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© Sheet Music” Laoureux Practical Method for the Violin Part 2 The Positions Violin “methods” generally pass from the first position to the second, from the second to the third, and so on in numerical order. To go directly from the first to the third position seoms simpler and easier. Later, the pupil will find his second position between the first and the third. Moreover, this manner of proceeding will allow us to begin, at the same time, the highly important study of the shifts. To learn the fingerings of the positionsseems, at first, to be the difficult point. Yet this is only a matter of memorizing figures ‘Take a pupil who already knows his positions, and give him a fairly rapid slurred passage going fromone position to another. The difficulty which he will encounter in playing it will be precisely in the changes of po- sition which we call “shifts.” To forestall this difficulty at the outset by numerous exercises in shi‘ting,is absolutely indispeisable It is important, in order to shift easily, that the pupil should hold the palm of the hand well away from the neck of the instrument, and especially avoid resting the hand against the edge of the violin when arriving at the third position. The thumb should not be bent round the bottom of the neck. This would cause a displacement of the position of the hand, and would later render the shift from the third to the fifth position very awkward. In both the 1% and 84 positions keep the thumb opposite the first finger position 84pos. . Btpos. ga 8¢ pos. 1 4 42 Pos. 12 4% ‘i 94 position 18 position a2 42 3 ez : f = : == UW ¢ posit 1*position Sipogitiong —& ae 42 3 © 1 position, 34 position; i a be — 184 position 1*position i Scale of C major in the 84 Position ‘8¢position Preparation i233 eS 84 position Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 34 position 2 = ‘ — 2 a 34 position 1 = —- 34 position K 24 a4 4 4a 4 a =a Nicolas Laoureux. — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Etude in the 8* Position Grand détaché Moderato 10 + Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Exercise in the 84 Position Use the whole bow, the fingers striking firmly. Moderato 4 4 = 4 vo fap fees 4 —— «taj 5 f eat CDRz 4 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Exercise in Going from the 18t to the 34 Position Shift with the open string. The thumb opposite the first fmger. When shifting, let the hand slide ightly without pressing the neck. A 1 ° 1 o 1 e ooo 0 1 o 1 o ETUDE 15t and 3¢ Positions enteuers e260 Tt 2020 4 e ot alee — => 2 1 2 4 4 4 Po & fm effees £, sei bee CDi Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Scale-Study inthe 84 Position 4 ett tee a3 tee gts eeefeeee eres ae Jaare oe The pupil will have to practise the following exercises until the passage from the 1* to the 34 posi- tion becomes quite easy with any finger. 1144 2222 3,885 4444 39835 o22e o8 2 a4 14 Changing the Position with Two Different Fingers The portamento must start from the first note, i.e.the finger of that note must reach the higher position before the one of the se- cond note touches the string. Example: ‘The teacher will perceive that thesmall note is meant only to in- dicate the movement of the finger which operates the change of posi- Baample =] tion; analyzing the exercise as below, the pupil will see the utility of this system for obtaining a proper portamento KB. The small note should not be heard. 2 24 Play each measure 4 times. 4 zoe | SSS ES Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 a 2 i 2 € Keep the 1% finger on the string. i 1 1 CDi 7 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ao 3 4 Nicolas Laoureux. — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 aa Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, MELODIE Exercise in Shifting The shifting finger must move so rapidly that the slide from one note to the other is inaudible. Andante aa as Pitt vivo 5 a Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 mS ft to 2 at f Pa tempo CDR. "1 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ETUDE 1st and 34 Positions Moderato, largamente eae ritard. a a tempo CDi R is Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 igt SS a aa Extension of the 4"Finger in the 34 Position (Harmonics) By extending the 4‘ finger in the 34 position one can get the harmonic tone an octave higher than the open string. It is marked 4 ,which indicates that the finger must only lightly touch the string, without pressing it. N.B. To let the harmonic sound, the other fingers must not touch the string. u svoo4 Example Nicolas Laoureux’ — A Praetical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 The harmonic may also be reached by starting with the 4" finger from the 1% position. Let the hand slide gently from 15 to 3¢ positjon, while slightly raising and extending the 4‘ finger. aa a 3 ° $3 4 4 a4 3 a AE 4 34 7 a = on a 3 thee oN, i fh 7 i" Ht on on a 6, Dee “4 Nicolas Laoureux: — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Patt 2 2A 3 cts ez oe é On the 24 Position, lying between the 18t and 34 The preceding exercises in passing from the 4*'to the 3position, having given the pupil sufficient practice in shifting, it is well now to introduce the 24 position by progressive exercises. This man- ner of proceeding will have the advantage of showing the pupil in what cases that position is used; moreover, it will make it easier to reach, as similar or corresponding passages, with the same fin- gerings for the corresponding notes, are given in the 4*, 24 and 34 positions. 