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butterfly life cycle shamsa

Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

MCT School Al tomooh

Class 2\d Date 14\11\2019

What standards or LOs were being addressed in the lesson? Describe and explain different stage of
butterfly life cycle.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? In this class there were no
students with special needs. So, I made hand-on activities for the three different levels that helped them
to understand the lesson.

How did you use positive reinforcement? Methods? For what? Positive reinforcement was used orally,
when students answered like excellent or did well. At the end of the class, a prize was given to motivate
more in order to change the student more effort and encourage participation.
How did you sequence or scaffold activities so that they built gradually towards the learning objectives?

I put activities on students' ability. The weak level will make Students will have papers that have
numbers, pictures, and vocabulary. They will cut and glue the pictures and the vocab under each
number in order. The development group will have the students will do a puzzle they will match
the stages with the right vocabulary. The last level Students will have papers with stage’s name.
they will draw the stages in each quarter.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (that is, describe the lesson’s place in the unit of work. What did
students need to know before today’s LOs were addressed? What topic comes next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that?)

Today lesson the students will be able know how dose butterfly come to the life? The students
already knew about mammals and not mammals. The purpose of these lessons is to enhance the
following skills: collaboration and communication, critical thinking, problem solving and to learn
new vocabulary.
Who is the lesson for?
Where did the lesson take place?
What were you aiming to achieve in your lesson?
What experiences did you provide to the students to help them to achieve your aims for them?

Today's lesson was for the second grade, and the lesson was presented in class as groups. In this
lesson my goal was that all the students at the end of the class would be able to explain and know
the new vocabulary.So, It worked and I achieved my goal. The experience I have given students
is working in groups and discussing activities process.
Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
The students were very enthusiastic and kept busy and focused on their activities and took the time limit
for each activity. I think the students acted like this because all the activities were dynamic, and they were
able to do them because they were at their level. I think the students understood the lesson because of its
similarity to the previous lesson, so it became easier for them to connect the two lessons.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Use your students’ performance on the end of lesson
assessment as support (Give proof in your portfolio)

I achieved my goals in this lesson because I use the both language Arabic and English to grab their attrition
in the lesson. also, at the end of the lesson I had a small quiz to test them if they understood the lesson or
not and I noticed that the students I chose had the idea of the lesson and because I thought they might
need more time.
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
What are the implications for your professional practice of helping students to enhance their learning in
this particular way? (i.e. what skill will you have to develop or learn? What professional development will
you have to undertake?)
In the future I think I should make this lesson more interesting and enthusiastic. I will use in the
introduction a short video to have more fun and break the routine and to attract the attention of
students. In addition, I think I have to develop my language skills specifically in English.

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