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VERSION 2.0 When L used to ar COM se ey care ey Craft eel senor re ag uke red MECC y Baers Re geen Cares ee Cereus eee Cress eee a " aia ric) . Cae Pecan and it's the one that essentially announces to the world cS oe ee a Rue ae ee weight lifter. So it’s no surprise that big arms seem to be Pra earn Re rua aur Re enero carer Rar aed us have, I figured that it made perfect sense to give you an eBook on building them, TRAINING SPLITS To properly hit your arms dur- ing these 6 weeks, you'll need to alternate your training split. Each week you will follow a four- day training split. However, base don the week and number of times you are training arms, you will be training on four different days of the week and pairing up different muscle groups each week. Use the following training splits for each week of the Six Weeks to Sick Arms program Day Muscle Groups Mon Chest, Triceps, Biceps Tue Legs, Calves Wea Thu Back Abs Fri Shoulders, Traps (Satsun off Chest, Triceps, Biceps Tues Legs, Calve: Wed” off Thur” Back, Biceps, Tic Fri Shoulders, Traps, Abs | SatSun Off Mon Chest, Triceps, Biceps Tues Shoulders, Traps, Abs Wed Back, Biceps, Triceps Thur Off Fri Biceps,Ticeps Legs G SatSun Off Mon Chest, Abs Tue Back, Cal Wed Off Thur Shoulders, Traps Fri Triceps, Biceps, Legs j YM ae UTA alo supplement science Praca Ma acu eu hese als Recensioni Maes aoe Pesce reer Reese) Ae aa Teer SUCd eaiceteeee ten Pvc sc aes oa a Ei sat as OUR ner Meme ke a ree emerald onan annua k omasurs) 20 l NOT aa A Me TCs UL Coe ea Sn Cee PM ecco es era ee fete) Ue eR RL aol ste) Fea UCU eae PCM eaRa eur aaa etre ears arms after completing the program, This six-week program is een aes kai ok ee you train arms each week) starting at once per week in week ‘one, twice per week in week two and three times per week in weeks three through five, and then backing way off in the final week 6 to just once per week again. There is a method to this aCe oes OER eg ccd You'll pull out all the stops, using negative rep training to re- PN a Nestea eet Sn ra ee emg gets into it with light weight and high reps. Volume will be low eee ee Se St et eset aa gn ‘ous week. These workouts will help you to better recover from the previous week and will get you ready for the crazy three DG eee eRe ol le RR CoE ae a a ean i aurea like overtraining, you're precisely right. But overtraining does ea ee ei eee et bee ee Re CU Re ae lead to overtraining is called overreaching. And what's inter- Cor ano ac ea ec ee diet is adequate in calories, protein and carbs, as well as the right supplements, then you can actually capitalize on over- reaching and turn it into a way to grow bigger and stronger. Pee ain oek ence ys plan to ensure that you turn the training into distinct gains. See tT nue ees Re eek ease oe Mauna Pe ae eR ute ger alien ast carn eee ger while taking it easy. The key is to stop the overreaching ped ora eke Mee ect training arms three time per week in weeks three through five and then switch it up to just once per week in week six. I also Bree esc ec ony your arms and train them just once that week before getting Dee ae eu ect aca ee WORKOUTS rE] Eee ae) Sets Reps Rest Muscle Bench Press 3 840 Reverse-Grip Bench Press 3 810 12min, Incline Dumbbell Fiye 3 8101-2 min, Cable Crossover 1-2 min. Close-Grip Bench Press (negative reps)* 2-3 min, Triceps Bench Press 3H 23min Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 23min 1-2 min, Chest Triceps Pressdown same Barbell Curl (negative reps)* 3-5 23min. Biceps Barbell Curl 3H 68 Incline Dumbbell Curl 23 min. EZ-Bar Preacher Curl “same *To perform negatives use a weight that is =20% more than your one-rep max and have a Spotter help you with postive ortion ofthe rep, You should be able to slowly lo ative rep for pause the last set by resting for 15 seconds after reaching muscle failure and continuing the set, then resting another 15 s after reaching muscle failure