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The contents of this book in it's entirety are based upon research conducted by the author
unless otherwise noted. The publisher, the author, and the distributors, present this
information for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or
prescribe for any medical or psychological conditions, nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate
or cure such conditions. The author and the publisher are not making an attempt to
recommend specific products as treatment of disease, and neither do they have any financial
interest in the sale of the substances described in this book In presenting this information no
attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or
apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing, treating,
operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition.
The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a
doctor or qualified health care professional. Therefore the reader should be made aware that
this information is not intended as medical but rather a sharing of knowledge and information
from the research and experiences of the author. The publisher and author encourage you to
make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a
qualified health care professional. You and only you are responsible, if you choose to do
anything based on what you read.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1.
Introduction to MMS........................18
The Causes of Immune System Failure....................20
Invention of MMS........................................21
How MMS Works........................................22
The Perfect Antibiotic......................................24

Chapter 2.
How To Use MMS ...........................29
Normal MMS Protocols....................................30
Bathing with MMS........................................41
MMS Cancer Protocol.....................................45
MMS and Skin Ailments...................................51
Treating Burns With MMS.................................53
MMS and Lyme Disease...................................56
MMS and Arthritis, Hepatitis, and Herpes .................57
MMS and AIDS..........................................58
MMS and Asthma........................................59
MMS and and Heart Issues.................................60
MMS and Flu..............................................61
MMS and Animals...........................................61
Chapter 3.
True Testimonials...............67
of MMS Experiences

COPD with Asthma-Bronchitis-Emphysema......68

Breast Cancer................................72
Multiple Sclerosis.............................75
Chronic Hep-C.............................77
Chronic Pain & ADD........................78
Urinary Track Infection.......................83
Migraines & Diverticulitis........................89
Staph Infection.................................91
Cancerous Bowel & Prostate Cancer......................97

Chapter 4.
The Way Things Are...............101
and Why They're That Way

Iatrogenics-Leading Cause of Death..........103

How Do We Know Drugs Are Safe?.........111
The FDA Road Show......................113
Drug Companies Set For Life..............116
Guinea Pig Society........................120
God's Honest Statistics....................125

Chapter 5.
Body Wow!...............130
Our Brain's, Heart's & Lung's......136
Our Stomach's & Digestion.......140
Our Pancreas & Liver............144
Our Skin.......................147
Chapter 6.
Alternative Health and
Natural Therapies.......152
List of Therapies..............160
Dangerous Food List............173
Giving Up Bad Habits...........175
Fight or Flight Mode............178
Law of Attraction & Health.......181

Chapter 7.
and Program Designing.....191
How to diagnose Yourself........193
Prescribing a Program...........197
Sample Program/Schedule.......199


Back Links Section..........202

Hello, my name is Jay Geary. I have been practicing natural
health for over thirty-five years. I love holistic health! For some reason
it has always carried a deep fascination for me. It’s so diverse, yet
always so right on. That’s one reason I got a little carried away with
this book.
Everyone has been telling me for years to write a book and
although this is not it, I had to get out the word on this miracle cure
all. Imagine not only being cured but also inoculated for less than half
of the price of one doctors visit, prescriptions included! I’ve followed
so many different holistic paths over the years, and have also been
able to help a lot of other people. These days I'm thankful to be able to
help other's, through my web-site. There’s plenty of back links at the
end of this book so feel free to browse, and I encourage you to
periodically check the web-site for new health tips and natural cures.

The reason I wrote this book was to reveal to the world a

monumental elemental miracle. Also, to make known the efforts of an
unprecedented man in the world of healing, who I am doing my best
to assist in his mission of eradicating disease from the human race. I
also felt it necessary to add pertinent information about health, and
the road to recovery from disease. I can not congratulate you enough
for deciding to take responsibility for your own health. If your
presently plagued with a disease, you can whip it!

Please feel free to read this book front to back, or in sections. My

best wishes for you and your loved ones. I have no doubt you will be
successful because becoming healthy, just comes naturally. So make it
fun! Your friend - Jay Geary


I hope this doesn’t sound too presumptuous, but I would

definitely not procrastinate in regards to placing your order for this
elemental miracle. I’m just recommending for you not to wait until
you've finished this book, to place an order.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm assuming since you ordered this book,
you probably have a particular health issue which needs immediate
attention. There are some links where you can order MMS in the back.

I don’t sell it, or get any kind of remuneration from the sale, of it.
After all, it is, only twenty bucks for a years supply! It generally comes
with a sufficient amount of activator but if not, then order some. Be
sure to study the instructions on how to use it before it comes.

Please don't misunderstand. I want you read the entire book, and
share the information with everyone you know. I'm presuming your
going to try MMS anyway, so go ahead and get in your order. Again I
truly want to applaud you for taking responsibility for yours, and/or
the health of those you love.

The main topic of this book is about an incomparable condiment

to the world of holistic health and alternative medicine, which was
named The Miracle Mineral Solution, by it’s inventor Jim Humble.

Now it’s mainly just referred to as MMS, by the hundreds of

thousands of people that are presently taking advantage of this
amazing, one of a kind, instrument to healing and health.

Basically what Jim discovered and perfected, is a simple means

to activate and ingest chlorine dioxide, the most powerful annihilator
and inoculate of pathogenic and viral diseases ever known. It has
never failed to reverse even one malaria victims condition to full
health, and usually within four hours!
In the over 75,000 cases of malaria having been treated with
MMS, not one person failed to become cured. In Africa four hundred
victims of AIDS who had been determined by hospital staff to be on
the verge of death, were allowed to try MMS as a last resort trial

After only three days, all but two experienced such a reversal of
their symptoms they were able to return home to their villages!

In the twelve years since it’s discovery, victims of so many

serious, debilitating, and/or life threatening conditions, have reported
being healed by the use of MMS, and in never before imagined record
setting time.

The basic ingredient in MMS had previously been dabbled with

for health purposes in different ways, and relied on for water
purification, but Jim Humble discovered a means of using it internally
to it’s full potential.

Although several other topics are touched on in this book, it’s

major focus is centered around what the benefits of MMS are, and
how to take full advantage of them.

Any other information has been included for the simple purpose
of introducing the reader's to the extraordinary advantages of holistic
health and healing, and to hopefully inspire them to try it!

As we're consciously being made aware of, even in our everyday

lives, science has achieved unprecedented advances in so many areas
in the last century. Automobiles, airplanes, refrigeration, televisions,
computers, etcetera to practically infinity. However in regards to
human health and healing, it has fallen pitifully short.

Even though modern medicine enjoys a huge reputation for

wiping out certain killer diseases, actual history, documents the fact,
every one of those diseases had already run it's course, before the
corresponding vaccinations had been discovered and introduced.

Even if for arguments sake we accept science actually saved

modern humanity from all of those diseases which historians credit
“better plumbing” with, one has to wonder?

What has it done for us lately? The latest statistical evidence

reveals that in the matter of health and healing, science should either
get out of the way, or at the very least, completely change directions.

That subject is examined in detail in chapter four but for the

moment, let us concentrate on the miraculous opportunity of
becoming free from disease. Please remember, mere freedom from
physical diseases is not necessarily synonymous with true health.

Disease is constantly on the upsurge. The statistics are appalling

and terrifying. The situation can only be described as appalling, when
medical treatment itself, wins the dubious “prize” of being America’s
number one killer! And it can only be described as terrifying, when
millions in America, are dying each year from disease. What to do?

There are many reasons for this plague on humanity which will
be gone into in more detail later, but for now our primary focus will
be on what to do about it.
As previously stated, that is the basis of this book, and the
information you are about to receive is without a doubt, “priceless.”
Furthermore this information is also essential for anyone you care
about, whom I would hope is every person you might happen to
know, or meet.

After all, of what use is the American Dream if it’s more or less
fated to end prematurely on account of dying from a hellish disease,
in some God forsaken hospital?

No doubt this may sound like a fanatically pessimistic statement,

and if you question it in the least, just have a quick look at the
statistics sited in chapter four.

Since you are reading this, then obviously you must have some
interest towards adopting alternative healing methods into your life.
Why it’s called “alternative” eludes me, as from my perspective, it’s
the only alternative!

No other option offers a genuine cure for disease, and most of the
“conventional” medical treatments come with so many warnings,
precautions, and even “outright” dangers, one has to wonder how they
ever gained such predominance over the modern world.

The only reason I can think of is, that it must be due to our all but
“blind faith” in science. What if we could heal our natural born
bodies, naturally?

Then we would no longer require organ transplants, surgeries,

chemotherapy, dialysis, etc. We wouldn't be diseased! That would
mean no need for medication or diagnosing as well.

The human body is much more sensitive and infinitely more

“complicated,” than any piece of man made technology. Unlike the
machines built by men, our bodies are fully programmed with the
amazing ability to not only diagnose, but also repair and rebuild

Scientific advancements are wonderful when they're shown to be

beneficial. Unfortunately, in regards to overall human health the
“direction” science chose to follow, has proven to be an utter failure.
One need only look at what modern medical science has given birth to
with an unbiased mind.

Any truly informed individual who investigates the practices of

modern health care, without being influenced by any of the usual
“awe and reverence,” will immediately understand what is actually
taking place in the name of “health care.”

Yes, I am referring to the practices performed by our modern

medical doctors, regardless of the various titles they might exhibit on
the walls of their well lit, sterile offices. Why should we care that they
went to eight years, ten years, twelve years of school? To “learn”
Of course they are extremely adept at diagnosing the ever
increasing multitude of “modern” diseases. They’re definitely expert at
prescribing tens of thousands of, “questionably safe drugs.” Which
cure what?

Just because they can use a bunch of high tech tools to take
“readings” from every part of our bodies, or operate on us at some
hundred million dollar hospital, so what!

Maybe they’ll send us to a specialist. Just what everyone needs! A

specialist. Now we must be in good hands, right? “Advanced?” What
does that actually mean? Our bodies haven’t changed. Who cares
they can transplant organs. Healthy people don’t need transplants!

Even they actually perfect an artificial heart...a kidney...a lung, or

a liver, it’s all still “smoke and mirrors!” Please don’t misunderstand
where I’m going with this.

I have the deepest respect for doctors, and not only believe they
are very well intentioned and that they also have a very valuable
function to perform. It’s the “science” they represent, and the
arrogant, blind application of it, that I detest and reject.

Cleaning up after accidents, and last hope or cosmetic situations

are their actual specialty, not health and healing or even disease

One should never ever forget, all “conventional” doctors are at

the hub of a two trillion dollar a year conspiracy of fraud and
deception, known as the “Health Care Industry.” Whoops! I guess that
sentence must have escaped from chapter four.
Yes, science has produced entire libraries about our bodies. What
they're made of, how they're put together, and how they function, but
where are the cures?

What they’ve “actually” done is proven once and for all time, the
real truth is, the human body is much too complex for them to ever
even fully understand, much less master. They should just be grateful
our bodies fix themselves. I am! Aren't you?

Medical “science” should humbly admit their inadequacy, and

push modern medicine in the direction of how to stimulate the body to
act as it was designed. In other words to assist the body in
manifesting the miracle of healing, a function it automatically
performs – all on it's own.

The earthly scientist didn’t, can't, and never will, create life. Not
even one blade of grass, but will they ever give God the Nobel prize?
They won’t even give God's nature, the credit it deserves.

Meanwhile they promote propaganda to the point of

brainwashing, that holistic health, natural cures, and “alternative”
treatments, are something along the lines of primitive superstition, or
simply some medieval wives tales.

Even if they could replace this entire body that God gave us, with
some kind of robotic one. What type of “quality of life” would they
offer to go along with it?

One need only look at what the scientist’s blind and arrogant
disrespect toward nature has already done to ours, and our children’s,
planet! Why should we trust or put any faith in what they say about
health or healing?

What do the doctor’s always “say,” once you’ve finalized your

trip through the gauntlet of test and prescriptions, or “God forbid,”
even surgery? Who's the one they always say you'll have to depend on
for your body to heal? That’s right, you! Your own body is what has to
heal you, each and every time.
Just see how we’ve all been brainwashed! Since modern
technology has given us so many advancements in every other
department of our lives, we naturally assume “science” is the answer
to health. Wrong.

Our bodies are natural, not technological. There have been great
strides in understanding natural cures however, which have, and can
be, verified “scientifically.”

How to activate “the doctor within.” That’s the goal, and beauty,
of natural medicine. Don’t all doctors take the Hippocratic oath? And
what is Hippocrates most famous quote? It is,“Let your food be your
medicine, and your medicine be your food.” And what is another of
his quotes, which every doctor recites when they take that oath? It is,
“Do no harm.”

Go ahead and get diagnosed by modern science, then research the

holistic approach to the problem, and incorporate that into an “actual
healing” regimen. Weigh out the good and bad options offered by an
MD, and if you like, take his drugs along with the natural cures.

The beauty of natural healing is that you can include the benefit
of as many different methods as you like, simultaneously, without
fear. If it’s good for you, it’s good for you.

In fact, don’t just rely on any one particular holistic method or

cure, unless it yields the result your after, “amazingly” fast. Of course
many of them do, depending on your circumstances, and if you’ve
properly done your research.
Naturally we have to be intelligent no matter what we choose.
There was a women who died recently from drinking too much water!
You eat ten apples in a sitting, your gonna get sick.

Especially in regard to herbal remedies, you have to proceed

with caution. Always follow the instructions that come with them,
don’t get too creative! A mentality of moderation, or wait and see, is
always preferred. Don’t allow yourself to become too anxious.

Still, holistic healing is just that, “holistic.” It enhances your

entire body to do what it was designed to do, heal itself. Our bodies
have an intelligence all their own, and the ability to act on it.

Chances are your reading this because either yourself, or

someone you love, has gotten a serious “wake-up” call in regard to
their health.

Ask yourself this question. How important is your's, or their,

health? Is it worth not being lazy about? Is it worth doing some
research, and then acting on what you’ve found out?

If not, then just keep going to the same source for your
information, and they’ll keep saying and doing what they always
have. Just don’t be surprised, when you get the same results!

They’ll treat your “symptoms” with some “medicine” that’s

accompanied with a foot long fold out sheet, of warnings and
precautions. Not once will they mention the word cure. That word’s
not a part of their vocabulary, or their “training.”

So go ahead and try this! But chart out a viable plan and follow it.
Even if you are lazy, adopting the use of the elemental miracle for
which this book has been written, is not only convenient but also
ridiculously affordable.

Fifty five percent of Americans have turned to alternative

treatments to cure disease. Not much of a testimonial to
“conventional” medicine.

So feel confident, your amongst good company! The group who

prefers to “think” for themselves. It’s not such a hard concept to
understand. Just because men can build computers and rocket ships, it
doesn’t mean they can do anything and everything.

Our bodies don’t change, and God created them in such a way
that if you stay within the realm of nature, the bodily realm, they will
“naturally” heal themselves.

Conventional medicine is fantastic for emergencies, and specialty

situations. General health should be left in the hands of an expert as
well. The specialist I’m referring to, is you! Only you, can be the
number one authority on your body. That’s my point.

Sure healing a disease takes a little research and you do have to

follow the recommendations for the cure. If your not sure of exactly
what‘s wrong, then get a conventional MD to diagnose you. If you
follow the regulative principles for health, the do’s and the do not's,
you won’t become ill.

In the thirty five years I’ve studied and followed holistic health,
there were times I almost “wished” I could get sick, just so I could try
some of the cures I had found out about. Notice I said, “almost.”
You’ve made an excellent choice by ordering this book. The
chemical compound your about to be introduced to can only be
described as miraculous, hence the name The Miracle Mineral

There’s plenty of other relevant information in this book, and

definitely click onto any of the back links that might happen to strike
your interest. Also sign up to our newsletter, and take advantage of
some of the forums.

We don’t have to become another “helpless,” and alarmingly

pathetic, medical statistic. You wouldn’t turn your finances over to a
stranger, would you? We’ve all heard horror stories of people who
did, right? Then why in trust the most valuable asset you have, over to

Always remember, “Your health is your wealth!” I wish for you

and your loved ones, all the very best in your personal quest for
abundant and fabulous, health and well being. Body-Mind-Spirit.

“Expect a Miracle Accept a Miracle”

Chapter 1

The Causes of Immune System Failure

The Discovery of MMS
How MMS Works
The Perfect Antibiotic

Panacea For All Of The Diseases That Afflict The Modern Age
An Introduction to MMS
Hands down the most amazing yet simple “enhancement” for
the immune system, ever discovered. Not a drug, and not for treating
any particular disease. It miraculously assist and boosts the immune
system to the point where it, can overcome virtually every disease.

A person battling disease does not want to focus on symptomatic

relief. In the ultimate issue symptomatic relief is all but useless, which
is basically the primary focus of most modern medicine.

Furthermore if a person is relying on just pharmaceutical

medicines, then there is every chance their immune system is being
weakened more and more, causing a vicious cycle to develop as the
more the immune system is depleted, the worse the symptoms.

The more pronounced the symptoms become, the more drugs

required. And so on and on, it goes. What to mention the “multitude,”
of precautionary warnings accompanied by all pharmaceuticals.

Drugs never cured anyone, and a cure is what is obviously

desired. A cure can be deciphered by the “cause,” which can be
determined by the “symptoms,” not withstanding the fact, every
disease is founded in a few basic causes.

If the bodies immune system is properly functioning, then a

disease will never manifest, so what causes the immune system to fail,
and more importantly, to what?
As for the “what,” that's a relatively short list in it’s basic format.
Pathogens, poisons, harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, molds, yeast,
parasites, anaerobic microorganisms, and cellular oxygen deprivation
pretty much sums it all up.

Obviously, if there were some substance that you could ingest,

which could “eliminate” all of these invaders without doing any harm
to the beneficial organisms, then regular consumption of such a
product, would be an obvious strategy to adopt in regard to health and

With the aid of such a “remedy” our immune system would no

longer have to be constantly defending our body, and could take up
an offensive posture, instead. In other words, it would be free to
perform some long needed “overhauls” among many other things,
and we would never have to worry about becoming sick again.

That “panacea,” is the focus of this book. Not only does it exist, but
it has proven itself over and over in recent years, and will without any
doubt go down as one of the greatest discoveries in human history.

The Miracle Mineral Solution as named by it’s inventor, fondly

referred to as MMS by the hundreds of thousands (soon to be
millions) of people who have already taken advantage of it’s unique
abilities, is such a, “God send!”

MMS is the most beneficial adjunct to a holistic life style ever

known. Even you don’t care that much about natural healing still, who
wouldn’t want to reap the benefits of such a thorough detoxification
of toxins and pathogens? What to speak of someone who’s being
confronted with a life altering disease.
The man who invented, or discovered this modern miracle,
didn’t actually invent or discover it. Nor was he a physician, a
chemist, or even a scientist.

His name, as mentioned in the introduction is Jim Humble, and he

has proven himself to be nothing less than a true American hero since
his discovery of this history making, life saving chemical compound.
Now in his seventies, Jim is an inventor who has performed
many not so ordinary accomplishments in his life. He set up test for
an atomic bomb, worked on H-bomb and A-bomb intercontinental
missiles, worked with the first vacuum tube computers, and invented
a new technology concerning the recovery of gold.

It was while he was prospecting for gold in the jungles of

Guyana, during a life or death situation involving two of his workers,
that he discovered the active ingredient in MMS could cure malaria.

Ever since then, he has devoted himself one hundred percent, to

refining this cure, while traveling to Africa and other disease infested
countries in a brave and vigorous attempt to not only show and tell
the world about his discovery, but also to heal tens of thousands of
people, many on the brink of death.

Since 1996 when he first realized the potential of what he had

discovered, he has made MMS his life’s mission, at great risk and
personal sacrifice.

His story with MMS is a very exciting one, and he has written a
tell all book about it, which includes directions on how to actually
“make” MMS in your own kitchen. I highly recommend getting a
copy of Jim's book and keeping it, as who can say with the FDA and
the pharmaceutical cartels past history around such matters, how long
MMS will be readily available, or his book, for that matter!

You can access his website in the back links section, to read all
about Jim and order his book. As I said, Jim Humble is a true hero and
has never tried to make any money from his discovery. In fact he’s
bankrupted himself more than once, in his attempt to share the
benefits of his invention with the world. Of the over 350,000 bottles of
MMS that have been sold to date, none of the profit ever went to Jim.

Now, for a little more history on MMS. The substance chlorine

dioxide was actually discovered in the early eighteen hundreds by Sir
Humphrey Davy, who created the compound by mixing sulfuric acid
with potassium chlorate. Shortly after World War Two, the chemical
sodium chlorite was discovered, and found to be very efficient in
generating chlorine dioxide.

It's discovery, enabled chlorine dioxide to begin being used

extensively as the perfect disinfectant for hospital operating rooms,
ships, and even train stations, as it was recognized to kill all infectious
bacteria without causing any ill effects to humans. It was being used
exclusively to neutralize pathogens, viruses, molds, etc. But only for
external decontamination.

Apparently no one had ever suspected it might be just as

effective for internal use, although documented to be harmless to
humans and animals. What makes chlorine dioxide unique in the
realm of internal cleansing is it’s ability to “steal” the oxygen
molecules from any pathogenic presence in the body.

This seemingly innocent act, causes pathogens or any type of

harmful acidic molecules, to break apart on the cellular level. In other
words, they basically “implode” on contact!

It does it's job without harming any healthy cells, or desirable

bacteria. Also once it’s completed the work it was sent to do, or if
there’s no anaerobic presences to be found, it simply dissipates into
two molecules of water and one molecule of salt.

After the MMS has done what only it can do, all of the residual
waste from the harmful cells that have been blown apart, is eliminated
from the body through the usual channels.

The selective way in which the chemistry of MMS operates

within our body's, enables it to eliminate all of the harmful chemicals,
toxins, viruses, fungi, and pathogens, many of which have been there
since our childhood. Yes, including every carcinogenic cell in every
part of our body!

MMS interacts on the cellular level, in our blood, in all of our

bodily organs, fluids, tissues, and even our muscles, bones, and skin.
Without a doubt MMS is the Emperor of all bodily cleansers, and
though not technically a cellular chelator, it easily replaces all of the
functions of one, and then some. The majority of chelators cost an
average of $50 a month to take, and just can't do what only MMS can.

There is a wealth of detailed information and research in the

area of explaining how MMS reacts within the body, if you have the
type of mind that requires to know all of the scientific specifics. Any
extra information you would like to have in regard to this aspect of
MMS, can be found in the external links section.

Suffice it to say, you don’t have to know how something works,

for it to act in the way it’s been proven to act. Fire will burn, even if
handled improperly by an ignorant child. A person can be poisoned
unknowingly, but they will still die.

This book is dedicated primarily toward providing the

information needed to give you enough incentive to try MMS, to tell
you exactly how to use it, and “what” you might expect to receive
from it.

No matter what your individual health circumstance might be, I

can see no logical reason why someone wouldn’t want to take
advantage of the opportunity MMS provides. Especially, if your
suffering from some particular disease.

It can’t hurt you! The testimonials in chapter three definitely tell

the tale. There have been people reportedly healed from practically
every disease you can imagine. Of course none of this information has
been documented in the “standard” way. But who cares, if it's not

Case histories, personal testimonials, and my own experiences,

are good enough for me. If you read chapter four you’ll better
understand why the miraculous results reported from using MMS are
probably not going to be “documented,” any time soon.

Just look at the numbers. 75,000 people healed from malaria,

within four hours of taking MMS! 398 out of 400 people brought back
to health in three days, all dying from the final stages of AIDS! Did I
mention MMS can't hurt you?
Like all other holistic treatments, simply include MMS with the
rest of your daily regimen, just as you would any supplement. MMS is
credited with the ability to rid the body of, heavy metals, poisons, and
candida. It digs deep within the bacterial slime where pathogens,
viruses, and harmful bacteria prefer to live.

MMS roots out and destroys all types of disease causing

anaerobic molecules. A ten cent a day antibiotic, harmful bacteria will
never be able to mutate around!

It’s impossible for any of them to ever build up a resistance to it,

due to the way it interacts with them. They think they got zapped by
an oxygen molecule!

If you could hear what MMS said every time it bumped into
some microscopic invader, this is what you would hear. “Oh Hi! Mind
if I barrow a few electrons? Whoops! I’m sorry, did I do that?” MMS is
not a drug. No danger, or questionable precautions like those
accompanying typical antibiotics. And it doesn't kill any of the
beneficial flora in the intestines.

People have used it for decades to purify water on camping trips,

only in a much less active form. Consumption of MMS is totally
approved by the FDA, as it falls far below their safety protocols for
consumption of chlorine dioxide.

Who would not want to become free of their viral load? So many
parasitic disease forming freeloaders. Believe me, “they” get fed first!
This is the obvious reason why so many people claim to feel a boost of
energy, after finishing their initial MMS cleanse.

Many claim to get much better sleep. Besides, there is no better

insurance program than regular consumption of MMS, to keep all of
our systems cleansed of the unavoidable barrage of viruses and toxic
chemicals that come our way on a daily basis.

It goes without saying that MMS is a must for even those who
consider themselves health purist, and of course it’s the first line of
defense for the majority of people who maintain in some form or
fashion, certifiably unhealthy lifestyles.

Our immune systems are always mumbling, “Overworked and

way underpaid. Do they just want me to quit? Boy could I ever use
some help!” Then when MMS shows up it says, ”Hey there buddy,
take a load off!” Immune system pants back, ”I don’t know if I can
afford to right this minute.” MMS gloats, “Hey, I’m the one they called
when they had to clean up for anthrax after 9/11. I can handle
anything!” Immune system sighs, ”Whew! Thanks, what a relief!”

I’m just thrilled and relieved, to have MMS as part of my holistic

health arsenal. Really! I am so happy something “exist” that can
render all foreign invaders helpless.

It doesn’t mean I’m going to take up hugging lepers, or kissing

every person I meet that has the flu, but you know? Even for
protection from allergens. Total protection, and MMS is such an easy
and safe “insurance policy.” And it's dirt cheap!

Due to following a holistic lifestyle all these years, I’ve never had
to keep anything in my medicine cabinet except toothpaste and
toothbrushes, but from now on you can bet, there'll be some MMS in

MMS is a simple mineral supplement that falls in the same

classification with magnesium phosphate, potassium chloride, or
perhaps calcium sulphate, all of which can be bought at any health
food store. It breaks down in the body into water and simple table
salt! No, not enough salt to matter.
There are well over a hundred food products that contain
Aspartame and MSG, under a multitude of marketing nicknames.
Such toxic elements along with so many others, including pesticides,
preservatives, mercury, etc. are embedded throughout our bodies
tissues, and even in our nerves and brain cells. Chlorine dioxide
causes all of those molecules, to implode!

Chlorine dioxide gas has been used regularly for over fifty years,
to remove salmonella and other bacteria from vegetables before
shipping. It prevents produce from rotting on it's long haul to market.
The food industry depends on the germicidal properties chlorine
dioxide provides.

Chlorine dioxide has been legally approved as a food additive,

and is used in the packing of meat and canned products. They spray
the gas in food packages immediately before it’s sealed, to wipe out all
traces of botulism, E-coli, salmonella, or any other dangerous bacteria.

What Jim Humble invented, was a way that causes chlorine

dioxide to be produced in a slow release form in the stomach. The
beauty of the chemistry involved with MMS is it’s basically a sleuth
molecule, or molecular smart bomb.

It bounces around seeking out whatever it can steal electrons

from, which specifically means each and every negative cell
throughout all the various systems in the body.

Chlorine dioxide gas is carried in the same way as oxygen. By

our red blood cells. Every unwanted cell wall it bangs into, looses it’s
electrons in a microscopic lightening bolt exchange, and the germ or
pathogen immediately implodes.

It makes no difference whether the location is a hospital

operating table, or deep within the recesses of our brain. The longer
we keep putting it into our body, the deeper it penetrates, until every
tissue, every drop of blood, every ounce of fluid, is as pure as it was
the day we were born. Possibly even more pure, depending on what
our mothers health was like when she carried us.

A Quote From DR. Hesselink:

“We may well be on the verge of discovering the most potent and
broad-spectrum antibiotic yet known. Special thanks go to Jim
Humble for his willingness to share his discovery with the world.”


How to Use MMS

Normal MMS Protocols
Bathing With MMS
MMS and Various Diseases

Chapter 2
How To Use MMS and Further Benefits

Before starting this chapter I would just like to mention that you
can use it as an MMS medicine chest referral section. That being said,
of course not every disease is addressed specifically. However there's
enough information about the worst ones, to give you a good idea of
how to proceed no matter the individual concern.

If you feel you need more, go to the back links section and click
on some of the MMS web sites. Generally, if your not getting the
results you expect with MMS for any particular problem, just
gradually up the dosage and the frequency your taking it, and that
should do it.

As previously mentioned in the introduction, MMS performs an

intense and radical detoxification of the body, while doing no harm to
any favorable or healthy cells.

There is nothing that can compare to the type of total cleanse that
is achieved by this substance. Nor is there anything in existence, or
should I say presently known, which can rival the constant protection
it provides once you've graduated to the daily, or bi-weekly
maintenance stage.

The goal of the initial cleanse (your MMS initiation) is to reach

the point where you can tolerate fifteen drops, three times a day, for at
least five days with no adverse reactions. That instruction is the only
“constant,” in any of the MMS preliminary introduction period.

Of course, that’s assuming your goal is to thoroughly alleviate

your body, of the major percentage of your lifetime accumulation of
toxins, fungi, yeast, viruses, pathogens, etc.

This original cleanse is a great litmus test, to find out just exactly
where you are in regards to a viral load. Just remember everyone is
different, and I will be explaining exactly how you can tell where you
stand, in a minute. If your dealing with a specific disease there could
be added variables, which will also be elaborated on.

If for whatever reason your not feeling so adventurous to

experiment with MMS to that “degree” from the start, you can
approach it at any rate you feel comfortable. If something is good for
you, it’s good for you.

A little, is less good than more, but no matter what you decide
feels right for you, never discontinue taking advantage of the obvious
benefits MMS represents for you, and your loved ones.

The following is a brief synopsis of what you might expect as

your undergoing your original detoxification. The exact treatment
protocols will be listed after words. There are no actual warnings for
the use of MMS, as long as you follow the directions.

It’s not the mineral itself that’s going to make you wish you had
paid closer attention, it’s the overload from the dead bodies of the
enemy microscopic organisms being dumped into your system too
fast. It would be hard not to notice if you weren’t taking the right dose
of MMS, so there are no actual “overdose warnings.”

If it were to happen, you might expect to get a stomach ache, with

severe nausea. If you didn’t just throw it up immediately, you might
end up camping out in the bathroom for a few days.

That’s exactly what happened to one man, who became impatient

and took ten times the amount his body could tolerate. It’s happened
to others as well, but it never “happens” more than once!
If, by mistake someone ingests too much MMS, the antidote is to
drink a lot of water. Never forget, it’s not the chemical causing the
reaction, but the aftermath of the action the chlorine dioxide performs.

A person starting out on MMS for the first time, should begin
with one, or no more than two drops. If your able to take it twice a
day you can increase the amount by one drop. Say every third or
fourth time you take it.

Any symptoms your going to encounter, will be in direct

proportion to the amount of toxic load in your body. Everyone is
different, but for most people in the beginning, they don’t notice any
cleansing reactions.

You should just know the MMS is in there, doing what it does,
but that the pathogens are being removed without you noticing.

If you’ve been taking it as recommended, say after four or five

days, and your up to five or six drops, some diarrhea may start to
occur. If and when it does, simply back off one or two drops,
depending on how severe the diarrhea is.

This situation won't last but a day or two, and is no reason to be

alarmed, or to become discouraged. It just proves that MMS is doing
it’s job, and you can resume your increases as soon as you feel

Believe me, you’ll get good at this in short order. You won’t have
to wear a diaper the whole time, or anything like that.
If your worried about loosing beneficial bacteria from your
intestines although it is said that chlorine dioxide is not attracted to
them due to their being aerobic in nature, then take a probiotic, eat
some yogurt, or take acidophilus. After you reach nine or ten drops,
you may start to encounter some nausea.

This is a good time to become a little cautious. It means the MMS

has caught up with itself. In other words it’s killing off unwanted cells
faster than they can be eliminated.

At the first sign of any nausea or diarrhea, back down a couple of

drops for a few days. Don’t just ignore it! Skip a dose.

Sometimes people will think it’s not a big deal, and just keep
going until, wham! There is no reason to loose work or spend an
uncomfortable day on the couch over this.

