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M. B. Barroca1, G. T. Caballero2, A. P. Escarpe3, B. B. Jomuad4, J. A. T. Matunding5, A. J. J.


Electronics Engineering Department, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines

Abstract- This study aims to create an it is surrounded by bodies of water, the

equipment that can convert dirty water access of the Filipinos to a clean source of
to potable water through chemical water is still a prevalent problem in the
country. A research conducted by
process, it was automated and the
shows that out of the 104 million Filipinos,
parameters were controlled nine million rely on unsafe and
throughout. This was to ensure that
bacteria brought by human intervention
were avoided. Philippines suffers from
lack of potable drinking water for its unsustainable water source. In the 2015
citizens aside from that typhoons and research of the ASEAN Integrated Water
earthquakes are rampant. Such
disasters displaced people thus there Resources Management (IWRM) shows
are scarcity of basic commodities. The that 55 Filipinos die every day due to water
group came up with the solution to related diseases. In 2017, a cholera
develop a small-scale water treatment outbreak was reported in Central Visayas
(by These
system that treat water chemically and
problems are attributed to lack of access of
convert it to potable water. With its the citizens to potable water thus increasing
mobility the device can easily be the risk of exposing them to such diseases.
transported. Since chemical process Philippines being located in the
had proved to be effective in removal Pacific Ring of Fire mean that earthquakes
of harmful bacteria, the device had and volcanic eruptions are rampant in the
utilized the use of alum, lime and country. Volcanic eruptions displaced a lot
chlorine. Hence, the device is a small- of households and at the same time
scale water purification system that can damages a lot of properties leading to poor
effectively convert dirty water to access to basic commodities such as food
drinkable water. This study was an and water.
amalgamation of chemical and electronic With all these recent disasters and
knowledge to bring a solution to calamities that plague the country, it is our
water scarcity. responsibility as a fellow Filipino to bring
solutions to such problems to alleviate the
suffering of our fellow Filipino citizen. With
Keywords- Small-scale, water
the amalgamation of electronics, electrical,
treatment, lime, alum, chlorine, mechanical and chemical knowledge the
potable water group came up to develop the Small-scale
Water Treatment System (SWaTS).
I. Background SWaTS is a device used to convert
dirty water to potable water. This utilized the
Philippines is composed of 7,641 chemical process with the use of alum, lime
islands, with it comes hundreds of and chlorine. Alum, to coagulate the solid
kilometers of coastal shores but even when particles present in the water. Lime, to
increase the pH level of the water. Chlorine,
to kill the bacteria. Attached to the device
were sensors that allowed the system to
control each stage namely, Turbidity sensor,
pH sensor, and ORP sensor. The device
was equipped with a touch screen LCD
display, this served as the user-interface
where the operator could control the system
operation and at the same time see the
sensor reading, it utilized the arduino mega
to be its control system. SWaTS, is
designed to be potable with the goal of
being mobile in order for it to be easily
transported from one place to another.
However, the device could not detect heavy
metals present in the water and at the same
time could not desalinate water.
This study, aimed to develop a
device to bring water to far-flung
communities and disaster stricken places is
effective in bringing clean water to be Figure 2: The Flowchart of the system
consumed by citizens who lack access to it.
potable water providing clean water for
II. METHODOLOGY those people who need it the most.

Small-scale water treatment system

or SWaTS was used to convert dirty to Testing and Evaluation Procedure
clean water and makes it fit for
consumption. It attached the system are System testing involved two different
sensors namely, turbidity, pH and ORP aspects. One aspect depended on the
sensors. These sensors controlled the functionality and effectivity of the entire
elements within the water to make it arrangement of parts taking a shot at the
potable. The system utilized the Arduino framework. Another viewpoint was the
mega as the system’s control unit. Attached correlation of the water quality when it has
to the system is a touchscreen liquid crystal gone through the gadget, which approved
display (LCD) where the sensor readings the effectivity of the structure in changing
are reflected and serves as the user over water.
interface where the user can control the
operation of the system. SWaTS is an Functionality Testing
effective device in converting dirty water to
Table 1. Table of Functionality

1.Coagulation Did the
using alum
Aluminum solution 
Sulfate pour into the
Figure 1: The Block Diagram of the System
Did the human 
motor stir interference
the water 
continuously Table 2. Table of Effectivity
at a given
Effectivity Table
Did the Controlled Standard Range Laboratory Results Result
Property Value set in
water the
proceed to  system
the next Trial 1 Trial 2

tank? Total 500mg/l 0 NTU 4mg/l 1mg/l Passed

2.Water Did the lime Suspended
Softening solution (TSS)
Using pour into the 
Coliform 1.1 0 <1.1 <1.1 Passed
Hydrated tank? MPN/100ml MPN/100ml MPN/100ml
pH 6.5-8.5 7.2-7.8 7.72 7.59 Passed
Lime Did the Chloride 250mg/l None 820 mg/l 697 mg/l Failed
motor stir Alkalinity 120mg/l None 2200 mg/l 2200 mg/l Failed
the water  Standard Value based on Water Quality Index for
the Assessment of Water Quality
at a given
Did the III. Results
proceed to  Calibration of pH sensors
The calibration of sensor involves
the use of a pH meter that is being used for
checking of pools and drinking water. The
3. Did the pH meter involves a buffer solution that is
Chlorinator dissolved in distilled water. The probe of the
Chlorination drip chlorine 
sensor or pH meter is then submerged into
solution? the water to calibrate the sensor reading.
Did the The pH meter’s is reading is compared to
water settle the sensor to test whether the sensors has
for a given  the same reading. This is to verify that the
time? pH sensor is calibrated properly.

