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MED II-B Group 6 Notes • The anatomy of renal vessels has several important

Level II Block V Module 2 – URINARY SYSTEM

• First, because the arteries are largely end-arteries, occlusion
of any branch usually results in infarction of the specific area
it supplies.

Case 1: “Puffy Raffy” • Glomerular disease that interferes with blood flow through
the glomerular capillaries has profound effects on the
1. Recall the anatomic and histologic features of the kidneys. tubules, within both the cortex and the medulla, because all
tubular capillary beds are derived from the efferent

• Each human adult kidney weighs about 150 gm. • The peculiarities of the blood supply to the renal medulla
render them especially vulnerable to ischemia; the medulla
• As the ureter enters the kidney at the hilum, it dilates into a does not have its own arterial blood supply but is dependent
funnel-shaped cavity, the pelvis, from which derive two or on the blood emanating from the glomerular efferent
three main branches, the major calyces; each of these arterioles.
subdivides again into three or four minor calyces.
• The blood in the capillary loops in the medulla has a
• There are about 12 minor calyces in the human kidney. remarkably low level of oxygenation.

• On the cut surface, the kidney is made up of a cortex and a

medulla, the former 1.2 to 1.5 cm in thickness. • Thus, minor interference with the blood supply of the
medulla may result in medullary necrosis from ischemia.
• The medulla consists of renal pyramids, the apices of which
are called papillae, each related to a calyx.

• Cortical tissue extends into spaces between adjacent Glomeruli

pyramids as the renal columns of Bertin.

• From the standpoint of its diseases, the kidney can be

divided into four components: blood vessels, glomeruli,
tubules, and interstitium.
• The glomerulus consists of an anastomosing network of
capillaries lined by fenestrated endothelium invested by two
layers of epithelium.

Blood Vessels • The visceral epithelium is incorporated into and becomes an

intrinsic part of the capillary wall, separated from endothelial
cells by a basement membrane.

• The kidney is richly supplied by blood vessels, and although • The parietal epithelium, situated on Bowman's capsule, lines
both kidneys make up only 0.5% of the total body weight, the urinary space, the cavity in which plasma filtrate first
they receive about 25% of the cardiac output. The cortex is collects.
by far the most richly vascularized part of the kidney,
receiving 90% of the total renal blood supply.
• The glomerular capillary wall is the filtering membrane and
consists of the following structures:
• The main renal artery divides into anterior and posterior
sections at the hilum.  A thin layer of fenestrated endothelial cells, each
fenestrum being about 70 to 100 nm in diameter.

• From these, interlobar arteries emerge, course between

lobes, and give rise to the arcuate arteries, which arch  A glomerular basement membrane (GBM) with a thick
between cortex and medulla, in turn giving rise to the electron-dense central layer, the lamina densa, and
interlobular arteries. thinner electron-lucent peripheral layers, the lamina
rara interna and lamina rara externa. The GBM consists
of collagen (mostly type IV), laminin, polyanionic
• From the interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles enter the proteoglycans (mostly heparan sulfate), fibronectin,
glomerular tuft, where they progressively subdivide into 20 entactin, and several other glycoproteins. Type IV
to 40 capillary loops arranged in several units or lobules collagen forms a network suprastructure to which other
architecturally centered by a supporting mesangial stalk. glycoproteins attach. The building block (monomer) of
this network is a triple-helical molecule made up of
• Capillary loops merge to exit from the glomerulus as efferent three α-chains, composed of one or more of six types of
arterioles. α-chains (α1 to α6 or COL4A1 to COL4A6), the most
common consisting of α1, α2, α1. Each molecule
consists of a 7S domain at the amino terminus, a triple-
• In general, efferent arterioles from superficial nephrons form helical domain in the middle, and a globular
a rich vascular network that encircles cortical tubules noncollagenous domain (NC1) at the carboxyl terminus.
(peritubular vascular network), and deeper juxtamedullary The NC1 domain is important for helix formation and for
glomeruli give rise to the vasa recta, which descend as assembly of collagen monomers into the basement
straight vessels to supply the outer and inner medulla. membrane suprastructure. Glycoproteins (laminin,
entactin) and acidic proteoglycans (heparan sulfate,
perlecan) attach to the collagenous suprastructure3-5.
• These descending arterial vasa recta then make several These biochemical determinants are critical to
loops in the inner medulla and ascend as the venous vasa understanding glomerular diseases. For example, as we
recta. shall see, the antigens in the NC1

domain are the targets of antibodies in anti-GBM nephritis;

genetic defects in the α-chains underlie some forms of
hereditary nephritis; and the acidic porous nature of the
GBM determines its permeability characteristics. • The structure of renal tubular epithelial cells varies
considerably at different levels of the nephron and, to a
certain extent, correlates with function.
 The visceral epithelial cells (podocytes), are structurally
complex cells that possess interdigitating processes
embedded in and adherent to the lamina rara externa • For example, the highly developed structure of the proximal
of the basement membrane. Adjacent foot processes tubular cells, with their abundant long microvilli, numerous
(pedicels) are separated by 20- to 30-nm-wide filtration mitochondria, apical canaliculi, and extensive intercellular
slits, which are bridged by a thin diaphragm. interdigitations, is correlated with their major functions:
reabsorption of two-thirds of filtered sodium and water as
well as glucose, potassium, phosphate, amino acids, and
 The entire glomerular tuft is supported by mesangial proteins.
cells lying between the capillaries. Basement
membrane-like mesangial matrix forms a meshwork
through which the mesangial cells are centered (Fig. • The proximal tubule is particularly vulnerable to ischemic
20-1). These cells, of mesenchymal origin, are damage.
contractile, phagocytic, and capable of proliferation, of
laying down both matrix and collagen, and of secreting
a number of biologically active mediators. Biologically, • Furthermore, toxins are frequently reabsorbed by the
they are most akin to vascular smooth muscle cells and proximal tubule, rendering it also susceptible to chemical
pericytes. They are, as we shall see, important players injury.
in many forms of human glomerulonephritis.
• The juxtaglomerular apparatus snuggles closely against the
• The major characteristics of normal glomerular filtration are glomerulus where the afferent arteriole enters it.
an extraordinarily high permeability to water and small
solutes, because of the highly fenestrated nature of the
endothelium, and impermeability to proteins, such as • The juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of:
molecules of the size of albumin (+3.6-nm radius; 70
kilodaltons [kDa] molecular weight) or larger. 1. The juxtaglomerular cells, modified granulated smooth
muscle cells in the media of the afferent arteriole that
• The latter property, called glomerular barrier function, contain renin.
discriminates among various protein molecules, depending
on their size (the larger, the less permeable) and charge (the 2. The macula densa, a specialized region of the distal
more cationic, the more permeable). tubule as it returns to the vascular pole of its parent
glomerulus, where the tubular cells are more crowded
• This size- and charge-dependent barrier function is
and the cells are somewhat shorter and possess distinct
patterns of interdigitation between adjacent
accounted for by the complex structure of the capillary wall,
the collagenous porous and charged structure of the GBM,
and the many anionic moieties present within the wall,
including the acidic proteoglycans of the GBM and the 3. The lacis cells or nongranular cells, which reside in the
sialoglycoproteins of epithelial and endothelial cell coats. area bounded by the afferent arteriole, the macula
densa, and the glomerulus.
• The charge-dependent restriction is important in the virtually
complete exclusion of albumin from the filtrate, because • They resemble mesangial cells and appear to be continuous
albumin is an anionic molecule of a pI 4.5. The visceral with them.
epithelial cell, also known as a podocyte, is important for the
maintenance of glomerular barrier function; its slit
diaphragm presents a size-selective distal diffusion barrier to
• The juxtaglomerular apparatus is a small endocrine organ,
the filtration of proteins, and it is the cell type that is largely the juxtaglomerular cells being the principal sources of renin
responsible for synthesis of GBM components. production in the kidney.

• Proteins located in the slit diaphragm control glomular


• While the details are imcomplete, three important proteins

have been identified (Fig. 20-5). Nephrin is a transmembrane
protein with a large extracellular portion made up of
immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains. Nephrin molecules extend • In the normal cortex, the interstitial space is compact, being
towards each other from neighboring foot processes and occupied by the fenestrated peritubular capillaries and a
dimerize across the slit diaphragm. small number of fibroblast-like cells. Any obvious expansion
of the cortical interstitium is usually abnormal; this
expansion can be due to edema or infiltration by acute
• Within the cytoplasm of the foot processes, nephrin forms inflammatory cells, as in acute interstitial diseases, or it may
molecular connections with podocin, CD2-associated protein, be caused by accumulation of chronic inflammatory cells and
and ultimately the actin cytoskeleton. The importance of fibrous tissue, as in chronic interstitial diseases.
these proteins in maintaining glomerular permeability is
demonstrated by the observation that mutations in the
genes encoding them give rise to nephrotic syndrome • The amounts of proteoglycans in the interstitial tissue of the
(discussed later). medulla increase with age and in the presence of ischemia.

• This has resulted in renewed appreciation of the importance

of the slit diaphragm in glomerular barrier function and its
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Therapeutics 7th Edition)
contribution to protein leakage in disease states.

2. Identify Acute Glomerulonephritis as to:


2.1 Pathophysiology  IgG/anti-IgG immune complexes are formed and then

collect in the glomeruli.

 In addition, elevations of antibody titers to other

 Although we know little of etiologic agents and antigens, such as antistreptolysin O or
triggering events, it is clear that immune mechanisms antihyaluronidase, DNAase-B, and streptokinase,
underlie most forms of primary and many of the provide evidence of a recent streptococcal infection.
secondary glomerular disorders.

 Glomerulonephritis can be readily induced

experimentally by antigen-antibody reactions. (

 Furthermore, glomerular deposits of immunoglobulins,

often with various components of complement, are
found in the majority of patients with 2.2 Incidence

 Cell-mediated immune reactions also clearly play a role,

usually in concert with antibody-mediated events. Frequency

 We therefore begin this discussion with a review of

antibody-instigated injury.
United States
 Two forms of antibody-associated injury have been
established: (1) injury by antibodies reacting in situ
within the glomerulus, either with insoluble fixed
(intrinsic) glomerular antigens or with molecules
planted within the glomerulus, and (2) injury resulting  Glomerulonephritis represents 10-15% of glomerular
from deposition of circulating antigen- antibody diseases.
complexes in the glomerulus. In addition, there is
experimental evidence that cytotoxic antibodies  Variable incidence has been reported due in part to the
directed against glomerular cell components may cause subclinical nature of the disease in more than one half
glomerular injury. the affected population.

 These pathways are not mutually exclusive, and in  Despite sporadic outbreaks, incidence of
humans, all may contribute to injury. poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis has fallen over
the last few decades.
 In this form of injury, antibodies react directly with
intrinsic tissue antigen, or antigens "planted" in the  Factors responsible for this decline may include better
glomerulus from the circulation. health care delivery and improved socioeconomic
 There are two well-established experimental models for
anti-tissue antibody-mediated glomerular injury, for
which there are counterparts in human disease:
antiglomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) International
antibody- induced nephritis and Heymann nephritis.

 With some exceptions, a reduction in the incidence of

(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Therapeutics 7th poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis has occurred in
Edition) most western countries.

 It remains much more common in regions such as

Africa, the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Papua
 Glomerular lesions in acute glomerulonephritis are the New Guinea, and South America.
result of glomerular deposition or in situ formation of
immune complexes.
 Immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy
glomerulonephritis (ie, Berger disease) is the most
 On gross appearance, the kidneys may be enlarged up
common cause of glomerulonephritis worldwide.
to 50%.

 Histopathologic changes include swelling of the
glomerular tufts and infiltration with
polymorphonucleocyte.  Incidence of AGN is decreasing in western countries,
and it is typically sporadic.
 Immunofluorescence reveals deposition of
immunoglobulins and complement.  Epidemic cases are still seen, though less commonly.

 With the exception of poststreptococcal  Typically affects children between the ages of 2 and 14
glomerulonephritis, the exact triggers for the formation years old, but 10% of the patients are older than 40 y.o.
of the immune complexes are unclear.
 More common in males and the familial or cohabitant
 In streptococcal infection, involvement of derivatives of incidence is high as 40%.
streptococcal proteins has been reported.

 A streptococcal neuramidase may alter host

immunoglobulin G (IgG). (Harrison’s Principles of Medicine 16th Edition)

 IgG combines with host antibodies. 2.3 Clinical Manifestation


 Patients may also present with symptoms specific to an

underlying systemic disease that can precipitate an
 Classic presentation is acute nephritic picture with acute glomerulonephritis.
hematuria, pyuria,, RBC casts, edema , HPN, and
oliguric renal failure which may be severe enough to
appear as RPGN  These disease entities are briefly described in Causes.

 Systemic SX include headache, malaise, anorexia, and  Classic presentations include the following:
flank pain are reported in as many as 50% of cases
o Triad of sinusitis, pulmonary infiltrates, and
 5% of children and 20% of adults have proteinuria in nephritis suggesting Wegener granulomatosis
the nephritic change
o Nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, and purpura
 In the 1st week of Sx, 90% of patients will have a observed with Henoch-Schönlein purpura
depressed CH50 and decreased levels of C3 with
normal levels of C4 o Arthralgias associated with systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE)
 A subclinical disease is reported in some series to be
four or five times as common as clinical nephritis, and o Hemoptysis occurring with Goodpasture syndrome
these latter cases are characterized by asymptomatic or idiopathic progressive glomerulonephritis
microscopic hematuria with low level serum
complement levels. o Skin rashes observed with a hypersensitivity
vasculitis or systemic lupus erythematosus; also
possibly due to the purpura that can occur in
hypersensitivity vasculitis, cryoglobulinemia, and
(Harrison’s Principles of Medicine 16th Edition) Henoch-Schönlein purpura.

 A thorough history should focus on the identification of Physical Examination

an underlying systemic disease (if any) or recent

 Most often, the patient is a boy, aged 2-14 years, who  This description does not include all the physical
suddenly develops puffiness of the eyelids and facial findings that can be associated with the nonnephritic
edema in the setting of a poststreptococcal infection. features of an infectious process (eg, fever), renal
The urine is dark and scanty, and the blood pressure etiology, or systemic etiology, as such a description is
may be elevated. beyond the scope of this article.

 Onset of symptoms is usually abrupt.  Patients often have a normal physical examination and
blood pressure; most frequently, however, patients
 Nonspecific symptoms include weakness, fever, present with a combination of edema, hypertension,
abdominal pain, and malaise. and oliguria.

o Edema frequently involves the face, specifically

 In the setting of a postinfectious acute nephritis, a
the periorbital area.
latent period of up to 3 weeks occurs before onset of
symptoms. However, the latent period may vary;
typically 1-2 weeks for postpharyngitis cases and 2-4 o Hypertension is seen in as many as 80% of
weeks for cases of postdermal infection (ie, pyoderma). affected patients.

 Onset of nephritis within 1-4 days of streptococcal o Hematuria, either macroscopic (gross) or
infection suggests preexisting renal disease. microscopic, may be noted.

o Skin rashes (ie, malar rash frequently seen with

 Symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis include the lupus nephritis) may be observed.
o Abnormal neurologic examination or altered level
o Hematuria is a universal finding, even if it is of consciousness occurring because of malignant
microscopic. Gross hematuria is reported in 30% hypertension or hypertensive encephalopathy.
of pediatric patients.
o Arthritis may be noted.
o Oliguria
o Other signs:
o Edema (peripheral or periorbital) is reported in
approximately 85% of pediatric patients; edema  Pharyngitis
may be mild (involving only the face) to severe,
bordering on a nephrotic appearance.
 Impetigo
o Headache may occur secondary to hypertension;
confusion secondary to malignant hypertension  Respiratory infection
may be seen in as many as 5% of patients.
 Pulmonary hemorrhage
o Shortness of breath or dyspnea on exertion
secondary to heart failure or pulmonary edema;  Heart murmur may indicate endocarditis
usually uncommon, particularly in children.
 Scarlet fever
o Possible flank pain secondary to stretching of the
renal capsule.
 Weight gain

 Abdominal pain  It has both primary and secondary causes.

 Anorexia  Diagnosis is based on history, physical examination,

and sometimes renal biopsy.
 Back pain
 Treatment and prognosis vary by cause.
 Skin pallor
 Nephritic syndrome is a manifestation of glomerular
 Palpable purpura in patients with Henoch- inflammation (glomerulonephritis [GN]) and occurs at
Schönlein purpura any age.

 Oral ulcers  Causes differ by age and mechanisms differ by cause.

Acute and chronic forms exist.
 Postinfectious GN is the prototype of acute GN, but the
condition may be caused by other glomerulopathies
2.4 Differentiate nephrotic syndrome from nephritic syndrome.
and by systemic diseases such as connective tissue
disorders and paraproteinemias.

 Glomerular Diseases: Causes of Glomerulonephritis

 The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by heavy
proteinuria (more than 3.5 gm/day), hypoalbuminemia,
severe edema, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria (lipid in the  Chronic GN has features similar to acute GN but
urine) while nephritic syndrome (acute) is a glomerular develops slowly and may display mild to moderate
syndrome dominated by the acute onset of usually proteinuria.
grossly visible hematuria (red blood cells in urine), mild
to moderate proteinuria, and hypertension; it is the  Examples include IgA nephropathy and hereditary
classic presentation of acute poststreptococcal nephritis.

(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Therapeutics 7th

Edition) 3. Identify the morphology and pathogenesis of the different causes
of acute glomerulonephritis.

3.1 Primary Causes

3.1.1Acute Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis Post-streptococcal
 Nephrotic syndrome is urinary excretion of > 3 g of
protein/day due to glomerular disease. Viral

 It is more common in children and has both primary Fungal and Parasitic
and secondary causes.

 Diagnosis is by measurement of a spot urine

protein/creatinine ratio or a 24-h urinary protein; (3.1.1- Fused)
underlying causes are diagnosed based on history,
physical examination, and renal biopsy.
 Treatment and prognosis vary by cause.

