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a ater ayart wet her areata sheaths Paha, ateage af-sraes_ Gea at afaa Pear ot @ & Raters ao anti aga te Gt Aa et eee Aelia: Vor) * tor a fet oe 3 Ua Hage Gt oT on %, a sae fae New UFM Rules % sigan snares arla 4 orth oa 8 ora aa ‘youO HoMoHroshofaofo woos Ait /2019 feria 12.09.2019 feet: wret rarTee saftrerar, Carer sreqet we site a Pare afer ere see wa gafrar, afro 8 Ard, & orgie @ Pe ot A cara aTT aT ae FT! ware Bravenet FART GENE gee Frae Blas 10. it, As soon as, any'case of unfair means comes to the notice of the invigilator(s)/flying squad, he/she shall bring it to the notice of the Centre Superintendent of the Examination, ‘The invigiletor(s) shall take in their possession Answer Booklet of the student along with unwanted The Cen Superintendent of te Examination shall record the time when the case was brougit to his notice, He/she shall also record the time of issue of the second Answer Booklet "(A): UFM-Main Answer Booklet” should be written on the page cover of the main answer booklet and “(B): UFM. Secondary Answer Booklet” on the cover page of the second answer booklet ‘The Invigilstor(s), who has detected the use of UFM by a student, sball also record his staemect ‘about the UFM case on specified UFM form, ‘The Centre Superintendent of the Examination shall also give his statement in specified UPM format i tn case, a siden is found to have writen something on the body pat, photo of same may be taken : by the web cam mobile camera etc. if possible. No ex time will be given for completing the Examination as a result of this procedure t6 the . student, : Aer the completion ofthe examination, both of the answer booklets marked as Booklet “{A): UFM. | + Main answer Booklet” and “(B): UEM-Second answer Booklet” slong with the mater! found in possession of the student and prescribed. UFM FORM SHALL BE SENDT DV SEPARATE ENVELOPE MARKED UFM TO THE OFFICE OT THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION. 's Case 2 student bas smuggled out an Answer Bookie; the Ceatre Superiniendeat should cal the student directly and try to secure the Answer Booklet. In case of non-availability of the Answer Book, the mater should be repefted tothe police and a copy of the FIR isto be sett othe office of 3 the-controller of Examination along with the ‘Statement of the lovigilator(s) present in the room. 'n case of impersonation, the Centie Superintindent shall report the matter 19 the Ceatrller of Examination along with the detailed report with necessary documents, in eases of misconduct of very serious nsture, the matter should be reported to the police, if necessary, Statement of the Invigilator/s and that of ibe other concerned (e.g. Secrty person ev.) ‘may be obtained and sent to the office of the Controller of Examirietion. Ge In case of electronic’ gadgets, the clear photocopy of that from front and back, and the enlarged photocopy of the screen shot/ the printout of the material stored in the electronic. gadgets duly signed by the student, invigilator, and Centre Superintendent, MUST be attached with UFM report. CONVENING OF COMMITTEE ON UNFAIR MEANS: ‘A Committee (Standing Committee) appointed by the Vice-chancellor shall enquire into cases of unfair means in the Examination, The'stadent who is involved in UFM cases will be given a chance to submit his/her representation to the committee, if he wants during « period as specified via circular. by the office of the Controller of Examination. The Committee shall thoroughly examine the cases. i recommendations afer lying dovm clearly the mature of the offence and punisimeot to te Vice- Chancellor for consideration and nevessary order. — TABLE SHOWING PUNISHMENT DETAILS FOR UNFAIR MEANS ‘Student doesn't follow the instruction given by the Centre ‘Warning willbe issued to the student not to repest in future; IF Superintendent/Invigilstor. Student communicates with another examinee or Gies t0 pass on information even aera word of caution froin th invigterts) or any competent authority. repeated, CONCERNED ‘MINOR OR MAJOR ci eens = Will be awarded ZERO-marky con the basis of