Table 3: pH Calibration and Testing

4.Activated Did the
Test run pH pH %
water pass sensor meter ERROR
Carbon through 
1 7.74 7.6 1.8421
slowly into
the filter? 2 7.14 7.0 2.0000
5. Device Did the 3 10.67 10.5 1.6190
device run
without any
Table 3 shows the reading of both pH
sensor and the pH meter submerged in
different water. The result indicates that the
values are accurate, and the highest Sample
code Results of Analysis* Rema
percent error is only two percent. rks
Total Fecal HPC
Coliform Coliform (CFU/
Table 4: Results for Battery Operation (MPN/10 (MPN/10 ml)
0ml) 0ml)
Power Consumed by the system using wet < 1.1 < 1.1 0
Run Time 50 A Battery PNS
DW < 1.1 < 1.1 < 500
1st 2hrs 10 mins Battery was drained 2017
2nd 2hrs 17 mins Battery was drained AO
3rd 2hrs 9mins Battery was drained 2017

Table 5: Over-all time consumed during the Ru

n Time Comment
system run 7hrs Alum is at 20%
1st 13min increase
4hrs Alum is at 84%
2nd 47mins increase
5hrs Alum is at 84%
3rd 34mins increase
Note: The system was plugged to a power
source when this was carried out.

Table 6. Bacteria Test of Raw Water

Results of Analysis* Remar
Table 6 shows that the result for bacteria
test of the raw water failed.
Total Fecal HPC
Coliform Coliform (CFU/
(MPN/10 (MPN/10 ml) Table 7. Bacteria Test of Filtered Water
0ml) 0ml)
Table 7 shows that after the water has been
>8.0 > 8.0 430 FAILED
filtered the bacteria result passed.
W < 1.1 < 1.1 < 500 Results on Physical Properties Controlled
Table 8. Physical Property Result
– Water Laboratory Results on the
0010 Physical Properties Controlled
Time consumed during the system run Property Results Result
Value Trial
300mg/ 352 In
Alkalinity l mg/L range
250mg/ 658 Not in
Chloride l mg/L range
pH 6.5-8.5 8.04 range
Suspended 500mg/ In
Solids l 7ppm range
Standard Value based on Water Quality Index
for the Assessment of Water Quality &
Philippine National Standards
Table 8 shows that the alkalinity and
chloride results were not achieved based on
the standard value for drinking water. On
the other hand, the pH and the TSS (Total
Suspended Solids) were in range based on
the standard.
Effectivity Test

Table 9. Effectivity Table Figure 3: The Small-scale water

treatment system
Rando Meter
m Reeadin Laborator IV. Discussion
Sample g y Results % error
1.0709504 Solenoid Dispensing/Alum dispensing
1 7.47 7.39 7
The tank has been filled with 500 ml
2 7.36 7.39 0.4076087 of solution; it has been drained until the tank
Ave % 0.7392795 is empty. With it, the tank is timed how fast
error 8 it dispenses 1 teaspoon of the alum
solution. The mean time was 16 seconds;
Table 9 shows the effectivity test of the pH therefore, for the tank to give a 125.12 mg
Sensor. The group took a random sample solution of alum, it needs 32 seconds.
during the system run. The group noted the
last value showed by the pH sensor and
compared it to the laboratory results. It was pH Reading
seen that it was below the 5% allocated With the use of pH meter, the pH
percentage error. Therefore, the system is sensor has been calibrated. Results are
effective in its pH reading. then verified with the physical chemistry
results from the Water Laboratory Clinic.