again, then continuing ‘ADo two drop sets on the last by immediately reducing the weight by 20-30% and continu- ing the set. PU aS MUL Ct Uae eee na ee training frequency (how often you train arms each week) Ta Me RO ee eo Bec Week Frequency Week 1 Once per week Annihilates your bis & tris with negative rep training to destroy every single muscle fiber in the arms. Requires a full 7 days to recover. Week 2 Twice per week Uses light weight & high reps, but low volume to help your arms to better recover from the week 1 and get them ready for weeks 3.5. Week 3-5 Three times per week To cause overreaching. Week 6 Once per week ‘Stops the overreaching from becoming overtraining and the arms grow dramatically during the recovery. Week 7 Once per week Yes, this is a 6-week program, but I suggest that you also take it easy the week after to allow your arms to | recover and grow even bigger. STAIRWAY T0 MUSCLE Dae eM enc aos Na cd eager cr Ac nae ects Prom et arate etiam tial eeel Coetleie tage of the staircase effect for building muscle. This refers Reese e te eee ene ae are responsible for the many of the adaptations that take place, such as muscle growth and strength increases. For example, consistent training activates certain genes that result in building more muscle fiber protein, which means more muscle size and strength. These genes are typically ac tivated over hours, with some remaining activated for days. Pee Reno Ree en ri Pern Retu ena uae cet sg hut cause Se gm act hon the staircase effect. In other words, let's say a certain gene involved in muscle growth is activated by a workout to the Pa Gea gr Meee Acme ence Mall ar in tat Po OMe ee eMart Oma gent aad eee Sets Reps Rest Muscle Squat 3 8-10 12min. Legs Leg Press 310-12 1-2 min. Leg Extension 31245 12min, Romanian Deadlift 3 810 12min Lying Leg Curl 31245 1-2 min. Standing Calf Raise 41245 1min. Calves Seated CalfRaise “same Thursday (Back, Abs) Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 810 12min, Back Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 810 12min, Reverse-Grip Pulldown 3 810 12min. Straight-Arm Pulldown 310-12 12min, Seated Cable Row 310512 1-2 min. Hanging Leg Raise 3 tofail Imin, Abs Standing Cable Crunch 31012 in iday (Shoulders, Tra Barbell Shoulder Press 4810 1-2 min, Shader Dumbbell Upright Row 3 810 1-2min. Dumbbell Lateral Raise 310-12 1-2 min, Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 310-12 1-2min. Barbell Shrug 4" 810 1-2min. | Traps days so that the day after the workout itis still up by 75%, and Pee cae nee ee maar) day it is up by just 25%, and finally on the fourth day after the workout it is back to the original level. If you performed the workout on the fourth day after the first workout or later, then that gene would be bumped back up to 100% of its originally SOA em ee eee cs the first workout, when the gene was still up by 50%, then you Se aa a eee Ae Sea =| we 4 ec ay aU MCR ur en waited to train again after the fourth day or later, like one week mu te Sua eta ee ae) hours could lead to even greater muscle growth and strength ed Monday (chest, Triceps, Biceps) Sets Reps Rest Muscle Incline Bench Press 3 810 12min. CI Reverse-Grip Incline Dumbbell Press 3 810 1-2min, Dumbbell Flye 312-15 1-2min, Decline Dumbbell Flye 312-15 1-2min. Triceps Pressdown 315-20. 1 min. Lying Triceps Extension 3. 15-20. 1 min. Dumbbell Overhead Tri- ceps Extension 3. 15-20. 1 min, Incline Dumbbell Curl 315-20. 1 min, Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3. 15-20. 1 min. Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3-15-20 1 min. ita eo) Front Squat 3 810 1-2min. Legs Hack Squat 3 8-10 1-2min. Leg Extension 3 810 12min. Seated Leg Curl 3 8-10 1-2min. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3 810 1-2min, Seated Calf Raise 4 20-25 Imin, ¢ Leg Press Calf Raise 4 15-20 1 min. POUR aT Ce GET TEL Ta Noma, po, sean ot Powe Noverianing Cama Of course, this program is not all about training frequency. While moving to more frequent workouts can help you to build xtra size on your arms, to really get them up there in size will ee ne ea ea en oe negative reps, drop sets, forced reps, rest pause, and super sets RUC Maer ue tee SO nt a eee an eeu ea neue Pence eek ura net Deer eRe) times higher than when they just stopped after reaching muscle failure. That extra growth hormone will be put to good use ini Pere eeu eu Ey sure stretching. Another study reported in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that subjects using negative rep training led to high GH level Pee On ue Che cece Coal up of weight amd rep ranges every workout to keep your arms growing. This is known as periodization, and research confirms rte ut atamn MemeRCeerite Retin tears gis and rep ranges, produces the greatest gains in muscle size and strength. One form of periodization that appears to work well is called undulating periodizaion. This is simply the constant switching up of weight and rep ranges every workout. Research studies from both Brazil and the University of Connecticut have supported this form of training for making continued gains. termes Sets Reps Rest Muscle Pull-up 3 tofail 1-2min, Back One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 810 1-2min Wide-Grip Pulldown 310-12 1-2min. Seated Cable Row 31012. 1-2min. Straight-Arm Pulldown 31245. 1-2min, Ez-Bar Curl 320-25 1min. Biceps High Cable Curl 32025 1 min. Behind-the-Back Cable Curl 3 2025 * Triceps Dips 3 tofail 1min. Triceps Cable Overhead Triceps Extension 3 20-25 1min Rope Triceps Pressdown 320-25 1min Gio rs, Traps, Abs) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 810 1-2min, shouk ders Machine Lateral Raise 31245 1-2min Smith Machine Upright Row 31245. 1-2min. Machine Rear Delt Flye 31245. 1-2min. Dumbbell Shrug 4 10-12 12min, Traps Reverse Crunch 3 tofall - Abs superset with Crunch 3 tofail_1min | | ere) u] ease ns Reps Rest Muscle ( Py Cable Crossover " 3 1520 1-2min, Chest Bench Press same Incline Dumbbell Fiye ‘same Incline Dumbbell Press ‘same Close-Grip Bench Press (nega- tive reps)* 3. 35 23min, Five common intensity and training techniques that you will Close-Grip Bench Press. COM Murra cei Sa Ae [Bamin, Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension DCI ESA ce ee cy Pe eee Oa ac Cg and have a spotter help you through the positive portion of the ae a eae a ae ee Cy Triceps Pressdown same seconds. Negative reps place more stress on the muscle fibers Barbell Curls (negative (ree Sue eC mun Cu C au y reps)* bers they are replaced with new ones called satellite cells (basi- 35 cally muscle stem cells) that grow bigger and stronger than the MCEeRetag older fibers. Ifyou train alone and do not have a spotter, you 3446 23min, can do one-arm negative reps ona Smith machine, asl explain a-nation WGI 30 4-6 23min, EZ-Bar Preacher Curl “same ig Perce) Cable Lateral Raise 315-20. 1-2min, shoulder ‘Smith Machine Behind-the- Neck Shoulder Press 3 15:20. 1-2min, Smith Machine Upright Row 3 15-20. 1-2min. Face Pulls 315.20 12min Dumbbell Shrug 4 15-20 1-2min. Traps nd * Bicycle Crunch Cd —_se 3 tofall 1min, Abs ‘Oblique Crunch on Angled CMR RE Ceuta UPC INTO Rack Extension Berich 3 tofall_1min, CMa CMa Loa supplement science Meee Rune elt ae eee tua Ree eee aera hate Cereus mae yie ees em aR ey freee tc cece Patera Snes Gira un aroere ed it’s your turh: know it works because this is Renee Tartare coma rts Rea ere sree usa | 4 | Sea U J 4 en tcc eric ( = bs) ee eit SU ee ete Le eC ee ea muscle fibers to their limit, causing them to momentarily get OE ar ur em ee RUC ol Deen ecu te eco Roemer Ls Technique #3: Undulating Periodization - This is simply the Coenen Me ic ecu eee cee ferret cre cent eee cee eee Connecticut have supported this form of periodization for making continued gains. eA ey ee eee eee eed Peer ee Rt Cau ac CMe enn (ieee nee) Sets Reps Rest. Muscle Straight-Arm Pulldown 315-20 1-2min, | Back Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 15:20 1 Bent-Over Barbell Row 315-20. 