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CHAP 4  SPECIAL RECRUIT Face to face, telephone,

External recruitment – recruiting POPULATIONS videoconference and written

employees from outside the Increasing applicant diversity interviews
organization  NONTRADITIONAL Clarifier – clarifies information on
Internal Recruitment – already POPULATION the resume
employed by the organization  RECRUITING APPLICANTS Disqualifier – wrong answer will
 MEDIA ADVERTISEMENT  EVALUATING THE disqualify the applicants
Newspaper Ads EFFECTIVENESS OF Skill level determiner – designed
Respond by calling – RECRUITMENT to tap an applicants’s knowledge
applicants are instructed to call STRATEGIES and skills
rather than to apply in person Cost per applicants – the amount Future-focuced questions –
Apply In Person ads – of money spent on a recruitment applicants are given a situation
instruct applicants apply in campaign Situational question – applicants
person rather than t call Cost per qualified applicant –the are presented with a series of
Send resume ads – amount o money spend on a situations
applicants are instructed to recruitment campaign divided on Past-focused questions – taps
send their resume to the qualified people an applicant’s experience
company REALISTIC JOB INTERVIEW – Patterned-behavior description
Blind Box – instruct applicants job applicants are told both positive interview – questions focused on
to send the resume to a box at and negative aspects of the job behavior in the previous jobs
the newpaper Expectation-lowering Procedure Organizational fit questions –
 Electronic media – lower’s an applicant’s taps how well an applicants
 RECRUITERS expectation about the various personality and values will fit the
Campus recruiters aspects of the job organization
Virtual Job fair – held in a EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW- Typical answer approach –
campus- students can tour a selecting employess in which an compares an applicant’s answer
company online interview asks questions of an with benchmark ans
Outside recruiters applicants Benchmark answers – standard
Executive search firms – TYPES OF INTERVIEW answer tap interview questions
specialized in placing applicants in  STRUCTURE INTERVIEW Key-issues approach – provides
highpayig jobs Questions are based on a job points for each part of an answer
 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES analysis; every applicant are that matches going keys
AND SEARC FIRMS asked the same question JOB SEARCH SKILLS
Employment agencies –  UNSTRUCTURE INTERVIEW Cover letter – accompanies a
specializes in finding jobs for Applicants are not asked the resume or job application
applicants same questions and there is no Salutation, paragraphs,
Executive search firm standard in scoring Signature
Public employment Disadvantage: Resume – summary of an
agencies- operated by state or Poor intuitive ability applicant’s professional and
local government designed to Lack of job relatedness educational background
match applicants with job Primacy effect – the fact that Chronological Resume – jobs are
openings information presented carries listed in order from most to least
 EMPLOYEE REFERRALS – a more weight Functional resume – jobs are
current employee refers a Contrast effects – grouped by functions rather than
friend or family members for a performance of one applicant listed in order date
job affects the perception Psychological resume – takes
 DIRECT MAIL – organization Negative Information Bias – advantage of psychological
sends out mass mailing of info negative info receives more principles pertaining to memory
about job openings to potential weight in employment organization
applicants Interviewer-interviewee Averaging versus adding model
 INTERNET similarity – postulates our impression are
Employer based website – Interviewee appearance based more on the average value
organization list available job Nonverbal cues – eye contact of each impression
openings and provides info and posture are not associated
about itself with words spoken
Job boards – websites list jobs  STYLE -Determined by the
opening for hundred of org and number of interviewee and
resume of million applicants number of interviewers
 SOCIAL MEDIA One on one , serial, return,
 JOB FAIRS – several panel, serial panel group
employees are available at interview
one location  MEDIUM
CHAPTER 3 adversely affect said employee; approved by the employees or
(2) The above acts students or trainees, through their
Republic Act 7877 - Anti-Sexual would impair the employee's rights duly designated representatives,
Harassment Act of 1995 or privileges under existing labor prescribing the procedure for the
laws; or investigation of sexual harassment
cases and the administrative
SECTION 1. Title. - This Act (3) The above acts sanctions therefor.
shall be known as the "Anti- would result in an intimidating,
Sexual Harassment Act of 1995." hostile, or offensive environment Administrative sanctions shall
for the employee. not be a bar to prosecution in the
SECTION 2. Declaration of (b) In an education or training proper courts for unlawful acts of
Policy. - The State shall value the environment, sexual harassment is sexual harassment.
dignity of every individual, enhance committed:
the development of its human (1) Against one who is The said rules and regulations
resources, guarantee full respect under the care, custody or issued pursuant to this subsection
for human rights, and uphold the supervision of the offender; (a) shall include, among others,
dignity of workers, employees, (2) Against one whose guidelines on proper decorum in
applicants for employment, education, training, apprenticeship the workplace and educational or
students or those undergoing or tutorship is entrusted to the training institutions.
