Edu 214 Trussbridgereflection

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Pier Shoates

July 7, 2019
Artifact Description: Truss Bridge -Using PowerPoint drawing tools to create a Truss Bridge.
What I Learned: One thing that I learned is that I am no artist and I lack imagination when it
comes to digital projects. This was seemingly a simple project comprised of a lot of straight
lines. However, I found that very difficult. I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler.
(seriously) I modeled my bridge from one of the examples given, and even with that it was
difficult for me to manipulate just the right shades and shapes. The vision that I had in my head
did not really reflect on the page the way I wanted it to.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) addressed:
Standard #4 was met for me as the student: “Students use a variety of technologies within a
design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.”
Application of Skills Learned for the future: I don’t think I will use this project in my own
classroom. I can’t see introducing something to my students that I myself am not comfortable
with and not very good at. Constructing a bridge may be fun for them but in an English class I
don’t think it will be very helpful or useful. This was my least favorite assignment thus far and
I’ll pass on introducing this in my own classrooms. Thank you, Steve, but no thanks!

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