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1. Jerry went to a technical school for six months.

How long did he attend school?
a. a full year b. half a
c. a quarter of a year d. fifteen weeks

2. What do you find in the sports section of the newspaper?

a. political news b. football news
c. tunnels d. want ads

3. The students wanted to ask a question in class.

What did he do?
a. raised his hand
b. wrote a message
c. listened to a tape
d. smiled at the instructor

4. The two objects were made from the same mold.

How did they look?
a. different b.
c. alike d. difficult

5. Bob wants to take a shower.

What does he want to do?
a. walk in the rain
b. clean himself
c. eat soon
d. look at the rain

6. Arthur received a telegram.

a. He got a gift
b. He got some help
c. He got a message
d. He got some cooperation

7. The mess hall is in the central part of the

a. It is in the middle
b. It is on one edge
c. It is near the front
d. It is on the highest point
8. Casey had to take three different drugs.
a. He was swimming
b. He was sick
c. He was eating
d. He was alone

9. Edmond made a mistake

a. He said something good
b. He found something new
c. He read something funny
d. He did something wrong

10. The accident was caused by a speeding car.

a. The road was very bad
b. The road was very wet
c. The car was going uphill
d. The car was going too fast

11. The little girl had a problem when she tried to tie her shoes.
a. It was easy for her to tie her shoes
b. It was difficult for her to tie her shoes
c. She liked to tie her shoes
d. She disliked tying her shoes

12. What’s found in books?

a. stores b.
c. words d. covers

13. Joe asked the clerk if he could cash a check.

The clerk said “What’s the amount?”
What did the clerk want to know?
a. what county the check was from
b. how much money the check was for
c. the kind of check it was
d. the number of c hecks he had to cash

14. The airmen decided to have their party at the club

where they would have move space for dancing
Where would they have more space?
a. the airmen b. for dancing
c. to have their party d. at the club

15. Tom said these apples are spoiled.

What did he say about the apples?
a. The apples are not good
b. The apples are good
c. The apples are pretty
d. The apples are small

16. We took care of the surface of the table .

What part did we take care of?
a. the top of the table
b. to change a tire
c. the bottom of the tab le
d. the whole table

17. Paul had to buy a new switch.

What did he use it for?
a. to hold something b. to change a tire
c. to tighten a some screw s d. to turn on light

18. Mary’s husband went out to buy more fuel for the heater .
What is he going to bring home?
a. Kerosene b. Mary c. a
store d. ashes

19. I hear that your sister is living in England.

Do you correspond with her?
a. Yes, I like to visit there
b. Yes, the people are friendly
c. Yes, I write a letter every week
d. Yes, the plane ticket is expensive

20. Margaret asked John to keep an eye on the children.

What did she ask him to do?
a. to watch the children
b. to find the children
c. to help the children
d. to feed the children

21. Anna likes to dress up.

What does she like to do?
a. wear nice clothes
b. buy new clothes
c. fix old clothes
d. make unusual clothes

22. Make sure the equipment functions properly

before you try to use it.
a. Make sure the equipment is plugged in properly
b. Make sure the equipment is c leaned properly
c. Make sure the equipment is installed properly
d. Make sure the equipment is working properly

23. This land is for commercial use only .

a. You can build a department store on it
b. You can build a house on it
c. You can build a public school on it
d. You can build a church on it

24. John told me that the bookstore was right around the corner .
a. It was around to the right
b. It was far from the corn er
c. It was just around the corner
b. It was at the correct corner

25. I go to school because it is compulsory.

a. It is required
b. It is interesting
c. Boy’s and girls go together
d. It is free for me

26. The situation required prompt action.

a. The officer in charge required prompt action
b. The circumstances required prompt action
c. The regulation required prompt action
d. The government required prompt action

27. My watch says a quarter past eight.

a. It’s fifteen to eight b. It’s eight fifteen
c. It’s fifteen to nine d. It’s eight thirty

28. Burt has never been absent from class.

a. He disrupted class
b. He always goes to sch ool
c. He left school
d. He never listens in class

29. Sam liked the cake so much that he got a second piece.
How many pieces of cake did Sam have?
a. two b.
c. a large piece d. a small piece

30. Susan came at the time we were leaving .

When did Susan come?
a. just as we were leaving b. before we left
c. just after we left d. some time after we left
31. When was the mouse killed?
a. I gave it food yesterday
b. It has been dead for two days
c. I looked for it Monday
d. Mice like to eat cheese

32. Georgy enjoyed his journey very much.

What did he enjoy?
a. his trip b. his job
c. his dinner d. his family

33. Why are those black shoes comfortable ?

a. because they are new
b. because they fit well
c. because they are cheap
d. because they look nice

34. Why are sleeves needed?

a. to cover the legs b. to cover the
c. to cover the arms d. to cover the

35. The football player was hurt on impact.

How did he get hurt?
a. sitting on the bench b. missing the play
c. hitting the ground d. staying in bed