the weitten report | A ag Wey Band war wa ca his/her seat but he/she has not copied from the ssid’ material as ascertained by Centre Superintendentflying squad In igilator(s) of the room invigilator(s). | Student Indulges in writing the matter relevant to subject before commencement of examination ‘Seadent’s indecent behewour i ile examination ceute oF ie | examination hall = Tf the examinee is found in bis possession notes, chits, answer book cf any other examination; however, he/she has not written from the said material in his *her answer book. ‘Use of indecent of abusing words in the answer-book. ‘CONCERNED SUBJECT 2¢ 2 ‘Possess any sort of exam relevant material in the examination hall or even. outside the examination hall like toilet, lobby, ete. or tries to contact’ any. unauthorized person during the examination ace Brings any electronic gadgets (except: memory less. sciemific calculator if permitted in that paper) in the examination hall. wtiole wil be. awarded 4F” grade, “Any sort of writing on the question peper regarding solution of the questions. = -—+ ‘Examines has copied: from relevant material, Scribble on chits ‘compass box, calculator, pad, cloth, handkerchief, dress-or any part of the body.or stored in électronmic-gadgets’ including mobile- phone. ‘Examines has indulged in exchanges of nswer book with-ather examinee, | Cancallaton of menult of the CONCERNED subject and two @ 2. | Examinee has copied from another examinee or deliberately allows other examinee to copy from his own answer book’ or passes on the exam relevant material or literature in any form to another examinee in exam hall. 3. [If the examiner find some. written/Printed papers etc. of exam related material from the answer booklet of ai examinee ‘4, | Attempts to get rid of or to destroy any Kind of exam relevant prohibited material with which he is caught or helps other in such an act, . aaa : ae paper, practical job or part thereof. 6. | If examinee 1s found to have torn-the answer booklet, question paper, any other-exam related material or part thereof his/her own or other examinee. 7,_| Ifthe examiner reports thet in the examinee’s answer book 1s written with more than one type of hand writing | Ifthe examiner reports about missing pages or additional pages in the answer book of examiiee. 3, |W the examinee obstructs the process of conducting the ‘examination in any way. TO. | Ttiie examinee tries fo destroy the evidence by chewing the chit or in any other mariner, which was found in his possession during ee TT. [If the examines attempt to bribe Gy way of Keeping carency notes in hishher answer book. TZ, | Attempts to bribe the examiner by mentioning address, contact ‘other clearedipassed subjects in which the student has secured the lowest marks except the subject in which student bes | UEM ice, total three papers will be awarded “F” grades. Ties to bring daly writen answer book or supplementary from cutside' prior of start of examination, 3; ile examines is found with bulk watetial Whe Bock note books and short notes. etc. related ‘with the concerned: subject of examination. iE T peson pennies es eaine and i dead dng or after the examination Z,_| If the examinee carries away an aaswer booklet, supplementary ‘or practical job or part thereof outside the exam hall 3. Leaves the examination hall without submitting his/her answer book o ries to destroy it Cancellation of result of :the __| examiniee being helped of all the examination of” registéred courses in” thet . conceited seision (theory and practisal) wikibe cancelled (All the paper ‘4, | Wstudent is being helped by other. studeni(s} of the University or outsider and behaves in an indiscipline manner during particular examination’ ill be-awarded “F” grades, T._| Possésses Gun, Revolver, Knife or SG oad wesc in.or around exam hall Cancellation of result of the ‘examines of all the examination z Fiji aveuling giaar & a compet wR oh of “registered: courses : in’ jthat ee | @ | @ ‘examination duty. 3. Physteally assaulting examiner 4, | anyone is writing other's examination. concerned year (theory and | practical) will be cancelled. (All