If your fighting a life threatening or debilitating disease, that’s

another matter. These possible side affects might even be seen as
minimal, compared to the symptoms you may have already been
experiencing day to day.

They are much less drastic than the affects of radiation or

chemotherapy. Still, don’t intentionally over do it! It will get better.

Later in this chapter is more information on dosage protocols for

the extremely ill. This is what I meant when I said this original cleanse
will reveal to you “exactly” how infested your body is, with unwanted
and potentially deadly guest.
Push on my friend, the end result is well worth the
inconvenience. If your symptoms are severe and seem a bit
overextended, encourage yourself by the understanding you won’t
have to do this but once, and try to be grateful your able to be rid of
what was obviously a major “infestation.”

Perhaps this isn’t the appropriate time to bring this up, but for
those of you who don’t encounter a lot of symptoms, I didn’t either. I
never got any nausea.

I had some diarrhea at about nine or ten drops for maybe three
days, but I’ve done so many cleanses in my life and taken plenty of
chelators. I take an ionic foot bath once a week, etc.

I’ve been what most people would consider a purest for thirty
five years. Still, I am so grateful for Jim Humbles gift to the world and
can't imagine not including MMS as a vital part of my overall health

It did take me two months to get through the initial cleanse just
the same. As for noticeable results, I’m still noticing an increase in
energy and mental clarity. My breathing improved by at least double
although I hadn't been aware of any breathing issues.
All of the aches and cramps I attributed to over use, or to my age,
gone! My eyesight and hearing improved, and my body “works” like
it did when I was thirty. So there’s my little impromptu testimonial!

The science is right on this people, have no doubt. This is as close

as we've ever come to the promise I remember seeing in the early
sixties, proudly displayed in front of the Monsanto exhibit at
Disneyland. It read, “Better Living Through Chemicals!” Finally a
chemical to protect and free us from all of their chemicals. Hmmm...?

A bit ironic but anyway, whatever it takes, no matter how long it

takes, increase your dosage carefully until you can tolerate fifteen
drops, twice a day. Then increase to fifteen drops, three times a day.

At this point it might get a little tricky. I did experience some

diarrhea again during this phase, so I made the mid day dose only ten
drops for a week, then I finished up my MMS initiation of fifteen
drops, three times a day, for five days. I did it ten days, but whatever.

It’s different for everyone, so don’t get in a hurry. If it takes six

months, so what? “It’s not going to hurt you.” It just means you had a
lot to get rid of, and just imagine all of the benefits!

The MMS liquid in our stomach slowly releases chlorine dioxide.

Next, it's successfully and repeatedly picked up by the red blood cells,
which think it’s oxygen.

Then it’s transported by our blood and dispersed throughout the

entire body, allowing the chlorine dioxide molecules to feed on every
enemy cell they meet, with only harmonious interaction amongst the
beneficial cells. MMS is literally: “Immune System in a Bottle.”

The result is a totally cleansed body. From every drop of blood, to

every organ. Throughout our entire nervous system, and from our
muscles, down to and right through, our bones. MMS therapy frees
up our immune system to the point where it can actually begin
rejuvenating our bodies in so many different ways.

Hard to imagine, all of that from such a simple process of

ingesting $20 a year worth of minerals. What to speak of those of you
who dropped some horrible disease in the process.

All I can say is, congratulations! You got your life back. “You”,
are the number one reason I felt duty bound to write this book. Oh,
your most certainly welcome, but don’t thank me, thank Jim Humble.
That man is definitely a saint in my book.

If you ever want to give something “back” besides just telling

everyone you know, which you won’t be able not to do, then give a
donation to Jim’s foundation to rid the world of malaria.

In the West we're not aware of the fact that malaria is the
deadliest disease known to man. It kills an estimated three million
people a year world wide. MMS has not only been proven to cure even
the worst cases of malaria in only four hours, but does so one
hundred percent of the time!

The preceding was just an overview of what to expect. The

following has been researched from the official protocols for MMS
from Jim Humbles book, which I highly recommend that you get.

It's titled The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century

and you can order it on line from any of the Jim Humble web sites
listed in the back links section of this book. Please read the following
protocols carefully, and refer to them whenever necessary.

The Normal Protocols and Standard Activation Procedure For MMS:

The sodium chlorite solution or MMS, must be activated for

preferably three minutes and no more than ten with any one of three
food acids. The most popular by far is citric acid. (to make citric acid
solution add 1 level tablespoon of lemon deuce (citric acid) and 9
tablespoons of water. Store it preferably in a dropper bottle or any
bottle with a lid.) Lemon or lime juice drops can be used instead, but
citric acid is not only best, it's easy to find at any health food store and
it's dirt cheap. Besides it usually comes with the MMS when you order
it. Always use 5 drops to every drop of MMS.

Mix in an empty dry glass (a shot glass is perfect) and wait at

least 3 minutes but no longer than ten. Next, just add the activated
MMS to a 1/3 to 2/3 glass of water or juice and drink it. It's good for up
to an hour in the glass of liquid if for some reason you get distracted.
You can let it “activate” longer than ten minutes if you somehow
forget about it. There is no danger, it just starts to grow weaker as it
dissipates into the atmosphere. Three to four minutes is ideal.

1. The protocol for taking MMS in the very beginning starts with one
or two drops. It's not a good idea to ever start with more than one or
two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with
½ drop. You do that by activating one drop and putting it in some
water, then pouring half of the mixed glass of MMS and water out.

2. If you tolerate that well and don't notice any nausea, then increase
by one drop for the second dose. If you notice nausea reduce the
amount of MMS for the next dose. Take two doses a day, one in the
morning and one in the evening. Continue to increase by one drop
each time you take a new dose. When you notice nausea, reduce the
dose by one drop. If you experience any diarrhea reduce by 2 or 3
drops. Ordinarily you only need to reduce the amount for one or two
times before going back to the original quantity it took to make you

Note: Try to remember it's not the chlorine dioxide that's producing
symptoms but the body being over burdened with “kill-off” from all
the debris produced from the unwanted cells and organisms it's
exterminated. The diarrhea or even vomiting won't last if you don't
get overly anxious and take too much. There is no need to take any
type of medication for the symptoms as they should be short lived, if
your following these simple guidelines.

3. Continue to follow the procedure given in #2 until you reach 15

drops twice a day without nausea. At that point increase to 3 times a
day. Stay at 3 times a day for at least one week. Following your initial
cleanse you can adopt an MMS maintenance program by reducing the
amount to 4 to 6 drops a day for persons that are older than fifty-five
and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for people who are younger.

Note: Once you have completed step 3 above, most of the viral,
bacteria, mold, and yeast load will have been eliminated from your
body. Your body will be clean. Probably for the first time in your adult
life you will no longer be feeding the unfavorable microorganism
overload. Your body will be able to easily adsorb all of the vitamins,
minerals, and nutrients you may have been feeding it, but it was never
getting, up until this time. You should begin feeling better and better
as time goes on, and be relieved of certain cravings such as sugar, but
do not stop taking the MMS.

Rather than taking MMS in plain water mixing it in juice is fine

and may be better in that so many people are repulsed by the taste to
the point they give up taking MMS altogether. So replace water with
1/2 glass of apple juice or you can substitute grape juice or pineapple
juice as long as they do not have any added vitamin C which usually
means ascorbic acid. You might be fine with using just a fifth juice and
the rest water. Plenty of people are. Some of the MMS sales sites offer
masking products. Can't say I've tried them but the idea sounds good.

Do not use orange juice. Orange juice prevents the production of

chlorine dioxide as does any juice containing ascorbic acid. It most
certainly will prevent you from getting the results that your wanting
to get from taking the MMS. Juices that do contain added Vitamin C
can be drank several hours before or after taking your MMS. Apple
juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, and cranberry juice, are excellent to
use for masking MMS.

That doesn't mean you can't use cheery, blueberry, pomegranate,

or whatever, but be sure to read the label. However for an extra
precaution especially with the sweeter juices, add a teaspoon of citric
acid solution to the half glass of juice to make sure there's a high
enough level of acidity to maintain the MMS. Drink at least one glass
of water afterward when masking MMS with juice.

One thing about MMS needing to be mentioned. Once you get up

to the ten or more drop level it begins to have a really strong, chlorine
like smell and taste. There are many ways to avert this problem.
Some advice I would give you in this regard is to not wait until
you become repulsed by the taste before you start masking it.
Especially in the case of children, mask it from the start.

Myself, I like bitter concoctions and I always drink MMS with just
water, but the higher dosages do have a little “kick” to them. It can
become an “acquired” taste, or with many people quite the opposite.
Drink it all down at once and chase it with anything, even some hard
candy or a little snack. Also, it’s recommended you cover it while it’s
activating, and I would suggest you never take a big whiff of freshly
activated MMS and citric acid.

IMPORTANT: It is usually considered best to have a little something

in your stomach before taking MMS like a banana, or maybe half of a
sandwich. Trial and error will most definitely reveal what's best for
you personally, but it is definitely something to consider. I would
caution taking it on an empty stomach, especially if it's ever caused you
to experience any nausea.

MMS can be used a number of different ways externally, for

numerous purposes. One technique is to take an MMS bath, which
enables it to be absorbed through the pores of your skin directly into
the muscles. This allows MMS to soak into the liquid blood plasma,
where by thorough absorption, it’s delivered directly to the red blood

What this means is that more C1O2 is circulated, and much faster
results have been experienced. People who have had problems rising
above taking more than six or seven drops say it’s a good way to
advance up the scale without getting nauseous. It is also an excellent
therapy for any and all types of skin ailments.
Bathing in MMS water kills pathogens on the surface of the skin,
and just beneath it, allowing them to come out through the skin and
float away. This all happens without involving the internal
elimination systems. The following is the protocol for bathing in
MMS, and some explanations as to the benefits.

Be Sure To WIPE OUT THE TUB. Otherwise the MMS or ClO2 in the
water will be consumed working on any soap scum or bathtub-ring,
reducing or neutralizing the Cl02 available to the body. By the second
bath, the tub will be clean due to the MMS cleansing action. Do not
put soap or other chemicals in the water. Some people prefer to add
1/4 cup of DMSO. (Not required but it may assist deeper penetration
of the Cl02 gas.)

ACTIVATE MMS IN A GLASS before adding it to the tub water.

Place 30 drops of MMS in a cup. Add 2.5 teaspoons of lemon juice or
citric acid (150 drops). Plan for a 20 to 30 minute minute tub soaking
session. If you have open skin sores or severe body wounds, consider
reducing the MMS to 20 drops mixed with 100 drops of citric acid or
lemon juice (1.5 teaspoons) so that sensations of heat or burning will
be reduced. Open sores usually heal quickly due to the disinfecting
action of MMS.


inches of hot water for bathing. Adding more water doesn't reduce the
amount of C1O2 gas that's being produced, so don't worry so much
about the amount. Don't add anything to the water unless you want to
include DMSO. An MMS bath is more beneficial if you can tolerate
taking 6 to 8 drops internally.

ADD THE ACTIVATED MMS into the tub water. Stir it. Almost
immediately all germs in the water will be eradicated.
LAY IN THE TUB. Lay on one side, then the other. Splash water onto
the entire body - arms, neck, hair, face - all over. If a history of cold
sores, then wipe tub water on the lips and nose repeatedly and
wherever they were once visible. If water splashes in the eyes, just
wipe it away. MMS doesn't harm the eyes when diluted in a tub of
water - unlike shampoo. With a cup pour tub water onto the scalp.

ADD MORE HOT WATER. Heat opens the pores and will assist the
MMS to penetrate deeper into the muscles. Massage the scalp with
tub water. By the 3rd bath, skin moles may begin to crumble.

WIPE AWAY TUB DEBRIS when finished


Using MMS enemas could be just as potent as administering it in
an I.V. They both result in the MMS being absorbed directly into the
red blood cells and the blood plasma, bypassing the stomach and
intestines. It's another way to efficiently deliver it to where you want it
to be.

The MMS enema protocol is this: First use the enema bag to clean
out your intestines with a quart of water according to standard enema
procedures. (You can use salt or aloe vera if you like, but not coffee)
Do it at least twice. Next mix the same amount of activated MMS you
normally take orally in a small amount of water (4 oz.) Insert it and
try to keep it in your colon long enough for all of it to be absorbed. Do
two enemas a day if possible. Reduce the amount if it causes any
cleansing reactions.

Nausea: There are many ways of dealing with acute nausea from
MMS. Please always remember it’s not from the chlorine dioxide itself,
but from the systematic microscopic destruction that it’s performing.
Some of us have a huge build up of toxins, depending on so many

It might be due to age, or situations from our lives, perhaps our

diet. Maybe you painted cars for thirty years, or cooked with
aluminum. Many of us have breathed smog our whole life, or even
lived close to a refinery, or chemical plant.
You might just be infested with parasites! People with a disease
such as cancer definitely have their work cut out for them, but as I’ve
said, think of the alternatives, keep at it, and be grateful.

The following are a few hints for dealing with nausea. The first
way is obviously to be patient with your dosage increases. Eating cold
apple slices has been reported to help with nausea. Apparently the
apples absorb the residues.

Charcoal capsules from the drug store taken a few at a time, or

per directions on the bottle is another way to subdue nausea. One way
to stop any more C1O2 gas from being produced in your stomach, is
to neutralize it by mixing up two teaspoons of baking soda in some

Also you can drink orange juice or anything with ascorbic acid,
to slow down the production of any more C1O2. I would recommend
having a few of these items on hand just in case.

Most people don’t get so much nausea as they do diarrhea,

unless they get in too big of a hurry. Pay attention! That one extra
drop could be the one, especially at the nine to twelve drop level.

Nausea or diarrhea simply means so many invaders were killed

so quickly, our bodies had to revert to it’s back up contingencies to
eliminate the overflow. If you want to you can drink a lot of water and
try to vomit.

If your initial cleansing with MMS has to be extended due to

encountering too many reactions, don’t be discouraged. You can
speed up the process by taking MMS baths or enemas, if that’s an
agreeable option. The obvious reason it's taking longer is because you
had a lot of “unwanted guest” to be dealt with.

The way chlorine dioxide works when taken internally is it only

goes as far as it’s able, before it dissipates. The more activity it
encounters, the longer it takes to reach the further recesses of the
body. This causes the cleansing reactions to become extended. MMS is
the ultimate total cleanse!

All of the various pathogens, bacteria, viruses, yeast, and heavy

metals, wind up becoming collapsed into formations of jetsam and
flotsam particles, that can overload the systems of elimination.

Eventually they end up in the stomach, where they are

experienced the same as would be any bad food, and that's what
causes the crisis symptoms.

Until you’ve reached the fifteen drop level and even then,
especially when it’s time to add that third dose, you need to be careful.
If you experience any reactions, back down a bit, and keep going. It
just means the C1O2 has found a new den of terrorist to blow up!

You will get through it, and once your MMS initiation is finished,
the maintenance program is a breeze. It’s also comforting to know, as
long as you keep up with the maintenance program you don’t have to
worry about any new build ups ever returning.

Think of MMS as a total, broad spectrum antibiotic that only kills

unwanted bacteria. It doesn't require a prescription, has no
precautions, produces no side affects, and carries no concern about
any specific types of bacteria developing antibiotic immunities.

MMS as you can see by reading the testimonial chapter has had
some amazing results in regard to certain cancers. As there are sixty
six different types of cancer, I suppose it would be a bit presumptuous
to say it will work for all of them.

However, one thing is certain, MMS will definitely free up the

immune system so that it can focus on any and all varieties of cancer.

It is a fact that all cancers take over and ultimately triumph, by

defeating the immune system. Jim Humble has some very interesting
things to say about cancer. He has witnessed many amazing responses
of people with cancer, after using MMS.

Dealing With Life Threatening Diseases and Cancer

MMS Methods for Cancer Prevention and Remedies.

Jim's preferred method for administering MMS for cancer is

what he calls Clara's six and six protocol. He says he's used this
technique enough times to be convinced it's the most successful
means he's discovered so far, for dealing with life threatening

If the person is not severely sick it works amazingly well.

Basically you activate six drops of MMS and have the person take it,
then wait an hour, and give them six more. You do this three times a
day. In the morning, at noon, and in the evening just before they go to
bed. Jim has seen many miraculous occurrences using this method,
such as cancers drying up as tumors began falling apart.
If the person happens to be very sick, you shouldn't start with the
six and six. Jim usually starts cancer patients who are new to MMS
and extremely sick, on one drop doses. He uses the same protocol but
instead of six and six he uses one and one, or at the most to start, two
and two. He still administers it in three sessions a day.

If the person is not extremely ill then starting them out at six and
six is ideal. The strategy is that no matter how many drops of MMS a
person starts out with, if there's no nausea or diarrhea by the next day,
increase the number of drops by one.

So if a person started with six and six, the next day they would
go up to seven and seven, three times a day, and the day after go to
eight. Like that until they reach fifteen and fifteen three times a day.
Jim says by that time the cancer will be almost cured.

The problem is diarrhea and/or nausea will invariably set in

before that goal is reached and anytime it does, you have to stop and
reduce the amount. You need to pay close attention and if the person
starts to become even borderline sick you'll have to back down a drop
or two and continue at that level, until they feel confident to increase.

Sure it might take quite some time to reach fifteen drops but
think not only of the end result, but also consider the alternatives. Just
stay with it and proceed very cautiously. The basic idea for treating
any life threatening disease with MMS is to always give the person as
much as they can tolerate, without having nausea or diarrhea.

It has to be spread out over the day and not in one huge dose.
Believe me you'll have to learn this the hard way if you don't pay
attention now, but the problem with that is once a person gets
severely ill from too much MMS, they have the tendency to not want
to take it again. “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Ways To Tell If MMS Is Helping The Cancer

Jim wants everyone to know there's been a medical test for
cancer available for over 25 years that is 99% effective. He says it's,
“more effective, less dangerous, and cheaper than all other medical
cancer test.” It's called the AMAS cancer test. The test is available on
the inter net at and only cost $165.

It doesn't require having to see a doctor to prescribe the test, and

all you do is take a smear of your blood and send it in. Then you pay
for it when the results are ready. It test for specific cancer antibodies
that will give you a good indication of where your cancer is at, or if
you no longer have it.

Another way to tell if MMS is helping your cancer is if you are

able to gradually increase the dosage. The reason the nausea manifest
is because the MMS has killed some of the cancer and turned it into a
poison the body can deal with.

The body can and will clear this poison out although it may
produce nausea, diarrhea, or even vomiting in the process. That's not
a problem. The problem would be if you can never increase the doses
without getting nausea. This means the cancer is advancing faster
than the MMS can kill it.

With cancer you should start out slowly but increase quickly. In
the beginning you might just take MMS twice a day but as soon as
you see that you can do it twice a day without nausea, increase to
three times a day, then four times up to five times a day. If you can't
increase at all, it means the cancer is growing faster than the MMS can
kill it.

Jim says if that's your situation don't lose hope as there are other
things that can help and whatever you do, never stop taking the MMS.
He recommends purchasing some Indian Herb from Kathleen in
Texas. It's $60 a vial which he says should be quite enough. Her phone
number is 806-647-1741. She and her father have been selling the herb
for sixty years and she has thousands of letters from people it's

I've spoken with Kathleen and she is everything Jim says. If you
haven't already looked at the cancer section on my web-site, please do
so. As you probably know by now, and common sense dictates, I'm a
big fan of picking the best holistic remedies for any and all diseases,
and taking them in conjunction with one another.

Why not? They can't hurt you if you follow the directions and
pay attention. Don't go through them one at a time to see if they're
working. You've got cancer for God's sake! And as Jim says, “Never
stop taking the MMS.”

However the AMAS cancer test does provide an edge for holistic
cancer patients who have no insurance, or who don't want to deal
with doctors. You can send in a test, take the MMS along with any
other cancer remedies you've decided to take, (there are so many) wait
several weeks or a month and do another test, then compare the
results to see how much, if any, you've improved.
Many people have reservations about taking MMS due to it’s
reputation of being a super oxidizer. Some are concerned it might
cause excessive aging and assume they should take antioxidants to
counteract it’s effects. The following is what Jim had to say in regards
to that concern.

“There is no worry about causing aging or oxidizing healthy cells or killing

good bacteria. It MMS doesn’t do that. For over 50 years chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
has been used in many water supplies throughout the world because it only
oxidizes the anaerobic bacteria or other anaerobic microorganisms. It is very picky
about what it oxidizes. That is one of the main issues that make it useful to the
human race. I’m talking about a characteristic of ClO2 that’s been known for over
50 years.”

“This is a characteristic that is not true of oxygen, or ozone, or hydrogen

peroxide, or any other oxidizer that is used in the human body. ClO2 is the only
highly selective oxidizer known. You don’t have to protect the body from the small
quantities of ClO2 generated by MMS. It simply does not oxidize any beneficial
bacteria or body cells. No side effects have been reported in hundreds of thousands
of clinical trials and tests. You might want to read about the selective nature of
ClO2. Just look up Chlorine Dioxide as a water purification chemical or read my

Some people are concerned about using MMS for oral and dental
improvement, the following is what Jim had to say about that.

“At least a hundred people have called or emailed that they are using MMS in
their mouth with various dental fillings including the Amalgams. Chlorine dioxide
is a weak oxidizer. It cannot oxidize metals. There have been no reports of reaction
with mercury amalgams, and of course, I would not expect any. As opposed to
hydrogen peroxide which is a strong oxidizer that can oxidize metals. In fact
hydrogen peroxide has many other bad reactions with the mouth.”

“One, however, should rinse their mouth with clean water after using MMS in the
mouth. But with over ten years of use, I've not found anyone who has been
damaged in mouth or body. Considering 975,000 dead from prescription drugs
each year, it's a pretty good record.”
Many people become concerned about getting adverse reactions
from taking MMS, especially after they start taking higher doses. No
doubt it’s not an uncommon fear, but it has no basis as far as the
science of MMS is concerned, nor has it happened to even one of the
hundreds of thousands of people that have taken MMS thus far.

There is what is referred to as the Herxheimer reaction. Basically

what that translates to mean, is people sometimes feel worse before
they feel better. It is nothing to fear, as it's simply a short lived
detoxification reaction (a few days, never more than two weeks) and
has no other ill effects other than producing in some cases what can be
severe symptoms.

In severe cases, it can cause someone to experience flu-like

symptoms which may include headaches, joint and muscle pain, body
aches, sore throat, sweating, chills, nausea, and general malaise. It by
no means occurs in every case, but simply indicates that viruses,
bacteria, parasites, fungus, yeast, and other pathogens are being
successfully terminated, and in great quantity.

The worst problem with people experiencing the Herxheimer

reaction, is that they discontinue taking whatever supplement or
medication was causing the reaction, therefore prematurely ending
the very treatment that was in the process of healing them. Of course,
it does produce some temporary discomfort but it’s actually a good
sign that whatever the cleanse happens to be, it’s working.

Jim Humble is the world's greatest authority and pioneer on

MMS, and it’s foremost personal experimenter. He was the first to try
anything and everything with MMS, on himself, and he continues to
do so.

He contracted malaria while he was in the jungle and became

very ill, but refused treatment for four days. All because he wanted to
go to a hospital to be treated with MMS, so it could be “documented.”
It almost cost him his life! Fortunately he made it to the hospital in
time. His malaria was cured in four hours, and the results were fully

That man is so driven to free the world of malaria with his

invention! He has used MMS to help heal so many people of so many
diseases, and he's personally witnessed many of the results first hand.
The next protocols are fairly detailed and have been researched
mainly from Jim Humble's book, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of
the 21st Century.


MMS can be very helpful in regard to skin issues. It destroys
almost every type of skin disorder there is, and causes burns and
wounds to usually heal in less than half the usual time.

It can be used for every imaginable skin ailment regardless of

how serious or chronic, including cancer, eczema, psoriasis, acne,
staph infections, ringworm, rashes, athletes foot to name a few. You
name it! MMS works wonders for skin issues and it's easy to use.

This is all you have to do: First pickup an empty 2 oz. mist spray
bottle at your local pharmacy. (It doesn't have to be glass) Put 100
drops of citric acid in the bottle and add 20 drops of MMS. Swirl it
around a little bit, give it the usual three minutes to activate and then
fill the bottle with water. This solution will stay fresh for about 3 days.
You can tell when it's lost it's strength because it won't have that
chlorine like smell, or be yellow anymore.

Just use that solution to spray on whatever the skin problem may
happen to be. No need to rinse it off and you can spray it on any skin
problem whether it's a sore, a wound, or what have you, as much as
you like. Once every hour or two is generally a good rule of thumb. If
it does sting, as it does in certain cases, pour out half the solution and
refill with water. If it's still intolerable, do it again. For diaper rash
reduce the strength twice, or just use 5 drops of MMS and 25 drops of
citric acid to start with.


The goal with using MMS in regard to treating life threatening

diseases is to get as much MMS circulating in the blood as quickly as
possible, without becoming nauseous or getting diarrhea.

One way you can accomplish other than taking MMS baths,
enemas, or intravenously, would be by adding DMSO to the activated
MMS so that it can act as a carrier for delivering MMS directly into the
body's skin and muscles, where it is ultimately delivered into the

Proven experimentation and testing has proven that DMSO is

transported directly to the site of any cancer in the body where it then
penetrates directly into the cells of the cancer. Thus the theory is that
when DMSO is mixed with MMS it carries the MMS along with it into
the cancerous cells, providing a huge “feast” of anaerobic cancer cells
for the MMS to feed on.
The following is a good protocol for using MMS with DMSO:
Do this in addition to oral doses of MMS to get additional MMS
directly into the blood plasma. First activate ten drops of MMS. After
the required three minutes add one teaspoon of DMSO and stir it
around for no longer than fifteen seconds.

Then immediately rub the entire amount on either your stomach,

arm, or leg. Don't let the mix sit, as it is constantly loosing potency. If
you happen to feel a burning sensation then take a teaspoon of water
and rub it in. Rub in more water if it continues to burn. You can rub
aloe vera juice or an oil like olive or coconut onto the spot, after you've
applied the mix. Each time you make another application of
MMS/DMSO mix, pick a different place on your body.

The best schedule for using this technique is every other hour the
first day, and once every hour the second and third day. Then stop for
four days and start back up again the same way, the following week.
This is not a substitution for orally taking MMS, so don't stop taking
your regular doses of MMS. DMSO is available at pharmacies or on
the inter-net.


The way to treat burns with MMS is to spray it with full strength
MMS (sodium chlorite). Don't activate it. If you don't have a spray

bottle you can apply it directly on the burned area. Leave it on no

longer than five minutes. Even just one minute is probably long
enough, but most importantly you have to then take water and
completely rinse it off.

You definitely won't get the relief your looking for if you don't
rinse it off, and the sodium chlorite will create a different type of
burn. MMS reduces the pain of a burn to almost nothing, practically
immediately. It makes no difference how severe the burn might be,
MMS will cause it to heal in a fourth the time.

Sunburns also. Treat them the same way and just be sure to rinse
it off. You just spray the red area and if it still hurts an hour or so later,
spray it again and rinse it off within five minutes. The pain should be
gone almost immediately. A third dose will probably not be necessary
but if the pain is not all gone after another hour, do it again.


There is not so much I can say about MMS and fungus except
that it loves to “eat it.” External fungus should be dealt with the same
as any other skin issue. (Look in the section on MMS & skin problems)
There is one rare type of fungus that Jim says is impervious to MMS.
He gives a different method of dealing with it in his book. If you think
you might have it, then look there.


The following is an excerpt from Jim Humble's book, The Miracle
Mineral Supplement For The 21st Century about MMS and the mouth.

How to Use MMS For Personal Health: MMS can change the health of
your mouth in one week. The health of your mouth is the most important thing to
first address with MMS, because the health of your mouth affects the health of
your entire body. So when you begin to take MMS also make sure you treat your
mouth. After seeing thousands of people getting better after taking MMS, the ones
that do the best are the ones that make their mouth healthy. MMS works fast.

MMS Mouthwash: MMS works exceptionally well for all mouth and
gum diseases. The general formula for dealing with them is to start by
activating a ten drop dose of MMS. Wait the usual three minutes and
then add it to a half glass of water (4 ounces). Using a soft tooth brush
pour the MMS water on it and brush your teeth and gums gently but
thoroughly three or four times a day for the first initial three or four
days. Then once a day after that.

Use the left over mixture to rinse your mouth and gargle with.
Do it slowly giving the chlorine dioxide gas plenty of time to kill all of
the bacteria and germs in your mouth. Do this once a day for a few
weeks and then you can reduce it to two or three times a week.

If you have a serious tooth ache or a pressure sensitive tooth then

besides the brushing and gargling, immediately start taking your
usual doses of MMS at more frequent intervals. For example if your
taking ten drops morning and evening start taking ten drops every
two hours. In most cases it won't take more than a few days to get rid
of the infection, and thus the pain.


Obviously your in luck when it comes to having some MMS
around when you or someone you know, happens to get food
poisoning. The protocol is twelve drops for the first dose and six
drops every half hour after that until the symptoms subside, which
shouldn't take very long.
Of course you could administer a few follow up doses just to
make sure it's completely eliminated but spread them out, and make
them of a reduced amount, especially if the person is not a regular
user of MMS.


MMS really shines when it comes to treating malaria, “The
World's Deadliest Disease.” Ironically this is the disease that inspired
the discovery of MMS and it very predictably makes short order of it.
Of course the pharmaceutical companies and thus the entire medical
community, will continue to ignore this “unpatentable” miracle
malaria cure while it continues to kill millions of people every year.

The protocols for administering MMS to cure malaria are a bit

radical, but simple. Use fifteen drops right out of the gate. Wait one to
two hours and give the victim another fifteen drops. The symptoms
will probably be gone within four hours but if not, no problem. Give a
final dose and that will definitely be enough. If the person is still sick
it's not from the malaria virus, as it will be dead after the second dose.


No doubt Lyme disease is one of the all time worst afflictions on
the list of “modern diseases,” and unfortunately it appears to be on
the rise. The best results achieved with MMS and Lyme disease so far
have come from shocking the system with a 9 or 10 drop dose, and
then following it up a few hours later with a 12 drop dose.

It's been reported that just doing that has been able to put Lyme
disease into remission for as much as six weeks. Of course no one just
wants to thwart it for a little while. They want a complete cure. The
best way to permanently deal with Lyme disease is to use smaller
doses but to take them every few hours or so. At least four or five
times a day. It's a very stubborn disease and it could take up to a year
before it's fully eliminated.


MMS is totally safe to give to children but they must not be given
the same amount as adults. The protocol for babies is to start with one
drop and then to increase to three drops by the second day. Except for
babies, the general rule of thumb is 3 drops for each 25 lbs. of body


People who are overweight are at a disadvantage when it comes
to taking MMS to overcome most diseases. There's more area for
pathogens to hide, such as in fat tissues. Therefore the best strategy is
to start with two drops as the beginning dose and work up to higher
doses as has been described, but calculate the amount at 3 drops for
every 25 lbs. of body weight.


MMS will heal certain types of arthritis, but not all of them. It
will heal rheumatoid and Lyme arthritis along with several other
kinds. It will not heal normal arthritis however. That's the type that is
caused by the muscles pulling in the wrong direction. Simply follow
the standard MMS protocols.

There is an excellent book that details how to use specific

exercises to correct the muscles so they will begin working properly
again. Then regardless of how bad the bones in the joint are scraping
one another the body will heal them. The book is called Pain Free by
Pete Egoscue and it can be found at most book stores.


Herpes for all the hype that surrounds it, not to say it isn't a
horrible disease to have, can easily be cured with MMS. Jim says a
week of taking two doses a day of fifteen drops of MMS usually does
it. Naturally you have to work your way up to the fifteen drop level.
He says in very bad cases it might take up to two months.
The most effective method as it is with most diseases, is to take
smaller doses every two hours for several days. The idea is that by
following this procedure it allows the MMS to penetrate deeper and
deeper into the furthest recesses of the body. Depending on how big
of a hurry you might be to get rid of the virus, you could always look
on my web-site for things to use which can also kill the herpes virus.
Take them in conjunction with MMS.


Please try to understand that MMS does not exactly attack AIDS.
The immune system does, once it has everything it needs, which MMS
more than amply provides. So, if your interested in driving HIV or
AIDS from yours, or someone else's body, your definitely in luck.