 Nephrotic syndrome is urinary excretion of > 3 g of Mechanisms of Chronic Tubulointerstitial Injury in

protein/day due to glomerular disease. Glomerulonephritis

 It is more common in children and has both primary

and secondary causes.
o Various components of the protein-rich filtrate and
cytokines derived from leukocytes cause tubular
 Diagnosis is by measurement of a spot urine
cell activation and secretion of cytokines, growth
protein/creatinine ratio or a 24-h urinary protein;
factors, and other mediators.
underlying causes are diagnosed based on history,
physical examination, and renal biopsy.
o These, together with products of macrophages,
incite interstitial inflammation and fibrosis.
 Treatment and prognosis vary by cause.
o ET-1, endothelin-1, PAI-1, plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1; TIMP-1, tissue inhibitor of
o This group of glomerular diseases is characterized
anatomically by inflammatory alterations in the
glomeruli and clinically by the syndrome of acute
 Nephritic syndrome is defined by hematuria and RBC nephritis.
casts on microscopic examination of urinary sediment.
o The nephritic patient usually presents with
 Often one or more elements of mild to moderate hematuria, red cell casts in the urine, azotemia,
proteinuria, edema, hypertension, elevated serum oliguria, and mild to moderate hypertension.
creatinine, and oliguria are also present.

o The patient also commonly has proteinuria and o Serum complement levels are low, compatible
edema, but these are not as severe as those with activation of the complement system and
encountered in the nephrotic syndrome, discussed consumption of complement components.
o The presence of granular immune deposits in the
o The acute nephritic syndrome may occur in such glomeruli demonstrates an immune complex-
multisystem diseases as SLE and microscopic mediated mechanism, and so does the finding of
polyarteritis. electron-dense deposits.

o Typically, however, it is characteristic of acute o The streptococcal antigenic component

proliferative glomerulonephritis and is an responsible for the immune reaction has eluded
important component of crescentic identification for years.
glomerulonephritis, which is described later.
o A cytoplasmic antigen called endostreptosin and
Acute Proliferative (Poststreptococcal, several cationic antigens, including a proteinase
Postinfectious) Glomerulonephritis (nephritis strain-associated protein, NSAP) related
to streptokinase and unique to nephritogenic
strains of streptococci, can be present in affected
o As the name implies, this cluster of diseases is
characterized histologically by diffuse proliferation o It is not known if these represent planted antigens,
of glomerular cells, associated with influx of
part of circulating immune complexes, or both.
GBM proteins altered by streptococcal enzymes
have also been implicated as antigens at one time
o These lesions are typically caused by immune or another.

o The inciting antigen may be exogenous or

endogenous. Morphology

o The prototypic exogenous antigen-induced disease

pattern is postinfectious glomerulonephritis,
whereas that produced by an endogenous antigen
o The classic diagnostic picture is one of enlarged,
is the nephritis of systemic lupus erythematosus.
hypercellular glomeruli.
o The most common infections are streptococcal,
o The hypercellularity is caused by (1) infiltration by
but the disorder has also been associated with
leukocytes, both neutrophils and monocytes; (2)
other infections.
proliferation of endothelial and mesangial cells;
and (3) in severe cases by crescent formation.
Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
o The proliferation and leukocyte infiltration are
diffuse, that is, involving all lobules of all
o This glomerular disease is decreasing in frequency glomeruli.
in the United States but continues to be a fairly
common disorder worldwide.47 It usually appears o There is also swelling of endothelial cells, and the
1 to 4 weeks after a streptococcal infection of the combination of proliferation, swelling, and
pharynx or skin (impetigo). leukocyte infiltration obliterates the capillary
o Skin infections are commonly associated with
overcrowding and poor hygiene. o There may be interstitial edema and inflammation,
and the tubules often contain red cell casts.
o Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis occurs most
o By immunofluorescence microscopy, there are
frequently in children 6 to 10 years of age, but
granular deposits of IgG, IgM, and C3 in the
adults of any age can be affected.
mesangium and along the basement membrane.

o Although almost universally present, they are

often focal and sparse.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
o The characteristic electron microscopic findings
are discrete, amorphous, electron-dense deposits
on the epithelial side of the membrane, often
o Only certain strains of group A β-hemolytic having the appearance of "humps", presumably
streptococci are nephritogenic, more than 90% of representing the antigen- antibody complexes at
cases being traced to types 12, 4, and 1, which the epithelial cell surface.
can be identified by typing of M protein of the cell
wall. o Subendothelial and intramembranous deposits are
also commonly seen, and mesangial deposits may
be present.
o Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is an
immunologically mediated disease. o There is often swelling of endothelial and
mesangial cells.
o The latent period between infection and onset of
nephritis is compatible with the time required for
the production of antibodies and the formation of
immune complexes.
Clinical Course
o Elevated titers of antibodies against one or more
streptococcal antigens are present in a great
majority of patients.

o In the classic case, a young child abruptly

develops malaise, fever, nausea, oliguria, and
hematuria (smoky or cocoa-colored urine) 1 to 2 o Typical findings on immunofluorescence
weeks after recovery from a sore throat. microscopy of renal biopsy specimens from
patients with anti-glomerular basement membrane
o The patients exhibit red cell casts in the urine, antibody disease, immune complex–mediated
mild proteinuria (usually less than 1 gm/day), glomerulonephritis, and pauci-immune
periorbital edema, and mild to moderate glomerulonephritis.
o Specimens in the upper and middle panels were
o In adults, the onset is more likely to be atypical, stained for immunoglobulin and show the classic
with the sudden appearance of hypertension or linear “ribbon-like” pattern of anti-GBM disease (A)
edema, frequently with elevation of BUN. and granular pattern of immune complex–
mediated glomerulonephritis (B).
o During epidemics caused by nephritogenic
streptococcal infections, glomerulonephritis may o Immunoglobulin is sparse or absent in patients
be asymptomatic, discovered only on screening for with pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (not
microscopic hematuria. Important laboratory shown); however, abundant fibrin is detected in
findings include elevations of antistreptococcal crescents (C). (Micrographs courtesy of Dr. Helmut
antibody (ASO) titers and a decline in the serum Rennke.)
concentration of C3 and other components of the
complement cascade and the presence of CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS
cryoglobulins in the serum.


o More than 95% of affected children eventually
recover totally with conservative therapy aimed at
maintaining sodium and water balance.

o A small minority of children (perhaps less than 1%) o The acute nephritic syndrome is the clinical
do not improve, become severely oliguric, and correlate of acute glomerular inflammation.
develop a rapidly progressive form of
glomerulonephritis (described later). Some of the
o In its most dramatic form, the acute nephritic
remaining patients may undergo slow progression
syndrome is characterized by sudden onset (i.e.,
to chronic glomerulonephritis with or without
over days to weeks) of acute renal failure and
recurrence of an active nephritic picture.
oliguria (400 mL/day of urine).
o Prolonged and persistent heavy proteinuria and
o Renal blood flow and GFR fall as a result of
abnormal GFR mark patients with an unfavorable
obstruction of the glomerular capillary lumen by
infiltrating inflammatory cells and proliferating
resident glomerular cells.
o In adults, the disease is less benign.
o Renal blood flow and GFR are further
o Although the overall prognosis in epidemics is compromised by intrarenal vasoconstriction and
good, in only about 60% of sporadic cases do the mesangial cell contraction that result from local
patients recover promptly. In the remainder, the imbalances of vasoconstrictor (e.g., leukotrienes,
glomerular lesions fail to resolve quickly, as platelet-activating factor, thromboxanes,
manifested by persistent proteinuria, hematuria, endothelins) and vasodilator substances (e.g.,
and hypertension. nitric oxide, prostacyclin) within the renal
o In some of these patients, the lesions eventually
clear totally, but others develop chronic
o Extracellular fluid volume expansion, edema, and
hypertension develop because of impaired GFR
and enhanced tubular reabsorption of salt and
o Some patients will develop a syndrome of rapidly
water. As a result of injury to the glomerular
progressive glomerulonephritis.
capillary wall, urinalysis typically reveals red blood
cell casts, dysmorphic red blood cells, leukocytes,
and subnephrotic proteinuria of <3.0 g per 24 h
(“nephritic urinary sediment”). Hematuria is often
Nonstreptococcal Acute Glomerulonephritis macroscopic.
(Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis)
o The classic pathologic correlate of the nephritic
syndrome is proliferative glomerulonephritis.

o A similar form of glomerulonephritis occurs o The proliferation of glomerular cells is due initially
sporadically in association with other bacterial to infiltration of the glomerular tuft by neutrophils
infections (e.g., staphylococcal endocarditis, and monocytes and subsequently to true
pneumococcal pneumonia, and proliferation of resident glomerular endothelial and
meningococcemia), viral disease (e.g., hepatitis B, mesangial cells (endocapillary proliferation).
hepatitis C, mumps, human immunodeficiency
virus [HIV] infection, varicella, and infectious o In its most severe form, the nephritic syndrome is
mononucleosis), and parasitic infections (malaria, associated with acute inflammation of most
toxoplasmosis). glomeruli, i.e., acute diffuse proliferative
o In this setting, granular immunofluorescent
deposits and subepithelial humps characteristic of o When less vigorous, <50% of glomeruli may be
immune complex nephritis are present. involved, i.e., focal proliferative
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Therapeutics
7th Edition) o In milder forms of nephritic injury, cellular
proliferation may be confined to the mesangium,
Morphology: i.e., mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.

o RPGN is the clinical correlate of more subacute o Most patients (>70%) with full-blown acute
glomerular inflammation. nephritic syndrome have immune-complex
o Patients develop renal failure over weeks to
months in association with a nephritic urinary o Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis is less common
sediment, subnephrotic proteinuria and variable in this setting (<30%), and anti-GBM disease is
oliguria, hypervolemia, edema, and hypertension. rare (<1%).

o The classic pathologic correlate of RPGN is o Among patients with RPGN, immune-complex
crescent formation involving most glomeruli glomerulonephritis and pauci-immune
(crescentic glomerulonephritis). glomerulonephritis are equally prevalent (~45%
each), whereas anti- GBM disease again accounts
o In practice, the clinical term rapidly progressive for a minority of cases (<10%).
glomerulonephritis and the pathologic term
crescentic glomerulonephritis are often used o Three serologic markers often predict the
interchangeably. immunofluorescence microscopy findings in
nephritic syndrome and RPGN and may obviate
o In addition to classic crescentic the need for renal biopsy in classic cases.
glomerulonephritis, in which crescents dominate
the glomerular pathology, crescents can also o They are the serum C3 level and titers of anti-GBM
develop concomitantly with proliferative antibody and ANCA.
glomerulonephritis or as a complication of
membranous glomerulopathy and other more
indolent forms of glomerular inflammation.
o As discussed in previous sections, the kidney is
host to immune attack in immune-complex
glomerulonephritis, most cases being initiated
o The acute nephritic syndrome and RPGN are part either by in situ formation of immune complexes
of a spectrum of presentations of immunologically or less commonly by glomerular trapping of
mediated proliferative glomerulonephritis. circulating immune complexes.

o Studies of experimental models suggest that o These patients typically have

hypocomplementemia (low C3 in 90%) and
nephritic syndrome and diffuse proliferative
negative anti-GBM and ANCA serology, the major
glomerulonephritis represent an acute immune
exception being IgA nephropathy/Henoch
response to a sudden large antigen load, whereas
Scho¨nlein purpura where complement levels are
RPGN and crescentic glomerulonephritis represent
typically normal.
a more subacute immune response to a smaller
antigen load in presensitized individuals.
o The glomerulus is the direct target of immune
o At the other end of the spectrum, chronic low- attack in anti-GBM disease, glomerular
grade immune injury presents with slowly inflammation being initiated by an autoantibody
progressive renal insufficiency or asymptomatic directed at a 28-kDa autoantigen on the alpha3
hematuria in association with focal proliferative or chain of type IV collagen.
mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
o Approximately 90 to 95% of patients with anti-
o These more indolent forms of immune-mediated GBM disease have circulating anti-GBM
glomerulonephritis are discussed later in this autoantibodies detectable by immunoassay;
chapter. serum complement levels are typically normal,
and ANCA are usually not detected.

o The pathogenesis of pauci-immune

ETIOLOGY AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS glomerulonephritis is still being defined; however,
most patients have circulating ANCA. Serum
complement levels are typically normal, and anti-
GBM titers are usually negative in ANCA-
associated renal disease.
o Acute nephritic syndrome and RPGN can result
from renal-limited primary glomerulopathy or from
secondary glomerulopathy complicating systemic o It should be noted, however, that there may be
disease. some serologic overlap, with as many as 20% of
patients with immune complex or anti-GBM
o In general, rapid diagnosis and prompt treatment glomerulonephritis also having at least low levels
are critical to avoid the development of of circulating ANCA.
irreversible renal failure.
o Renal biopsy remains the “gold standard” for IMMUNE-COMPLEX GLOMERULONEPHRITIS
diagnosis. Immunofluorescence microscopy is
particularly helpful and identifies three major
patterns of deposition of immunoglobulin that
define three broad diagnostic categories: o Nephritic syndrome induced by immune- complex
glomerulonephritis may be (1) be idiopathic, (2)
represent a response to a known antigenic
1. Scattered granular deposits of stimulus (e.g., glomerulonephritis triggered by
immunoglobulin, a hallmark of bacterial endocarditis or streptococcal infection, or
immunecomplex glomerulonephritis. hepatitis B or C infection in cryoglobulinemic
2. More discrete linear deposition of glomerulonephritis), or (3) form part of a
immunoglobulin along the GBM, multisystem immune-complex disorder (e.g., lupus
characteristic of anti-GBM disease. nephritis, Henoch-Scho¨nlein purpura)

3. Paucity or absence of immunoglobulin—

pauci-immune glomerulonephritis

STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTION AND INFECTIVE o The serum creatinine is often mildly elevated at
ENDOCARDITIS presentation.

o Serum C3 levels and CH50 are depressed within 2

weeks in ~90% of cases.
o A variety of infections can precipitate immune-
complex glomerulonephritis. o C4 levels are characteristically normal, indicating
activation of the alternate pathway of
o The most common clinicopathologic lesion in this
setting is acute diffuse proliferative
glomerulonephritis presenting as the acute o Complement levels usually return to normal within
nephritic syndrome; however, depending on the 6 to 8 weeks. Persistently depressed levels after
speed of onset and site and extent of immune this period should suggest another cause, such as
complex formation, infection-associated immune the presence of a C3 nephritic factor (see
complex formation can trigger “Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis,” p.
mesangioproliferative, focal proliferative, 1687).
membranoproliferative, or membranous
glomerulopathy. o The majority of patients (>75%) have transient
hypergammaglobulinemia and mixed
o Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is the cryoglobulinemia.
prototypical postinfectious glomerulonephritis and
a leading cause of acute nephritic syndrome. o The antecedent streptococcal infection may still be
evident or may have resolved either
o Most cases are sporadic, though the disease can spontaneously or in response to antibiotic therapy.
occur as an epidemic.
o Most patients (>90%) have circulating antibodies
o Glomerulonephritis develops, on average, 10 days against streptococcal exoenzymes such as
after pharyngitis or 2 weeks after a skin infection antistreptolysin O (ASO), anti-deoxyribonuclease B
(impetigo) with a nephritogenic strain of group A (anti-DNAse B), antistreptokinase (ASKase), anti-
beta-hemolytic streptococcus. nicotinyl adenine dinucleotidase (anti-NADase),
and antihyaluronidase (AHase).
o The known nephritic strains include M types 1, 2,
4, 12, 18, 25, 49, 55, 57, and 60. o Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is
usually diagnosed on clinical and serologic
o Immunity to these strains is type-specific and grounds, without resort to renal biopsy, especially
long-lasting, and repeated infection and nephritis in children with a typical antecedent history. The
are rare. characteristic lesion on light microscopy is diffuse
proliferative glomerulonephritis.
o Epidemic poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is
most commonly encountered in children of 2 to 6 o Crescents are uncommon, and extraglomerular
years of age with pharyngitis during the winter involvement is usually mild. Immunofluorescence
months. microscopy reveals diffuse granular deposition of
IgG and C3, giving rise to a “starry sky”.
o This entity appears to be decreasing in frequency,
possibly due to more widespread and prompt use o The characteristic finding on electron microscopy
of antibiotics. is the presence of large electron-dense immune
deposits in the subendothelial, subepithelial, and
mesangial areas.
o Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis in
association with cutaneous infections usually o In addition to poststreptococcal
occurs in a setting of poor personal hygiene or glomerulonephritis, the nephritic syndrome and
streptococcal superinfection of another skin RPGN can complicate acute immune-complex
disease. glomerulonephritis due to other viral, bacterial,
fungal, and parasitic infections.
o The classic clinical presentation of
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is full-blown o Diffuse proliferative immune-complex
nephritic syndrome with oliguric acute renal glomerulonephritis is a well-described
failure; however, most patients have milder complication of acute and subacute infective
disease. Indeed, subclinical cases outnumber overt endocarditis and is usually associated with
cases by four- to tenfold during epidemics. hypocomplementemia.

o Patients with overt disease present with gross o The glomerular lesion typically resolves following
hematuria (red or “smoky” urine), headache, and eradication of the cardiac infection.
generalized symptoms such as anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, and malaise. Swelling of the renal
capsule can cause flank or back pain. (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition)

o Physical examination reveals hypervolemia,

edema, and hypertension.
3.1.2Rapidly Progressive (Cresentric Glomerulonephritis)
o The urinary sediment is nephritic, with dysmorphic
red blood cells, red cell casts, leukocytes,
occasionally leukocyte casts, and subnephrotic
o Fewer than 5% of patients develop nephrotic-
range proteinuria. The latter may only manifest as
acute nephritis resolves and renal blood flow and
GFR recover. o Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) is a
syndrome associated with severe glomerular injury
o Coexistent rheumatic fever is extremely rare.

and does not denote a specific etiologic form of These patients cannot usually be helped by
glomerulonephritis. plasmapheresis, and they require treatment for
the underlying disease.
o It is characterized clinically by rapid and
progressive loss of renal function associated with o The third type of RPGN, also called pauci-immune
severe oliguria and (if untreated) death from renal type, is defined by the lack of anti-GBM antibodies
failure within weeks to months. or immune complexes by immunofluorescence and
electron microscopy.
o Regardless of the cause, the classic histologic
picture is characterized by the presence of o Most patients with this type of RPGN have
crescents in most of the glomeruli (crescentic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), of
glomerulonephritis). cytoplasmic (C) or perinuclear (P) patterns, in the
serum, which, as we have seen (Chapter 11), play
o As discussed earlier, these are produced in part by a role in some vasculitides.
proliferation of the parietal epithelial cells lining
Bowman capsule and in part by infiltration of o Hence, in some cases, this type of RPGN is a
monocytes and macrophages. component of a systemic vasculitis such as
Wegener granulomatosis or microscopic

Classification and Pathogenesis o In many cases, however, pauci-immune crescentic

glomerulonephritis is isolated and hence

o RPGN may be caused by a number of different o More than 90% of such idiopathic cases have c-
diseases, some restricted to the kidney and others ANCA or p-ANCA in the sera.
o The presence of circulating ANCAs in both
o Although no single mechanism can explain all idiopathic RPGN and cases of RPGN that occur as a
cases, there is little doubt that in most cases, the component of systemic vasculitis, and the similar
glomerular injury is immunologically mediated. pathologic features in either setting, have led to
the idea that these disorders are pathogenetically
o Thus, a practical classification divides RPGN into
three groups on the basis of immunologic findings
o According to this concept, all cases of RPGN of the
(Table 20-7). In each group, the disease may be
associated with a known disorder, or it may be pauci-immune type are manifestations of small
idiopathic. vessel vasculitis or polyangiitis, which is limited to
glomerular and perhaps peritubular capillaries in
cases of idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis.
o The first type of RPGN is best remembered as anti-
GBM antibody-induced disease and hence is
o The clinical distinction between systemic vasculitis
characterized by linear deposits of IgG and, in
many cases, C3 in the GBM, as previously with pauci-immune renal involvement and
described.48 In some of these patients, the anti- idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis
GBM antibodies cross-react with pulmonary accordingly has become deemphasized, as these
alveolar basement membranes to produce the entities are viewed as part of a spectrum of
clinical picture of pulmonary hemorrhage vasculitic disease.
associated with renal failure (Goodpasture
syndrome). o ANCAs have proved to be invaluable as a highly
sensitive diagnostic marker for pauci-immune
o Plasmapheresis to remove the pathogenic RPGN, but proof of their role as a direct cause of
circulating antibodies is usually part of the RPGN has been elusive.
treatment, which also includes therapy to
suppress the underlying immune response. o Recent strong evidence of their pathogenic
potential has been obtained by studies in which
antibodies against myeloperoxidase (the target
o The Goodpasture antigen, as was noted earlier, is antigen of most p-ANCAs) are transferred into
a peptide within the noncollagenous portion of the mice.
α3-chain of collagen type IV.
o To summarize, all three types of RPGN may be
o What triggers the formation of these antibodies is associated with a well-defined renal or extrarenal
unclear in most patients. Exposure to viruses or disease, but in many cases (approximately 50%),
hydrocarbon solvents (found in paints and dyes) the disorder is idiopathic. Of the patients with this
has been implicated in some patients, as have syndrome, about one fifth have anti-GBM
various drugs and cancers. antibody-induced disease without lung
involvement; another one fourth have immune
complex-mediated disease RPGN; and the
o There is a high prevalence of certain HLA subtypes remainder are of the pauci-immune type.
and haplotypes (e.g., HLA-DRB1) in affected
patients, a finding consistent with the genetic
predisposition to autoimmunity. o The common denominator in all types of RPGN is
severe glomerular injury.
o The second type of RPGN is the result of immune
complex-mediated disease.

