Artifact 7

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Name: 1 2 3

Date No dates are seen in Only one date is Date of entry and
the heading of the included and labeled concert are included
journal entry. in the heading of the and labeled in the
journal entry. heading of the journal
Length Entry is only a few Entry is one paragraph Entry includes two full
sentences and lacks and does not fully paragraphs of quality
quality and detail. cover all of the reflection from the
reflective qualities. concert and rehearsals.
Detail Entry is broad and Entry includes how the Students self-reflect
lacks details of the student thought the and write about their
overall concert, self- concert went, but lacks own performance as
reflection, and prior- self-reflective details. well as how they
rehearsals. Students What needs though the whole
thoughts are non- improvement and what ensemble did. Entry
comprehensive and went well is briefly includes thoughts on
lack thoughtfulness. mentioned, but not room for improvement
connected to why as well as what went
those occurred. exceeded their
expectations. Entry
includes reflections
from prior rehearsals
and how those affected
the performance.

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