Start with two drops of MMS but do it three times a day. Move
up the scale as quickly as possible until you've reached fifteen drop
doses at three times a day. Jim says, “It will take from three days to
three months, but usually less than thirty days.” He should know as
he has seen many people with AIDS test negative by taking advantage
of MMS. However some cases may require MMS to be administered
by IV to fully be eradicated. So what! A deadly and so called incurable
disease, cured. What a testimonial to the power of MMS!

It will probably involve enduring some diarrhea and nausea

however. The point is if you take MMS and you have a lot to clear out
of your body, cleansing reactions will manifest. They're just inevitable
for certain people fighting certain diseases. If you take MMS on an
empty stomach your much more likely to experience nausea than you
are after a meal.
Overcoming cancer requires a vigorous immune system. You
certainly don't want to have an immune system that has been crippled
by chemotherapy treatments or an immune system that has been
overburdened due to surgery. However if you've chosen to use
conventional methods to treat your cancer, by all means don't worry
about MMS interfering with them. It can only help.

Be sure to take a look at the cancer section on my web-site for

some ideas on how to use alternative treatments to quickly overcome
cancer, but definitely take advantage of MMS also. Start with two
drops in the morning and go to three drops in the afternoon. After
taking four drops the next morning start taking MMS every four
hours. Then after a few days of that begin taking it every two hours. If
you get nauseous lower the number of drops, but keep taking it. If I
had cancer I wouldn't rely on any one natural remedy, and neither
should you.


MMS has been known to stop an asthma attack in ten minutes
but it's not guaranteed to always work. The difficulty with curing
asthma using MMS is that it depends on how severe, and how chronic
it is. It may even get worse in the beginning for some asthma sufferers
but invariably if it doesn't effect a cure, it will definitely help.

You have to stay with it. It may take as long as two or three
months, depending on the individual case. Start with two drops twice
a day and gradually work up to fifteen drops twice a day. If it takes
two months to get to that point without becoming nauseous, so what.
Completely curing asthma is a challenge, but so is living with it.
Heart disease although probably the number one killer of
Americans or anyone living in the industrialized world for that
matter, is primarily lifestyle induced. Therefore that needs to be the
first adjustment anyone suffering from this malady should address.
Like you haven't already heard that one!

Fortunately MMS can be a significant aid in helping unclog

veins, besides building up the immune system. It can also play a
major role in eliminating infections and inflammation which many
heart surgeons claim to be the real culprit behind heart disease, not
cholesterol. If you have any doubts about it click on, “Revealing The
Lies About Cholesterol” in the back links section of this book.

It's a good idea before taking MMS for heart issues to first make
sure the heart muscle is strengthened by taking vitamin C. Take six to
ten grams of vitamin C a day (preferably food grade) for two weeks
prior to starting on MMS. This will help avoid any heart palpitations
that may arise from bacteria being killed or cholesterol being
removed, in the heart region.


Don't let the hype broadcast on the news make you lead a life of
fear and apprehension over catching the flu. Regardless of how
widespread an epidemic or pandemic it's advertised to be. If you take
MMS regularly you most likely won't even catch it. If you or someone
you know does, here is all you have to do.
First of all don't let some fancy named new strain of the flu virus
scare you into thinking that MMS might not be able to kill it. I don't
care if they say it was spawned from the most exotic animal on the
face of the earth, or even from the demons of hell, no virus will ever
be able to mutate around MMS.

The standard MMS protocol for curing anyone with the flu no
matter the strain is simply Clara's six and six. Do you remember it?
Take six drops of activated MMS in a half glass of water or juice. Wait a
little over an hour and repeat the same thing. Do a session in the
morning and a session in the afternoon. The next day up the dose to
seven drops the same way, if it didn't cause any nausea or diarrhea.

Generally the person should feel better in a few hours but you
never know. Whether they do or don't, continue the treatments. If they
get sick, reduce the amount. It would be best to keep going after that
and go through the standard MMS cleanse program of gradually
working up to fifteen drops twice a day without getting any cleansing
reactions. Then increasing to fifteen drops three times a day for at
least five days without experiencing nausea or diarrhea. However
after two days of doing Clara's six and six protocol morning and
afternoon, they should be well over the flu.


The standard protocol for smaller animals is to use three drops
for every twenty-five pounds of body weight. For larger animals such
as horses and cows, use one drop for every twenty-five pounds of
body weight.
I have a friend who activates her dogs MMS and then puts it in a
little milk. It immediately sours the milk and the dogs love it. Water
usually works just fine though because animals have a sixth sense
when it comes to knowing what their body needs. However if a
situation occurs where they wont drink it, then force feed them by
squirting it down their throat with a turkey baster. If you have any
doubt about the amount to give them, then go with less MMS.


The disease segment of this chapter only touches on the most
serious diseases that are not only in urgent need of being addressed,
but are also in most cases, the stubbornest. No matter what your
particular situation may involve in regard to disease, please, never
ever give up hope, thus becoming complacent. The balls in your court!
You have the tools, so be kind and loving to yourself and those you
care about, and take advantage of them.

Do not stop taking MMS! There is no reason to, and certainly no

excuse. Compliment it with diet, and nutritional supplements. Also
with fresh air, sunshine, exercise, stress relief, and satisfying loving
relationships. And why not research and take advantage of the
multitude of other natural cures available? The world needs you! So
get well now.



Curing diseases with drugs. Can it be done? No. The only thing that ever heals the
body is the various mechanisms of the body. Healing is controlled by the body.
NO drug or no nutrient can heal the body. NOT ONE! There are things that the
body can use to aid in the healing, but in the final analysis, the body always does
the healing. Drugs occasionally help the process, but normally the body needs
nutrients instead of poisons, which all drugs are to a greater or lesser extent. MMS
is the same. It cannot heal or cure the body of anything. It may or may not kill
pathogens in the body without the body’s control. However, once the germs or
pathogens or poisons are destroyed, healing can take place at a much faster rate.
This is why healing in so many parts of the body seems to happen so much
quicker. It is not that the MMS has healed anything. It cannot. But it can clear the
way for healing to take place. MMS seems to be effective against most diseases,
but some diseases require much more MMS than others. Normally the answer is if
you are not getting improvement, take more MMS.

Always reduce the number of drops if you feel nausea, but continue to increase the
number of drops, keeping below the nausea level as much as you can. Increase up
to 20, or 25, or even as much as 30 drops twice a day, for a serious condition. Be
very careful. If you feel nausea, reduce the number of drops. Do not remain at
high, 20-30 drop levels unless you really see an improvement in the condition you
are trying to handle. When the condition is overcome, be sure to drop back to only
6 drops a day for maintenance. However, if you do get nausea, vomiting or
diarrhea do not be worried. Many times the body needs to get rid of something.
Many times a health expert or doctor may advise you that you need to get yourself
cleaned out. Well, if you need it, the MMS is going to do it. It’s not a bad sign.


If someone has taken too much MMS for the level they're at and
has severe nausea or diarrhea, and a glass or two of cold water doesn't
stop it, then they should take vitamin C. A thousand up to five
thousand milligrams should do it. Also baking soda works. One level
teaspoonful in a glass of water. Only use one or the other. Not both
vitamin C and baking soda together.


In the case someone accidentally takes an overdose of sodium
chlorite (MMS) which would mean more than a half teaspoonful, they
should immediately begin drinking as much water as possible. Add a
half teaspoon of baking soda to every glassful of water. If it was much
more than a half teaspoonful of MMS like several tablespoons, call a
doctor or take them to an emergency poison clinic and tell them the
person took an overdose of sodium chlorite solution.


I would hope that the instructions in this book are explicit
enough that no one would have any misunderstandings about exactly
how to prepare and take MMS. However, if you share your MMS
experience with someone else and they decide to try it please take the
time to give them a quick training lesson.

Sit down with them, explain the process, mix some up and take
the first batch with them. The whole thing from the five drops of citric
acid to one drop of MMS, the initial swirling, and the three minute
wait. Everything! Put it in a glass of juice or water and drink some
with them. Warn them of the importance of being exact, especially
where the drops of MMS are concerned.

Jim says for whatever reason, most people don't get it right, and
no your not supposed to put it in your coffee. No orange juice, just
juice that doesn't have added vitamin C or plain water. If you loan
them your book and tell them to read the directions, be sure to check
and make sure they got it right.



These are the things that I have observed over the past 10 years. Some of it is my
opinion; however, I have discussed all of the following information with medical
doctors who have agreed with me. But then, some of that was their opinion as
well. So this is what appears to be happening in the body when MMS is ingested
after using the various activators listed in this chapter. The first thing that the
MMS does is destroy anaerobic microorganisms including viruses, bacteria,
fungus, molds, yeast, and parasites. These are the disease causing organisms.
There are many reasons to believe that this is what happens. This generally
happens between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but in less than one week in most cases.
This includes all forms of infection and other microorganisms. Also blood diseases
such as leukemia. Secondly, the MMS oxidizes the heavy metals within the body. I
believe this because there have been a number of tests where the hair roots were
checked before and after taking MMS. Afterwards, the heavy metals were gone.
That includes mercury, lead, and several other metals. Unfortunately, hair root
testing is not totally accurate, but it is a good indication. Oxidation of the heavy
metals is not the same process as chelating, but the results are the same. When a
heavy metal is oxidized it is neutralized and is simply washed out of the body.

Thirdly, the MMS is carried throughout the body and where it neutralizes foreign
matter that is generally poisonous to the body. When oxidized, these poisons are
neutralized and merely wash out of the body. Almost all poisonous material will be
acidic in nature, thus it allows the MMS to recognize it. These poisons will all be
attached at various locations and they will be hindering the function of the body.
As they are oxidized they will no longer stay attached and will be washed out of
the body. Fourth, most forms of poisons from snakes and other venomous animals
are oxidized when adequate amounts of MMS are taken. Most food poisons found
in restaurants or in your refrigerator are oxidized, which is why one should take a
number of doses when feeling the effects of food poisoning. Fifth, the poison
generated in burns, particularly type 3 burns when covered immediately with
MMS, or even within hours, is neutralized by the MMS. The MMS should not be
left on more than 1 minute. It must be rinsed off with water.

No one knows it or can say it better, than Mr. Jim Humble. He

bares the weight of the world on his shoulders. I'm sure his car has a
bumper sticker that says, “I'd rather be prospecting.” Fortunately for
us, Jim devotes all of his time working eighteen hours a day trying to
save the world from disease, through the use of MMS.
Jim has used himself as a guinea pig so many times to research
MMS, and he really knows his stuff. He is totally dedicated to getting
the word out, and helping everyone he can. You'll find him always
working nonstop on his all but one man crusade to save the world
from disease, by spreading the word about MMS.

He is such an inspiration! By his word and experiences alone, I

truly believe MMS can cure all of the world's disease's. Some day
there will be statues of Jim in town squares and city parks. I feel
honored and very thankful to be able to assist him in his mission. Just
by taking MMS and sharing it with all of the family, folks, and friends,
your helping as well. So you should also feel honored. We are all
chartering new territory and I am grateful to you as well. Thank you
very much!

True Testimonials and Case Histories
of MMS Experiences
Breast Cancer

Look for testimonials that apply to your situation. Some of these
testimonials have detailed information about how experimenter's
healed specific diseases.
As you’ll see, no two MMS experiences are exactly alike but they
all have one thing in common, which is the way such miraculous
healing manifest itself so quickly and deliberately.

Reading about other's experience's gives you the faith to stay on

your program. There is no substance in existence which gets such
dramatic results. Be sure and e-mail me “your” testimonial.

The majority of these testimonials were e-mailed to Jim Humble,

many include his replies.

I began taking MMS approximately 2 months ago. I am 60 years old and have
COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) with chronic asthma, chronic
bronchitis and emphysema. I was on oxygen 24/7.

I was not bed ridden, but life was a real struggle. To give an example of how weak
I was; I had to sit on a stool and lean on my elbows to brush my teeth because I
didn’t have the strength to stand or to hold my body upright while I brushed my

Each day when I opened my eyes in the mornings I dreaded making the effort to
get out of bed. But in only one week after beginning the MMS drops I noticed that
I didn’t need my oxygen all the time and that I had strength and could walk easily
through my home without gasping for air. I was able to remove the stool and stand
to brush my teeth. I opened my eyes each morning looking forward to the day. By
the end of the second week I was completely off the oxygen.

I am a new person and getting better with each passing day. I do things now that I
have not been able to do in a long time. I vacuum, do laundry and am also able to
go shopping. I’m beginning to have a real life. MMS has proven to be a
MIRACLE for me and has literally given me back my life. God bless and have a
wonderful day.
Jody K.

Oz Janette
My son (35 y.o.) has suffered with debilitating prostatitis for 15 years, and since
taking MMS (as per protocol) for 10 days has declared himself cured! He has been
on the strongest antibiotics for most of that time, which of course has had lots of
side effects.

His daughter (3 y.o.) developed a severe throat infection and he said "it's one thing
to take MMS yourself, but another thing to give it to a child". However, after
careful consideration he and his wife decided to give it to her. She took 1 drop, 2
drops, 3 drops and after the 4 drop dose on day 2, she started playing and felt fine.
Normally such a situation would require antibiotics and bed rest for at least 7 days.

My son's friend (55 y.o.) has had an elevated PSA count for the last 12 months to
the point where prostate cancer surgery was planned. He started taking MMS and
after 10 days his PSA count had returned to within normal limits. His doctor was
so amazed, he said "we have never seen this happen before" and demanded to
know what he had been taking. He also suffers with an hereditary cancerous bowel
condition, requiring very regular colonoscopies for diathermy of cancerous polyps.
He had a colonoscopy after 2 weeks of MMS and the doctor declared his bowel to
be "clean" and not needing to see him again for 2 years.

Hep C
Well, I don’t have hepatitis C myself, but my brother does. The first week he got
right up to the 15 drops. I bought the MMS for him. After the first couple of days,
he brought the drops up to 15 and he has been at 15 twice a day ever since. The
reason he got up to 15 so fast was because he had one week before seeing the
doctor. I bought him the MMS and told him that the doctor had handed him a
death sentence and he wasn’t doing a thing about it. He started then faithfully
taking the drops. So, upon seeing the doctor only ONE week later, he had gained
10 pounds and his bilirubin was completely normal. So, trying to get more

information out of my brother is very difficult, but he just yesterday saw his liver
doctor and the doctor had originally wanted to put him on chemotherapy the first
of December, but after seeing his results, he said, “Come back in three months.”
So, I ask my brother if that means he no longer has hepatitis C, and he’s not sure.
But, I am continuing to encourage him to keep taking the MMS and to have
several days in which he takes larger doses, or even taking it three times a day
instead of two, etc. I believe it is and will work on anyone who works at it. Each
person will be different. With my brother, he also has celiac sprue, so he has a lot
more to overcome. Within that one week of taking the MMS, he gained 10 pounds,
as I mentioned, but that is amazing for someone who had tried and tried to gain
weight. Without a shirt he looked like he lived in a concentration camp. So, the
progress is substantial. Each one is a little different, but I have NO doubt that this
is and will save his life.
A few months back someone I know passed a bottle of MMS on to her daughter
who had been ill with chronic fatigue for about 2 years. Her quality of life was
pretty poor, having no energy for anything. Lab work had revealed that she had
two variants of Epstein Barr virus. And of course the doctors did not know what to
do about it, except to let her linger in suffering.
The MMS had her well in less than 2 weeks, and she really started to feel
improvement in just a couple of days. Now she is fully well.
MMS has been a godsend for my husband and I, things that we thought we had to
live with are disappearing. I guess we just got used to feeling mediocre, and never
thought we could feel good, or even great. MMS has forever changed our lives,
and has a permanent place in our family.
Here are some of the things that MMS has helped us with, I will start with his list
first. The swelling in his legs is gone, the knee pain is diminishing, the tendinitis in
his elbow is gone, his sinuses (although not great) are better than they ever have
been, his restless leg syndrome is gone, his snoring is nearly gone, and he is
sleeping through the night (for the firs time in years), he wakes feeling good, his
energy level is up and he says he feels great. My list isn’t quite as impressive, but
still worthy of mention. I have lost 14 lbs probably due to the fact that my junk
food cravings are gone, bronchitis cleared up in just a few days, urinary tract
infection was gone in a couple days, sinus infection was gone within a week, I
sleep through the night, I wake up feeling great, all wheezing in my chest stopped
(I am a smoker), my headaches are gone, I haven’t taken an OTC pain killer in 2
months, and my shoulder/Neck pain was gone in about a day (I have had that for 2
I know people are skeptical, or scared like I was, but you really don’t know how
good you can feel if you don’t take steps to feel better. We have only been taking
the supplement for 2 months, and we already notice many positive changes. I now
have my mother taking it, and she is on day two. I will try to keep you posted on
her progress as well, her husband will begin the regimen in a week or two, and
hopefully I will have more positive things to report. You can also read my blog
and get all the details.

Sincerely, Sheryl Carl Lindert

Prostate Cancer

Hi Chris, Thanks, I just ordered 3 bottles. My husband has been using MMS for 3
months. He had a PSA reading of 9.2 and after 3 months using 15 drops 3 times a
day he is down to 6.2!
He has been following a good diet of no dairy or sugar and eating 30 apricot
kernels a day, so we cannot say that it was only MMS but we believe that it was.
You can tell others this if you like. Anyone with prostate cancer would be
Marjorie Tabulam NSW 5/02/2008

Hi Jana, I have taken MMS for 3 months and 2+weeks. I started out very low and
remained at 3 drops several times a day. I noticed my nails improving right away.
They lost the dullness and started to shine. they also lost the ridges and lumps. I
noticed the white foam which I took to be yeast die off in the toilet. I have seen
precancerous lumps drop off. I have seen lymph congestion diminish.. I have seen
lymph nodules reduced. My lungs, Kidneys, bowels, and edema, have improved.
My aches and stiffness as well as spasms from MS have been absent for over two
months. My sleep and digestion are much improved. My skin looks better and the
age spots are gone. My skin is starting to tighten on my arms, face, neck, upper
and lower legs. I may have left out a few improvements as there seems to be no
area which MMS hasn't changed. I believe this is a result of doing MMS. I have
worked up to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. I also am doing a lot to keep all systems
evacuating. I also am taking enzymes although for the first month I didn't do this.
Hope this is helpful. Are you dealing with Systemic Yeast? I have also stopped
feeding it. MW

Check this out!

hi everyone good news a friend of mine has been taking MMS for HIV. At his last
visit the doctors remark was "its as if you never had it". He started at 1dr twice a
day, which gave him some herx symptoms. After four months he is up to 15drops
once a day. We have the medical record to prove it if anyone is interested email me
at ... and I will send you copies or if you have questions. aloha

Testimonial on HIV and MMS

Just a quick note. I have been helping someone with HIV using MMS. Today he
reports that his viral load is only 125. Last lab was 700. His doctor says his blood
work looks almost normal. They are astounded! Asked him what he has been
doing and he has not told them as of yet.

He has been doing 6 drops 2 and sometimes 3 times a day over the past 7 weeks.
He feels great and has gained weight. We are all very excited here!

Will post more when I have further information.

Testimonial on Breast Cancer

GP Tells Family Their Daughter only Had 2-3 Weeks to Live

Delwyn was originally diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of just 26. It
quickly spread to her bones, hips, spine and lung. Her liver was in bad shape also.
Four weeks ago she was confined to bed, had to urinate in a glass bottle, and
weighed only 45 kg.

On October 3rd 2007 was a black day for the family. She had not eaten for 3 days
and her Doctor met with the family and said they needed to make a decision as to
whether to pull the feed tubes out of her or not. She had 2 – 3 week to live. In
emergency hospital, the family had arranged her funeral and cemetery plot

She started on the MMS and 10 days later the cancer markers continued to
increase but her strength and energy started to return. She was walking and even
drove a short distance around the paddock at her parents Park.
It is now November 1st 2007 and her cancer markers are on the way down, falling
even 40 points in the past week and still falling (Measuring her CA.15-3 scores).

She is driving better than she was 6 months ago, She has no pain, is able to dress
herself, her kidneys and liver are in better condition. Is now sleeping and walking
better than 4 months ago.

Her Doctor saw her last week and simply could not believe how well she looked.
She has no pain and has reduced all of her medications.

Delwyn and her family acknowledge God’s leading and provision of her treatment
and the timing of it all at deaths door. Yes it is early days but she is 6 months
ahead of where she was just 4-5 weeks ago. Delwyn has a good diet of vegetable
juices, berries and raw foods which help enormously in keeping her body alkaline
as well as nourishing her cells to re-build stronger and healthier**. There is no
doubt that the MMS in this case has been foundational in cleansing the body of
pathogens, mold, fungus, viruses and bacteria that have been so prolific and
allowing the cancer to grow and spread.

*She practices the 8 natural health laws: Nutrient, Exercise, Water, Sunshine,
Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God
Helen (Delwyn's Mum) Warrigal Victoria

Delwn’s Protocol:
Day 1 2 drops every 1 hours 6 or 7 times a day
Day 2 3 drops every hour “
Day 3 4 drops every hour “
Day 4 5 drops every hour “
Day 5 6 drops every hour “
Day 6 7 drops every hour “

Still 5 weeks later 7 drops every 1hour 6-7 times a day.

Initially she could not keep anything down, just kept throwing up, juice the drops
everything for about 3 days. Note: (might be excessive for someone who can)

When she got nausea she would eat a dry biscuit or banana
She has been having fever baths every 2 days raising her temp to 38 deg (bath 41
deg) with half a cup of Bicarb of soda

That is basically it. She is now off all medications and doing very well
The diarrhea and vomiting are good signs that the body is simply eliminating what
it does not need.

Testimonial On Herpes
"A little update on the herpes2. well after the 3 or 4 days of the tingling feeling and
the sensations of a sore that never came out, i am happy to report that not only was
there no breakout but now, for me, as my husband, the tingling and any sensation
has stopped also...
...looks like the herpes was not allowed to do its thing with us this time! thanks to

before mms, on the average, i had a hsv2 breakout about 2x a month --- sometimes
1---sometimes 3
--- but i have always, like clockwork, had a breakout during my period or right
after, so it will be interesting to see what happens in 2 or so weeks when my
menses comes.

i uped my dose from 5 drops 2x a day to 5 drops 3x a day rather than increasing
the # of drops-- b/c i still get a little nauseas with 6 drops or over ---but i seem to
be fine with 5drops 3x a day the last two days.

i also wanted to mention that i feel a bit more clear in my head (brain fog for
years) and i have less headaches. much of the stiffness and aches(especially in my
neck and legs) have vanished since being on mms. also, in the mornings i used to
feel like i was hit by a truck when i woke up ---but now i feel like i was only hit by
a bike. its pretty amazing that all this happened only since jan 1st 2008 --- that
much occurred for me in about a two week time frame! i used almost every type of
holistic/natural/alternative health kick out there for over 15 years, and never have i
had a shift like this in such a short period of time! ...and all for 25 bucks! --- i have
spent thousands and thousands.
i have never felt this impressed with a supplement in all my 15 years of being on
this path!
not to say that much of what i have done did not help me really did! but
not so OBVIOUSLY and QUICKLY as the mms! i also know i have a long way to
go still and i have to continue with many of the things i have been using (green
super foods,vit/mineral supps./ herbs,probiotics, healthy foods/etc. etc.).
I really want to thank JIM HUMBLE. he is making me a better mother for my
children.. i hope he knows how many he has touched!

well,thanks for listening

Jim Humble tells about some of the experiences he’s seen and heard
“Many were those asking questions, but there were also those who were telling me
how they had lost their disease symptoms from Lupus, Diabetes, Hepatitis A, B,
and C, AIDS, Cancer, and many other diseases. In Hermosillo my Mexican school
teacher partner, Clara Beltrones, has treated about 100 people in her home, many
while I was present. To give you an example, last night (this is 12/14/07) a man
called and brought his wife by after hearing a local radio talk show. She came in
with a standard walker that you push along, but she could not hold on to the
walker so he had to hold her hand on the walker. Her right hand and foot was both
paralyzed. She had trouble walking on the foot. She complained that her sciatica
was giving her much pain. Clara gave her a 6 drops dose one and had her wait one
hour while they discussed things. The lady notice the pain going away in her
sciatica in the first hour and that feeling was coming back in her hand. After the
second 6 drops dose one hour later she noticed feelings coming to her foot. Soon
she was moving her fingers and her toes. Before she left she had regained full
movement of her hand and her foot. She could move all her toes and the other
muscles in her foot. She left, still using the walker, but she did not need help from
her husband, and it was obvious that she would soon be walking without the
walker as she got a little more used to her new mobility.

Multiple Sclerosis

Testimony of MMS usage from September 27th 2007 to March 2008.

I have taken MMS for 5 months. I have had Multiple Sclerosis and have improved
my symptoms over the years with many holistic therapies and treatments. I always
found some of the symptoms would re occur in time. I came to the belief that
Multiple Sclerosis is pathogen based and the immune system is overwhelmed and
started attacking the central nervous system and myelin. I believe as long as the
pathogens are active the MS disease will remain a problem.

I found MMS and thought this is the answer to the pathogen problems. I started
out very low and remained at 3 drops several times a day for over a month. I
noticed my nails improving right away. They lost the dullness and started to shine.
they also lost the ridges and lumps. I noticed the white foam which I took to be
yeast die off. I have seen my pre cancer lumps drop off. I have seen lymph
congestion diminish.. I have seen lymph nodules reduced. The functions of my
lungs, Kidneys, bowels, and skin, have improved. My balance problems, aches
and stiffness as well as spasms from MS have been absent for over two months.

My sleep and digestion are much improved. I am no longer snoring, My skin looks
better and the age spots are gone. My skin is starting to tighten on my arms, face,
neck, upper and lower legs. My balance is much improved. My stiffness has
subsided. An ear infection which I have had for 10 years has cleared. My sinus is
clearing and my voice has changed due to open sinus passages. My voice is
stronger. . I may have left out a few improvements as there seems to be no area
which MMS hasn't improved.

I believe improvements are a result of doing the MMS protocol. I have worked up
to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. I also am doing a lot to keep all systems evacuating.
I also am taking enzymes although for the first month I didn't do this. Hope this is
helpful. Are you dealing with Systemic Yeast? Many people have Candida Yeast
and it is very destructive. I also have been diagnosed with Lime's disease,
mycoplasma, Epstein Barr, chlymedia pneumonia, Black Berry Mold infection and
various staph infections. I am drinking more water and my thirst has returned. I
don't crave the foods or drinks which are bad for me.

Marlene WA
A case that came to me by email today (5/7/08)
I've had a problem in my groin area for 8 years. I had a sharp burning pain in my
urethra, I had to go to the bathroom two or three times a night, and it was dripping'
afterwards. I'd gone to many doctors and have done all the usual tests for std's, the
urine, stool, and blood tests. They couldn't tell me anything other than to eat right
and try antibiotics. I took many antibiotics and none of them affected the problem
at all.

I've been visiting my Mother and my Step-Dad gave me the MMS. Within one
week the pain is gone and I can hardly notice I had a problem at all and I can hold
my bladder again. This is truly a miracle and I am so grateful for you all.

A case from Australia.

Firstly congratulations, and thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep taking your
MMS so you stay alive for many more years to enjoy your successful journey of
this life.

I have been using MMS now for seven weeks, and would like to relate the
following improvements in my health.

My lifelong battle with REFLUX/HEARTBURN/ACID GUT seems to be over.

that all disappeared after four days and hasn't come back. (my system succumbed
to beer and chips and other assorted rubbish one day, but a scheduled daily dose of
MMS knocked it on the head within a few minutes).

My lifelong weakness of too much mucus in the nose and throat at most times has
been reduced noticeably to a "no problem" level. I now get a incredible good
night's sleep every night, dream vividly, and my wife says my snoring is less.
My lifelong weakness to catching the common colds and being very susceptible to
any virus or flu going around seems to be over. during the last seven weeks I
deliberately exposed myself to catch a cold several times, did get it, and knocked it
on the head within hours (only experienced a few sneezes, and slight runny nose)
then I was exposed to a severe flu virus, after two days I had a ticklish throat and a
few sneezes, here we go I thought. I took a double dose of MMS before going to
bed that night and woke up the next day as right as rain. I expect my cholesterol
count to have lowered, and my fear of cancer from my enlarged prostrate has

Many other minor problems were experienced during the last seven weeks, and it
is enough for me to say I AM HOOKED ON THE STUFF FOR THE REST OF

Well, anyone getting tired of success stories yet? There are thousands of them. I
don't mean to brag. It's just that you should know that there really are lots of
success stories and I have just picked out a few at random. I don't have them all.
They are at many of the MMS suppliers email logs.

Chronic Hepatitis C Camilla Age 52 Reporting: For the past 27-years

I have had Chronic Hepatitis C. About 4-months ago a friend shared with me some
amazing success stories with MMS. I wanted proof for myself and others.

I had a Liver Viral Load blood test done at Clinical Laboratories prior to starting
my first dose. I started at 1/2 drop, twice a day. It took me 3-months to get up to
the protocol dose of 15-drops, twice a day.

I moved up through the predictable stages - diarrhea, cramping, and nausea. The
closer I got to the protocol dose, the less symptoms I was having and the stronger
my body began to feel.

When I reached the protocol dose and held for one week, I repeated my Liver Viral
Load blood work. I then scheduled an appointment with a liver specialist. We were
both elated with the results.

I went from a Liver Viral Load of 43-million down to 19-million! I have proof! I
have changed "my story".

I suffered for 27-years with Hep C and am now killing off the virus. I won’t stop
until it’s gone.

I feel amazingly well and continue to feel better, and better each and every day.
Thank you so much for this remarkable gift.

I am definitely spreading the word and feel like a walking miracle. Many blessings
to you!

Editor’s Comment: There have been many reports like this one where Hepatitis
was reduced and eliminated by use of MMS. In most cases the recovery took
longer than some other diseases, requiring honest effort and discipline. Without
intervention, this is a killer disease. It is acquired from another person’s blood or
other close body contact. If you know about MMS, then you have a life-saving
method of dealing with threats like this one.

The case of the lady that lay in bed unable to move for 8 years.
This is May 1, 2008. About one month ago there was a knock at the door here at
my friends place in Mexico and in walked a very pretty Mexican lady. She was
carrying a large envelop which I recognized as such an envelop that would have x-
rays and other records. And that was exactly what was in the envelop. She said that
she wanted us to see that she had evidence to back up the story that she was about
to tell us.

There were quite a few x-rays of her back and legs and other bones. These x-ray
showed the evidence why she was unable to walk and move to any extent for 8
years. In the year 2000 she had been 47 years old, now she was 55 and very happy.

She said that in the year 2000 she began to get back pains and leg pains. The
doctor said it was rheumatoid arthritis. Her pains continued to get worse and
finally she had to take to her bed during the year 2000. It continued to get more
painful to move and the muscles drew up so that she couldn't move much anyway.
Her hands started to resemble birds claws and she could not use them. Her eyes
dried up requiring someone to drop tears into her eyes on a continuing basis, and
her mouth went dry so that she also need continuous water for her mouth. She told
us that she no longer wanted to live. The pain and constant need for help was more
than she could stand. She wished for death.

Then only one month before she came to see us, someone took a bottle of MMS to
her and suggested that she take some according to the instructions on the label
which was to start at one drop and increase one drop each dose if possible. Well,
she worked up to 7 drops only, but in one month she was back on her feet, walking
normally, and when she walked into our house here no one would have imagined
that she had been in bed for 8 years.

She looked very good. She was taking 7 drop doses twice a day, and she told me
she intended to continue right on up to 15 drops twice a day. She shook my hand
and gave me a big hug. She said that we could have her records but we didn't have
a place for them. She said that she would keep them and that if anyone ever
wanted to ask her about her experience she would be happy to show them.

She left walking normally without even a limp. The only thing left was that she
still needed to put artificial tears in her eyes from time to time. She had been a law
student in 2000 and she wanted to return to her studies.

So do you see why I called the MMS a Miracle Mineral?

On July 6, I visited Liz Chan who complained of back pain, leg pain, and that she
has not been able to sit down because she gets cramps in her legs. She has had the
cramp problem since she was 18 when she had her tonsils removed. At that time
she began having rheumatoid arthritis and varicose veins. So I decided to give her
six drops with the lime and 3 minutes wait and then a similar dose after one hour.

After the first dose in about 15 minutes her lower back pain went away and she
was able to sit down and stand up with no problem. The next morning she called
and said she had no pain and she was able to sit up with no problem. She was
amazed with the results. On the third day of taking the six drops each night her
varicose veins were still the same size but the pain was gone. She felt a lot of
energy. On August 8 she told me she had lost 10 pounds of weight and on August
9th she got diarrhea for a whole day and I had her take lemon aid and salt to
overcome any dehydration.
On August 10 she went camping and she was able to walk over 4 miles without
pain or tiring. During the process she noticed that the fungus that had been on the
bottom of her foot for over 5 years had disappeared. She also feels that her skin is
in much better condition. Also she has noticed that all cramping before her period
is now gone.