1-2min, Seated Cable Row 3 15-20. 1-2min, Standing Cable Concentration Curls 310-12 1-2min, Behind-the-Back Cable Curls 310-12 Machine Curls 310-12 One-Arm Dumbbell Over- head Triceps Extensions 310-12. 1-2min, Triceps Pressdowns Bench Dips rom (eee) Lying Triceps Extensions 10 superset with Barbell Curls 4 810 1-2min, Triceps Pushdowns 4 810 superset with High Cable Curls 4 810 1-2min, Leg Extension 3 15-20 1-2min, Legs Squat ame Leg Press same ig Leg Curl same Romanian Deadlift “same Seated Calf Raise 4 20-25 1 min. Leg Press Calf Raise failure immediately reduce the weight by 20-30% and continu- Tea ec tas Cc See an te ee ots Pema Sap Technique #5: Rest Pause - This is another technique that Eres Uke ee ee seats cece ted after reaching muscle failure, rest 15 seconds and then contin- ue the set. This not only puts more stress on the muscle fibers, but also helps to boost growth hormone levels higher. Technique #6: Supersets - In some workouts you will use supersets, which is the pairing of two exercises back-to-back ee Une acer cg biceps and triceps exercises for supersets. In other workouts Sea ses eee ce Rn Cee ae eee eee a) sets. This really blasts the muscle fibers and pushes growth Mune ec ear Since youtl be training arms pretty much every other day during weeks three, four and five, you may be worried about your arms still being sore when you train them. Don't be. Cece cas uur aunt eck a Cancun Mache autse eeu RCE cna tk a eau ery canta yi Fem UR Uttara eeey Aare eat ais naruto Rm RUC acne hart muscle group just two days, the catabolic hormone Crna enone cao tosterone, having lower cortisol levels during and af- Rea eeu een eae ag Neco Cn ener tc necnte sear an ameter a ecg a emu ete chutes ah oT Recent esc it Rae ar ue aes Week 4 Monday (Chest, Triceps, Biceps) Sets Reps Rest Muscle Reverse-Grip Incline Bench Press 3 10-12 1-2min. | Chest Dumbbell Bench Press “same Machine Flye ‘same Cable Crossover from Low Pulley 310-12 1-2min Close-Grip Bench Press (negative reps)* 335 23min. Close-Grip Bench Press 3H 10-12. 23min, Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 10-12 2-3 min Triceps Pressdown same Barbell Curls (negative reps)* 3# 10-12. 23min Incline Dumbbell Curl 40-12 | 2-3min, EZ-Bar Preacher Curl “same ero) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 310-12. 1-2min, shoulder Cable Upright Row “same Cable Lateral Raise “same Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3. 10-12 1-2min, ‘One-Arm Smith Machine shrug 4 10-12. 12min, | Traps | Hanging Leg Raise 3 tofail - Abs triset with Twisting Crunch 3 tofall - triset with Reverse Crunch 3 tofail_1min Ree sel ee RoR Mey eae ea elec mal Te ea aoe is considered the long head because it originates a a Ce Ca ed Se ea el EAC em BUR ea iar eee har ac oat Rackste ecg PUR URS a emo aOR coe RU les eer Reet (e (Rel MUL eee Pari ied Site ener enka cam don, which attaches to the ulna and radius (forearm PRR Real eT aie moleat ey Oy aera Re Ree CLL ACCU a RCo eT Raa eure acne tise ket es See aunty ts the most focus on the long head. The first trick is to do curls with your arms behind your body, such EPS ela me Viel mete Rule met ete ale) curls. Another trick involves doing curls with the Meeacauk ann cei liar elon concentration curls and close-grip barbell curls. ahaa orca ea) ta Sete cg crue Elie Byatt le DTCs ner head of the biceps when you curl. The first is coke Ret 2 eee oe Ue body, such as preacher curls and machine curls The second way is to do curls with the upper arms turned out, such as high cable curls, wide-grip bar- LTS Ransome eet eee Rtn led Bache POE Cee R CRU e es Ue or Reels muscle located on the front and outside of the arm, ean eels aA Le eal bao eC acs marcas carta bone) and crosses the elbow joint to attach to the Cee ec Sets Reps Rest Muscle Pullups 3 10-12 | 1-2min. Back One-Arm Dumbbell Row same Reverse-Grip Pulldown same Straight-Arm