2 24 Position a 4 a 3-37) » Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 24 position iPS as 4 a4 4 2 28, 4 gs 1 ® geese ae gaa 3 i, 3 2a osition 4 E BA —Te-O 24 position 34 position * I" fs A fa ‘ : N eae $ + geet SS 4 i 4 ———— a JZoaeer Ae ait —~ 1 q I + For the sako of brevity, the position will hereafter be indicated by @ simple Roman numeral (I, 11, III, ete.) CDi 16 Music” Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 “Nts CDR. "7 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 Scale of C major in the 24 Position a 2, > ce CDR. 18 Nicolas Laoureux — A Pra ETUDE 1st, 2d and 34 Positions | Method for the Violin, Moderato angamente Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method forthe Violin, Part 2 ETUDE (1) Two bows to each measure, very slowly. Andante Nieolas Laoureus — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 epee a1 ETUDE To be practised at first with broad detached strokes, from middle to point. Moderato = mf CES Nts —/ Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 = SAN . The Octave Preparatory Exercises 2 1 Keep the fingers on the strings. ea 2 re (ft { Bt 11 * 24 position z 2 p 4 ew a Nicolas Laoureux’ — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ETUDE N.B. Keep the 18 and 4th fingers down; lift them only to change fingerings or strings. Moderato 4 14 Nicolas Laoureux. — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 od ood epee 2s Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method forthe Violin, Part 2 DOUBLE-STOPPING The pupil finds difficulty in distinguishing between major and minor intervals, Besides the fact that his ear is not trained to recognize two tones at once, he has no exact idea how near together or far apart are the tones forming these two intervals. In order to render the work clearer and easier we shall begin with broken intervals. The Sixth, starting from the Octave Without lifting the finger to pass from one octave to another. Movement of the wrist. a a? Keep the 1st and 4th fingers on the string. Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 4 1 = et * = oe os / SSS 5 € ra °, c# en f#PYQ CPEN cee Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 pit a at <- - In playing sixths, the interval of separation between the fingers Is either one or two half-steps, according to the key; in thirds the interval of separation (not of pitch) of the fingers is either three or four half-steps. In order that the pupil may not be in doubt when he has to play two notes at one time, we shall employ the following graphic signs: — indicates, in sixths, that the fingers are two half-steps apart; in thirds, that they are four half-steps apart; J indicates, in sixths, that the fin- gers are one half-step apart; in thirds, that they are three half-steps apart. To sum up, in either sixths or thirds, —— indicates the larger interval of separation between the fingers. 7 pape aes a ey wey ey CDR. is Nieolas Laoureus — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 1 1 3 e au 1 Octaves, Sevenths, Sixths Keep down the fingers which take the octave. fe ce vB e EG Ni Octaves, Seconds, Thirds and Fifths las Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Set the 18t finger squarely upon the fifth at the beginning of the measure. ae 144 + Sareesor Perey ve 1 CDR. 30 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 A Special Study on Thirds Al fe? p 1 1, > zz Nicolas Laoureux: — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 i > aa a T ETUDE N.B. This study serves as a preparation to the following one in double-stops. The pupil will have to keep the first finger on the string throughout each measure; and the others, after being placed on the strings, must remain till the end of the measure, Staccato sect Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ETUDE Review of the Double-stops 1 Andante fl = 14 aj CDR. y {A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ETUDE The Détaché. With the whole bow, separating the notes. Moderato - 4 =] Pe : A id i ¢ os Nicolas Laoureux af ° LE. "9 og Nicolas Laoureux’ — A Praetical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 TRILLS Their Divisions and Endings Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method forthe Violin, Part 2 2, es = SS Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Lento 4 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 3, 2 PREPARED TRILLS Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Beginning the trills slowly, as in the preceding exercises. a s, similarly STUDY OF VARIOUS TRILLS Andante tr — nf similarly tr ber ee br CDR. “0 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 tr tr Ua tr Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 THE 4th AND 6t) POSITIONS In order to pass easily from the first to the fourth and fifth positions, the pupil will have to bring the hand well away from the neck, and hold the neck between the first joint of the thumb and the third joint of the first finger, so that he need not alter the position of the hand, and will have the same freedom in moving and placing his fingers in the fourth and fifth positions, as in the first. 1 Vv , Vv A CDi 2 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Iv T eh Yt Ww Hts T t TT? i 1 4 position cP SS Vee Seale in D major: 4‘ position 22 it~ CDR. 6 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 : apeecpeecet feteests Petre In shifting to the higher positions the thumb must move an equal distance with the hand until the thumb reaches the curve of the neck where the latter joins the body of the violin. This is about at the fourth position. yyy y : a 1 om 1 bee 3_ It I Pay en Lpat_ok =o i 2 z = = = epee a Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 tg + 7 a ya z Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 y Vv m0 1 ae, 1 : y ¥ Wy 2 SS oe — pis Rete. catate, cetstey Octaves, in All Five Positions 1,0,M, VaVaWatt, Dats I es s afafs =i we PVs Sana nams WAYewsems La lade 4 ve 1 04 Lee vie € eve ga ee 46 Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ela ms, Wa YAW air a pU,m, VaYeN gms ual I, Wa VaWa me a Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Study in Octaves in the Five Positions elke Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 am 4 eS Exercise in the 5‘ position v a 2 ——~ = Exercises requiring the same fingering in the five positions ££, = 1 Se =H ee = a 2 position sf ro Nicolas Laoureux: — A Practical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 Study in the Five Positions Moderato-Sostenuto 2 = i Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 allargando Exercise in the Five Positipns, soe eee Z = Tees => 2 oo a ~ 3 4 a 2 Ne RSS 24 position 2 E ete e ea 6 eas o et se 34 position PoE Nicolas Laoureux — A Practical Method for the Violin, Part 2 4" position 4 . ft2e. oo ===; : 4 eS] oe 5 feeertee. «oy & See Sete a] ETUDE ON THE MARTELE Nicolas Laoureus’ — A Praetical Method for the Violin, Part 2 Vv 1 2 See oy a martelé a 4 on aoureux — A Praetie STUDY IN THE FIVE POSITIONS al Method for the Vi o 2 CDR. ss Nicolas Laoureux’ — A Praetical Method! for the Violin, Part 2 STUDY IN THE FIVE POSITIONS Largamente _g__ segue ye z £ Nicolas Laoureux — A Praetical Method for the Violin, Part 2 ETUDE Moderato ritard. ‘ v VI te FT Tee te eae ome 4 a

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