Martha, a lady that owns a small grocery store near my house one morning
complained about a pain in the neck caused by lying wrong. I had her come to my
house and gave her the two six drop doses at one hour between each dose. The
pain in her neck went away on the first dose. Now she keeps a MMS bottle in her
store and treats people in the neighborhood and those who bring products to the

For example, one person who had a tooth ache she had him wash his mouth with
15 drops of MMS, activated with lime, the 3 wait and with water added. The pain
went away immediately. She began treating her mother who suffers from
emphysema. The disease was so bad that the doctors could give her no hope. She
also has rheumatoid arthritis.

When I saw her the first time she was laying with oxygen and not able to move.
On the first dose of 6 drops she vomited white stuff. With the second dose after an
hour she felt OK and went to sleep with no need for oxygen. The next day she felt
so good that she wanted to go outside. She was able to get up from bed with no
help. There was still pain but it was less than 50% of what it was according to her

On the third day it was raining and yet the pain was even less and she was able to
walk around the house with the help of a walker. She takes the 6 drops every night
and now she plans to start increasing the number of drops. It is now 8 days later,
and she has said what she likes about the drops is that they make her vomit a lot of
mucus every other day and that she always feels much better after vomiting. Now
she only uses oxygen now and then. Martha (the daughter) personally takes drops
every time she feels nervous and anxious and that calms her down right away.

My mother suffered from both acid reflux and hemorrhoids which caused her
lower intestines to become inflamed for many years. The first time she took the
MMS she took a full 15 drops with the vinegar instead of lime. She said she felt
nothing from the drops, but the second day she got diarrhea and she took another
15 drops. She vomited for about 3 hours and the only thing she took was lemonade
with salt to hydrate her body. She felt very week. The third day she didn’t take any
drops but she felt good with a lot of energy.

She was afraid to eat, but she did eat a little fruit for breakfast and nothing for
lunch. At dinner she went ahead and had a steak with a lot of salsa. She had no
problem with digestion and she noticed no burning problem. After that she took 6
drops for about 2 months and one day she decided that she needed to clean herself
out. She then went to 10 drops and then to 11 drops and then she began vomiting
bright orange material and she felt weak and remained in bed with diarrhea.

The next day she took 12 drops and after an hour she threw up dark green material
only 4 times that day. Finally the throw up material was orange again and she
began feeling better and had one meal. On the third day she awoke feeling really
great with lots of energy and has been feeling good ever since. She continues to
take the MMS and she has lost 6 pounds so far. Her stomach is much smaller in
size now.

There’s one other case I would like to tell you about. My son, Carlos, who is 12
years old has had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) all of his life. I have always
paid to have him attend special schools. This year the tuition is $2000 US. A cost
not easily obtained in Mexico. The ADD often comes with poor conduct and poor
social abilities. And that was especially in the case with Carlos. It was hard for me,
his mother, to keep him doing his chores.

He did not get along with the other children and he was what I considered a
continuous problem. And then one evening a couple of months ago I started him
off, the same as everyone else, with a 6 drop dose, of course with the lemon juice,
three minute wait and then added juice. He took the second similar dose one hour
later, and has been taking 6 drop doses every evening. After about two weeks his
attitude began to change. He began being nicer to me, and to the other children.
There has been no fighting incidents and Carlos has become a very well behaved
child and seems quite appreciative of other people. He hasn’t started to school yet,
but I am anxious to see how his grades will be.
-- I hope you have as good results as I have had. Clara Beltrones.

I’m an elementary school teacher in Hermosillo Mexico in the state of Sonora. My

name is Clara Beltrones. I first started using the MMS on May 25 of this year
(2007). My youngest daughter’s tonsils became swollen with white spots on them.
I took her to the doctor and he prescribed penicillin and anti-inflammatory drops
which I gave to her when we returned home. Within ½ hour her whole body
started to swell with spots similar to those on her tonsils and she had problems
breathing. I took her back to the same doctor who gave her a shot to bring the
swelling down. I brought her home and in an hour nothing had happened.

So I called Jim Humble and he said give her one drop of MMS and then another
drop an hour later. In the first 15 minutes of the first dose, the swelling of her body
went back to normal. I took her back to the doctor as I wanted him to see what was
going on in her body. The doctor asked what I gave her, because the tonsils were
half way down and the spots were gone. I decided not to say anything to the
doctor. I came back home and gave her the second drop. This happened during the
morning and by that afternoon, she was back to normal except she had a runny
nose. The next day she was completely clear. Even though I saw it work on my
daughter I was still disbelieving of the MMS.

However, on June 17 my aunt Patty Velez and her daughter Patty Souza came to
see me and I thought to give it to them just to try it out. I then gave both of them
six drops of MMS with the necessary lime drops and the 3 minute wait. When they
drank it they both mentioned that they felt tingling in their whole body for about
fifteen minutes. We waited an hour and they took a second dose of 6 drops. At that
time they went home.

The next day I called to find out how they were doing. They pointed out that the
daughter, Patty Souza, had not had her period for six months, plus she had not yet
developed breasts. She had a large chest, but no breasts had shown. Yet, that
morning breasts about the size of a small lime had begun to develop.

At that time I suggested the daughter take another dose on Thursday which was 4
days later. When I called on Thursday she mentioned that her large chest had
formed into full size breasts and she now had her period for the first time in six
months. She now says that she feels less nervous and that she is losing a lot of the
weight that she needs to lose. She was taking pills from a psychiatrist for
depression which she no long feels that she needs to take.

Her mother also experienced change. She said that she felt much energized and
for the first time she was able to sleep through the whole night. She mentioned that
she was taking pills prescribed by a psychiatrist for depression and anxiety and
pills to go to sleep and pills to wake up in the morning. The first night she was
able to sleep and did not take the pills. The second day the back pain and leg pain
that she had been experiencing for many years was gone. She also stopped taking
the pills for depression and anxiety because she no longer needs them. She is a
nurse and understands the need or no need for such pills. It’s now two months later
and both the mother and daughter are still doing well.

A Bad Case of Hepatitis C:

Thank you for the testimonials you keep passing our way. I wanted to tell you a
couple of things. First of all, I got my little brother on the MMS. He had one
month before he saw the doctor regarding his Hepatitis C, but he didn't take the
MMS seriously and didn't really get serious about taking it until I got onto him
pretty bad.

So, just ONE week before seeing the doctor, he got quickly up to 15 drops twice a
day. When he saw the doctor, his doctor told him he was "kicking butt". His
bilirubin was completely normal!!! My brother called and was crying. It was
emotional for all of us. He called three of his sisters and mother and cried with all
of us. He is really sticking with it now, because at the end of November he is
supposed to meet with one other doctor...the one who was to put him on
Chemotherapy to kill the hepatitis C virus.

I'm in all hopes that he will not have to take it. I'm very confident he won't. If it
were me, I wouldn't do it anyway, but most people have the modern medicine
trance. God broke me away from it long ago. I'll let you know just as soon as he
has his next appointment with the other doctor. Again THANK YOU from the
bottom of my heart for turning us on to MMS.
Urinary Tract Infection
When I first got the MMS, I went right up to 15....I wanted to cut a urinary tract
infection I had gotten when going away for the weekend, I didn't eat or drink right
(little water), and some sweets. When I got back, I went right up to 15, and then
the next morning, my urinary tract infection was gone. It was great. But I couldn't
have done it if I hadn't been on a juicing program prior to this time. Even now,
though, the taste is really getting to me. Whew! It was okay at first, but now it's
getting almost unbearable. Not sure what's going on there, but I'm sticking with it
for now.
God bless you Both, Linda Clark QLD
Warts And All!!
Thank you for forwarding this to me. You asked if I had any of my own
testimonials. The successes we've seen so far have been with much smaller things,
but I'll share them with you. My youngest daughter had a large plantar wart on the
sole of her foot, and after treating it with MMS for one week, it turned black and
fell off. We're both delighted!

Also, when the MMS arrived, my eldest daughter had been home on and off, a
fair bit, with nausea and headaches, over the two previous months. After four days
on MMS it cleared up and hasn't been back. And as for me, I've had a very painful
sore in my right ear for over a year now. After one single topical application of the
MMS, it was gone the next morning. Quite unbelievable! So that's really exciting.
Blessings, Laila Qlo.

Chronic asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema in both lungs

Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying life. I would like to share my
testimonial with you if that is OK!
A little background. I have COPD, chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis an
emphysema in both lungs. I have been on oxygen for months and should have
been on it much longer but doctors couldn't seem to agree as to what was wrong. I
was so weak before that to brush my teeth I needed to sit on a bar stool and lean
onto the bathroom counter on my elbows because I didn't have the strength to hold
my body upright to simply brush my teeth.

I downloaded your books on 4/8/2007 and ordered the MMS the same day. I
received the product on 28/8 and began taking it that day. That was on a Tuesday.

By Sunday 1st Sept I felt so good that I went shopping for several hours without
an oxygen tank. By the following week I was totally off the oxygen, even at night
and have been free of the oxygen tubes and tanks ever since.

The MMS has given me back my life. I can vacuum my floors, work in my yard
and cook my meals, now. :-) and I can brush my teeth standing at the bathroom
sink, like everyone else does. This is the best I've felt in years and I'm getting
better everyday.

I wish to thank you for what you have done for me. I have sung your praises all
across the Internet and also to friends and family. Lots of these people have
ordered your books and purchased the product because they have seen the
difference this has made in my life..

Again, thank you. Your product has literally saved my life.

Chronic dandruff all my life
I’ve had chronic dandruff all my life. We are talking big snow flakes type of
dandruff. If I didn’t wash my hair with a strong dandruff shampoo every other day,
the dandruff would reappear a day later. The prescription shampoos didn’t do any
good either. It got so bad that when scratching my scalp, I could actually get a
millimeters worth of dandruff under my fingernails. If I rubbed my scalp and hair
lightly, dry flakes would fall as if it was snowing.

I had tried all sorts of remedies specifically designed to treat this problem without
any success. It is something I had learned to live with all these years. I’m 55 years
old now and still had this problem until recently. Someone mentioned MMS on
one of the forums on line. With that I bought a copy of your book, read about
MMS and actually bought a couple of bottles from your friend in Canada.

Since I didn’t have any particular health problems (or so I thought), I just took it
for maintenance purposes. About 7-10 drops with half a tablespoon of vinegar in
two ounces of water. I repeated this routine once or twice a week.
A few days ago after ingesting the MMS for about two months, I noticed that my
dandruff was completely gone. I purposely skipped two days of shampooing and
scratched my scalp just to test it, but I am happy to say “THE DANDRUFF WAS

As a side note, I’ve also had better bowel movement since.

Thank you, this was a God send.

(Note: I included this story to illustrate the point that most skin diseases, including
melanoma, are over come by taking MMS internally. Normally, one does not need
to put the MMS on the outside. Please don't use vinegar as the activator. Use
instead, lime, lemon, or citric acid solution. Vinegar feeds Candida.)
The stuff in question is 'MMS' or 'Miracle Mineral Supplement' which is a 28%
solution of Sodium Chlorite, which is activated by interaction with acetic acid or
citric acid, then is ingested and becomes Chlorine Dioxide in the body.

This stuff is ENORMOUSLY powerful and unfortunately, can be DANGEROUS

by virtue of the fact that it can strip arterial plaque out so fast that it doesn't allow
any time for healing of those arteries.

How do I know? Because I've done it, and am having heart trouble right now
because of it. This is not a negative post. Before launching into this, do not do so
without getting and reading the second book, where the author does warn about
this very thing. I didn't understand. Now I do.

Before doing this, if you have the slightest notion that you may have any heart
troubles, or even if you're older than 30, build yourself up first with a full range of
L-Ascorbic Acid and natural Vitamin C containing products like Acerola Powder,
and/or eat a lot of citrus fruit if you can handle it, for at least 2 weeks previous to
taking MMS.

Also load yourself with potassium and magnesium first.

Once you start MMS, it *may* destroy Vitamin C in your system, so it may be
best to take MMS only once a day, and take the C products on the other 12 hour
side. C in the morning, MMS at night.

MMS can induce the most extreme of Herxheimer reactions. I have bought
activated charcoal and have Bentonite Clay on hand to deal with the Herx when I
have my next run at MMS, which won't be for another week at least, maybe

Now to the specifics of how MMS can 'cause' heart trouble:

The arteries of the heart, the ones that deliver blood from the heart to the heart,
those arteries collapse with every heartbeat. Without enough vitamin C and
collagen*, they weaken at the stress points. The body packs cholesterol onto these
weak places.

The cholesterol becomes pathogen infested and turns into plaque. Chlorine
Dioxide attacks and strips this plaque, exposing the weakened arterial wall
beneath. Then you have problems. All of this is in book two, but perhaps not
warned about harshly enough.

(*I have just started taking 'Super Collagen' by Neocell, and it also seems to help
my heart.)

In just a very few days, MMS exposed and killed a large infection in my right
sinuses. I knew I had it but I had no idea how truly bad it was until the MMS went
after it.

Don't jump into this with both feet and go splashing around. Don't be stupid like
me, and a few others. MMS is great stuff, but so powerful that you must use
caution with it.

Now, don't anybody get all worried about me. I'm fine. This has been a learning
experience for me and I do believe I'm going to emerge from this even stronger. I
sure am smarter already ;>)
PS- Somebody is going to come back and say 'I'll never take that.' Well, I am
going to take it again. This is in no way to be construed as anti-MMS. It's just a


My wife is doing wonderfully with help of MMS. Her lump on her thyroid is
almost completely gone. She has to practically hurt herself digging into her throat
to even feel it now. We're just about ready to visit our physician for follow up
xrays. If the moderator of this thread will let me, I'll try to post the results of her
tests -- both baseline and resulting. Oh! And my friend's cat, Dublin, with the huge
cancer tumors is gaining weight and moving about again. The tumors are slowly
going away. I can't say this enough, MMS is as it's named, a miracle!
Arthritis Swelling Goes Down With Chlorine Dioxide
My husband had been suffering with a Lyme disease type rheumatoid arthritis for
several years. It kept him from riding motorcycles because you have to grip the
handle bars quite hard with your fingers to hold on.
Will the Arthritis Swelling in the Hands Go Down with MMS?
[link to]
He started taking 1 drop of MMS four times a day. The next day he took 2 drops
four times a day, then 3 drops X four times and by the time he was on the 5th day
-- he was taking 5 drops X four times a day. The swelling in his hands was gone.

What does this mean?

Could it be that littler critters (bacteria, spirochetes) were killed by the immune
system using the Miracle Mineral Supplement?

Does that mean that under arthritis and other joint problems are bacteria and other
micro organisms?
"Everyone who has reported having lupus and also reported taking the MMS has
also reported feeling back to normal. All cases of diabetes that have reported
taking the MMS have also reported doing better, not all cured, but doing better.
Even those with depression have reported feeling better. One child with ADD has
reported all symptoms were gone in two weeks."
I’ve been using MMS for 7 weeks now... Started with one drop daily, currently at
20 drops... I ran into a little nausea at 8 and 11 drops, dropped down a drop for 3
days, then ramped back up....

These are the benefits I recognize so far from MMS.... I had 3 tiny painful sores on
my tongue for about two years now, nothing I nor my doctor did helped... Trust
me, these were very painful, eating spaghetti sauce became a thing of the past....
This past summer, the pain was at it’s worst... I was sure this was some kind of
pathogen, but just couldn’t get rid of it, not in the least, the pain continued to
worsen... When I started MMS, I decided I would take a sip and hold it in my
mouth for a minute or so before swallowing.... I no longer have any sores on my
tongue, the pain is completely gone... The only change in my treatment protocol
was the addition of MMS....

Next and more important, I was dealing with the worst fatigue and brain fog for
the past 6 months. Seven weeks of MMS and now my fatigue and brain fog are
much better.... I can actually do some things again, walking to the mailbox is now
something I can do anytime I wish. Before, most days I couldn’t make that short
walk... I’ve been spending some time working out in my yard, something I haven’t
done in the past 6 months...

I definitely feel there is a benefit for anyone with Lyme disease using MMS... I am
under the care of a few doctors at the Mayo Clinic and just yesterday I had a
physical exam of my thyroid, all was normal... I will test for TSH, T4 and T3 at
the end of the month. But, for what this doctor can tell from all the past TSH tests
done there, this too should be considered normal...

My father-in-law was recommended this product by his naturopath. He was

diagnosed with Sjogren's disease about a year ago and had all the debilitating
symptoms: dry eyes (needed drops every few hours), dry mouth (needed to drink
water with meals/food), and much lower energy level. Since taking MMS for the
last month and a half, he has had an amazing recovery: no longer needs eye drops
at all, sleeps like a baby at night, and has no dry mouth at all. As well, he has
resumed his passion, tennis (at 71 years of age!)
He is taking approximately 20 drops a day, but started out slowly with only 2-4
drops a day. He did experience some nausea at the onset, but as toxins left his
system, those symptoms also left and he feels better than he has in years.

My husband and I have been taking it as well for the last few weeks, and again,
there have been some great developments - my husband's chronic eye problems
(redness, itchiness) have all but disappeared, and he is sleeping more restfully. He,
also, experienced some mild nausea and diarrhea at the onset.

Over a year ago, my wife’s bowels blocked with Diverticulitis. She developed pain
and fever and had to be hospitalized. There was enough of an obstruction that they
could not get the scope past the blockage. She was fortunate enough to have a
doctor that preferred medical treatment instead of surgery. She was treated with
antibiotics and scoped a second time about a week later. Although the blockage
opened up it was not enough to allow the scope to pass. Thus we still do not know
what exactly exists proximal to the blockage. Since that time she has had to be
exceedingly careful of her diet.

About the time we got the MMS three weeks ago, she was having pain and nausea
again in her abdomen but there has been no obstruction. She started with 1 drop
and has steadily been increasing her dosage. She can now tolerate 5 drops, once a
day at night. She has had much diarrhea with the MMS, not a nice thing
considering she must travel to her bookkeeping clients by car. The thing that is
interesting about her stools is the release of blacked pieces of stool in the diarrhea
that look as though they may have come from the diverticulitis. This happened
about 1 1/2 weeks into MMS dosing. At any rate, while not even up to a
therapeutic dose yet, she is now able to eat without nausea and pain and she feels
that her intestinal problem has been abated and she feels relieved. She actually had
a piece of pizza the other day and enjoyed it, even afterwards.

I would like to share with the group my experience taking mms now for 2 weeks
and running. I have leveled off at 3 drops morning and night mixed with ¼
teaspoon vinegar for 3-4 minutes then add 2 oz water.
Much less brain fog during the day and evenings. Feel more alert and
Energy level rising all the time. Used to drag myself out of bed in
Now I seem to bounce out of bed ready to tackle the new day.
Less cravings to overeat.
Complexion improving each day.

No more migraines.
MMS could be called Marvelous Mineral Supplement!
My teeth and gums continue to feel better than they have felt in years. I have a
friend with pyorrhea and recommended she try mms. It would be wonderful if it
would save her teeth. Will report on her progress if I can get her to try it. I have
tried the Beck Protocol and can honestly say that I feel mms seems to deliver what
the Beck Protocol promised. Using the Beck device seemed to control the
migraines I was having, but as soon as I stopped using it the migraines came back
so I don't feel it was really curing the cause of the migraines. The mms seems to
have stopped the migraines by itself

I've been taking mms for about 5+ weeks and my biggest achievement has been a
major clearing of my lungs... i was not even aware that there was any problem
there but the results are awesome. my breathing seems/is much cleaner, deeper and
just feels great. my thinking is that if I'm taking in more oxygen that by itself
should boost my health to some degree.

We have a friend who has been fighting a very nasty cancer for the last 8 years. He
is a health nut and lives such a clean lifestyle. Recently he submitted to pin-point
radiation as a large tumor on his neck was killing him. Then they found a tumor in
his lung which he had removed about 10 weeks ago. Then they found 2 more spots
on his lung. He has refused anymore scans as he will not be doing chemo or
anymore medical treatment. He has been on MMS for a few weeks and is looking
and feeling so much better.

He had some Live blood analysis done and previously the blood showed, worms,
fibrin and very unhealthy looking blood cells which were clotting up. Since using
MMS the blood looks clear of worms, the cells look plump, healthy & normal. He
didn't know if these tests were accurate, so had it done by 3 different practitioners.
They all got the same results. One of his other cancer friends was given 2 weeks to
live, has been on the MMS for a few weeks and has gone from bed-ridden to back
to driving her car!

So, it sounds very exciting. One thing I can definitely say I have cured is an
aggressive wart. My granddaughter had a bad case of warts and was using an over
the counter freezing device. I told her,after doing research, to be careful not to
spread the virus as it is very contagious but she is stubborn and careless. I started
getting this wart on my forearm. It grew very fast and also, weirdly, itched on and
around the site. I had tried many things but nothing was working, including
colloidal silver. The MMS started to work right away and the wart is all but gone.

Staph Infection
The MMS itself sure acts fast. I started taking it because I felt really bad with
what I thought was some sort of infection in my uterus or ovary and couldn’t get a
straight answer or fast attention from my doctor.

I started with the regular protocol and reached six drops in a couple days, The
awful pressure in my belly, of whatever infection I had, went away right away
when I started taking MMS, but I was weak and I had to reduce the dose to two
drops a day for a month or so. I progressively started feeling better and better. I
was only taking the two drops at night and colloidal silver three times a day and
black cumin seed oil. Nothing else.

Then I got a doctor at the regional clinic reporting that I had a staph infection on
my face (chin). The doctor was freaked out and wanted to inject me with
antibiotics and put me under two more at home and have me go next day for check
up. He saw in my report that I was taking colloidal silver, MMS, and the oil. He
said that this was no time to mess around - that this was serious, and all the usual
scare tactics.

This kind of doctor makes me lose my temper, usually, but this time I just
requested that he didn’t use the injected antibiotics and that I’d purchase the

I went home, I did purchase the prescription antibiotics, but I never took them. I
soaked my chin in MMS solution instead and increased my dose to 10 drops. In
two days my infection produced a "head" and in 5 days it was gone. Five days for
the dreaded staph infection, not bad huh?

I’m still thinking about going back there and have a little discussion with the
doctors especially if they are having problems eradicating these kind of
infections… but one thing at a time, I guess.

I’m still taking the MMS, I haven’t quite reached the 15 drop level but I’m fine
with no nausea at the 10 drop… I’ll get there, I’m in no hurry.

I have more energy that I’ve had in years and I’m recommending to all my friends
who are a little skeptical but have a tool in their hands that I know they’ll use if
when they are ready. As a side effect, I stopped smoking and I’m very interested in
macrobiotics, all of a sudden, go figure!
Editor’s Comment: Take note of the Staph infection recovery. A number of
persons have reported the same frantic alarm when doctors state that a Staph
infection has to be dealt with. Actually that is good advice for those who don’t
know about MMS. Strangely most hospitals refuse to use ClO2 to cleanse their
buildings of Staph. ClO2 is used to clear stomach viruses from cruise ships,and to
clear government offices of Anthrax, but despite clear evidence that CLO2 kills
Staph germs, most hospitals fail to use ClO2 or to prescribe it. The lady above
knew what to do. We should each take responsibility for our health where possible.
With MMS properly used, we all can avoid many illnesses because most are
caused by external pathogens that enter the body.

Dr. Lias, Anita Here: I just want to let you know again that my blood sugar is
unbelievably low for me. I never did have diarrhea or nausea after starting with
MMS on May 17, 2008. But within four hours my blood sugar plummeted to 84
after the first MMS dose. It had been extremely high that day because I left off my
diabetic medication that day just to determine if the MMS was going to have any
effect. Twenty years of diabetic medicines never brought the blood sugar down to
what it should be.

Since starting with MMS I have not taken any of the diabetic medicines. Within
the past two weeks, for the first time I have had a bout of diarrhea that I expected
long ago. It lasted four days. No nausea; just diarrhea. WELL…….to my surprise
my blood sugar has stayed between 84 and the low 100’s. I have no idea why the
diarrhea was so long in coming but evidently something got cleaned out.

Thinking back through my life, I have had some very serious illnesses. At the age
of three I was diagnosed with diphtheria. They determined I was a carrier of the
bacteria so they proceeded to do a tonsillectomy when I recovered from the

At around 21 years of age, I had Hepatitis. I was very sick for some time. It was
not what they called "yellow jaundice" but a more serious "black jaundice" which
I believe was a larger bacillus.

When my child was born I had two bouts with breast abscesses. At the age of 29, I
started to work as a histology technician in a hospital laboratory and contracted
Fried landers pneumonia which, at that time, was almost always fatal in humans.
Then the bladder infections started. I now know that this was from too many
antibiotics that killed off the good bacteria in my gut and let the yeast (candida)
take over, thus causing bladder infections and the compromised immune system
which leads to many illnesses.

I also had many bouts with strep throat infections with very high fever. In 1978,
again working as a histology technician, I became sensitized to formaldehyde. My
hands were almost completely denuded of any skin and oozing bloody serum. I
still have problems with them.

This is all to say that I have had far too many antibiotics and steroids. That is all
the doctors knew to do for me. I finally started investigating the nutritional aspect
of healing the body and thank God I found relief.

My immune system is strong now and I’m am in good health at age 80, thanks to
MMS and nutritional supplements. I will forever thank God for giving Jim
Humble the inquiring mind that he has to research and develop the MMS product.
Jim Humble provided the MMS and God did the healing.
Anita, dated November 24, 2008

Editor’s Comment: For reasons unknown, MMS reduces inflammation and

swelling. Many people report their blood sugar levels being brought back into the
"normal" range when starting with MMS. In this case, Anita’s pancreas may have
been inflamed or stressed for 20 years, but the inflammation was reduced by
MMS, enabling insulin to be produced in more normal rhythms.

Actually, most swelling or inflammation is the result of some bacteria or germ

that is harming one gland or another. So when that pathogen is killed and
eliminated, the gland comes back to a more normal operation.

Also there are many individuals who report that many years of their life were
handicapped by illness and disease. Then in old age, discovering the benefits of
MMS, they coast forward disease free and in the best health of their life. Anita
calls in often with reports about her unexpected good health. She stays on a
maintenance mode of 10 drops three times per week, plus more when she senses
the need for more protection.

Hi Jim, and thanks for the very interesting and important information. A friend of
mine was given MMS to help him with a serious infection in his mouth.

I saw first hand the severity of this infection. In fact, it probably would have gotten
worse because of the fact that he did not have the money to go to the doctor

for the prescription. I know he took 15 drop dosages for two days and by the third
day there was absolutely no sign there was even an infection. I was amazed.

I then asked him if this MMS would help my body relieve the gout. He was not
sure and said lets try it out.

I was in much pain and could barely walk with swelling in my right ankle and
knee. With an attack like this it usually takes a month or two before I’m moving
around normally.

I took a 15 drop dosage, within a half hour I could feel tingling in my ankle and
knee. There was a bit of physical relief a few hours later. I repeated the 15 drop
dosage the next day, also this day I was getting around quite well but still had
stiffness and swelling.

By the third day I woke up to no swelling and walked about without any pain
whatsoever. So now if nobody before me has tried MMS for the gout, I can say
without a doubt, it cleared up the condition I had and I know it will keep it in
check with supplementary dosages that I’m now taking. So thank you very, very
much for all you have done with this MMS project.
Signed, Paul
Jim’s Comment: Please, don’t take 15 drops when starting out. Most people
get very sick from 15 drops at first.

On June 26 my daughter Alejandra age 5 woke up very swollen in her entire body.
She could hardly see out of her eyes.

She had a pain on her lower right side of her stomach and she was throwing up
because of the extreme pain. I took her to the emergency room and they admitted
her and did a blood test, urine test, and X-rays and all came out positive for acute

They began to program her for an operation immediately as an emergency. I

decided to see about having her operation at a local private hospital. They started
doing the paperwork for the transfer. In the meantime she was in observation. I
went to the car, got my bottle of MMS and a lime that I had thought to bring in the
car in case I might need it, and prepared her a 6 drop dose. I had her drink it like
she was drinking a glass of water.

The doctor noticed that the swelling on her body began to reduce and the pain was
almost gone in about 20 minutes. So they kept her in observation and after 3 hours
of paper work and observation there was no longer any swelling or pain.

So the doctor asked me if I gave her anything and I said nothing. He asked several
times but knowing doctors I decided it best to say nothing. The doctor decided to
have another set of tests. The blood test, urine test, and the X-rays all came out
negative for appendicitis.
I asked for the results of the tests, but the doctor would only allow me to have the
second set of tests which I now have at home. When we came home she had a
severe pain in her stomach and she ran to the restroom and had much water and
green stuff come out. That was the end of it. I did not give her second dose.

MMS Diary
I started taking it Christmas of 2007 and within hours my sinuses opened up on
both sides of my head and both sides had not been open for many years. My
Wheezing from smoking all those years stopped in 2 days. My mild arthritis went
away. My age spots on my hands have been fading away, and my circulation on
my hands and feet seem to be improving as well. I think my eyesight is getting
better as well (but that is just subjective). I have increase stamina in what ever I

I am approaching my 2 week period. I notice that I usually have some mild

symptom like itching or a small tweak of a pain, a sneezing spell, a loose stool, a
bit of nausea that last for a few minutes, or a bit of a productive cough, just before
some other condition starts getting better. They have a fancy name for this (Hertz-
heimer Reaction but it is also know as a "Healing Crisis") but it is your body
getting rid of pathogens or toxins that have been making your symptoms.

Week 3
I started the week at about 8 or 9 drops one time a day. At the beginning of the
week I started having a pain just to the left of where my aorta came out of my
heart on the Chest and then a pain at the back of my left shoulder blade on the
back. this lasted for about 24 to 36 hours and then I coughed up something and the
pain went away in both places and my breathing even got better.

My Wife said she was starting it also. 2 days later I asked her what dose she was
doing and she said 6 drops. and after discussion with her she was going up one
drop with every dose 2 times a day. By that time I was on 10 drops and decided to
go to a 2 times a day dosage as well, but kept my rate of increase to 1 drop per
day. a day or so after the chest pain I noticed that I was having similar pain just
under my collar bone area on both sides. we got to a point that the taste was really
getting to us as she was up to 8 drops and I was at 12 drops so we had some 100%
grape juice that we started drinking right after taking the MMS.
For 2 days I increased my dose to 13 drops and then 14 drops with no side effects.
Then I noticed that the Grape juice had 20% Vitamin C of your RDA in it and I
wondered if that might be affecting the action of the MMS. I dropped back to 13
drops twice a day and left off the grape juice. After the 3rd dose at this area I
notice bloating and many rumblings in my abdomen and then experienced 6 to 8
hours of diarrhea. During this time I had some spells of going every 5 minutes for
3 to 4 times. Somewhere in all this my chest seems completely clear and no more
pains. I also noticed on Saturday during the diarrhea that my kidneys were aching.
I hope this means that the MMS is going after them as well. I noticed that all my
hangnails were gone; my age spots on my hands are almost all completely gone.

I skipped my next 2 doses because of the diarrhea and Church Functions and
started back last night at 10 drops. Today ending my 3rd week I noticed that the
spider-veins on my face and legs are really going away and the dark spots thathave
been on my legs and feet are over 75% gone or greatly reduced. It looks to me like
the old subcutaneous fat that is supposed to be over your bones (Shin areas) is
coming back also as the circulation in those areas are being restored. I see that the
treatment is clearing out all the skin lesions and "undiagnosed areas of

Today I did finally see some of those little white Rice size "Possible Parasites" in
my stool. Get those buggers out of me!!! LOL
A Retired OB/Gyn Medical Doctor

Prostate Cancer
Hi Chris,
Thanks, I just ordered 3 bottles. My husband has been using MMS for 3 months.
He had a PSA reading of 9.2 and after 3 months using 15 drops 3 times a day he is
down to 6.2!

He has been following a good diet of no dairy or sugar and eating 30 apricot
kernels a day, so we cannot say that it was only MMS but we believe that it was.
You can tell others this if you like. Anyone with prostate cancer would be

Marjorie Tabulam NSW 5/02/2008

Irregular and Elevated Heart Rate

I'm 75 and have been into alternative health for over 35 years. Since age 18-20
I've had an intermittent problem with irregular and elevated heart rate. Many
things triggered the condition; Caffeine, stress, exercise...It was always close to
acting up. I know my stuff and tried a lot of things with no lasting success. On the
fifth day of MMS I took my blood pressure.