36. What is the content of that newspaper story?

a. It costs 25 cents
b. It’s about the weather
c. It printed in the United States
d. It’s delivered every day

37. They compressed the material.

What happened to the material?
a. It became longer b. It became hotter
c. It became smaller d. It became

38. Mr. Brown’s car is not reliable.

Why doesn’t he want to take a trip in it?
a. It can run slowly
b. It may break down
c. Gasoline is expensive
d. Traffic is heavy
39. The instructor thought that it would be a good idea
to go over the lesson again during the period.
a. He wanted to review the lessons
b. He asked the students to write the lessons
c. He thought the lessons were well explained
d. He thought the overlooked the lessons

40. Harry got in touch with me. What did he do?

a. He called me b. He left me
c. He missed me d. He hit me

41. When the electrical system was checked,

it was found to be working properly .
a. The electrical system needs to be checked
b. The electrical system wasn’t checked
c. It worked normally aft er it was repaired
d. It was operating normally when it was checked

42. She slipped on the sidewalk.

a. The walk was clean b. The walk was level
c. The walk was icy d. The walk was

43. Susan’s wish actually came true.

a. It really happened
b. It could have happened
c. It might possibly happen
d. It probably happened

44. Darlene made a decision.

a. Darlene built something
b. Darlene chose what to do
c. Darlene asked what to do
d. Darlene made a speech

45. There are no exceptions to the rule.

a. No one may break the rule
b. No one has heard the rule
c. No one will enforce the rule
d. No one can follow the rule

46. Ted said he would have a bit more.

How much did he want?
a. a lot more b.
no more
c. a few more d. a little more
47. Yesterday the wind came from the south and it was warm.
Today the wind is from the north and it is cold.
Why is it cold today?
a. because the wind shifted
b. because the weather is mild
c. because the wind died down
d. because a storm is coming

48. Joe heard a rumor that the airbase was going to close.
What did he hear?
a. a statement of fact
b. an official document
c. a statement of authority
d. an unconfirmed statement

49. The stereo equipment cannot be sold separately .

How will it be sold?
a. divided up b. a piece at a
c. torn up d. all at one time

50. When he jumped from the fence, Peter tore his trousers.
a. He ripped them
b. He dirtied them
c. He soiled them
d. He wrinkled them

51. The mechanic detected a small crack in the blade.

a. He noticed a crack b. He fixed a crack
c. He made a crack d. He reported a crack

52. I want you to disregard that letter.

a. pay no attention to it
b. Do not destroy it
c. Read it immediately
d. Answer it right now

53. In this coded message,

each number represents a letter of the alphabet.
a. None of the numbers is a letter
b. Each number looks like a letter
c. The code is in alphabetical order
d. Every number stands for letter

54. What are you going to use that trailer for?

a. to haul freight
b. to drain the field
c. to pump water
d. to spray paint

55. David’s car is ready to fall apart.

His car is _______________
a. a rental car
b. in good condition
c. brand new
d. in poor condition

56. The new movie has angered a lot of people.

It is _______________
a. excellent b. very funny
c. controversial d. very sad

57. I hope you don’t fall.

So do I, I can’t swim
Where are the man and woman?
a. by deep water b. by big
c. by high mountains d. by a thick forest

58. This shoe store doesn’t have my size.

Well, let’s try the new store across the street.
Where is the new store?
a. in the next block
b. on the opposite side of to wn
c. on the opposite side of the street
d. down the same street

59. Here’s a nice chair for you.

Oh no. Its much too big.
What did the woman say about the chair?
a. It is not the right price
b. It is not the right color
c. It is not the right size
d. It is not the right shape

60. Will you go?

If you will .
What does the man suggest?
a. that neither of them go
b. that only he go
c. that only the woman go
d. that both of them go
61. What do you want to know about this
truck? It’s capacity.
What does this woman mean?
a. She wants to know how much costs.
b. She wants to know hoe new it is
c. She wants to know how f ast it goes.
d. She wants to know how much it can carry

62. Have you talked to the chaplain yet?

No I will see him after the service.
Where are the man and woman?
a. in a restaurant
b. in a train station
c. in a chapel
d. in a theater

63 What are your duties LT Parks?

My field is telegraphy .
What does LT Park do?
a. He observes and directs artillery fire
b. He builds military roads and bridges
c. He sends coded messages over wire
d. He guides planes in the right direction

64. I don’t know you were in this hotel.

Well, I’m going to check out now.
What is the man going to do?
a. look over the hotel
b. leave the hotel
c. get some money
d. go to bed

65. Do you like that song?

Yes but not the singer ‘s version of it.
What does he object to?
a. the time when it was sung
b. the place where it was sung
c. the way that it was sung
d. the reason why it was sung

66. What did you think of the book?

The ending was very abrupt.
What did the woman think?
a. She thought the ending was good
b. She thought the ending was obvious
c. She thought the ending was sudden
d. She thought the ending was sad

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