training, instruction or education. offender; (b) Create a committee on
Towards this end, all forms of decorum and investigation of
sexual harassment in the (3) When the sexual cases on sexual harassment. The
employment, education or training favor is made a condition to the committee shall conduct meetings,
environment are hereby declared giving of a passing grade, or the as the case may be, with officers
unlawful. granting of honors and and employees, teachers,
scholarships, or the payment of a instructors, professors, coaches,
SECTION 3. Work, Education stipend, allowance or other trainors, and students or trainees
or Training -Related, Sexual benefits, privileges, or to increase understanding and
Harassment Defined. - Work, consideration; or prevent incidents of sexual
education or training-related harassment. It shall also conduct
sexual harassment is committed by (4) When the sexual the investigation of alleged cases
an employer, employee, manager, advances result in an intimidating, constituting sexual harassment.
supervisor, agent of the employer, hostile or offensive environment for
teacher, instructor, professor, the student, trainee or apprentice. In the case of a work-related
coach, trainor, or any other person Any person who directs or environment, the committee shall
who, having authority, influence or induces another to commit any act be composed of at least one (1)
moral ascendancy over another in of sexual harassment as herein representative each from the
a work or training or education defined, or who cooperates in the management, the union, if any, the
environment, demands, requests commission thereof by another employees from the supervisory
or otherwise requires any sexual without which it would not have rank, and from the rank and file
favor from the other, regardless of been committed, shall also be held employees.
whether the demand, request or liable under this Act. In the case of the educational or
requirement for submission is training institution, the committee
accepted by the object of said Act. SECTION 4. Duty of the shall be composed of at least one
Employer or Head of Office in a (1) representative from the
(a) In a work-related or Work-related, Education or administration, the trainors,
employment environment, sexual Training Environment. - It shall instructors, professors or coaches
harassment is committed when: be the duty of the employer or the and students or trainees, as the
(1) The sexual favor is head of the work-related, case may be.
made as a condition in the hiring educational or training environment
or in the employment, re- or institution, to prevent or deter The employer or head of office,
employment or continued the commission of acts of sexual educational or training institution
employment of said individual, or harassment and to provide the shall disseminate or post a copy of
in granting said individual favorable procedures for the resolution, this Act for the information of all
compensation, terms of conditions, settlement or prosecution of acts of concerned.
promotions, or privileges; or the sexual harassment. Towards this
refusal to grant the sexual favor end, the employer or head of office SECTION 5. Liability of the
results in limiting, segregating or shall: Employer, Head of Office,
classifying the employee which in Educational or Training
any way would discriminate, (a) Promulgate appropriate Institution. - The employer or
deprive ordiminish employment rules and regulations in head of office, educational or
opportunities or otherwise consultation with and joint1y training institution shall be
solidarily liable for damages arising ANTI-AGE DISCRIMINATION IN and its distribution, buying or
from the acts of sexual EMPLOYMENT ACT R.A. 1091 securing of airtime or space on
harassment committed in the television, radio or the internet, and
employment, education or training COVERED by the LAW: other similar media.
environment if the employer or PUBLISHERS ARE Prohibited
head of office, educational or EMPLOYERS - Any person, TO:
training institution is informed of natural or juridical, employing the  Print or publish any notice of
such acts by the offended party services of an employee or worker advertisement relating to
and no immediate action is taken. Print or publish, or cause to be employment suggesting
printed or published, in any form of preferences, limitations,
SECTION 6. Independent media, including the internet, any specifications, and discrimination
Action for Damages. - Nothing in notice of advertisement relating to based on age.
this Act shall preclude the victim of employment suggesting
work, education or training-related preferences, limitations, LABOR CONTRACTOR OR
sexual harassment from instituting specifications, and discrimination SUBCONTRACTORS - Any
a separate and independent based on age; person or an agent of that person
action for damages and other EMPLOYERS ARE Prohibited who regularly undertakes, with or
affirmative relief. TO: without compensation, the
 Requiring the declaration of age procurement of employees or
SECTION 7. Penalties. - Any or birth date during the workers for an employer, or the
person who violates the application process; procurement for employees’ or
provisions of this Act shall, upon  Decline any employment workers’ opportunities to work for
conviction, be penalized by application because of the an employer
imprisonment of not less than one individual’s age; LABOR CONTRACTORS/
(1) month nor more than six (6)  Deny any employee’s or worker’s SUBCONTRACTORS ARE
months, or a fine of not less than promotion or opportunity for Prohibited TO:
Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) training because of age;  Refusing to refer for employment
nor more than Twenty thousand  Discriminate against an individual or otherwise discriminate against
pesos (P20,000), or both such fine in terms of compensation, terms .