Pulldown “sare Behind-the-back Cable Curls 15-20 1 min High Cable Curls, Rope Cable Curls Triceps Pressdowns Cable Overhead Tri Extensions 315-20 1 min Reverse-Grip Triceps Pressdovms 315.20 1 min omnes Lying triceps extensions superset -Clase-Grip Bench Press 02min, Triceps Triceps Pushdovms (rope handle) super - Cable Overhead Tri Ext. 3 25:30 12min, Incline Dumbbell Curls Super - Alternating DumbbellCurts 25-30 1-2min Rope Cable Curls Super - Cable Curls (straight bar) 3 25:30 12min. Lying Triceps Extensions superset with - Barbell Curls 4 810 | 12min, Triceps Pushdowns th High Cable Curls, 10 1-2min Front Squat 10-42 12min. Legs Dumbbell Step-Up same Leg Press. Asame Leg Extension Asame Lying Leg Curl Asame Leg Press Calf Raise 4 1012 | I min Seated Calf Raise UUM een ROR TA eR TCU RSet ome oa PRU Uae ER ol et Bla) Teeter oihanca accent MCRD Rr un MTR ne Re teri ha) el eal pegs a kets As the name implies the triceps are composed of three heads - the long head, which makes up the the majority of the mass of the triceps high up and on eee RU eo SUPE Me mu Res seen ee Ree ee LAT RUT AIC RR een Cn Cann Gakic eee eee eC eRe (ena ele ee STR ELeMl URC Mtl Cee aL eee oak Cysteine tots ears elas ietat a FTC aR eves NLRC elt (el mete MeL heads converge onto one tendon, which crosses the elbow joint so that the three heads can cause exten- Bers Ma icik mecaeciaa ROR eC eauaaies MCR kates Renu eS URC U eee RS eae ucUN Chutes cust an itis CUE comm LOLOL) eC eC ae PT eeeun nee niece Rais Mean Sry ee eC Teen ety aCe AUN tes ce ule Moar eee ute occ NNR UL ROL CRUEL eLs Ree ane caieee en s ee The lateral head gets the most focus when you do exercises with the arms at the side or in front of the Penge es ems ea rete and lying triceps extensions. The medial head gets hit Pea Oh ee Cer ent a e hand grip, such as reverse-grip triceps extensions. rr Monday (Chest. Triceps, Biceps) jets Reps Rest Muscle | Bench Press | 3. 46 2-3min, Chest Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 46 23min Dumbbell Flye 1245 1-2min. Cable Crossover from Mid Pulley 1215 1-2min, Close-Grip BenchPress (neg reps)" 31 3 min, Close-Grip Bench Press 3# 8-10 23min, Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 810 2-3min Triceps Pressdown “same Barbell Curls (negative reps)* 3. 35 23min. Barbell Curls 3# 810 23min Incline Dumbbell Curl 36 B10 23min, EZ-Bar Preacher Curl same eee Barbell Shoulder Press 3 46 23min, shoulder Stand Dumbbell Shoulder Press | 3. 46 23min Dumbbell Lateral Raise 2-15 1-2min Machine Rear DeltFlye _Asame Smith Machine Shrug 2 46 23min. Tra | Behind-the-Back Smith Shrug. | 2 1245 1-2min | Bicycle Crunch | 3 tofail 1-2min. Abs | Cable Woodchopper | 3-15-20 1-2min, Ceo: Sets Reps Rest Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 46 23min Wide-Grip Pulldown Reverse-Grip Pulldown 3 1245 1-2min, Straight-Arm Pulldown Preacher Curl 32025 1min Incline Dumbbell Curl Dumbbell Hammer Curl Triceps Pressdown ‘Machine Tri. Extension Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension Ge Close-Grip Bench Press 301215 - giant set with - Lying Triceps Extensions giant set - Dumbbell ‘Overhead Extensions = Muscle Back “same ‘same ‘same ‘same “same giant set with - Bench Dips 31245 23min Prone Incline Curls 301215 giant set with -Ineline Dumbbell Curis giant set - EZ-bar Curls “same giant set-Dumbbell Hammer Curis 3 1245 23min Squat 3 46 23min Leg Press Leg Extension 31245 12min n Deald 46 23min, Seated Leg Curl 31245 12min Standing Calf Raise 41245 1 min, Seated Calf Raise 42025 1 min, Legs same Calves Easy arm workout - higher reps or moderate reps Tare (Chest, Triceps, Abs) Sets Reps Rest Muscle Bench Press 3 810 1-2min, Chest Reverse-Grip Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3810 12min. Incline Dumbbell Flye 3 15-20 1 min. Smith Machine Bench Press 3 15-20 1-2min. Hanging Leg Raise 3 tofail 1 min. Cable Crunch 315-20. 