ORP Reading
The ORP reading is based on the
range suggested by The
smaller the ORP would mean chlorine
presence is negligible that it is safe to be
consumed. The ORP or oxidation-reduction
potential would be verified by the laboratory countries like ours, and that is the problem
results conducted in the Water Laboratory that this project wants to address. SWaTS
Clinic. or Small-scale water treatment system was
able to meet the objectives and works
Turbidity perfectly as planned. The system achieved
Turbidity or the amount or presence the idea to convert dirty water to potable
of the suspended matter in the water; it was water through the amalgamation of
calibrated through dipping the sensor in electronics, mechanical and chemical
clean water. Very clear water would have a engineering knowledge. Electronics, by
voltage reading of around 4.10 volts, this controlling the sensors and programming
has become the basis of clean water in our the control system of the device.
system. The presence of suspended matter Mechanical, when the skeletal system was
would be verified by the total suspended constructed and laying out the plumbing
solid (TSS) results of the water produced by system. Chemical, through the addition of
the Water Laboratory Clinic. chemical solutions that are vital for the
purification process. All of these enables the
Mobility group to create a system that gave an
The system was mounted with excellent result. The device can produce
rollers so it can easily be transported from water that is fit to be used by households for
one place to another. It also has an inverter their daily consumption. The output was
so a battery can be used to run the system, tested in the water laboratory for affirmation
perfect to be used by local communities that the water output is indeed free from
affected by typhoons or communities which bacteria. The results show that the system
does not have access to potable water. has negligible or zero amount of bacteria,
SWaTS in its construction encountered thus making the system effective in
converting dirty water to potable water.
several problems. First, with the sensors, To wrap it all up, this miniaturizes
the sensors that was used in the system water treatment system was proven to be
was in a way fragile, therefore it was easily functional through its functionality,
broken during the testing and gathering of effectivity, and mobility tests. Functionality
results. The team handled every sensor with test shows that the system's sensors,
care in order for the sensors not to be easily solenoids, motor, and user interface works
accordingly. Effectivity test shows that the
broken, affecting the result gathering in the system was effective in converting dirty
process. We have also noticed that the water to potable water guaranteed by the
turbidity sensor can easily be triggered by results of the water laboratory. Lastly, the
the sunlight, therefore we make an mobility test, the system runs through the
assumption that it is best for the system to use of a battery. Therefore, it can be used
be run indoors. Backwashing is also vital for by LGU's for disaster areas that have no
access to clean water and lacks electricity
the system in order for the bacteria not to
all at the same time. SWaTS is an effective
contaminate the system. system to be used by communities, local
government unit, and consumers who have
V. Conclusion the difficulty to access clean water.

Water, one of the essential ACKNOWLEDGMENT

commodities for a person's daily life, access
to clean water is a right of every Filipino We wholeheartedly thank the following
citizen, whether they live in barrios, cities or people for their support throughout duration
affected by natural calamities. Scarcity of of the study:
clean water is rampant in developing
The Caballero family for accommodating REFERENCES
and selflessly provided the needs of the
group throughout the entirety of the [1] E. Julius Dasch (1997). Water in Comets
research. and Meteorites. Retrieved July 15, 2018 from
Ray Duran for his valuable inputs in the http://www.
construction and improvement of the study.
Sir Ralph and Sir Junje for lending a hand Cr/Comets-and-Meteorites-Water-in.html
during the system’s construction. [2]Nola Taylor Redd (2017). How Did The
Ross Sutherland for lending us equipment Solar System Form. Retrieved July 15, 2018
that has become essential for the group’s from https://www.
Engr. Daryll Alloro for his inputs on the formation.html
group’s final presentation. [3]Dempsey (2014). Water on Earth.
Maam Irene Salonga and Dr. Dahlia Pescos Retrieved July 15, 2018 from
for the group’s accommodation during the
laboratory test of the filtered water results water-earth/
and in the process gave inputs on how to [4]Nwidu et al., 2008. Assesment of the water
improve the water’s potability. quality and prevalence of water
Engr. Gelvie Lagos for lending his precious bornediseases in
time and expertise as a panel for the [5]Amassoma, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Retrived
improvement of the project. July 15, 2018 from
Engr. Caesar Rico Acanto for lending his
time and giving advise as to how the system 8901094_Assesment_of_the_water_quality
would be improved in terms of its effectivity. _and_prevalence_of_water_borne_disease
Engr. Nelson Golez for tirelessly sharing his s_in_Amassoma_Niger_Delta_Nigeria
knowledge and valuable skills which [6]Desalination Fact Sheet. Retrieved July
contributed to the conceptualization and 15, 2018 from
eventual construction of the prototype. His
ideas lead the group to be able to come up ations/Fact_Sheets/Desalination_Fact_She
with such research. et.aspx
Engr. Marian Mie Alimo-ot for her constant [7]Kritz (2016). Philippines: A hotspot for
support as the group’s adviser and mentor. water crisis. Retrived July 15, 2018 from
We thank her for her reminders and for
continually pushing the group to work and hotspot-water-crisis/290528/
create the prototype. Her presence as an [8]Robert Herriman (2017). Philippines:
adviser gave a great atmosphere to the Cebu, Bohol report cholera outbreak.
group leading the group to work diligently on Retrieved July
the study. 15,2018from
And above all, we thank the philippines-cebu-bohol-report-cholera-
Almighty God for giving us these people that outbreak-17674/
made the project construction worthwhile.
We thank Him for giving us the knowledge,
good health, strength and for providing us
the financial stability that we need as we
work on this project. Truly through faith and
prayers we were able to create a prototype
that seemed impossible, possible. To Him
we gave Him all the glory and honor. Soli
Deo Gloria.

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