the paper will be awarded “F" grades. G-| 1. | Gn the case of a re-registered Paper). Cancellation of result of the ‘unauthorized material is found with the student in bulk such as | CONCERNED subject and two books, huge ‘cheating material, etc, which shows the clear | other cleared/pested subjects in intention of copying. which the student has secured . the lowest marks except the -subjeet—in—which—stadtem— hiss} UFM i.e-total three papers will = be awarded “F* grades. H/T. | during the examination or afterwards any examinee is found to | The examination commie have indulged in unfair means other than specified in A to Gas above and which has been bearing on the examination or result of the examinee and /or any other examinee. 1. [If person. is not appearing in that particular examination but student of other examination of the University/outsider behaves in an indiscipline manner during pssticular examination or helps ‘other examinee by using unfair means, — = 2 _[TFanyoue is writing other's sxamination. The result of the studens will be declared. after implementation of the decision of examination committee, oe ule * } | Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam, 2019-2020 ( B-Tech & BBA 1" year I Semester) as Time Fine aoe Departments 18-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. | BAS-O1- | Engineering Mathematics- E,CS,EE,EC,ME ,CH&dT BBA-104 [Business Communication BA 20-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. | BAS-02 [Engineering Physics-| E,CS,EE,EC,ME ,CH&IT BBA-102 jindian Economy BBA 22-14-2019 | 9:30am. t012.30pm. | BAS-12 |Industrial Psychology IME BAS-06 pace Science ee 'BAS-03 [Professional Communication [cECS.EC.CH &T ‘BBA-103 Fundamentals of Accounting [BBA | | 25-11-2019 | 9:30am. to 12.30pm. | BAS-05 [Environment & Ecology [CE,EC,CS,IT BAS-15 [Applied Engineering Chemistry H a AS-09 | Engineering Chemistry eeame ‘BBA-101 [Environmental Studies (BBA 27-11-2019 | 9.30am.t012.30pm. | BEE-O1 Principles of Electrical Engineering S,CH&IT BEE-02 [Electrical Circuits & Analysis jEEREC BME-O1 [Engg. Mechanics ME | BCE-OT [Mechanics of Structures E BBA-105 [Principles of Management isBA 29-11-2019 | 9.30am.t012.30pm. | BEC-01 |Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering [ECE & ME introduction to C Programming S BCS 80 io ‘BME-02 |Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering [CH Fundamentals of Computer Applications [BBA |_BiT-81 5 Jintroduction to Computer Programming CE Bcs-01 | Fundamentals of information Technology |T BIT-01 = 30-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. Human Values & Ethics BA BBAO1 \ a, } ood yw Checked elite Addl. Nee atin Confoller of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020( B-Tech 2"4 year III Semester) Date Time Paper Code Subject Departments 4911-2015] 9.30am.to1230pm. | BAS21 —_lengineering Mathematicotl EEE ECEME BAS27___biscrete Mathematics s BAS-31. Advanced pe mrss & Statistics H 24-11-2019 9.30am.t01230pm. | BEE-I6 ffectromechanical Energy Conversion ECaME BCE-T3 Fluid Mechanics BME-S6 nergy Management H BAS-1T_ Human Values and Professional ethics S BAS-13 Industrial Sociology ee 23112019] 930am.t01230pm, | BEET — fasc system Analysis ke BME-I2_engg. Thermodynamics ME 3 BCS-11__bigital Circuits and Logie Design BCE-19 ung Coracion Pring ainatin ad Coning FE BEC-IT [ietwork Analysis & Synthesis ec BCT-II chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics 4 26-11-2019 9.30am.t012.30pm. | BAS-24 [Applied Computational Methods BAS-28__olid state Physics 'BCT-I2 Materials in Chemical Engineering —_ TBEE-12_ flectrical Measurement & Measuring instruments BME-13 leasurement & Metrology BCET2 [Basie Surveyiik. FE 28412019| 930am.toI230pm. | _BEC=I2 _pigttal Electronics® circuits ECREE BCS-12 Principles of Data Structures through C/C++ S BME-I4 Mechanics of Solid IME BCT-13femical Engineering Process Calculations fe ‘BCE-14 Structural Mechanics ce 3011-2018] 930am-t01230pm, | BME-TS Engineering Material fe BAS-22 ano Technology eaec S BCS-13 _ntemet & Java Programming BCT-I4 {chemical Engineering Mechanical Operations fH BME ME aterial