o It can be a complication of any of the immune Morphology

complex nephritides, including postinfectious
glomerulonephritis, SLE, IgA nephropathy, and
Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
o The kidneys are enlarged and pale, often with
o In all of these cases, immunofluorescence studies petechial hemorrhages on the cortical surfaces.
reveal the granular pattern of staining
characteristic of immune complex deposition.

o Depending on the underlying cause, the glomeruli

may show focal necrosis, diffuse or focal
endothelial proliferation, and mesangial (Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
proliferation. Edition)

o The histologic picture, however, is dominated by

the formation of distinctive crescents.
3.1.3Membranous Glomerulopathy
o Crescents are formed by proliferation of parietal
cells and by migration of monocytes and
macrophages into the urinary space.
o Neutrophils and lymphocytes may be present. NEPHROPATHY)

o The crescents eventually obliterate Bowman space

and compress the glomerular tuft.
o Membranous glomerulopathy is the most common
o Fibrin strands are prominent between the cellular cause of the nephrotic syndrome in adults.
layers in the crescents; indeed, as discussed
earlier, the escape of fibrin into Bowman space is o It is characterized by diffuse thickening of the
an important contributor to crescent formation.
glomerular capillary wall and the accumulation of
electron-dense, immunoglobulin-containing
o Electron microscopy may, as expected, disclose deposits along the subepithelial side of the
subepithelial deposits in some cases, but in many basement membrane.
cases, it shows distinct ruptures in the GBM, the
severe injury that allows leukocytes, proteins, and o Membranous glomerulopathy occurring in
inflammatory mediators into the urinary space,
association with other systemic diseases and a
where they trigger the crescent formation.
variety of identifiable etiologic agents is referred
to as secondary membranous glomerulopathy.
o In time, most crescents undergo sclerosis, but
restoration of normal glomerular architecture o The most notable such associations are as follows:
marks a successful clinical outcome in some
patients, particularly those with an infection-
associated immune complex etiology.  Drugs (penicillamine, captopril, gold,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
[NSAIDs]): 1% to 7% of patients with
o By immunofluorescence microscopy, postinfec-
rheumatoid arthritis treated with
tious cases exhibit granular immune deposits;
penicillamine or gold (drugs now used
Goodpasture syndrome cases show linear
infrequently for this purpose) develop
fluorescence for immunoglobulin and complement,
membranous glomerulopathy. NSAIDs, as we
and pauci-immune cases have little or no
shall see, also cause minimal change disease.
deposition of immune reactants.

 Underlying malignant tumors, particularly

carcinoma of the lung and colon and
melanoma. According to some investigators,
Clinical Course these are present in up to 5% to 10% of
adults with membranous glomerulopathy.

 SLE: About 15% of glomerulonephritis in SLE

o The renal manifestations of all forms include is of the membranous type.
hematuria with red cell casts in the urine,
moderate proteinuria occasionally reaching the
 Infections (chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C,
nephrotic range, and variable hypertension and
syphilis, schistosomiasis, malaria)

 Other autoimmune disorders, such as

o In Goodpasture syndrome, the course may be
dominated by recurrent hemoptysis or even life-
threatening pulmonary hemorrhage.
o In about 85% of patients, no associated condition
can be uncovered, and the disease is considered
o Serum analyses for anti-GBM antibodies,
antinuclear antibodies, and ANCA are helpful in the
diagnosis of specific subtypes.

o Although milder forms of glomerular injury may

subside, the renal involvement is usually Etiology and Pathogenesis
progressive over a matter of weeks and
culminates in severe oliguria.

o Recovery of renal function may follow early o Membranous glomerulopathy is a form of chronic
intensive plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) immune complex-mediated disease. In secondary
combined with steroids and cytotoxic agents in membranous glomerulopathy, particular antigens
Goodpasture syndrome. can sometimes be identified in the immune
o This therapy appears to reverse both pulmonary
hemorrhage and renal failure. o For example, membranous glomerulopathy in SLE
is associated with deposition of autoantigen-
o Other forms of RPGN also respond well to steroids antibody complexes.
and cytotoxic agents.
o Exogenous (hepatitis B, Treponema antigens) or
o Despite therapy, patients may eventually require endogenous (thyroglobulin) antigens have been
chronic dialysis or transplantation. identified within deposits in some patients.

o The lesions bear a striking resemblance to those of

experimental Heymann nephritis, which, as you
might recall, is induced by antibodies to a megalin o In a previously healthy individual, this disorder
antigenic complex. usually begins with the insidious onset of the
nephrotic syndrome or, in 15% of patients, with
o A similar but still unidentified antigen is presumed non-nephrotic proteinuria.
to be present in most cases of idiopathic
membranous glomerulopathy in humans. o Hematuria and mild hypertension are present in
15% to 35% of cases.
o Susceptibility to Heymann nephritis in rats and
membranous glomerulopathy in humans is linked o It is necessary in any patient to first rule out the
to the MHC locus, which influences the ability to secondary causes described earlier, since
produce antibodies to the nephritogenic antigen. treatment of the underlying condition (malignant
neoplasm, infection, or SLE) or discontinuance of
o Thus, idiopathic membranous glomerulopathy, like the offending drug can reverse progression.
Heymann nephritis, is considered an autoimmune
disease linked to susceptibility genes and caused
by antibodies to a renal autoantigen. o The course of the disease is variable but generally
o How does the glomerular capillary wall become
leaky in membranous glomerulopathy? o In contrast to minimal change disease, described
later, the proteinuria is nonselective and does not
o There is a paucity of neutrophils, monocytes, or usually respond well to corticosteroid therapy.
platelets in glomeruli and the virtually uniform
presence of complement, and experimental work o Progression is associated with increasing sclerosis
suggests a direct action of C5b-C9, the pathway of glomeruli, rising BUN reflecting renal
leading to the formation of the membrane attack insufficiency, and development of hypertension.
o Although proteinuria persists in more than 60% of
o C5b-C9 causes activation of glomerular epithelial patients, only about 10% die or progress to renal
and mesangial cells, inducing them to liberate failure within 10 years, and no more than 40%
proteases and oxidants, which cause capillary wall eventually develop renal insufficiency. Concurrent
injury and increased protein leakage. sclerosis of glomeruli in the renal biopsy at the
time of diagnosis is a predictor of worse prognosis.

o Spontaneous remissions and a relatively benign

Morphology outcome occur more commonly in women and in
those with proteinuria in the non-nephrotic range.

o Because of the variable course of the disease, it

o By light microscopy, the glomeruli either appear has been difficult to evaluate the overall
normal in the early stages of the dis-ease or effectiveness of corticosteroids or other
exhibit uniform, diffuse thickening of the immunosuppressive therapy in controlling the
glomerular capillary wall. proteinuria or progression.

o By electron microscopy, the thickening is seen to

be caused by irregular dense deposits between
the basement membrane and the overlying (Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
epithelial cells, the latter having effaced foot Edition)

o Basement membrane material is laid down

between these deposits, appearing as irregular o MGN, or membranous nephropathy as it is
spikes protruding from the GBM. sometimes called, accounts for approximately
30% of cases of nephrotic syndrome in adults, with
o These spikes are best seen by silver stains, which a peak incidence between the ages of 30–50 years
color the basement membrane black. and a male to female ratio of 2:1.

o In time, these spikes thicken to produce domelike o It is rare in childhood and by far the most common
protrusions and eventually close over the immune cause of nephrotic syndrome in the elderly.
deposits, burying them within a markedly
thickened, irregular membrane. o In 25–30% of cases, MGN is secondary to
Immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrates malignancy (solid tumors of the breast, lung,
that the granular deposits contain both colon), infection (hepatitis B, malaria,
immunoglobulins and various amounts of schistosomiasis), or rheumatologic disorders like
complement. lupus or rarely rheumatoid arthritis (Table 277-6).

o As the disease advances, the membrane o Uniform thickening of the basement membrane
thickening progressively encroaches on the along the peripheral capillary loops is seen by light
capillary lumens, and sclerosis of the mesangium microscopy on renal biopsy, this thickening needs
may occur; in the course of time, glomeruli may to be distinguished from that seen in diabetes and
become totally sclerosed. amyloidosis.

o The epithelial cells of the proximal tubules contain o Immunofluorescence demonstrates diffuse
protein reabsorption droplets, and there may be granular deposits of IgG and C3, and electron
considerable mononuclear cell interstitial microscopy typically reveals electron-dense
inflammation. subepithelial deposits.

o While different stages (I–V) of progressive

membranous lesions have been described, some
Clinical Course published analyses indicate the degree of tubular

atrophy or interstitial fibrosis is more predictive of o This relatively benign disorder is the most frequent
progression than is the stage of glomerular cause of nephrotic syndrome in children, but it is
disease. less common in adults.

o The presence of subendothelial deposits or the o It is characterized by diffuse effacement of foot

presence of tubuloreticular inclusions strongly processes of epithelial cells in glomeruli that
points to a diagnosis of membranous lupus appear virtually normal by light microscopy.
nephritis, which may precede the extrarenal
manifestations of lupus. o The peak incidence is between 2 and 6 years of
o Work in Heyman nephritis, an animal model of
MGN, suggests that glomerular lesions result from o The disease sometimes follows a respiratory
in situ formation of immune complexes with infection or routine prophylactic immunization.
megalin receptor–associated protein as the
putative antigen.
o Its most characteristic feature is its usually
dramatic response to corticosteroid therapy.
o This antigen is not found in human podocytes, but
human antibodies have been described against
neutral endopeptidase expressed by podocytes,
hepatitis antigens B/C, Helicobacterpylori
antigens, tumor antigens, and thyroglobulin.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
o Eighty percent of patients with MGN present with
nephrotic syndrome and nonselective proteinuria.

o Microscopic hematuria is seen in up to 50% of o Although the absence of immune deposits in the
patients. Spontaneous remissions occur in 20–33% glomerulus excludes classic immune complex
of patients and often occur late in the course after mechanisms, several features of the disease point
years of nephrotic syndrome. to an immunologic basis, including (1) the clinical
association with respiratory infections and
prophylactic immunization; (2) the response to
o One-third of patients continue to have relapsing
corticosteroids and/or other immunosuppressive
nephrotic syndrome but maintain normal renal
therapy; (3) the association with other atopic
function, and approximately another third of
disorders (e.g., eczema, rhinitis); (4) the increased
patients develop renal failure or die from the
prevalence of certain HLA haplotypes in patients
complications of nephrotic syndrome. Male
with minimal change disease associated with
gender, older age, hypertension, and the
atopy (suggesting a genetic predisposition); (5)
persistence of proteinuria are associated with
the increased incidence of minimal change disease
worse prognosis.
in patients with Hodgkin disease, in whom defects
in T cell-mediated immunity are well recognized;
o Although thrombotic complications are a feature of and (6) reports of proteinuria-inducing factors in
all nephrotic syndromes, MGN has the highest the plasma or lymphocyte supernatants of
reported incidences of renal vein thrombosis, patients with minimal change disease and focal
pulmonary embolism, and deep vein thrombosis. glomerulosclerosis.
Prophylactic anticoagulation is controversial but
has been recommended for patients with severe o The current leading hypothesis is that minimal
or prolonged proteinuria in the absence of risk
change disease involves some immune
factors for bleeding.
dysfunction, eventually resulting in the elaboration
of a cytokine that damages visceral epithelial cells
o In addition to the treatment of edema, and causes proteinuria.
dyslipidemia, and hypertension, inhibition of the
renin-angiotensin system is recommended. o The ultrastructural changes point to a primary
visceral epithelial cell injury, and studies in animal
o Therapy with immunosuppressive drugs is also models suggest the loss of glomerular polyanions.
recommended for patients with primary MGN and
persistent proteinuria (>3.0 g/24 h). o Thus, defects in the charge barrier may contribute
to the proteinuria.
o The choice of immunosuppressive drugs for
therapy is controversial, but current o The actual route by which protein traverses the
recommendations based on small clinical studies
epithelial cell portion of the capillary wall remains
are to treat with steroids and cyclophosphamide,
an enigma.
chlorambucil, or cyclosporine.
o Possibilities include transcellular passage through
o Experience with mycophenolate mofetil or anti-
the epithelial cells, passage through residual
CD20 antibody is even more limited.
spaces between remaining but damaged foot
processes, or leakage through foci in which the
epithelial cells have become detached from the
basement membrane.
(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition)
o Additional insight into mechanisms by which
epithelial cell injury results in proteinuria in
minimal change disease, focal and segmental
3.1.4Minimal Change glomerulosclerosis, and related entities should
come from the recent discovery of mutations in
several glomerular proteins, including nephrin,
discussed in the section on focal
glomerulosclerosis below.
o A mutation in the nephrin gene causes a
hereditary form of congenital nephrotic syndrome
(Finnish type) with minimal change glomerular

o Such mutations and the proteinuria they engender and, less frequently, other lymphomas and
demonstrate that at least some cases of nephrotic leukemias.
syndrome with minimal change disease
morphology can occur in the absence of abnormal
responses of the immune system.
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th


Minimal Change Disease

o The glomeruli are normal by light microscopy.

o By electron microscopy, the basement membrane o MCD, sometimes known as nil lesion, causes 70–
appears normal, and no electron-dense material is 90% of nephrotic syndrome in childhood but only
deposited. 10–15% of nephrotic syndrome in adults.

o The principal lesion is in the visceral epithelial o MCD usually presents as a primary renal disease
cells, which show a uniform and diffuse but can be associated with several other
effacement of foot processes, these being conditions, including Hodgkin's disease, allergies,
replaced by a rim of cytoplasm often showing or use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents;
vacuolization, swelling, and hyperplasia of villi. significant interstitial nephritis often accompanies
cases associated with nonsteroidal use.
o This change, often incorrectly termed "fusion" of
foot processes, actually represents simplification o MCD on renal biopsy shows no obvious glomerular
of the epithelial cell architecture with flattening, lesion by light microscopy and is negative for
retraction, and swelling of foot processes. deposits by immunofluorescent microscopy, or
occasionally shows small amounts of IgM in the
o Foot process effacement is also present in other mesangium.
proteinuric states (e.g., membranous
glomerulopathy, diabetes); it is only when o Electron microscopy, however, consistently
effacement is associated with normal glomeruli by demonstrates an effacement of the foot process
light microscopy that the diagnosis of minimal supporting the epithelial podocytes with
change disease can be made. weakening of slit-pore membranes.

o The visceral epithelial changes are completely o The pathophysiology of this lesion is uncertain.
reversible after corticosteroid therapy,
concomitant with remission of the proteinuria. o Most agree there is a circulating cytokine, perhaps
related to a T cell response that alters capillary
o The cells of the proximal tubules are often laden charge and podocyte integrity.
with lipid and protein, reflecting tubular
reabsorption of lipoproteins passing through o The evidence for cytokine-related immune injury is
diseased glomeruli (thus, the historical term lipoid circumstantial and is suggested by the presence of
nephrosis). preceding allergies, altered cell-mediated
immunity during viral infections, and the high
o Immunofluorescence studies show no frequency of remissions with steroids.
immunoglobulin or complement deposits.
o MCD presents clinically with the abrupt onset of
edema and nephrotic syndrome accompanied by
acellular urinary sediment.

Clinical Course o Less common clinical features include

hypertension (30% in children, 50% in adults),
microscopic hematuria (20% in children, 33% in
adults), atopy or allergic symptoms (40% in
 Despite massive proteinuria, renal function children, 30% in adults), and decreased renal
remains good, and there is commonly no function (<5% in children, 30% in adults).
hypertension or hematuria.
o The appearance of acute renal failure in adults is
 The proteinuria usually is highly selective, most of usually caused by intrarenal edema (nephrosarca)
the protein consisting of albumin. that is responsive to intravenous albumin and
 Most children (more than 90%) with minimal
o This presentation must be distinguished from
change disease respond rapidly to corticosteroid
therapy. acute renal failure secondary to hypovolemia.

o In children, the abnormal urine principally contains

 However, the nephrotic phase may recur, and
some patients may become steroid dependent or albumin with minimal amounts of higher molecular
resistant. weight proteins, and is sometimes called selective

 Nevertheless, the long-term prognosis for patients

o Although up to 30% of children have a
is excellent, and even steroid-dependent disease
spontaneous remission, all children today are
resolves when children reach puberty.
treated with steroids; only children who are
nonresponders are biopsied in this setting.
 Although adults are slower to respond, the long-
term prognosis is also excellent.
o Primary responders are patients who have a
complete remission (<0.2 mg/24 h of proteinuria)
 As has been noted, minimal change disease in after a single course of prednisone; steroid-
adults can be associated with Hodgkin disease

dependent patients relapse as their steroid dose is heroin addiction (heroin nephropathy), sickle
tapered. Frequent relapsers have two or more cell disease, and massive obesity
relapses in the 6 months following taper, and
steroid-resistant patients fail to respond to steroid  As a secondary event, reflecting glomerular
therapy. scarring, in cases of focal glomerulonephritis
(e.g., IgA nephropathy)
o Ninety to 95% of children will develop a complete
remission after 8 weeks of steroid therapy, and  As a component of the adaptive response to
80–85% of adults will achieve complete remission, loss of renal tissue (renal ablation, described
but only after a longer course of 20–24 weeks. earlier) in advanced stages of other renal
disorders, such as reflux nephropathy,
o Patients with steroid resistance can develop FSGS hypertensive nephropathy, or with unilateral
on repeat biopsy. renal agenesis

o Some hypothesize that if the first renal biopsy

does not have a sample of deeper glomeruli, then  In certain inherited forms of nephrotic
the correct early diagnosis of FSGS may be syndrome where the disease, in some
missed. pedigrees, has been linked to mutations in
genes encoding nephrin, podocin, or α-actinin
o Relapses occur in 70–75% of children after the first
remission, and early relapse predicts multiple
subsequent relapses.  As a primary disease (idiopathic focal
segmental glomerulosclerosis)
o The frequency of relapses decreases after puberty,
although there is an increased risk of relapse o Idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
following the rapid tapering of steroids in all accounts for up to 10% and 35% of cases of
groups. nephrotic syndrome in children and adults in many
series, respectively. FSGS (both primary and
o Relapses are less common in adults but are more secondary forms) has increased in incidence and is
resistant to subsequent therapy. now the most common cause of nephrotic
syndrome in adults in the United States.
o Prednisone is first-line therapy, and other
immunosuppressive drugs, such as o It is a particularly common cause of nephrotic
cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, and syndrome in Hispanic and African American
mycophenolate mofetil, are saved for frequent patients.
relapsers, steroid-dependent, or steroid-resistant
patients. o The clinical signs differ from those of minimal
change disease in the following respects: (1) there
o Cyclosporine can induce remission, but relapse is is a higher incidence of hematuria, reduced GFR,
also common when cyclosporine is withdrawn. The and hypertension; (2) proteinuria is more often
long-term prognosis in adults is less favorable nonselective; (3) there is poor response to
when acute renal failure or steroid resistance corticosteroid therapy; (4) there is progression to
occurs. chronic glomerulosclerosis, with at least 50%
developing end-stage renal disease within 10
years; and (5) immunofluorescence microscopy
may show nonspecific deposition ("trapping") of
IgM and C3 in the sclerotic segment.
(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition)

3.1.5Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

o By light microscopy, the segmental lesions may

involve only a minority of the glomeruli and may
be missed if the biopsy specimen contains an
insufficient number of glomeruli.

o As the name implies, this lesion is characterized o The lesions initially tend to involve the
by sclerosis of some, but not all, glomeruli (thus, it juxtamedullary glomeruli, although they
is focal); and in the affected glomeruli, only a subsequently become more generalized.
portion of the capillary tuft is involved (thus, it is
o In the sclerotic segments, there is collapse of
basement membranes, increase in matrix, and
o Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is frequently segmental insudation of plasma proteins along the
accompanied clinically by the nephrotic syndrome capillary wall (hyalinosis), which may extend to
or heavy proteinuria. aggregates within glomerular capillaries that
occlude the lumina.

o Lipid droplets and foam cells are often present.