1 min, Oblique Cable Crunch 3 15-20 1min. Bent-Over Barbell Row 3810 12min. Back Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 8-10 1-2 min. Straight-Arm Pulldown 3 15-20 12min, Seated Cable Row 3 15-20 1-2 min. Seated Calf Raise 3 15-20 2. Superset with One-Legged Standing Calf Raise (body weight) 3620 1 min. By fers, Traps) Sets Reps Rest Muscle Barbell Shoulder Press 3 810 1-2 min, Shouer Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 810 1-2min, Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise 315-20 1-2min. Machine Shoulder Press 3 15:20 Barbell shrug 4 810 1-2min. Traps Behind-the-Back Smith Ma- chine Shrug 21245 1-2min, Friday (Tric Close-Grip Bench Press 3 8-10 12min. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 3 810 1-2min. Triceps Pressdown 3 8410 12min, Barbell Curl 3 840 1-2min. Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 810 12min, Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 810 12min, Squat 3 810 12min. Legs Leg Press 3 810 1-2min, Leg Extension 3 15:20 1 min ‘Smith Machine Squat 3° 15-20 1 min. Romanian Deadift 3 810 1-2min, Seated Leg Curl 315-201 min, Pa URLs Luna cata supplement science My Pro JYM protein powder is made from the highest-quality sources of protein. That's why | eau eee meee eget TEC om eek three protein sources that make up my Pro JYM Picea metic hae keeay eee ka etc e pee ea i) NOT aa Me TCs SIX WEEKS 10 SICK ARMS: PMN To put on real size on your arms not only takes an intense and smart training plan, but also a smart nutrition plan. After all it takes protein, carbs and fat to build up the arm muscle mass you are constantly breaking down with intense workouts. Calories are King To build mega mass, takes mega calories. So the first thing you need to put in order is the amount of calories you get in. After all it takes calories to build muscle. If your body is in a calories defi cit, itis less likely to expend energy on building muscle. To ensure that you have a surplus of calories to keep your muscle building efforts maximized, you will need about 24-25 calories per pound of body weight on workout days, which equates to about 4300-4500 calories for the 180 pounder. On rest days, you will be expending fewer calo- ries, so you will only need to take in about 20 calories per pound to stay in a calorie surplus, or about 3600 calories for 180 pounders. Protein Packs on Muscle As long as you have ample calories, then the majority of your protein intake will be put to use building up muscle size. The protein you consume from food and protein powders gets broken down into individual amino acids in the body that travel to your muscle cells (fibers) and are reassembled into muscle protein that add to the size of the muscle cells. On workout days you will need to get in 1.5 -2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, or about 270-360 grams of protein for the 180 pounder. On rest days, you won't be consum- ing pre and postworkout shakes, so your protein intake will be down at the 1.5 grams per pound level. Carbs Can Build Muscle Yes, I just got through telling you how protein gets digested and then rebuilt into muscle protein. But carbs are also essential for building serious mus- cle. One way that carbs work to help build muscle is by signaling your body that you are in a calorie surplus. Carbs get stored in muscle cells and in your liver as glycogen. When your liver and mus- cle cells are fully loaded with glycogen, muscle protein synthesis (the building of amino acids into ‘muscle protein) is allowed to move along at maxi- ‘mal levels. Yet when your liver and muscle glyco- gen levels are low, muscle protein synthesis can be limited, and therefore so can muscle growth. Another way that carbs increase muscle size is also due to muscle glycogen levels. Glycogen pulls wa- ter into muscle cells, filing them up like a balloon. This not only makes the muscle bigger temporarily due to the higher water levels, but it also can lead ‘to long-term muscle growth. This happens due to the fact that when the