Science& Engineering yt ego Nee Checked by’ Addl. Coatroller of Examination Contro#lér of Examination : > Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020( B-Tech 3" year V Semester) aes Time a meas Departments 19-11-2019 |2.00pm. to 5.00pm. | MBA-02 [gineering and Managerial Esonomies CE.CSEEEC MERCH 10-11-2019 |2.00pm. to 5.00pm. | BEC-42_pigital Signal Processing ks = BI-T1-2019” ]2.00pm. to 5.00pm.,|_-BCE-26 | Environmental Engg. | cE 'BEE-26 [Fectromechanical Energy Conversion-I EE 'BEC-26 Control Systems BC 'BME-26 Machine Desian-1 iE 'BCT-26 Chemical Technology H 3-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. |_BCE-27_| Geotechnical Enga 1 ce BCS-27 (Computer Graphics S BEE-27_ | Power Sytem-1 z EE BEC27_[Analog Integrated Circuits Ec BME-27_ Heat & Mass Transfer a BCT-27_ Mass Transfer 6-11-2019] 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. | BCE-28 | Transportation Enga. 1 Fe BCS-28 [Design and Analysis of Algorithms ws BME-28 [Dynamics of Machine E BCT-28 ugar Production H BEE-28 [Control System Engineering IEE 'BEC-29_ lectronies Measurements & Tasirumenis IEC 8-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5:00pm. | BCE-29_| Design of Concrete Structures E BCS-29 [Advanced Computer Architectures s BEC-14_ [lectromagnetic Filed Theory IEE 'BME-29Manuficturing Seience F 'BCT-29_ [Chemical Engineering Thermedynanics i 29-17-2019 _|2.00pm.to500pm.| BEC-28 Principle of Communication FC (0-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. | BCS-73 Neural Nework and Fuzzy Sysiems E 'BCS-15 [Database Management System [EcaNE BOE-03 [Operations Research Jec BCS-26 Principles of Operating Systems =] 'BCE-21_ [Environmental impact Assessmeni_and Management [CH a Wa! \uhig Checked By Addl. Controller of Examin§tion ConttOffer of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020(B-Tech 4° year VII Semester) Date Time Paper Code Subject Departments 1 2 3 4 5 8-11-2019 | — 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. BCE-41__|Water Resourees Engs. ica BCS-41_ [introduction to Machine Learning cs BEE-4 [Utilization & Traction EE BECAT VLSI Design EC BME-41 [Automobile Engineering E BCT-41 Process Equipment Design H 20-11-2019 | 2.00pm. 0 5.00pm. BCE-42 [Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures cE BCS-42 Parallel and Distributed Computing cs BEE-42 Switch Ger & Protection EE BEC-42 Digital Signal Processing EC BME-42_ Computer Aided Design IE BCT-42__ [Energy Resources & Applications H 211-2019] 2.00pm. 10 5.00pm. BCE-60 _ Altport, Docks & Harbour Engg. cE BCE.s7_ {ieo-Environmental Engg fe BCE-62 Pen Channel Flow KE BCS-53__|LAMP Technolog S BEE-43 Power System Operation and Control EE BEC-S3__ [information Theory & Coding lc BME-55__ [Total Quality Management E BCT-43 [Chemical Control in Sugar Plant H 7-1-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. CES! Solid Waste Management FE BCE-53__ [Rock Mechanics KE BCE-S4 [Bridge Engg. ce BCE-55 [Disaster Management ce 'BCS-56 [Linux Administration & System Call Programming [CS BEC-55__[Optoclectpnics EC BME-SI_ [Hydraulic Machine E BCT-61__[Fenilizer Technology H 9-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. 'BEC-28 [Principal of Communication EE sheng, we \ Checked by Addl. Controller of Examination Controler of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020 (MCA 1* year I Semester) Date Time [__ Paper Code Subject Departments 1 2 3 4 5 16-11-2019 | 930am. to 1230pm. "omputer Organization & |TT&CA MCA-103 Architecture 20-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-102 counting and Financial IT&CA [Analysis | | Sul 22-11-2019 | 9.30am.to1230pm. | MAS-105 [Applied Probability an TRCA ja 25-11-2019 | 9:30am. to 12.30pm. TRCA MCA-101 ae Programming with C 4 27-11-2019 | 9:30am. to12.30pm. | MAS-103 [Communication for Business]T&CA nd Management 29-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. MAS-108 [Behavioral Psychology JTaca 30-11-2019 | 9:30am. to 12.30pm. MAS-06 [Discrete Mathematics ees 4 wee i] Checked'by | 7 Addl. Controller of Examination ControlleH6f Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020 (MCA 2"4 year III Semester) Date Time Paper Code Subject Departments _| 1 2 3 4 5 | 19-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 1230pm. bject Oriented Analysis & |TT&CA | MCA-120 [Design * | 21-11-2019] 9.30am. to1230pm. ‘omputer Graphics & _[IT&CA | MCA-121__ Multimedia | 2-11-2019] 930am. to1230pm. | TRCA al MCA-122 Software Engineering 26-11-2019] 9.30am. to 12.30pm. introduction to Computer [IT&CA MCA-123 _ Network 28-11-2019] 9.30am. to12.30pm. introduction to Web TRCA MCA-124 [Technology 30-11-2019] 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. Beate Research for [TT&CA MAS-104 Business Decisions Dez lrg Ww \ Checked by Addl. Corifroller of Examination Conttglldf of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya Uriversity of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020 (MCA 3" year V Semester) Date Time Paper Code Subject Departments 1 2 3 ‘ A 19-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. lintroduction to Wireless & |TT&CA ICA-136 Mobile Computing 21-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. |T&CA CA-137_ INET Framework & C# i | 23-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. |Artificial Intelligence: IT&CA | (CA-138 [Principles & Technology 26-11-2019] 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. IT&CA ICA-159 [Distributed Systems. 28-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to5.00pm. introduction to Programming [T&CA (CA-161 using Python o. We holy i Checked by Addl. Controller of Examination Cont of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 201)-2020 (MBA 1* year I Semester) Date Time Paper Code Subject Deptt. 1 2 3 4 5 18-11-2019 ‘9:30am.t012.30pm. | MAS-102 [Business Statistics MBA 1911-2019) ‘9:30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-104 | MARKETING MANAGEMENT MBA 20-11-2019 ‘9:30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-102 [ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS MBA 24-11-2019) ‘9.30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-103 | MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS MBA a 2241-2019 ‘9:30am. to 12.30pm. RAEATI06 ea east REepURCE GIANTAGEMENT mea 25-11-2019 ‘9.30am. to 12.30pm. MCS-177 | COMPUTER APPLICATION AND MBA MANAGEMENT | 26-11-2019 9.30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-101 FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT MBA 27-11-2019 9.30am. to 12.30pm. MAS-103 “ommunication for Business and MBA Management | 28-11-2019 ‘9:30am. to 12.30pm. MBA-105 J ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR AND MBA ‘| [ees al Checked by lel oy Wee Addl. Controller of Examination Cont r of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya enivarsity of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam, 2019-2020 (MBA 2! year III Semester) Date Time [Paper Code Subject Deptt. 1 2 3 4 5 [18-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to5.00pm. array _ ELECTRONIC COMMERCE: MBA ts )NCEPT & APPLICATIONS [19-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. [ima ra SECURITY ANALYSIS AND MBX {VESTMENT MANAGEMENT 20-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. a HR3_/TEAM BUILDING & LEADERSHIP| MDA Pi-t4-2019 | 2.00pm.t05.006m. Pana a1 freaticid waNAceNENT a 22-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. faa ran MANAGEMENTOF WORKING MBA “APITAL 23-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. oatz INSUMER BEHAVIOUR & MBA IRKETING COMMUNICATION 25-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. he br TREPRENEURSHIP MBA’ BA-I23_ PEVELOPMENT & PROJECT IANAGEMENT 26-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. fae peas RELATIONS & MBA BOUR ENACTMENTS 27-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION Max MBAMKS MiANAGEMENT. 