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Max Power Theatrical Productions

Musician’s Contract (Accompanist)

This contract is between Max Power Theatrical Production, Incorporated (hereinafter referred
to as MPTP) and _______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as The Pit
Musician) and is dated__________________.
The Pit Musician agrees to provide services from _______________ to _______________ for the
production of (hereinafter referred to as The Production).
The Pit Musician will be compensated a total of $_____________ at the following rate:

Five (5) tech rehearsals at $32 per rehearsal at the following dates: ________________________

Six (6) performances at $40 per performance on the following dates: __________________

Rehearsal Accompanist stipend of $250.

The Pit Musician will be paid in the amount agreed upon on or prior to the final performance date.

Playing as part of The Production’s pit orchestra, on the instrument(s) specified by The
Production’s Music Director;

Attending and participating to the best of his/her ability in all rehearsals at which The
Production’s Music Director determines he/she is needed;

Attending and participating to the best of his/her ability in all performances at which The
Production’s Music Director determines he/she is needed;

Following the musical direction of The Production’s Music Director during rehearsals and
performances for The Production;

Providing MPTP with his/her personal information such that MPTP may fill out the
appropriate taxation forms (see attached form).

The Pit Musician additionally agrees not to hold MPTP liable for any injury occurring before,
during, or after any MPTP function. The Pit Musician agrees to conduct him/herself in a
professional manner consistent with his/her position for the duration of his/her appointment. The
Pit Musician agrees to allow MPTP to use his/her name, likeness, image, or other form of
representation in any promotional materials throughout the entirety of the universe and for all of

Pit Musician Signature Date

MPTP Representative Signature Date

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