Classification and Types
o Glomeruli that do not exhibit segmental lesions
either appear normal on light microscopy or may
show increased mesangial matrix and mesangial
o Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) occurs proliferation.
in the following settings:
o On electron microscopy, both sclerotic and
 In association with other known conditions, nonsclerotic areas show the diffuse effacement of
such as HIV infection (HIV nephropathy), foot processes characteristic of minimal change
disease, but in addition, there may be focal

detachment of the epithelial cells with denudation o Nephrin is a key component of the slit diaphragm,
of the underlying GBM. the zipper-like structure between podocyte foot
processes that might control glomerular
o By immunofluorescence microscopy, IgM and C3 permeability.
may be present in the sclerotic areas and/or in the
mesangium. In addition to the focal sclerosis, o Several types of mutations of the NPHS1 gene
there may be pronounced hyalinosis and have been identified, and they give rise to
thickening of afferent arterioles. congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type.

o With the progression of the disease, increased o Prenatal diagnosis of CNF is now possible based on
numbers of glomeruli become involved, sclerosis analysis of the NPHS1 gene.
spreads within each glomerulus, and there is an
increase in mesangial matrix. o A distinctive pattern of autosomal recessive FSGS
results from mutations in the NPHS2 gene, which
o In time, this leads to total sclerosis of glomeruli, maps to chromosome 1q25-31 and encodes the
with pronounced tubular atrophy and interstitial protein product podocin.
o Podocin has also been localized to the slit
o A morphologic variant of focal segmental diaphragm.
glomerulosclerosis, called collapsing
glomerulopathy, is characterized by collapse and o Mutations in NPHS2 result in a syndrome of
sclerosis of the entire glomerular tuft in addition to steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome of childhood
the usual focal segmental glomerulosclerosis onset.
o Affected children usually show pathologic features
o A characteristic feature is proliferation and of FSGS but sometimes of minimal change
hypertrophy of glomerular visceral epithelial cells. disease.

o This lesion may be seen in situations in which it is o Podocin mutations may account for up to 30% of
idiopathic, but it is the most characteristic lesion cases of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in
of HIV-associated nephropathy. children.

o In both cases, there is associated prominent

tubular injury with formation of microcysts. It has a o A third set of mutations in the gene encoding the
particularly poor prognosis. podocyte actin-binding protein α-actinin 4
underlies some cases of autosomal dominant
FSGS, which can be insidious in onset but has a
high rate of progression to renal insufficiency.

o What these proteins have in common is their

localization to the slit diaphragm and to adjacent
o Whether idiopathic focal segmental podocyte cytoskeletal structures such as actin.
glomerulosclerosis represents a distinct disease or
is simply a phase in the evolution of a subset of o Their specific functions and interactions are
patients with minimal change disease remains
incompletely understood, but it is clear that the
integrity of each is necessary to maintain the
normal glomerular filtration barrier.
o The characteristic degeneration and focal
disruption of visceral epithelial cells are thought to
represent an accentuation of the diffuse epithelial o Additional components of the podocyte/slit
cell change typical of minimal change disease. diaphragm apparatus, such as CD2-associated
protein (CD2AP), have been identified that may
o It is this epithelial damage that is the hallmark of also contribute to proteinuria, as has been
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. suggested in studies of knockout mice (but not yet
demonstrated in humans).
o The hyalinosis and sclerosis represent entrapment
of plasma proteins in extremely hyperpermeable o While identification of these genetic defects has
foci with increased ECM deposition. clarified the pathogenesis of some cases of the so-
called idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, many other
factors contribute to permeability defects.
o The recurrence of proteinuria, sometimes within
24 hours after transplantation, suggests that a
circulating factor, perhaps a cytokine, may be the o These include cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions,
cause of the epithelial damage. particularly those mediated by α3β1 integrins and
dystroglycans. Defects in these interactions may
also cause a loss of podocyte adhesion to the
o An approximately 50-kDa nonimmunoglobulin glomerular basement membrane.
factor causing proteinuria has been isolated from
sera of such patients.
o Renal ablation focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
o The recent discovery of a genetic basis for some occurs as a complication of glomerular and
cases of FSGS has improved the understanding of nonglomerular diseases causing reduction in
the pathogenesis of proteinuria in the nephrotic functioning renal tissue, particularly reflux
syndrome and has provided new methods for nephropathy and unilateral agenesis.
diagnosis and prognosis of affected patients.
o These may lead to progressive glomerulosclerosis
o The first relevant gene to be identified, NPHS1, and renal failure.
maps to chromosome 19q13 and encodes the
protein nephrin. o The pathogenesis of focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis in this setting has been
described earlier in this chapter.

o FSGS rarely remits spontaneously, but treatment-

induced remission of proteinuria significantly
Clinical Course improves prognosis.

o Treatment of patients with primary FSGS should

include inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system.
o There is little tendency for spontaneous remission Based on retrospective studies, patients with
in idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, nephrotic range proteinuria can be treated with
and responses to corticosteroid therapy are steroids but respond far less often than patients
variable. with MCD.

o In general, children have a better prognosis than o Proteinuria remits in only 20–45% of patients
adults do. receiving a course of steroids over 6–9 months.

o Progression of renal failure occurs at variable o Limited evidence suggests that the use of
rates. cyclosporine in steroid-responsive patients helps
ensure remissions, while other cytotoxic agents
confer little added benefit over steroid therapy.
o About 20% of patients follow an unusually rapid Primary FSGS recurs in 25–40% of patients given
course, with intractable massive proteinuria allografts at end-stage disease, leading to graft
ending in renal failure within 2 years. loss in half of those cases.

o Recurrences are seen in 25% to 50% of patients o The treatment of secondary FSGS typically
receiving allografts. involves treating the underlying cause and
controlling proteinuria. There is no role for steroids
or other immunosuppressive agents in secondary
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th

(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition)

o FSGS refers to a pattern of renal injury

characterized by segmental glomerular scars that
involve some but not all glomeruli; the clinical 3.2 Systemic Causes
findings of FSGS largely manifest as proteinuria.

o When the secondary causes of FSGS are

eliminated (Table 277-5), the remaining patients 3.2.1Wegener Granulomatosis
are considered to have FSGS.

o The incidence of this disease is increasing, and it o Wegener’s granulomatosis is a distinct

now represents up to one-third of cases of clinicopathologic entity characterized by
nephrotic syndrome in adults and one-half of granulomatous vasculitis of the upper and lower
cases of nephrotic syndrome in African Americans, respiratory tracts together with
in whom it is seen more commonly. glomerulonephritis.
o In addition, variable degrees of disseminated
o The pathogenesis of FSGS is probably vasculitis involving both small arteries and veins
multifactorial. may occur.
o Renal injury occurs in 80% of patients with
Wegener’s granulomatosis and varies from
o Possible mechanisms include a T cell–mediated
indolent smoldering inflammation to rapidly
circulating permeability factor, TGF-–mediated
progressive renal failure.
cellular proliferation and matrix synthesis, and
o Cytoplasmic ANCA are detected at presentation in
podocyte abnormalities associated with genetic
80% of patients with renal disease and in 10%
more on follow-up.
o Renal biopsy typically reveals focal, segmental,
o The pathologic changes of FSGS are most necrotizing pauci-immune glomerulonephritis with
prominent in glomeruli located at the crescent formation.
corticomedullary junction (Fig. e9-2), so if the o In contrast to the lung, granulomas are rarely seen
renal biopsy specimen is from superficial tissue, in the kidney.
the lesions can be missed, which sometimes leads
to a misdiagnosis of MCD.
(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition)
o In addition to focal and segmental scarring, other
variants have been described, including cellular
lesions with endocapillary hypercellularity and
heavy proteinuria; collapsing glomerulopathy (Fig.
e9-3) with segmental or global glomerular collapse 3.2.2Hypersensitivity
and a rapid decline in renal function; or the
glomerular tip lesion, which seems to have a
better prognosis.
o Most noninfectious vasculitides appear to be
o FSGS can present with any level of proteinuria, initiated by one of several immunologic
hematuria, hypertension, or renal insufficiency. mechanisms.
Nephrotic range proteinuria, African-American
race, and renal insufficiency are associated with a o Such processes often induce relatively distinctive
poor outcome, with 50% of patients reaching renal clinicopathologic entities, in which the vasculitis is
failure in 6–8 years. widespread.

o Of these so-called systemic necrotizing

vasculitides, several types affect the aorta and

medium-sized vessels; most affect vessels smaller o Two main patterns of immunofluorescent staining
than arteries, such as arterioles, venules, and distinguish different ANCA types.
capillaries (designated small vessel vasculitis).
o One ANCA type shows cytoplasmic localization of
the staining (c-ANCA), and the most common
target antigen is proteinase 3 (PR-3), a neutrophil
Immune Complexes granule constituent.

o The second type shows perinuclear staining (p-

ANCA) and is usually specific for myeloperoxidase
o The evidence for involvement of immune (MPO).
complexes in vasculitides can be summarized as
follows: o Either ANCA specificity may occur in a patient with
ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis, but c-
o The vascular lesions resemble those found in ANCA (PR-3 specificity) are typically found in
experimental immune complex-mediated Wegener granulomatosis and p-ANCA (MPO
conditions, such as the local Arthus phenomenon specificity) are found in most cases of microscopic
and serum sickness. polyangiitis and Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Approximately 10% of patients with these
disorders, however, do not demonstrate ANCA by
o Immune reactants and complement can be typical assays.
detected in the serum or vessels of patients with
o ANCA serve as useful quantitative diagnostic
o For example, DNA-anti-DNA complexes are markers for these disorders, and their discovery
present in the vascular lesions of systemic lupus has led to segregation of a group of these
erythematosus-associated vasculitis; IgG, IgM, and disorders as the ANCA-associated vasculitides.
complement in cryoglobulinemic vasculitis; and a
number of other antigens in isolated cases. o The close association between ANCA titers and
disease activity, particularly c-ANCA in Wegener
o Hypersensitivity to drugs causes approximately granulomatosis, suggests that they may be
10% of vasculitic skin lesions. important in the pathogenesis of this disease, but
the precise mechanisms by which ANCA induce
o Some, such as penicillin conjugate serum proteins, injury are unknown.
whereas others such as streptokinase are foreign
proteins; both can lead to vascular deposits of o One scenario currently being pursued postulates
immune complexes. the following events:

o The most impressive evidence comes from o An autoimmune process of yet uncertain cause
vasculitis associated with viral infections, and mechanism initiates the formation of ANCA.
particularly hepatitis.
o Proinflammatory cytokines produced during an
o There is a high incidence of hepatitis B antigen infection, by malignancy, or possibly triggered by
(HBsAg) and HBsAg-anti-HBsAg immune drugs induce surface expression of the ANCA
complexes in the serum and, with complement, in target antigens PR-3 and MPO on susceptible cells,
the vascular lesions of some patients with thereby making them accessible to the respective
vasculitis, particularly those with large vessel antibodies.
polyarteritis nodosa and less commonly in those
with membranous or membranoproliferative o Binding of circulating ANCA to these antigens
glomerulonephritis or leukocytoclastic vasculitis. leads to neutrophil degranulation and endothelial
cell injury with subsequent vascular damage.
o Importantly, immunosuppressive treatment results
in a remission of the vasculitis but perpetuates the
hepatitis B virus infection.
Other Mechanisms
o Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection leads to
glomerulonephritis, in which HCV/RNA and
cryoprecipitates containing anti-HCV antibodies
are detected in glomeruli.
o Antibodies to endothelial cells, perhaps induced by
defects in immune regulation, may predispose to
certain vasculitides, such as those associated with
systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies disease.

o Additionally, in Goodpasture syndrome the

glomerulitis and pneumonitis are caused by anti-
o Serum from many patients with vasculitis in small glomerular basement membrane antibodies.
vessels reacts with cytoplasmic antigens in
neutrophils, indicating the presence of o Finally, there is experimental evidence that certain
antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA). viruses (e.g., herpes, coxsackievirus) may cause
vasculitis by immune mechanisms involving T-cell
o ANCA comprise a heterogeneous group of action and gamma-interferon.
autoantibodies against enzymes mainly found
within the azurophil or primary granules in
neutrophils but also found in the lysosomes of
monocytes and in endothelial cells. (Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
o ANCA can be detected in serum by
immunofluorescent microscopy of ethanol-fixed
neutrophils and by immunochemical assays.

o Renal involvement is most common with the

mixed cryoglobulinemias (types II and III), which
are more common in females and usually begin in
the sixth decade.
o Polyarteritis nodosa is a systemic vasculitis
o Most patients present with a variable combination manifested by transmural necrotizing
of leukocytoclastic vasculitis, skin ulcerations, inflammation of small or medium-sized muscular
arthralgias, fatigue, and Raynaud’s phenomenon. arteries, typically involving renal and visceral
o Renal disease is a complication in 50% of patients vessels and sparing the pulmonary circulation.
and usually develops after 12 to 24 months.
o The typical clinical renal manifestations are o Neither glomerulonephritis nor vasculitis of
nephrotic-range proteinuria, microscopic arterioles, capillaries, or venules is present.
hematuria, and hypertension.
o Acute nephritic syndrome occurs in 20 to 30%, o The involvement is peculiarly focal, random, and
and oliguric acute renal failure in about 5% of episodic. It often produces irregular aneurysmal
patients with renal disease. dilation, nodularity, and vascular obstruction and
o Circulating levels of C3, C4, and CH50 are sometimes infarctions.
depressed in about 80% of patients with renal
involvement, and a transient ANA (speckled o To differentiate this disorder from other similar
pattern) is sometimes detected. Hepatitis C virus vasculitides, which are now thought to be distinct
(HCV) RNA has been isolated from the serum of entities, the term classic is sometimes added to
patients with essential mixed cryoglobulinemia the designation.
(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16 Edition)

o In classic cases, polyarteritis nodosa involves

arteries of medium to small size in any organ, with
3.2.4Systemic Lupus Erythematous the possible exception of the lung.

o Renal involvement is clinically evident in 40 to o The distribution of lesions, in descending order of

85% of patients with SLE; it varies from isolated frequency is kidneys, heart, liver, and
abnormalities of the urinary sediment to full-blown gastrointestinal tract, followed by pancreas,
nephritic or nephrotic syndrome or chronic renal testes, skeletal muscle, nervous system, and skin.
o Most glomerular injury is triggered by the
o Individual lesions are sharply segmental, may
formation of immune complexes within the
involve only a portion of the vessel circumference,
glomerular capillary wall; however, thrombotic
and have a predilection for branching points and
microangiopathy may be the dominant reason for
renal dysfunction in a small subset of patients with
the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
o Renal biopsy has proven very useful for identifying o Segmental erosion with weakening of the arterial
the different patterns of immune-complex wall owing to the inflammatory process may cause
glomerulonephritis in SLE, which are diverse, aneurysmal dilation or localized rupture that is
portend different prognoses, and do not perceived clinically as a palpable nodule and can
necessarily correlate with the clinical findings. be demonstrated by arteriography.
o Indeed, clinically silent lupus nephritis is well
described as having a urinalysis virtually normal o Impairment of perfusion causing ulcerations,
but renal biopsy demonstrating varying degrees of infarcts, ischemic atrophy, or hemorrhages in the
injury. area supplied by these vessels may provide the
o Patients with active lupus nephritis have a range first clue to the existence of the underlying
of serologic abnormalities. Hypocomplementemia disorder. Sometimes, however, the lesions are
is present in 75 to 90% of patients and is most exclusively microscopic and produce no gross
striking with diffuse proliferative changes.
o Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are usually detected
(95 to 99%), although not specific for SLE. ANA
o Histologically the vasculitis during the acute phase
titers tend to fall with treatment, and ANA may not is characterized by transmural inflammation of the
be detected during remissions. arterial wall with a heavy infiltrate of neutrophils,
o Anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibodies are eosinophils, and mononuclear cells, frequently
highly specific for SLE, and changes in their titers accompanied by fibrinoid necrosis of the inner half
correlate with the activity of lupus nephritis. of the vessel wall.
o Patients with the lupus-related antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome can develop a variable degree o Typically the inflammatory reaction permeates the
of renal impairment due to thrombotic adventitia.
o The latter typically affects the interlobular arteries, o The lumen may become thrombosed.
arterioles, and glomerular capillaries and is
characterized by intravascular microthrombi and o In some lesions, only a portion of the
swelling of endothelial cells. circumference is affected, leaving segments of
o Decreased levels of tissue plasminogen activator normal arterial wall juxtaposed to areas of
and increased levels of α2-antiplasmin, both of vascular inflammation.
which would tend to promote thrombosis, have
been described in this syndrome. o At a later stage, the acute inflammatory infiltrate
begins to disappear and is replaced by fibrous
thickening of the vessel wall accompanied by a
(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition) mononuclear infiltrate.

o The fibroblastic proliferation may extend into the

adventitia, contributing to the firm nodularity that
3.2.5Polyarteritis nodosa sometimes marks the lesions.

o At a still later stage, all that remains is marked o The renal manifestations occur in one-third of
fibrotic thickening of the affected vessel, devoid of patients and include gross or microscopic
significant inflammatory infiltration. Particularly hematuria, proteinuria, and nephrotic syndrome.
characteristic of polyarteritis nodosa is that all
stages of activity may coexist in different vessels o A small number of patients, mostly adults, develop
or even within the same vessel. Thus, whatever a rapidly progressive form of glomerulonephritis
the inflammatory insult, it is apparently recurrent with many crescents.
and strangely haphazard.
o Not all components of the syndrome need to be
present, and individual patients may have
purpura, abdominal pain, or urinary abnormalities
Clinical Course as the dominant feature.

o The disease is most common in children 3 to 8

years old, but it also occurs in adults, in whom the
o Classic polyarteritis nodosa is a disease of young renal manifestations are usually more severe.
adults, although it may occur in children and older
individuals. o There is a strong background of atopy in about
one-third of patients, and onset often follows an
o The course may be acute, subacute, or chronic upper respiratory infection. IgA is deposited in the
and is frequently remittent, with long symptom- glomerular mesangium in a distribution similar to
free intervals. that of IgA nephropathy.

o Because the vascular involvement is widely o This has led to the concept that IgA nephropathy
scattered, the clinical signs and symptoms of this and Henoch-Schönlein purpura are spectra of the
disorder may be varied and puzzling. same disease.68

o The most common manifestations are malaise,

fever of unknown cause, and weight loss;
hypertension, usually developing rapidly; Morphology
abdominal pain and melena (bloody stool) owing
to vascular lesions in the alimentary tract; diffuse
muscular aches and pains; and peripheral neuritis,
which is predominantly motor.
o On histologic examination, the renal lesions vary
from mild focal mesangial proliferation to diffuse
o Renal involvement is one of the prominent mesangial proliferation to crescentic
manifestations of polyarteritis nodosa and a major glomerulonephritis.
cause of death.
o Whatever the histologic lesions, the prominent
o Because small vessel involvement is absent, feature by fluorescence microscopy is the
however, there is no glomerulonephritis. deposition of IgA, sometimes with IgG and C3, in
the mesangial region.
o About 30% of patients with polyarteritis nodosa
have hepatitis B antigen in their serum. Unlike o The skin lesions consist of subepidermal
microscopic polyarteritis (microscopic polyangiitis, hemorrhages and a necrotizing vasculitis involving
see later), classic polyarteritis nodosa has little the small vessels of the dermis.
association with ANCA.
o IgA is also present in such vessels.
o The diagnosis can usually be definitely established
by the identification of necrotizing arteritis on
o Vasculitis also occurs in other organs, such as the
tissue biopsy specimens, particularly medium-
gastrointestinal tract, but is rare in the kidney.
sized arteries of clinically involved tissue, such as
kidney and nodular skin lesions.
o The course of the disease is variable, but
o Angiography shows vascular aneurysms or recurrences of hematuria may persist for many
years after onset.
occlusions of main visceral arteries in 50% of
cases. Untreated, the disease is fatal in most
cases, either during an acute fulminant attack or o Most children have an excellent prognosis.
after a protracted course, but therapy with
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide results in o Patients with the more diffuse lesions, crescents,
remissions or cures in 90%. or the nephrotic syndrome have a somewhat
poorer prognosis.
o Effective treatment of the hypertension is a
prerequisite for a favorable prognosis.