4 [28-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. ina wi Paar ING OF SERVI as 1 [29-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. as. 108 b Re sipsyehaigy MBA | [30-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 12.30pm. aga irs ENTREPRISE RESOURCE MBA LANNING Qos Na, . Checked by i) I Addl. Controller of Examination Cont of Examination Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur ~ 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020 (M-Tech/ MSc. Physics/M.Se. Math. 1°" year I Semester) Date Time Paper Code Sujet Departments TE-11-2019 | 9:30am. to12.30pm. | _MEF-103 | invodusiin to Power Comer PED RCL ‘MEC=201 | Advance Digital Communication DS Comm: ‘MIME-T01[ Avanos Computer Aided Design cist 'MAS-213 | Mathemtil Foundation of Compu Scincs_[ CS TT All Branch | ™MCS-257 | Neural Nek and Furzy System (CE All Branch MPC-IO1—] Mathematical Physics and Eleoromagnetc | MSc. Physics Th MACSTOT | Mathematical Analysis Mie Math 204-2019 | 9:30am. to 1230pm. | MEF-I01_| Advance Microprocessor & Applications PED MEE-201 | Advance Control Systems cr | MEC-I01A | Advance Miroprocesor Ds | ‘MEC-202 — | Advance Digital Signal Prosssing [aa ‘Computticnal Methods in Enginecting ‘CIE TM | Condensed Mailer Physics Mise. Phsies MCS-101(A) | Advanced Computer Networi CSE&IT | MCE 102 | Water Resourees Development HADE | MCE #02 | Geotechnical artiquaks Engneoring SDEE -MAC=105 | Data Analstics Mis. Math MCE 201 — | Env Chemisty & Misa ENV. 21-11-2019 | 2.00pm. to $00pm,_| —MCE302 | Coneres Seuces STR 22-11-2019 | 9.30am. to12.30pm. | _MCE301 | Advanced Sirwuual Ama SDEESTR ‘MEE: 102 —| Electric Drives & Traction PD MEC-I2A | Nano CMOS Design Ds -MEC-2n5A | Optical Communieation System Tom ‘MME=103 —| Machining Science cist MPC-103 | Quantum Mechanics MSe.Piysies MCS-102 | Advanced Database Theory and Applications CSEaIT -MCE203 | Waste Water Trestment FAY. ‘MCE:105 Hill Tmipgration HADE THME-2O1A[ Advan ay Cones Sam ETM 'MAC-104 —| Mathematical Programing MiSs. Math Z-AL-2OI9 | 90am. o1230pm. | MAS-IO1 | Nunerical Metods and Engineering | ME ® EF All Branch Optimization MAS-IR2[ Advance Enginoaring Mathematics CERECAT Branch MCS-106| Advanced Algorithn and Data Sure csrait -MAC-103_—| Advanced Ordinary Differenial uations MSs. Math 26-11-2019 | 9:30am. to 230pm. Research Methodology Gi, ETM & PRD. 21-2019 | 9.30am. to12.30pm. [ Managing Enabled Seis r MCS-176 | Information System & Data Management PED&CL “MPC-104 | Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit MSe. Physics: MCE 000 | Advances in Givi Ena ADE ENV SDEESTR MAC102 | Linear Algebra and Matin Theory MSs. Math MEC-I08 | Fb System cS 29-11-2019 | 9.30am. to 1230pm. | BCS-01 | Introduction to Computer Programming CAT Branch MSeAPh), | MSS Math MMEZOIA | Clean Frergy Stems FIM TMMEEOR | Advance Measurement & inst. Tech a Examination wht Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur — 273010, U.P., India Final Schedules of Major Theory Exam. 2019-2020 (M-Tech/ MSc Phy.) 24 year III Semester Date Time Subject Departments 1 iz) 4 19-11-2019 | 930-10 1230p ‘New and Renewable Energy Resources | PED and Cl MEC-261 | Anienna Design & MIMO System [Comm MME-161_| FEM. Ma&ETM MCS-180__| Wireless Sensor Neiwork csait | Introduction and Design of Photovoliaic Ds ec-169 | uo MCE 167_| GIS Techniques HADE | MCE 369_| Ground Improvement Techniques SDEEASTR MCE 261 _| Ground Water Management EVN ‘MPC-301 | Anagoge and Digital Communication MSePhy ‘BA-TT-2019 | 9.30am, to 12.30pm. | MEE-160_| Electrical Power Quality PED. MEC-168__| High Speed Devices and Circus ‘Comm.&DS_| MCE 361_| Non Linear Analysis of Structure SDEE&STR MCE 268 | Industrial Waste Water Management ENV. MCE 164 | Geotechnique of Hill Area [Habe Optoelectronics and Optical Comm. | MSc Phy. MPC-302_| System | ‘MME-169 | Advance Matefal and Characterization | CIM&ETW 2S1T-2019 | 9am. to 1230p. | MEC-I6E | Digital Mobile Communication Systems DS MEC-265_| IC Design = Comm. MCE-336__| Retofiting of Buildings STR MCE-367_[ Industral Structures TEQEE “Thermodynamics and Statistical MiSe.Phy Mee-so1 | Termes MEE-202_| Optimal Control a ‘28-11-2019 | 9:30am. to 12:30pm. | MEC-166 I ‘Optoelectronics Devices & Circuits ‘DS 27-11-2019 | 9.30am. wo 12.30pm. |“ MEC-167_| Organic Electronics Devices and Circuits | DS F7A1-2019 | 2.00pm. 50pm _|_MCS-165 | Natural Language nerf (sar Sait er Checked by Addl. Controller of Examination ‘of Examination

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