2. Select a quarantine order with the status of Started.
3. Click Functions > Scrap.
4. Specify the quantity of items that must be scrapped and the date
when to scrap them.
5. Click OK.

NOTE: Quarantine orders must be in a Started status to scrap quantities on the


When an item is scrapped, it does not change the quantity on the Quarantine
order line. When you click the Report as finished and/or End button, notice the
scrapped quantity is deducted from the quantity. Therefore, only the part of the
order that passed quarantine is reported as finished and ended.

To view the transactions generated when scrapping an item, click Inventory >

View Ended Quarantine Orders

In the Quarantine orders form, you can select the View ended field. This helps
if you only want to view finished orders, that is, those with a status of Ended.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Items in Quarantine Report

You can view items that are in quarantine by using a standard report in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. If the quality controller creates the Items in Quarantine
report every morning, he or she can assess the volume of the work for the

The Items in Quarantine report is located in Inventory and warehouse

management > Reports > Status > Items in quarantine. The defaults are to
show items with a Status of Started and Reported as finished. You can change
these choices by clicking the Select button.

NOTE: To change the statuses click the Select button and type or select the
statuses in the Criteria field. Make sure that you separate the statuses with a
comma before you click OK.

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Lab 5.2 - Purchase to Quarantine Inventory

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


As the quality controller at Contoso Entertainment Systems, you have a purchase

order for ten items of Subwoofer Model 6, item number 1176, and it is received
automatically into quarantine.

Before you run the test, you split the ten items into two lines of five because you
can only complete five tests by the end of the day. When the quality assurance
tests are completed, you verify that three of the five items can be accepted into
inventory, and the remaining two items must be scrapped.

Challenge Yourself!
Your task is to register these inventory movements, for the quarantine order that
you created in Lab 5.1: Create Quarantine Inventory.

Need a Little Help?

• Locate the quarantine order through Inventory and warehouse

management > Periodic > Quality management > Quarantine
• First split the order into two orders; both orders with the quantity of
• Scrap the order with the quantity of two and end the order with the
quantity of three.

Step by Step

1. Open Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic >

Quality management > Quarantine orders.
2. Select the order for ten items of Subwoofer Model 6, item number
3. Click Functions > Split.
4. Type '5' in the Split quantity field.
5. Click OK.
6. Select the first order with the quantity of five.
7. Click Functions > Scrap.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

8. Type '2' in the Quantity field.

9. Click OK.
10. Click the General tab for the first order and verify that Remaining
quantity = 3.
11. Click End.
12. Click OK.
13. Close the Quarantine orders form.

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Inventory Transactions on Quarantined Items

Inventory transactions are created and updated in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
for all statuses of quarantined items except Reported as finished.

To view the inventory transactions, open the Released products form, select the
product and then click the Transactions in the View group on the Manage
inventory tab of the Action Pane. These transactions are for the product number
and not a specific sales or purchase order.

Scenario: Demonstration of Transactions

A new auditor at the Contoso Entertainment Systems has expressed concern
about inventory control in the warehouse and the Quarantine warehouse.
Therefore, he has asked Ricardo, the Quality Controller, to show him how to
always identify where all items are within the warehouses.

Ricardo explains that, because Contoso Entertainment Systems uses an

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, all data is linked, and within that
ERP system, all inventory transactions can always be viewed. The Inventory
manager shows the use of the transactions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and
can reassure the auditors it is always clear where all inventory is when it is in the

Created Transactions
When a quarantine transaction has the status Created, two inventory transactions
are created: On order and Ordered.

Transaction Description
On order An issue transaction is created in the regular (default)
warehouse with a status of On Order.
Ordered A receipt transaction is created in the Quarantine
warehouse with a status of Ordered.

Started Transactions
When the order status on the quarantine transaction is changed to Started, two of
the existing inventory transactions' statuses are changed and two inventory
transactions are created, for a total of four inventory transactions.

The transactions, Ordered and Reserved physical, are created to handle the return
transfer of the items when the quarantine order status is Ended.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

These transactions are described in this table:

Transaction Description
Deducted The On order status, in the regular warehouse, is changed to
Deducted (Issue transaction) and you also receive a physical
date for this transaction.
Ordered A receipt transaction is created in the regular (default)
warehouse with a status of Ordered.
Received The receipt transaction with the status Ordered is changed to
status Received and you also receive a physical date for this
Reserved An issue transaction is created in the Quarantine warehouse
physical with a status of Reserved physical.

Reported as Finished Transactions

When the order status is changed to Reported as finished, no transactions are
updated. However, the status for the quarantine order will be reported as finished.
The item is now released from quarantine but has not yet been transferred back to
the regular (default) warehouse.

Ended Transactions
When an item reaches the final status, Ended, the two transactions that are
created when the order status is changed to Started, are changed as described in
the following table.

Transaction Description
Purchased The receipt transaction of the status Ordered that is created
in the standard warehouse is changed to the status Purchased
and you receive a financial date for this transaction.
Sold The issue transaction of the status Reserved physical that is
created in the quarantine warehouse, is changed to the status
Sold and you receive a financial date for this transaction.

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Quarantine Management described how to use the automatic and manual setup
for Quarantine management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

It also explained the various statuses a quality order must use and how the
transactions are related to each status.

Quarantine management helps a company control incoming items and prevents

items from entering a production environment or from being sold while they are
waiting to be quality control or are in a controlled status.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. Outline the basic steps that you would take to accept 80 percent of a
quarantined purchase order for receipt, and scrap the remaining 20 percent.
Number the steps to form the correct flow of tasks.


_____: Click Functions > Scrap

_____: Type the Split quantity

_____: End the line for items to be posted into inventory

_____: Type the quantity to be scrapped

_____: Click Functions > Split

_____: Open the Quarantine orders form

_____: Select the line to scrap

2. Outline the basic steps in setting up a Quarantine warehouse.

Number the steps to form the correct flow of tasks.


_____: Click Inventory and warehouse management > Setup > Inventory
Breakdown > Warehouses

_____: Select the main warehouse and attach the new Quarantine warehouse
to it

_____: Create a new warehouse

_____: Select Quarantine as the type

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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

3. Describe how an item is automatically moved into a Quarantine warehouse.

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Chapter 5: Quarantine Management

Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned

Take a moment and write down three key points you have learned from this




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Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Test Your Knowledge
1. Outline the basic steps that you would take to accept 80 percent of a
quarantined purchase order for receipt, and scrap the remaining 20 percent.
Number the steps to form the correct flow of tasks.


6 : Click Functions > Scrap

3 : Type the Split quantity

4 : End the line for items to be posted into inventory

7 : Type the quantity to be scrapped

2 : Click Functions > Split

1 : Open the Quarantine orders form

5 : Select the line to scrap

2. Outline the basic steps in setting up a Quarantine warehouse.

Number the steps to form the correct flow of tasks.


1 : Click Inventory and warehouse management > Setup > Inventory

Breakdown > Warehouses

4 : Select the main warehouse and attach the new Quarantine warehouse
to it

2 : Create a new warehouse

3 : Select Quarantine as the type

3. Describe how an item is automatically moved into a Quarantine warehouse.


Items are automatically moved into quarantine based on their Item model
group, assuming the warehouse and site that the items are being purchased
into has a Quarantine warehouse attached to it.

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