(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th (Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
Edition) Edition)

3.2.6 Henoch-Schӧlein Purpura 3.2.7Goodpasture Syndrome

o Goodpasture syndrome, microscopic polyarteritis,

o This syndrome consists of purpuric skin lesions and Wegener granulomatosis (Chapter 11) are
characteristically involving the extensor surfaces commonly associated with glomerular lesions, as
of arms and legs as well as buttocks; abdominal described in the discussion of these diseases.
manifestations including pain, vomiting, and
intestinal bleeding; nonmigratory arthralgia; and
renal abnormalities.

o Suffice it to say here that the glomerular lesions in o The GBM is clearly thickened, often focally; this is
these three conditions can be histologically similar most evident in the peripheral capillary loops.
and are principally characterized by foci of
glomerular necrosis and crescent formation. o The glomerular capillary wall often shows a
"double-contour" or "tram-track" appearance,
o In the early or mild forms of involvement, there is especially evident in silver or PAS stains.
focal and segmental, sometimes necrotizing,
glomerulonephritis, and most of these patients will o This is caused by "duplication" of the basement
have hematuria with mild decline in GFR. membrane, usually as the result of new basement
membrane synthesis.
o In the more severe cases associated with RPGN,
there is more extensive necrosis, fibrin deposition, o Within the besement membrane there is inclusion
and extensive formation of epithelial (cellular) or interposition of cellular elements, which can be
crescents, which can become organized to form of mesangial, endothelial, or leukocytic origin.
fibrocellular and fibrous crescents if the glomerular
injury evolves into segmental or global scarring
o Such interposition gives rise to the appearance of
"split" basement membranes.

o Types I and II MPGN differ in their ultrastructural

and immunofluorescent features (Fig. 20-24).
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7 th

o Type I MPGN (the great majority of cases) is
characterized by the presence of subendothelial
electron-dense deposits. Mesangial and occasional
subepithelial deposits may also be present (Fig.
3.3 Renal Diseases 20-24A). By immunofluorescence, C3 is deposited
in a granular pattern, and IgG and early
complement components (C1q and C4) are often
also present, suggesting an immune complex
3.3.1Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis pathogenesis.

o In dense-deposit disease (type II MPGN) a

relatively rare entity, the lamina densa of the GBM
o Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is transformed into an irregular, ribbon-like,
extremely electron-dense structure because of the
is characterized histologically by alterations in the
deposition of dense material of unknown
basement membrane, proliferation of glomerular
composition in the GBM proper, giving rise to the
cells, and leukocyte infiltration.
term dense-deposit disease.
o Because the proliferation is predominantly in the
o C3 is present in irregular granular or linear foci in
mesangium, a frequently used synonym is
the basement membranes on either side but not
mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.
within the dense deposits.
o MPGN accounts for 10% to 20% of cases of
o C3 is also present in the mesangium in
nephrotic syndrome in children and young adults.
characteristic circular aggregates (mesangial
o Some patients present only with hematuria or
proteinuria in the non-nephrotic range, and others
o IgG is usually absent, as are the early-acting
have a combined nephrotic-nephritic picture.
complement components (C1q and C4).

o Like many other glomerulonephritides, MPGN

either can be associated with other systemic
disorders and known etiologic agents (secondary Pathogenesis
MPGN) or may be idiopathic (primary MPGN).

o Primary MPGN is divided into two major types on

the basis of distinct ultrastructural, o In most cases of type I MPGN there is evidence of
immunofluorescent, and pathologic findings: type I immune complexes in the glomerulus and
and type II MPGN (dense-deposit disease). activation of both classical and alternative
complement pathways.

o The antigens involved in idiopathic MPGN are

Morphology unknown.

o In many cases, they are believed to be proteins

derived from infectious agents such as hepatitis C
o By light microscopy, both types are similar. and B viruses, which presumably behave either as
"planted" antigens after first binding to or
becoming trapped within glomerular structures or
o The glomeruli are large and hypercellular. are contained in preformed immune complexes
deposited from the circulation.
o The hypercellularity is produced both by
proliferation of cells in the mesangium and so- o Most patients with dense-deposit disease (type II
called endocapillary cell proliferation involving MPGN) have abnormalities that suggest activation
capillary endothelium and infiltrating leukocytes. of the alternative complement pathway.
Parietal epithelial crescents are present in many
o These patients have a consistently decreased
serum C3 but normal C1 and C4, the immune
o The glomeruli have a "lobular" appearance complex-activated early components of
accentuated by the proliferating mesangial cells complement.
and increased mesangial matrix

o They also have diminished serum levels of factor B

and properdin, components of the alternative
complement pathway.
o Secondary MPGN (invariably type I) is more
common in adults and arises in the following
o In the glomeruli, C3 and properdin are deposited,
but IgG is not. Recall that in the alternative
complement pathway, C3 is directly cleaved to
C3b (Fig. 20-25; see also Chapter 2, Fig. 2-14).  Chronic immune complex disorders, such as
SLE; hepatitis B infection; hepatitis C
o The reaction depends on the initial interaction of infection, usually with cryoglobulinemia;
C3 with such substances as bacterial endocarditis; infected ventriculoatrial shunts;
polysaccharides, endotoxin, and aggregates of IgA chronic visceral abscesses; HIV infection; and
in the presence of factors B and D. schistosomiasis

o This leads to the generation of C3bBb, the  α1-Antitrypsin deficiency

alternative pathway C3 convertase.

o This C3 convertase is labile, being degraded by  Malignant diseases (chronic lymphocytic

factors I and H, but it can be stabilized by leukemia and lymphoma)
 Hereditary deficiencies of complement
regulatory proteins
o More than 70% of patients with dense-deposit
disease have a circulating antibody termed C3
o The mechanisms underlying the process of
nephritic factor (C3NeF), which is an autoantibody
immune complex deposition in the last three
that binds to the alternative pathway C3
categories above remain unknown.

o Binding of the antibody stabilizes the convertase,

protecting it from enzymatic degradation and thus
favoring persistent C3 degradation and (Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
hypocomplementemia. Edition)

o There is also decreased C3 synthesis by the liver,

further contributing to the profound
hypocomplementemia. 3.3.2Berger Disease (IgG-immunoglobulin A [IgA]
o Precisely how C3NeF is related to glomerular injury
and the nature of the dense deposits is unknown.

o C3NeF activity also occurs in some patients with a IGA NEPHROPATHY (BERGER DISEASE)
genetically determined disease, partial
lipodystrophy, some of whom develop dense-
deposit disease (type II MPGN).
o This form of glomerulonephritis is characterized by
the presence of prominent IgA deposits in the
mesangial regions, detected by
Clinical Course immunofluorescence microscopy.

o The disease can be suspected by light microscopic

examination, but diagnosis is made only by
o The principal mode of presentation is the immunocytochemical techniques.
nephrotic syndrome occurring in older children or
young adults (idiopathic MPGN type I and cases of o IgA nephropathy is a frequent cause of recurrent
type II), but usually with a nephritic component gross or microscopic hematuria and is probably
manifested by hematuria or, more insidiously, as the most common type of glomerulonephritis
mild proteinuria. worldwide.

o Few remissions occur spontaneously in either o Mild proteinuria is usually present, and the
type, and the disease follows a slowly progressive nephrotic syndrome may occasionally develop.
but unremitting course.
o Rarely, patients may present with rapidly
o Some patients develop numerous crescents and a progressive crescentic glomerulonephritis.
clinical picture of RPGN.
o Whereas IgA nephropathy is typically an isolated
o About 50% develop chronic renal failure within 10 renal disease, similar IgA deposits are present in a
years. systemic disorder of children, Henoch-Schönlein
purpura, to be discussed later, which has many
o Treatments with steroids, immunosuppressive overlapping features with IgA nephropathy.
agents, and antiplatelet drugs have not been
proved to be materially effective. There is a high o In addition, secondary IgA nephropathy occurs in
incidence of recurrence in transplant recipients, patients with liver and intestinal diseases, as
particularly in dense-deposit disease; dense discussed in the section on pathogenesis.
deposits may recur in 90% of such patients,
although renal failure in the allograft is much less

Secondary MPGN

o IgA, the main immunoglobulin in mucosal o The mesangial widening may be the result of cell
secretions, is at low levels in normal serum, where proliferation, accumulation of matrix, or both.
it is present mostly in monomeric form, the
polymeric forms being catabolized in the liver. o Healing of the focal proliferative lesion may lead to
focal segmental sclerosis.
o In patients with IgA nephropathy, serum polymeric
IgA is increased, and circulating IgA-containing o The characteristic immunofluorescent picture is of
immune complexes are present in some patients. mesangial deposition of IgA often with C3 and
properdin and lesser amounts of IgG or IgM.
o However, it is clear that increased production of
IgA cannot itself cause this disease. o Early complement components are usually absent.

o Although there are two subclasses of IgA o Electron microscopy confirms the presence of
molecules in humans (IgA1 and IgA2), only IgA1 electron-dense deposits in the mesangium.
forms the nephritogenic deposits of IgA

o A genetic influence is suggested by the occurrence

Clinical Course
of this condition in families and in HLA-identical
brothers and the increased frequency of certain
HLA and complement phenotypes in some
o The disease affects people of any age, but older
o The prominent mesangial deposition of IgA children and young adults are most commonly
suggests entrapment of IgA immune complexes in affected.
the mesangium, and the presence of C3 combined
with the absence of C1q and C4 in glomeruli points o Many patients present with gross hematuria after
to activation of the alternative complement an infection of the respiratory or, less commonly,
pathway. gastrointestinal or urinary tract; 30% to 40% have
only microscopic hematuria, with or without
o Taken together, these clues suggest a genetic or proteinuria; and 5% to 10% develop a typical
acquired abnormality of immune regulation acute nephritic syndrome.
leading to increased mucosal IgA synthesis in
response to respiratory or gastrointestinal o The hematuria typically lasts for several days and
exposure to environmental agents (e.g., viruses, then subsides, only to return every few months.
bacteria, food proteins).
o The subsequent course is highly variable.
o IgA1 and IgA1-containing immune complexes are
then trapped in the mesangium, where they o Many patients maintain normal renal function for
activate the alternative complement pathway and decades.
initiate glomerular injury.
o Slow progression to chronic renal failure occurs in
o In support of this scenario, IgA nephropathy occurs 15% to 40% of cases over a period of 20 years.
with increased frequency in patients with gluten
enteropathy (celiac disease), in whom intestinal
o Onset in old age, heavy proteinuria, hypertension,
mucosal defects are well defined, and in liver
and the extent of glomerulosclerosis on biopsy are
disease, in which there is defective hepatobiliary
clues to an increased risk of progression.
clearance of IgA complexes (secondary IgA
o Recurrence of IgA deposits in transplanted kidneys
o The nature of the initiating antigens is unknown, is frequent.
and several infectious agents and food products
have been implicated. o In approximately 15% of those with recurrent IgA
deposits, there is resulting clinical disease, which
o The deposited IgA appears to be polyclonal, and it most frequently runs the same indolent, slowly
may be that a variety of antigens are involved in progressive course as that of the primary IgA
the course of the disease. Alternatively, there is nephropathy.
evidence that qualitative alterations in the IgA1
molecule itself, specifically a defect in normal
galactosylation, make it more likely to bind to
mesangial antigens or form mesangial deposits
(Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th
owing to other as yet unidentified mechanisms.

4. Identify the different diagnostic modalities for patients with

o On histologic examination, the lesions vary

considerably. 4.1 Laboratory Work-up

o The glomeruli may be normal or may show

mesangial widening and proliferation
(mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis),
segmental proliferation confined to some  Complete blood cell count
glomeruli (focal proliferative glomerulonephritis),
or rarely, overt crescentic glomerulonephritis. o A decrease in hematocrit may demonstrate a
dilutional anemia.
o The presence of leukocytes within glomerular
capillaries is a variable feature.

o In the setting of an infectious etiology, pleocytosis o Bedside renal ultrasonography may be appropriate
may be evident. to evaluate kidney size as well as to determine the
extent of fibrosis.
 Electrolytes, including BUN and creatinine (to estimate
the glomerular filtration rate [GFR]): The BUN and  A kidney size of less than 9 cm is suggestive of
creatinine levels will exhibit a degree of renal extensive scarring and a low likelihood of reversibility.
 Urinalysis
4.3 Serology and Complement Levels
o Urine is dark.

o Specific gravity is greater than 1020 osm.

4.3.1 Antinuclear Antibody
o Proteinuria is observed.

o RBCs and red cell casts are present.

o Immunofluorescence microscopy is particularly
o Although not indicated in the ED setting, a 24-hour helpful and identifies three major patterns of
urine protein excretion and creatinine clearance deposition of immunoglobulin that define three
may be helpful to document the degree of renal broad diagnostic categories: (1) scattered granular
dysfunction and proteinuria. deposits of immunoglobulin, a hallmark of
immunecomplex glomerulonephritis; (2) more
 Streptozyme test: This test includes many streptococcal discrete linear deposition of immunoglobulin along
antigens that are sensitive for screening but are not the GBM, characteristic of anti-GBM disease; and
quantitative. (3) paucity or absence of immunoglobulin—pauci-
immune glomerulonephritis.
 Antistreptolysin O (ASO)
o Most patients (>70%) with full-blown acute
o This quantitative titer is increased in 60-80% of nephritic syndrome have immune-complex
patients. glomerulonephritis.

o Increase begins in 1-3 weeks, peaks in 3-5 weeks, o Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis is less common
and returns to normal in 6 months. in this setting (<30%), and anti-GBM disease is
rare (<1%).
o Antistreptolysin O titer is unrelated to severity,
duration, or prognosis of renal disease. o Among patients with RPGN, immune-complex
glomerulonephritis and pauci-immune
 Erythrocyte sedimentation ratio (ESR) usually is
o glomerulonephritis are equally prevalent (~45%
each), whereas anti-GBM disease again accounts
for a minority of cases (<10%).
 Urine or plasma creatinine level greater than 40;
decreased renin level is noted.
o Three serologic markers often predict the
immunofluorescence microscopy findings in
 Cultures of throat and skin lesions to rule out nephritic syndrome and RPGN and may obviate
Streptococcus species may be obtained. the need for renal biopsy in classic cases.

 Blood cultures o They are the serum C3 level and titers of anti-GBM
antibody and ANCA
o Indicated in patients with fever,
immunosuppression, intravenous drug use history, o As discussed in previous sections, the kidney is
indwelling shunts, or catheters. host to immune attack in immune-complex
glomerulonephritis, most cases being initiated
o Blood culture may indicate hypertriglyceridemia, either by in situ formation of immune complexes
decreased glomerular filtration rate, or anemia. or less commonly by glomerular trapping of
circulating immune complexes.
o These patients typically have
4.2 Imaging Studies hypocomplementemia (low C3 in 90%) and
negative anti-GBM and ANCA serology, the major
exception being IgA nephropathy/Henoch
Schonlein purpura where complement levels are
Radiography typically normal.

o The glomerulus is the direct target of immune

attack in anti-GBM disease, glomerular
 Chest radiography is needed in patients with a cough, inflammation being initiated by an autoantibody
with or without hemoptysis (ie, Wegener directed at a 28-kDa autoantigen on the α3 chain
granulomatosis, Goodpasture syndrome, pulmonary of type IV collagen.
o Approximately90 to 95% of patients with anti-GBM
 Abdominal radiographic imaging (ie, computed disease have circulating anti-GBM autoantibodies
tomography) is needed if visceral abscesses are detectable by immunoassay; serum complement
suspected; also look for chest abscesses. levels are typically normal, and ANCA are

o Echocardiography in patients with a new cardiac o usually not detected.

murmur or a positive blood culture to rule out
endocarditis or a pericardial effusion.

o The pathogenesis of pauci-immune deposits, or reduplication or splitting of the basement

glomerulonephritis is still being defined; however, membrane.
most patients have circulating ANCA.
 In the other regions of the biopsy, the vasculature
o Serum complement levels are typically normal, surrounding glomeruli and tubules can show
and anti-GBM titers are usually negative in ANCA- angiopathy, vasculitis, the presence of fibrils, or
associated renal disease. thrombi.

o It should be noted, however, that there may be  The tubules can be assessed for adjacency to one
some serologic overlap, with as many as 20% of another; separation can be the result of edema, tubular
patients with immune complex or anti-GBM dropout, or collagen deposition resulting from
glomerulonephritis also having at least low levels interstitial fibrosis. Interstitial fibrosis is an ominous
of circulating ANCA. sign of irreversibility and progression to renal failure.

(Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition) (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition)

4.4 Renal Biopsy

 Renal biopsy remains the gold standard” for

 A renal biopsy in the setting of glomerulonephritis can

quickly identify the type of glomerular injury and often
suggests a course of treatment. (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition)


 The biopsy is processed for light microscopy using
stains for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) to assess
cellularity and architecture, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) to
stain carbohydrate moieties in the membranes of the
glomerular tuft and tubules, Jones-methenamine silver  Proteinuria with impairment of renal function
to enhance basement membrane structure,  Symptomless isolated proteinuria if more than 2g/day
 Nephrotic syndrome in adults
 Congo red for amyloid deposits, and Masson's trichrome In children it is most likely to be due to steroid sensitive
to identify collagen deposition and assess the degree of minimal change g/n so trial of steroids is less risky than
glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis. biopsy.
 Persistent haematuria with proteinuria especially if
 Biopsies are also processed for direct there is renal impairment.
immunofluorescence using conjugated antibodies  Acute renal failure if likely to be renal on origin, as
against IgG, IgM, and IgA to detect the presence of opposed to pre-renal (hypovolaemic shock) or post-
"lumpy-bumpy" immune deposits or "linear" IgG or IgA renal (obstructive) in origin.
antibodies bound to GBM, antibodies against trapped  Chronic renal failure with normal sized kidneys
complement proteins (C3 and C4), or specific antibodies  Renal transplant dysfunction
against a relevant antigen. High-resolution electron  Systemic disorders with features that include
microscopy can clarify the principal location of immune haematuria, proteinuria and renal failure.
deposits and the status of the basement membrane.