As usual, it was normal or a bit low. The surprise was the heart rate, which read
60!!! I felt the pulse and it was firm and rock steady. I attend a gym and often
had, "After workout" problems; High, irregular, pulse with a light-headed feeling.
I've exercised since and the problem seems to have cleared. I have more energy,
the heart rate goes higher than it did (Good) and I sweat more (Good). As soon as

I stop there is steady recovery to resting heart rate. For me, this is close to a
miracle. Jim: Use the above as a testimonial, if you wish. Book 1 showed
incidents of general apathy toward Africa. Terrible! I support your mission,

Carl Linder lindert(AT)

A friend first brought up drinking sodium chlorite in liters of water, mixed with
“greens” (grass powder/veggie powder) about 4 years ago. (Sodium chlorite is the
active ingredient in MMS). She kept mentioning it over and over to me, telling me
how much it had helped her, and many, many others she knew.

I was pretty conservative, ate a SAD diet, and had very little experience with any
holistic therapies. But, she was so enthusiastic, and she was a good friend, so I
tried a liter with the drops and greens in it. (this was 5% sodium chlorite, so about
1/5 the strength of MMS).

Within the first hour of sipping this, I felt “high” … I was at work at the
firehouse, so this was not the best place to feel this way, lol … I called up Darlene
(my friend) and at first she couldn't believe it, but I described the way I felt and
she agreed, yup, I was probably stoned.

We figured out, after thinking things over, that I had taken some anti-depressants
and some anxiety meds about 8 to 12 mos before, and what had probably
happened was a release/detox of stored meds from that prior time period … so I
had a REALLY nice, euphoric first two hours drinking NaClO2.

After that, I began to feel incredibly more energetic, and I started to drop weight. I
became so convinced so early about this combination that I continued to drink
liters of water with these 5% NaClO2 drops, mixed with about a teaspoon of dry
grass powder/veggie powder, about 4 -5 of these per day.

The more I drank, the more weight I lost, and the more my appetite/desires shifted
to eat the healthy food that was being recommended to me (”alkaline diet”). It is
almost as though the more pure my body became, the more I wanted to eat whole
foods, green foods, etc….

In the first 4 months I noticed the following benefits: - I lost 40lbs (although I had
NOT been trying to lose weight)

I began to look a LOT younger … I was 39 then … most people

would guess I was 28 – 29 My eyes brightened a TON … they went from tired and
dull, to bright green … for the first time in my life, people would comment about
my eyes…lol

Little skin problems cleared up … itchiness, skin health, etc…

My dandruff disappeared and my scalp stopped itching. I finally slept soundly; I
had always awoken tired, and would have trouble waking up even by 7 or 8 in the
morning; now, I could go to bed at 11pm, and I would ALWAYS pop awake at
4:30 or 5am, ready to go, and not be tired again until the next night.
My snoring/sleep apnea just WENT away … I had been tested in a hospital sleep
study center, and I would stop breathing about 30 times per hour.My allergies
(seasonal, food, environmental) just WENT away … after years of suffering, and
trying every OTC med known to man.

My STRONG desires for sweets/carbs just WENT away (and when I say desires
here, I mean pure LUST)

My mind cleared up … for the first time really since high school I felt like I had
my brain back … it was wonderful; I started writing again, poetry and stories, I
started studying new subjects, etc…

My energy level and my stamina continued to skyrocket … I would take my

soccer ball down to the park, in the 98 degree heat of July, and play with the 16
year old soccer players until they wore out. Then I would go for a run.

My patience, tolerance and love for others increased. It was INCREDIBLE. I

remember telling friends after about 4 mos. (in all humility, lol) that I felt like I
could bend steel with my bare hands. And the energy, the strength, the endurance,
and clarity of thought and expression all felt holistic, natural and good. I'm sure
there were many more things … it is difficult to recall it all…but I remember that
it basically gave me my life back.

I hope this helps; maybe I will post it again.

Please take care,

Cancerous Bowel and Prostate Cancer

My son introduced a friend (55 y.o.) to MMS - he has an hereditary cancerous
bowel condition requiring 6 monthly colonoscopies and diathermy of cancerous
polyps (up to 40 each time), and after 3 weeks of MMS (as per protocol) his doctor
has declared him to have a “clean bowel” and doesn’t need to see him for at least 2

The same man also had a PSA reading which has increased sharply over the past
12 months, up to the point of recently being scheduled in for surgery for prostate
cancer, something he did NOT want to do.

After 10 days of MMS, his reading has come down into the normal range, and so
amazed his doctor, the doctor has demanded to see all the literature he has on
MMS! The patient, of course, is very happy that he didn’t need the operation after
the MMS

The Way Things Are &
Why They're That Way
How Do We Know Drugs Are Safe?
The FDA Road Show
Guinea Pig Society
God's Honest Statistics

A Reason To Take Responsibility For Your Own Health

The purpose for this chapter is not to trash the AMA or the FDA.
They do a pretty good job of that all by themselves if someone’s
paying attention, or takes the time to look at their history. The
purpose of this chapter is the same as all of the others, which is to try
and inspire you to take responsibility for “your” own health!

Modern medicine is besieged with a nightmare of difficulties,

primarily due to a one hundred year practice of being manipulated by
big business. At the forefront of this dilemma are the pharmaceutical
giants. Add in the companies that produce medical equipment, and
soup it all together with the physicians, the nurses, the …? Well the
list just goes on and on.

Clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices, are everywhere. Even

economically experts have predicted, if something doesn’t drastically
change in the next few decades, our entire economy will crash from
the burden of this “failed” system.

In other words if the present trends are not seriously altered, a

huge portion of the gross national product will be consumed by
medical cost alone.

The focus of this chapter however is to prove the warnings and

criticisms of conventional medical treatment found in this book, are
indeed valid and verifiable. One obvious way to accomplish that, is by
reviewing the data gathered by experts in the same field.
You know? There is nothing I wouldn't give for the situation to be
“anything” other, than the way it is. I know it's not “technically” the
doctors fault, but they are the front line perpetrators, although
typically, they're just as ignorant as their desperately willing victim's.

If your not totally outraged by the following information, at the

least, be very afraid. Do not let yourself or loved ones, become a victim
of this tragically “alarming” situation.

Shocking statistical evidence is cited by Gary Null PhD, Caroly Dean MD ND,
Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD and Dorothy Smith PhD in their paper
Death by Medicine - October 2003, released by the Nutrition Institute of America.

"A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and
government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more
harm than good. The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions
(ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in
1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral
infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now refers to tens of millions of
unnecessary antibiotics. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical
procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number of people exposed to
unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. The total number of iatrogenic
deaths shown in the following table is 783,936. It is evident that the American
medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.”

The 2008 heart disease annual death rate was 652,091 - the yearly
cancer death rate – 559,312. It can only be seen as mind numbing,
when you really try to get a handle on these types of statistics.

The medical community is forced to concede to almost eight

hundred thousand deaths, caused as a direct result of their own
“treatments.” That’s what the word iatrogenic means, “A condition
caused as a direct result of an action performed by a physician.”

It doesn’t just refer to surgery. It could be from a prescription. It

doesn’t just refer to a doctor. It can be from a nurse, or a radiation
technician. Let us not forget those highly insured anesthesiologist.

And just take a look at the injuries! Unnecessary medical and

surgical procedures – seven and a half million! Unnecessary
hospitalizations – almost nine million! Are most of these people being
counted twice? No matter, it’s still unbelievable!

That’s each and every year! Those figures were for 2001, and as
we know the baby boomer generation is just starting to really need old
age attention. Unfortunately it's going to provide a very fertile feeding
ground, for the future of medical boo boo’s!

Death By Medicine goes on to explain some reasons for such

dangerous results, from what should be the most premier medical
treatment in the world. First of all, health care spending cost 1.6
trillion dollars in 2003. That's a whopping 14% of the gross national
budget. Their paper states that,

“Considering this enormous expenditure, we should have the best

medicine in the world. We should be preventing and reversing disease,
and doing minimal harm. Careful and objective review, however, shows we
are doing the opposite. Because of the extraordinarily narrow,
technologically driven context in which contemporary medicine examines
the human condition, we are completely missing the larger picture.”

“Medicine is not taking into consideration the following critically important

aspects of a healthy human organism: (a) stress and how it adversely
affects the immune system and life processes; (b) insufficient exercise; (c)
excessive caloric intake; (d) highly processed and denatured foods grown
in denatured and chemically damaged soil; and (e) exposure to tens of
thousands of environmental toxins.”

“Instead of minimizing these disease-causing factors, we cause more

illness through medical technology, diagnostic testing, overuse of medical
and surgical procedures, and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs. The huge
disservice of this therapeutic strategy is the result of little effort or money
being spent on preventing disease.”

As unbelievable as 783,936 iatrogenic deaths may sound, they

also point out the fact that, “As few as 5% and no more than 20% of
iatrogenic acts, are ever reported.”

I mean think about it, not many doctors are even willing to admit
it to themselves, much less to some deceased patients loved ones – they
committed some fatal blunder that just killed their family member.

It would take a bigger man than most to say, “Sorry about that.
Sure won’t make that mistake again! Yeah, I really learned my lesson
with that one.” This information goes beyond depressing, it’s
frightening. And there they lie. Dead! Millions. Yearly!

I’ve always known I didn’t trust doctors, even my eighty year old
East Texas grand parents told me,”Boy, if you wanta be sick, then start
goin to see doctor’s!” That's what they had deduced from just making
a personal observation of all the people they had ever known in their
lives, who started going to see doctors for their “health.”

This is what these researchers concluded from their very diligent

and qualified research. “What we must deduce from this report is that
medicine is in need of complete and total reform—from the curriculum in
medical schools to protecting patients from excessive medical intervention.
It is obvious that we cannot change anything if we are not honest about
what needs to be changed. This report simply shows the degree to which
change is required.”

“We are fully aware of what stands in the way of change: powerful
pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, along with other
powerful groups with enormous vested interests in the business of
medicine. They fund medical research, support medical schools and
hospitals, and advertise in medical journals. With deep pockets, they entice
scientists and academics to support their efforts. Such funding can sway
the balance of opinion from professional caution to uncritical acceptance of
new therapies and drugs. You have only to look at the people who make
up the hospital, medical, and government health advisory boards to see
conflicts of interest. The public is mostly unaware of these interlocking

If as few as five and no more than twenty percent of all iatrogenic

acts are ever reported one has to wonder what the actual death toll
might be? Double? That would be over a million and a half.

Triple would make it just a hundred thousand shy of two and a

half million! A year? How long did it take the Nazis to kill eight
million Jews? Three or four years? Hmmm...?

Can someone say “whoops!” How about, “Were so sorry!” Oh,

here’s a classic one they usually manage to skate by with. “These
things happen.” Millions – each and every year!

The population of a mega-major city. It would be like saying,”Oh

remember the year that terrorist bio-weapon wiped out half of LA?”
Or Chicago!

“How many years has it been since San Francisco got wiped out by
those terrorist bio-bombs?” Or San Diego, or Detroit. Take your pick!
And this is every year! When you adjust the statistics and account for
all of the unreported iatrogenic deaths, that’s what they reveal!
It goes without saying that no doctor is going to admit to killing
a patient, unless they have to. That puts the statistics for “death by
doctor” at more than double those of heart disease and cancer, added

That’s with out considering the fact most of the deaths from
disease, are unnecessary as well. Disease shouldn’t be big business, it
should be non existent.
Old age and accidents. Those should be the only causes of death.
These figures we've been hearing are not worldwide mind you,
they're just strictly from the good old USA. But wouldn't you just
know it, our brand of medicine is proudly practiced all over the

We would all like to think that in matters of life and death, women
and children, the finer sentiments of humanity would always prevail.
We would like to think everyone is the same as we are, and would
never value any amount of money over human life. Well the history of
modern medicine does not appear to share those same sentiments.

Not to try and point the finger at the health professionals

themselves, as if to accuse them of being some sort of evil
conspiratorial predators. They are typically just as brain washed as
the general public. The root cause of this dilemma is a very easy
concept to grasp however, and it is, money and power.

The pharmaceutical industry in and of itself, is a trillion dollar a

year business. Drugs are a huge business concern, and the drug
companies and related financial interests have directed all of the
research in the field of “medicine,” for a very long time.
The same interest also fund the major medical schools, and have
a stronghold on all of the appropriate branches of government.

Research is only conducted in areas that can produce patentable

drug products, which are then transformed into shamefully high
profits for the drug companies. Cures are not a particularly sought
after commodity, as they are definitely not “good” for business.
What drug dealer opens up a string of rehabs? In particular
natural cures are never researched as they are “not” patentable, and
besides being actual cures, are relatively inexpensive.

In fact the pharmaceutical drug cartels do everything within

their power to not only attack and ridicule alternative practitioners
and their methods, but also to influence legislation against them,
under the ironically ludicrous banner of public safety.

Honest research is not what actually goes on in modern medicine

as it is only directed toward what is profitable, be it either drugs, or
something in the realm of radiation or surgery.

Big business has gifted our society with this quagmire, and has
successfully limited any true research for over a century. This
situation influences the total mind set of the doctors and nurses from
the very beginning of their education, and throughout the life of their

Take the situation with doctors and medical training, and

combine all of the strong governmental constraints, and you begin to
get an understanding of “why things are the way they are,” and how
they’re not going to change any time soon.
The FDA immediately comes to mind when on the topic of drugs
and governmental control, although they are just one aspect of this
complex machine.

As a matter of fact the shameless pharmaceutical cartels have the

largest lobby in Washington, with two lobbyist for each senator and
each congressman. Just as they “encourage” every doctor with
exorbitant “gifts” for promoting and prescribing new drugs, they
make congressmen and senators lives much more glamorous, with
good will gestures such as lavish parties and frequent loans of
corporate jets.

Also let us not forget the constant flow of campaign contributions.

Basically, any possible way they can influence our lawmakers
“legally” to facilitate their multi-faceted agendas, they will.

The FDA was originally intended to be the ultimate safeguard of

the general public. But, just as entire countries have been more or less
purchased by the cartels of illegal drugs, a similar situation has
developed within our own country based on the manufacture and sale
of pharmaceutical drugs.

Sure they’re not as obvious in their methods of murder and

intimidation, but the actual financial statistics, and the numbers of
deaths are incomparably larger.

Typically the illegal drug cartels methods are much more direct,
and honest in their approach. They might seem more violent and
bloody, but look at the numbers! Take the Vioxx statistics alone. In just
a few years, 60,000 killed and 160,000 injured! The Vietnam war, in
over fifteen years of conflict, saw less killed and wounded!

That’s just one of many situations where our government not

only failed to protect us from the drug cartels, but embraced, and
enabled them. The FDA constantly yields to the financial interests of
the major drug companies, at the expense of public safety.

Prominent employees of major drug companies are continuously

rotated from upper level positions within their companies, to the
board of the FDA, and back again. Just another shamelessly blatant
method the medical monopolies use to promote, and protect their

There’s not one decision that the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the American
Medical Association (AMA) makes in regard to the drug industry, that
doesn’t result in the loss or profit of billions of dollars.

The upper management of each of these organizations

integration with the drug industry produces such blatant conflicts of
interest, one wonders how it could have ever been allowed, much less
how it casually continues.

Every year the pharmaceutical drug industry has several drugs

recalled because of complications and deaths, “after going on the
market.” Although hundreds of thousands have been killed from
recalled drugs, the very organizations intended to protect the public
from such dangers, “seldom say or do anything.”

Instead, they divert huge amounts of public resources toward

their “ever increasing” campaign, to suppress the nutrient industry.

On the pretense of protecting public safety, they harass and

prosecute nutrient companies who promote and sell a product, that
has never been reported to have produced a “single” fatality.

How Do We Know Drugs Are Safe?

One aspect of scientific medicine the public takes for granted is
the testing of new drugs. New drugs are typically tested on
individuals who are some what healthy, and not taking any other
medications that might interfere with the test results.

However when these new drugs are declared “safe” and enter
the drug prescription books, obviously they are going to be taken by
people who are on a lot of other medications, and who have a variety
of other health problems. Then the next phase of drug testing called
“post-approval” begins, which is the documentation of side effects
once a drug hits the market.

Can someone say, ”Guinea Pig?” If you were to view iatrogenic

deaths as a symptom, perhaps this might be seen as a cause. In one
very revealing report, the federal government's General Accounting
Office "found that of the 198 drugs approved by the FDA between
1976 and 1985... 102 (or 51.5%) had serious post approval risks...?

“The serious post-approval risks (included) heart failure,

myocardial infarction, anaphylaxic shock, respiratory depression and
arrest, seizures, kidney and liver failure, severe blood disorders, birth
defects, fetal toxicity, and blindness."

Hard to imagine isn't it? Oh no big deal, just a little kidney and
liver failure! Oh just some seizures and blindness. A few tiny little
heart failures? Anaphylaxic shock, respiratory depression and arrest?
No sweat! Birth defects and fetal toxicity? Ha! Why all the fuss? It was
only fifty percent of the time. “But we're doctors. We're saving lives!”

From the back of a bottle of ephedra: An OTC Drug.

Warning: Ephedra contains naturally occurring ephedrine. Do not
take if you are pregnant or nursing, if you have heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure, depression or other psychiatric
condition, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating, prostate enlargement or
seizure disorder….Stop use and call a health care professional
immediately if dizziness, severe headache, rapid and/or irregular
heart beat, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, tremor,
nervousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, noticeable changes in
behavior or loss of consciousness occur.
Ephedra cures what? Oh that's right it “cures” symptoms.
(supposedly) Not any disease.
It kind of reminds you of the last half of those drug commercials
on TV huh? Half of the add is about how wonderful the benefits are
supposed to be, and the other half is precautions and warnings.

“It is a terrible thing that we cannot really trust the National Cancer
Institute or the FDA“
Senator Paul Douglas

“The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting
them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s
doing are as different as night and day.”

Herbert Lay, M.D. former FDA Commissioner

I just don’t know what to say when it comes to the
pharmaceutical giants, and our government officials and politicians.
Our safety, our very lives, and those of the ones we love, when it
comes to medicine, are obviously up for sale. Sure no one pulls a
trigger and from their angle I’m sure they just see it as good business,
but please?

And it’s never exactly like suitcases of pay off, but hundreds and
hundreds of millions of dollars are flying from the drug companies to
the “obviously perfect” influential parties, just the same.

It’s not like the money’s going to the widow’s or orphan’s

division of the “Victims of Pharmaceutical Medicine Fund.” Much of
their buying of influence is camouflaged. One favored technique is to
deal out high paying powerful positions, in place of currency.

Major players in the FDA go straight from their position policing

drug companies, to top positions in the “same companies.” It’s
comparable to upper management FBI agents retiring, and going to
work for the Mafia. Seriously it’s that blatant, and extremely
widespread. Huge contributions to campaign funds are simply
another day at the office, for the pharmaceutical companies.

As I said, what can I say? There’s so much of this stuff going on!
One has to ask oneself, why would a major publicly traded company,
pass out huge amounts of their profits for nothing? Oh yeah they're all
a bunch of good Samaritans, I forgot! It's all for the benefit of the

What it all translates to be is millions spent on free trips for FDA

officials and politicians, with major job positions for former FDA
employees and politicians. Also hundreds of millions spent on
“lobbying” and campaign contributions. Just one big happy family!

The medical monopolies get billions in “consideration” from

government, with no direct connection made between the two. They
get major legislation “drafted and passed” in their favor, to facilitate
the extensive agenda's of “Big Pharma,” and what do the American
people get?
Continued phased protection from “dangerous and deadly,”
questionably tested drugs. Assuring the drug cartels continued free rein
to amass huge profits from an unsuspecting public, with complete
cooperation from “our” government.

What “cooperation” translates to mean, among other things, is

full permission and support to pedal their often deadly product,
which comes with only one guarantee. That being, a government
regulated and enforced price on pharmaceuticals, which is by far the
highest on the planet!

It’s one big machine starting from the drug companies, to their
armies of picture perfect drop dead gorgeous sales girls, who
continually besiege the doctors offices pulling behind them, designer
suitcases full of free drug samples.

Next time your at the doctors office look around, you’ll see at
least one of them either coming “out,” or in the waiting room, trying
to catch a few minutes with your doctor.

No doubt there’s plenty of backup done by phone, and over

dinner or lunch, with the “girls” or higher up pharmaceutical sales
representatives. All to coordinate the latest drug “promotion” with
the doctors, who in turn, solicit and prescribe the “latest” drugs, to
their faithful, unsuspecting, more often than not, “elderly” patients.

Drugs that as you will read, are actually field tested on the
general population. The general, already “medicated,” population!
Our grand parents and our parents, our children and ourselves!
If you have time, or the inclination, read some of these unbelievable
statistics on the AMA certified medical care, we’re so proud of. Or
take the time to educate yourself on the history and current practices
of the FDA.

Someone should have to shoulder some blame, and a whole world

of shame. I suppose the anonymous and diverse manner in which it’s
all perpetrated, and the way it's disguised as being dedicated to the
cause of “health” and “saving lives,” protects any one person from
receiving their more than deserved, conspiratorial “credit.”

Unfortunately the numbers don’t lie, and they are truly shocking.
This is not just some minor political manipulation either. For example,
look at a few of the major laws the medical monopolies shoved
through the system. For one there’s the Medicare Modernization Act
of 2003, passed by Congress and signed by President George W. Bush.

In that year the pharmaceutical industry spent nearly a $116

million lobbying the government for what became a taxpayer funded,
prescription drug benefit for senior citizens. The following year drug
makers raised expenditures to $123 million. Of the 1,291 lobbyist
representing pharmaceutical corporations that year, some 52 percent
were former federal officials. Anyone ever heard of the word graft?
Besides the obvious advantages of the law itself, the industry
lobbied for, and received a provision placed in it, that barred
government programs such as Medicare from negotiating for lower

That one provision alone guarantees the drug companies at least

eight years of fixed, increased revenues. Let us never forget these
“revenues” are always involving billions of dollars. Medicare alone
provides health insurance for over forty million people.

Critics charge that the prescription drug benefit will transfer

wealth from taxpayers, who provide every bit of the funding for
Medicare, to pharmaceutical firms. According to a study done in
October 2003 by Boston University professors Alan Sager and
Deborah Socolar, 61 percent of Medicare money spent on prescription
drugs, will become profit for drug companies. Drug-makers will
receive $139 billion in increased profits over eight years, the study

The Medicare prescription drug benefit started in 2006. That’s a

hundred and thirty nine thousand million! Extra profit! But, that is
spread out over eight years. Which would make it only twenty
something billion extra a year.

Still not bad considering it is guaranteed profit, straight from the

taxpayer’s pocket to the drug companies. Kinda makes you feel like
singing, “God Bless America,” don't it?

Of course we shouldn't forget, some of that profit will have to go

toward settling lawsuits to people that are injured, or to the families of
those killed, from their field tested products. Hmmm...?
But don't feel too sorry for Big Pharma though, because that’s
another angle they play quite expertly. Keeping prices “high” to
compensate for their more than dubious, “off the cuff” expenses.

Many experts blame the industry's clout with Congress and the
executive branch, for the high price of drugs. While many
governments worldwide have regulated drug prices, the industry itself
has been able to block several measures aimed at controlling prices in
the United States.

Two such laws that gave the pharmaceutical industry

considerable more leverage are the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of
1992, which accelerated the new-drug approval process, and the FDA
Modernization Act of 1997, which restructured the entire agency.

If you ever had any doubts about whether the drug companies
are all that concerned at protecting public safety, just look at what
they focus on passing through the legislature. Quick and easy drug
approval! Who needs lab testing when there are so many ready,
willing, and able, genuine customers you can, “field test?”

"[The FDA Modernization Act] was a bundle of gifts to the

pharmaceutical industry," Marcia Angell, M.D., a former editor in chief of
The New England Journal of Medicine, told the Center for Public Integrity.
"Among other gifts was a dropping of standards for approving new drugs.
In many cases, a drug only has to be tested in one clinical trial—Phase IV
clinical trial—to show that the drug was reasonably safe and effective. In
many cases, such drugs were supposed to be tested in post-marketing
studies after they are on the market."

Mortalities from FDA approved drugs taken according to

prescription, have become the fourth leading cause of death, roughly
four times that from illegal street drugs, and three times the number
due to auto accidents. Just think? If cancer or heart disease don’t kill
ya, maybe you'll die from just taking medicine.

So next time you get a prescription, you should probably try to

“study” a little more carefully, the foot long fold out sheet of
“instructions,” that comes with it. It could very well be, a matter of life
or death!
Oh, and if it doesn’t kill you or your loved one, statistics state
that adverse and often debilitating reactions to FDA approved drugs,
account for one quarter of all hospital admissions, costing over 5
billion dollars yearly in just the U.S. alone.

One point to ponder in reference to all of this information is that

these drugs are all over the world, where as the statistics we’ve been
quoting are for the U.S. only.

All in all, the drug cartels romance with appropriate government

leaders may seem a bit pricey, but who can say, since only they know
for sure what the ultimate results are.

Apparently they must feel it’s worth it, because they constantly
increase their spending in that regard, and always find loop holes, if
any overly alarmed, or well intentioned politician, manages to push
some type of restrictive legislation through the system.

They make damn sure “nothing” interrupts the money/favor

“flow,” from the drug industry to our federal and state governments.
"It's been a highly profitable trade-off" for pharmaceutical companies,
said James Love, a drug industry critic and the director of the
nonprofit Consumer Project on Technology.

"They give out some free perks, hand out some [rides on] private
jets, sponsor some trips and give some campaign donations. And in
return, they make billions."

Have you ever wondered what happens to these major medical

monopolies if they do commit some infraction against the laws they're
so vigilant to have bent their way? Warning letters. That's it!
Letters! Warnings! Apparently law suits after the fact, are the
main control factor, and we all know how involved and time
consuming that process is. But the only penalty the drug companies
have to fear from the almighty FDA? Is a warning letter.

Such letters are fielded by Med Watch, which was created by the
FDA in 1993 to help track serious side effects of drugs and other
medical products. Med Watch combines reports by health care
professionals, consumers, and manufacturers.

The agency depends on individuals, health professionals, and the

companies themselves, for input on the safety of the tens of thousands
of drugs it’s “entrusted” with regulating. Included in this list are also
medical devices, food, vitamins and other nutritionals, veterinary
products, and cosmetics.

Adverse reaction reports from companies are mandatory, but

those from consumers and health professionals, are voluntary. Makes
me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, to be so well protected!

Many critics such as Marcia Angell, author of The Truth About

the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It,
say that because of the Med Watch program's largely voluntary
nature, only a fraction of adverse events are reported to the agency.

"The safety monitoring is simply catch-as-catch-can," Angell said. "That

depends entirely on doctors informing the agency of instances of what they feel
are adverse events. If they don't notify the FDA and drug companies, then the FDA
never hears about them. I think that only a tiny percent of the adverse events are
reported to the FDA." Such critics also agree that even when the FDA has
the power to discipline companies, it “rarely” does so.
Another gesture of leniency from the FDA was the accelerated
drug approval program, which became effective January 1993. In
order to speed up the process of bringing “life-saving” drugs to
market, testing procedures were dramatically streamlined, although
pharmaceutical companies are required to prove in follow-up clinical
studies that these drugs are in fact safe.

The accelerated drug approval program and prescription drug

advertising, are other areas where companies do not pay any price for
defying the FDA. Companies often do not meet these post-marketing
commitments, and without any apparent consequences.

Among those who questioned the FDA's ability to regulate the

program are Angell and Rep. Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts.

"Drug companies don't bother to carry out [the studies]," Angell said. "The FDA
doesn't bother to make sure that they do. In most cases, these commitment studies
have not even started."

A recent investigation by Markey's staff concluded that the

accelerated approval program is "broken and failing to ensure patient
safety." Among the studies findings: 50% of the post-marketing
studies that should now be underway, have not even been started,
even though companies have been selling the drugs in question for an
average of 20 months.

According to the Massachusetts Democrat, consumers are left in

the dark as to potential risk because product labels do not “specify”
whether drugs have been granted accelerated approval, and because
information about these drugs, including whether the FDA has asked
for follow-up research, is all but impossible to find.
Just another situation where ignorance is bliss in regard to
maintaining anything other than blind faith in the FDA’s role of public
protector. We trust the FDA and they just “trust” the drug companies.
Hmmm...? Definitely sounds like a typical case of, ”Letting the fox,
watch the hen house!”

From the early sixties the FDA has been regulating prescription
drug advertisements. The advertising for non-prescription drugs like
advertising for the majority of other products and services, is
regulated by the Federal Trade Commission.

Since the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 relaxed the regulation

of direct-to-consumer advertising, it created an unprecedented
“growth” in drug advertising.

The FDA has determined that many drug promotional materials

have emphasized the effectiveness of drugs, while downplaying their
adverse effects. At the same time however, enforcement records
available on the official FDA web site show that it has apparently lost
its determination to take any action to protect the public from
inaccurate and misleading ads.

Janet Woodcock, director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation

and Research, acknowledged in 2000 that the FDA did not have the
resources for a scientific evaluation of the impact of ads aimed at

The reduction of restrictions on drug ads has produced an

unmistakable trend. Since the FDA Modernization Act relaxed agency
rules in 1997 the market for direct-to-consumer drug advertising has
grown from $791 million, to nearly $4 billion in 2004.

“The FDA doesn't have authority to pull ads," Steven Findlay, of

Consumers Union, told the Center. Even in exercising the power it
does have, "it's not vigilant enough, not hard enough in punishing
companies [that refuse to comply with its warning letters]."

One of the numerous ways the drug industry makes money is by

saving money. Don’t ever feel sorry for the pharmaceutical industry
due to the idea that they have to spend so much on research and
development and therefore the “profits” they're reported to make, are
misleading. Just not so.

For one thing the U.S. government contributes more money to the
development of new drugs in the form of tax breaks and subsidies,
than any other government in the world. Of the 20 largest
pharmaceutical corporations, nine are based in the United States.

Even so, drugs are more expensive in the United States than in
any other part of the world, and global drug companies make the bulk
of their profits in the United States.

The following list gives a good look at where the drug companies
spend their immense revenues, and not to forget the U.S. taxpayers
donate a sizable amount of the proportionately small allotment, for
their much advertised research and development.

More than a third of pharmaceutical companies resources go into

promotion and marketing.
Company Marketing cost Research & Development
Pfizer $16.90 billion $7.68 billion
GlaxoSmithKlin $12.93 billion $5.20 billion
Sanofi-Aventis $ 5.59 billion $9.26 billion
Johnson & Johnson $15.86 billion $5.20 billion
Merck $ 7.35 billion $4.01 billion
Novartis $ 8.87 billion $4.21 billion
Bristol-Myers Squibb $ 6.43 billion $2.50 billion
Abbott Labs $ 4.92 billion $1.70 billion
AstraZeneca $ 7.84 billion $3.80 billion
Hoffman La Roche $ 7.24 billion $4.01 billion
Wyeth $ 5.80 billion $2.46 billion

Annually, pharmaceutical companies spend nearly twice as much

on marketing as they do on research and development, although drug
companies report neither total precisely. Various news reports
estimate that the industry spent from anywhere between $30 billion to
$60 billion on marketing in 2004.

The trade group PhRMA estimates its members spent $39 billion
on R&D that year. As this table shows, the same year, 11 major
companies reported spending close to $100 billion on marketing,
along with administrative expenses not categorized separately. Those
companies reported spending $50 billion on R&D.

In 2004, Pfizer spent almost $120 million on media ads for

Lipitor, the world's number-one selling prescription drug, while
companies promoting erectile dysfunction treatments Viagra, Levitra
and Cialis spent $425 million.

Direct to consumer advertisement has also grown significantly

from $791 million in 1996 to $3.8 billion in 2004! That’s a quadruple
increase on advertising, that the FDA has “no authority” to police.

Blatant infringement incidents are constantly being committed

by drug companies in regard to FDA warnings, which only further
illustrate the drug cartels “utter disregard” for public safety.

If you want to become as angry as the rest of us, spend a few

afternoon's investigating on your own.

Drug companies don’t face any threat from the government, why
should they subdue their communal greed on their own accord? They
are totally legitimate, according to any “mortal laws.”

