Biographical Interview of A Creative Person

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Biographical Interview of a Creative Person


Interview with a Creative Person

I had chosen my cousin to interview, Simranjit Singh, as he is really a creative person. He

is a student and shows his creativity in cooking. Even he is busy in studies but still, find time for

his passion. Actual creativity requires vulnerability and I think he is creative as he enjoys it,

always in search to be creative and his dishes are way different from others. In my hypothesis,

People are not blessed with creativity; they develop it through learning (Corazza, 2014). He is

also not born with it; the thing is that he learned it by overcoming several blocks. During the

time of the interview, I came to know about blocks in his creativity and how those obstacles have

changed his thinking today.

1. Tell me about a time when you were creative?

“Whenever I am near kitchen or vegetables, spices, fruits and meat around me, it

increases my curiosity to create something new from those usual food dishes. My

passion for cooking and helping in father`s restaurant business several factors

contributed to my creativity [this means he is motivated naturally than incentives].

One year ago, I made a non-vegan dish with a combination of sour and sweet spices.

It took some time not actually some about four to five months to come up with new

taste. It was creative because when food melt in your mouth give a taste of different

spice each time….. It makes people say that they have never ever tasted such food in

their life, this makes you stand above the crowd and sign of time when I was


2. Can you explain a time when creativity does not flow easily?

“There are several times when creativity does not flow easily because it is true not

that a thought came in mind, instantly applied and become creative. Actually the truth

is whenever something unusual is created after failing several times. Creativity has

different stages brainstorming, applying, practice and results [creativity is learning].

To form an unusual thing, not only brainstorming is necessary, you have to go

through various situations. When I first tried to apply my creative thinking at the age

of 14, a minimum or maximum quantity of ingredients for creative food resulted in all

mess, it was a big fail, totally broke my heart, discouraging. It made me think that

now nothing could be done, you know, I started myself saying that I am incapable of

doing anything in whole life, questioning and doubting my capability”.

3. How did you overcome this?

“Although it is easy to overcome physical, poverty and habitual blocks but it is quite

difficult to overcome mental blocks. Habits can be changed, money can be earned and

physical in the form of place could be occupied but not being mentally prepared can

be a big stone in creativity. When people are unmotivated and feel poor for their self,

it takes little time but sometimes a lot of time. Same was in my case, I ignored my

passion for cooking for a while but my parents could not see me stay away from

cooking……, they started motivating me but my own willingness was

important[motivation is required]. With the passage of time, I prepared myself to do

an application of creativity as if it is your passion how long you can remain away?”

4. What is the creativity feel like for you?

“To me, creativity is like pouring your efforts into creative work. Creativity never

comes in a comfortable environment, it is always found out of the comfort zone.

Creative thoughts are nothing if you do not make an effort to turn into reality.

Creativity is learned after going through failures that enable people to work on

mistakes, beating the obstacles, doing things with interest……... If you do not have

interest nothing works. Creativity feels like enjoy own self and it results in

unexpected results. At the beginning of creativity, I used to think that only interest

should be their efforts are less important as compared to interest. No matter where

you apply creativity in singing, dancing, cooking or painting, it needs your efforts and

patience. When you think in a creative way those thoughts actually come from your


This creative person has proven that creativity is not a blessing; it is an

activity of learning. Learning develops creative thoughts. The hypothesis is that

creativity is a learning skill, not a blessing (Corazza, 2014). David Burks also says

that creativity is a learnt trait. If a person is creative in any field then that person

would always seek an opportunity to pursue his passion. It is the situation when an

individual is being attacked physically or emotionally to become creative. Courage to

bring something new always helps to prepare creative people even after facing a lot of

failures. Initial efforts of creativity show different mentality but after getting success,

it makes creative people feel that they are better than before (Canlis, 2016).

The different hypothesis from me is that passion for something motivates

automatically. In the readings of unit four author David Burkes stated that creative

people are motivated intrinsically (in a natural way) more than extrinsically (through

fame, incentives and grades). There is one more thing that discouragement needs to

be addressed. Creativity involves risk, standing out of the comfort zone, and

becoming part of creativity results in the reduction of discouragement. Failures can be


heartbroken but more attempts can lead to unexpected outcomes. Sometimes, initial

stages are fearful but achieving something in life can be joyful.

Hypothesis of that creative person and expert David Burks concentrate on

the point that Creativity cannot be performed alone, several factors current

environment, interest and intrinsic motivate creative people..


Canlis, J. (2016, January 25). what is creativity? Retrieved May 17, 2019, from TEDx Talks:


Corazza, G. (2014, March 11). Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas:

Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma. Retrieved May 17, 2019, from TEDx Talks:

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