 Each region of a renal biopsy is assessed separately. SOME CONTRA-INDICATIONS FOR A RENAL BIOPSY

 By light microscopy, glomeruli (at least 10 and ideally

20) are reviewed individually for discrete lesions; <50%
involvement is considered focal, and >50% is diffuse.  Asymmetric kidneys
Injury in each glomerular tuft can be segmental,  Tiny shrunken kidneys
involving a portion of the tuft, or global, involving most  Obstructive renal disease
of the glomerulus.  Coagulation defects
 Acute infections
 Glomeruli can have proliferative characteristics,
showing increased cellularity. When cells in the
capillary tuft proliferate, it is called endocapillary, and (Dr. Bigornia’s Lecture)
when cellular proliferation extends into Bowman's
space, it is called extracapillary.

 Synechiae are formed when epithelial podocytes attach

Additional Information
to Bowman's capsule in the setting of glomerular injury;
crescents, which in some cases may be the extension of
synechiae, develop when fibrocellular/fibrin collections  Electron microscopy makes some important
fill all or part of Bowman's space; and sclerotic
glomeruli show acellular, amorphous accumulations of
proteinaceous material throughout the tuft with loss of
functional capillaries and normal mesangium. o To the understanding of the glomerulus in health.
o To the understanding of mechanisms of disease in
 Since age-related glomerulosclerosis is common in diagnosis.
adults, one can estimate the background percentage of
sclerosis by dividing the patient's age in half and
subtracting 10.
 In diagnostic pathology transmission electron
 Immunofluorescent and electron microscopy can detect microscopy is usually used, rather than scanning
the presence and location of electron microscopy.
subepithelial,subendothelial, or mesangial immune

 Although immune complexes can be identified by

immunofluoresence, it is sometimes helpful to know
exactly where these deposits are in relation to the Example 2:
basement membranes.
Which immune reactants?
o Sub-epithelial deposits in post-streptococcal g/n.
IgG +/- IgM
Complement C3
o Deposits within thickened basement membranes
in membranous g/n. Where?

In walls of glomerular capillaries.



 Antibodies are prepared, specific for abnormal things Interpretation?

that might be present in the diseased glomerulus.
 A fluorescent molecule is attached to the back end of Anti-basement membrane disease (Goodpasture’s).
the antibody molecule so that the molecule will be
visible down the light microscope under ultra-violet
 Thin sections are cut from the frozen fresh material. Example 3:
 These are then “stained” using specific antibodies
prepared in the laboratory. Which immune reactants?
 The “stained” sections are viewed under ultra-violet
 Positive “staining” appears as green fluorescence on a Complement C3
black background
Usually three variables are scored.
In mesangial stalks.

1. Identity of abnormal materials in glomerulus.
Interpretation ?

Berger’s IgA disease

o Usually patient’s own immune reactants eg. IgG,
IgM, IgA, C3.


2. Where is it?

o Eg. In capillary loops. In mesangium.  Proteinuria with impairment of renal function

 Symptomless isolated proteinuria if more than 2g/day
 Nephrotic syndrome in adults
In children it is most likely to be due to steroid sensitive
minimal change g/n so trial of steroids is less risky than
3. What is it like? biopsy.
 Persistent haematuria with proteinuria especially if
o Eg. lumpy-bumpy granular, linear. there is renal impairment.
 Acute renal failure if likely to be renal on origin, as
opposed to pre-renal (hypovolaemic shock) or post-
renal (obstructive) in origin.
 Chronic renal failure with normal sized kidneys
Example 1:
 Renal transplant dysfunction
 Systemic disorders with features that include
Which immune reactants? haematuria, proteinuria and renal failure.

IgG +/- IgM



In walls of glomerular capillaries.  Asymmetric kidneys

 Tiny shrunken kidneys
Pattern?  Obstructive renal disease
 Coagulation defects
Lumpy-bumpy granular  Acute infections

(Dr. Bigornia’s Lecture)
Immune complex deposition

5. Identify the different treatment modalities for acute sulbactam, or tazobactam. Other
glomerulonephritis. forms of bacterial resistance include
alteration of bacterial PBPs and
decreased permeability of cell wall
to penicillin.
Adult Dose 500 mg PO q6h
5.1 Antibiotics Therapy <12 years: 40 mg/kg/d PO divided
Pediatric Dose q4-6h; not to exceed adult dose
>12 years: Administer as in adults
Documented hypersensitivity; renal
Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Including Scarlet Fever) function impairment; bleeding
Contraindication disorder; congestive heart failure;
s cystic fibrosis; GI disease or
antibiotic-associated colitis;
 This is the most common disease produced by S. Probenecid may increase
pyogenes (group A b-hemolytic streptococcus). effectiveness by decreasing
clearance; tetracyclines are
 Penicillin-resistant isolates have yet to be observed for bacteriostatic, causing decrease in
S. pyogenes. effectiveness of penicillins when
administered concurrently
 The preferred oral therapy is with penicillin V, 500 mg C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in
every 6 hours for 10 days. animals but not established or not
studied in humans; may use if
benefits outweigh risk to fetus
 Equally good results are produced by the administration
Precautions Caution in renal impairment
of 600,000 units of penicillin G procaine intramuscularly
once daily for 10 days or by a single injection of 1.2
million units of penicillin G benzathine.
 Parenteral therapy is preferred if there are questions of
patient compliance. 5.2 Non-selective β-blocker with Cardioselective α-1 Blocker

 Penicillin therapy of streptococcal pharyngitis reduces β-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR AGONISTS

the risk of subsequent acute rheumatic fever; however,
current evidence suggests that the incidence of
glomerulonephritis that follows streptococcal infections
is not reduced to a significant degree by treatment with Introduction

 The administration of penicillin to individuals exposed

to S. pyogenes affords protection from infection.
 β-adrenergic receptor agonists have been utilized in
many clinical settings but now play a major role only in
 The oral ingestion of 200,000 units of penicillin G or
the treatment of bronchoconstriction in patients with
penicillin V twice a day or a single injection of 1.2
asthma (reversible airway obstruction) or chronic
million units of penicillin G benzathine is effective.
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

 Indications for this type of prophylaxis include

 Minor uses include management of preterm labor,
outbreaks of streptococcal disease in closed
treatment of complete heart block in shock, and short-
populations, such as boarding schools or military bases.
term treatment of cardiac decompensation after
Patients with extensive deep burns are at high risk of
surgery or in patients with congestive heart failure or
severe wound infections with S. pyogenes; "low dose"
myocardial infarction.
prophylaxis for several days appears to be effective in
reducing the incidence of this complication.
 Epinephrine first was used as a bronchodilator at the
beginning of the past century, and ephedrine was
introduced into western medicine in 1924, although it
had been used in China for thousands of years.
(Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics 11th Edition)
 The next major advance was the development in the
1940s of isoproterenol, a b receptor-selective agonist;
 Therapy must cover all likely pathogens in the context this provided a drug for asthma that lacked a receptor
of the clinical setting. activity.
 Penicillin is the DOC in treating acute
glomerulonephritis of a poststreptococcal group A beta-  The recent development of b2-selective agonists has
hemolytic etiology. resulted in drugs with even more valuable
characteristics, including adequate oral bioavailability,
lack of a adrenergic activity, and diminished likelihood
of some adverse cardiovascular effects.

Drug Name Penicillin V (Veetids)

Description Derivative of 6-aminopenicillanic
 β-receptor agonists may be used to stimulate the rate
and force of cardiac contraction.
acid with a beta-lactam ring
structure essential for bactericidal
activity.  The chronotropic effect is useful in the emergency
Inhibits enzymes and cell wall treatment of arrhythmias such as torsades de pointes,
receptors, resulting in cell wall bradycardia, or heart block (see Chapter 34), whereas
synthesis inhibition. Other autolytics the inotropic effect is useful when it is desirable to
enzymes are also activated, augment myocardial contractility.
degrading the bacterial cell wall.
Bacterial resistance via beta-
lactamase can be prevented with  The therapeutic uses of b receptor agonists are
addition of clavulanic acid, discussed later in the chapter.

 Palpitations, tachycardia, headache, and flushing are

 Cardiac ischemia and arrhythmias may occur,
particularly in patients with underlying coronary artery
 Isoproterenol (isopropylarterenol, isopropyl
norepinephrine, isoprenaline, isopropyl noradrenaline,
(Table 10-1) is a potent, nonselective b receptor agonist Therapeutic Uses
with very low affinity for a receptors.

 Consequently, isoproterenol has powerful effects on all

b receptors and almost no action at a receptors.  Isoproterenol (ISUPREL, others) may be used in
emergencies to stimulate heart rate in patients with
bradycardia or heart block, particularly in anticipation
of inserting an artificial cardiac pacemaker or in
Pharmacological Actions patients with the ventricular arrhythmia torsades de

 In disorders such as asthma and shock, isoproterenol

 The major cardiovascular effects of isoproterenol largely has been replaced by other sympathomimetic
(compared with epinephrine and norepinephrine) are drugs (see below and Chapter 27).
illustrated in Figure 10-3.

 Intravenous infusion of isoproterenol lowers peripheral

vascular resistance, primarily in skeletal muscle but Dobutamine
also in renal and mesenteric vascular beds.

 Diastolic pressure falls.

 Dobutamine resembles dopamine structurally but
 Systolic blood pressure may remain unchanged or rise, possesses a bulky aromatic substituent on the amino
although mean arterial pressure typically falls. group (Table 10-1).

 Cardiac output is increased because of the positive  The pharmacological effects of dobutamine are due to
inotropic and chronotropic effects of the drug in the direct interactions with α and β receptors; its actions do
face of diminished peripheral vascular resistance. not appear to result from release of norepinephrine
from sympathetic nerve endings, nor are they exerted
 The cardiac effects of isoproterenol may lead to via dopaminergic receptors.
palpitations, sinus tachycardia, and more serious
arrhythmias; large doses of isoproterenol may cause
myocardial necrosis in animals.  Although dobutamine originally was thought to be a
relatively selective β1 receptor agonist, it now is clear
that its pharmacological effects are complex.
 Isoproterenol relaxes almost all varieties of smooth
muscle when the tone is high, but this action is most
pronounced on bronchial and GI smooth muscle.  Dobutamine possesses a center of asymmetry; both
enantiomeric forms are present in the racemic mixture
used clinically.
 It prevents or relieves bronchoconstriction.

 The (-) isomer of dobutamine is a potent agonist at a1

 Its effect in asthma may be due in part to an additional
receptors and is capable of causing marked pressor
action to inhibit antigen-induced release of histamine
and other mediators of inflammation; this action is
shared by b2 receptor-selective stimulants.
 In contrast, (+)-dobutamine is a potent a1 receptor
antagonist, which can block the effects of (-)-
dobutamine. The effects of these two isomers are
mediated via b receptors.
Absorption, Fate, and Excretion
 The (+) isomer is a more potent b receptor agonist than
the (-) isomer (approximately tenfold). Both isomers
appear to be full agonists.
 Isoproterenol is readily absorbed when given
parenterally or as an aerosol.

 It is metabolized primarily in the liver and other tissues Cardiovascular Effects

by COMT.

 Isoproterenol is a relatively poor substrate for MAO and

is not taken up by sympathetic neurons to the same
extent as are epinephrine and norepinephrine.  Cardiovascular effects of racemic dobutamine represent
a composite of the distinct pharmacological properties
 The duration of action of isoproterenol therefore may of the (-) and (+) stereoisomers.
be longer than that of epinephrine, but it still is brief.
 Dobutamine has relatively more prominent inotropic
than chronotropic effects on the heart compared to
Toxicity and Adverse Effects
 Although not completely understood, this useful
selectivity may arise because peripheral resistance is
relatively unchanged.

 Alternatively, cardiac a1 receptors may contribute to  Alterations in blood pressure or peripheral resistance
the inotropic effect. usually are minor, although some patients may have
marked increases in blood pressure or heart rate.
 At equivalent inotropic doses, dobutamine enhances
automaticity of the sinus node to a lesser extent than  Clinical evidence of longer-term efficacy remains
does isoproterenol; however, enhancement of uncertain. An infusion of dobutamine in combination
atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction is with echocardiography is useful in the noninvasive
similar for both drugs. assessment of patients with coronary artery disease
(Madu et al., 1994).
 In animals, administration of dobutamine at a rate of
2.5 to 15 mg/kg per minute increases cardiac  Stressing of the heart with dobutamine may reveal
contractility and cardiac output. cardiac abnormalities in carefully selected patients.

 Total peripheral resistance is not greatly affected.  Dobutamine has a half-life of about 2 minutes; the
major metabolites are conjugates of dobutamine and 3-
 The relatively constant peripheral resistance O-methyldobutamine.
presumably reflects counterbalancing of a1 receptor-
mediated vasoconstriction and b2 receptor-mediated  The onset of effect is rapid.
vasodilation (Ruffolo, 1987).
 Consequently, a loading dose is not required, and
 Heart rate increases only modestly when the rate of steady-state concentrations generally are achieved
administration of dobutamine is maintained at less than within 10 minutes of initiation of the infusion.
20 mg/kg per minute.
 The rate of infusion required to increase cardiac output
 After administration of b receptor antagonists, infusion typically is between 2.5 and 10 mg/kg per minute,
of dobutamine fails to increase cardiac output, but total although higher infusion rates occasionally are
peripheral resistance increases, confirming that required.
dobutamine has modest direct effects on a adrenergic
receptors in the vasculature.  The rate and duration of the infusion are determined by
the clinical and hemodynamic responses of the patient.

(Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of

Therapeutics 11th Edition)

Adverse Effects  Labetalol is used for hypertensive encephalopathy and

malignant hypertension.

Drug Name Labetalol (Normodyne)

 In some patients, blood pressure and heart rate Has nonselective beta-antagonist
increase significantly during dobutamine and cardioselective alpha1-
administration; this may require reduction of the rate of antagonist effects. Beta-blocking
infusion. effects predominate, particularly
when used IV.
 Patients with a history of hypertension may exhibit such Low lipid solubility means
an exaggerated pressor response more frequently. bioavailability is reduced by first
pass metabolism and enhanced by
coadministration of food. Drug is not
 Since dobutamine facilitates atrioventricular removed by hemodialysis.
conduction, patients with atrial fibrillation are at risk of 20 mg (0.25 mg/kg for 80-kg
marked increases in ventricular response rates; digoxin patient) IV microdrip labetalol
or other measures may be required to prevent this from hydrochloride injection slowly over 2
occurring. Some patients may develop ventricular min; desired BP may be achieved
ectopic activity. with continued injections of 40-80
Adult Dose
mg at 10-min intervals or until 300
 As with any inotropic agent, dobutamine potentially mg has been administered prn; to
may increase the size of a myocardial infarct by reduce possibility of postural
increasing myocardial oxygen demand. hypotension, patients should remain
supine for 3 h after administration
 This risk must be balanced against the patient's overall Not established
clinical status. Pediatric Dose Suggested dose: 0.4-1 mg/kg/h IV;
not to exceed 3 mg/kg/h
 The efficacy of dobutamine over a period of more than Documented hypersensitivity;
a few days is uncertain; there is evidence for the cardiogenic shock; atrioventricular
development of tolerance. Contraindication block; uncompensated congestive
s heart failure; pulmonary edema;
bradycardia; reactive airway
disease; severe bradycardia
Decreases effect of diuretics and
Therapeutic Uses increases toxicity of methotrexate,
lithium, and salicylates; may
diminish reflex tachycardia, resulting
from nitroglycerin use, without
 Dobutamine (DOBUTREX, others) is indicated for the interfering with hypotensive effects;
short-term treatment of cardiac decompensation that cimetidine may increase labetalol
may occur after cardiac surgery or in patients with blood levels; glutethimide may
congestive heart failure or acute myocardial infarction. decrease labetalol effects by
Dobutamine increases cardiac output and stroke inducing microsomal enzymes
volume in such patients, usually without a marked B - Fetal risk not confirmed in
increase in heart rate. Pregnancy studies in humans but has been
shown in some studies in animals

Caution in impaired hepatic function;  Also, in situ microperfusion of the loop of Henle and in
discontinue therapy if signs of liver vitro microperfusion of the CTAL indicate inhibition of
dysfunction; in elderly patients, transport by low concentrations of furosemide in the
lower response rate and higher perfusate.
incidence of toxicity may be
observed  Some inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport may have
additional effects in the proximal tubule; however, the
significance of these effects is unclear.
 It was thought initially that Cl- was transported by a
5.3 Loop Diuretics primary active electrogenic transporter in the luminal
membrane independent of Na+.

 Discovery of furosemide-sensitive Na+-K+-2Cl- symport

INHIBITORS OF NA+-K+-2CL- SYMPORT (LOOP DIURETICS, in other tissues prompted a more careful investigation
HIGH-CEILING DIURETICS) of the Na+ dependence of Cl- transport in the isolated
perfused rabbit CTAL.

 Scrupulous removal of Na+ from the luminal perfusate

 Drugs in this group of diuretics inhibit the activity of the demonstrated the dependence of Cl- transport on Na+.
Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter in the thick ascending limb of
the loop of Henle; hence these diuretics also are  It is now well accepted that flux of Na+, K+, and Cl-
referred to as loop diuretics. from the lumen into the epithelial cells in the thick
ascending limb is mediated by a Na+-K+-2Cl-
 Although the proximal tubule reabsorbs approximately symporter.
65% of the filtered Na+, diuretics acting only in the
proximal tubule have limited efficacy because the thick  This symporter captures the free energy in the Na+
ascending limb has a great reabsorptive capacity and electrochemical gradient established by the basolateral
reabsorbs most of the rejectate from the proximal Na+ pump and provides for "uphill" transport of K+ and
tubule. Cl- into the cell.

 Diuretics acting predominantly at sites past the thick  K+ channels in the luminal membrane (called ROMK)
ascending limb also have limited efficacy because only provide a conductive pathway for the apical recycling of
a small percentage of the filtered Na+ load reaches this cation, and basolateral Cl- channels (called CLC-Kb)
these more distal sites. provide a basolateral exit mechanism for Cl-.

 In contrast, inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl-symport in the  The luminal membranes of epithelial cells in the thick
thick ascending limb are highly efficacious, and for this ascending limb have a large conductive pathway
reason, they sometimes are called high-ceiling (channels) for K+; therefore, the apical membrane
diuretics. voltage is determined by the equilibrium potential for
K+ (EK) and is hyperpolarized.
 The efficacy of inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport in the
thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is due to a  In contrast, the basolateral membrane has a large
combination of two factors: (1) Approximately 25% of conductive pathway (channels) for Cl-, so the
the filtered Na+ load normally is reabsorbed by the basolateral membrane voltage is less negative than EK;
thick ascending limb, and (2) nephron segments past i.e., conductance for Cl- depolarizes the basolateral
the thick ascending limb do not possess the membrane.
reabsorptive capacity to rescue the flood of rejectate
exiting the thick ascending limb.  Hyperpolarization of the luminal membrane and
depolarization of the basolateral membrane result in a
transepithelial potential difference of approximately 10
mV, with the lumen positive with respect to the
Chemistry interstitial space.

 This lumen-positive potential difference repels cations

(Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and thereby provides an
 Inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport are a chemically important driving force for the paracellular flux of these
diverse group. cations into the interstitial space.