I suppose it's just the price people pay for not taking responsibility
for their own health, and instead, turning it over to “conventional”
allopathic sick care. As the old saying goes, “Buyer Beware!”

US Health Statistics: Americans

Most Over-Prescribed Country in the World!
All quotes are yearly and for the United States only
. The average senior citizen gets 15 prescriptions each year
(U.S.Health and Human Services Department 1992)
. For people over the age of 60, in one year there will be…
(from the Public Citizen Research)
…1 million adverse reactions to prescriptions,
…243,000 hospitalized due to drug reactions,
... 61,000 Americans will suffer drug-induced Parkinson’s Disease this year.
... 32,000 suffer hip fractures annually
including 1500 deaths from drug-induced falls (USA Today, July 29, 1994).
. Adverse drug reactions kill 73,000 elderly Americans each year
(Sacramento Bee, 3-24-91).
. One-fourth of all elder Americans are prescribed “at least” one
“inappropriate and dangerous drug” each year (USA Today, 7-28-94
. 37% of people over 60 are taking five or more prescriptions at one time.
. 23% of the elderly receive repeat prescriptions
for more than a year without seeing a physician.
. 4500 people die each year due to angiograms for the heart,
with no evidence they work at all (Health & Healing).
. No studies have shown that heart bypass surgery extends life at
all. Most studies show plaquing of the arteries again,
within six weeks after surgery (Health & Healing).
. At present, there are in excess of 54,000 prescription drugs and 300,000
over-the-counter drugs on the market. (CNN Headline News, Sept. 18, 1995).
. Americans consume over half of all drugs in the world today. We are only 5%
of the world population. This is at a rate of over 25 million drugs per hour.
. The average family has over 29 different drugs in the home at any time.
. If you take just one non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory (Motrin, Datril,
Anacin, Ibuprofen etc.) drug every four days, over your lifetime you
will have nine times the normal risk for vital organ damage (kidney
failure, liver failure, etc.) (New England Journal of Medicine, 1994).
. Drug “problems” each year cost as much as $182 billion, kill as many as
198,815 people, put 8.8 million in hospitals, and account for up to 28%
of all hospital admissions (American Medical News; Jan.15, 1996 P.11)
. Properly prescribed drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.
Only heart disease, cancer and stroke kill more Americans
(Newsweek. April 27, 1998 P.61).
. Overall, 51% of approved drugs have serious adverse effects
not detected prior to approval (JAMA, May 20, 1998).
. Every third TV commercial is a drug advertisement. By the time the average
child reaches 18, they have seen 20,000 hours of drug commercials
such as “Plop-plop, fizz-fizz, oh what a relief it is!”
. Three of ten patients now request a prescription drug they have seen advertised.
Doctors can net up to $4,000 per patient
referred to drug companies to participate in their studies.
Smart Money November 1999.
. In 1999, the pharmaceutical industry spent $1.8 billion to advertise
prescription drugs, encouraging a projected 21.2 million consumers
to “ask their doctor” about a drug they were not using.
. More than 11 billion is spent each year by pharmaceutical companies
in promotion and marketing, $5 billion of which goes to sales representatives,
“It has been estimated that $8,000 to $13,000 is spent per year on each physician.
This is about $30 million each day.
Physicians and the pharmaceutical industry, JAMA, Jan. 19,2000
. The United States consumes 90% of the world’s Ritalin, production of Ritalin
is up 700% since 1990 and nearly 5 million people in the U.S.
mostly children- are on Ritalin.
. Between 1990 and 1996, the number of children in the U.S. using
Ritalin grew by 250%.
. Up to 30% of cocaine addicts also take Ritalin. New Scientist, April16, 1998.
. Ritalin users are three times as likely to develop adult use of cocaine.
Susan Schenk Texas A&M New Scientist
. Every year, people consume 26 billion over-the-counter (OTC) aspirin
and non-aspirin pain relievers, and doctors write more than100 million
prescriptions for these drugs. NSAIDs include medications such as
aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve, Naprosyn,
Naprox, diclofenac (Voltaren), indomethacin (Indocin), and many others.
We estimate that approximately 16,500 deaths occur annually in the U.S.
from ulcer related complications associated with their use.
The New England Journal of Medicine, June 16, 1999.
. In any given year 13% of doctors will be sued for malpractice. LHJ, March 2000
. In a 1991 study of physicians it was found that only 1 in 5 physicians admitted
serious mistakes in patients for fear of law suits lost licenses and other negative
outcomes. Albert Wu, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
You know I’ve tried to be impartial and even crack a few jokes
giving the information for this chapter, but I would just like to offer
one or two comments, straight from the heart.

This whole travesty of lies, deceit, and murder, makes me livid!

I grew up in the Vietnam era, and I remember the marches, and the
general outrage exhibited in the sixties and seventies. The government
thought we would just “accept” their post World War Two/Korea,
status quo war mode.
We didn’t! Of course there was footage of American boy’s dying
on the six o'clock news every night. Is that what it’s going to take to
get peoples attention over this?

I guess it wouldn't be newsworthy to drag cameras into every

hospital in our country, and document the genocide! Not enough
blood. Not enough drama. We're not talking thousands, but millions.
Each and every year!

I’ve lost several of my loved ones to this unconscionably cruel,

and inhumane system, which is so obviously opportunistic. Parents,
aunts, uncles, several close friends. I just had to stand by and watch
them more or less, commit physician prescribed stupidicide!

“Well honey, this is what the doctor said...” Must be true, right?
It’s all so senseless. It’s our parents, our children, our loved ones, us!

I have very strong feelings about all of it, as you can tell. Why
shouldn't I? I’m a victim of this situation many times over! Every
single person that “believes” in this system of “health,” is doomed to
become a victim of it.
Sooner or later they will fall under it's jurisdiction due to a
disease, and they'll voluntarily take their place in the “line.” Then the
process begins. From the medicine, to the knife, to the grave! It's a
very efficiently unfortunate system of ignorance and blatant cheating.

And it’s obviously not a situation that’s going to unravel anytime

soon. This beast will only be put to rest by mass education, and
acceptance of the actual truth. The understatement of the millennium
would have to be this quote, “The health care industry is definitely in
need of deep reform.”

Health Care expenditures in the US have reached 14% of the

Gross National Product and a staggering $1.6 trillion in 2003!

Certainly it would appear more urgent to investigate the

rationale, efficacy, and relative cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical
medicine, rather than to legislate restrictive rules for supplements of
vital nutrients, as most governments and some international
organizations have been doing.
Jim Humble Says it so well in his book
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
“Yet it continues year after year while the government agency(the FDA)will spend
millions stopping a health food item that might have caused one death. Drugs
make money for the drug companies and for doctors. They (Medical people) feel
that they must attack any item that might take the place of a drug and reduce their
income. The government statistics agency has provided the causes of death in their
statistics, giving 699,697 for heart disease and 553,251 a year for cancer. They do
not mention one single death caused by medical prescription drugs and their
statistical research shows none. When a person with cancer dies from being given
the wrong drug, the government simply reports it as a cancer death. The drug
death is included in the report, but not in the government statistics. Gary Null PhD
who researched much of the report “Death by Medicine” was able to dig out the
true statistics because the data is available and it cannot be suppressed. The people
in the USA are spending billions of dollars on medical treatments and we could
have the best medical treatment on the planet, but it has not even come close.”
So now you should feel more than informed on, “The way things
are, and why they're that way.” If you feel the need for more
verification there is so much information about this subject, and
continually more news coming every day.

Unfortunately it's always the same. The whole situation seems

utterly surreal to me. Legislated genocidal lunacy. I wouldn't have
known the actual cause if not for all of the reports. I always knew
something wasn't right about modern medicine, having witnessed
several members of my family being tortured, and ultimately
disappointed to the point of death, from it.

Still we have the tendency of wanting to believe they're the

“experts,” because they have so much knowledge and technology. But
once you can see beyond their whole phased you accept the “fact,”
health and healing will never be obtained by mixing some chemicals
in a test tube. Our bodies can't be healed by techanics either.

Fortunately these bodies can, do, and will, heal themselves.

There are excellent natural doctors that can help, or just get diagnosed
through “conventional” means, then research and follow the
recommended holistic treatment yourself. Don't play their game.
Victim No More!

Of course someone could always have an accident, and need to

go to a hospital I suppose. Especially walking around on
“medication.” Ultimately taking responsibility for your own physical
wellbeing is the only “real” health insurance policy that exist. Except
for “life insurance” that is.

Body Wow!
Our Brains, Hearts, & Lungs
Our Stomachs & Digestion
Our Pancreas & Liver
Our Skin
The Amazing Wonder “That Is” The Human Body
Our bodies are filled with chemical factories, tens of “thousands” of miles of circuits, cables,
and hoses, that are connected to pumps and filters, wrapped up in a sensor filled covering,
which along with all of it's “other parts” is operated by a “master computer,” that makes the
best computers at NASA , seem no better than the brain in a cell phone.

Anatomy is painfully boring, if not bewildering, for probably ninety

percent of the population. None the less, having a basic, realized,
conceptual understanding of what the human body is, and how it
works, is very important. After all, you've got one! So in case you’ve
all but decided to skip this chapter, at least read the next few pages.

What human bodies basically are in short, is a brain hooked up

to thousands of miles of electrical circuits, that send and receive
messages to and from all of it’s parts, telling them what to do, and
when to do it.

Those “parts” are composed of a hundred trillion cells. A hundred

trillion! That’s a hundred thousand billion, or a million million! These
living cells are constantly being born and dying, hence the ability for a
body to degenerate and die, or to rejuvenate and thrive.

Not only are our bodies made up of microscopic parts, but they
are continually fighting off entire armies of microscopic enemies. A
living, a healthy, a sick, or a dead body, is determined by which
“side,” wins this war.

All of this activity must be fed, as it takes huge amounts of

energy. It has been estimated that pound for pound, our bodies
produce five times more energy than the sun!

All of this energy comes from many sources but mainly from
food, water, and air. Food is crucial as an average human eats at least
a half ton of it every year. Your body could care less about what your
tongue likes to taste, or what it may be addicted to. It needs energy.

One good reason for having a basic understanding of anatomy, is

it helps you remember that the human body for all practical purposes,
is still just a machine. You wouldn’t put watered down gas or dirty oil
in your car, would you? How about never changing the filters?
As we chew the food in our mouths and it mixes with saliva, our
tongue’s ten thousand taste buds, signal which specific digestive
enzymes need to be pumped into our stomach.

Our stomach for all practical purposes, is simply a churning vat

filled with acid. The stomach blends our food into a creamy liquid it
squirts intermittently into a thirty foot long tube that’s, “somehow”
coiled around the front of our midsection.

Walk off thirty feet sometime and look at it. Imagine taking a
water hose that long and cramming it in an area the size of your
stomach! If you could get “one thing” in regard to health, I hope it’s
how easy it is to pollute, corrode, and/or clog this essential organ.

Even if you eat a perfect diet, if your intestines are corroded they
can’t absorb any of the nutrients, which means your body is receiving
only a small portion of it's intended fuel. Over time this sets the stage
for all of the eventual diseases that come as a result of malnutrition.

Blood is the essential fluid that transports all of our bodies

necessities and waste products, resulting from the “activity” of those
trillions of cells. Our blood circulates through sixty thousand miles of
blood vessels. Sixty thousand miles. That’s around the world, twice!

Our heart pumps twenty four hundred gallons of blood

throughout our entire body, a thousand times a day! That blood
requires an equal amount of oxygen, which is gathered up by the
fifteen hundred miles of air ways that are inconceivably laced
throughout our lungs.
If you could unravel the tiny little air sacks that are connected to
those “air pipes,” and flatten them out, they would cover two tennis
courts. That's one tennis court per lung!

The majority of our other internal organs are either chemical

factories, and/or filters, for the blood and other fluids required to
smoothly maintain and operate this miraculous piece of living

Without plenty of clean air, fresh water, and high grade

nutrients, our bodies eventually begin to shut down cell by cell, until
gradually some enemy gets a foot hold, and then? Disease mode. Body
at war! “An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.”

And so, that’s the body. People get sick, and they become stressed
and depressed, to say the least. They drag themselves to the doctor
who just writes them some prescription which doesn’t consider,
address, or fix, the actual problem. We’ve all seen how that scenario
O yeah, I forgot to mention, eyes nose and ears. All these amazing
“parts” come interactively assembled, perfectly intertwined and
masterfully mounted, on a bone frame with thousands of muscles
wrapped up in a beautiful “package” of fully conscious, living skin.

So that’s the abbreviated version of the blood filled “meat suit” our
soul wears all day, everyday, of this life. Somebody let me out of here!
Try to read the rest of the chapter. It gives a brief, but more detailed
scientific description of Body WOW!
This body is comparable to our universe, or at the very least our
own planet earth. In the way it’s 100 trillion cells combine in perfect
precision and interaction, it resembles our universe.

Our bodies resemble our planet in their ability to withstand

attack, and even though they might become imbalanced, they not only
manage to survive, but if given the right conditions, they will actually
rejuvenate themselves.

Generally it’s popular to compare our body and it’s various parts
to a “machine.” However this comparison falls pathetically short, as
there are no machines that can think, feel, or love.

Machines can’t dream, experience emotions, taste or smell,

create, anticipate, compete, desire, mate, produce offspring, feel
compassion, or give comfort. A machine can't feel joy!

Machines also don’t get worried or angry, jealous or rude. They

don’t cry, know fear, or feel pain either, but so what! It doesn’t “mean”
that any machine will ever be able to compete with our bodies, in any
Oh sure! A dump truck or a steam shovel. I didn't mean like that
moron! There’s no machine, that can actually mimic the numerous
wonders that exist even in the simplest forms of life, what to speak of
human beings.

Machines basically have some systems and components that

seem similar to the body. They consume and burn fuel. They're made
up of various moving parts. Machines have fluids and filters with a
few pumps, and they have a computer or some control system.

They don’t grow, neither can they diagnose any mechanical

difficulties and repair them. Also machines have no ability to
reproduce or rebuild themselves, and they can't manufacture any of
their necessities or …..? There I go again, trying to compare our body
to some machine. Suffice it to say there is actually, no comparison.

The majority of people haven’t the slightest idea how their bodies
work. If they did they would be more conscious of how they treat them.

Maybe they would pay closer attention when some warning sign
surfaces and tend to it, rather than running to their doctor in total fear
and ignorance.

The more we understand how our body works, hopefully the

more we’ll appreciate what a friend it truly is, and learn how to work
in cooperation with it. Hence the reason for this chapter on anatomy.

As long as it serves them in fulfilling their needs and desires,

most people don’t feel much concern for their body, nor do they really
care to know “how” it works.

Generally people are just absorbed in exploiting it as a

playground for gratifying their senses, and for serving their mental
demands, with little other concern for it. Until, it goes on strike that is.
Even then, the average person still doesn't “get it.”

Most people don’t even know what happens with the food they
eat, where it goes, how their body processes it into energy, or how the
waste is sent out. These, as with most of the more obvious functions of
our bodies, are not so mysterious.

For starters the most amazing and unique part of the human
body is the brain. About the size of a grapefruit this three pound jelly
like mass of protein and fat, is one of the bodies biggest organs. It’s
packed full of up to one trillion nerve cells, called neurons.

That's why all of the brain specialist have “neuro” in front of

their names. Those one trillion brain cells are constantly receiving,
sharing, and “shooting” messages all over our bodies at 200 miles an

These cells not only put together thoughts and coordinate

amazing physical actions, but they also regulate each and every
unconscious bodily process, such as beating our heart, processing our
food, and breathing. Our brain is what “fields” our consciousness for
everything we think, feel, and do. In other words, our brain is
Command Central!

Although it only comprises three percent of our bodies mass, the

brain consumes twenty percent of it’s oxygen. So breath people! And
do it often.

Possessing the notoriety of being the most complex of all known

living structures, much of how our amazing human brain enables
us to think, feel, and act, in all of the ways that set us apart as human
beings, are for the most part, still a mystery.

That's not so hard to believe since it seems almost impossible for

something so magical as a thought, a feeling, emotions, or even
memories, to be caused simply by a bunch of brain cell's colliding
together inside a mushy ball of fat, the size of a grapefruit.

The human heart on the other hand, though a miraculous piece

of machinery, has been much more successfully studied by science.
Our bodies engine room, it pumps six quarts of blood through a sixty
thousand mile long network of veins at the rate of 2,400 gallons a day!

Your heart will pump more than one million barrels of blood,
through your veins, in this lifetime.

No larger than the size of it’s owners clenched fist, and built of a
special type of muscle that beats tirelessly a hundred thousand times a
day, our heart's keep every cell in our body supplied with nutrients
and fresh oxygen.

By the time you reach seventy years old, your heart will have
beat an average of two and a half billion times! It causes such a strong
blood flow that a severed artery, can shoot a stream of blood as far as
thirty feet.

The lungs as we all know so well, supply our bodies with the
oxygen that gives us life. They breathe in air, extract the oxygen and
transmit it into the bloodstream, where it's transfered to all of our
tissues and organs who are “burning” it to stay alive. Our blood also
brings back waste to the lungs in the form of carbon dioxide, which is
eliminated every time, we breathe out.

The lungs breathe in on average 2400 gallons of air a day, to

oxygenate the 2400 gallons of blood that’s pumped through our heart,
every twenty four hours. Just imagine, a hundred gallons an hour, for
our entire lives! Blood and air steadily pumping.

Think about that the next time you breathe and just remember, it
never hurts to try and suck in a little extra air, and hold it. All you
gotta do is, breathe!

Our two lungs are made up of a complex latticework of tubes,

which are suspended inside the chest cavity on either side of the
heart. Within the lungs, the mucus-lined bronchi split into tens of
thousands of ever smaller tubes (bronchioles) which connect to tiny
sacs called alveoli.

The average adult's lungs contain about 600 million of these

spongy, air-filled configurations. There are enough alveoli in just one
lung that if they could be flattened out, they would cover an area the
size of a tennis court!

If laid out end on end, the airways in our lungs could stretch out
as far as fifteen hundred miles! The alveoli are where the crucial gas
exchange takes place. The air sacs are surrounded by a dense network
of minute blood vessels, or capillaries, which connect to the heart.

Those that link to the pulmonary arteries carry the de-

oxygenated blood needing to be refreshed. Oxygen passes through
the incredibly thin walls of the alveoli into the capillaries, and is then
carried back to the heart via the pulmonary veins.

At the same time, carbon dioxide is removed from the blood

through the same process of diffusion, and this waste gas is expelled
as we breathe out.

How could we ever fully comprehend, not to mention appreciate,

what an amazing invention are body truly is? Similar to the actions
of the heart, breathing is primarily an involuntary function of the
diaphragm, which is a sheet of muscles between the chest and

These muscles contract when we breathe in expanding the lungs

and drawing in air. We breathe out by relaxing the diaphragm, which
causes the lungs to deflate like balloons.

Made up of 30 feet of pipes and tubes, and more than half a

dozen organs, the digestive system is comprised of a series of tube
like structures that convert our food into fuel.

All of the food we eat in order to be processed, must first be

turned into a mushy, gooey liquid. Our digestive system is then able
to take this liquid, and split it up into its constituent parts of proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Our teeth start the process by chewing and grinding the food in
our mouths, while the tongue works it into ball-shaped pieces suitable
for swallowing.

Moistening saliva fed into the mouth from nearby glands starts
the process of “chemical” digestion, using specialized proteins called
enzymes. The average human produces a quart of saliva a day, or
10,000 gallons in a lifetime!

Secreted at various points along the digestive tract, “enzymes”

break down large molecules of food into smaller molecules the body
is able to absorb. Once we swallow, digestion becomes involuntary.

You know, it’s all just going to be turned into goo anyway, so be
sure and blend up all of your food before you eat it! Just kidding but
seriously, we should be extremely conscientious about chewing very
slowly, and thoroughly, everything we eat. Yes Mommy!

Food passes down the throat to the esophagus, the first of a

succession of hollow organs that transports their contents through
muscular contractions known as peristalsis. The esophagus empties
into the stomach, a large, muscular chamber that mixes our food up
with digestive juices.

The stomach is a short term food storage facility. This allows us

to consume a large meal quickly, and then digest it over an extended
period of time. As soon as food enters your stomach, it's lining
releases enzymes that start breaking down proteins in the food.

Your stomach lining also secretes hydrochloric acid which

creates the ideal conditions for the protein digesting enzymes to work.
Hard to conceive, seeing as it's one of the world's most potent acids!
This extremely powerful hydrochloric acid not only dissolves our
food, but also kills any bacteria that could harm our body.

Our stomach protects itself from being digested by its own

enzymes, or being burnt by the corrosive hydrochloric acid, by
secreting sticky, neutralizing mucus, which clings to the stomach
walls. It secretes the acid and the protection at just the right intervals.

If this layer becomes damaged in any way it can result in

stomach ulcers. Now you know why, “stressing out” can burn holes in
your stomach! So be sure to, always stay calm.

Every day the human stomach produces about two liters of

hydrochloric acid. Just picture that! Over half a gallon of extremely
potent acid being produced and dumped into that little sack everyday.
A total chemical factory!

As our meal is being deposited, waves of muscular contractions

along our stomach wall breaks the food down into smaller pieces,
mixes it with the fluids secreted from the stomach lining, and moves it
through the stomach. So that! Is, “what's been going on.”

The average adults empty stomach has the volume of 1/5 of a

cup. Hunger pain! Hunger pain! When stuffed with food the volume
can reach to a little over a gallon!

After food is churned up in our stomach, a sphincter muscle at

the end of the stomach opens to squirt small amounts of food into the
top of our small intestines.

This normally occurs within four hours of eating a meal, but can
take six or more hours if the meal has a high fat content. Amazing to
think of how all this goes on without us ever even “thinking” about it!

This first section of the small intestine is called the duodenum.

Our pancreas releases digestive juices through a duct into the
duodenum. Pancreatic fluid is rich in enzymes that break down fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates.

It also contains sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes acids that

are produced in our stomachs. Our pancreas actually manufactures
baking soda to de-activate the acid, so it can’t burn our intestines!

The pancreas also produces insulin and glucagon, two hormones

that regulate the sugar levels in our blood. Insulin and glucagon are
secreted from the pancreas directly into our blood.

When the concentration of glucose (a sugar) rises in our blood,

insulin is released. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating
cells throughout the body to use and store glucose.

Glucagon has the opposite effect of insulin. It triggers the release

of stored sugars, increasing the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Glucagon acts as a control mechanism whenever our body produces
too much insulin. You know? The scientist love to describe these types
of things, as if they could actually be explained, don’t they?

The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile produced in the

liver and squeezes it out a duct into the duodenum. Bile is a greenish
yellow slightly acidic fluid, that helps break down fats in our food.
Our livers produce about one litter of bile a day!

A whole chemical potpourri being squirted in that little tube to

finish processing the stomach cream. Inconceivable! Some machine!
Just put names on all of the parts and it makes it look like you actually
explained it. Didn't anyone ever tell them? Bona-fide magic, “always”
defies explanation!

Digesting food is pushed through the small intestine by

peristalsis. Peristalsis is a muscular movement in which alternating
waves of muscle contraction and relaxation cause food to be squeezed
along the digestive tract. Remember that sometime, four to six hours
after you eat. Squeezed!

Most of the nutrients in the food we eat passes through the lining
of our small intestine into our blood. The lining of the small intestine
is covered in tiny micro villi.

These are microscopic finger like protrusions, which give the

lining of the small intestine a massive surface area for absorption of
nutrients to occur across. I suppose we're not going to guesstimate
how far those, could be “flattened out!” A half a football field maybe?

Each micro villus contains a minute blood capillary. When

nutrients are absorbed into a micro villus, they enter its blood
capillary. This is how nutrients from our food enter our blood.

By the time food leaves our small intestine all of the nutrients in
it have entered the bloodstream. That is if your intestines aren't all

The unusable portion left in the digestive tract passes into the
large intestine, where it's eaten by billions of harmless bacteria and
mixed with dead cells to form solid feces. Any water is reabsorbed
into the body while the feces are moved into the rectum to await

Although you wouldn't expect it from the way it’s “described.”

Maintaining the proper balance of those “harmless” bacteria in that
last ten feet of large intestine is not only critical to colon health, but
also to overall physical wellbeing.

All of the nutrients absorbed by the blood stream are transported

next, to the liver. A big blood vessel called the portal vein, carries
nutrient rich blood from the small intestine directly to our liver. The
liver is our largest internal organ.
The liver itself is the body's main chemical factory, performing
hundreds of different functions. Hundreds! It processes nutrients
absorbed into the blood by the small intestine, which creates energy
giving glycogen from the sugary carbohydrates.

It also converts dietary proteins into new proteins needed for our
blood. These are then stored or released as needed, the same as all
other essential vitamins and minerals.

Hepatic cells make up about 60 percent of our liver tissue. These

specialized liver cells carry out more chemical processes than any
other group of cells in our body. They change most of the nutrients we
consume into forms our body cells can use.

They convert sugars and store and release them as needed,

thereby regulating our blood sugar levels. They also break down fats,
produce cholesterol, remove ammonia from our body, and produce
blood proteins, including blood clotting factors.

A second important group of liver cells are the Kupffer cells.

They remove damaged red blood cells and destroy microbes and cell
debris. The liver also breaks down any unwanted chemicals, which
are detoxified and passed from the body as waste.

Try to understand how important your liver is! One other

gratefully important fact about the liver is, that it is one of the few
organs that can completely “rejuvenate” itself. So drink up! You can
always rejuvenate. Kidding. Sorry, but it doesn't “work” that way.

You want to know what’s the one thing more amazing to me than
our body? It’s the arrogant, presumptive way in which scientist try to
insinuate they can actually “explain,” or truly understand, how the
human body does what it does.

I always love the way scientist answer back, when asked how
something in nature works. Invariably they precede their
“explanation” with these three words,”Oh that’s just...”

Even some day they may “explain” how it all works, they’ll never,
ever, be able to explain how it got that way. The only thing I have to
say in that regard is, anyone who “believes” everything just came into
“being” as the result of some cosmic accident, has not seriously
contemplated the impossibility of such a scenario. Instead they must
have just accepted the statements of so called scientist, who's theories
on creation are no better than those they offer, in regards to health.

A very important filter for the blood, is our spleen. It cleanses it

of bacteria, viruses, and other debris. When blood flows through the
spleen, white blood cells attack and remove any foreign invaders. This
keeps our blood clean and helps protect us from infections.

Two million red blood cells are produced in our bodies every
minute! Red blood cells have a life span of around 120 days, after
which the spleen breaks them down.

The red blood cell “remains”, are transported elsewhere in our

body where they are excreted or recycled, to manufacture new red
blood cells. For our bodies to work properly, the conditions inside it
such as water, pH and salt levels, need to be kept constant.

Our number one blood filter, the kidneys, play a vital role in
keeping our blood composition constant. They filter our blood to
remove excess water and waste products, which are secreted from the
kidneys as urine.

One quarter of our blood supply passes through the kidneys

every minute! When the kidneys detect that our blood pressure is
dropping, they secrete an enzyme called rennin.

This enzyme triggers a chain of events that causes the kidneys to

reabsorb more salt and water, leading to an increase in blood

The kidneys perform several other functions that keep our blood
composition constant. It's inconceivable how the blood is constantly
being adjusted up and down. Our bodies are so finely tuned!

Excess water is stored along with waste materials by the bladder,

in the form of urine. When the bladder stretches beyond a certain
point, nerves in the bladder wall send a message to our brain telling it
that our bladder is getting full and needs to be emptied.
Urine leaves the body by flowing out of the bladder down a tube
called the urethra. The junction between the bladder and urethra is
opened and closed by a muscle known as a sphincter.

When you “decide” you need to urinate, your brain tells this
sphincter valve to relax, opening the bladder urethra junction.

At this moment the bladder contracts, forcing the urine down the
urethra and out of the body. Thank God that's one thing we have
conscious control over! Just imagine what life would be like, if we
weren’t able to control that particular function the way we do.
Our skin is our largest organ. It covers our entire body and has a
surface area of around 2 square meters. Its thickness varies from
0.5mm on our eyelids, to 4mm or more on the palms of our hands and
the soles of our feet. In total, it accounts for around 16 percent of our
actual bodily weight!

The skin consists of two main layers, the outer epidermis and the
inner dermis. Cells in the deepest layer of our epidermis divide
constantly to make new cells. The new cells are pushed towards the
skins surface.

They eventually die and become filled with keratin, an

exceptionally tough protein. Keratin provides our body with a
durable overcoat that protects deeper cells from damage, infection,
and drying out.

Cells on the surface of our skin rub and flake off steadily, and are
continuously replaced with new ones. About every 30 days, our body
produces a totally new epidermis. So much is “constantly” going on
with our bodies!

An average human body sheds around 600,000 particles of skin

every hour! That's about 1.5 pounds a year. Where do they get these
figures? How do they count all of that anyway? 600,000 particles an
hour! By age of 70, the average human will have lost 105 pounds of

Our skins inner dermis consists of very strong collagen and

elastic fibers pierced by blood vessels.
It also contains touch, pressure, and pain sensors, and is not only
packed with hair follicles, but also sweat and oil glands. The oil
glands produce a lubricant that keeps the skin soft, and prevents our
hair from becoming brittle.

The skin's blood vessels, sweat glands, and hairs, play a crucial
role in regulating our bodies temperature. When we need to cool down
our blood vessels widen and allow heat to escape through our skin.

Then we start sweating, and as our sweat dries, it releases heat

from our skin and cools us down. Also our hairs will lie flat to make
sure warm air doesn't get trapped between the skin, and our hairs.

When we need to retain heat, the opposite happens and our

blood vessels narrow, we produce less sweat, and our hairs stand up
on end to “trap” warm air around our body.

Our skin and deeper tissues contain “millions” of sensory

receptors. Without them, we wouldn't be able to sense and respond to
our environment. They register what's happening on the bodies
surface and then send signals to our spinal cord and brain.

Other receptors are more complex. The Meissner's corpuscles, for

example, are enclosed in a capsule of connective tissue. They react to
light touch and are located in the skin of our palms, soles, lips,
eyelids, external genitals, and nipples.

It's because of the Meissner's corpuscles that these areas of the

body are particularly sensitive. Who is this guy Meissner anyway?
Obviously he “discovered” these corpuscles. I'm surprised there aren't
any planets, named after people!
Our skin receptors don't only respond to touch. They also
register pain as well as, warmth and cold. Our pain receptors are the
most numerous.

Every square centimeter of our skin contains around 200 pain

receptors but only 15 receptors for pressure, 6 for cold, and 1 for

There's a whole world of pain out there! Pain keeps us from

hurting ourselves, unless you happen to be a masochist. Just try to
imagine what people would look like, if pain felt good? “Oh, had lots
of fun last night, did we?”

I decided not to include the details of our body’s organs of sight,

sound and smell. As miraculous as these organs are, the information
about them is very technical and not as much of a concern, in regard
to improving our over all health.

I also omitted many other items such as reproductive and

glandular systems. Of course all organs will automatically function
better, with improved health. To what “degree” depends on a person’s
age, ailments, and/or deficiencies.

The information concerning our muscular structure's were also

not included. To give you a quick idea of how complex that particular
system is, every time we take one step forward, it involves over two
hundred different muscles!

Sure, I left out plenty of other stuff as well, because as I

mentioned in this chapter's beginning, there are complete “libraries”
about nothing but Body Wow!

When you learn anything about the body, you have to be amazed
and mystified how all of those components could come packed in
such a small space, and be so intricately “connected” with that type of
precise detail.

Science may pull them all out to study, and name each and every
part with their ridiculous names, but they can only take “credit,” for
that. Any disease they might claim to cure, they usually created.

They think they can master this “machine,” but they will all
simply die trying. How can a mortal human being even describe it,
with any justice? We can't even appreciate it enough, to be properly

Any time one takes even a brief look at the workings of the
human body, an utter feeling of awe and respect for it’s inventor and
creator, immediately surfaces.

You should also realize that God is obviously on your side in your
effort to heal and revitalize your body. If not, then the body wouldn’t
have been created in such a way as to be able to so easily, and
decisively, correct all but the worst of health problems, “instinctively.”

Furthermore if your truly honest with yourself, you’ll

understand that the only reason your body ever got to such a dismal
state in the first place, was due to violating the natural laws that it’s
under the jurisdiction of.

Congratulations once again for seeking out proper guidance with

your “God given intelligence” in trying to learn about, and ultimately
heal and keep healthy, “your” body. You are worth it, as is life.

