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1. Improper Cleaning before tile installation

2. Experiencing too much tension such as manufacturing problem with too much tension in
the fibers.
3. Using Poor Quality Bonding Agent and poor quality Tile Adhesive:
4. Improper storage, poor application of the adhesive, plasticizer migration, and poor sub
floor preparation.
5. Floor Expansion with high moisture absorption.
6. Improper Set Tiles and Incorrect Movement Joints Installation.
7. Improper Bonding Material
8. Using Old Tiles:

*utk solution pilih nk ada explanation atau tak


1. Replacing with new tiles.
2. Remove part of the tile, then position the chisel under the remaining tile and tap and pry
it to remove it from the subfloor.
3. Remove Adhesive
4. Clean Floor
5. Apply Adhesive
6. Position New Tile
7. Allow to Set
8. Apply Grout
9. Remove Excess Grout
10. Clean Existing Grout
11. Seal Grout
1. Replacing with new tiles.
2. Use the hammer and chisel to remove part of the tile, then position the chisel under the
remaining tile and tap and pry it to remove it from the subfloor.
3. Remove Adhesive: Use a putty knife or chisel to remove the old adhesive on the subfloor.
After removing the tile, scrape all the old adhesive off the floor to make a clean base for
the new tile.
4. Clean Floor: Use a shop vac to thoroughly clean the area of the broken tile. Fill any
gouges in the tile base with wood filler or floor-leveling compound, and let the filler dry
5. Apply Adhesive: Apply all-purpose thin-set tile adhesive to the subfloor in the tile area
with a notched trowel.
6. Position New Tile: Put the new tile in place, making sure the margins around the tile are
equal, and the tile is flush and level with the rest of the floor.
7. Allow to Set: Allow the tile adhesive to set for several hours.
8. Apply Grout: Apply grout to the margins with a rubber float.
9. Remove Excess Grout: Remove any excess grout while wet using a damp sponge.
10. Clean Existing Grout: If needed, clean the old grout with a bleach solution to match the
new grout.
11. Seal Grout: Once the grout has dried for the recommended period of time, seal it with
grout sealer to prevent staining.

1. Use a warm iron over a towel to heat the vinyl and soften the adhesive.

Make sure to warm the entire tile, including the edges and middle.

2. Peel out the tile and then scrape out the old adhesive.

A thin scraper is effective.

3. Apply vinyl tile adhesive all over the empty space.

Use a notched trowel if you have one, or apply a thin, even coat using your scraper.

In the case of vinyl floor adhesive, less is more. Too much adhesive can cause the tile to ripple.

4. Place the replacement tile carefully into the hole and press on it with a block of wood

The weight of the wood ensures good adhesion.

5. Remove the glue that squeezes out around the edges with soft white cloth.

Use a solvent like lacquer thinner or whatever the glue label suggests.

6. Lay a sheet of wax paper over the repair and then place a couple of books over the tile.

Leave the weight on it until the glue fully dries (usually 24 hours).

7. Apply a clear vinyl seam sealer around the edges.

Keep traffic out of the area for a day until the seam sealer has had a chance to set up.
1) Heat the Vinyl Tile Floor

Cover the tile with aluminum foil. Then warm it with an iron on medium heat. This will make
the tile flexible and soften the adhesive.

2) Apply the Adhesive

Peel back more of the tile so you can apply sufficient adhesive. Gently lift the tile and spread a
thin layer of adhesive on the floor. Don't overdo it -- too much adhesive can cause the tile to
3) Press the Tile Back Down

Press the tile back into place and using the rolling pin, roll towards the edge to force out any
excess adhesive. Wipe up any stray adhesive using a wet cloth.
4) Secure the Tile in Place

Cover the repair with wax paper and heavy books. The weight of the books will hold the tile
down until the adhesive dries. Leave the books on the tile for at least eight hours or until the glue
dries. After it's dry, take the seam sealer and run a thin bead along the seams. That will keep dirt
out for good.

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