and imprisonment at the discretion and conditions or privileges of EMPLOYEES BENEFIT
of the court. employment on account of such COMPENSATION “The purpose
individual’s age; of the compensation is to attract,
Any action arising from the  Forcibly lay off an employee or motivate and to maintain
violation of the provisions of this worker because of old age; employees”
Act shall prescribe in three (3)  Impose early retirement on the DIRECT COMPENSATION
years. basis of such employee’s or  Incentives & Profit Sharing (Pay
worker’s age. for Performance)
SECTION 8. Separability LABOR ORGANIZATIONS -Any  Compensation Management
Clause. - If any portion or union or association of employees (Wages and Salaries)
provision of this Act is declared or workers which exists in whole or INDIRECT COMPENSATION
void or unconstitutional, the in part for the purpose of collective  Security, Safety and health
remaining portions or provisions bargaining or for dealing with (Legally mandated benefits)
hereof shall not be affected by employers concerning terms and  Benefits and Services (“Fringe”
such declaration. conditions of employment benefits)
ORGANIZATIONS ARE Perks (services) are something in
SECTION 9. Repealing Prohibited TO: addition to the payment like car
Clause. - All laws, decrees, orders,  Deny membership to any fuel and free parking, clothing, and
rules and regulations, other individual because of such educational supports.
issuances, or parts thereof individual’s age; fringe benefit means something
inconsistent with the provisions of  Exclude from its membership any extra (such as vacation time) that
this Act are hereby repealed or individual because of such is given by an employer to
modified accordingly. individual’s age; workers in addition to their regular
 Cause or attempt to cause an pay.
SECTION 10. Effectivity employer to discriminate against Employee Benefits -
Clause.- This Act shall take effect an individual in violation of this compensation paid by an
fifteen (15) days after its complete Act.Cause or attempt to cause an employer to employees in addition
publication in at least two (2) employer to discriminate against to their regular
national newspapers of general an individual in violation of this Employee Services - "recreation
circulation. Act. programs, community services,
PUBLISHERS - Any person or recognition programs, event
juridical entity engaged in the planning, childcare/eldercare
printing of information on paper
services, convenience services, continuous period not exceeding
and travel offerings. 120 days
Permanent Total Disability
Types of Benefits (PTD) A monthly income benefit
 Insurance benefits granted for disabilities, such as,
 Health benefits (and services) but not limited to, complete loss of
Security benefits sight of both eyes, loss and
 Time-off benefits function loss of both limbs, and
 Work scheduling benefits brain injury resulting to imbecility
 Retirement benefits or insanity.
 Disability benefits Permanent Partial Disability
Mandatory Government (PPD) A monthly income benefit is
Benefits and Contributions granted for disabilities that result
 Social Security System (SSS) in physical loss (amputation) or
Contributions Republic Act No. functional loss of a body part.
8282 or otherwise known as the  Medical Services. It
Social Security Act of 1997 includes reimbursement of
 Contribution to National Health the cost of medicines for
Insurance Program (NHIP) the illness or injury,
The employee and his/her payment to providers of
employer(s) are to contribute to medical care, hospital
the medical insurance of the said care, surgical expenses,
employee in accordance to the and the costs of
Republic Act 7835 on Medicare rehabilitation appliances
Program which is administered by and supplies.
the Philippine Health Corporation
 Contribution to Home  Equal Work Opportunities
Development and Mutual Fund for All
(HDMF/Pag-IBIG)  Security of Tenure
 The 13th Month Pay As  An employee must be paid
mandated by the Presidential his or her wages for all
Decree No. 851, hours worked.
 Service Incentive Leave Book  Weekly Rest Day
III, Chapter III of the Labor  Wage is the amount paid
Code of the Philippines covers to an employee in
the employee benefits for exchange for a task, piece
Incentive Leaves. of work, or service
 Meal and Rest periods Under rendered to an employer.
Article 83, the employee is  Payment of Wages
provided one-hour employee  Employment of Women
benefit for regular meals, when  Employment of Children
working on an eight-hour (8-  Safe Working Conditions
hours) stretch.  The right to self-
The Increased Risk Theory - organization is the right of
increased risk if the illness is every worker, free of any
caused or precipitated by factors interference from the
inherent in the employees’ nature employer or from
of work and working conditions. government, to form or join
Employee’s Compensation any legitimate worker's
Program (ECP) - to provide a organization, association
compensation package to public or union of his or her own
and private employees choice.
 Occupational Diseases  Benefits for Work-Related
 Work-related Injuries Contingencies
Benefits under ECP
 Loss of Income Benefit
Temporary Total Disability
(TTD) For a disability that
prevents an employee from
performing his work for a

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