Final Evaluation

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GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY™ Clinical Evaluation Tool Semester/Year:_{ lil] 10) ‘Evaluation Day and Date: {A} Oa/1 : - | swan first Name Last Name: _({ (S10 (MAK b Implement ‘and evaluate a holisti¢ plan of care, incorporating individual preferences and physical, spiritual, and ” ‘emotional needs for complex clients, 2. Synthesize knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and essessment findings in the provision of care for complex clients. Provide education regarding interventions, health promotion, and disease prevention. for complex clients. |. Apply evidence-based standards and protocols and data ftom client care technology’ to prioritize safe delivery of client care. 5. Communicate therapeutically with clients, families, and members ofthe health care team in sensitive, set, or ethically challenging situations to improve complex-client outcomes, 6. Advocate forcliens in complex environments and demonstrate ethical, providing client-centered care, o 7. Demonstrate the principles of d © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved, Client-Centered Care Develop an individualized plan of care with a focus on assessment and planning, utilizing the nursing process while respecting the diversity of clients. Demonstrate caring behaviors, including assessing for the presence and extent of pain and suffering.* Conduct a Comprehensive, holistic assessment while eliciting clients’ values, preferences, and needs. Demonstrate developing skills in selected psychomotor activities, ‘Demonstrate efisetive therapeutic communication skills with diverse clients and families. Perform eliective teaching with clients, families, and caregivers that addresses client needs and the promotion of wellness. Safety, Informatics, and Quality Improvement Document clear and concise responses to care, as appropriate for clinical setting (i.e., EHR, paper documentation, care plan). Protect confidential j _ of all - information ty ofall client data and promote the ethical use of electronic health IY Leo RS laa JY Psfn x I> ¥ bs > Tent i i tify methods to deliver care ina timely and cost-effective manner, Teamwork and Collaboration Develop effecti i fon sk eee Verbal and writen communication skills with clients, eam members, and [3 dentify relevant data for communication in preconferences and postconferences. v % Identify intraprofessional and interprofessional team member roles and scopes of practice, and establish collaborative relationships with team members. SS Identify the need for help when appropriate to situation Professional Role Gs professional team members, faculty, and including accepting constructive feedback Maintain a positive attitude and interact with inter fellow students in a positive, professional manner, ‘and developing a plan of action for improvement.* “Rrrive punctually, demonstrate expected behaviors, complete tasks in a imely manner, and ‘maintain professional behavior and appearance.* sibility and aceounlablity for nursing interventions, outcomes, and 4 ‘self-evaluation; and assume responsibility for learing.* WN WLW IS TS ww % ‘Accept individual respor other actions; engage in re rmonormance a Score of3 (Independent) onthe competencies marked with an asterisk” by fie evaluation “iat is based on Quay and Safety Edvcain for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and knowledge, skill, and aus (KSAs) Content of this chec Quality and Safe Edwaton fr Nurses Intute. (2017. QSEN competencies Reieved fom hpi rico stencies/pre-icensure 3 Final Evaluation Comments Faculty Comments (Include strengths and areas for improvement): Onciga. devo Load as ma 4© Chas dune FAL Qard Vp Sapyuikamedb ous: 8 : Pal Podunks analy Lak Wnts Wout Sea. Vary OUD. As times ‘ : eae i SRR BP. Sesh Sraoe Loa. Ann GDor do Je BON Saaripine Prmambws’ we Lm Umitation Dud or ue ‘fe oy Watk amd WAL MO Well an O ! “Student CommentNitenfdy three areas for develpment): Rs a Dovieidnve i svills SuUW AS IN, foley Lae Davie wenbearienr oF wed Catron @ quer yu aro vg hy (usessWAet Student and Clinical Faculty Signatures Signatures indicate student and clinical faculty have reviewed and discussed the Clinical Evaluation Tool. ‘Student Signature at Midterm: Date: CIEL, ae (0127114 Student Signature at Final Date. Clinical Faculty Signature at Midterm: Date: 10} ical Faculty Signature at Final:

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