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Being an Effective Group Leader

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. To discuss how to become a group leader.

2. To present the tips of being an effective group leader.
3. To apply the tips of being an effective group leader.

II. Activities Discussion:

Being an effective group leader is someone who leads others. He/she should have a vision,
commitment and drive to achieve the goal of the group. In other words, a team leader is the
management of a group of people to achieve the desired result. The leader must motivate and
inspire confidence in the members of the group and be flexible, adaptable and should be capable
to face all types of situations including setbacks, challenges and failures in a calm and cool
manner. He/she should lead the group with single-minded determination and take necessary steps
to achieve the vision. For this he/she should possess group leadership skills. He/she must be able
to extract work from each member of the group.

1. A Clear Communicator
2. Strong Organization Skills
3. Confident in the Team
4. Respectful to Others
5. Fair and Kind
6. An Example of Integrity
7. Influential in Core Areas
8. Willing to Delegate
9. Powerful Facilitator
10. A Skilled Negotiator

Understanding yourself is important to becoming a good leader. By developing a better

understanding of yourself, you can gain appreciation for the things that make you special and
work on areas you'd like to improve. Having confidence in your own abilities and sticking with
your convictions will inspire others to follow you.

III. Review Questions:

Fair and Kind

Influential in Core Areas
Strong Organizational Skills

Powerful Facilitator
A Skilled Negotiator Respectful to Others
Confident in the Team
A Clear Communicator
An Example of Integrity
Willing to Delegate


_________1. Team leaders utilize negotiation skills to achieve results and reach an
understanding in the event of a workplace conflict.

_________2. Effective team leaders communicate clearly.

_________3. Effective team leaders know to share leadership through delegation.

_________4. An effective team leader is confident in his abilities, as well as confident in the
abilities of his team members.

_________5. A quality team leader treats team members fairly.

_________6. Effective team leaders are powerful facilitators.

_________7. Effective team leaders possess exceptional organization skills.

_________8. A quality team leader is respectful of his team members.

_________9. Influential leaders helps inspire the commitment of team members to meet
company goals and objectives.

_________10. An effective team leader is honest and open with his team members.

Answer Key:

1. A Skilled Negotiator
2. A Clear Communicator
3. Willing to Delegate
4. Confident in the Team
5. Fair and Kind
6. Powerful Facilitator
7. Strong Organization Skills
8. Respectful to Others
9. Influential in Core Areas
10. An Example of Integrity

IV. References:

Effective Speech Communication Fifth Edition

(Carmelita S. Flores and Evelyn B. Lopez)
Leth, Pamela C., and Vandemark, JoAn F. Small Group Communication. Menlo Park,
California: Cummings Publishing Company, 1997.

Effective Speech of Communication in Various Situations

(Judy Imelda L. Igoy, Ph.D. and Apolinario S. Saymo)

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