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CSC1007 Mobile Application Development

2 0 2 4 4
Pre-requisite: None

Java is the native programming language of Android, and therefore prior Java knowledge will save a lot of
time, and smoothen the learning curve of programming Android Apps. The course will not cover Java –
but will focus on those frameworks and classes which are new and unique to Android.

Objective of the course

Students will work on a significant development project involving using mobile application and widgets.

Expected Outcome
After successfully completing the course the student should be able to
1. Understand mobile operating system and its architecture for basics usage.
2. Develop various mobile applications which could be useful for mobile community and society.

Module Topics L Hrs SLO

Mobile devices vs. desktop devices - ARM and Intel
Architectures, Power Management, Screen resolution, Touch
interfaces, App Store, Google Play, Windows Store, 7 2
Development environments-XCode-Android Studio-Visual
Studio-PhoneGAP. Comparing and Contrasting architectures
of all three – Android, iOS and Windows.
What is Android? - Setting up development environment -
Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension - Fundamentals- 7 2,12
Android Studio - Installation and Configuration - Simulators.
Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers.
UI Components - Views & notifications - Components for
communication -Intents & Intent Filters - Android API levels
(versions & version names). First sample Hello World 6 12
Application- AndroidManifest.xml - uses-permission & uses-
SDK - Resources & - Assets - Layouts & Drawable
Resources - Activities and Activity lifecycle.
Understanding Intent, Activity, Activity Lifecycle and Manifest
- Creating Application and new Activities - Expressions and 5 12
Flow control, Android Manifest - Simple UI -Layouts and
Layout properties.
Introduction to SQLite – SQLite Open Helper and creating a
database - Opening and closing a database - Working with 5 12
cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes.

Lab (Indicative List of Experiments (in the areas of )

30 12,15
1. Developing Simple Applications for Android
2. Creating Applications with Multiple Activities and a Simple Menu using
3. Creating Activities For Menu Items and Parsing XML Files
4. Writing Multi-Threaded Applications
5. Using WebView and Using the Network
6. Using Audio Functions in Android
7. Graphics Support in Android
8. Preferences and Content Providers
9. Location Services and Google Maps in Android
10. Simulating Sensors

Project # Generally a team project [5 to 10 members] 60 2,12,15

# Concepts studied in Mobile Application Development should have been used [Non
# Down to earth application and innovative idea should have been attempted Contac
# Report in Digital format with all drawings using software package to be submitted. [Ex. 1. t hrs]
Design of a traffic light system using sequential circuits OR 2. Design of digital clock]
# Assessment on a continuous basis with a min of 3 reviews.
 Projects may be given as group projects, the following are the sample project that can be
given to students to be implemented in the Android or Any other Mobile environment
using appropriate tools.
 Android Apps will be expected to perform well in the corresponding simulators. For
Android, tests will also be conducted on an Android phone and tablet configured for local
app deployment.
1. Android/iOS/Win 8 Survival and basic apps - Building a sample Application in all
three applications.
a. Topics include: App-structure, built-in Controls, file access, basic graphics
b. Topics include: DB access, network access, contacts/photos/etc.
2. Simple Game Development
3. Library Management
4. Online Bus Ticket Booking
5. E-Business Applications (Eg: Shopping, Billing…)

1. Griffiths, D., & Griffiths, D. (2015). Head First Android Development. O’Reilly Media.

Reference Books
1. Annuzzi, J., Darcey, L., & Conder, S. (2013). Introduction to Android Application Development: Android
Essentials. Pearson Education.
2. Horstmann, C. S., & Cornell, G. (2015). Core Java Volume I--Fundamentals. Pearson Education.
3. McWherter, J., & Gowell, S. (2012). Professional Mobile Application Development. Wiley.

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