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Social Cops http://intern.socialcops.



to hack the world's biggest problems with us



We build technology that connects humans, communities and data to solve some of the world's
biggest problems in health, education and civic issues. The different ways in which we have put data
to use has won us the recognition of United Nations, Microsoft, IBM – not to mention the IITs and

We're at

Read about us on the Economic Times, Mint, Fast Company & more.

Our world lacks Social Data.. Google Maps tells us how to get from point A to point B. Have you
ever found yourself wishing that it told you the safest way to get there too? At Social Cops, We
leverage our mobile and software infrastructure to turn people into human sensors – tracking and
monitoring data on a real time basis in the remotest parts of the world.

We process millions of discrete data points to derive insights – that enable key decision makers
– the government, corporate heads, policy makers, non profits and media houses to make data
driven decisions.

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Social Cops

Safest Route Home?

Teacher Attendance?

Cleanest Locality?

WHAT we have in store for you

Internships are probably the best way for you to learn about what you love doing and explore your
passion. We generally ensure that internships with us will be one filled with learning, networking
and fun!

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Social Cops

Mentor Match

A week after you join, you are allowed to pick a specific internship project beyond your core
role. Want to learn to build a business plan? Or scrape data? You're matched with the internal team
expert who works closely with you to ensure that you maximize your learning with us.

Learn on the Job

The best way to learn.. is to do! Through your internship - you're going to own your function and
learn on the job. With SocialCops, you're not going to be treated as an intern, you're part of the
team.Why limit yourself to paper stapling when you can change the world?

Teach on Tuesdays

We want you to learn more than just your core skill set - Who said a coder can't make a pitch? Once
in two weeks, we learn from experts on different topics - how to design, Pitching 101, You name it!
Growth is our mantra for 2015 - and we can only grow together!

WHO are we looking for?

We like people who can set their own direction and hustle to make it happen. We want you to
debate, critique and question. Most importantly, we want you to care about what you’re building
and be passionate about it. If you can relate to any of the profiles below, we want to hear from you!

Our Data Science, Engineering, Business Development & Growth teams are currently accepting

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Social Cops


Do you love to write? Does your day start with a tweet & instagram picture? Join us this summer
to use the power of digital and social media & executing campaigns to take data & technology to a
wider audience.

[Knowledge of SEO is a plus]


Is searching for new opportunities what you do best? Can you spend hours on the internet reading
up about spaces that you're curious about? Join us this summer to be at the frontier of building new
business opportunities!

[You better be REALLY GOOD at Google Search! ;)]


No, you're not going to be building internal tools to streamline our processes. Write code that ships -
almost everyday. We are building products that are revolutionizing the way data is consumed. Come
join us!

[Experience in JS/ Frameworks (Angular/Backbone)/ HTML/CSS]


Do you love analyzing random sets of data and numbers? Are you excited by the prospect of finding
patterns in large volumes of data? Spend this summer finding patterns in large amounts of social
data in our data science lab!

[Prior experience with Advanced Excel, STATA preferred]

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Social Cops


Do you scrape cricket data from websites in order to build better patterns about Kohli's
performance than today's cricket websites can tell you? We do too. Join our team in building the
open data movement in India.

[Prior experience in Python expected]


Low cost Android phones are revolutionizing communication & access to information in rural India.
At SocialCops, we are building a mobile first platform for the next Billion. Come learn how to build
Android Apps in 7 days ;)

[Prior Experience building Android Apps expected]


Do you like doodling cartoons in your free time and is photoshop your best friend? Art is a gifted
talent - do what comes naturally to you and become an integral part of campaigns @ Social Cops -
doing what you love to do.

[Send us your Behance/ Dribble portfolio]


We design for the real india - our tools are used by people who have never used a smartphone
before. We are building the first open data search engine in the world. We're looking for some
kickass interns to help us build the future of data.

[Send us your portfolio]

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Social Cops


Work with us to find computer security vulnerabilities to protect our data & our clients! We're
looking for ethical hackers to work closely with our teams to ensure our clients & top decision
makers are always well protected!

[Tell us about the work you've done in ethical hacking]

When & Where?

Duration: We hire interns throughout the year - winter, summer & semester interns.

Where: In our office in Malaviya Nagar, New Delhi, India.

Renumeration: Stipend (and, of course, lunch on the company!).

What our Interns say about Us

We accept applications for summer, winter & 6-month long internships.

You will be able to point out something on SocialCops, and proudly say
“I made that"

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Social Cops

At the end of the internship you will be all sad. You will suddenly start disliking college. Thinking how it doesn’t teach you
anything. You will think where the two months went. You wouldn’t be the same person you were two months back. You would
have a lot of things to brag about. You’d be much better versed with what is happening in the real world. I can ensure, you will
be able to point out something on SocialCops, and proudly say “I made that”. READ FULL POST.

- Praateek Mahajan (CBS)

With great power, comes great responsibility. You will have to take
charge. New features are created daily.

There is no hiding behind the wall, or ‘it-was-not-me’ when you bring down the staging server. You will learn a lot. Period. After
the internship, when you look back at your three-month-earlier-self, you will be wondering, “Oh God! What have I changed into?
What did these guys do with me?” You will go back to your college and people will scratch their heads trying to wonder what
happened to you during the internship. The stuff you’ll learn here, about coding, about start-ups, about design, will stick with you
for long. READ FULL POST.

- Rahul Meena (IIT Roorkee)

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Social Cops

I got to learn a variety of things from them ranging from Client handling
to a typical VC Pitch!

Learning from your Colleagues is something that SocialCops excels at. Regular team sessions like Teach on Thursdays & Being
Social is another amazing activity where you get to know something or someone better. Be it knowing how to Design a poster,
giving a perfect pitch presentation, a quiz or a mime performance, It is always a fun-learning experience. I am in awe of the
expertise of the team and got to learn a variety of things from them ranging from Client handling to a typical VC Pitch!

- Divyansh Saini (BITS Pilani)

Why limit yourself to a boring desk job when you can change the world?

Drop us a mail at with email subject "Internship Application: "Portfolio

Title", your resume and
a short note on what excites you about interning with us!

For instance, if you're applying for a Data Hero role, please mail in with subject "Internship
Application: Data Hero" :)

8 sur 10 08/04/2015 19:28

Social Cops

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Social Cops

10 sur 10 08/04/2015 19:28

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