Alternative Health Therapies
Dangerous Foods
Giving Up Bad Habits
Law of Attraction & Health
Other Holistic Health Alternatives

This chapter is a brief introduction, into alternative health. If

that’s a topic your fairly familiar with, then there’s probably nothing
new for you, to be found here.

I certainly hope your not going to be fully satisfied with just

being free from disease. Of course from the point of view of where
you are at this moment, being free from disease might almost seem
like too much to ask.

Most people, more or less take their health for granted. That is
until they loose it, and it’s never just “lost.”It becomes replaced by
“bad health.” As we all know, bad health can range anywhere from
not so good, to really, really bad! Sometimes it takes a crisis to help us
appreciate what we have, or what we “had.”

I’m going to assume your taking MMS, or that your at least

learning about turning your health around through holistic means. It
is truly sad to see so many people, going from doctor to doctor, being
treated with this or that medication, for this or that symptom.

In many cases it simply creates a situation where by the treatment

itself, only serves to cause further health complications. Such
scenarios often progress to the point of some crisis management being
“prescribed” and undergone.

Depending on the disease, many such cases ultimately end in a

helpless, and painful death for the patient. It is especially heart
wrenching to see such commonplace events for someone such as
myself, who knows how powerful and effective alternative methods
truly are. It causes me to do the best I can, to at least try and get the
word out.

The very physicians prescribing these treatments are themselves

ignorant, although it’s ultimately no excuse, and I have nothing but
contempt for the system they're a part of, which in reality simply
perpetuates violence, based on false doctrines gathered under the
“banner” of health care. As the saying goes, “Ignorance is no excuse!”

What I’m about to say may seem biased and fanatical, but one
need only look at the latest statistics to see who, and what, is the
biggest killer of the modern day’s population. The number one cause
of death is not what you would think.

It’s not old age. It's not accidents, or even disease, the three
obvious reasons most of us would have picked. The number one cause
of deaths in America today are iatrogenic related, or in other words,
death by doctor!

Just take a look at chapter four. That situation is no doubt

shocking and appalling in and of itself, but when one considers the
vast majority of those who do die from disease, do so unnecessarily.

As inconceivable as it sounds the God's awful truth is, the

majority of the millions of painfully slow deaths occurring regularly
in our country due to disease, are totally avoidable.

If people only knew! At least now that you know, you can keep
yourself from becoming one of the unfortunate members in that
growing group of statistics. But you need to keep an open mind, and
commit to taking responsibility for your own health.

The rewards are much greater than the effort. Natural healing
method's don’t necessarily cure you overnight. But if you stay with
them, whatever health problems you originally had, gradually
become “conspicuous” by their absence. Congratulations and best
The most beautiful thing about the wide world of holistic health,
is there are so many different options when it comes to healing, and
lots and lots of ways to maintain, and increase health. It doesn’t mean
you have to become a health food fanatic, or that you even have to
make health one of your priorities.

You do however, need to become familiar with what it takes to

achieve and maintain at least good health, if not great health. Most
people that get involved with natural healing do get the inspiration
sooner or later, to go all the way. It just comes naturally!

Take for example your finances. Are you satisfied with just
having enough to pay your bills, or do you prefer to have some
money ahead for special needs, or for emergencies?

Health is no different, and besides, there is nothing in this world

like feeling good, and I mean really, really good. Life becomes a true
joy, and we become a joy to all of those around us. Sounds kind of
corny huh?

Think of it like this. Excellent health makes life the exact opposite
of the way it is, when we’re ill. You might be thinking, “This guy just
has no idea how I am, it’s all I can do to be reading this right now.
Really! Just trying to stay on schedule with taking that MMS has been
a major accomplishment.”

Well first of all, I’m not trying to tell you that your going to have
to join a gym, or jog five miles a day. Most people don't realize this,
but the many different aspects of becoming healthy can be very
enjoyable, including exercise. Especially, once you begin to experience
the benefits.

Anything else you ever wanted took effort, right? I don’t know
that you cook, or ever have, but suppose you wanted to make a really
great meal for you and your family, or for that special someone?

You’d plan out the meal, pull out a cookbook or your favorite
recipe, make up the shopping list, and go to the store. Then you
would bring it all home, study the recipe, assemble all of the
ingredients just the way it said, cook it, set the table, etc. This is no

Guess what? You are, that special someone! The first ingredient
toward excellent health is what you’ve already been doing. Educating

The more you read, hear about, or associate with health, the
healthier you’ll become. There is a wealth of information on the inter-
net of course, but it's not that you have to turn into a “career student”
of holistic health, or anything like that.

Once you’ve selected a few health authorities that satisfy your

particular needs or goals, and you’ve got a basic foundation, then it
just becomes a part of your life.

Sure, acting on what you’ve learned and decided to take up, may
be a struggle at first. It all depends on what your previous lifestyle
was like, and how drastic a change it’s going to take to achieve the
results you want, or need.

Any of the other challenges you might encounter, will be

influenced by what type of person you are, the kind of surroundings
your in, and the amount of money your willing, or able to put towards
making an actual change. Change doesn’t have to be painful, and it
can actually be fun and exciting.

You will become more and more encouraged, and committed, once
you've begun to experience the obvious benefits of holistic healing.
Major results can happen in short order with natural methods, if you
get with, and stick to, the right program. Holistic cures can be
extremely effective but you, have to “follow” the program.

Let’s take for example, diet. Everyone knows diets don’t work.
I’m not talking about that kind of “diet.” But let’s say you want to
change what you eat. First it starts with a menu.

You might need to pace yourself on how radical a change you

undertake in the beginning. It just depends on your need, your
commitment, who else lives in your home, etc. One of the points I’m
trying to make is, be realistic so you don’t become discouraged and
just give up in frustration.
Remember I mentioned education? In this regard it might mean
researching some good recipes that will produce something tasty, but
still falls into the parameters of the diet you’ve chosen. There’s a world
of good food out there. You might have to get rid of some food, and if
you eat out every day at some fast food joint, that will have to stop.

Yes, it’s going to take some extra time to prepare, especially when
your first getting started, but healthy food can become fairly
convenient, once you’ve established a workable routine. Don’t forget
it’s for that special someone. You! And you, are so worth it.
Once you decide on a menu, then you have to make up a grocery
list. Sometimes when it comes to upgrading your diet you have to
make some adjustments on where your going to shop. It might cost a
little more as well, but good food is always worth it. It's worth it even
in the short run, what to speak of long term. It taste and feels better.
You might have to call or ask around to find the best place to buy
what you need, but then you’ll know.

Now it’s off to the store, and then finally, you’ve accomplished
the most important part, you’ve got high grade groceries in your
house. Wish I could say that was enough, but the real test is next,
which is eating it. This should be the best part, if you did your
homework, and were honest with yourself.

This was just an example, but the same principles are going to
apply in every aspect of your journey down the path to better health. I
would have said excellent health, but since I don’t know which
direction you've decided to pursue, or from what position your
starting out from...? Actually, just as long as you have “decided,” your
ultimate destination will end, with you attaining excellent health.
The reason I’m so sure is because anyone who will take the time
and effort to educate themselves about health, and begin to
incorporate it into their life, will eventually become exuberantly

How long it takes, is totally up to the individual. However if you

were to become truly serious, and willing to strictly follow any “well
planned,” dynamic rejuvenatory program, results do come amazingly

I have personally witnessed several people reverse some serious

health challenges to emerge according to them, “Feeling better than
they’d ever felt in their lives!” Some of the more amazing situations
I’ve been involved in, took less than two months!

These were people who were seriously committed. First, they did
their research so that they could draw up a powerful, diversified
program. Then they tailored it to suit their needs, and followed it to
the letter. Not, on one day, and off the next. Not, did this, but not that.

For someone who’s intelligently well informed and committed,

the desired results are all but guaranteed, by the use of holistic
methods. Suppose you feel more confident by seeking the help of a
professional such as a naturopathic physician, or holistic practitioner.

Since you feel that way then good, you should. It’s your health! If
possible do both. Research your treatment independently, and seek
the assistance of as many professionals as it takes to make you feel
confident. Then do it!

Whatever you decide, don’t retreat to the victim mindset of a

person who just wants to go to the doctor for some prescription which
may, or may not, even relieve their symptoms. Conventional doctors
can’t give you health, and they usually can’t even cure disease! Maybe
if your a hemophiliac, or cursed with some other disease from birth.

We have to take responsibility for our “own” health. The following

is a list of some of the many modalities available to those seeking the
benefits of “alternative” medicine. There are always, alternatives!

Chinese Medicine-Chiropractic-Clay Therapy-Colloidal Silver Therapy
Colon Hydrotherapy - Color Therapy-Creative Visualization - Crystal
Healing and Therapy- Diet Therapy-Exercise Therapy- Juice Fasting
Flower Essence Therapy - Glandular Therapy - Guided Imagery-Ion
Therapy- Iridology- Herbal Medicine – Homeopathy-Humor Therapy
Hydrotherapy- Imagery - Light Therapy - Magnet Therapy- Massage
Therapy-Meditation Music Therapy-Neuro Linguistic Programming
Matrix Energetics - Nutritional Therapy - Pet Therapy Reiki-Rolfing
Sacred Geometry Therapy - Self Hypnosis – Shiatsu - Sound Therapy
Spiritual Healing-Vibrational Medicine-Visualization-Yoga

This is in no way a complete list of what is available to those seeking

to be assisted by holistic means. As you can see the methods you
decide upon are a matter of personal preference. Which one's appeal
to you? Let's see - eeny meeny miney mo. Oh, I know. Do them all!

Just to make a point. A person could theoretically take advantage

of every one of these systems, simultaneously. In other words they
could rotate from one to the other all day long, every day. As far as
herbs they would have to exercise some caution but other wise, as I’ve
previously stated, “If something is good for you, it’s good for you.” At
the same time, just one of them might be enough. The right one!

Even in the department of diagnosis, naturopathic doctors take

advantage of tools that can excel those of conventional doctors,
especially in regard to total body health.

Diagnostic techniques such as the urine indican test, (determines

degree of intestinal putrefaction) or the Heidelberg test. (measures
stomach acidity) Hair analysis, microscopic blood analysis, iridology,
and kenesiology, are a few more examples of diagnostic procedures
Naturopaths take advantage of.
There are many different types of alternative practitioners. There
are naturopathic physicians, which will specifically diagnose for a
particular problem and focus on treating that, just as any allopathic
doctor would.

In addition, naturopathic doctors are usually just as holistic in

their vision and treatment, as would be any holistic practitioner. The
majority of holistic therapists “specialize,” in a particular holistic
technique. So go ahead and see two or three holistic practitioners,
plus a naturopath. If it's serious, why not?

Naturopathic methods have been used very successfully in the

treatment of numerous diseases, including cancer. Thousands and
thousands of patients have been reported to have had astonishing
recoveries from cancer, using naturopathic methods.

Unfortunately, naturopaths are hesitant to bring any public

attention to such outcomes, because in most states only conventional
medical doctors are “legally” allowed to treat cancer.

Naturopathic physicians are “allowed” to work in a collaborative

capacity with oncologist however, to assist in nullifying the side
effects of cancer treatments. It's unfortunate most cancer patient's
don't study the statistics on success resulting from conventional cancer
treatments, instead of just blindly following the doctor's orders.

Even if they would just interrogate their own oncologist as to the

actual pros and cons of treatment, I doubt any of them would ever
volunteer to under go radiation or chemotherapy. “Treatments,”
which are all but guaranteed to totally devastate, the most valuable
cancer fighting resource that exist, their own immune system.
If a patient so desires, Naturopathic physicians are without doubt
sufficiently trained to work in conjunction with allopathic doctors as
they receive similar training in anatomy, neurosciences, cell biology,
physiology, clinical and physical diagnosis, genetics, histology,
biochemistry, laboratory diagnosis, pharmacology, and epidemiology.

Many naturopathic schools require more hours of training in

these fields than do allopathic medical schools. Naturopathic students
are also trained in botanical medicine, homeopathy, naturopathic
manipulative therapies, traditional Chinese medicine, and
hydrotherapy, in addition to other holistic health techniques, none of
which are taught in conventional medical schools.

Naturopathic schools require a great deal more training in

nutrition and psychological counseling as well. Naturopathic doctors
are actually more educated than any conventional M.D. except when it
comes to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery, which they normally
don’t subscribe to.

A visit to a naturopathic physician may resemble a trip to any

conventional doctor, but only on the surface. As far as addressing
actual health concerns, there is a world of difference.

Naturopaths excel in the area of preventative medicine,

treatment of acute illness, and all types of chronic and de-generative
diseases, that may not have responded to conventional methods.

Conventional medicine definitely excels in the treatment of acute

trauma, childbirth emergencies, treating broken bones, performing
corrective surgery, and treating acute, life-threatening illnesses.
In other words if your in a car wreck, or if you think your dying,
you probably want to take the chance on going to the emergency room.
However naturopaths can provide you with excellent supportive
treatment for any, and all, medical conditions.

As for holistic practitioners they’re generally more diverse in

their approach than naturopathic physicians, and as their name
implies, deal with more of a “total being” approach to healing. As a
rule they're not as symptom focused as naturopathic physicians, or as
concerned about diagnosing particular ailments.

They’re usually more interested in trying to heal the entire body

so that what ever specific symptom producing ailments there may be,
will automatically be cured as well.

Holistic practitioners can also help an individual achieve

excellent results in healing, but be mindful that any of those practicing
under the heading of “holistic,” are not forced to adhere to the same
stringent requirements that naturopathic physicians are.
Whether you choose to get “professional help,” or decide to be
“your own doctor,” or some of both, in the ultimate issue your body,
by means of the “doctor within,” will be the one performing the
factual task of healing.

You have to learn what to do to enable your body to do the work,

and then follow through on what you’ve learned. You can’t be like
some people I’ve known for example, who would say they were doing
organic gardening, but when I would ask, “Oh really, what are you
using for fertilizer?” Their answer was, “Nothing, it’s organic.” Believe
me, their results were usually next to nothing as well.
Even you have knowledge, it doesn’t help if you don’t act on it, or
only act on it half heartedly. Natural healing is all about you, for you,
by you, but no matter what you do, don’t become discouraged, and
never ever, give up. You will succeed!

I know it seemed like a feasible plan to just live the lifestyle you
wanted, and to eat whatever tasted good, with no consideration about
health. Even if you gave becoming ill a thought, you probably figured
your “health” insurance and a good doctor could fix that, no problem.

Well if it worked, I’d be the first in line. Considering the fact fifty
five percent of the population has switched to alternative medicine, I
would see “that” as a pretty good indication, it doesn’t.

First you have to know what to do. Then your going to have to
make some changes, either gradually or abruptly, depending on how
bad, or how desperate, you might be. You do have MMS, and it most
definitely will work wonders.

Not having to feed a viral load will obviously supply more

nourishment for the rest of your body. And of course, not having to
fight off some disease, or being threatened by them, does give a lot of
relief. Just the same, it’s not necessarily “real” health.

To say you never need to worry about disease again is not exactly
true. MMS couldn’t do anything for you say, if you got scurvy due to a
lack of vitamin C. There are plenty of other examples to be sure, but
you get the point. In other words, you can't live on MMS!

There are some things in regards to health, and healing, which

are more or less common sense, that can actually yield huge results.
Take for example water. There’s so much “more” to water, than people

First of all, hardly anyone drinks enough. Many experts claim

that you should drink a liter a day for every forty pounds of body
weight. Once your feeling thirsty, it means your already dehydrated.
Force yourself to drink a big glass of water, first thing every morning.

Another good rule of thumb is the color of your urine. It should

never be yellow unless it's due to taking vitamins. If your consuming
enough water, your urine will be clear.

Then there’s the type of water. Soft water, which means either
distilled water or water that's been put through reverse osmosis, is
best. Never drink city water if it can be helped. It’s never good to
drink fluorinated, chlorinated water. Install a good water purifier for
the shower so you don’t have to bathe in it either. You breathe in
chlorine, and absorb it through your skin, when you bathe in city
Next, let’s consider breathing and air. For those that live in big
cities, a “quality” air purifier is a must. Always try to remember,
although it’s true our bodies are made up of mainly water people
forget that water is made up of mostly oxygen. Remember? One H,
and two O's.

Considering the fact we can go for days without water, weeks

without food, but for only a few minutes without oxygen, it only
stands to reason, making a conscious effort to increase our supply of
oxygen is the obviously sensible thing to do, in regards to improving
our health.
Patricia Bragg daughter of the late Paul C. Bragg who was the
originator of health food stores, is one of the worlds great health
authorities. She provides excellent information on increasing and
maintaining health in which she lays out some ideal programs for
exercise, breathing, and diet. Her website is on the back links page.

Speaking of diet in regards to health, when all is said and done,

proper diet is always regarded as number one. After destructive
lifestyle choices, or in some cases even before, diet is the number one
cause of ill health.

People eat themselves into the hospital, or the grave, more than
from any other cause. If someone is particular about what they eat, or
don’t eat, they might get away with a few bad habits like smoking,
and perhaps even alcohol or drugs. However there is no question
about it, in regards to health, bad diet is America's “deadliest” habit.

Of course there are a lot of variables that have to be factored in

such as a person's age, what type of diet they were raised on, how
deficient or injurious there diet was, exactly how long they’ve been
eating that way, and most definitely, how much they eat. Not only do
Americans eat a harmful and deficient diet, but they eat entirely too
much. Obesity is more or less the norm in this country.

Believe it or not, consumption of corn syrup is one of the major

causes for it. Ever see someone who is obese to the point of appearing
deformed? I'm talking about huge amounts of fat, protruding from
different parts of their bodies!

My first “mouth dropping” thought used to be, ”No one, could

eat that much!” Look a little closer next time as they waddle by, and
you’ll notice a big cup of soda water in their hand! Soda pops are
made up of practically half corn sweetener! And they're highly

Corn syrup not only over rides the signal our brain sends to our
stomach telling it that it’s full, but the body doesn’t “recognize” it as a
sugar. Therefore not knowing what else to do with it, high fructose
corn syrup immediately becomes stored as fat. Corn syrup and MSG
are used liberally in virtually all pre-packaged food products.

We are now witnessing our fourth generation of junk and fast

food children. Not a pretty sight to behold. Our children are getting
sicker, sooner, than any kids in history!

As I mentioned previously, if a person becomes educated, and in

the beginning makes it a priority, they can turn around their
dependency on junk and fast food. In the health food supermarkets
now a days there are a lot of fairly healthy, fast, and frozen food
options. However healthy food is, a “relative” concept.
As everyone knows whether or not they want to admit it, fresh,
and preferably raw food, is ideal. In the beginning, strictly for
convenience, frozen food from the health food section is a conceivable
transitional compromise, for providing a hot meal. Use a traditional
oven to heat it up, and not a microwave.

If you have all of the ingredients in your refrigerator, a fantastic

salad can be thrown together in minutes. Yes, taste is also important
for digestion, but with forethought, planning, and practice, healthy
food can become even more tasty, and “desirable,” than those that
now reside on your taboo grocery list.
One phenomenon that all people experience as they switch to a
healthy diet is they no longer have cravings for all of those
“unhealthy” foods, they were once so fond of.

As for prepackaged fast food replacements for a family on the go,

health food stores or “sections,” can provide some viable alternatives.
Be sure to study the labels carefully, and definitely buy organic as
much as possible.

Gradually you’ll become inspired to make your own

preparations at home that you can freeze or package up for those
times when your in a hurry, or for your “away from home meals.” Yes,
you will have to be organized and think ahead!

Nutritionals are a superior and very convenient way to make

sure your consuming enough high quality food. Don’t subscribe to
any nutritionals that contain “isolates” of any type. Our bodies can't
assimilate isolates. A quality nutritional mixed in some juice, with a
good snack bar, creates a healthy, convenient, and satisfying meal.
Vitamins are not what I mean by nutritionals. Sure a supplement
might be advertised to contain enough vitamin A to equal the
equivalent of a truckload of carrots, but it’s just something for your
liver and kidneys to process and eliminate. They're not food.

If you have any doubt, just remember how yellow, and even
smelly your urine is when you take chemical vitamins. There’s
nothing wrong with vitamins, and in light of how depleted modern
foods are, I would dare say they’re essential. Just make sure they’re of
food grade quality, and free of any isolates.
What you want, is food concentrates. Our bodies were designed
to get their nutrients from actual food, not chemicals. The more simple
something is in it’s constitution, the more readily our body will be
able to recognize and process the form of energy we're supplying it.

Food's are no different. Food products beefed up with isolates to

increase the value of the nutritional information, are worse than
useless. This includes soy isolates. There is a virtual universe of first
class nutritional elixirs and food products available today.

They are usually organic as well. There’s a reason the best places
to find them are called “health food stores.” Also there are many
exceptional products available that for whatever reason, won't be
found on any health food store shelves. You can find them on line,
along with all of the other items available from your health food store
as well. You can also check our back links section for some options.

However you’ll know your “well” on your way to excellent

health, when you begin looking forward to a leisurely stroll through
your favorite health food store.
Also a reliable way to learn what's a good treatment for a
particular ailment, is to simply ask the person working in the herb
and body care section. They’ll almost always have suggestions, if not
they'll look it up in their reference books. Bring a list of questions, the
people in that section are usually full of information, and love to help.

Juicing your own fresh fruits and vegetables is probably the best
way to get your daily requirement of enzymes and vitamins. It is
vitally important to use organic produce when juicing. Especially
when it comes to things like greens, beets, carrots, and apples.
Most of the bigger conventional grocery stores, have fresh
organic produce these days. Places like Sam’s and Costco have it
priced at a considerable discount. They also have “deals” on juicers as
well. A “green food” supplement like blue green algae, barley grass,
sea plankton, alfalfa, or wheat grass, is all but a must.

As with everything, you have to be honest with yourself, and

gage your abruptness of change, based on your personal variables of
need, desire, and ability. If your not too desperate to make the
transition, incorporate one thing at a time gradually, so as not to
become overwhelmed, and thus discouraged.

Knowledge is first and foremost. Keep studying, and the

education you receive will give you the faith and determination, to
keep at it.

Nothing worth having is ever easy, especially in the beginning. To

get healthy in a hurry will require some cleanses. Liver, gall bladder,
and colon cleanses are in the forefront of this requirement. Excellent
choices of cleanses can be found in this book's back links section.

In regards to exercise, it goes without saying, everyone needs it.

Bodies exactly like the ones we “have” built the pyramids! Our bodies
were not only designed for activity, they crave it. I can’t imagine
anyone experiencing excellent health, without some form of exercise.

At least a bare minimum of daily walking with stretching, along

with some breathing exercises. Personal taste will obviously play a
large part in how much, and what type. My advice is to make it fun,
but by all means, don’t neglect to do some form of regular exercise.
One quick note in regard to MMS and exercise. Glands such as
your prostate, thyroid, breast, lymph, etc. receive the least amounts of
blood supply. MMS tends to get to them later, after it’s cleansed
regions that are more accessible. People usually don’t realize the fact
that there is more glandular fluid in our bodies, than there is blood.

A fantastic form of exercise is to bounce up and down on a mini

trampoline. This motion “stirs up” those fluids, causing them to flow
smoother, which assist them in becoming and remaining cleansed.

There are many people who have taken advantage of this technique
to stimulate and/or accelerate the healing of gland issues. Mini
trampolines are a great daily warm up form of exercise for everyone.

It’s not so much what form of exercise an individual chooses, as it

is the regularity in which it’s performed. Another reason to choose
exercise that appeals to your sense of recreation if possible, like bike
riding, swimming, kayaking, sports, etc. Ideally you want to get your
heart rate up for at least twenty minutes.

Exercise is essential. You wouldn't forget to eat! So? Walk some,

run a little, walk, run, walk, run. At least three times a week for
twenty minutes, with a five minute warm up and cool down. Deep
breathe and stretch, everyday. Don't forget those arms and stomach
muscles! Good posture is crucial.

If yoga appeals to you, it’s undoubtedly the best exercise there is.
Attend some classes until you learn the poses, then do it at home.
Don’t allow yourself to be sedentary. It may seem all but impossible
for some in the beginning, but exercise is invaluable to your general
mood, and overall quality of life.
Drinking plenty of quality water, deep breathing fresh air,
consuming optimum nutrition, and exercise, are the preliminary of
any healthy lifestyle, what to speak of those pulling themselves back
from the depths of disease. That’s on the positive side of things to do.

We all know that every positive has it’s negative. Rules and
regulations. I prefer to not dwell so much on regulations, or what not
to do. If you focus on and perform the right activities, the wrong ones
will fall away on their own, eventually.

Just the same, it must be stated that 80% of chronic disease is

linked directly to diet. Even with the best of nutritional supplements,
your health may not improve significantly if you don’t eliminate the
negative factors that continue to tear it down. The food we eat directly
affects our health, and the following are some items that rank at the
top of the dangerous food list.

“Bad” Fats Avoid eating fried foods (such as french fries, chips,
bacon, etc.) and hydrogenated oils (such as mayonnaise, margarine,
etc,) which besides containing bad fats, are also linked to cancer and
liver degeneration.

Foods/drinks with “natural flavors” Many times the cute name,

“natural flavors,” is a spin doctor term for MSG, mono sodium
glutamate, a dangerous neurotoxin which can cause brain cells to
explode! Avoid products with “natural flavors” listed in the
ingredients, there is nothing “natural” about MSG, and it’s
detrimental effects can not be understated.

Avoid foods or drinks with aspartame like the plague! Aspartame, is

a toxic chemical sweetener. Thousands of adverse reactions to
aspartame, such as headaches, digestive problems, allergic reactions,
etc. are reported to the FDA every month.

Soft drinks They contain a variety of harmful chemicals such as

phosphoric acid and aspartame, what to speak of corn syrup which
just like MSG, is in virtually all commercially available food products.

Refined foods Devitalized foods which contain white flour, white rice,
white sugar or toxic “food chemicals”, are all associated with poor
health and early death.

Red meat Red meat contains a whopping 44 times more phosphorus

than calcium. A person eating red meat on a regular basis can become
very calcium deficient. There are so many reasons to avoid all types of
meat and even dairy products. For one thing, these items contain
literally hundreds of various carcinogens as a direct result of the
animals “feed.”

For example, all of the laying hens in any typical “egg factory”
are not only kept under lights 23 hours a day, but also fed
amphetamines to make them produce more! These “laying hens” are
decommissioned after nine months and carted off to become food.

Also, all commercially raised animals are routinely pumped full

of antibiotics and hormones, including dairy cows. Definitely, “go
organic” in regard to consuming any animal food products.

Personally, I haven't eaten any meat, fish, or eggs, in over thirty

five years, and have never missed it once. Quite the opposite. There
are so many wonderful things to eat out there once you stop filling up
on flesh food.

Of course, when I “quit” I was living on a farm. That was most

likely the number one reason why I became a vegetarian. My wife and
I had moved there to the country to grow and harvest our own organic

Raising the animals was great, but when it came time to kill
them? Well, I was brought up on a farm and then transplanted to the
city. I was taught from an early age to be “practical” when it comes to
“dressing out” livestock, but those were the last animals I'll ever kill.
Obviously we must have decided we weren't carnivore's after all. We
had a freezer just for all of the meat, and never ate any of it!

We threw some great barbeque's though. None of our friend's or

relatives could believe it. They all said, “Well, if your really going to
give up eating meat, at least wait until you've emptied your freezer!”
Slaughtering those animals we had become attached to gave us a
lifetime's worth of realization about where “meat” comes from.

There's more than one reason why traditionally, slaughter houses

never have any windows. We did keep milking Ditzy our pure bred
Jersey cow though, to the tune of four gallons a day. We dearly loved
all of the fresh organic milk, butter, and cheese.

Besides, there was so much variety coming from our garden my

family didn't have any room on their plates for meat. Being vegetarian
does not mean being restricted to “rabbit food.” People would always
ask me, “What do you eat?” I would always just answer back,
“Everything but, meat, fish, and eggs.” Of course that was back before
vegetarianism became popular. No one's asked me that question in

I know giving up things that are convenient or tasty, which

you’ve been used to consuming your entire life is not necessarily so
easy, but it could mean the difference between being healthy or not, or
even life or death. You may just want to consider eating some of the
more dangerous foods as bad habits, and give them up immediately.

One thing about having bad habits. You know? There's a reason
they're called “bad,” and they don’t just revolve around vices either.
The best way to free yourself from them, is to fill your life with
alternative activities. If there is some type of social ritual around them,
well sorry, but you will have to forgo that association until your
comfortably free.

If those people are actually your friend's, they’ll understand and

will encourage you in giving up a bad habit, they more than likely
wish they themselves could quit as well. If not, well no matter, you
can always make some new “friends” to go with the “new” you.
Every bad habit comes with certain triggers. It could be a person,
a place, a smell, a song, even a TV show. It might be a happy moment,
or a stressful one. You have to figure out what your triggers are, and
make the appropriate adjustments. Always remember, discontinuing a
bad habit, can be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done.

It all depends on what it is, and how long it’s been a part of your
life. “Old bad habits,” die the hardest. Don’t give up because you “fall
off the wagon,” a few times. “If at first you don't succeed, then try try
again.” Also,“It's not how you start the race, but how you finish!”
If it’s really serious get some help. Make sure it’s the right kind of
help, for you. If you know, or can make friends with someone who
previously had the same problem, but got over it, that can sometimes
be helpful. Not always.

I know it sounds corny, but there are support groups for every
bad, or good habit, that exists. Nothing new under the sun, my friend.
No reason to feel ashamed, and don’t be bashful. If nothing else go on
line. Sometimes cyber friends are the best. You could always write me!

You can do it! No matter what it is. Be patient and above all,
never give up. Do not give into any form of discouragement, or allow
yourself to be phased by social ridicule. People who act like that, just
wish they had the guts to try!

It’s always best to focus on the positive. Don’t give much

attention to the “old habit.” Stay busy with it’s replacement.
Compliment yourself for just making the attempt to quit. Always see
the “new you,” even if in the beginning you have to make some
compromises with your “old demon's.”

Now I would like to mention a few of the so called subtle, yet

none the less, most “pronounced” factors responsible for healing and
health. Not so much in an obvious direct sense, but extremely
influential, just the same. What I’m referring too is the “sixth sense,”or
the mind. Everyone knows how “the mind,” can affect health.

Who hasn’t known, or heard of someone who everyone said,

“They just died from a broken heart!” Our minds play such a critical
role in our health, whether it be good or bad. We’ve all heard of
people performing super human feats during emergencies, like the
“proverbial mother”, who picked the car up off of her trapped child.

Every doctor knows that a positive mindset can do more for a

patient than any medical treatment. It’s often the deciding factor as to
whether someone can recover from a “serious” disease, or “not.”

Why this is a fact, will probably always be a subject for debate,

but none the less a “fact” it will always be. Rather than debate this
phenomenon, I prefer to explore how to avoid it’s negative aspects,
and exploit it’s positive ones.

One huge killer of modern man as we all know is stress. There is

a scientific explanation which confirms one of the reasons stress is so
detrimental. It has been determined that our body in normal
situations is governed by the parasympathetic nervous system.

When the body is under the jurisdiction of that system, it

functions as it ordinarily does. When I refer to the body, I mean our
“entire” body. All the way down to the cellular level.

Under normal circumstances our cells are all “open,” taking in

oxygen and nutrients, excreting waste, and carrying on with all of the
typical actions cell's perform such as metabolizing, dividing, and

However when we undergo stress, be it some tragedy, or severely

disturbing “feelings” or memories, it causes our basic body chemistry
to become instantly altered.

A familiar example would be tears, and all of the accompanied

mucus that comes pouring out. Try to remember the last time you
became really upset, maybe you were in a hurry and got stuck in rush
hour traffic. What about when your spouse, or your boss is screaming
at you? Your brain sends messages to every cell in your body!

What happens is our bodies automatically come under the

influence of the “fight or flight” mechanism, which is governed by our
sympathetic nervous system. It causes our entire body to go into panic
alert mode. Severe negative emotions of any type, can trigger this
response which does no harm to our health, as long as it’s infrequent
and short lived.

The difficulty of having our body operated by the sympathetic

nervous system is, it diverts blood from our stomach to our muscles,
and our heart rate and breathing increases as our whole body is put
on high alert preparing itself for conflict. Remember your mother
warning you not to eat when your upset?

Not only does our body tense up collectively, but it also closes
down on the cellular level. The cells are interrupted from their normal
activities including, “breathing and eating.” Basically we are starving
and strangling our cells, when we adopt a “stress filled life.” How
many times have we all heard the phrase, “Stress kills!”