 Only furosemide (LASIX), bumetanide (BUMEX),  As the name implies, inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport
ethacrynic acid (EDECRIN), and torsemide (DEMADEX) bind to the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter in the thick
are available currently in the United States. Furosemide ascending limb and block its function, bringing salt
and bumetanide contain a sulfonamide moiety. transport in this segment of the nephron to a virtual
 Ethacrynic acid is a phenoxyacetic acid derivative and
torsemide is a sulfonylurea.  The molecular mechanism by which this class of drugs
blocks the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter is unknown, but
evidence suggests that these drugs attach to the Cl--
binding site.
Mechanism and Site of Action
 Inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport also inhibit Ca2+ and
Mg2+ reabsorption in the thick ascending limb by
abolishing the transepithelial potential difference that is
 Inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport act primarily in the the dominant driving force for reabsorption of these
thick ascending limb. cations.

 Micropuncture of the DCT demonstrates that loop  Na+-K+-2Cl- symporters are an important family of
diuretics increase the delivery of solutes out of the loop transport molecules found in many secretory and
of Henle. absorbing epithelia.

 The mechanism of the increase in RBF is not known but

may involve prostaglandins.
Effects on Urinary Excretion
 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
attenuate the diuretic response to loop diuretics in part
by preventing prostaglandin-mediated increases in RBF.
 Owing to blockade of the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter, loop
diuretics increase in the urinary excretion of Na+ and  Loop diuretics block TGF by inhibiting salt transport into
Cl- profoundly (i.e., up to 25% of the filtered load of the macula densa so that the macula densa no longer
Na+). can detect NaCl concentrations in the tubular fluid.

 Abolition of the transepithelial potential difference also  Therefore, unlike carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, loop
results in marked increases in the excretion of Ca2+ diuretics do not decrease GFR by activating TGF.
and Mg2+.
 Loop diuretics are powerful stimulators of renin release.
 Some (e.g., furosemide) but not all (e.g., bumetanide)
sulfonamide-based loop diuretics have weak carbonic  This effect is due to interference with NaCl transport by
anhydrase-inhibiting activity. the macula densa and, if volume depletion occurs, to
reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system
 Drugs with carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting activity and to stimulation of the intrarenal baroreceptor
increase the urinary excretion of HCO3 - and mechanism.
phosphate. The mechanism by which inhibition of
carbonic anhydrase increases phosphate excretion is  Prostaglandins, particularly prostacyclin, may play an
not known. important role in mediating the renin-release response
to loop diuretics.
 All inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport increase the
urinary excretion of K+ and titratable acid.

 This effect is due in part to increased delivery of Na+ to Other Actions

the distal tubule.

 The mechanism by which increased distal delivery of

Na+ enhances excretion of K+ and H+ is discussed in  Loop diuretics may cause direct vascular effects.
the section on inhibitors of Na+ channels.
 Loop diuretics, particularly furosemide, acutely increase
 Other mechanisms contributing to enhanced K+ and systemic venous capacitance and thereby decrease left
H+ excretion include flow-dependent enhancement of ventricular filling pressure.
ion secretion by the collecting duct, nonosmotic
vasopressin release, and activation of the renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone axis.  This effect, which may be mediated by prostaglandins
and requires intact kidneys, benefits patients with
pulmonary edema even before diuresis ensues.
 Acutely, loop diuretics increase the excretion of uric
acid, whereas chronic administration of these drugs
results in reduced excretion of uric acid.  Furosemide and ethacrynic acid can inhibit Na+,K+-
ATPase, glycolysis, mitochondrial respiration, the
microsomal Ca2+ pump, adenylyl cyclase,
 The chronic effects of loop diuretics on uric acid phosphodiesterase, and prostaglandin dehydrogenase;
excretion may be due to enhanced transport in the however, these effects do not have therapeutic
proximal tubule secondary to volume depletion, leading implications.
to increased uric acid reabsorption, or to competition
between the diuretic and uric acid for the organic acid
secretory mechanism in the proximal tubule, leading to  In vitro, high doses of inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport
reduced uric acid secretion. can inhibit electrolyte transport in many tissues.

 By blocking active NaCl reabsorption in the thick  Only in the inner ear, where alterations in the
ascending limb, inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport electrolyte composition of endolymph may contribute to
interfere with a critical step in the mechanism that drug-induced ototoxicity, is this effect important
produces a hypertonic medullary interstitium. clinically.

 Therefore, loop diuretics block the kidney's ability to

concentrate urine during hydropenia.
Absorption and Elimination
 Also, since the thick ascending limb is part of the
diluting segment, inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport
markedly impair the kidney's ability to excrete a dilute
urine during water diuresis.  Because furosemide, bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, and
torsemide are bound extensively to plasma proteins,
delivery of these drugs to the tubules by filtration is
Effects on Renal Hemodynamics
 However, they are secreted efficiently by the organic
acid transport system in the proximal tubule and
thereby gain access to their binding sites on the Na+-
K+-2Cl- symport in the luminal membrane of the thick
 If volume depletion is prevented by replacing fluid ascending limb.
losses, inhibitors of Na+-K+-2Cl- symport generally
increase total RBF and redistribute RBF to the
midcortex.  Probenecid shifts the plasma concentration-response
curve to furosemide to the right by competitively
inhibiting furosemide secretion by the organic acid
 However, the effects on RBF are variable. transport system.

 Approximately 65% of furosemide is excreted  Loop diuretics can cause ototoxicity that manifests as
unchanged in the urine, and the remainder is tinnitus, hearing impairment, deafness, vertigo, and a
conjugated to glucuronic acid in the kidney. sense of fullness in the ears.

 Accordingly, in patients with renal, but not liver,  Hearing impairment and deafness are usually, but not
disease, the elimination half-life of furosemide is always, reversible.
 Ototoxicity occurs most frequently with rapid
 In contrast, bumetanide and torsemide have significant intravenous administration and least frequently with
hepatic metabolism, so the elimination half-lives of oral administration.
these loop diuretics are prolonged by liver, but not
renal, disease.  Ethacrynic acid appears to induce ototoxicity more
often than do other loop diuretics and should be used
 Although the average oral availability of furosemide is only in patients who cannot tolerate the other loop
approximately 60%, oral availability of furosemide diuretics.
varies from 10% to 100%.
 Loop diuretics also can cause hyperuricemia
 In contrast, oral availabilities of bumetanide and (occasionally leading to gout) and hyperglycemia
torsemide are reliably high. Heart failure patients have (infrequently precipitating diabetes mellitus) and can
fewer hospitalizations and better quality of life with increase plasma levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
torsemide than with furosemide perhaps because of the cholesterol and triglycerides while decreasing plasma
more reliable absorption of torsemide (Shankar and levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
Brater, 2003).
 Other adverse effects include skin rashes,
photosensitivity, paresthesias, bone marrow
 As a class, loop diuretics have short elimination half-
depression, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
lives, and prolonged-release preparations are not
available. Consequently, often the dosing interval is too
short to maintain adequate levels of loop diuretics in  Contraindications to the use of loop diuretics include
the tubular lumen. Note that torsemide has a longer severe Na+ and volume depletion, hypersensitivity to
t1/2 than other agents available in the United States. sulfonamides (for sulfonamide-based loop diuretics),
and anuria unresponsive to a trial dose of loop diuretic.
 As the concentration of loop diuretic in the tubular
lumen declines, nephrons begin to avidly reabsorb Na+,  Drug interactions may occur when loop diuretics are
which often nullifies the overall effect of the loop coadministered with (1) aminoglycosides (synergism of
diuretic on total-body Na+. ototoxicity caused by both drugs), (2) anticoagulants
(increased anticoagulant activity), (3) digitalis
glycosides (increased digitalis-induced arrhythmias), (4)
 This phenomenon of "postdiuretic Na+ retention" can lithium (increased plasma levels of lithium), (5)
be overcome by restricting dietary Na+ intake or by propranolol (increased plasma levels of propranolol), (6)
more frequent administration of the loop diuretic sulfonylureas (hyperglycemia), (7) cisplatin (increased
(Ellison, 1999). risk of diuretic-induced ototoxicity), (8) NSAIDs (blunted
diuretic response and salicylate toxicity when given
with high doses of salicylates), (9) probenecid (blunted
diuretic response), (10) thiazide diuretics (synergism of
Toxicity, Adverse Effects, Contraindications, Drug diuretic activity of both drugs leading to profound
Interactions diuresis), and (11) amphotericin B (increased potential
for nephrotoxicity and toxicity and intensification of
electrolyte imbalance).

 Adverse effects unrelated to the diuretic efficacy are

rare, and most adverse effects are due to abnormalities
of fluid and electrolyte balance. Therapeutic Uses

 Overzealous use of loop diuretics can cause serious

depletion of total-body Na+.
 A major use of loop diuretics is in the treatment of
 This may be manifest as hyponatremia and/or acute pulmonary edema.
extracellular fluid volume depletion associated with
hypotension, reduced GFR, circulatory collapse,
thromboembolic episodes, and in patients with liver  A rapid increase in venous capacitance in conjunction
disease, hepatic encephalopathy. with a brisk natriuresis reduces left ventricular filling
pressures and thereby rapidly relieves pulmonary
edema. Loop diuretics also are used widely for the
 Increased delivery of Na+ to the distal tubule, treatment of chronic congestive heart failure when
particularly when combined with activation of the renin- diminution of extracellular fluid volume is desirable to
angiotensin system, leads to increased urinary minimize venous and pulmonary congestion.
excretion of K+ and H+, causing a hypochloremic
 In this regard, a meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials demonstrates that diuretics cause a significant
 If dietary K+ intake is not sufficient, hypokalemia may reduction in mortality and the risk of worsening heart
develop, and this may induce cardiac arrhythmias, failure, as well as an improvement in exercise capacity.
particularly in patients taking cardiac glycosides.

 Increased Mg2+ and Ca2+ excretion may result in  Diuretics are used widely for the treatment of
hypomagnesemia (a risk factor for cardiac arrhythmias) hypertension and controlled clinical trials
and hypocalcemia (rarely leading to tetany). demonstrating reduced morbidity and mortality have
been conducted with Na+-Cl- symport (thiazides and
 Recent evidence suggests that loop diuretics should be thiazidelike diuretics) but not Na+-K+-2Cl- symport
avoided in postmenopausal osteopenic women, in inhibitors.
whom increased Ca2+ excretion may have deleterious
effects on bone metabolism.

excretion; onset of action is 20-60 min

 Nonetheless, Na+-K+-2Cl- symport inhibitors appear to
PO and 5 min IV. Children with
lower blood pressure as effectively as Na+-Cl- symport nephrotic syndrome may require
inhibitors while causing smaller perturbations in the higher dosing beyond the scope of ED
lipid profile. care.
20-80 mg PO/IV once initially, followed
 However, the short elimination half-lives of loop by once qd, or once qod after titrating
diuretics render them less useful for hypertension than Adult Dose
for optimum efficacy, or by dividing
thiazide-type diuretics. daily dose bid/tid
Initially: 2 mg/kg PO/IV once; titrate
Pediatric Dose
 The edema of nephrotic syndrome often is refractory to with additional 1-2 mg/kg q6h.
other classes of diuretics, and loop diuretics often are Documented hypersensitivity; hepatic
the only drugs capable of reducing the massive edema coma; anuria; renal function
associated with this renal disease. impairment; diabetes mellitus; gout;
MI; pancreatitis; state of severe
 Loop diuretics also are employed in the treatment of electrolyte depletion.
edema and ascites of liver cirrhosis; however, care Metformin decreases furosemide
must be taken not to induce encephalopathy or concentrations; furosemide interferes
hepatorenal syndrome. In patients with a drug with hypoglycemic effect of
overdose, loop diuretics can be used to induce a forced antidiabetic agents and antagonizes
diuresis to facilitate more rapid renal elimination of the muscle-relaxing effect of tubocurarine;
offending drug. auditory toxicity appears to be
increased with coadministration of
aminoglycosides and furosemide
 Loop diuretics, combined with isotonic saline (hearing loss of varying degrees may
administration to prevent volume depletion, are used to occur); anticoagulant activity of
treat hypercalcemia. warfarin may be enhanced when taken
concurrently; increased plasma lithium
 Loop diuretics interfere with the kidney's capacity to levels and toxicity are possible when
produce a concentrated urine. taken concurrently.

 Consequently, loop diuretics combined with hypertonic

saline are useful for the treatment of life-threatening (
5.4 Corticosteroids
 Loop diuretics also are used to treat edema associated
with chronic renal insufficiency.
General Mechanisms for Corticosteroid Effects

 However, animal studies have demonstrated that loop

diuretics increase PGC by activating the renin-
angiotensin system, an effect that could accelerate
renal injury.
 Corticosteroids interact with specific receptor proteins
 Most patients with ARF receive a trial dose of a loop in target tissues to regulate the expression of
diuretic in an attempt to convert oliguric ARF to corticosteroid-responsive genes, thereby changing the
nonoliguric ARF. levels and array of proteins synthesized by the various
target tissues.
 As a consequence of the time required to modulate
 However, there is no evidence that loop diuretics gene expression and protein synthesis, most effects of
prevent ATN or improve outcome in patients with ARF. corticosteroids are not immediate but become apparent
after several hours.
 This fact is of clinical significance, because a delay
generally is seen before beneficial effects of
(Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of corticosteroid therapy become manifest.
Therapeutics 11th Edition)
 Although corticosteroids predominantly act to increase
expression of target genes, there are well-documented
 Loop diuretics are used for hypertensive examples in which glucocorticoids decrease
encephalopathy with CNS signs and circulatory transcription of target genes.
congestion or pulmonary edema.  The receptors for corticosteroids are members of the
 Furosemide is DOC for this indication. nuclear receptor family of transcription factors that
transduce the effects of a diverse array of small,
hydrophobic ligands, including the steroid hormones,
thyroid hormone, vitamin D, and retinoids.
 These receptors share two highly conserved domains: a
region of approximately 70 amino acids forming two
Drug Name Furosemide (Lasix)
zinc-binding domains, called zinc fingers, that are
Description Inhibits resorption of sodium and water essential for the interaction of the receptor with specific
in ascending limb of loop of Henle by DNA sequences, and a region at the carboxyl terminus
interfering with Na+/K+/Cl- channel. that interacts with ligand (the ligand-binding domain).
An antihypercalcemic effect is
mediated by an increased excretion of  Although complete loss of glucocorticoid receptor (GR)
calcium. function apparently is lethal, mutations leading to
Plasma volume, blood pressure, and partial loss of GR function have been identified in rare
cardiac output are reduced. patients with generalized glucocorticoid resistance.
Calcium excretion is increased.  These patients harbor mutations in the GR that impair
Absorption of oral furosemide is glucocorticoid binding and decrease transcriptional
reduced with renal disease or activation.
nephrotic syndrome as a result of  As a consequence of these mutations, cortisol levels
edematous bowel. that normally mediate feedback inhibition fail to
Parenteral administration may be suppress the HPA axis completely.
indicated in patients with  In this setting of partial loss of GR function, the HPA
compromised kidneys; metabolized by axis resets to a higher level to provide compensatory
hepatic biotransformation and renal increases in ACTH and cortisol secretion.

 Because the GR defect is partial, adequate monitor patients for hypokalemia

compensation for the end-organ insensitivity can result when taking medication
from the elevated cortisol level, but the excess concurrently with diuretics
 ACTH secretion also stimulates the production of C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in
mineralocorticoids and adrenal androgens. animals but not established or not
 Because the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the studied in humans; may use if
androgen receptor are intact, these subjects present benefits outweigh risk to fetus
with manifestations of mineralocorticoid excess Adverse effects include allergy,
(hypertension and hypokalemic alkalosis) and/or of cataracts, Cushing syndrome,
increased androgen levels (acne, hirsutism, male severe acne, GI irritation, and
pattern baldness, menstrual irregularities, anovulation, pancreatitis
and infertility). In children, the excess adrenal Hyperglycemia, edema,
androgens can cause precocious sexual development. Precautions osteonecrosis, peptic ulcer disease,
hypokalemia, osteoporosis,
euphoria, psychosis, growth
suppression, myopathy, and
infections are possible
complications of glucocorticoid use


 Patients with nephrotic syndrome secondary to minimal 5.5 Antineoplastics and Immunosuppressants
change disease generally respond well to steroid
therapy, and glucocorticoids clearly are the first-line
treatment in both adults and children. Initial daily doses
of prednisone are 1 to 2 mg/kg for 6 weeks, followed by
Antineoplastic Agents (Cyclophosphamide)
a gradual tapering of the dose over 6 to 8 weeks,
although some nephrologists advocate alternate-day
 Objective evidence of response, such as diminished
proteinuria, is seen within 2 to 3 weeks in 85% of Pharmacological and Cytotoxic Actions
patients, and more than 95% of patients will have
remission within 3 months.
 Cessation of steroid therapy frequently is complicated
by disease relapse, as manifested by recurrent  The general cytotoxic action of this drug is similar to
proteinuria. that of other alkylating agents.
 Patients who relapse repeatedly are termed steroid-
resistant and often are treated with other
 The drug is not a vesicant, and produces no local
immunosuppressive drugs such as azathioprine or
 Patients with renal disease secondary to systemic lupus
erythematosus also are generally given a therapeutic
trial of glucocorticoids.
 Studies with other forms of renal disease, such as Absorption, Fate, and Excretion
membranous and membranoproliferative
glomerulonephritis and focal sclerosis, have provided
conflicting data on the role of glucocorticoids.
 In clinical practice, patients with these disorders often  Cyclophosphamide is well absorbed orally.
are given a therapeutic trial of glucocorticoids with
careful monitoring of laboratory indices of response. In
the case of membranous glomerulonephritis, many  The drug is activated by CYP2B to 4-
nephrologists recommend a trial of alternate-day hydroxycyclophosphamide, which is in a steady state
glucocorticoids for 8 to 10 weeks (e.g., prednisone, 120 with the acyclic tautomer aldophosphamide.
mg every other day), followed by a 1- to 2-month
period of tapering.
 A closely related oxazaphosphorine, ifosfamide, is
 Ethylprednisolone is used for nonstreptococcal hydroxylated by CYP3A4.
etiologies of acute glomerulonephritis, particularly in
lupus nephritis and in idiopathic progressive  This difference may account for the somewhat slower
glomerulonephritis. activation of ifosfamide in vivo, and the interpatient
variability in toxicity of both molecules.
(Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics 11th Edition)  The rate of metabolic activation of cyclophosphamide
exhibits significant interpatient variability and increases
Drug Name Methylprednisolone (Medrol) with successive doses in high-dose regimens, but
Has anti-inflammatory effect and is appears to be saturable above infusion rates of 4 g/90
immunosuppressive. minutes and concentrations of parent compound above
Metabolized by hepatic 150 uM.
transformation and renal excretion.
Pulse therapy of 30 mg/kg IV over  4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide may be oxidized further
Adult Dose
minimum of 30 min by aldehyde oxidase, either in liver or in tumor tissue,
Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults and perhaps by other enzymes, yielding the inactive
Contraindication Documented hypersensitivity; viral, metabolites carboxyphosphamide and 4-
s fungal, or tubercular skin infections ketocyclophosphamide, and ifosfamide is inactivated in
Interactions Coadministration with digoxin may an analogous reaction.
increase digitalis toxicity secondary
to hypokalemia; estrogens may  The active cyclophosphamide metabolites such as 4-
increase levels of hydroxycyclophosphamide and its tautomer,
methylprednisolone; phenobarbital, aldophosphamide, are carried in the circulation to
phenytoin, and rifampin may tumor cells where aldophosphamide cleaves
decrease levels of spontaneously, generating stoichiometric amounts of
methylprednisolone (adjust dose); phosphoramide mustard and acrolein.