muscle is full of water it stretches the muscle membrane, The stretch. placed on the muscle membrane is sensed by the muscle, To accommodate the higher water levels, the muscle cells grow bigger by synthesizing more muscle protein. On workout days you'll want to be sure to take in about 2-3 grams of carbs per pound of body weight, or 360-540 gram per day for the 180 pounder. On rest days since you will be doing less work, and not eating pre and powtworkout carbs, you an shoot for just under 2 grams per pound, or just shy of 360 grams for the 180-pound person. Except for after workouts when you want a VERY fast-digesting carb source, you should be eating mainly slow-digesting or low-glycemic carbs, such 25 oatmeal, whole-wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, fruit and sweet potatoes. Don't Forget the Fat “You should know by now that I am not one of those low-fat kind of guys who warns you to limit fat intake. The only fat tell you to avoid is trans fat, which can decrease muscle size and pretty much kill you. But you need ample amounts of fat, especially monounsaturated and saturated fat, as, well as omega-3 fats. Research shows that men getting in higher amounts of monounsaturated fat and saturated fat maintain higher testosterone lev- els, And Il assume that I do not need to tell you that higher testosterone levels can lead to higher muscle mass. You can get monounsaturated fat from peanut butter, olive oil, and nuts. Saturated fat will come from beef, dairy and egg yolks. Ome- 2-3 fats, such as those found in salmon and sar- dines, and of course fish oil supplements, are good for muscle and joint recovery. Shoot for about half your body weight in grams of fat. So that would be ‘about 90 grams of fat per day for the 180-pound person. The following meal plans are samples using a 180-pound person. These examples would work for those around 160-200 pounds. If you weigh less or more than this range, adjust your macros and calories to hit the numbers I discussed above. The meal plan is a sample of only one day. This does not mean that you should eat these same meals every day. For a list of alternative foods, click on the link below: http://www alternatives-list ‘Sample Six Weeks To Sick Arms Menu for those who train first thing in the morni Crete ee) eer (Cope '6 grams BCAAs eae res 2 grams creatine H Pec eend Ears 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend fae eT ewes reeds en curan ce ord 6 grams BCAAS Eeeneeee ng 1.5 grams betaine Ecur emia 2 grams carnitine Ears Mrrectn sere “or Seen ard -plus- Pee Ca) seaaeisciacioubresiigen sanihaeninar on 8 oz. low-fat milk enna ee eee eed Breakfast (30-60 mins after postworkout meal) 3 large whole eggs 3 large egg whites (Scramble eggs) 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats) aorta (elena ROR st) Cm ee 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend eta ecient Peace sat eet Ceca en tase) Peer) ie eyo y Cire eu a ca ee) ree ra 7 oz. can white albacore tuna (in water) 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise 2 slices whole-wheat bread (make tuna sandwich) Penance er reruns Mer emecece ke rer (mix pineapple in cottage cheese) Gimme Pere dacast cg Cricut mM) Dinner 8 07 Top Sirloin steak 1 cup cooked Brown rice erected ied eureka) eres 2 cups mixed green Salad ee 1 Tbsp vinegar eer Rata ec) Dee Ca ae) ees canoer gc ea) ey eet ery Pree enc} Totals: 4,300 calories, 360 g protein, 470 g carbs, 100 g fat ‘Sample Six Weeks To Sick Arms Menu for those who train at lunchtim Breakfast (as soon as you wake) 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend nn 3 large egg whites (Scramble eggs) Fr: Peter ee eae) Cre te rameter tad oie Peet) 1 Thsp Peanut butter eye) reese eee) fam eee ee) Dee aad (buy now) ned eens 2 grams creatine HCL ero 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend Mactan tat Mier Peer 4 packet Post YM active matrix (buy now) Eve ed Eee Peete 3 grams glutamine oe tea nis rece