Stress causes our cells to become very unhealthy, and it creates a

breeding ground for all types of disease. Sick cells are dangerous cells.

Even if you don’t manifest cancer or some other disease, everyone

knows stress is a major culprit in the the development of heart attacks.
At the very least, who needs ulcers?

Often, if not every time, it’s not the stressful situations themselves,
but the way in which we “deal” with them. Simple changes in our
lifestyle can greatly reduce stress, and also help protect us from it’s

In the ultimate issue it’s almost always our total perception of

life, that lies at the root of stress. If somehow we are able to change our
“outlook,” then the cause of stress is immediately eliminated.

“Mind over matter.” Sound familiar? In the ultimate sense our

bodies aren’t actually so solid anyway. They’re an ever changing,
constantly vibrating, interacting universe of atoms, photons, and
electrons, which are always waiting for and making themselves ready
to respond, to “any and all” transmitted information.

Each and every particle of this “matter,” is directly under the

jurisdiction, and ultimately at the mercy, of our mind. Our bodily
“universe” senses and responds to the messages our mind sends, as
does everything else in our “reality.” This is too complex a concept to
elaborate on here but mind and brain, are not exactly the same thing.

Our subtle consciousness is constantly manipulating our gross

reality. Just as improper diet, bad habits, and destructive lifestyle
choices can produce serious health issues. In a similar way we can
actually call upon ourselves all types of adverse situations including
ill health, simply by generating or harboring, negative and destructive

Negative mental states such as fear, doubt, worry, depression,

despair, grief, and guilt, as well as feelings of insecurity and
unworthiness, can cause us to attract all types of undesirable
circumstances into our lives.
This goes without mentioning other destructive emotions such as
anger, hatred, rage, jealousy, or revenge. It’s no wonder some people's
lives become overwhelming to the point of utter frustration, and total

When you think of undesirable types of emotions like these, it

seems hardly worth bringing up any others, such as discouragement
and pessimism, or irritation and impatience. Let us not forget
boredom. Persons who live a life filled with such negativity, have very
little hope of becoming free, or healthy.

Those who cultivate these types of negative feelings simply

attract more of the same from every situation, and every person, they
encounter. Have you ever known someone who was always described
by this statement? “Everything he touches, just turns to mud!”

On the other hand, those who cultivate emotions from the

opposite side of the spectrum, who keep their heart's and mind's filled
with hopeful optimism, and who are bursting with positive belief and
expectation, are rarely dissatisfied. Such individuals are eagerly
enthusiastic and pointedly driven, with a passion for life.

Grateful for anything and everything, they live their lives fueled
with feelings of empowerment. They keep their hearts filled with
love, joy and appreciation, thus they always experience the total
freedom to live their lives in “exactly” the way they desire.

This type of person sees the entire world, as their own personal
candy store! Every situation they encounter, turns out “exactly” the
way they expected and wanted. They live life with their heart's and
mind's filled with positive expectations.

The type of person people usually describe like this.”Everything

he touches, turns to gold!” Even when some type of adversity does
strike, they never blame anyone, or anything. They simply see such
situations as an opportunity to achieve something greater.

Sounds kind of corny huh? Way corny! Maybe, but I know you
know what I'm talking about. There are people just like that, even
though we might want to say, “Who are these people? Doesn’t sound
like anyone I know!”

Well, remember this one? “Like attracts like.” Such persons,

whether they're conscious of the fact or not, are accessing the positive
side of a universal truth popularly known as, the Law of Attraction.

The same holds true for those who live in a world full of negative
feelings. They “attract” all of the things they dread or fear. Yes,
including ill health.

There are many documented cases of people in the worst

physical circumstances “willing” their way out of hospitals and/or
wheelchairs. Many have brought themselves back from paralysis or
near death, astounding the minds of their physicians who had sealed
their fate with the stamp of, “no hope.”

Unfortunately, the opposite is usually the norm. Sure, it is hard

to be relentlessly positive, particularly when the circumstances seem
hopeless. It's definitely best not to “wait” until you encounter an
emergency situation, to start trying to access the Law of Attraction.
Accessing this Universal truth is an art that we all perform, either
to manifest what we want, or don’t want, and it applies to every
aspect of our lives, including health.

There are many excellent resources that give detailed

instructions on how to manipulate the Law of Attraction. When
properly and constantly accessed, this universal law enables you to
consciously manifest anything you want.

Courses on this subject correspondingly teach you how to not

attract what you don’t want. May sound simple but it’s actually a great
science. The very best way to avoid attracting what we don’t want, is
to “never” consider it a possibility. Don't allow your mind to focus on
what you don't want.

However, as soon as we ponder on what we want, a

corresponding consideration of what we don’t want, automatically
springs into our minds. We have to learn the art of not giving those
thoughts the slightest possibility of any residence within our reality.
Especially never focus on any negative thoughts, with your “feelings.”

The most effective way to achieve any of our goals, is to become

“obsessed” with attaining them, to the exclusion of everything else.

Courses in the Law of Attraction teach advanced techniques in

how to focus on our desires to the point of seeing, smelling, tasting,
touching, and feeling them, as if they had already become a physical

And in fact, when the subtle mind becomes fixed on something

to the degree it “feels” it’s real, that thought or desire will manifest
itself on the gross platform as well. It’s just a “matter” of time.

How much “time” is only limited to the intensity of our “feelings”

of belief. Literally millions of people are now realizing amazing
success by training themselves on how to stimulate the Law of
Attraction to receive whatever they desire, as many famous persons
throughout history have been documented to have done. Or you
could just pray! I do both. “Works for me!”

What I’m referring too, takes more than just watching that movie
The Secret a few times.

It is a great inspirational introduction to the Law of Attraction,

but the average person needs a lot more in depth instruction, to
actually be able to master the art of accessing it. This is particularly
true, in times of adversity.

Just as you wouldn’t expect to maintain your ideal weight by

simply dieting off some pounds only to return to the same eating
habits. Your health is no different.

Ultimately to achieve and maintain perfect health, will take some

major lifestyle changes. Either immediately or gradually, depending
on the type of person you are, and/or how urgent your “need” might

Be in the here and now. Don't divert your focus on the past.
There is nothing anyone can do about the past, it's already passed.
People spend half of their lives looking back over their shoulders.

Don't pay any mind to depressing past incidents, or even lament

having to pay the “results” of previous bad choices or habits. Always
be brave. “A coward dies a thousand deaths...” Fear not! Stay focused,
get on with it every minute of everyday but don't dwell on the future,
unless it's to do positive visualization. The future is uncertain, because
it hasn't happened yet, and it is whatever you make it.

That's always the good news, because it means you can still do
something about it. Don't dwell on the past and don't obsess about the
future to the point where you live in a fantasy world.

Please avoid paying attention to what anyone “thinks.” Just know

that ninety five percent of the time, people are thinking about one
thing, themselves. Stick to your plan, and constantly refer back to your

Stay focused on the business at hand, but always moderate and

reward yourself for a job well done. You have to make a truce with
your mind. “The mind can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.”
“Controlling the mind, can be as difficult as controlling the wind.”

Especially if our senses are too demanding. They become that

way due to being overly immersed in sense gratification. Many people
have the tendency, to gradually become “helplessly victimized” by
their senses. You know, like it's a full time job! That's why I say, make
a truce with the mind, and moderate.

Go at controlling your mind the same as you would at driving a

team of powerful horses that have to constantly be reined in. You have
to pay close attention to what's going on! You can't not hold back tight,
but you also have to know just how, and when to give in. Too much or
too little, and you won't be able to steer them where you want them to
go. And always be kind to yourself. Look in the mirror and say, “I love
you!” Do it at least, three times a day. You think I'm kidding don't ya?

You know, it's our consciousness that has to be monitored, we

actually are what we “think,” and we're always thinking about one
thing. That being whatever we're conscious of at the moment. Don't
allow your mind to fester and worry about things of which you have
no control.

Restrain your mind from being conscious of anything, that's not

pleasing. Remember to breathe, and be constantly “conscious,” of
what your conscious of. Ultimately, any peace, happiness, or
satisfaction we experience in life, is simply due to our decision to
consciously make a mental adjustment. Negative experiences are
brought on by the same process. Some people don't “have anything,”
but they're happy. Others “have it all,” and they're miserable.

Everything in life, is based on desire. If we want too bad enough,

we’ll do it, and it won’t even seem that hard. Depending on exactly
how far “off” you realize you are, or how tired of your old ways you
might truly be, upgrading your health can be a “huge” relief. For
most, it's a delightfully transformational and invigorating experience.

I hesitate to put it this way, but you know what I've actually been
referring to is “re-thinking” your life. You might be wanting to say
right about now, “Hey, wait a minute! I thought I was just going to get
a few tips on health. What is this, re-think my life stuff?”

The point I’m about to make is all about your health. You can just
incorporate a few health upgrades into your life. MMS certainly lives
up to it’s name sake, and your to be “commended” for just that one
change, and also for possibly “re-thinking” your approach to health.

But, if this happens to be a time in your life that has just given
you a wake up call, perhaps it would be the perfect time to re-assess
your life. By that I’m referring to any, or all of the things which might
have lead you up, to this point.

Please be honest, because these “things” just might interfere with

you ever attaining, and/or maintaining, what you really want and also
need, the first and foremost of which, should be perfect health.

You may not have realized it, but this crisis may have changed
your outlook. So if re-thinking your life might be something you'd
consider, I’d like to briefly touch on a few items of interest in this area.

First of all, as hard as this probably seems, “now” might be the

perfect time to take a good hard look at what makes your life, or
anyones life, “meaningful.” Let's make a list!

Is it your mate, your children, your parents? Is it what you do to

earn a living? Is it what you own, or something you’d like to own?
Maybe it’s a hobby, or something you’d like to learn. Is it doing good
for others? Perhaps it's politics, or some cause. Is it your friend's
and/or your social life?

For some it’s their position in society, and of course it’s never very
satisfying for most people to be too inattentive toward God. Whatever
that means to you. I’m not referring to religion or church necessarily,
unless that’s what being close to God mainly is for you. What I'm
referring to is the spiritual side of your life, as it translates to mean for
you. After all, if you just got a wake up call, then who do you think is
trying to wake you up, and why?

Look over your list, or if nothing really came to mind, then think
about what that might be an indication of.

Whatever it might be that makes your life feel meaningful, how

far away from achieving your goal in relation to those things do you
see yourself? Are your goals blessings that you feel grateful to have?
Or do they almost seem like something you might not ever attain?

Maybe you've achieved the majority of your life's goals, but still
feel unfulfilled. Whatever the answer, all I can say is, try to find
something to be grateful about, especially in regards to your life having

If nothing else, go on a perpetual “rampage of appreciation.” No

matter what the situation, good or bad, find “something” about it to
appreciate, and “focus” on that.

That one simple mental exercise will always raise your

“vibration,” and it will happen immediately! And be grateful!
Whatever your life's goal might be, make a plan how to increase your
involvement, and “recommit” yourself to it. You can do, have, or be,
anything you want!

Make that phone call! To “have” a friend, you have to be one. Get
out in the world. Change your routine. Whatever it takes, make a plan
and do it! A life full of meaning has value to those that live it, and to
all of those who come into it.
Vibrant health is intertwined with such an existence. Always
remember that “you” are totally unique in this world, a one of a kind
work in progress. So let your light shine! Your life has meaning,
because you “mean” something. And every minute of every hour of
every day, is an opportunity to prove it.

Don’t allow anyone, or anything, to discourage you, and never

ever, give up. I could easily write a book on just this one aspect of
health, but so many others already have. If you feel it to be an area in
which you could use some encouragement, read one.

Self help, and self improvement courses and literature can be

some of the best therapy for health and well being, there is. Several
are referenced in the back links section.

Now a few thoughts about breaking the cycle. Revamping our

life usually revolves around making changes, which means accepting
those things we’ve decided are beneficial, and rejecting those things
that we’ve determined to be detrimental.

These activities are invariably wrapped up in cycles of behavior.

It takes 28 days to break a bad habit. The same time that one is
breaking a bad habit is also considered the best time to take up a better
one. By the time the old habits gone, the new one is firmly established.

Congratulate yourself often while your in transition. For making

the effort! Try to keep your eyes on the end result, and how improved
your life is going to become. Also avoid those who are not totally
encouraging to you, or if that’s not possible, do not discuss with them
any of the challenges your experiencing.

Positive and encouraging association is everything. Good

association doesn't have to come in an actual physical presence
however, and can come in any number of forms. Hopefully one of
those forms is Me. I'm trying! Stay positive and keep involved. Being
lazy and apathetic is not positive!

I feel foolish trying to touch on so many aspects of holistic

healing and health, in one chapter. If some how it inspires you to at
least, consider investigating and possibly taking up some aspect of it,
then my purpose will have been realized.

There is so much information I wish I could share with you in

regard to attaining good, and ultimately, excellent health. You could
always e-mail me if you have a question, and make sure your signed
up for the news letter. We're constantly trying to increase the website
with new information, and helpful back links. Drop by anytime!

I hope this chapter has given you some indication of which

direction you might like to start. As I have brought up repeatedly,
holistic or alternative health, and it’s methods, are ultimately the
individuals own choice and responsibility.

After all you don’t need a doctor to feed you, or tuck you in at
night, right? It’s not his, or her health, right? We’re all big boy’s and
girl’s, so do it! You can do this! The universe is “yours,” and it and
everyone in it, are ready to help. “God helps those who help
themselves.” So may God help us all.

We need only to ask, and rely on our God given intelligence to

take advantage of all the gifts this world has to offer. You will succeed,
if your patient, and strive by the proper means. I for one, am here for
you, so again, congratulations on your new life. You deserve it!

Chapter 7
Self-Diagnosis & Program Designing
How To Diagnose Yourself And Others
Prescribing A Program
Program Example
Sample Schedule

Health is just like money, it never hurts to have a reserve, and you
can't have too much, but it is intended to “enhance” your life, not
be your life.

How to diagnose yourself or others

This technique is not to try and convince you that you should
rely totally on your own devices when getting a definitive diagnosis.
Do not rely totally on self diagnosis if it involves concern over some
major, potentially “life-threatening” disease. Seek out a professional.

It would be hard to imagine being over diagnosed unless the

play by play news is too stressful. Even M.D.'s typically have to
speculate and often take the posture of an auto mechanic. In other
words the old, “Try this, and if it doesn't work, we'll try that.”

Two heads or ten heads, are better than one. So what can it hurt
to be diagnosed by professionals? I would have to say, “No such thing
as being over diagnosed.”

Over treated by conventional medicine yes, but ignorance is not

bliss when it comes to health and disease is not like some fine wine
you want to age, unless your a masochist and being sick is your goal.

“Disease, fire, and debt, should be dealt with immediately,” or so

says the ancient Vedic aphorism.

Alternative methods can be used right along with allopathic

treatment and there’s never any concern, except possibly in regard to
herbal medicines which should always be taken with “educated”

A simple, fast, and easy way to diagnose illness and research

treatment options is this. First itemize your symptoms. If there's more
than one, write them down.

Then go to Google or any good search engine. Type them in, and
plenty of potential treatments and therapies, will immediately be
displayed. Balance out between the various symptoms and their
corresponding ailments. Look for which diseases keep coming up.

The most pronounced symptom may not be the one you want to
directly focus on. Say you've had pain in your right side, and severe
back pain with swelling in your legs and hands.

So research has led you to assume that it must be a liver/kidney

issue. Rather than focus on the most pronounced symptom (the back
ache from the kidney's) you just do supportive treatment (plenty of
water & cranberry juice) and avoid any and all kidney irritants, while
giving most of your attention to what appears to be the actual “cause”
of the problem, your liver.

After no more than 48 hours if the back ache remains even

though your liver has stopped hurting, then you know the kidneys are
also affected. Increase your therapy to include the kidney's, and in
your maintenance program after the “crisis” is over as well, otherwise
you would just concentrate on the liver.

You could have just assumed they were both in need of attention
and dealt with them accordingly. No problem. You don't have to get
that specific.

In fact, anytime something like this comes up is a good time to

do an assessment, and adjustment of your entire program. Especially
in regard to those symptoms and the corresponding requirements

So have fun with it! Symptoms are signals, just like the little
indicator lights on the dash of your car, and natural health & healing
has limitless “alternatives.” Try them all! (Herbs not included.)
For example I had what looked to be a circulation issue. Some
varicose veins were starting to appear, and I had coldness in my
hands and feet. Nothing major, but obviously chronic. I was in my
mid fifties so I assumed it was due to my age.

I eventually decided to look up “natural cures for circulation

problems” on Google. I could have went at it as “natural cures for
varicose veins” or “natural cures for cold hands and feet.”

I not only found at least a dozen options to consider for natural

cures, but also plenty of relevant information on the cause, and the
dangers, of circulation issues. I also found other “reference” sources to
consider and investigate.

So I educated myself, made up a program to follow, ordered the

things I had decided to try, and in no time, I turned around a situation
which had been going on for several years. That’s just an example.

You can end up spending a little bit of time on something like

this, but it is your health. Yeah, you might miss-diagnose, so as I said, if
you feel it's serious, get professional help.

A case in point. From being overly confident in my seemingly

perfect health, I almost agreed to allow a possibly serious health
symptom to go unattended, under the assumption of it being an age
related issue.

Was I ever stupid! I'm so glad I got the inspiration to check it out,
as those symptoms can be the indication of some possibly serious
health problems. Now I've permanently incorporated holistic
circulation assistance into my “daily program”. A simple herb.
Problem solved!

Just because you now have the advantages of MMS, it might not
solve all of your health issues. It's not good to become overly
confidant, like I was being.

Even if you do get diagnosed by a physician, make your own

diagnosis as well. What can it hurt? Ever heard of anyone being miss-
diagnosed by a doctor?

Besides, being educated on your symptoms and potential

disease, can’t hurt. Not when your going to use holistic methods to
deal with it. Maybe you won’t always zero in on any particular
“disease” when diagnosing this way, but so what?

Diseases are consistently sensationalized, and somewhat over

rated anyway. We’ve “got” a material body, and this body is the,
“emblem of disease.” We are constantly being bombarded by diseases
and they're already “in there” to begin with. After all, what could be a
bigger “disease,” than old age and death? So make your life “count.”

Symptoms are just the first sign that a disease is gaining

momentum, so deal with it sooner, as apposed to later. Not to the
point of fanaticism or hypochondria, but symptoms are signals, and
they can be read and analyzed.

As I just mentioned, doctors are simply body mechanics. Every

time you take a car to an honest mechanic he’ll usually say, “Well it
sounds like this, but if it’s not, then it’s probably that other thing. We’ll
try this first, and if that doesn’t fix it, then we’ll try that.”
Sound like any doctors you’ve ever been too? Hell, I've gone to
“specialist,” that sounded just like that!

As we’ve quoted “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of

cure.” So use gas treatment or oil treatment. In other words do some
cleanses, fast, all, or any of that good stuff, but if your engine starts
knocking, or if you see smoke coming out of your tail pipe, don’t just
keep driving. It’s a symptom!

Your body almost always gives signals, (symptoms) long before

any “disease” manifest. So pay attention, Google up your symptoms
and if you decide to go to the doctor, then compare notes.

Also if you are dealing with cancer, you might be interested in

the home cancer test kit. You just send off a pinprick blood sample
and they'll send you the results. It's said to be very accurate and
reliable. You'll find that info. on pg. 47.

Prescription for a Program

Devising a program and making up a schedule.

Devising a “program” is fun and easy. Following one? Well it all

depends on you, and how well you did your research. Also on how
willing you are to stay with it. And of course, it’s also dependent on
how “honest” you were being with yourself when you wrote it up.
Thankfully the beauty of devising a program is, it’s endlessly mutable!
It can always be-up or down graded-to fit the specific circumstances.

To design your initial program, first make a list of all of the

ingredients in it. How much, how many, how often in a day. Full or
empty stomach, time between doses, any considerations in combining,
I mean everything.

No matter what it is. Supplements, herbal or homeopathic

remedies, exercises, of course food and juice. Even water. If you want
to listen to any inspirational tapes or read something that helps,
anything and everything, put it on the list.

Next make a different list, your schedule. Break the day up in

segments. If your program is going to be totally different from day to
day make corresponding schedules, or just allow for the variations.

On days, off days. If you work then clump your schedule around
morning, noon, and night, including any breaks. Don’t forget to
include the weekends! Your body doesn't take any day's off.

Keep a copy in your pocket. One on the refrigerator. The dash of

your car. Keep one everywhere! And don't forget to look at it. Look at
it often! Study it until you know it by heart.
The following example program would probably be rated as
excessive, and is more or less fashioned for some one with moderate
health, or disease challenges. If this happens to be you, then be sure to
research the ailment and design your program to suit “it’s” needs.

There are so many natural options out there to deal with major
diseases, but quick! Even if your not presently health challenged,
although MMS does clean the blood, it doesn’t technically revitalize it.

Fortunately there are many options to consider that are not only
excellent in quality but also very convenient to use. Green food is so
important for revitalizing the blood. It’s like drinking pure blood,
because in a sense that’s what it is, plant blood.

There is nothing else in existence, that is closer to hemoglobin,

than chlorophyll. There's only one molecule's difference between the
two. Also green foods are full of enzymes.

Just remember, a program can be very simple depending on your

needs and/or commitment.

Example program and corresponding schedule – for at home:

Note: full/empty refers to stomach before/after refers to meals
Nutritional: blue green algae,(e-morn)sea plankton,(m-aft.)Barley grass(Empty
Vegetable drink/alfalfa(empty) Apple cider vin. 3 Times Rice Protein (before)
Supplements/Vitamins: B&A mag/phos Multi (full) C (e-morn) Micro-
nutrients Reservatrol-2 Co-enzymes Omega3 (in between) MMS 1-2 hrs. after
Tonics: Noni, Zrii, Live Probiotic (In between & night) Clay water (empty)
Medicines-herbs-elixirs: MilkThistle extract-2(full)C. silver&gold (in between)
Homeopathic (In between and bed) Flower Essences (5 times) MSM
Food-Water-Menu: One gallon Rejuve water, chopped Walnuts, re-hydrated
dried fruit, almond butter, apple, banana, citrus, tomatoes, lentils&rice,
asparagus, pine nuts, spinach, cucumber, avocado, sunflower seeds, olive oil,
apple cider vinegar, veggie burgers&sauce, sparkling water, Pomegranate-
blueberry juice, apple juice, snack bars, crackers.
Juicing: apples, carrots, celery, beets, spinach, cucumber, cayenne, ginger
Exercise: 20 minute breathing walk, 10 minutes mini tram 5 minute stomach 5
minute arms, stretches 5 minute three times a day/ 45 minute yoga.
Instructional DVD's & tapes: meditative, lecture, inspirational tape, night
forest and beach sounds, Yoga DVD,
Read: affirmations, book, inter-net
Relax: music, nap, reading, movie
Morning: shower, clay water MMS M-thistle Breakfast-bluegreen algae- barley
grass-juice/apple cider vinegar vitamin C micro nutrients water/f. essences
affirmations walk/exercise meds.

MID: Do juice / stretch/ MMS-C silver-f essences-water-inter-net/book Hmeds.

Noon: mms plankton Yoga/dvd meditative tape affirmations f essences mms

bath apple-cider vinegar omega3 and coenzymes & noni water

Mid: lunch-lentils rice-asparagus/pine nuts olive oil/salad fizz juice, rice protein
milk thistle ex. b&e multi-vitamin lecture, nap?

Evening: shower, affirmations, MMS-reservatrol, coenzymes, omega3, C gold,

H. remedies, f essences, stretches inspirational tape, water, juice, probiotic“read”

Late evening: apple cider vinegar dinner>veggie burgers/sauce-salad milk

thistle extract, mag/phos movie

Night: MMS,meds,f. essences,reservatrol,Zrii,water,stretches,walk? Meditation?

Now You Can Make Up Your Schedule:

Five am: Wake up-water, clay water/ apple cider vinegar affirmations stretches/breathe
Five-thirty: Barley greens, vitC, micro nutrients, f. essences (morning glory)
H/meds.(gelsemium/baptisa/ arsenicum)Walk&exercise inspirational tape water
Six thirty: Herbal tea-rest water music?meditation
Seven thirty: blue green algae/juice water
Eight am: Breakfast-fruit/nuts/nut butter lecture
Ten thirty: H. Meds-(same) f essence (combo)
Eleven am: MMS - Colloidal silver make/drink juice – water stretch book/web
Noon: Affirmations,AC Vinegar, MMS – f. essences-Yoga dvd-meditate
One oclock: Plankton-omega3-co-enzymes Noni water ( MMS bath) lecture
Two oclock: Lunch/lentils rice-asparagus-pine nuts olive oil/salad, fizz juice,
rice protein /milk thistle extract B&E multi vit. lecture/music-nap?
Four oclock: MMS/stretches – shower – affirmations reservatrol co-enzymes,
omega3, Colloidal Gold,H remedies, (insp.tape) water juice probiotic drink
Six oclock: apple cider vinegar dinner>veggie burgers/sauce-salad Milk thistle
Nine oclock: H-meds/f.essences,MMS, reservatrol,Zrii,stretches,meditate/walk?
Ten o'clock: Forest sounds -Belladonna (homeo-remedy)Tea-Sleep

Note: This was just an example of how to do it. Making up and

following a “program” is exciting, so enjoy it.

There you have it! You'll probably need at least one,“list for the
list.” Adjust it, up-down-sideways, “any which a way's.” Or trash it,
and start over! There's only one rule. “Never quit trying.”


I am so happy that you decided to take responsibility for your

own health and that you've discovered MMS. Nothing could be better
than good health and if you think there is, then maybe you should re-
think your priorities. Don’t forget to browse in the back links section.

There is a lifetime of exuberant health and freedom from disease

for you and those you care about, right here in this one little book! If
you keep an open and inquiring mind, and stick to your program!
There’s a million different ways you can do it!
If you have any issues you would like to discuss, e-mail me. I’d
love to talk about it. “You better” send me your MMS testimonials!
Here’s to you & your's, and again, congratulations.

Jay Geary.

Welcome to the back links section. As I have mentioned many times,
“great health” involves more than simply freedom from disease.
Obviously the more you can do to heal, the faster it will occur. I
strongly recommend incorporating as many different modalities of
natural health into your “program” as possible. This is healing
“holistically,” and it's all about your “new life.” You know what you
need, and what you want, so do it! It takes some research in the
beginning, but so what? Believe me, after a while it all becomes
second nature. The more appropriate the treatments are that you
adopt, the faster and more pronounced the results. You'll never know
which one did the most for you, but does it really matter? Once your
goal has been achieved, then you can slack off and regulate yourself
into an optimum maintenance program. Congratulations you did it!
Disease deleted. No one deserves to be diseased. From now on, keep a
list and follow it. Adjustments are the rule. Think of this section as
your “highway to health.” I'm sure you could do just as well, if not
better, surfing the net on your own. This is just here for your
convenience. Many of these companies I have relied on for years and
feel confident about their service and products. All of the other sites
offer information that will help you speed up, or compliment your
MMS healing experience. Yes, good information cost a little money,
but if if your not happy with it in any way, simply return it for a
refund. Most of these sites offer at least a sixty day guarantee, the
same as I do. Why don't you do some research for your loved ones
while your at it. Sharing is part of the joy of natural healing, and what
could be a better gift for those you care about? The choice is totally
yours as to whether you want to immerse your body with holistic
health treatments, or put all of your faith in MMS exclusively. Go
ahead and browse, just to see what you think. Your friend, Jay Geary.
Where To Order MMS
and Informational MMS Web Sites
http://www.bettermms http://mmsdr
http://mmsmedicalresearch http://mmsadvisor
http://mmsadvancedstudies http://mmsarticles

Sources for Holistic Remedies

If you've decided to use herbal remedies, or your naturopathic physician has
recommended specific herbal or homeopathic options, these companies both
have an excellent selection, offered at very competitive prices.

Aurvedic Herbal Remedies Energy Healing

Aurvedic medicine enjoys a very renowned and prestigious reputation, with a

history that dates back 5,000 years. It is definitely an option to consider.

Click here to learn more.

Energy Healing

Healing by using energy is a very potent, yet often neglected source of healing.
The use of Reiki and Chi are just two of many choices in this field.

For Reiki

For Chi

Natural Remedies You Can Make At Home

Many people enjoy making their own natural remedies. If that sounds like
something that might interest you, then you might like to try THIS.

Healing Techniques
Energy healing is a powerful technique, and self-healing with Chi and/or Reiki
will most definitely enhance and hasten the recovery of anyone.
For Reiki- Click Here
For Chi- Click Here

Sources for Supplements & Super Foods

The importance of incorporating whole food supplements, and super foods into
your health regimen can just not be under emphasized. Not only are they
convenient but have a long standing reputation for healing all types of diseases
on their own. These companies carry a very high rating for quality and variety.

Patricia Bragg's Website

Patricia Bragg N.D. Ph. D. is the undisputed queen of health, longevity, and
natural healing. She is the daughter of Paul C. Bragg N.D. Ph. D. who was the
originator and founding father of health food stores. Both have also been the #1
health advisors to the “stars” and millions of others worldwide for over half a
century. This website offers a veritable library of information and many quality
health food products as well.

Sources for Health Food

Sunfood is a great source of quality health foods. Since 1995 Sunfood Nutrition
has been the world's premier source of raw foods, superfoods and cutting edge
nutrition information. The company was founded by David Wolfe, the leading
authority on the raw food philosophy a lifestyle and diet that has swept through
Hollywood and far beyond. He is the author of several books, and is one of the
most sought-after health and personal success speakers in the world today.

Snack Bars
Wonderbars are an excellent choice for a quick and healthy snack. They are
handmade, sweetened with honey, and packed full of nuts and “unconditional”

Klamath Blue Green Algea

Blue green algea is an absolute must for anyone serious about consuming
quality nutrition. To learn more click here.

Information on Diet, Exercise, and Weight Loss

All health authorities agree that eating raw food, even if only partially is
essential to good health. The following are some fantastic sources for
information on eating “raw” which include plenty of recipes.
Eating for Energy
The Lazy Raw Food List
Raw Reform
The Raw Diet
Amazing Smoothies

Raising the bodies alkalinity is considered a necessity by all health leaders. If

you would like to speed up that process, then read this.

World class trainer teaches how to use multi-muscle exercises to achieve full
benefit of exercise, without weights, gyms, aerobics or bulky exercise
equipment, in fifteen minutes a day. Find out here

I truly believe yoga is the very best of exercises but it does seem to appeal more
to certain types of persons. If your not sure if that includes you, click here to
find out.

Weight Loss
For an excellent resource on information about weight loss. Click Here

For information on how to perform the worlds foremost total cleanse Click Here

Kidney Cleanse
Kidney Stone Removal

Gall Bladder Cleanse

Gallstone Removal

Colon Cleanse
Cleansing the colon is definitely holistic health 101. To find out if you agree
Go Here
Curing Yeast Issues And Candida
In our society everyone is borderline yeast infected. Men and women alike are
infested with yeast, which is credited as the cause of several serious diseases.
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Healing Skin Ailments





Home Made Anti Aging Beauty Secrets

Curing Fatigue

Dealing With Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Depression


Panic Attacks


Stress Choice #2


Depression Choice #2

Healing Specific Diseases

Beating Cancer Gently
Natural Cancer Treatments

Heart Disease
How To Have A Healthy Heart

Perfect Blood Pressure Naturally

Normalizing Blood Pressure Holistically Revealing The Lies About Cholesterol

Revealing The Lies About Cholesterol

Natural Diabetes Cure Diabetes Reversal

Diabetes Reversal

Multiple Sclerosis
Natural Cure For M.S.

How To Eliminate Fibromyalgia

Dealing With Autism

Curing Alzheimers

Amazing Asthma Relief

Curing Asthma

Sinus Infection
Cure For Sinus Infection
How To Live Herpes Free

Cold Sores Hemorrhoids

Be Free Of Cold Sores In 3 Days

Miracle Hemorrhoid Cure

Ovarian Cysts
Cure For Ovarian Cysts

Gout Cure

Heart Burn
Rid Yourself Of Heartburn

Amazing Breakthrough With Diverticulitis

Accessing the Law of Attraction

Believe & Manifest

Attraction Genie

Law Of Attraction Revolutionized

Affirmations & Goal Attainment

Affirmation Software
Dealing With Bad Habits
Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking With Hypnosis

Curing Alcohol & Drug Addiction

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