Nuggets of Pure Gold

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Written by the unction of the Holy Spirit as given to: Errin Trafton (April 19, 2009)

A young man who was studying with a Great Teacher was called to his Master and given an assignment. He was
given 20 nuggets of gold which were of the purest quality on the earth and was told that it was his assignment to
give away these gold nuggets to those who crossed his path each day.

The young student pondered upon his assignment, so as to determine how to fulfill this task according to his
Teacher’s instructions. He thought to himself, I have been given these 20 nuggets to give away to those who cross
my path each day. I pass hundreds in my daily journey, how will I know who it is I am to gift with these nuggets.
So the first day, he went out to fulfill the daily assignment. He was so eager to complete this task he gave a nugget
to the 1st 20 people whom he encountered on his way.

The student returned to his Teacher and quickly accounted to his Teacher what he had accomplished. The Teacher
then asked, “what was the reaction of those to whom you gave the nuggets?” He began to recount the day. “The
first person laughed and thought it was not real and jokingly gave it the next fellow he passed. The second person
glanced at it and placed it in his pouch and continued walking. The third was a woman who was walking with a
child, she gave it to her child to play with as a stone.”

He continued to unfold his actions and the reactions of those he had given the nuggets to. “The fourth, he
continued, stopped and examined it carefully. He looked at it from every angle. He turned it to examine its
complete circumference and then threw it on the ground as he walked away.” The student continued to tell of his
day, he did not stop until he had given a full account of all 20 nuggets that had been given away. The Teacher
asked him, “Do you believe that you have fulfilled my assignment?” The student answered “Yes Teacher”. The
Teacher replied “very well, go rest and we will continue with your assignment tomorrow”.

Bright and early the next day, the Teacher gave the student 15 gold nuggets and released him to his task. This time,
the student thought to himself, “yesterday I finished my assignment early so this time, I will spread it out a little
longer and give to every other person I encounter.” At the end of the day, the Teacher asked for a recount of his
giving and the tale echoed the previous day’s tale.

The third day the student was given his daily assignment of 10 gold nuggets. The student thought to himself, “this
assignment seems far too easy. Instead of the task getting more challenging”, he noticed that each day the task got
easier and the amount of nuggets grew smaller rather than larger and he was able to finish the task in a shorter and
shorter time…curious to say the least. Little did the student know that on the fourth day of his assignment, his
Teacher gave the same assignment to another student to whom he also gave 20 gold nuggets. With the same orders
that they were to be given to those who crossed his path throughout the day. At the end of the day, both students
were asked by the Teacher to give an account of their giving. The 1 st student told of his distributing of the gold
nuggets and his pouch was empty as it had been at the end of every previous day. The Teacher then turned to the
second student as asked how many nuggets had he given away that day and he answered “none Teacher”, “and
why is that?”, asked the Teacher. The student answered, “Teacher, the gold nuggets you have given me are of the
PUREST quality on the earth. As I approached each person, I sought to know their value of gold. As I spoke with
them, no one had ever seen pure gold and when I showed it to them, none could believe that it was really PURE
gold and laughed me to scorn. Teacher, I found none worthy of your Precious Gift, so I have brought them back in
the hopes that tomorrow, I will find someone who will be able to receive, honor and benefit from your Gift.” Who
do you think truly understood the assignment?

The moral: YOU are the nuggets of PURE GOLD. Are you casting your PEARLS before swine? Are you like
the foolish student, who never established the value of the Gift that he was to give away? Or would you, as the
wise student, seek one who would receive your precious gift, honor it and truly benefit from it. If you truly knew
your worth would you be so eager to casually give yourself to just anyone who crosses your path? Don’t allow
your gift to be laughed at, given away or worse yet, cast upon the ground. If you unknowingly place such an
insignificant or casual value on your gift, why would anyone else have any value for your Precious Gift (YOU)?

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