Feel rma nes 2 scoops of whey/casein protei se reat eres eee Fae (qnixprotein in milk, add water as needed for mixing) ir 7.02. can white albacore tuna (in water) Phe daa ane 2 slices whole-wheat bread Cicrekicecea cue) Perna hee Geena Per emecsece es 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese) 6 whole-wheat crackers Re ygcucg (spread peanut butter on crackers) Dinner Prac ener? eee) eter Gidea eer ca) Peta ie Bae cure) cere renee ace hcg (add olive oil and vinegar to salad) Nighttime snack (eat right before bed) 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend ete eae eet Panyu) Totals: 4,300 calories, 360 g protein, 470 g carbs, 100 g fat k Arms Menu for Sample Six Weeks To rivschool but those who train after before di (3 large whole eggs er eee) 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats) ie eee [iano eames ieee PREM) ries cao yey Geer rcuna ta Deca ce) ere ir excuee ce ea) Pee Peer) Come) Retna cee ocurners 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese) Gtirememerncr caret emmy (Gree necute eect) ere te ne or) ee “or. ecard (ecneka neers 2 grams creatine HCL ee Pts of whey/casein protein blend ers eee eand ect ee otro “or rene Pca ee ee ors cee te -plus- 1 packet Post JYM dextrose wa Peele eres 2 scoops of whey/casein protein blend ome sis none eee Cd 8 07 Top Sirloin steak Meee) erect reir (mix beans and rice together) 1 cup chopped broccoli 2 cups mixed green Salad pees ee Tete kc (add olive oil and vinegar to salad) Nighttime snack (eat right before bed) 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend Peery cn) Totals: 4,300 calories, 360 g protein, 470 g carbs, 100 g fat j YM ae UTA alo supplement science Praca Ma acu eu hese als Recensioni Maes aoe Pesce reer Reese) Ae aa Teer SUCd eaiceteeee ten Pvc sc aes oa a Ei sat as OUR ner Meme ke a ree emerald onan annua k omasurs) 20 l NOT aa A Me TCs UL Sample Six Weeks To Sick Arms Menu for those who train after dinner at nigh Cece co) 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend Decree tea at 3 large whole eggs rand (Scramble eggs) Pen tere (1 cup dry oats) Peery (add honey to oatmeal to sweeten) Cima ee Ereacterectcr stn dd (Cereus ue oes) 2 slices whole-wheat bread fortum rear (make peanut butter n jelly sandwich) cr ero) 7 oz. can white albacore tuna (in water) 1 Thsp light mayonnaise eee are) Coster) ete ed oemrrn ried Detter 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese) tierce eycuercg Cee ieennss ts auer 0) Dinner 8 07 Top Sirloin steak Perko anc Petter t (mix beans and rice together) Pear nie Prentice) ene ens Cerne he eee Der te e) Feu 6 grams BCAAS ee er Poe es ec 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend attiseataeee ea tae ete rons Cesena 1 packet Post JYM active matrix onary or roe 2 grams creatine HCL ons rout oad 3 grams glutamine ait Psa s ee a 2 scoops of whey/casein protein blend tease mare ea Freee rata Ream Nee ca eo) etter sera Peery cor Certara sta) Se ee er ec Sample menu for rest days cerns Peers fearon) ene omer prea es 1.5 grams betaine eT 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend Cet aeaetnecereestiay ea eee Perec ad mene itera cece er) ern 3 large egg whites Scramble eggs) erioreyen etree feria tas 1 scoop of whey/casein protein blend ymsupplementscience.cor/jym-protein-coming eet a a Pear a 1 Thsp peanut butter (spread peanut buter on muffin) ern _ Gree eee re) etter 172 cup spaghetti/marinara sauce cha eee) ier rocon 4 eee yearns 6 grams BCAAS rons Pero eis cn rend 2 grams glutamine nT ea ier cana) Pricer nett ney tact ere 1.5 cups lowfat Milk Pan Soret (enix all ingredients in blender to make shake) Crone ere 1 large sweet potato end ree) cect (add olive oil and vinegar to salad) Nighttime snack (eat right before bed) 1 scoop Casein protein Perec aes (imix casein in one cup of milk, add water if needed) eas Totals: 3,600 calories, 330 g protein, 345 g carbs, net

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