 Phosphoramide mustard is responsible for antitumor myocardial necrosis) may occur after high-dose therapy
effects, while acrolein causes hemorrhagic cystitis often with total doses above 200 mg/kg.
seen during therapy with cyclophosphamide.
 The clinical spectrum of activity for cyclophosphamide
 As mentioned above, cystitis can be reduced in is very broad.
intensity or prevented by the parenteral
coadministration of mesna. Mesna does not negate the  It is an essential component of many effective drug
systemic antitumor activity of the drug. combinations for non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, ovarian
cancers, and solid tumors in children.
 For routine clinical use, ample fluid intake is
recommended and vigorous intravenous hydration is  Complete remissions and presumed cures have been
required during high-dose treatment. reported when cyclophosphamide was given as a single
agent for Burkitt's lymphoma.
 Brisk hematuria in a patient receiving daily oral therapy
should lead to immediate drug discontinuation.  It frequently is used in combination with methotrexate
(or doxorubicin) and fluorouracil as adjuvant therapy
 Refractory bladder hemorrhage may require after surgery for carcinoma of the breast.
cystectomy for control of bleeding.
 Because of its potent immunosuppressive properties,
cyclophosphamide has been used to prevent organ
 The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic rejection after transplantation.
hormone has been observed in patients receiving
cyclophosphamide, usually at doses higher than 50
mg/kg.  It has activity in nonneoplastic disorders associated
with altered immune reactivity, including Wegener's
granulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and the nephrotic
 It is important to be aware of the possibility of water syndrome.
intoxication, since these patients usually are vigorously
hydrated to prevent bladder toxicity.
 Caution is advised when the drug is considered for use
in these conditions, not only because of its acute toxic
 Pretreatment with CYP inducers such as phenobarbital effects but also because of its potential for inducing
enhances the rate of activation of the sterility, teratogenic effects, and leukemia.
azoxyphosphorenes but does not alter total exposure to
active metabolites over time and does not affect
toxicity or therapeutic activity in humans.
 Cyclophosphamide can be used in full doses in patients
with renal dysfunction, as it is eliminated by hepatic
Calcineurin Inhibitors
 Urinary and fecal recovery of unchanged
cyclophosphamide is minimal after intravenous
administration. Maximal concentrations in plasma are
achieved 1 hour after oral administration, and the half-
life of parent drug in plasma is about 7 hours.  Perhaps the most effective immunosuppressive drugs in
routine use are the calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporine
and tacrolimus, which target intracellular signaling
pathways induced as a consequence of T-cell-receptor
Therapeutic Uses activation.

 Although they are structurally unrelated and bind to

distinct, albeit related molecular targets, they inhibit
 Cyclophosphamide (CYTOXAN, NEOSAR, others) is normal T-cell signal transduction essentially by the
administered orally or intravenously. same mechanism.

 Recommended doses vary widely, and published  Cyclosporine and tacrolimus do not act per se as
protocols for the dosage of cyclophosphamide and immunosuppressive agents.
other chemotherapeutic agents and for the method and
sequence of administration should be consulted.  Instead, these drugs bind to an immunophilin
(cyclophilin for cyclosporine or FKBP-12 for tacrolimus),
 As a single agent, a daily oral dose of 100 mg/m2 for 14 resulting in subsequent interaction with calcineurin to
days has been recommended as adjuvant therapy for block its phosphatase activity.
breast cancer, and for patients with lymphomas and
chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
 Calcineurin-catalyzed dephosphorylation is required for
 A higher dosage of 500 mg/m2 intravenously every 2 to movement of a component of the nuclear factor of
4 weeks in combination with other drugs often is activated T lymphocytes (NFAT) into the nucleus.
employed in the treatment of breast cancer and
lymphomas.  NFAT, in turn, is required to induce a number of
cytokine genes, including that for interleukin-2 (IL-2), a
 The neutrophil nadir of 500 to 1000 cells per mm3 prototypic T-cell growth and differentiation factor.
generally serves as a guide to dosage adjustments in
prolonged therapy. In regimens associated with bone
marrow or peripheral stem cell rescue,
cyclophosphamide may be given in total doses of 5 to 7 Cyclosporine
g/m2 over a 3- to 5-day period.

 Gastrointestinal ulceration, cystitis (counteracted by

mesna and diuresis), and less commonly pulmonary, Chemistry
renal, hepatic, and cardiac toxicities (a hemorrhagic

Cyclosporine supplied in the original soft gelatin

capsule (SANDIMMUNE) is absorbed slowly with 20% to
 Cyclosporine (cyclosporin A), a cyclic polypeptide 50% bioavailability.
consisting of 11 amino acids, is produced by the fungus
species Beauveria nivea.
 A modified microemulsion formulation (NEORAL) is
 Of note, all amide nitrogens are either hydrogen
bonded or methylated, the single D-amino acid is at  It has more uniform and slightly increased
position 8, the methyl amide between residues 9 and bioavailability compared to SANDIMMUNE and is
10 is in the cis configuration, and all other methyl provided as 25-mg and 100-mg soft gelatin capsules
amide moieties are in the trans form. and a 100-mg/ml oral solution.

 Because cyclosporine is lipophilic and highly  Since SANDIMMUNE and NEORAL are not bioequivalent,
hydrophobic, it is formulated for clinical administration they cannot be used interchangeably without
using castor oil or other strategies to ensure supervision by a physician and monitoring of drug
solubilization. concentrations in plasma.

 Comparison of blood concentrations in published

literature and in clinical practice must be performed
Mechanism of Action with a detailed knowledge of the assay system

 Generic preparations of both NEORAL and

 Cyclosporine suppresses some humoral immunity, but SANDIMMUNE are available that are bioequivalent by
is more effective against T-cell-dependent immune FDA criteria.
mechanisms such as those underlying transplant
rejection and some forms of autoimmunity.  The generic preparations for NEORAL have been shown
to be bioequivalent in normal volunteers, and, in some
 It preferentially inhibits antigen-triggered signal studies, also in transplant recipients.
transduction in T lymphocytes, blunting expression of
many lymphokines including IL-2, and the expression of
antiapoptotic proteins.
 After oral administration of cyclosporine (as NEORAL),
the time to peak blood concentrations is 1.5 to 2 hours.

 Cyclosporine forms a complex with cyclophilin, a

 Administration with food delays and decreases
cytoplasmic receptor protein present in target cells.

 This complex binds to calcineurin, inhibiting Ca2+-  High- and low-fat meals consumed within 30 minutes of
stimulated dephosphorylation of the cytosolic administration decrease the AUC by approximately 13%
component of NFAT. and the maximum concentration by 33%. This makes it
imperative to individualize dosage regimens for
 When cytoplasmic NFAT is dephosphorylated, it outpatients.
translocates to the nucleus and complexes with nuclear
components required for complete T-cell activation,  Cyclosporine is distributed extensively outside the
including transactivation of IL-2 and other lymphokine vascular compartment.
 After intravenous dosing, the steady-state volume of
 Calcineurin phosphatase activity is inhibited after distribution is reportedly as high as 3 to 5 L/kg in solid-
physical interaction with the cyclosporine/cyclophilin organ transplant recipients.

 This prevents NFAT dephosphorylation such that NFAT

 Only 0.1% of cyclosporine is excreted unchanged in
does not enter the nucleus, gene transcription is not
activated, and the T lymphocyte fails to respond to
specific antigenic stimulation.  Cyclosporine is extensively metabolized in the liver by
CYP3A and to a lesser degree by the gastrointestinal
tract and kidneys (Fahr, 1993).
 Cyclosporine also increases expression of transforming
growth factor-b (TGF-b), a potent inhibitor of IL-2-
stimulated T-cell proliferation and generation of  At least 25 metabolites have been identified in human
cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). bile, feces, blood, and urine.

 Although the cyclic peptide structure of cyclosporine is

relatively resistant to metabolism, the side chains are
Disposition and Pharmacokinetics extensively metabolized.

 All of the metabolites have reduced biological activity

and toxicity compared to the parent drug.
 Cyclosporine can be administered intravenously or
orally.  Cyclosporine and its metabolites are excreted
principally through the bile into the feces, with only
about 6% being excreted in the urine.
 The intravenous preparation (SANDIMMUNE Injection) is
provided as a solution in an ethanol-polyoxyethylated
castor oil vehicle that must be further diluted in 0.9%  Cyclosporine also is excreted in human milk.
sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution before
injection.  In the presence of hepatic dysfunction, dosage
adjustments are required. No adjustments generally are
 The oral dosage forms include soft gelatin capsules and necessary for dialysis or renal failure patients.
oral solutions.

Therapeutic Uses  Cyclosporine, as opposed to tacrolimus, is more likely

to produce elevations in LDL cholesterol.

 Clinical indications for cyclosporine are kidney, liver,

(Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of
heart, and other organ transplantation; rheumatoid Therapeutics 11th Edition)
arthritis; and psoriasis.

 Cyclosporine generally is recognized as the agent that  Cyclophosphamide is used for etiology-dependent
ushered in the modern era of organ transplantation, treatment of acute glomerulonephritis due to Wegener
increasing the rates of early engraftment, extending granulomatosis.
kidney graft survival, and making cardiac and liver
transplantation possible.

 Cyclosporine usually is combined with other agents,

especially glucocorticoids and either azathioprine or Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan,
mycophenolate mofetil, and most recently, sirolimus. Drug Name
Neosar, Procytox)
Acts as alkylating agent that cross-
 The dose of cyclosporine varies, depending on the links strands of DNA and RNA.
organ transplanted and the other drugs used in the Other actions include inhibition of
specific treatment protocol(s). Description protein synthesis,
immunosuppression, and
cholinesterase inhibition. Not within
 The initial dose generally is not given before the
the scope of ED care.
transplant because of the concern about nephrotoxicity.
For long-term therapy, the
following doses are used:
 Especially for renal transplant patients, therapeutic 400-1800 mg/m2 (30-40 mg/kg) IV
algorithms have been developed to delay cyclosporine Adult Dose in divided doses over 2-5 d; may
introduction until a threshold renal function has been repeat at 2- to 4-wk intervals;
attained. alternatively, 10-15 mg/kg IV q7-
10d or 3-5 mg/kg twice weekly
 The amount of the initial dose and reduction to Long-term therapy: Administer as
Pediatric Dose
maintenance dosing is sufficiently variable that no in adults
specific recommendation is provided here. Documented hypersensitivity;
severely depressed bone marrow
 Dosage is guided by signs of rejection (too low a dose), function
renal or other toxicity (too high a dose), and close Allopurinol may increase risk of
monitoring of blood levels. Great care must be taken to bleeding or infection and enhance
differentiate renal toxicity from rejection in kidney myelosuppressive effects; may
transplant patients. potentiate doxorubicin-induced
cardiotoxicity; may reduce digoxin
serum levels and antimicrobial
 Ultrasound-guided allograft biopsy is the best way to
effects of quinolones
assess the reason for renal dysfunction.
Chloramphenicol may increase
half-life while decreasing
 Because adverse reactions have been ascribed more Interactions metabolite concentrations; may
frequently to the intravenous formulation, this route of increase effect of anticoagulants;
administration is discontinued as soon as the patient is coadministration with high doses of
able to take the drug orally. phenobarbital may increase rate of
metabolism and leukopenic
activity; thiazide diuretics may
prolong cyclophosphamide-induced
Toxicity leukopenia and neuromuscular
blockade by inhibiting
cholinesterase activity
D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use
Pregnancy only if benefits outweigh risk to
 The principal adverse reactions to cyclosporine therapy fetus
are renal dysfunction, tremor, hirsutism, hypertension, Regularly examine hematologic
hyperlipidemia, and gum hyperplasia. profile (particularly neutrophils and
platelets) to monitor for
 Hyperuricemia may lead to worsening of gout, Precautions hematopoietic suppression;
increased P-glycoprotein activity, and regularly examine urine for RBCs,
hypercholesterolemia. which may precede hemorrhagic
 Nephrotoxicity occurs in the majority of patients treated
and is the major indication for cessation or modification
of therapy. (

 Hypertension occurs in approximately 50% of renal 6. Identify the complications of glomerulonephritis.

transplant and almost all cardiac transplant patients.

 Combined use of calcineurin inhibitors and

glucocorticoids is particularly diabetogenic, although Progression of Glomerular Disease
this apparently is more problematic in patients treated
with tacrolimus (see below).

 Especially at risk are obese patients, African-American • Persistent glomerulonephritis that worsens renal function is
or Hispanic recipients, or those with family history of always accompanied by interstitial nephritis, renal fibrosis,
type II diabetes or obesity. and tubular atrophy.

• What is not so obvious, however, is that renal failure in • These effects induce T lymphocyte and macrophage
glomerulonephritis best correlates histologically with the infiltrates in the interstitial spaces along with fibrosis and
appearance of tubulointerstitial nephritis rather than with tubular atrophy.
the type of inciting glomerular injury.
• Tubules disappear following direct damage to their
• Loss of renal function due to interstitial damage can be basement membranes, leading to decondensation and
explained hypothetically by several mechanisms. epithelial-mesenchymal transitions forming more interstitial
fibroblasts at the site of injury.
• The simplest explanation is that urine flow is impeded by
tubular obstruction as a result of interstitial inflammation
and fibrosis.
• Transforming growth factor (TGF-), fibroblast growth factor
2, and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are particularly
active in this transition.
• Thus, obstruction of the tubules with debris or by extrinsic
compression results in aglomerular nephrons.
• With persistent nephritis, fibroblasts multiply and lay down
tenascin and a fibronectin scaffold for the polymerization of
• A second mechanism suggests that interstitial changes, new interstitial collagens I/III.
including interstitial edema or fibrosis, alter tubular and
vascular architecture and thereby compromise the normal
• These events form scar tissue through a process called
tubular transport of solutes and water from tubular lumen to
vascular space. fibrogenesis.

• In experimental studies, bone morphogenetic protein 7 and

• This failure increases the solute and water content of the
tubule fluid, resulting in isothenuria and polyuria. hematopoietic growth factor can reverse early fibrogenesis
and preserve tubular architecture.

• Adaptive mechanisms related to tubuloglomerular feedback

also fail, resulting in a reduction of renin output from the • When fibroblasts outdistance their survival factors, they
apoptose, and the permanent renal scar becomes acellular,
juxtaglomerular apparatus of glomeruli trapped by interstitial
inflammation. leading to irreversible renal failure.

• Consequently, the local vasoconstrictive influence of

angiotensin II on the glomerular arterioles decreases, and
filtration drops owing to a generalized decrease in arteriolar (Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition)

• A third mechanism involves changes in vascular resistance

due to damage of peritubular capillaries. Complications

• The cross-sectional volume of these capillaries is decreased

in areas of interstitial inflammation, edema, or fibrosis.
• Progression to sclerosis is rare in the typical patient;
• These structural alterations in vascular resistance affect however, in 0.5-2% of patients with acute
renal function through two mechanisms. glomerulonephritis, the course progresses toward renal
failure, resulting in kidney death in a short period.
• First, tubular cells are very metabolically active, and, as a
result, decreased perfusion could lead to ischemic injury. • Abnormal urinalysis (ie, microhematuria) may persist for
• Second, impairment of glomerular arteriolar outflow leads to
increased intraglomerular hypertension in less involved • Marked decline in glomerular filtration rate is rare.
glomeruli; this selective intraglomerular hypertension
aggravates and extends mesangial sclerosis and • Other complications, resulting in relevant end-organ damage
glomerulosclerosis to less-involved glomeruli. in the central nervous and cardiopulmonary systems, can
develop in patients who present with severe hypertension,
• Regardless of the exact mechanism, early acute encephalopathy, and pulmonary edema.
tubulointerstitial nephritis suggests potentially recoverable
renal function, while the development of chronic interstitial • Those complications include the following:
fibrosis prognosticates a permanent loss.
 Hypertensive retinopathy
• Persistent damage to glomerular capillaries spreads to the
tubulointerstitium in association with proteinuria.  Hypertensive encephalopathy

• There is an untested hypothesis that efferent arterioles

leading from inflamed glomeruli carry forward inflammatory  Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
mediators, which induces downstream interstitial nephritis,
resulting in fibrosis.  Chronic renal failure

• Glomerular filtrate from injured glomerular capillaries (

adherent to Bowman's capsule may also be misdirected to
the periglomerular interstitium. 7. Identify the prognosis of acute glomerulonephritis.

• Most nephrologists believe, however, that proteinuric

glomerular filtrate forming tubular fluid is the primary route
to downstream tubulointerstitial injury, although none of
Prognosis (Acute Glomerulonephritis)
these hypotheses are mutually exclusive.

• The simplest explanation for the effect of proteinuria on the

development of interstitial nephritis is that increasingly
severe proteinuria, carrying activated cytokines and • Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis resolves
lipoproteins producing reactive oxygen species, triggers a completely in most cases, especially in children.
downstream inflammatory cascade in and around epithelial
cells lining the tubular nephron.

• About 0.1% of children and 25% of adults develop chronic • Urinary abnormalities resolve at various times after onset.
kidney failure.
 Proteinuria may disappear within the first 2-3 months or
• The prognosis for people with rapidly progressive may decrease slowly over 6 months. Intermittent or
glomerulonephritis depends on the severity of glomerular postural proteinuria has been noted for 1-2 years after
scarring and whether the underlying disease, such as onset.
infection, can be cured.

• In about 75% of the people who are treated early (within

 Microscopic hematuria usually disappears after 6
weeks to a few months), kidney function is preserved and months, but its presence for as long as 1 year should
not cause undue concern, and even more prolonged
dialysis is not needed.
hematuria (1-3 y) has been observed.

• However, because the early symptoms can be subtle and

vague, many people who have rapidly progressive  Consider the possibility of chronic renal disease when
glomerulonephritis are not aware of the underlying disease both hematuria and proteinuria persist longer than 12
and do not seek medical care until kidney failure develops. months.

• If treatment occurs late, the person is more likely to develop • The ultimate prognosis in individuals with PSAGN depends
chronic kidney failure. largely on the severity of the initial insult.

• The prognosis also depends on the cause, the person's age,

and any other diseases the person might have. When the  In a few hospitalized patients, the initial injury is so
cause is unknown or the person is older, the prognosis is severe that either persistent renal failure or progressive
worse. renal failure ensues.

• In some children and adults who do not recover completely  Clinical manifestations of the disease rarely recur after
from acute glomerulonephritis, other types of kidney the first 3 months, and second episodes of AGN are
disorders develop, such as asymptomatic proteinuria and rare.
hematuria syndrome or nephrotic syndrome.

• Other people with acute glomerulonephritis, especially older

adults, often develop chronic glomerulonephritis. (


Prognosis (Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis)

• In poststreptococcal nephritis, the long-term prognosis

generally is good. More than 98% of individuals are
asymptomatic after 5 years, with chronic renal failure
reported 1-3% of the time.
• The prognosis for nonstreptococcal postinfectious
glomerulonephritis depends on the underlying agent, which
must be identified and addressed.
• Generally, the prognosis is worse in patients with heavy
proteinuria, severe hypertension, and significant elevations
of creatinine level.
• Other causes of acute glomerulonephritis have outcomes
varying from complete recovery to complete renal failure.
Prognosis depends on the underlying disease and the overall
health of the patient.
• Occurrence of cardiopulmonary or neurologic complications
worsens the prognosis.


Prognosis (Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis)

• Epidemic PSAGN appears to end in virtually complete

resolution and healing in all patients, and the prognosis is
favorable for most children with sporadic PSAGN.

 Edema usually resolves within 5-10 days, and BP

usually returns to normal after 2-3 weeks, even though
persistence of elevated pressures for as many as 6
weeks is compatible with complete resolution.

 Gross hematuria usually disappears within 1-3 weeks

but may be exacerbated by physical activity.

 C3 concentration returns to normal in more than 95% of

patients by the end of 8-10 weeks.

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